
How to Set up POP3 Email in Outlook

No one knows everything about a program off hand. You need to use the program for a long time before you can even possibly know all that it is able to do and all you are able to achieve with it. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t need help from time to time. This is also the case when Outlook errors pop up. Sometimes there are things you must or probably should do with your program that you do not understand and definitely don’t know how to do. Set up POP3 with your email account in Outlook is one of these things you will probably need help to achieve.

Steps to Set up POP3

First, you may need to know what POP3 is. POP3 is the way emails are sent from one email address to another. It may be more or less instant nowadays, but the process is still long and hard-winded. Similar to how your letters get from your mailbox to the recipients' mailbox, your emails get from you to the next person.

Letters are picked up in your mailbox and sent to your post office where they send it to the recipient’s post office who sends it to the recipient’s mailbox.

Similarly, your email is sent to your outbox, which sends it to your email service provider, that sends it to the recipient’s email service provider who sends it to their inbox.

This is one of the reasons that sending an email to someone who uses the same email service provider as you is about a millisecond faster. This process of sending emails is called POP3 and you need to set it up if you use Outlook on Microsoft.

This, on Outlook, also determines which email account you send your emails from. You see, on Outlook and many other email service providers, you can have many different email addresses, no even necessarily with the email service provider’s prefix on the end.

Now, if you want to see this for yourself, go on to your settings on Outlook and look for manage email accounts. If you have more than one email account, you will see them listed. Somewhere on the sidebar, you will see POP3 as well.

If you want to add more email accounts to this, such as a business email or a personal email, then just click ‘Add new account’ instead of 'Manage email accounts'.

When you click on an email account you have linked already, you will see on this side the details for your POP3 (incoming emails) and your SMTP (outgoing emails).

This can be changed, but since everyone’s number of accounts and type of accounts is different, there is no set way to change this.

However, you can give Microsoft a call and they will walk you through the necessary steps in order to change this.


So, POP3 can be incredibly easy to understand or incredibly hard; it depends on how good you are with electronics and the advice you are given.

But don’t try to change things by yourself; get a professional from Microsoft to help you with POP3 on your Microsoft Outlook account.

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What is USB Kill Kit

USB Kill, a USB device is able to fry and damage your computer, mobile phone, router, etc. This device is quite dangerous and can kill electronics the moment it is inserted into an available port. By now people should know that they should not put unknown USB sticks into their devices because of potential virus and malware threats but this raises using unknown sticks to a whole new level.

usb kill kit

Kill kits are not really new to the market, they have existed before but lately, technology really progressed and the latest USB sticks are really good, their success rate is around 95% which is pretty high and should not be taken lightly.

The second thing that you really should not play with strange USB sticks is that they dropped in price really hard, although top Kill kits will still go as high as around 300 USD, there are really cheap ones lurking in Ali Express that are just 6 USD!!! that makes them affordable devices for the mass market.

The device is made to take energy and current from the port it is plugged in, multiply it and release its charge back into the device, successfully frying some components immediately. Some more professional Kill sticks can even fry devices even when the device itself is not powered and can be even started remotely.

The point of this article is to make you aware that you should not in any kind of circumstances use and plug-in USB sticks into your devices that you do not know where they come from, especially from the mail!!

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Fake Windows 11 installers come with malware
Being in the Microsoft Windows insider program will let you get a hands-on new Windows 11, but some people just want Windows 11 without being in the insider program. Well, people beware! It was detected that some groups have been releasing fake Windows 11 installers with malware into them. There’s one malicious file called 86307_windows 11 builds 21996.1 x64 + activator.exe. Based on the filename, one might guess that it includes Windows 11 build 21996.1, and on top of that, there’s something in it that will automatically activate Windows for you. It comes in at 1.75GB, so for some people, that might seem reasonable. It starts out looking like a normal installer, and then there’s a second installer that calls itself a download manager. If you accept the nonsense agreement that’s included, you get a bunch of malware. This is just one example of malicious installers running amok internet, but there are more of them with different software placed inside. Malware can be anything from adware to a Trojan virus. The adware usually isn’t super dangerous. It’s just malware that’s meant to inject your PC with advertisements. Viruses can be more of an issue, and they can be harder to get rid of if your machine is infected. Windows Defender does a good job of getting rid of this stuff. The only problem is that if you’re downloading Windows 11 from shady sources, you’re probably already set to click through the dozen or so warnings that pop up telling you not to install it. The solution will be to get Windows from a trusted source of roll inside the insider program and get it from Microsoft directly.
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Rise of video-making AI

