
How to fix windows 10 error code 0x80073712

Windows 10 has displayed one of the most efficient and user-friendly interfaces. However there have been many issues on the backend of this commonly praised operating system: For example, Windows Update is still a wonky and error-laded system application. One example of this error is Windows Update Error 0x80073712 which stands in the way of users just wanting to keep their PCs updated hassle-free.

The error code 0x80073712 signifies that a file needed by Windows Update to function is either damaged, missing, or corrupted. However, this does not mean that your Windows version will forever stay as-is with no mode to update it. Windows Update Error 0x80073712 is perfectly fixable with the set of provided steps below and some of Windows’ built-in troubleshooting steps:

Solution 1: Open Windows Update Troubleshooter

  1. Open the Windows Update Troubleshooter by pressing the Windows and S keys simultaneously.
  2. Enter the word “Troubleshoot” in the search box and select the Troubleshoot result
  3. On the new window, select “Windows Update” to troubleshoot.
  4. Run the troubleshooter, then open Windows Update and try to install the update again.

Solution 2: Run the DISM tool

  1. Open the command prompt by pressing Windows and S keys simultaneously
  2. Enter “cmd” in the search box. Right Click command prompt among the results and select “Run as administrator”
  3. In the Command Prompt window type the following and press the Enter key after every command

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

  1. To close the Administrator: Command prompt window, type Exit, and then press Enter.
  2. Run Windows Update again.

Solution 3: Rename the Software Distribution folder

  1. Open the command prompt as previously mentioned
  2. Input the following command pressing Enter after every line
    net stop wuauserv
    net stop cryptSvc
    net stop bits
    net stop msiserver
    rename c:/windows/SoftwareDistribution/softwaredistribution.old
    net start wuauserv
    net start cryptSvc
    net start bits
    net start msiserver
  3. Restart the PC and run the updater if it works again.

Solution 4: Restart Windows Update Services

  1. Press the Windows logo key and R together to open Run -> Input services.msc -> and press Enter
  2. Search for the Windows Update service -> Check its status
  3. If it is not indicated, right-click on the service and select Start to force start your Windows Update
  4. If you see an error, locate the Startup Type option and set it to Automatic
  5. Now you should reboot your computer and see if your Windows Update is OK

Solution 5: Fix Registry Issues

If after all the aforementioned solutions, you still experience problems with Windows Update, the problem may lie in the registry that is either damaged or corrupted. You may choose to do manual editing of your Windows registry by opening your Windows registry editor. But doing so is risky as one wrong letter may do incalculable damage to your system. To do so safely for more inexperienced users we recommend using a third-party registry cleaner/tools, many of which can be found online.

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Open specific pages each time Chrome starts
When we are working on our computer, we have tendencies to make it look and behave to our best needs and however, best suits us. The Internet has crawled into our lives and made itself a must-have in modern society, internet browsers as a crucial piece of software for viewing the web have also grown and made themselves to be more open for user settings and personalization, Chrome, one of the most popular browser has the option to open a specific set of pages one it is opened and that is what we will cover today in this tutorial. No matter would you like to by default open some online store, maybe an email or news website, you can open each of them or all of them once Chrome is run, making your daily routine more enjoyable and stress-free. The first thing, of course, is to start Chrome itself, once Chrome is up, click on three dots in the upper right corner of the Chrome window and select settings. Google chrome settingsWhen you are in settings, on the left side move toward the bottom until you run into a tab that says On Startup and click on it. On right, a new section will open, click on Open a specific page or set of pages. Chrome startup pagesYou will be presented with the option to add a new page by typing its URL or getting it from bookmarks or using a specific opened one. You can repeat this process until you have added all pages that you wish to be automatically opened once Chrome is opened for the first time.


