
Fix Windows Update error 0xC1900209

What is Windows Update Error 0xC1900209? Before you can install any updates on your Windows 10 computer, there are a lot of conditions that have to be fulfilled and one of these conditions is software compatibility. It is one of the important factors in installing Windows Updates. So if one of the software in your computer is not compatible with the new Windows Update for your OS, then the Windows 10 setup will not proceed and will block the installation of the new update. This both applies to the cumulative updates and feature updates. In such cases, you will get the following error message when you run Windows Update:

“0xC1900209, Incompatible software is blocking the upgrade process. Uninstall the application and try the upgrade again.”

This error message comes under the umbrella of the Windows 10 pre-upgrade validation using Setup.exe. And for you to identify the incompatible app, you need to grab a Windows 10 install image using the Windows Media Creation tool to download the suitable Windows 10 version and mount it. After that, execute the setup.exe file that’s located in the root folder of the Windows 10 install image. Once you execute the setup file, the upgrade wizard will give you a list of incompatible apps.

Once you have determined which software is not compatible with the Windows Update, there are two options you can try to resolve the Windows Update error 0xC1900209 – you can either try to update the conflicting software or uninstall it. For more details, follow the given options below.

Option 1 – Try to update the conflicting software

If you are using an older version of the software that’s in conflict with the Windows Update, you might want to update it to its latest version and then try to apply the updates again to your Windows 10 computer. You can update the concerned software by visiting the official website of the software or any of its distribution sources. On the other hand, you can also use the Check for updates feature of that particular software if it’s available.

Option 2 – Try to uninstall the conflicting software

If updating the problematic program didn’t work, the next option you can try is to uninstall it. All you have to do is follow these steps to uninstall it successfully:

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “appwiz.cpl” in the field and tap Enter to open the Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  • Next, arrange the list of installed programs in the order of the installation date.
  • After that, look for the problematic program and right-click on it, and then select Uninstall.
  • Once the uninstallation process is done, restart your computer and see if the Windows Update error 0xC1900209 is fixed or not.

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Fix oobesettings error inside Windows 11
oobesettingsOobesttings error is the blue screen of death error caused by some faulty settings inside the Windows registry. The good news is that this is not a hard error to fix and if by any chance you are one of the unfortunate people getting this dreaded annoying error, please do keep reading because we have several things that you can do in order to eliminate this issue from your computer.

Reboot your system

This is the easiest and straightforward solution and can work sometimes since if the system has not been properly rebooted in a while memory could be filled with various processes and it can trigger oobesettings error. A simple restart of the system can solve the issue by decluttering files and emptying memory.

Scan and repair with SFC

If rebooting the system was not helpful and sadly you still receive an error then let's scan and repair system files by using Windows built-in tool SFC. In order to use this, we will have to run the command prompt in elevated administrator mode. Follow instructions closely. First click on the search icon on the taskbar and type in CMD The command prompt will show as a search result, on the right side click on Run as administrator. Once it opens type in following command: sfc /scannow and press ENTER Wait for the process to finish completely and restart your device after.

Repair the system registry

If the SFC scan has not repaired the issue then we will move to the next solution that involves repairing the system registry itself. Please note that you need to follow step-by-step for provided instructions since playing with the system registry can cause some serious issues if not done properly and can even render the system unstable. That being said, let's begin: Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open Windows run dialog Type inside regedit and press ENTER Inside registry editor locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/ Memory Management. and click on it to see properties Inside the properties right-click on CommitLimit value and choose delete. Confirm with yes. Close registry editor and reboot your computer.