Recently Meta has gone viral that it is working on an AI video-making algorithm named Make a Video. AI will like in picture making AI take text input and produce a video from it.

Now, a new player enters the AI video battlefield, its name is GOOGLE!

google ai

The Google research project Imagen Video is also text to video generator similar to Meta's Make a Video with one little difference. unlike Meta's offering which includes only sign-up, Google is withholding access for now under the veil of safeguarding issues.

Google has been in the Ai space before with their Imagen, a DALL-E style generator capable of photorealistic picture generation based on text prompts. The new Google tool works in a similar way but with better functions. Ai can generate a diverse range of high-fidelity videos across different aesthetic styles and with a deep understanding of 3D models thus creating high-definition, 24-frames-per-second videos.

"With the help of progressive distillation, Imagen Video can generate high-quality videos using just eight diffusion steps per sub-model. This speeds up video generation time substantially, by a factor of ~18x,”

Jonathan Ho, author of the research paper

Despite filtering for “undesirable content”, the team admits “there is a risk that Imagen has encoded harmful stereotypes and representations”. So, until the AI - and its users - can be trusted, Google refuses to release Imagen Video without additional safeguards in place.

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How to Repair Error Code 8007002c in Windows 10

What is Error code 8007002c?

Users when upgrading to Windows 10 operating system from Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 7, often encounter error code 8007002c. This error occurs when there’s an attempt made in performing an overall clean boot procedure. During the installation process, it will reach a certain maximum limit, for instance, 75%, and then reverts to its original state. Sometimes, after installation, users will encounter a black screen issue and there is no cursor visible.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Misconfigured system files that create registry errors within your operating system normally cause error code 8007002c in Windows 10. This registry error happens when there are new programs being installed over old ones without the old programs uninstalled entirely. Another possible cause could be from some malicious software like spyware, adware, and viruses.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Caution: The following steps are complicated. The risk of being in a no-boot situation or data loss might be encountered. It would be best to be supervised by an experienced user, especially in using the command line.

In order to fix Error code 8007002c occurring in Windows 10 upgrade, you can follow this step-by-step manual repair method. Once the repair method is correctly executed, users will most likely quickly resolve issues such as the Error code 8007002c and be able to upgrade to Windows 10 operating system smoothly.

However, in such cases where there are complex instructions and thus need an expert, seek help from a Windows professional. You may also want to consider making use of an automated tool whenever needed.

There are several ways to fix Error code 8007002c, but here are the most effective and efficient methods:

Method One: Force Windows Update

 To be able to download and install the necessary updates, you may use the force Windows Update tool. See below for the steps:

  1. Browse to C:\Windows\Software\Distribution\Download. Afterward, delete all the files found in that folder.
  2. Press Windows key + X then click on the Command Prompt (Admin). Type exe /updatenow once the Command Prompt window appears then press Enter.
  3. Open the Control Panel. Select Windows Update. At this point, Windows 10 should now start downloading.
  4. Press again on Windows key + X to open the Command Prompt window. In the Command Prompt, Type or Copy and Paste the following commands one at a time:

NOTE: Don’t forget to hit Enter after every command.

 Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  1. Input a machine name for your computer. Make sure to use a simple name, having at least 8 characters.