If you have noticed right above the setting that we have used for opening a specific set of pages there is the option Continue where you left off, this option will open each page exactly where it was when Chrome was shut down letting you keep viewing where you have left off. This is useful if by any chance your battery ran out or you had to quickly turn the computer off for whatever reason.
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How to Fix Remote Computer requires network level authentication Error in Windows 10
A couple of Windows 10 users have reported an error on domain-connected systems when they tried accessing their computer systems remotely. This occurs when the network level authentication or NLA is enabled on the computer. If you are one of these users, you better keep reading as this post will guide you on how you can fix this error. To resolve this issue, there are several workarounds you can try. You can either disable this option directly via properties or you can also modify some registry entries or sub-keys and restart the system. When you encounter this problem, an error message pops up that states:
“The remote computer that you are trying to connect to requires network level authentication (NLA), but your windows domain controller cannot be contacted to perform NLA. If you are an administrator on the remote computer, you can disable NLA by using the options on the Remote tab of the System Properties dialog box.”
Or you could also see this error message instead:
“The remote computer requires Network Level Authentication, which your computer does not support. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.”
Before you proceed in troubleshooting the problem using the options provided below, you need to create a backup for your data or system restore point as well as make a copy of any registry entries you are going to modify.

Option 1 – Disable Network Level Authentication via Properties

The NLA is a useful tool that provides your computer with extra security and helps network administrators in controlling who can log into the system with just a click of a single box. However, there are times when it can become a disadvantage and could prevent you from accessing your system remotely. Thus, you need to disable it using Properties.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” and tap Enter to open System Properties.
  • Next, go to the remote tab and uncheck the checkbox for the “Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended)” option.
  • Now click the Apply button to save the changes made and exit System Properties and then try logging into the remote computer again and see if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 2 – Disable NLA via Registry Editor

Note that you can only use this option if the first one didn’t work for you. Take note that this option will require you to restart your PC completely which could mean some downtime if your computer is running a production server. So make sure to save all your work.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type in “Regedit” in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • From there, click on File > Connect Network Registry and input the details of the remote computer and then try to connect.
  • Navigate to the path below after you’re connected:
HKLM >SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control >Terminal Server > WinStations > RDP-Tcp
  • After that, change the values given below to “0”
    • SecurityLayer
    • UserAuthentication
  • The navigate to PowerShell and execute this command – restart-computer

Option 3 – Disable NLA via PowerShell

PowerShell allows you to tap into the remote computer and once you’ve targeted the machine, you can execute the commands given below to disable NLA.
  • Tap the Win + S to open Search and then type in “PowerShell” in the field. Right-click on the related result and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening PowerShell, execute the command below:
  1. Once in the PowerShell, execute the following command:
$TargetMachine = “Target-Machine-Name” (Get-WmiObject -class “Win32_TSGeneralSetting” -Namespace rootcimv2terminalservices -ComputerName $TargetMachine -Filter “TerminalName=’RDP-tcp'”).SetUserAuthenticationRequired(0) Note: In the command given, the “Target-Machine-Name” is the name of the machine you are targeting.

Option 4 – Use the Group Policy Editor to disable NLA

Another option you can use to disable NLA is via the Group Policy Editor. This is ideal for you if you are blanket disabling. Just take note that the Group Policy Editor is a powerful tool and that if you make some mistakes by changing values you have no clue about, you can render your computer useless so make sure that you create a backup for all the values before you proceed.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type in “gpedit.msc” and tap Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • From there, go to this path – Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Security
  • After that, search for “Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication” and set it to disabled.
  • Now check if the error is fixed or not.
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Copy & Paste text between devices
If you have multiple products with Windows on them, Copy & Paste text between them is easy as 1,2,3 and we will be happy to tell you how can you do it. Hello and welcome everyone, today we will see how can we share text information between 2 devices using Windows 10 in instant. In order for you to be able to share text information between devices, there are two prerequisites that you must meet. The first is that all devices must be connected to the internet, the second is that you must have a Microsoft account. If you have both of these things continue with the tutorial, if you do not have a Microsoft account go to Microsoft website and create one for free. Also, know that this option needs to be turned ON on all devices in order to work. So steps we will explain will have to be done on each device, if you already have some device logged in and connected to Microsoft account, you can skip setting it up. Click on ⊞ WINDOWS and click on settings. Windows 10 Star menu with marked settings iconThen click on System. Windows settings system markedOnce you are in the system, on the left tabs find and click on Clipboard. windows settings clipboardIf you are not logged in to your Microsoft account do so on the right panel by locating Sync across devices and click on sign in. clipboard sign inWhen you are signed in click on the option to turn it on. sync across devicesOne option is turned ON, you will be greeted with two choices, to copy everything from the clipboard automatically or to choose text which you want to sync and paste it with ⊞ WINDOWS + V. Choose whatever better suits your needs, and you are done. Repeat these steps for other devices and you are done.
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Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding
Users are reporting that randomly their screen will just go black for a second and come back. When this happens, it usually distorts any video currently on the screen; sometimes, they can resume working on the PC normally. However, when they view the event logs, they see the error message Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered. In this article, we will address solutions to this issue and how to not have it again.
  1. Remove Aura iCUE plugin (applies to only ASUS motherboards)

