
Create BlueTooth shortcut on desktop

If you have a BlueTooth device on your computer, you know that each time you need to receive or transfer the file you need to find the icon in the system tray, right-click on it and choose the desired option. But there is a simpler solution, create a Bluetooth icon on the desktop so it is always easy to access.

Open File Explorer by pressing ⊞ WINDOWS + E

Go to C:\Windows\System32

Find fsquirt.exe

Right-click on it and choose copy

Go to the desktop and right-click, choose paste

Rename the file to Bluetooth

And, you are done!

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Manually cleaning your PC registry
Manually cleaning your PC registry may be the worst or best thing you ever decide to do. Registry keys that lie around on your computer, unused, can cause your computer to lag. This can end up in your computer not being able to load the easiest of programs and being slow at loading anything, let alone something that would take up a decent amount of memory. If your computer has slowed to almost an absolute stop, it is most probably the registry’s fault and the only option then is to clean it. You can get programs to do this for you, but they can be riddled with inaccuracies and viruses that could harm your computer even more. This is why some people choose to manually edit their computer. However, this is not without its flaws.

Registry Keys

Registry keys tend to have really long names. These names will be full of numbers and hyphens and will most likely give you no indication of what they do. Even some computer experts find it hard to understand what every computer’s registry keys do. This can make it very hard to see which ones are causing the problem; and if you don’t know what’s causing the problem, then there is no way you will be able to fix it. Some registry keys will be completely menial in what they do but some could be vital to even allow Windows to work on your computer.

Manual Registry Repair

Registry keys can also cause huge problems if you manually delete the wrong one. A lot of registry cleaners have the option to revive a key that they have deleted on you, which means that fixing an error that they made would be easy enough to do. However, when you manually delete registry keys, it will be an awful lot harder to get them back to work again afterward. This can cause your computer many problems and if you delete even one wrong key it is possible your computer will not even start. With the horrid naming system they have as well, it makes it very hard to determine what is important and what is not, which means it is all too likely that you will delete something important. However, those are the risks you have to take when you are cleaning out your registry. A registry cleaner has the same likelihood of messing with your computer and deleting something wrong that you have, so it is the same either way however a registry cleaner will do it with less hassle. But, some people say that if you do it yourself, it’s more likely to be right; that is why they prefer to do it manually and that is alright.


So, if you are manually deleting your registry keys that are unused, you’ll have to use a program that comes with Windows known as ‘regedit.exe’ which is incredibly difficult to use but may just be worth the hassle in the end. So, you don’t really need to put up with a slow computer, but be careful when messing with your registry manually! To repair and resolve this and other PC-related issues Click Here to download Restoro.
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How to remove CyboScan PC Optimizer

CyboScan PC Optimizer is promoted as a useful program that helps you clean unnecessary files and registry entries on the Windows Operating System. When installed CyboScan PC Optimizer will automatically scan your computer for issues. Upon reviewing the scan results, it was discovered that most, if not all of these issues were exaggerated, and removing them will not give the promised speed boost. The CyboScan PC Optimizer program appears to scan the Registry for installed anti-virus and anti-spyware shields and may recommend users to install products from partners. This Potentially Unwanted Program comes bundled with other Potentially Unwanted Applications that may harm your Operating System or lead to information compromise.

CyboScan PC Optimizer is also known as MySoftScans PC Cleaner, none of these offer any details about the development company and users will end up paying a fee of up to 99.95USD every 3 months for using the program.

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

You have encountered it – you download a free application, then you discover some unwanted applications on your computer or discover a strange toolbar has been added to your web browser. You did not install them, so how did they appear? These unwanted programs, which are called Potentially Unwanted Programs, or PUPs in short, typically tag along as a software bundle when downloading the application and can result in major problems for computer users. The idea of PUP was actually coined to outline this crapware as something other than malicious software. This is because, the majority of PUPs get into a computer not because they slip via the security holes, for instance, but mainly because the users have installed them themselves – 100 % unintentionally needless to say. Even though a PUP isn’t really malware by definition, it could nevertheless be dangerous software that puts the computer at risk exactly the same way a virus does.

Exactly how do unwanted programs look like?

Unwanted programs can be found in many forms. Typically, they could be found in adware bundlers which are known to utilize aggressive and misleading advertising. The majority of bundlers install many adware applications from several companies, each of which has its own EULA policy. Safebytes Anti-malware completely eliminates this threat and protects your machine against PUP or adware infection. Also, the majority of free programs nowadays come with a few unwanted add-ons; in most cases a web browser toolbar or browser modification such as a homepage hijacker. They may track your online routines, redirect your search results to unsafe websites where viruses can be downloaded and installed, hijack your search page, and slow your browser down to a crawl. PUPs lie inside the gray part of the software spectrum. Some PUPs contain keyloggers, dialers, and other software to gather your individual information which often can lead to identity theft. These are software programs that don’t really do anything useful to you; in addition to taking over space on the hard disk, they also slow down your computer, often alter settings without your permission, and the list of bothersome features goes on and on.

