
How to Repair Error Code 8007002c in Windows 10

What is Error code 8007002c?

Users when upgrading to Windows 10 operating system from Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 7, often encounter error code 8007002c. This error occurs when there’s an attempt made in performing an overall clean boot procedure. During the installation process, it will reach a certain maximum limit, for instance, 75%, and then reverts to its original state. Sometimes, after installation, users will encounter a black screen issue and there is no cursor visible.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Misconfigured system files that create registry errors within your operating system normally cause error code 8007002c in Windows 10. This registry error happens when there are new programs being installed over old ones without the old programs uninstalled entirely. Another possible cause could be from some malicious software like spyware, adware, and viruses.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Caution: The following steps are complicated. The risk of being in a no-boot situation or data loss might be encountered. It would be best to be supervised by an experienced user, especially in using the command line.

In order to fix Error code 8007002c occurring in Windows 10 upgrade, you can follow this step-by-step manual repair method. Once the repair method is correctly executed, users will most likely quickly resolve issues such as the Error code 8007002c and be able to upgrade to Windows 10 operating system smoothly.

However, in such cases where there are complex instructions and thus need an expert, seek help from a Windows professional. You may also want to consider making use of an automated tool whenever needed.

There are several ways to fix Error code 8007002c, but here are the most effective and efficient methods:

Method One: Force Windows Update

 To be able to download and install the necessary updates, you may use the force Windows Update tool. See below for the steps:

  1. Browse to C:\Windows\Software\Distribution\Download. Afterward, delete all the files found in that folder.
  2. Press Windows key + X then click on the Command Prompt (Admin). Type exe /updatenow once the Command Prompt window appears then press Enter.
  3. Open the Control Panel. Select Windows Update. At this point, Windows 10 should now start downloading.
  4. Press again on Windows key + X to open the Command Prompt window. In the Command Prompt, Type or Copy and Paste the following commands one at a time:

NOTE: Don’t forget to hit Enter after every command.

 Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

  1. Input a machine name for your computer. Make sure to use a simple name, having at least 8 characters.

Here’s how you can input a machine name:

  • Click on Start and then right-click on Computer. Afterward, select For users with Windows 8 operating system, press on Windows key + X then click on System.
  • Click on Change settings under the Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.

Method Two: Diagnose RAM Issues

Another reason why Error code 8007002c occurs is when there’s a defective and wrongly installed memory chip. Try using the Windows Memory Diagnostic to diagnose if there are RAM Issues.

  1. Press on the Windows Key + X then select
  2. Type
  3. Select Windows Memory Diagnostic, from that window, select Restart now, and check for problems

Method Three: Use Selective Startup

One more possible cause why Error code 8007002c occurs is due to third-party software. To fix this error, you can try booting up your device with Selective Startup -- a boot type where you can load a limited set of startups and services.

  1. Open the System Configuration tool. On your Taskbar, type MSCONFIG in the Search Box then hit Enter.
  2. Select the General
  3. Select Selective startup option then tick on the Load system services
  4. Ensure that Load startup items check box is unchecked.
  5. Click Apply and

Can’t seem to put up with the long and technical manual repair process? You can still fix this error by downloading and installing a powerful automated tool that will surely get the job done in a jiffy!

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Fix update error 0x8024ce0e in Windows 10
The Windows update error 0x8024ce0e can happen as a result of improper installation, a virus, or due to file corruption. Follow this guide to easily fix errors and continue with your work.
  1. Restart Windows

    As awkward as it seems this method actually works most of the time. Click on the start button and restart your system.
  2. Check hard disk space

    Of course, when installing updates there should be enough disk space for updates to be downloaded and installed. Check your disk space to see if there is sufficient available space.
  3. Disconnect external components

    External components can interfere sometimes with the update process, disconnect external hard drives, USB, and other devices, leaving only the keyboard, mouse, and core ones.
  4. Check devices in the device manager

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How to Fix R6025 Pure Virtual Function Call
R6025 pure virtual function call’ is a runtime error that occurs suddenly on the screen and disrupts the program being run prior to it. This error display indicates that the program has been corrupted. R6025 runtime error usually occurs with the Visual C++ framework.