    Some PC users discovered that iCue adds an Aura plugin for ASUS MOBOs. That, combined with EVGA Precision X1, was causing the error it seems – this was determined when the screen would turn off and on when opening EVGA x1 software. In this case, the issue was resolved by removing the Aura iCUE plugins.
  2. Change Power Management mode

    Right-click the battery icon on the notification area on the right of the Taskbar. Select Power Options. In the Power Options window, locate your current Power Plan. Select High performance, if that’s not your current power plan. Now, click on Change plan settings next to it. Now click on Change advanced power settings. Expand PCI Express section. Expand Link State Power Management. Now set power saving to Off for both On battery and Plugged in state. This would fix any issues caused by the low power of the video card. Click Apply > OK to save changes.
  3. Update graphics driver

    Go into device manager Expand display adapter section Right-click on adapter Click on update driver Reboot
  4. Rollback graphics driver

    Go into device manager Expand display adapter section Right-click on adapter Click on Roll back driver Reboot
  5. Uninstall and reinstall graphics card driver

    Go into device manager Expand display adapter section Right-click on adapter Click on Uninstall device Reboot
  6. Replace the graphics card

    If everything else failed, replace the graphic card
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One of the worst Blue Screen of Death errors you can encounter is the UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME BSOD on Windows 10. In this BSOD error, your computer won’t be able to properly boot. Meaning to say, even if you want to reinstall Windows, you won’t be able to back up your important files. Thus, it wouldn’t be really feasible to fix the system files, and besides, reinstalling Windows 10 would take a lot of time, not to mention resources. The UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME error is the kind of BSOD error that occurs if Windows is not able to access the volume that contains the boot files. Resolving this BSOD error won’t be easy but you will surely manage by following the suggestions laid out below but before you go on, make sure to create a System Restore Point.

Option 1 – Try checking the hardware

If you got the UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME BSOD error while trying to update your computer to a higher version of Windows, then you need to check if you have the compatible drivers for the disk controller as well as re-check the drive cabling and make sure that it is properly configured. And if you’re reusing either ATA-100 or ATA-66 drivers, ensure that you have an 80-connector cable and not the standard 40-connector IDE cable.

Option 2 – Try using Automatic Repair

You might also want to use Automatic Repair in fixing the BSOD error. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • You can start by creating and booting from a bootable Windows 10 USB Stick.
  • After that, click on Repair your computer located in the bottom left corner when you are on the initial Windows Startup screen.
  • Next, click on Troubleshoot, and then on the other screen, click the Startup Repair option.
  • Now select the operating system you want to repair. Once you do that, it will start to repair your operating system. Wait until the process is completed and then check if the problem’s now fixed.

Option 3 – Try fixing the Master Boot Record or MBR

The MBR or Master Boot Record is the location and is where the architecture of the operating system is installed. Thus, if either the location or the architecture has tampered with, it can cause lots of BSOD errors like the UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME error.
  • Boot your computer into Safe mode with Networking using the Advanced startup options which you can access by tapping the F2 or F8 key. Once you’ve accessed the Advanced startup options.
  • After you access the Advanced Startup options, select Command Prompt by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the following command and hit Enter:
bootrec /fixboot
  • After entering the command, wait until the process is completed and then restart your computer to apply the changes made successfully.