How one can prevent PUPs

• Read carefully before agreeing to the license agreement as it might possess a clause about PUPs. • Always pick the custom if you’re provided a choice between Recommended and Custom Installations – never click Next, Next, Next blindly. • Install reputable antivirus software, just like Safebytes Anti-malware that offers real-time protection against PUPs. • Do not download free applications or shareware unless you actually need it. Disable or remove toolbars and browser extensions you don’t actually need. • Always download software from the original site. The majority of PUPs find their way onto your PC is via download portals, so steer clear of it entirely. Remember that although PUPs can cause damage and hinder the proper functioning of your computer, they can’t enter into your computer without your permission, so be watchful not to give it to them.

Malware Blocking Internet And All Anti-Malware Software? Do This!

Malware can cause all kinds of damage when they invade your system, starting from stealing sensitive details to erasing files on your computer. Some malware variants modify web browser settings by adding a proxy server or modify the computer’s DNS settings. In such cases, you will be unable to visit some or all of the internet sites, and therefore unable to download or install the necessary security software to get rid of the computer virus. If you’re reading this article, odds are you’re stuck with a virus infection that is preventing you to download and/or install the Safebytes Anti-Malware program on your PC. There are a few options you can try to get around with this issue.

Make use of Safe Mode to resolve the issue

Safe Mode is a unique, simplified version of Windows in which just essential services are loaded to stop malware and also other problematic applications from loading. In the event, the malware is set to load automatically when the computer boots, switching to this particular mode may well prevent it from doing so. To start the computer into Safe Mode, hit the “F8” key on your keyboard right before the Windows logo screen shows up; Or after normal Windows boot up, run MSConfig, check “Safe Boot” under Boot tab, and then click Apply. Once you’re in Safe Mode, you can try to download and install your antivirus software application without the hindrance of the malicious software. Right after installation, run the malware scanner to remove most standard infections.

Utilize an alternate internet browser to download antivirus software

Some malware only targets certain browsers. If this is your case, use another internet browser as it may circumvent the virus. If you’re not able to download the antivirus application using Internet Explorer, it means malware may be targeting IE’s vulnerabilities. Here, you should switch to an alternate web browser like Firefox or Chrome to download Safebytes software.

Create a portable antivirus for removing malware

Here’s another solution which is using portable USB anti-malware software that can scan your system for viruses without the need for installation. Abide by these steps to run the anti-virus on the affected computer system. 1) On a virus-free computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the Flash drive into the uninfected computer. 3) Double click on the executable file to run the installation wizard. 4) Choose the USB stick as the location for saving the file. Follow activation instructions. 5) Transfer the thumb drive from the uninfected computer to the infected PC. 6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the USB drive by double-clicking the icon. 7) Click on “Scan Now” to run a scan on the infected computer for malware.

Protect Your Personal Computer From Viruses and Malware With SafeBytes Security Suite

If you’re looking to install an anti-malware program for your computer, there are various tools on the market to consider but you should not trust blindly anyone, irrespective of whether it is a free or paid program. Some of them do a great job in eliminating threats while some will ruin your PC themselves. When searching for an antivirus program, pick one that provides solid, efficient, and comprehensive protection against all known viruses and malware. On the list of highly recommended software by industry leaders is SafeBytes Anti-Malware, popular security software for Windows computers. Safebytes is among the well-established PC solutions companies, which provide this all-inclusive anti-malware software program. With its most advanced virus detection and repair technology, this software will help you protect your PC against infections caused by different kinds of malware and other internet threats, including spyware, adware, viruses, worms, trojans, keyloggers, potentially unwanted program (PUPs), and ransomware.

SafeBytes anti-malware provides an array of enhanced features that sets it apart from all others. Here are some of the good ones:

Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes gives complete and real-time security for your personal machine. It will constantly monitor your pc for hacker activity and also gives users superior firewall protection. Antimalware Protection: This deep-cleaning antimalware software program goes much deeper than most antivirus tools to clean out your computer. Its critically acclaimed virus engine detects and disables hard-to-remove malware that hides deep within your PC. Web Security: Safebytes allots all sites a unique safety ranking that helps you to get an idea of whether the webpage you’re going to visit is safe to view or known to be a phishing site. Extremely Speed Scanning: This software has got one of the quickest and most powerful virus scanning engines in the industry. The scans are extremely accurate and take a short amount of time to complete. Lightweight: SafeBytes is a lightweight and easy-to-use anti-virus and anti-malware solution. Since it utilizes low computer resources, this program leaves the computer power exactly where it belongs: with you. 24/7 Guidance: You can get 24/7 technical assistance to promptly resolve any concern with your security tool. On the whole, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is a solid program as it has lots of features and can detect and eliminate any potential threats. Once you have downloaded and installed this software, you will no longer have to worry about malware or any other security worries. If you need sophisticated forms of protection features & threat detections, buying SafeBytes Anti-Malware could be worth the dollars!