Restoro box imageError Causes

This error occurs when the C++ program crashes which is usually because of the malfunctioning or missing of the device driver or incomplete device driver files. It happens because your application indirectly calls a pure virtual member function in a context where a call to the function is invalid. Most of the time, the compiler detects it and reports it as an error when building the application. R6025 error is usually detected at run time.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix the R6025 pure virtual function call error, you need to find the call to the pure virtual function. After you find the call, you need to rewrite the code so that it is not called again. There are 2 ways to do this:

Alternative 1

One way to fix the R6025 pure virtual function call is to replace the function with an implementation that calls the Windows API function DebugBreak. The DebugBreak causes a hard-coded breakpoint. Once the code stops running at this breakpoint, it is easy for you to view the call stack. By viewing the call stack you can identify the place where the function was actually called.

Alternative 2

Another quick way to find a call to a pure virtual function to fix the R6025 error is to set a breakpoint on the _purecall function that is usually found in PureVirt.c. By breaking this function you can trace the problem occurring and rewrite the call to ensure the error does not occur and the program you are trying to develop on the Visual C++ framework is easily developed. If R6025 Error is related to Windows Registry Problem Then here’s how you can fix the problem: To fix the runtime error R6025, run registry cleaner software to scan and fix all errors.  This alternative is suitable if the R6025 error is related to the Windows registry problem and where the error has occurred due to corrupted or malicious registry entries. You can download the registry cleaner repair tool for free. Run it to scan errors and then click the fix error button to repair the problem immediately.
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Completely Uninstall and Remove Flash
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox are some of the leading browsers commonly used these days and they all include an embedded copy of the Adobe Flash Player. So if you are running a Windows 10 PC then you can have up to 4 copies of Adobe Flash Player; one for Microsoft Edge, one for Internet Explorer, one for Opera, one for Firefox. You might also experience cases wherein two flash players are simultaneously running, i.e. one installed in Chrome as a single plug-in and another one installed in Windows, trying to parse the data. And in such cases, you might consider removing or uninstalling one of the versions of Adobe Flash Player. If you do, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you in disabling the embedded Adobe Flash Player in Windows 10. Before you get started in removing the Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer & Microsoft Edge browser, you need to sign in with your administrative account even if don’t use it or set it as the default browser. After you’ve signed in to your administrative account, follow the steps below. Step 1: Open your browser, if you are using Edge then open it. Step 2: After opening your browser, go to its Settings and select Advanced Settings. Step 3: Next, Move the slider against the “Use Adobe Flash Player” option to off. Step 4: After that, open File Explorer and navigate to this address, “C:/Windows/servicingPackages” and from there, check on the following entries:
  • Adobe-Flash-For-Windows-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64….(version number of the Flash Player)
  • Adobe-Flash-For-Windows-WOW64-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64….(version number of the Flash player #)
  • Adobe-Flash-For-Windows-onecoreuap-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64…(version number of the Flash Player)
Step 5: Take note of all the listed package names of Adobe Flash Player and tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor. Step 6: Next, right-click on the three keys which have the name of the packages you listed and select “Permissions” one after the other. Step 7: Then check “Allow” to enable full control for the Administrators account and click OK to save the changes made. Step 8: Select the three keys one after the other and select Visibility DWORD located on the right side and then right-click on Visibility and change the Value data from 2 to 1. Step 9: Go over the same procedures again for the other keys. Once you’ve completed then you should now be able to remove packages using the DISM tool. Step 10: Simply open an elevated Command Prompt and execute the following commands:
  • dism /online /remove-package /packagename:Adobe-Flash-For-Windows-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64-10.0.17134.1
  • dism /online /remove-package /packagename:Adobe-Flash-For-Windows-WOW64-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64-10.0.17134.1
  • dism /online /remove-package /packagename:Adobe-Flash-For-Windows-onecoreuap-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64-10.0.17134.1
Keep in mind that the numbers at the end could be different on your computer due to the difference of version number so you have to use the numbers on your system. After that, reboot your computer.
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How to remove Ammyy Admin

What is Ammyy Admin

AmmyyAdmin is a software developed by Ammy. This software allows you to manage network computers and servers remotely without complicated NAT settings adjustments or Firewall problems. The program is similar in marketed function to TeamViewer or LogMeIn. This software does not require installation and it lets you control other computers or share files over the software. It usually comes bundled with other software. This software copes files into your computer and sometimes creates new startup keys that allow it to start each time your computer is restarted. AmmyAdmin might display additional ads in your browser as well as pop-up ads. Due to its ability to silently install and run remote administration, it could be used maliciously by those who intend to damage your computer or steal data. AmmyyAdmin is flagged for optional removal, and if you did not intentionally install it, removal is highly recommended

What is a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP)?