Option 4 – Run the CHKDSK command to repair hard disk errors

Running the Chkdsk utility could help you fix the UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME error. If your hard drive has issues with integrity, the update will really fail as the system will think that it’s not healthy and that’s where the Chkdsk utility comes in. The Chkdsk utility repairs hard drive errors that might be causing the problem.
  • After you access the Advanced Startup options, select Command Prompt by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the following command and hit Enter:
chkdsk /f /r
  • The command you entered will scan the hard disk for any errors and will automatically fix it if it finds some issues. Wait for the process to be completed and then reboot your PC.
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Fix Could not find the Recovery Environment
If you suddenly find the Windows Recovery Environment not working and you see an error message saying, “Could not find the recovery environment”, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on how you can fix it. In times when you can’t boot into the Windows Recovery Environment, there could be several reasons behind it. However, have you ever wondered where exactly the Windows Recovery Environment is in your computer? Windows initially places the Windows RE Image file in the installation partition during Windows Setup so if you have installed Windows in the C drive, you can find the Windows RE at the C:/Windows/System32/Recovery or C:/Recovery folder. Keep in mind that this folder is hidden and later on, the system copies the image file into the recovery tools partition to make sure that one can boot into recovery if there are any issues with the drive partition. The “Could not find the recovery environment” error mostly occurs if the Windows Recovery Environment is disabled or if the “Winre.wim” file is corrupted. Thus, to fix this error, you need to refer to the given suggestions below.

Option 1 – Try to enable Windows Recovery Environment

  • In the Windows Start Search, type “PowerShell” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Windows PowerShell and then select the “Run as administrator” option to open it with admin privileges.
  • Next, type the “reagentc /info” command and tap Enter to execute it.
  • After that, if the output states that Status is enabled, then you’re all set.
  • Now type the “reagentc /enable” command and tap Enter to enable the Windows Recovery Environment. You will see a success message at the end signifying that Windows RE is available.

Option 2 – Try to fix the corrupted or missing “Winre.wim” file

If the Winre.wim file is either corrupted or missing, you need to get a new copy of this file from another computer where the Windows RE is working. Once you’re able to get a new copy of the Winre.wim file, you have to set the image path to a new location. For more details, refer to these steps:
  • First, type “Powershell” in Windows Start Search and right-click on Windows PowerShell from the results, and select Run as administrator.
  • Next, execute the given command below to change the path of the WIM file to the new location. Note that the steps should be used when the file path of the Windows Recovery Environment is different from the usual spot.
Reagentc /setreimage /path C:RecoveryWindowsRE
  • As mentioned, if the file is corrupted, you just have to get a new copy from another PC but before you do that, make sure that the WINRE on that computer is disabled (just enable it later on) and then place it in the C:/Recovery path and then set its path again using the command given above and then verify its path by executing the following command.
reagentc /info command
Note: Since the Recovery folder is hidden as well as the WINRE folder in it and you won’t be able to access them using the Windows File Explorer, you need to use the Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt so that you can access them.

Option 3 – Try checking and fixing the WinRE Reference in the Windows Boot Loader

The Windows Boot Loader is the one that determines if it has to load the Windows Recovery Environment. It could be that the boot loader is pointing to an incorrect location which is why you’re getting the error. To resolve it, you have to check and fix the WinRE Reference in the boot loader. How? Follow these steps:
  • In the Windows Start Search, type “PowerShell” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Windows PowerShell and then select the “Run as administrator” option to open it with admin privileges.
  • After that, execute the “bcdedit /enum all” command.
  • Next, look for an entry in the Windows Boot Loader identifier set as Current and look for “recoverysequence” in that section and take note of the GUID.
  • Ensure that the device and the osdevice items show the path for the Winre.wim file and that they are the same. If not, you need to point the current identifier to the one which has the same.
  • Once you’ve found the new GUID, execute this command: bcdedit /set {current} recoverysequence {GUID_which_has_same_path_of_device_and_device}
  • Now check if the error in the Recovery Environment is fixed or not.

Option 4 – Try creating a Recovery Media

You could also try creating a Recovery Media to resolve the error in the Windows RE. All you have to do is download the Windows 10 ISO file using the Media Creation tool and then create a recovery drive. Once you’re done, check if it fixes the problem or not.
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Linkury Smartbar Engine Removal Guide for Windows

Linkury Smartbar Engine is a Brower Toolbar for Internet Explorer. Upon investigation, we discovered that this toolbar does not work with the latest versions of Internet Explorer.