Here’s how you can input a machine name:

  • Click on Start and then right-click on Computer. Afterward, select For users with Windows 8 operating system, press on Windows key + X then click on System.
  • Click on Change settings under the Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.

Method Two: Diagnose RAM Issues

Another reason why Error code 8007002c occurs is when there’s a defective and wrongly installed memory chip. Try using the Windows Memory Diagnostic to diagnose if there are RAM Issues.

  1. Press on the Windows Key + X then select
  2. Type
  3. Select Windows Memory Diagnostic, from that window, select Restart now, and check for problems

Method Three: Use Selective Startup

One more possible cause why Error code 8007002c occurs is due to third-party software. To fix this error, you can try booting up your device with Selective Startup -- a boot type where you can load a limited set of startups and services.

  1. Open the System Configuration tool. On your Taskbar, type MSCONFIG in the Search Box then hit Enter.
  2. Select the General
  3. Select Selective startup option then tick on the Load system services
  4. Ensure that Load startup items check box is unchecked.
  5. Click Apply and

Can’t seem to put up with the long and technical manual repair process? You can still fix this error by downloading and installing a powerful automated tool that will surely get the job done in a jiffy!

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MS releases ISO for Windows 10 build 21354
On April 7th Microsoft has released Windows build 21354 for their flagship OS and updates are rolling. Alongside the new update builds Microsoft has decided to create and release Windows 21354 build as an installable ISO image for anyone who wishes to do a clean installation of Windows without the need to update it after the installation. We have not seen this move by Microsoft in a long time and honestly, we are welcoming it, it is always great to have updated ISO Windows build than to install the old version and sit through an hour or more of updates. If you are interested in getting this ISO image and you are part of the insider program you can download it from here. If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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A Quick Guide to Fixing the Flash.ocx Error on Your PC

Flash.ocx Error - What is it?

To understand this error, first, it is important to understand what Flash.ocx actually is. Flash.ocx is basically a flash plug-in or ActiveX file that is responsible for the adobe flash player to work on the system. The Flash.ocx error triggers due to issues in the Adobe flash player.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error Flash.ocx may occur due to many reasons. These include:
  • Flash player corruption
  • Corrupted and broken Active X components
To this error code is not fatal but nonetheless it is still advisable to fix it right away to avoid inconvenience when using Flash player. The inability to run the Flash Player smoothly will hinder you from watching videos on your PC and playing exciting web-based games.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve this error on your system, you don’t have to hire a professional and spend hundreds of dollars. This error code is quite easy to fix. You don’t need to be technically sound to resolve this error code. Simply follow the methods give below to fix the Flash.ocx error code in a few minutes.

Method 1: Reinstall the Flash Player

If the error occurs due to the corruption of the Flash Player, then it is advisable to reinstall the player on your PC. However, before you do that first remove the previous versions of Adobe Flash Player on your system. If the previous corrupted version is not removed properly, then you will be unable to re-install it properly on your PC again. Go to the Add/Remove Programs and find the Flash Player and uninstall it. Make sure the files are also removed from the registry. Once you have successfully uninstalled the corrupted version, now go to the official website of Adobe Flash Player and download the utility from the website. Install it and run it on your system. If it works, then this means the error is resolved. However, if the error still persists, then try method 2.

Method 2: Download Restoro to Fix Active X components

Another reason for Flash.ocx error code can be broken or corrupted Active X components. If this is the issue, then the best way to resolve it is to download Restoro. This is a multi Reimagefunctional and advanced PC Fixer deployed with multiple high-performance scanners including Active X and Class scanner. The Active X and Class scanner perform an entire PC scans for corrupt and broken Active X entries along with missing software paths and invalid combinations. After the scanning process is complete, it repairs and restores the components back to normal. Thereby resolving the Flash.ocx error right away and ensuring smooth video browsing over the web. Restoro is an efficient and a safe program. It has a user-friendly interface and easy navigations. It can be used by all level of users. Besides the Active X scanner, it includes 5 more value-added utilities like a registry scanner and an antivirus to name a few. It is compatible with all Windows versions Click here to download Restoro on your PC and resolve Flash.ocx error code now!
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Best online learning websites for everything
Building your skill set could be a very important thing, especially in today’s world, and what’s the best way other than online learning classes. You are not exposing yourself to pandemics, staying safe in the warmth of your home and most of the courses are free. Presented here are sites that I believe will and can help you with your goal of learning desired material whatever that might be. Sites are listed in no particular order with a description of what each has to offer.