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually get rid of CyboScan PC Optimizer without the use of an automated tool, it might be possible to do so by removing the application from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser plug-ins, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your internet browser. In order to ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard disk and computer registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Having said that, editing the registry is actually a difficult task that only advanced users and professionals should try to fix the problem. Furthermore, certain malware keeps replicating which makes it tough to remove. You’re suggested to do this procedure in Safe Mode.
Files: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Cyboscan PC Optimizer %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Cyboscan PC Optimizer %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Cyboscan\Cyboscan PC Optimizer Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[APPLICATION]\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall..Uninstaller E55FEFEA-F506-47DC-A76E-9F7668D6E5C9
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How to Fix Windows Update Error 0x800706be
Error 0x800706be is a Windows error code that pops up when a particular system file is having some issue. This error pops up on other Windows-compatible software as well as driver vendors. This error signifies a misconfigured or corrupted system file so you might encounter this error in different instances. For instance, this error might pop up when you click the audio icon from the system tray or when the Windows Upgrade or Update has failed. Needless to say, this error can be caused by different factors. Anyhow, this post will show you what you can do to fix the problem when the error pops up during a Windows Update or Upgrade. If you are seeing this error when you try to install the latest Windows updates, it will show a Windows Update failed message and you obviously won’t be able to update your Windows 10 PC until you fix this error. You will keep seeing this error even when you try to reboot or update it a couple of times. As mentioned, the error code 0x800706be appears when there is something wrong with your system files – they are either corrupted or misconfigured. This error is most likely caused by the corrupted Windows Update Components. Corruption of these files is not unusual and it could happen anytime. So since the Windows Update files or components are corrupted, you won’t be able to successfully install the latest Windows Updates. Here are some options you can try to fix the problem.

Option 1 – Try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Running the Windows Update troubleshooter is one of the basic things to do when facing any kind of issue with Windows Updates. As long as it can it will detect the issue and automatically solve them so that there will be no need for you to do more technical steps to resolve the issue.
  • Tap the Windows and R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type in “control.exe /name Microsoft.Troubleshooting” in the field and tap Enter to open the Windows Update Troubleshooter.
  • After that, click Windows Update and follow the next on-screen instructions.

Option 2 – Try resetting the Windows Update Components

This is another basic thing to do in fixing the error 0x800706be. It is also one of the solutions that mostly worked for users who also got this error when trying to install Windows updates. And since the problem is caused by corrupted Windows update components, the most logical thing to do is to delete old files and reset components. To reset the Windows Update components, follow the given instructions below carefully.
  • Tap the Windows key once.
  • Then in the Windows Start Search, type in “command prompt”.
  • From the search results displayed, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After that, type in “net stop wuauserv” and tap Enter.
  • Next, type in “net stop cryptSvc” and tap Enter.
  • Then type in “net stop bits” and tap Enter.
  • Type in “ren C:\Windows\Software\Distribution Software\Distribution.old” and then tap Enter.
  • Afterward, type in “C:\Windows\System32\catroot2\Catroot2.old” and tap Enter.
  • Next, type “net start cryptSvc” and tap Enter.
  • Then type “net start bits” and tap Enter.
  • Finally, type in “net start msiserver” and tap Enter.
  • Now close Command Prompt and then try updating Windows once more.
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Fixing corrupted bootres.dll file in Windows 10
In this post, we will discuss what the “ bootres.dll ” file is in the Windows 10 operating system and where it’s also located. In addition, you will also be guided on how you can replace or fix a corrupt bootres.dll file which may prevent you from booting to your Windows desktop and will display an error message instead saying, “Boot critical file resourcescustombootres.dll is corrupt”. There are times when this error might also boot your PC to the Automatic Repair screen. DLL files, also known as Dynamic Link Libraries are external parts of applications that run on Windows as well as other operating systems. Almost all applications are not complete in themselves and store code in different files so if there is a need for the code, the related file being called by a certain application is loaded into memory and used. If the software or the operating system is unable to find the concerned DLL file or if the DLL file ends up getting corrupted, you will most likely get an error message. In case you don’t know, the bootres.dll file is a critical system OS file, size 90KB, and can be found in the Windows folder. It is a part of the Boot Resource Library and portrays an important role in making sure that your PC boots properly. So if it ends up getting corrupted, your PC may fail to boot correctly and you’ll get an error message instead. To resolve this problem, here are some suggestions that might help. If your PC automatically boots to the Automatic Repair screen, you need to click on that option to run the Automatic Repair. If it doesn’t work, you have to boot into the Advanced Startup options to manually access and run the Automatic Repair. Once you’re in the Advanced Options, you will be able to:
  • Run Automatic Repair
  • Use System Restore
  • Start Windows from an external device
  • Access Command Prompt
  • And use the System Image Recovery to restore Windows from a Factory image.
If the Automatic Repair fails to fix the problem, you may have to use System Restore or the Command Prompt to carry out further troubleshooting steps. Refer to the guide below to use these tools.