From the Author:

What the Smartbar does: – Changes the default search engine in your web browser’s built-in search box. – Changes the default home page of your web browser. – Adds alternative “page not found” functionality. – Enable search from the address bar of your web browser. – Allows software updates of the application once a new version is released. – Adds, removes, or modifies components interacting with search input fields.

While installed, users may see additional unwanted ads throughout their browsing sessions.

Several anti-virus applications have marked this toolbar as a Browser Hijacker, and it is not recommended to keep it on your computer, especially if you are using a newer version of internet explorer that renders this toolbar useless.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means a malicious program code has taken control over and modified the settings of your browser, without your permission. Browser hijackers will do a number of things on a computer. These are typically used to force visitors to a particular site, manipulating web traffic to earn ad revenue. It may appear naive, but the majority of these sites are not legitimate and may pose a serious threat to your online safety. They did not just screw up your web browsers, but browser hijackers can also modify the system registry, leaving your computer susceptible to other attacks.

How you can determine if your browser is hijacked

When your browser is hijacked, the following could happen: home-page is changed; you see new unwanted favorites or bookmarks added, usually directed to advertisement-filled or pornography sites; the default browser settings are changed and/or your default web engine is altered; you find unsolicited new toolbars added; never-ending pop-up adverts appear and/or your web browser pop-up blocker is disabled; your web browser starts running slowly or exhibits frequent errors; you can’t visit specific websites like home pages of security software.

Precisely how browser hijacker infects computer systems

Browser hijackers could use drive-by downloads or file-sharing websites or perhaps an e-mail attachment in order to reach a targeted computer. They may also come from any BHO, browser extension, add-on, toolbar, or plug-in with malicious intent. A browser hijacker can be installed as a part of freeware, shareware, demoware, and fake programs. A good example of a well-known browser hijacker is the latest Chinese malware called “Fireball”, which has infected 250 million PCs across the world. It works as a hijacker but can be turned into a fully functioning malware downloader afterward. The existence of any browser hijacker malware on your system could substantially diminish the web browsing experience, monitor your internet activities that lead to serious privacy concerns, create system stability problems and ultimately cause your PC to slow down or to a nearly unusable state.

Removing browser hijackers

Some kinds of browser hijackers can be removed from your computer by deleting malicious software applications or any other recently added freeware. At times, it could be a tough job to find and eliminate the malicious program since the associated file could be running as part of the operating system process. Also, manual removals require in-depth system understanding and thus can be a very difficult job for novice computer users. Browser hijackers could be effectively removed by installing and running an anti-malware program on the affected PC. To eradicate any kind of browser hijacker from your laptop or computer, you could download this certified malware removal application – SafeBytes Anti-Malware. Utilize a system optimizer together with your anti-malware software to fix various computer registry problems, eliminate computer vulnerabilities, and enhance your computer's overall performance.

Help! Malware Blocking Anti-virus Installation And Access To The Web

Practically all malware is bad, but certain kinds of malware do a lot more damage to your computer than others. Some malware sits in between the computer and your net connection and blocks some or all websites that you really want to check out. It would also block you from installing anything on your machine, especially anti-virus software. If you are reading this now, you have probably recognized that a malware infection is the real cause of your blocked web traffic. So how to proceed if you need to download and install an anti-malware application such as Safebytes? There are some steps you can take to circumvent this issue.

Eliminate viruses in Safe Mode

If the malware is set to load at Windows start-up, then booting in Safe Mode should prevent it. Only the minimum required applications and services are loaded whenever you start your laptop or computer in Safe Mode. You need to do the following to remove malware in Safe mode. 1) After switching on the computer, hit the F8 key before the Windows splash screen starts to load. This should bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Select Safe Mode with Networking using arrow keys and hit ENTER. 3) As soon as this mode loads, you will have an internet connection. Now, utilize your web browser normally and navigate to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) Right after installation, run a complete scan and let the program get rid of the threats it detects.

Switch over to some other browser

Web-based malware can be environment-specific, aiming for a particular web browser or attacking particular versions of the web browser. The best solution to overcome this issue is to choose a browser that is well known for its security features. Firefox has built-in Phishing and Malware Protection to help keep you safe online.