If you’ve ever downloaded freeware or shareware, odds are high that your computer can get installed with a bunch of unwanted programs. A PUA / PUP (potentially unwanted application / potentially unwanted program) is a software program that comes bundled with freeware/shareware and you agree to install it on your computer system. These are programs you definitely don’t want on your system simply because it does not give any beneficial service. PUP doesn’t involve malware in the traditional sense. One simple difference between malware and PUP is distribution. Malware is typically dropped through vulnerability exploitation and in contrast, PUP gets installed with the consent of the end-user, who consciously or unknowingly authorizes the PUP installation on their computer. A PUP might not be viewed as malicious or harmful but nonetheless, it is a common cause of clunky operating systems; some PUPs are a lot more aggressive by deliberately slowing down your PC.

How PUPs affect you?

Potentially Unwanted Programs appear in different forms and varieties, but most times, they are adware programs that exhibit irritating pop-up adverts and advertisements on web pages you explore. In addition, most free software nowadays comes with quite a few unwanted add-ons; in many instances a web browser toolbar or browser modification like a homepage hijacker. They’ll modify browser settings, change default search provider, substitute the default home page with their very own websites, decelerate internet speed, and will damage your computer as well. They could look harmless but PUPs are usually spyware. Some might carry dialers, keyloggers, web browser hijackers, and tracking components that will collect system details, or tracks customer habits and relays these records to third-party organizations. Because of this unwanted program, your application might freeze, your security protections could get disabled which may leave the computer susceptible, your system may get damaged, and the list goes on and on.

Tips on protecting yourself from unwanted software

• When installing anything on your PC, always read the fine print, including the EULA. Do not accept terms of use that are for bundled programs. • Select the “custom” install whenever downloading a software program. Particularly, pay attention to those small boxes which have been checked as default, where you might ‘agree’ to receive advertisements or install software bundlers. • Use anti-PUP software. Security applications like Safebytes Anti-Malware offer the very best real-time protection from PUPs and also other malware. • Be alert if you download and install freeware, open-source programs, or shareware. Avoid downloading and installing browser extensions and programs you are not knowledgeable about. • Use only official product sites for downloading applications. Avoid download websites completely since the majority of websites force users to download the software using their own download manager, which is often bundled with some kind of unwanted program.

Safebytes Anti-Malware scans and detects malware for free. To complete removal, and ensure full PC protections, a paid license key is required.

Malware could potentially cause a lot of damage to your computer. Some malware sits in between the computer and the net connection and blocks a few or all internet sites that you would like to check out. It could also block you from installing anything on your computer, particularly anti-virus programs. If you are reading this article now, you’ve perhaps recognized that a malware infection is a reason behind your blocked net connectivity. So what do if you need to download and install an anti-virus application like Safebytes? There are a few solutions you can attempt to get around with this issue.

Boot Windows in Safe Mode

The Windows-based PC includes a special mode called “Safe Mode” where only the minimum required programs and services are loaded. In the event the malware is blocking internet connection and affecting your PC, running it in Safe Mode enables you to download antivirus and run a scan while limiting potential damage. To enter into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press F8 while the system is booting up or run MSCONFIG and locate the “Safe Boot” options in the “Boot” tab. Once you’re in Safe Mode, you can try to download and install your anti-malware software program without the hindrance of the malicious software. Following installation, run the malware scanner to eliminate most standard infections.

Obtain the security program in an alternate web browser

Certain malware may target vulnerabilities of a specific web browser that obstruct the downloading process. If you seem to have a virus attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to an alternate browser with built-in security features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your favorite antivirus program – Safebytes.