Option 1 – Try running the System File Checker in Safe Mode

Running the System File Checker is the safest way to fix DLL file missing or corrupted errors are thrown up by the Windows operating system as it could give you better results. System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be causing the Machine Check Exception BSOD error. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Boot your PC into Safe Mode.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

Option 2 – Try running the DISM tool to repair the System Image

To repair the System Image, you need to use the DISM or Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management tool. The DISM tool is another command-line tool in the Windows operating system that could help users fix various corrupted system files. To use it, follow these steps:
  • Open the Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in this command: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.
Note: The command you executed will check for Windows component store corruption and will restore its good health. The scan might take up to 15 minutes. Once it is done, you have to restart your computer.

Option 3 – Try to repair the MBR and rebuild BCD

To repair the MBR and rebuild BCD, follow these steps: The problem might boil down to the Master Boot Records since the previous case has already been isolated. There are times when the Master Boot Records can get corrupted and even though it is a serious issue, it can still be rectified by repairing the Master Boot Record.
  • Tao the F8 key while booting the system to go into the Windows Recovery Menu.
  • Next, click on Troubleshoot.
  • Then click on the Advanced options to get into the Automatic Repair menu.
  • After that, you have to use the bootrex.exe tool, so click on the command prompt and type in the following commands, one after the other:
  • bootrec /RebuildBcd
  • bootrec /fixMbr
  • bootrec /fixboot
  • Exit and then go ahead and restart your PC.

Option 4 – Try running the ChkDsk utility

One of the best options you must try is running chkdsk as it will check the disk for any errors and repair them automatically. To use it, follow these steps:
  • Boot your PC to the Advanced Options menu and click on Command Prompt.
  • Once you’ve opened an elevated Command Prompt, type in the following command and tap Enter to execute it:
chkdsk C: /f /x /r
Note: “C” is the drive root drive so it could be changed if you’re using a different one.

Option 5 – Try resetting your PC

Go to the Advanced Options > Troubleshoot > and select the Reset This PC option from the menu and then select Keep my files.
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Mail and Calendar not working with Cortana
Mail and Calendar not working with Cortana? As you know, Cortana was first launched way back in 2014 with an emphasis on its tight integration with both the Windows Mail and Calendar apps. This integration has been one of the highlighting features of this Personal Digital Assistant. However, there are some users who reported that the Calendar and Mail integration with Cortana is not working on their Windows 10 computers. This kind of problem could be due to several factors like the loose integration between the services, incompatible versions of the components, and many more. According to the users who experienced the issue, the features affected are the syncing of calendar appointments, sending emails via Cortana, and so on. To fix this problem, there are several options you can try. You can try to restart Cortana’s processor run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter. You could also try to relink your Microsoft account or reinstall the Mail and Calendar apps, as well as reinstall Cortana.  For more details, follow the suggestions given below.

Option 1 – Restart Cortana’s process in the Task Manager

Restarting Cortana’s process in the Task Manager could also help you resolve the problem. Refer to the steps given below to do so.
  • Tap the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys to open the Security options window.
  • From there, look for the Task Manager in the given list and open it.
  • Next, look for the process of Cortana and right-click on it, and then select the End Task option to end its process.
  • After that, the Cortana process will restart by itself and re-initialize.

Option 2 – Run the Windows Store App troubleshooter

The Windows 10 Store Apps Troubleshooter will help you in fixing the Web Preview problem in Cortana. This is a great built-in tool from Microsoft that helps users fix any app issues. To use the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter, follow the steps below.
  • Tap Win + I keys again to open the Windows Settings panel.
  • Go to Update & Security and then go to Troubleshoot.
  • Under the Troubleshoot section, on your left-hand side, scroll down to find Window Store Apps.
  • Then click on the Run the troubleshooter option and follow the on-screen instructions and then see if it fixes the problem.

Option 3 – Try to relink your Microsoft Account

You might also want to relink your account in Microsoft using the Windows 10 Settings app.
  • Open the Windows 10 Settings app.
  • Next, navigate to Accounts > Email & Accounts and from there, go to the section of Accounts used by Email, Calendar, and Contacts.
  • After that, select your email account and select Manage.
  • Once done, a new panel will come up where you have to click on the “Delete account from this device” link.
  • Once you get a confirmation, select Delete and then relink the same account. This should resolve the problem.

Option 4 – Try to reinstall or update the Mail and Calendar apps

  • Open Windows PowerShell as admin.
  • Next, execute this command: Get-AppxPackage *windowscommunicationsapps* | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Once done, restart your computer and go to the Microsoft Store page to get the latest updates for both Windows Mail and Calendar apps.

Option 5 – Try to reset Cortana via Settings

  • Launch the Windows 10 Settings app and go to Apps > Apps & Features.
  • Next, look for the entry of Cortana on the right-side panel and select it.
  • After that, select the Advanced options and then select the Terminate button under the Terminate section.
  • Once done, click on the Reset button under the Reset section.
  • Restart your PC.
  • After your computer boots, launch Cortana again and check.