Install antivirus on a USB drive

To successfully remove the malware, you will need to approach the issue of installing an antivirus program on the infected computer system from a different angle. To run antivirus using a thumb drive, follow these simple measures: 1) On a virus-free computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the Thumb drive into the clean computer. 3) Double click on the exe file to run the installation wizard. 4) Choose a USB drive as the location when the wizard asks you where you wish to install the software. Follow activation instructions. 5) Transfer the pen drive from the clean PC to the infected PC. 6) Double-click the antivirus software EXE file on the USB flash drive. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a scan on the affected computer for malware.

SafeBytes Anti-Malware Features

In order to protect your personal computer from many different internet-based threats, it’s important to install anti-malware software on your PC. But with so many anti-malware companies in the market, these days it’s challenging to decide which one you should purchase for your laptop. Some are really worth your money, but most aren’t. You must choose one that is efficient, practical, and has a strong reputation for its malware protection. While considering the trustworthy applications, Safebytes Anti-Malware is undoubtedly the strongly recommended one. SafeBytes anti-malware is really a powerful, highly effective protection application created to assist users of all levels of IT literacy in identifying and eliminating harmful threats from their PC. With its most advanced virus detection and repair technology, this software protects your PC against infections caused by different kinds of malware and similar internet threats, including adware, spyware, viruses, worms, trojans, keyloggers, potentially unwanted program (PUPs), and ransomware.

SafeBytes anti-malware offers a myriad of advanced features that sets it aside from all others. Here are some of the best ones:

Most Reliable AntiMalware Protection: Built upon a highly acclaimed antivirus engine, this malware removal application can detect and get rid of the most stubborn malware threats like browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other common anti-virus programs will miss. Real-time Threat Response: SafeBytes provides totally hands-free live protection and is set to check, block, and get rid of all computer threats at its very first encounter. They’re extremely efficient in screening and getting rid of numerous threats since they’re constantly revised with the latest updates and alerts. Web Protection: SafeBytes checks the links present on a web page for possible threats and notifies you whether the site is safe to browse or not, through its unique safety rating system. “Fast Scan” Features: Safebytes AntiMalware, using its enhanced scanning engine, gives super-fast scanning that can quickly target any active internet threat. Light-weight: This program is lightweight and can work silently in the background, and will not have an effect on your PC efficiency. 24/7 Online Support: Support service is accessible 24 x 7 x 365 days via email and chats to answer your concerns. To sum it up, SafeBytes has developed a meaningful anti-malware solution that is aimed to protect you against various malware. You can be sure that your PC will be protected in real-time once you put this software to use. So when you want advanced forms of protection features & threat detections, buying SafeBytes Anti-Malware could be worth the money!

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you do not wish to use an automated tool and prefer to eliminate Linkury Smartbar Engine manually, you might do so by going to the Add/Remove Programs menu in the control panel and removing the offending program; in cases of web browser plug-ins, you may uninstall it by visiting the browsers Add-on/Extension manager. You’ll likely also want to reset your web browser. To be certain of complete removal, find the following Windows registry entries on your system and eliminate them or reset the values appropriately. Please note that this is for advanced users only and might be difficult, with wrong file removal leading to additional system errors. Furthermore, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. Carrying out this in Safe Mode is suggested.
Files: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\Lrcnta.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Linkury\Application\Linkury.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\QuickShare.exe %USERPROFILE%\Local\AppData\Smartbar\Application\Delta.exe %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\WCService\WCService.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\Luckysave.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\Muvic.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Linkury\Application\Smartbar.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\SavePass.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\SafeFinder.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\WhiteSmoke.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\BrowserHelper.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\SnapDo.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\ProductsRemovalTool.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\MagicBox.exe Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Linkury_RASMANCS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Linkury_RASAPI32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\Linkury_RASMANCS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\Linkury_RASAPI32 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION, value: Linkury.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\C5670CA607D1C7C4AA305DE018401AA3 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Features\C5670CA607D1C7C4AA305DE018401AA3 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Linkury HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg\Browser Infrastructure Helper HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\LinkurySmartBar.LinkurySmartBarBandObject HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\LinkurySmartBar.LinkuryMenuForm HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\LinkurySmartBar.DockingPanel HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\LinkurySmartBar.BandObjectAttribute HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: Linkury Chrome Smartbar HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Mntz_Installer_RASAPI32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Mntz_Installer_RASMANCS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\Mntz_Installer_RASAPI32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sulpnar HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\Stpro HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Stpro HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\mtPlusdax HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\mtPlusdax
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What to do if you cannot switch between Programs on Taskbar in Windows 10
It is common to run multiple programs and applications at the same time and it’s important to be able to switch between them using their Taskbar icons or using the usual Alt + Tab shortcut. However, there are times when you might suddenly find that neither of the aforementioned methods worked and you will no longer be able to switch between programs in the Windows Taskbar. To fix this issue, refer to the options given in this post. For instance, when you have multiple instances of Microsoft Edge running and every time you press the Alt + Tab combo nothing happens so you are left with no choice but to minimize everything and then hover your mouse on the icon and switch between the instances of Edge. You will also notice that the right-click on the taskbar won’t respond back and will only keep on showing the loading circle icon. Here are a few tips you can follow to fix the issue with the Windows 10 Taskbar.