Create a portable anti-malware for removing malware

Here’s another solution which is utilizing a portable USB antivirus software that can check your system for malicious software without the need for installation. Adopt these measures to run the anti-malware on the infected computer system. 1) On a clean computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the Thumb drive into the uninfected computer. 3) Double-click the exe file to run the installation wizard. 4) Pick a USB flash drive as the location when the wizard asks you where you want to install the program. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation process. 5) Remove the flash drive. Now you can utilize this portable anti-virus on the affected computer system. 6) Double-click the anti-malware program EXE file on the flash drive. 7) Run Full System Scan to identify and clean-up up all sorts of malware. These days, an anti-malware program can protect your computer from different forms of online threats. But how to select the right one amongst countless malware protection software that is available in the market? As you might be aware, there are numerous anti-malware companies and products for you to consider. Some of them are great, some are ok types, while some will ruin your computer themselves! You have to choose one that is reliable, practical, and has a strong reputation for its malware source protection. One of the strongly recommended software is SafeBytes AntiMalware. SafeBytes has a superb reputation for quality service, and customers appear to be very happy with it. SafeBytes can be described as a highly effective, real-time anti-malware application that is created to assist everyday computer users in safeguarding their computers from malicious internet threats. Using its cutting-edge technology, this application will assist you to eradicate multiples types of malware like computer viruses, PUPs, trojans, worms, ransomware, adware, and browser hijackers. There are many wonderful features you will get with this security product. Below are some typical features found in this software: Robust, Anti-malware Protection: Built on a highly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal application has the capacity to find and get rid of various obstinate malware threats like browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other common antivirus software will miss. Real-time Protection: Malware programs attempting to get into the system are identified and stopped as and when detected by the SafeBytes active protection shields. They are very effective in screening and eliminating different threats because they’re constantly improved with the latest updates and alerts. Internet Security: Safebytes assigns all sites a unique safety score that helps you to get an idea of whether the webpage you’re going to visit is safe to browse or known to be a phishing site. Light-weight: This software program is not “heavy” on the computer’s resources, so you’ll not notice any performance problems when SafeBytes is working in the background. 24/7 Online Support: Skilled technicians are at your disposal 24/7! They will promptly resolve any technical issues you might be experiencing with your security software. SafeBytes has come up with a wonderful anti-malware solution that can help you conquer the latest malware threats and virus attacks. Once you’ve installed SafeBytes Anti-Malware, you will no longer need to bother about malware or other security worries. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.
Files: %APPDATA%AMMYY C:%DOCUMENTS%%%USER%%LocalTemp$inst.tmp C:%DOCUMENTS%%%USER%%LocalTemp$insttemp_0.tmp C:%DOCUMENTS%%%USER%%LocalTempAA_v3.exe C:%DOCUMENTS%%%USER%%LocalTempencrypted.exe C:Documents and Settings%USER%Application DataCasablanca C:Documents and Settings%USER%Application DataBl 430 493 557.ADO C:Documents and Settings%USER%Application DataDakar C:Documents and Settings%USER%Application DataMegaloblast.a C:Documents and Settings%USER%Application DataCrypto.dll C:%DOCUMENTS%%%USER%%LocalTempnsh2.tmpSystem.dll Key: HKUS-1-5-21-1801674531-413027322-2147225017-500SoftwareAmmyy Key: HKLMSOFTWAREAmmyy
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Stopping automatic redirects in Browsers
As you know, the internet has changed the world immensely. Nowadays, JavaScript is pushing the modern web ahead. One of the things that make these experiences with the internet seamless and with less clutter is redirection. It is often used on web pages and there are times when a user is prompted about them and most of the time, we barely notice them. However, there are also instances when things can go wrong with redirects as they could become a loop that could mess things up. And since the browser takes a lot of system resources, redirection can result in a poor user experience. That’s why in this post, you will be guided on how you can stop these automatic redirects on browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, on your Windows 10 computer. To get started, refer to each one of the options provided below to stop automatic redirects in Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

Option 1 – Configure the browsers to stop pop-ups and deceptive contents

There are a lot of browsers with built-in settings that allow users to stop pop-ups and deceptive content. To configure these settings, refer to these steps:
  • Microsoft Edge:

    • Click on the three horizontal dots icon or the menu button.
    • Next, click on Settings and select Privacy & Security from the left side navigation.
    • After that, scroll down on the right-side panel and look for Block pop-ups and Windows Defender SmartScreen and then turn their toggle buttons to On.
  • Google Chrome:

    • Open Google Chrome and click on the three vertical dots icon for the menu located in the top right corner of the browser.
    • Next, click on Settings and scroll down until you see the Advanced option. Click on it to open the Advanced Settings.
    • Now scroll down until you reach the Privacy and Security section and look for the Safe browsing option and turn its toggle button to On.
  • Mozilla Firefox

    • Open Mozilla and click on the three horizontal lines icon for the menu button located in the top right corner of the browser and click on Options.
    • Next, go to the Settings section and click the Privacy & Security tab and scroll down and then click on Permissions.
    • From there, make sure that the Block pop-up windows checkbox is checked.
    • Finally, scroll down until you reach the Security section and make sure that the checkbox for the Block dangerous and deceptive content is checked.