Reset Windows 11

If even clearing key inside the registry editor has not helped next step would be to reset the system itself. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings and click on System on the left. Inside on the right part click on Recovery In recovery click on the button next to Reset this PC that says Reset PC Choose between keep my files and remove everything (a better option is remove everything, but be sure that you have all your files on a separate drive backed up) Choose between Cloud Download or Local reinstall. Click on next to confirm choices and after that on Reset to start the reset process. Follow onscreen instructions until it is fully done.
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Happy New Year from ErrorTools.com!!!
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Delete files and folders using Command Prompt
There are times when you might find it difficult to delete folders or files in File Explorer and it could be due to many reasons. One of these reasons can be attributed to the failure that can lock down the folders or files which prevents you from deleting them. In this kind of situation, you can utilize the Command Prompt to delete the folders, sub-folders, and files on your computer, and in this post, you will be guided on how exactly you can do that. Before you proceed, keep in mind that when you use the Command Prompt incorrectly, it might affect your computer and render it inoperable, thus, you must be extra careful when executing the steps given below and it would also be better if you create a System Restore Point. After that, refer to the following instructions. Step 1: First, in the Start Search, type “command prompt” in the field and from the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and then select the “Run as administrator” option to open Command Prompt with admin privileges. Step 2: After opening Command Prompt as admin, navigate to the folder where the file you want to delete is located. Note that you have to execute the “cd” or the change directory command. Step 3: Next, execute the following command in Command Prompt:
DEL /F /A <file path with extension>
Note: In the given command, “/F” is the force delete command, while “/A” is the command that selects the files with the ready for archiving attribute. Step 4: After that, go to the location where you can find the folder you want to delete by using the “cd” command again. And then execute the following command right after:
RD /S <folder path>
Note: In the given command, “RD” is the command that removes the folder from the directory, while “/S” removes all of its sub-folders and files. On the other hand, if you also use the “/Q” parameter, you won’t see the “Y/N” confirmation but if you didn’t use it, then simply tap the Y button to proceed.
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Find files fast using command prompt
Finding files via File Explorer can be a really slow and tedious process and if you are searching often it can accumulate a lot of time loss. I am a person which often has assets for projects in several different folders and altho I am trying my best to be tidy and organized sometimes I can not remember where I have placed certain assets that I need, in this case in order for me to find a required asset I usually search it via command prompt because it is lightning fast and gives results in second not minutes compared to File Explorer. If you are in a similar position and you need fast results please read on as we dive deeper into the command prompt and its usage. To quickly open the command prompt press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to bring Windows secret menu and choose the command prompt, you can also choose the admin version but for sake of this specific task, there is no difference. keyboard with windows and x markedin the command prompt you need to type the next command:
dir \search term* /s
where search term* is well, what are you searching for. Now if you are looking for a specific file this command is straightforward, you just change search term* with file_name.extension and there you go, but know that this command can be used to be more powerful, for example, you can find all JPG files in your drive by typing dir \*.jpg /s or all files named work by typing dir \work.* /s " * " is a so-called joker sign, it replaces several characters with any in a given string, meaning that dr*s will give you all results with the first 2 letters dr and last one s. Use this to specify better search results and you will get your files in no time.
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Explanation of deep and dark WEB
Often when we connect to the internet were browsing indexed pages through some well-known search engine, usually Google. But beneath the so-called normal internet lurks deep and dark web. You might have heard of the deep web and dark web if you have some geeky friends and we are here to explain what exactly is the deep and dark web. The first thing to know is that the deep and dark web is not the same thing and they coexist separately from one another, you could say that beneath the deep web lies the dark web, yet another layer of the internet. So let us explore first the deep web. What is exactly a deep web?

Deep web, hidden web, or invisible web

as sometimes referenced are part of worldwide web not indexed by search engines, meaning that engines do not basically see and index content of deep web sites. The content of the deep web is hidden behind HTTP forms and includes many very common uses such as webmail, online banking, private or otherwise restricted access social-media pages and profiles, some web forums that require registration for viewing content, and services that users must pay for, and which are protected by paywalls, such as video on demand and some online magazines and newspapers. The content of the deep web can be located and accessed by a direct URL or IP address but may require a password or other security access to get past public website pages. While it is not always possible to directly discover a specific web server's content so that it may be indexed, a site potentially can be accessed indirectly (due to computer vulnerabilities). To discover content on the web, search engines use web crawlers that follow hyperlinks through known protocol virtual port numbers. This technique is ideal for discovering content on the surface web but is often ineffective at finding deep web content. For example, these crawlers do not attempt to find dynamic pages that are the result of database queries due to the indeterminate number of queries that are possible. It has been noted that this can be (partially) overcome by providing links to query results, but this could unintentionally inflate the popularity of a member of the deep web.

Dark WEB

The dark web is the World Wide Web content that exists on darknets: overlay networks that use the Internet but require specific software, configurations, or authorization to access. Through the dark web, private computer networks can communicate and conduct business anonymously without divulging identifying information, such as a user's location. The dark web forms a small part of the deep web, the part of the Web not indexed by web search engines, although sometimes the term deep web is mistakenly used to refer specifically to the dark web. The darknets which constitute the dark web include small, friend-to-friend peer-to-peer networks, as well as large, popular networks such as Tor, Freenet, I2P, and Riffle operated by public organizations and individuals. Users of the dark web refer to the regular web as Clearnet due to its unencrypted nature. The Tor dark web or Onionland uses the traffic anonymization technique of onion routing under the network's top-level domain suffix .onion.