Option 1 – Try to restart the Windows Explorer

This is one of the basic things you can try as restarting Windows Explorer helps in refreshing the user interface and makes most of the things work in relation to the user interface.
  • To get started, tap the Alt + Ctrl + Del keys to pull up the Windows Task Manager.
  • After opening Task Manager, look for “explorer.exe” under the list of programs.
  • Once you find the explorer.exe, right-click on it and click Restart.

Option 2 – Try changing the Foreground Lock Time

Aside from restarting Windows Explorer, you could also try changing the Foreground Lock Time to fix the issue with the Taskbar.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type in regedit in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, go to this registry key – HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop
  • Next, change the ForegroundLockTimeout value from200000 to 0. After that, it will make sure that no other application will take away the focus from your current program or application. It could be that some other application has taken away the focus and even when you try to actually switch, the focus gets back to the old one. Anyhow, since you already changed the value of ForegroundLockTimeout, it will ensure that the focus is not switched.
Note: If you are running some Full-Screen applications there are some devices especially the gaming ones, disable the Windows key to make sure that you won’t be able to switch. If this is the case, you need to make some modifications to the Full-Screen games.
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0x80072ee7

Error Code 0x80072ee7 - What is it?

Error Code 0x80072ee7 is an error code that is most commonly associated with Windows 10 and the use of the Windows Store. Several things can cause this error, which has been present as an error message in Windows 10 and all the way back through Windows 8.

Common symptoms include:

  • An error message when you attempt to connect to the Windows Store.
  • Inability to download or install purchases from the Windows Store.

Fortunately, there are several simple methods that can be used to attempt to resolve Error Code 0x80072ee7 on your Windows machine. These methods don’t require advanced computer knowledge or familiarity with high-level tools, so the average user should be able to complete them without help. However, if you feel like you need assistance in resolving Error Code 0x80072ee7, always contact a qualified Windows repair technician who can assist you.


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are four basic things that can cause Error Code 0x80072ee7 to appear on a Windows device. The first is that the connection to the Internet is limited in some manner, either due to a system or equipment error. Secondly, some parts of the update components could be missing. Next, an error within the DNS can be a cause. Finally, having any kind of compatibility errors on the machine (for example, between the antivirus software that you run and the Windows Update tool) can lead to the appearance of Error Code 0x80072ee7.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are a few different methods that you can try in order to resolve the appearance of Error Code 0x80072ee7 on your Windows machine. These are fairly simple to complete, but if you do not feel confident in your ability to carry them out successfully, you may want to get in touch with a qualified computer repair technician to help you.

Here are the best methods to employ as you seek to resolve Error Code 0x80072ee7 on your Windows device:

Method One: Check Your Connection

Make sure that you are able to connect to the Internet by visiting several common sites like Google in order to ensure that your issue is not related to your Internet service provider or the equipment that you are using to access the Internet.