https://www.coursera.org/ courseraCoursera was one of the pioneers when it comes to college education online. When it started all courses were free and offered certificates if the taker has done tasks with a passing grade. Today not everything is free but still, there are tons of free courses that can help you to learn something new and to advance in your work or hobby. Google is using the Coursera platform to deliver its courses to the audience and besides google a lot of academic professors from Princeton, Stanford, John Hopkins and many more are presently offering their course material.


https://www.edx.org/ edx online learningedX has evolved from MITx, MIT’s free initiative to place some free academic lectures from its classrooms free into the world. Since it was rebranded into edX it started including other big university names like Berkeley, University of Texas System, Harvard, and many more. Since its infant days, edX has expanded and included many areas that it offers coursework from arts to science. Certificated today are mostly not free but course videos are, so if you care to learn and not wave certificates around this is a great place to do it.


https://www.udemy.com/ udemyUdemy has a little different approach to course material than previously mentioned websites. Teachers on Udemy are mostly people that are working in a given field. Programmers will teach programming, fitness instructors will teach training, etc. There are vas variety of topics even on lifestyle, hobbies even gaming to more serious ones like software developing hardware, etc. There are free courses but mostly are one-time purchases with unlimited access to course material and with frequent discounts udemy might be a good place to look if you can find anything interesting.


https://alison.com/ alisonAlison is kind of Udemy if we are talking about course material and who is teaching, the difference however is that it has more free content and it is one of the rare websites on this list that has Language courses. Courses vary from beginner level to more advanced ones.


https://www.udacity.com/ udacity online learningUdacity was also one of the earlier websites to offer free courses, in today’s world it still has free material but there is also paying one. The big difference from other competitors is that Udacity focuses mostly on programming, data science, and web development and it is very strong in this field. There are no courses about art. Music or similar, mostly IT stuff is covered here. If this is something that interests you, make a free account and give it a go.


https://www.codecademy.com/ codecademyCodecademy is a website mainly focused on teaching you how to code. Pro plan is there but there are a lot of basic and free courses on the mentioned subject. The curriculum is really wide covering Python, R, Java, JavaScript, SQL, Ruby, C#, C++, Swift, PHP, HTML, CSS and more so I am sure that if you are interested in coding this would be a pretty good place to find things. Besides pure language coding courses site offers also, Cybersecurity, Web design, Data science, web development, Game Development, Mobile Development, and many more courses on provided subjects.

Academic Earth

https://academicearth.org/ academic earthAcademic Earth has been built with one simple premise: Everyone deserves access to education. Lead by this kind of mindset on Academic Earth you will find well, academic courses similar to ones found on edX and Coursera, but from mentioned sites here all courses are free and you will find only academic ones, there are no entrepreneur or expert courses here, just pure academic ones. If you wish to see and learn something the way it is taught in Harvard, Berkeley, MIT, etc this is the place for you.

Khan Academy

https://www.khanacademy.org/ khan academyKhan academy is completely free and it is offering courses matching certain grades for children. It is offering courses for all 8 years of elementary school, math courses for high school and college with some coursework on topics like science, arts & humanities, reading, life skills, etc. Despite not being on the same level as some university courses presented on other mentioned websites Khan Academy is a good place to learn a lot of basic skills that you could build upon later.