Option 6 – Try to reinstall Cortana

If none of the options given above works, you must consider reinstalling Cortana.
  • First, right-click on the Taskbar and select the Task Manager.
  • Next, select File menu > Run new task and type “Powershell” in the field and then select the “Create this task with administrative privileges” option.
  • Click on OK to open the PowerShell console.
  • After that, type the following command and hit Enter to execute it:
Get-AppXPackage -Name Microsoft.Windows.Cortana | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml"}
  • Restart your computer and check if the problem is now fixed.
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Completely Remove iLivid Malware Removal Guide from PC

iLivid is a video download manager for YouTube and other third-party video-hosted websites. iLivid download manager has powerful features that make it the fastest and easiest way to download hosted files. iLivid includes XBMC plug-ins that let you play almost all popular audio and video formats, in any available protocol and in any media type: streaming, CDs, DVDs, and RAR and archived files from your hard drive.

Livid is a program developed by Bandoo Media Inc. Upon installation, it defines an auto-start registry entry which allows the program to run on each boot for the user who installed it. A scheduled task is added to Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various scheduled times. The software is designed to connect to the Internet and adds a Windows Firewall exception in order to do so without being interfered with.

Multiple Anti-Virus scanners have detected iLivid as a possible Malware and are therefore not recommended.

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

Have you ever discovered an unwanted program running on your computer system and wondered how the heck it got there? These unwanted programs, which are referred to as Potentially Unwanted Programs, or PUP briefly, typically tag along as a software package when downloading the program and could cause serious problems for computer users. The term PUP was actually coined to identify this downloadable crapware as something other than malicious software. The primary reason for this is the fact that the majority of PUPs get into users’ computers not because they exploit security weaknesses, for instance, but mainly because the users grant consent to install it – unwittingly in many instances. However, it is obvious that PUPs continue to be bad news for PC users as they could be really detrimental to your computer in numerous ways.

How does unwanted software affect you?

PUPs come in various forms; having said that, many are classified as adware, which always displays irritating ads and advertising banners on internet pages that you’re exploring. Additionally, they come in the form of web browser extension add-ons and toolbars. Not only they entirely fill up space on your computer screen, but toolbars could also manipulate search engine results, monitor your web browsing activities, decrease your web browser’s efficiency, and slow down your web connection to a crawl. PUPs load up a nasty bite if left unchecked. Some PUPs carry keyloggers, dialers, and other software to gather your personal details which might lead to identity theft. Often, such software will turn off security protections and settings to take control over your computer, making that computer susceptible to online hackers and data thieves. At a minimum, PUPs slow your PC down with every added program.

Preventing unwanted programs

• When installing anything on your desktop, always study the fine print, including the EULA. Don’t accept terms of use that are for bundled programs. • Choose the “custom” install whenever installing an application. In particular, focus on those tiny boxes that have been checked as default, where you may ‘agree’ to get advertisements or install software bundlers. • Use an advert blocker/pop-up blocker; Deploy anti-malware products such as Safebytes Anti-malware. These software programs will establish a wall between your computer and cybercriminals. • Avoid installing applications you don’t really need. Do not ever install software programs that appear suspicious or malicious. • Don’t download programs from popups, internet advertising, file sharing sites, and also other unreliable sources; be cautious about any preset, unwanted options when downloading software. Avoid going to weblogs and sites that promote pirated software.

Can't Install Safebytes Anti-malware because of a Virus? Do This!

Malware could potentially cause a lot of damage to your personal computer. Some malware is designed to interfere with or prevent things that you wish to do on your computer. It may not allow you to download anything from the net or it will stop you from accessing some or all of the internet sites, particularly the anti-virus websites. If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re stuck with a virus infection that is preventing you to download and/or install the Safebytes Anti-Malware program on your computer system. There are a few solutions you could try to get around with this issue.

Download the software in Safe Mode with Networking

If the malware is set to load automatically when Microsoft Windows starts, getting into Safe Mode may block the attempt. Since just the bare minimum programs and services launch in safe mode, there are hardly any reasons for conflicts to take place. Below are the steps you have to follow to boot into the Safe Mode of your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers (visit Microsoft site for directions on Windows 8 and 10 PCs). 1) After switching on the computer, hit the F8 key while the Windows splash screen begins to load. This should bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Choose Safe Mode with Networking with arrow keys and press Enter. 3) Once this mode loads, you will have the internet. Now, make use of your web browser to download and install Safebytes Anti-malware. 4) Immediately after installation, run a full scan and allow the software program to get rid of the threats it finds.

Switch to an alternate browser

Web-based malware could be environment-specific, targeting a particular internet browser or attacking particular versions of the browser. If you seem to have malware attached to Internet Explorer, then switch to a different internet browser with built-in safety features, such as Chrome or Firefox, to download your preferred antivirus program – Safebytes.

Run anti-virus from your USB drive

Another option is to save and run an anti-malware software tool entirely from a Pen drive. Follow these steps to use a USB drive to fix your corrupted computer. 1) On a virus-free computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Put the USB drive into the uninfected computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the anti-malware software package to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Select the drive letter of the flash drive as the place when the wizard asks you where you want to install the antivirus. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. 5) Unplug the USB drive. Now you can use this portable anti-malware on the infected computer system. 6) Double-click the antivirus program EXE file on the pen drive. 7) Run Full System Scan to identify and clean-up up all kinds of malware.

Let's Talk About SafeBytes Security Suite!