Method Two: Use an Alternative DNS

If you believe that your DNS connection may be the problem, you can change the specific DNS that you are using to one that is provided by Google. This can resolve any conflicts that may occur because of the IP address detected on your device. In order to do this, simply follow these steps:

  • Step One: Go into your control panel and click on the option for “Network and Internet,” then select “Network and Sharing Center.” You’ll want to find the option to “change adapter settings,” which is normally located on the left bar of the navigation panel.
  • Step Two: Find the connection method that you are employing (i.e. Wi-Fi network).
  • Step Three: Right-click and find the connection properties menu. Under the TCP/IPV4 menu, click on the option to change your DNS numbers to manual entry and set your preferred DNS server to “” and your alternate server to “”.

Once these steps are complete, you can reattempt to connect to the Windows Store. You may need to restart your computer before connecting.

Method Three: Run the Fix It Tool from Windows

Microsoft has created a great tool that can automatically scan your computer for a number of common errors and attempt to fix them as they are encountered. This can be downloaded directly from the Windows site and can be used to try to fix not only Error Code 0x80072ee7 but also many other error messages that may pop up on your computer.

After you have run the Fix It tool, it is always a good idea to restart your computer to allow any changes that have been made to fully take effect.

Method Four: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0xc00000fd

Error Code 0xc00000fd - What is it?

In its most basic essence, Error Code 0xc00000fd appears when a program can not be initiated. It can occur when a file or program is corrupted, incompatible with the current version of the operating system, or out of date.

This error code occurs primarily in Windows but is also present in previous editions of the operating system. The symptoms of this error and the resolution methods for each of these systems are essentially resolved in the same way.

Common symptoms include:

  • Failure of programs to open properly, even if they were able to be opened in the past
  • The appearance of an error message stating that the application couldn’t be started correctly

There are several different things that Windows 10 users can do to try to fix the appearance of Error Code 0xc00000fd on their machine. Some of these methods are fairly simple for the average user, while others may require advanced knowledge and comfort with diving into the deeper tools and settings of the Windows operating system. If you have difficulty in implementing the methods below, contact a qualified Windows repair technician to assist you in the resolution of the error code.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error Code 0xc00000fd can arise when program files are not recognized properly by the operating system, when the operating system is no longer compatible with the program being run, when files are missing or corrupted, or when the program has been changed in a substantial way. Each of these causes requires a different method of resolution.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Several methods can be used to attempt to resolve Error Code 0xc00000fd on your computer. Basic users can use some of these methods, while others require familiarity with advanced tools and options in Windows. If you have trouble implementing the steps below, contact a qualified professional to assist you. Here are the top ways to deal with Error Code 0xc00000fd on your machine:

Method One:  Check for Updates using the Windows Update Tool

In some cases, compatibility issues can be resolved through updates and patches available directly from Microsoft via the Windows Update tool. This is most likely the case if you have not kept up with regular updates on your machine over time. In your settings, open up the Windows Update tool and run a scan to see if there are any required updates available for your programs or for the operating system itself. If there are updates, install them, then reboot your computer to make sure that all updates are able to be fully applied to your operating system. Attempt to open the program that caused the error after you are finished to see if this method addressed the problem fully or if an additional method needs to be used.

Method Two:  Roll Back to an Earlier Version of the Updates

Sometimes, an update can cause a compatibility issue. If you have previously been able to open the program in question without any problems, but have recently installed an update on your computer, that update may have been the source of the problem. If this is the case, roll your system back to an earlier stage of updates to see if that fixes the problem. If so, you may need to wait to reinstall the updates until Microsoft corrects the issue.

Method Three:  Run Scans on Your Registry, Antivirus Software, Drivers, and Update Troubleshooters

If there truly is a corrupted or missing file within the program that you are trying to run, you can open up several tools to scan for the file that may be causing the trouble and attempt to fix it. Run the following tools to try to fix the problems:
  • Windows Registry Repair Tool (this particular tool may take some time to complete)
  • Windows Update Troubleshooting Wizard
  • Windows Drivers Updates
  • Antivirus software or Microsoft Security Essentials
After running each of these tools, restart your computer to allow any necessary changes to be applied to your system. If the above methods do not fix error Code 0xc00000fd on your particular device or if you do not have the confidence and knowledge to implement these steps on your own, get in touch with a Windows repair professional who can help you to resolve the problem.

Method 4: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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