I hope that I have helped you in some way to expand your skill set and learn something new with provided sources and I hope to see you again on errortools.com
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Stop the Hotspot from Turning off
As you know, Windows 10 is equipped with a Mobile Hotspot feature that allows users to share the existing internet connections to other devices over Wi-Fi. However, one of the downsides to this feature is that it does not stay on if there are no devices connected to it for over five minutes. In other words, if there are no devices connected to the mobile hotspot for five minutes, it will turn off automatically. Thus, if you want the mobile hotspot to stay turned on, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will walk you through how to stop the Mobile Hotspot from turning off in Windows 10. There are two scenarios tackled in this post wherein the Mobile Hotspot feature turns off automatically and where the hotspot disables when there is no internet connection. To remedy these scenarios, you can try turning off the power saving feature or use a PowerShell command to change the “PeerlessTimeoutEnabled” settings or increase the Mobile Hotspot idle timeout settings. You could also increase the timeout period when a cellular connection is not available or disable the Wi-Fi and network adapter power management options. For detailed instructions, refer to each one of the given options below.

Option 1 – Try turning off the power saving feature

The first solution you can check out is to turn off the power-saving feature. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Open the Settings app and go to Network & Internet and from there, click on the Mobile Hotspot option.
  • Next, toggle the “Share my Internet connection with other devices” option.
  • After that, toggle the “When no devices are connected, automatically turn off mobile hotspot” option.

Option 2 – Execute a command in PowerShell

The next option you can try to keep the mobile hotspot turned on is through a command in PowerShell. To get started, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + X keys and select the “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” option.
  • Next, execute the following command to make sure that the Mobile Hotspot stays on even when no devices are connected to it:
powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,net stop "icssvc" & REG ADD "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesicssvcSettings" /V PeerlessTimeoutEnabled /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F & net start "icssvc"' -Verb runAs"
  • After the command is executed, here is what the script is doing in the background:
    • It stops the Mobile Hotspot service (icssvc).
    • It navigates to this registry path (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesicssvcSettings) and creates a DWORD key named “PeerlessTimeoutEnabled” which has a value of 0.
  • It then restarts the Mobile Hotspot Service (icssvc).

Option 3 – Try increasing the Mobile Hotspot idle timeout settings

Another option you can try is to increase the idle timeout settings of the mobile hotspot. In case you don’t know, the default timeout when there’s no active connection is about five minutes. So if you don’t want to keep it on always but want to keep it on longer than five minutes, then this option is for you. All you have to do is change the same key (PeerlessTimeout) as mentioned above, at a different location. In fact, you can change it to a maximum of 120 minutes. To give this a try, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and then tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKLMSystemControlSet001ServicesICSSVCSettingsPeerlessTimeout
  • From there, change its value to anywhere between 1 up to 120.
  • Once done, exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer.

Option 4 – Try increasing the timeout period when a cellular connection is not available

There are many times when you want to connect devices so it becomes part of the network. And as pointed out, the Mobile Hotspot turns off automatically when there is no internet or mobile data but when you use a registry setting, you can change any value between 1 and 60 inclusive.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and then tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKLMSystemControlSet001ServicesICSSVCSettingsPublicConnectionTimeout
  • From there, set the value of the “Timeout” key between 1 and 60.
  • After that, close the Registry Editor and restart your PC.

Option 5 – Try to disable the Wi-Fi and Network adapter in Power Management options

As you know, the Wi-Fi adapter and the network devices have properties that will turn off when on battery and when it’s not used for a long time so you can try to disable these options.
  • Tap the Win + X + M keys to open the Device Manager.
  • Next, expand the list of Network devices and select the Wi-Fi adapter.
  • After that, go to the Power Management tab and make sure that anything related to power saving should be turned off. This will ensure that none of the network devices will turn off the Mobile Hotspot or trigger anything that will do that.
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How to Fix Error Code 0xc004f210 in Windows 10

Error Code 0xc004f210 – What is it?