Option 2 – Try to reset Winsock, TCP/IP & Flush DNS

To stop redirects, you can also reset Winsock and the TCP/IP as well as flush the DNS cache. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Right-click on the Start button and click on Command Prompt (administrator) so you can pull up an elevated Command Prompt.
  • After that, execute each one of the commands listed below. And after you typed in one after the other, you have to hit Enter.
  1. netsh winsock reset – type in this command to reset Winsock
  2. netsh int ip reset resettcpip.txt – type in this command to reset TCP/IP
  3. ipconfig /flushdns – type in this command to flush the DNS cache
  • Next, restart your PC and check if the problem’s fixed.

Option 3 – Edit your Hosts File

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open then type in %WinDir% and then click OK.
  • Go to System32/drivers/etc.
  • Open the host file using Notepad.
  • Delete all the suspicious entries.
  • After that, save the changes you’ve made and close the file.
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Five Ways of Fixing Error Code 37

What is Error Code 37?

Error Code 37 is a Device Manager Error Code that you may come across when you are unable to use an installed hardware device on your PC. It will pop up on your screen with the following display:

“Windows cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware. (Code 37)”

If you receive the above message, it means that your operating system was unable to acknowledge the drivers for a particular peripheral device.


driverfix boxError Causes

Error Code 37 mainly occurs due to device driver corruption. However, there are other factors that can trigger this error code, some of which are the following:

  • Missing device drivers
  • Out-of-date device drivers
  • Presence of malware or spyware in the system
  • The particular device is not compatible with your PC

Device driver corruption or other data corruption is not uncommon and part of everyday PC use.

From an installation gone wrong to an unexpected shutdown, commonly generated data errors are considered the main culprit behind error codes.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Just like most PC error codes, Error Code 37 isn’t that difficult to get rid of. There are many DIY methods you can try to have your PC running smoothly in no time. Here are a few methods to resolve this issue:

Method 1: Restart your PC

It is possible that the display of the error code is merely due to a temporary issue with your peripheral device and not anything serious.

Therefore, the quickest and easiest method to solve the error code 37 is to simply restart your PC.

Method 2: Scan for Viruses

If restarting does not do the trick, a quick scan for viruses and removing them is another simple method you can follow to fix your PC.

Since the error code is due to corruption of data, viruses such as malware or spyware create error in your PC’s registry and eliminating them can help restore some of the corrupt data, which also speeds up your PC.

Method 3: Undo recent changes

A possible explanation for the error code may be the recent changes in your Device Manager or due to the peripheral device installation. You can thus undo the changes by either:

  • Remove or change settings of the installed peripheral device
  • Roll back the version of the driver to the one before the update.
  • Use System Restore to reverse the changes made in the Device Manager

Method 4: Manually uninstall and reinstall the drivers

If the above stated methods do not help in speeding up your PC and is still giving you an error code, you may want to manually uninstall and reinstall the corrupt or missing drivers. Here are the following steps:

  • Double-check if the installed external device is properly connected and working smoothly
  • Open Device Manager and double click on the device that is causing problems
  • When it opens, click on the ‘Driver’ tab and click ‘Update Driver’

Method 5: Use DriverFIX

However, updating the missing or corrupt drivers can be time consuming and may also require having a hardware documentation ready that contains specific details about the driver that you should download.

To avoid this time-consuming process, you can use DriverFIX software.

DriverFIX will help you to download the required driver without you having to waste your precious time and effort looking it up in a user manual. This latest software technology is embedded with its own database that tracks the missing or corrupt driver according to your PC’s motherboard version and specific details.

It is user-friendly, which means that it will relieve you from the frustration of such PC error codes appearing from time to time and enable your PC to work efficiently in no time.