If you’re looking to download an anti-malware application for your computer, there are various tools in the market to consider nonetheless, you should not trust blindly anyone, no matter whether it is a free or paid program. Some of them are excellent, some are decent, while some will ruin your computer themselves! You have to select a company that creates industry-best anti-malware and has earned a reputation as reliable. Among few good programs, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the highly recommended tool for the security-conscious individual. Safebytes is one of the well-established PC solutions companies, which offer this complete anti-malware application. This software program could easily identify, eliminate, and protect your PC from the most advanced malware attacks such as spyware, adware, trojan horses, ransomware, worms, PUPs, and other possibly damaging software applications. There are lots of amazing features you will get with this security product. Here are some popular features present in this software: Real-time Threat Response: SafeBytes gives complete and real-time security for your personal machine. It will check your personal computer for suspicious activity at all times and safeguards your personal computer from unauthorized access. Anti-Malware Protection: This deep-cleaning anti-malware application goes much deeper than most anti-virus tools to clean your computer. Its critically acclaimed virus engine detects and disables hard-to-remove malware that conceals deep inside your PC. Web Security: Through its unique safety score, SafeBytes informs you whether a site is safe or not to access it. This will make sure that you’re always certain of your online safety when browsing the net. High-Speed Malware Scanning Engine: Safebytes Anti-Malware, with its advanced scanning engine, offers super-fast scanning that can promptly target any active online threat. Lowest CPU/Memory Usage: SafeBytes gives you complete protection from online threats at a fraction of the CPU load due to its enhanced detection engine and algorithms. 24/7 Online Technical Support: You will get 24/7 technical support to quickly resolve any problem with your security application.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually get rid of iLivid without using an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by deleting the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browser’s AddOn/Extension manager and uninstalling it. It is also recommended to factory reset your browser to its default condition to fix corrupt settings. If you decide to manually remove the system files and registry entries, utilize the following list to ensure that you know exactly what files to remove before executing any actions. However, editing the registry is really a complicated job that only advanced computer users and professionals should try to fix the problem. Moreover, certain malicious programs are capable to defend against its deletion. It is recommended that you do the removal process in Windows Safe Mode.
Folders: %Application Data%iLivid Registry: Key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareiLivid Key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstalliLivid Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSOFTWAREClassesApplicationsiLividSetupV1.exe HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.torrent HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTiLivid.torrent HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMagnetDefaultIcon HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMagnetshellopencommand HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareiLivid HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.torrent HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.torrentUserChoice HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareTrolltechOrganizationDefaultsQt Factory Cache 4.8com.trolltech.Qt.QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface:C:Users N A M E AppDataLocaliLivid HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareTrolltechOrganizationDefaultsQt Plugin Cache 4.8.falseC:Users N A M E AppDataLocaliLivid
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0x8000ffff

Error Code 0x8000ffff - What is it?

Error Code 0x8000ffff is an error that is often experienced while attempting to install updates on a Windows machine. It has been found in Windows 10, although the error has been present in the Windows operating systems dating back to Windows Vista.

Common symptoms include:

  • Inability to download updates for the operating system
  • Inability to successfully run updates for the operating system through to completion

There are several basic Windows tools that can be used to attempt to resolve Error Code 0x8000ffff on your machine. While some of these tools may be familiar for basic users, others may require advanced competency in order to be used correctly. If you are unsure of your ability to complete the methods listed below in order to resolve this error code on your system, you may need to get in touch with a computer repair technician who is competent in dealing with Windows Update repairs.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The most common cause of Error Code 0x8000ffff is that there is a problem within one of the system files or the registry entries on the computer. There are a number of reasons why a device could have an error in these places, from conflicting software commands to updates that were not installed correctly, to bugs within the system, to viruses or malware that have corrupted the necessary files.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are several common ways that users can attempt to resolve the appearance of Error Code 0x8000ffff on their Windows devices. If you are not sure that you can follow these steps through to completion, you would be well advised to get in touch with a qualified computer repair technician to help you to finish out the repair process.

Here are the best methods to resolve Error Code 0x8000ffff on your Windows machine:

Method One:  Restart Your Computer

It may sound obvious, but one of the most effective ways to resolve Error Code 0x8000ffff on your machine is to simply reboot your computer. In some cases, the error shows up because there are processes that the system believes are still running when they really aren’t. Restarting your machine also allows your system to apply any previous changes that have been made and to mark any installations that have been undertaken as being complete.

Reattempt your update installations after you have restarted your computer to see if you are able to finish them out successfully.

Method Two:  Run the Windows Registry Repair Tool

The Windows Registry Repair tool is an asset that can make it easy for your system to scan for potential problems in the registry and notify you as to their status. In many cases, the Registry Repair tool can fix the problems that it finds all on its own, although in some cases, you may receive a message that states an error was found that could not be resolved through the program.

The simplest way to access the Windows Registry Repair tool is to do a search for it within the search bar in the Start menu. Once you begin to run the Registry Repair tool, it can take a while to complete its scan, so be prepared to wait for some time once you start it.