Dark & Deep WEB difference

The dark web has often been conflated with the deep web, the parts of the web not indexed (searchable) by search engines. The dark web forms a small part of the deep web but requires custom software in order to access its content. This confusion dates back to at least 2009. Since then, especially in reporting on Silk Road, the two terms have often been conflated, despite recommendations that they should be distinguished. Darknet websites are accessible only through networks such as Tor ("The Onion Routing" project) and I2P ("Invisible Internet Project"). Tor browser and Tor-accessible sites are widely used among darknet users and can be identified by the domain ".onion". While Tor focuses on providing anonymous access to the Internet, I2P specializes in allowing anonymous hosting of websites. Identities and locations of darknet users stay anonymous and cannot be tracked due to the layered encryption system. The darknet encryption technology routes users' data through a large number of intermediate servers, which protects the users' identity and guarantees anonymity. The transmitted information can be decrypted only by a subsequent node in the scheme, which leads to the exit node. The complicated system makes it almost impossible to reproduce the node path and decrypt the information layer by layer. Due to the high level of encryption, websites are not able to track the geolocation and IP of their users, and users are not able to get this information about the host. Thus, communication between darknet users is highly encrypted allowing users to talk, blog, and share files confidentially.


The darknet is also used for illegal activity such as illegal trade, forums, and media exchange for pedophiles and terrorists. At the same time, traditional websites have created alternative accessibility for the Tor browser in an effort to connect with their users. ProPublica, for example, launched a new version of its website available exclusively to Tor users.
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Microsoft Store not opening
When Windows 10 was introduced as an upgrade to Windows 7 and 8, a lot were thrilled because of its new features. One of the most interesting features that this has is the Microsoft Store. Just like in our tablets and smartphones, we can now download our favorite apps from a trusted source. Without the Microsoft store app, you can’t download any applications that you can use on your computer. But what happens if you can’t open your Microsoft Store or you accidentally uninstalled it? The most common error that users encounter when accessing Microsoft Store is the error code 0x80072efd. This error code appears when there is a problem with the internet connection. To resolve this, troubleshoot your modem by doing a simple power cycle. Turn off your modem and wait for a couple of minutes and turn it back on. It should refresh your internet. This works if there is really no problem on the Service provider’s side. Disable your Proxy server, if you are using one to access the internet. To do this, press Windows + R keys on your keyboard. Type “inetcpl.cpl” in the box and go to Connection. Next, click on LAN settings then tick on the box next to Automatically detect settings. Uncheck the box below Proxy Server Among the useful apps that came with the Windows 10 upgrade is PowerShell. It allows you to install and uninstall individual and all apps by using a series of commands. So you don’t have to worry if you can’t find your Microsoft Store or if you accidentally delete it. To access PowerShell, type in the word PowerShell into the search box found beside your Window Icon. Look for PowerShell from the results and right-click on it and hit Run as Administrator.

When you are in the PowerShell window, enter the command below:

Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsStore | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml"
Another option is to download a Windows Update Troubleshooter. After you download it, open the troubleshooter tool and follow the steps. If you saved the file instead of directly opening it, go to the folder where the troubleshooter was saved and double click on the wu.diagcab file to rub the troubleshooter. One of the most interesting error codes that you might encounter when accessing the Microsoft store is error code 1. This particular error code is resolved by changing your PC’s region to the United States. To do this, go to Settings and look for Time & Language. Then go to region and language. Under the Country or region, choose the United States from the dropdown menu then restart your computer. The troubleshooting procedures above are the most common solution to resolve the problem on Microsoft Store issues but there are times that these procedures won’t work. If you are not confident to resolve this through the procedures mentioned in this article, there are so many tools online that you can download to help you out. It also helps to contact Microsoft or consult a technician to ensure that you are doing the correct procedure.
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Create BlueTooth shortcut on desktop
If you have a BlueTooth device on your computer, you know that each time you need to receive or transfer the file you need to find the icon in the system tray, right-click on it and choose the desired option. But there is a simpler solution, create a Bluetooth icon on the desktop so it is always easy to access. Open File Explorer by pressing ⊞ WINDOWS + E Go to C:\Windows\System32 Find fsquirt.exe Right-click on it and choose copy Go to the desktop and right-click, choose paste Rename the file to Bluetooth And, you are done!
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Mozilla VPN is here

The new thing from Mozilla is not a browser, it is a VPN!

Besides Firefox, Mozilla offers now Firefox Relay, an app helping you to mask your email and phone number, and a new Mozilla VPN.

mozilla vpn

Mozilla has recently announced a new subscription model that will let you use all products together for $6.99 per month. Although this is a little more expensive than the competition that goes around for $5 per month note that with this subscription you are having access to all services, not just VPN.

VPN will not only hide your IP address but will also make sure websites cannot access your real location and it encrypts all of your network activity. Relay will give you protection against spam, serving as a shield for your email and limiting spammers from access to your real email address and phone number. With Mozilla subscription will let you use both services.

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How to Deal With Error Code 42

Code 42 - What is it?

Code 42 Error is referred to as a Device Manager Error code. Before we explain what this code indicates, it is important to understand what ‘Device Manager’ is and its functions.

Device Manager is basically a Windows tool that helps manage devices attached to the system such as the Printer, Scanner and the USB Device. The Device Manager Error code 42 occurs when a duplicate device is detected.