Click here to download DriverFIX to resolve Device Manager error code 37 today!

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Manually cleaning your PC registry
Manually cleaning your PC registry may be the worst or best thing you ever decide to do. Registry keys that lie around on your computer, unused, can cause your computer to lag. This can end up in your computer not being able to load the easiest of programs and being slow at loading anything, let alone something that would take up a decent amount of memory. If your computer has slowed to almost an absolute stop, it is most probably the registry’s fault and the only option then is to clean it. You can get programs to do this for you, but they can be riddled with inaccuracies and viruses that could harm your computer even more. This is why some people choose to manually edit their computer. However, this is not without its flaws.

Registry Keys

Registry keys tend to have really long names. These names will be full of numbers and hyphens and will most likely give you no indication of what they do. Even some computer experts find it hard to understand what every computer’s registry keys do. This can make it very hard to see which ones are causing the problem; and if you don’t know what’s causing the problem, then there is no way you will be able to fix it. Some registry keys will be completely menial in what they do but some could be vital to even allow Windows to work on your computer.

Manual Registry Repair

Registry keys can also cause huge problems if you manually delete the wrong one. A lot of registry cleaners have the option to revive a key that they have deleted on you, which means that fixing an error that they made would be easy enough to do. However, when you manually delete registry keys, it will be an awful lot harder to get them back to work again afterward. This can cause your computer many problems and if you delete even one wrong key it is possible your computer will not even start. With the horrid naming system they have as well, it makes it very hard to determine what is important and what is not, which means it is all too likely that you will delete something important. However, those are the risks you have to take when you are cleaning out your registry. A registry cleaner has the same likelihood of messing with your computer and deleting something wrong that you have, so it is the same either way however a registry cleaner will do it with less hassle. But, some people say that if you do it yourself, it’s more likely to be right; that is why they prefer to do it manually and that is alright.


So, if you are manually deleting your registry keys that are unused, you’ll have to use a program that comes with Windows known as ‘regedit.exe’ which is incredibly difficult to use but may just be worth the hassle in the end. So, you don’t really need to put up with a slow computer, but be careful when messing with your registry manually! To repair and resolve this and other PC-related issues Click Here to download Restoro.
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Fix Error Accessing the Registry in Windows
If you encounter an error saying, “error accessing the registry” when you try to merge a registry key on your Windows 10 computer, you’re not alone as some users also experienced the same problem. According to these users, they encounter the error after they’ve re-installed their Windows version and tried to open a .reg file. Based on the reports, this error could occur if the registry file does not have administrative privileges. Meaning to say, the program does not have the necessary permission to merge the .reg file. This is common with fresh installs as well as reinstalls. Moreover, this kind of issue could also occur due to system file corruption. Whichever the case may be, here are some troubleshooting tips you can check out to resolve the error.

Option 1 – Try to import the .reg file with admin privileges

As pointed out, the error may be due to a lack of admin privileges. It could be that the Registry Editor does not have admin privileges to merge the registry file. This is common with new Windows installations especially since the Registry Editor hasn’t been opened before. So you need to import the .reg file again and this time, with admin privileges.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and tap the Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys to open the Registry Editor with admin privileges.
  • A User Account Control or UAC prompt will appear where you have to click Yes to proceed.
  • After opening the Registry Editor, go to File > Import using the ribbon bar at the top.
  • Next, use the import menu to go to the location of the file you were trying to merge. Once you’ve found it, click Open to merge it with your current registry. This should fix the problem. If not, refer to the next options below.

Option 2 – Try performing a System Restore

Running System Restore can also help you fix the error when accessing the Registry. You can do this option either by booting into Safe Mode or in System Restore. If you are already in the Advanced Startup Options, just directly select System Restore and proceed with the next steps. And if you have just booted your PC into Safe Mode, refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
  • Once the next startup is complete, you have to merge or import the file again and see if the error is now fixed or not.

Option 3 – Try to perform repair install by creating a Windows 10 installation media

  • Click this link and then click the Download Tool Now button.
  • Next, click the “Use the tool to create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file)…” option and follow the next given instructions on the screen.
  • Now select the ISO file option in step 5.
  • After that, you should now have an ISO file.
  • Next, go to the location where you’ve downloaded the ISO file.
  • Then right-click on the Windows 10 ISO file and select the Open with option and then select File Explorer.
  • Now click on “setup.exe” and follow the next instructions that appear on the screen. When asked, you have to select either Nothing (clean install) or Keep personal files only option. Take note that you must not select the “Keep personal files, apps, and Windows settings since it doesn’t really work.