Once the tool has completed its scan of your system, it’s always a good idea to reboot your computer so that all of the changes that have been made to the system can be applied successfully to the operating system.

Method Three:  Run the Windows Fix It Tool

Another great tool to help in the resolution is the Windows Fix It tool. You can download it directly from the Microsoft website. Once you run it, it will complete a scan of your system to find any potential hang-ups and to attempt to resolve them. After you run the scan, it is a good idea to reboot your computer to allow all changes to be recognized and applied properly.

Method Four: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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Best graphic design software for 2022

2021 is nearing toward the end and with just a couple of days remaining in this year, we are happy to look forward to the next year. So in large anticipation of what will next year bring us, we are taking a good design look at this one and making a list for you of what graphic design software you should learn and use in the upcoming 2022.

graphic design softwareBefore we dive into it in more detail and predictions please be aware that this article is based upon my personal opinion drawn from the research of current trends and standards. That being said let's dive right into details.

Adobe Photoshop

Whether you like it or not, Adobe has cemented itself with its flagship application Photoshop and how things are looking this situation will not change any time soon. Photoshop is an extraordinary pixel manipulation software that has the ability to work with both animations and vector graphics as well making it a great single application for all-around design needs. It has been industry-standard design software for the web, print, and all other kinds of design all over the globe and this will not change in near future. With its constant updates and expansion of its abilities, this is a must-have tool in your design tool belt. If you are looking to find work as a designer you will have to know how to work with photoshop.

Adobe illustrator

Many will tell you that is photoshop for raster graphics, the illustrator is for vectors. First started as illustrator 88 on Mac right away it took first place for vector graphics from FreeHand and it continued on its path of vector dominance. After some time and more integration with photoshop Adobe managed to overthrow Corel Draw as well winning the title for best vector editing software with illustrator. Same as with photoshop, if you are planning to work in a serious industry you will need to know the illustrator.

Adobe InDesign

We are still in Adobe train and it is moving hard, InDesign is graphic design software aimed for paper publications. If you need to create and prepare any kind of professional publication for printing InDesign is the application to go to. With its specific print aimed features it is a must-have for any graphic designer.

Corel Draw Graphic Suite

Once the king of vector and print design but dethroned by Adobe Corel Draw still has some punches to stay relevant in the field. With some cool features like symmetry and long shadows, it stands out from its competitors for its ease of use. Corel was always focused on easy to learn, and difficult to master and it is still following that kind of thinking. Granted not many employers will require you to be a master of Corel Draw but some of them will request that you are familiar with the application. One of perhaps the greatest advantages of Corel over Adobe is not locking you into a subscription making Draw suit a great choice for freelancers and designers that want to own software, not rent it.

Affinity Designer

The first software from Affinity was Photo, made as a cheap version one-time purchase competitor for photoshop. Later it has released Designer, also a one-time purchase competitor for illustrators. If we are going to take a good look into a feature for feature comparison, both Adobe and Corel will win over Affinity but if we take a look at a price that is a one-time purchase Affinity will win over easily. Priced only at $54.99 it is a steal, and taking into account that many designers will not require any very advanced features found in Corel or Adobe applications Affinity is the way to go.

Inkscape & GIMP

Speaking of price, nothing beats free, and both Inkscape and GIMP are completely free. offering very decent and competitive features applications will require you to get used to their own specific UI and workflow, but once you get a grasp of them, you will be able to do most design work in them. One of the downsides of using these free open source apps is their limited export options but if all that is required from you is to deliver a typical SVG, JPG, EPS, PNG, or PDF file you are good to go.


Free with basic functionality with the option to purchase more advanced features Colorcinch is a great application if you are on quickly developing and creating graphics for social media posts. Add quickly text or filters, quickly do the color adjustment and save for social apps. The application also within its basic boundaries can work directly on the website without you requiring to even install it making it one of a kind. Go try it at the official site and enjoy yourself.


If you have followed the graphic design scene you will notice that nothing has changed and it will not change in near future. This just speaks about how much industry is defined and how little change is there over time. I advise if you can to get and learn adobe suite since it is industry standard and is required from almost every employer today. Rest applications on the list are great alternatives and can bring you income and offer you a way to finish your project.

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Fix The default gateway is not available Error
If you were having some problems with your internet connection and you tried to run the Internet Connections troubleshooter but it displays an error message instead that says, “The default gateway is not available”, read on as this post will show you what you can do to fix this error. The first thing you can do to fix this error is to restart your computer and then try to run the Internet Connections troubleshooter again. However, if you still see the same error message, then you might want to troubleshoot the problem further. You can try to install the Network driver or reinstall the Network adapter drivers. You could also verify the power saving mode or reset TCP/IP as well as disable the Firewall temporarily.

Option 1 – Try installing the Network driver

The very first thing you can do to resolve the error is to install the network driver. It is a common solution to this kind of problem and most users encounter it right after a fresh installation of Windows 10. So if you have done this, then you need to install the network driver so that the network adapters can start working. You can find the network driver in the motherboard CD. On the other hand, if you are using a laptop, you might have to use another computer or mobile to download the network driver from the manufacturer’s website.