Error Code 42 is displayed in the following format:

“Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because there is a duplicate device already running in the system. Code 42”


driverfix boxError Causes

Narrowing down to one particular cause for error code 42 is not virtually possible because it may be triggered due to many underlying reasons. These include:

  • When a bus driver incorrectly generates and creates 2 identically named devices
  • When a device with a serial number is found in a new location without being removed from its original location
  • Mis-configured drivers

No matter what the reason for this error code,, to avoid inconvenience and to ensure proper hardware performance, it is advisable to fix it right away without any delay.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you’re not technically sound, the code 42 message display can panic you. But don’t worry, the error message sounds complex but it is quite easy to fix.

To resolve code 42 in a few minutes, simply try the methods given below. These methods are easy-to-perform, effective and more importantly require no technical expertise.

Method 1 - Restart Your System

Code 42 can pop up due to some temporary glitch in the Device Manager. By simply restarting your PC, you can resolve this problem.

Therefore, first things first, restart your system. However, in case it doesn’t work out, try other methods.

Method 2 - Launch the Troubleshooting Wizard

Launch the troubleshooting wizard to find the underlying problem and resolve it accordingly. To do this, proceed with the following steps:

  • Go to the start menu
  • Type Device Manager in the search bar and press enter
  • Now click on the ‘General Tab’
  • Then click on ‘Trouble Shoot’ to launch the Troubleshooting Wizard
  • After that follow the instructions in this Wizard to diagnose the problem and resolve it.

Method 3 - Restore Your PC to its Previous State

Another method to fix code 42 is to use the System Restore tool to restore your PC to its previous working state before the error popped up. To do this,

  • Go to the start menu
  • Type System Restore in the search bar and press enter
  • Now click on ‘Restore my computer to an earlier time’ and then click ‘Next’
  • After that select the restore point on the restore point list and confirm settings
  • Restart your PC to activate changes
  • Before restoring your PC to its previous state, create a backup. By creating data backup you can avoid data loss issues, which are likely to occur during this process.

Creating backup manually can be time-consuming and a painstaking task. The best way to create backup and restore your PC to its normal state is to download DriverFIX.

It is a user-friendly device driver management software that helps create data backup automatically and simultaneously restores your PC back to its normal working state in a few seconds.

This software is compatible with all Windows versions.

Click here to download DriverFIX on your system to resolve error code 42.

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Windows Search not searching the entire PC
There are times when the Windows Search results do not include what you want to search. However, if you are trying to search for something that’s located on your desktop and Libraries, they would appear right away on the search results. Actually, the issue is not with the search but with the list of files and folders that Windows can index. If you encounter this issue, read on as this post will guide you on how to fix it. The Windows 10 operating system, ever since Windows v1903 was released, offers two kinds of searches – the classic and the enhanced search. You may have to add more folders to the classic search or use the enhanced mode to resolve the issue. In other words, to fix the problem with the Start Menu Search, you can try to enable the Enhanced Mode or add folders to the Class Search or remove the excluded folders, as well as run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter. For more information, refer to each one of the options provided below.

Option 1 – Try to enable the Enhanced Mode

To fix the problem, you have to enable the Enhanced Mode search and configure the folders you want to be indexed. How? Follow these steps:
  • First, you have to go to Settings > Search > Searching Windows.
  • Next, select the radio button for the Enhanced option.
  • After that, select the folders you want the Windows Indexer to exclude from the Enhanced Search mode.

Option 2 – Try to add folders to the Class Search

If you don’t want to enable the Enhanced search mode, then you might want to add folders that are important to you. All you have to do is configure the Search Indexing Options by following these steps:
  • Go to Settings > Search > Classic and from there, click on the “Customize search locations” option.
  • Next, click on Modify in the pop-up window that appears.
  • Then add drives and folders that are important to you. Once the indexing is completed, Windows will be able to find the file and display it in the search results.

Option 3 – Try removing the excluded folders

If you have already enabled the Enhanced mode but your files still don’t appear, then you might want to check out the excluded folder list.
  • The first thing you have to do is go to Search and from there, you will find a list of folders under the Excluded folder list.
  • Next, click on the excluded folder that you want to remove by clicking on the “Remove Excluded folders” button.
  • If you are using the Classic search, you have to check if the index has restrictions on the file type. You can find it in Advanced options > File Types.
Note: If you want to search in Documents, you could also enable the Index Properties and File Contents. This should resolve the problem.

Option 4 – Try to run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter in Windows 10 as it checks whether the settings for the Windows Start Search are in place and automatically corrects any issues if the update or software installation has changed the settings. To run it just click on the Start button and select Settings > Updates and Security > Troubleshoot. From there, select the Search and Indexing Troubleshooter.
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