Option 4 – Try running the System File Checker Scan

As mentioned, the error when accessing the Registry might be caused by file corruption. And that’s where the SFC scan comes in. The SFC or System File Checker scan could detect and automatically repair damaged system files. SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Now restart your computer.
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How to Fix Fatal Error c000021a

Fatal Error c000021a - What is it?

Fatal Error c000021a is a type of Windows stop error also known as the blue screen of death (BSoD) error. When this error occurs, it causes the computer screen to go blue and locks the user out of the current activity. This error code is fatal and can lead to serious issues like system crashes and freeze. The error code is usually displayed in the following format:
STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error} The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000034 (0x00000000 0x0000000)


Restoro box imageError Causes

Fatal Error c000021a occurs when the Windows kernel detects that either Winlogon.exe or Csrss.exe service processes have stopped responding or failed to load.  When this happens the error code pops up on the screen. Nonetheless, this is not the only reason for the occurrence of this error. There are plenty more reasons why Fatal Error c000021a may pop on your computer screen. These include:
  • Missing or corrupt hardware drivers
  • Faulty hardware
  • Windows System Restore failed during the rollback process
  • Malware or viral infection
  • Registry issues
No matter what the reason may be, it is advisable to fix the error right away without any delays. Remember it is a fatal error and can cause a great deal of damage to your PC.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Fatal Error c000021a is a serious PC issue but this does not mean you have to hire an expert to get it fixed. The good news is that this error is actually quite easy to resolve. You don’t have to be a technical whiz or a computer programmer to fix Fatal Error c000021a on your PC. Here are some do it yourself methods to fix this error code right away without any hassle: Let’s get started:

Method 1: Update Your PC Drivers

As we mentioned about corrupt or missing drivers can be one of the many reasons for the occurrence of this error. So, check the drivers first. Perform a driver scan and make sure all your drivers are updated.

Method 2: Perform a Windows System Restore

To do this, first launch Task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC on your keyboard. Now click on the application tab and then click ‘New Task’ then browse. After that, go to C:\Windows\System32\Restore  folder and then double click the rstrui.exe file. This will help start system restoration. Your computer will reboot during the process and hopefully, the error will be resolved. Nonetheless, if the error still persists then try methods 3 and 4.

Method 3: Scan for Viruses

Sometimes Fatal Error c000021a may also occur due to malware infection. Your PC may be affected by viruses hidden in different locations without you knowing about it. Therefore to resolve this error, it is recommended to run an antivirus and scan for viruses. If detected, remove them right away to fix the error code.

Method 4: Repair the Registry

Another method to resolve Fatal Error c000021a code on your system is to repair the registry. The registry stores all the information and activities performed on the system. If it is not cleaned frequently, it gets loaded with too many files unnecessary and obsolete files like the junk files, cookies, internet history and temporary files which corrupts and damages the registry thereby generating blue screen of death error codes like Fatal Error c000021a. Though you can repair the registry manually it can be both time-consuming and slightly difficult especially if you are not a computer programmer. Therefore it is advisable to download a registry cleaner to fix it right away.

Automatic Repair with Restoro.

Whether the Fatal Error c000021a code occurs due to viral infection or registry issues, download Restoro. This is a next-generation, advanced, and multi-functional PC Fixer. This software is deployed with multiple utilities such as a powerful registry cleaner, an antivirus, a system optimizer, and more. The registry cleaner scans the entire PC and detects all types of registry issues at once. It cleans the registry, wipes out all the unnecessary files, and restores the registry back to normal. Simultaneously, the antivirus embedded in this software detects all types of viruses including malware, adware, spyware and Trojans and removes them in seconds. The system optimizer feature ensures the speed and performance of your PC are not compromised during the repairing process. It ensures your PC works at its optimal speed. Restoro is a one-stop solution for all your PC needs. It has a user-friendly interface making it easy for all levels of users to work around. It is compatible with all Windows versions Click here to download Restoro and resolve the Fatal Error c000021a code on your PC today!
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