Error code 0xc004f210 is one of the many activation errors that affect Windows 10 users. Users will be able to identify error code 0xc004f210 because of the following common symptoms which occur:

  • Inability to activate Windows 10 operating system
  • Message box with error code 0xc004f210


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 0xc004f210 usually occurs due to issues related to one’s product key or digital entitlement. Both the product key and digital entitlement are used by Microsoft to enable customers to activate the version of Microsoft that they have legitimate access to. If you enter the wrong product key or if you upgrade to Windows 10 but the current version of Windows to which you are attempting an activation does not match the edition of your digital entitlement, error code 0xc004f210 may occur. To correct this issue, you will need to implement one or more manual repair procedures. This will depend on the problem that caused the error to occur in the first place.

Further Information and Manual Repair

The methods below are simple procedures that Windows users lacking technical knowledge will be able to successfully complete. However, do contact a Windows repair technician if you have difficulty completing the manual repair methods listed below, or if the problem persists after completing these steps.

Method One: Enter Valid Product Key

In order to successfully activate your Windows 10 operating system and resolve error code 0xc004f210, you will need to enter a valid product key. Ensure you enter the 25-character code in the order it is given as making a simple mistake while typing the product key can lead to the reoccurrence of the error code. Follow the instructions below to enter the product key.

  • Step one: Click the Start button then select Settings
  • Step two: Select Update & security then Activation
  • Step three: Click the Change product key
  • Step four: Type in your valid product key with its 25 characters in the correct order

You should be able to successfully activate Windows 10 once you complete the process. However, move to the next manual method suggested below if the problem persists as error code 0xc004f210 could be due to an issue with your digital entitlement.

Method Two: Reinstall Windows 10 Edition that Matches Your Digital Entitlement

Digital entitlement, a new form of activation that doesn’t require the use of a product key, could be the real reason you are experiencing error code 0xc004f210 on your device. To combat any issues related to your digital entitlement, ensure the version of Windows 10 installed on your system matches your digital entitlement. This will require that you reinstall your operating system as well. After reinstalling Windows 10, follow the steps below to complete the process.

  • Step one: Click the Start button then select Settings
  • Step two: After selecting Settings, click Update & Security
  • Step three: Select Windows Update then the Check for updates tab
  • Step four: Activate Windows 10 update

If this method is successful, you will no longer see the error code 0xc004f210 pop up on your screen. However, contact a Windows repair technician to evaluate your system if the issue persists.

Method Three: Use an Automated Tool

This method involves the use of a powerful automated tool. But why is this important you might ask? A third-party tool is often the best solution when all manual repair efforts fail. Automated tools come equipped to tackle the most serious PC problems including error codes which can cause frustration and result in reduces PC performance.

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Edge and Store apps are not connecting
If your Microsoft Edge browser and Windows Store apps are now unable to connect to the internet after you have just installed the newly released Windows 10 v1809 October 2018 update, then this post might help. As you know, Microsoft has made a change recently and because of this, some users are getting the “Hmm, we can’t reach this page” error when they try to open Microsoft Edge as well as other pre-installed apps like News, Mail, and so on. Aside from that, you also won’t be able to connect the Microsoft Store apps to the internet. What’s strange is that you can connect to the internet using other programs like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and many more. Apart from checking your internet connection, there are other things you can to resolve the problem. If your Windows Store apps are not able to connect to the internet and you’re only getting the Error 80072EFD, then you might have to enable IPv6 as the new Windows 10 v1809 requires IPv6 to be enabled so that you can use the UWP apps. And so you have to enable IPv6 in the network card along with IPv4. To do so, follow the steps below. Step 1: Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box. Step 2: After that, type “ncpa.cpl” and hit Enter or click OK to open Network Connections. From there, you will see your currently connected network profile. Step 3: Right-click on your network profile and select Properties and then go to the Networking tab and look for the “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” and select its corresponding checkbox. Step 4: Now click the OK button to save the changes made and restart your computer.
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