Option 2 – Update the Network Adapter drivers

If the first option is not applicable to you since you already have network drivers in your computer, you might want to update the Network Adapter drivers by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run window and then type in the “msc” command and hit Enter to open the Device Manager window.
  • Under the Device Manager, you will see a list of drivers. From there, look for the Network Adapters and expand them.
  • Then right-click on each one of the Network drivers and update them all.
  • Restart your PC and see if it helped in fixing the BSOD error.
Note: If updating the network drivers didn’t help in fixing the “Windows could not find a driver for your network adapter” error, you can also try to uninstall the very same drivers and restart your Windows 10 PC. After that, the system itself will reinstall the drivers you just uninstalled. Alternatively, you can also download and install the drivers from the manufacturer’s website directly.

You could also try to reinstall the network adapter driver, refer to these steps:

  • Open the Devices Manager from the Win X Menu.
  • Then locate the device drivers and right-click on them to open the Properties.
  • After that, switch to the Driver tab and click on the Uninstall Device button.
  • Follow the screen option to completely uninstall it.
  • Finally, restart your computer. It will just reinstall the device drivers automatically.

Option 3 – Try to verify power-saving mode

If you are using a Windows 10 laptop, then you should know that the Power Options panel plays an important role. So if you’re getting an error in your laptop, you have to check some settings that are related to the Power Saving mode. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Open Control Panel and go to Hardware and Sound and click on Power Options.
  • Next, click on the “Change plan settings” option of your selected plan and then click the “Change advanced power settings” option.
  • After that, you should see the Power Options window, and here, expand the Wireless Adapter Settings and Power Saving Mode.
  • Now make sure that the Maximum Performance option is selected. If it’s not, select it and save the changes you’ve made.

Option 4 – Try to reset the TCP/IP

As you know, the TCP/IP or the Internet Protocol is the most important thing if you want to use the internet on your computer. That’s why if it ends up getting corrupted, you need to reset the TCP/IP to fix the problem. To reset TCP/IP, refer to these steps:
  • In the Windows start the search, type “command prompt” and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results.
  • Then select the “Run as administrator” option to open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After that, execute this command: netsh int ip reset resettcpip.txt
  • Once it’s done, exit Command Prompt and restart your computer and then check if the error is now fixed.

Option 5 – Temporarily disable Firewall

On the other hand, the error could also be due to the Firewall software installed on your computer. Thus, disabling them or any security software installed on your computer is always a good idea you can try when you’re not able to access the shared drive on your computer. There are times when you encounter problems like the error “The default gateway is not available” due to interference of antivirus or security programs. Thus, you have to disable both your antivirus program and Windows Defender Firewall for the meantime and check if it fixes the error or not
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Could not configure one or more components
If you are trying to install or upgrade your Windows 10 computer but suddenly encountered an error message saying, “Windows could not configure one or more system components”, read on as this post will show you how you can fix the problem. You are not alone in experiencing this problem as other users also reported having the same scenario. Some of them reported getting the following error message:
“Windows could not configure one or more system components. To install Windows restart the computer with error code 0xc1900101-0x30018.”
When you check on the Windows 10 rollback log, you will see a part with the “iisetup.exe” that’s related to the abort. Usually, the upgrade process completes over 50% and gets stuck and then rolls back later on and generates the error logs. This kind of error, in most cases, appears during the upgrade of Windows 10 and is related with the Internet Information Services or IIS in Windows 10. For some unknown reason, it restricts the installation or the upgrade which causes the error to appear. To fix the “Windows could not configure one or more system components” error, you can try to remove the IIS from the Windows Features or rename the “inetsrv” folder. You could also move all the folders related to IIS to another drive. For more details, refer to the options provided below.

Option 1 – Try to remove the IIS from Windows Features

The IIS is installed from the Windows Features and you can find it at Control Panel > Programs. From there, uncheck the checkbox for the Internet Information Services. Once done, click on the OK button to save the changes. Note that this process will get rid of all the related programs, services, and folders from Windows 10. So if you want to, you can just install them later on or use an offline installer from the official site of Microsoft.

Option 2 – Try renaming the inetsrv folder

The next option you can check out to resolve the problem is to rename the “inetsrv” folder. If you have uninstalled IIS from the Windows Features, this should remove the folders as well, however, it didn’t remove the folder then you have to delete the folders that are related to the IIS by following these steps:
  • First, you have to boot into the Advanced Recovery Mode and from there, open Command Prompt.
  • Next, execute this command to rename the folder from this location, C:Windowssystem32inetsrv: rename C:/Windows/system32/inetsrv/inetsrv.old
  • Once done, boot into your computer normally and try to upgrade Windows 10 again, and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 3 – Try to move the folders related to IIS to a different drive

  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • Next, look for the Application Host Helper Service from the list of services and stop it.
  • Once done, take ownership of the “WinSxS” folder and then move the *windows-iis*.*” folders to another drive. You can just search using the “*windows-iis*.*” keyword in the Start Search.
  • Next, tap the Ctrl + X keys and paste the folders to another drive.
  • After that, start the update process for Windows 10 again.
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