
How to place control panel in File explorer

Recent Windows updates have been slowly but surely moved a lot of control panel features into settings. This indicates that in the long term goal is probably to get rid of the control panel altogether. No matter how the setting app is easy to use and good there are still things in the control panel that we need and we will still need until they are all moved in the setting application.

There are several ways to open and get to the control panel from run dialog to shortcut keys but one perhaps more convenient and easiest way is to just simply have in file explorer right beside hard drives double click away.

In order to place the control panel icon inside file explorer, we will need the help of our old friend: the registry editor. As always playing with the registry editor can cause some instability and it is always a smart thing to back up it first before attempting any kind of edits.

Registry editor adding a key

To open registry editor press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the run dialog and inside type in REGEDIT followed by ENTER

Once the registry editor is opened locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer

Right-click on the NameSpace folder on the left navigation pane and then select New > Key

Rename the key with {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} (This CLSID code will add access to the Category view of the Windows 10 Control Panel) or with {26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} (This CLSID code will add access to the large icons view of the Windows 10 Control Panel)

Save and exit the registry editor

Now when opened, file explorer will show a control panel icon for easy access.

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Fix SearchUI.exe errors inside your Windows
The SearchUI.exe file is the one that manages the search feature of Cortana. However, a number of users have recently reported that this feature stops responding within minutes of booting their Windows 10 computer. This kind of problem could be caused by missing system files or some issues with the Cortana program itself. And so if the SearchUI.exe file is not responding, then you wouldn’t be able to use the search feature of Cortana. But worry not for this post will walk you through fixing this problem. Before you troubleshoot the problem, you can try to restart your computer and see if it helps, if it doesn’t, then proceed to the given options below.

Option 1 – Try to run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter in Windows 10 as it checks whether the settings for Cortana are in place and automatically corrects any issues if the update or software installation has changed the settings. To run it just click on the Start button and select Settings > Updates and Security > Troubleshoot. From there, select the Search and Indexing Troubleshooter.

Option 2 – Restart Cortana’s process in the Task Manager

Restarting Cortana’s process in the Task Manager could also help you resolve the problem. Refer to the steps given below to do so.
  • Tap the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys to open the Security options window.
  • From there, look for the Task Manager in the given list and open it.
  • Next, look for the process of Cortana and right-click on it, and then select the End Task option to end its process.
  • After that, the Cortana process will restart by itself and re-initialize.

Option 3 – Try resetting Cortana

  • Open Cortana and go to the Settings section where you’ll see the “Turning off Cortana clears what Cortana knows on this device, but won’t delete anything from the Notebook. After Cortana is off, you can decide what you’d like to do with anything still stored in the cloud” option. Turn this option off.
  • Restart your PC.
  • After your computer boots, launch Cortana again and check.

Option 4 – Try running the DISM tool

You can try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool to fix the Windows Upgrade problem. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 5 – Try to reinstall Cortana

If none of the options given above works, you must consider reinstalling Cortana.
  • First, right-click on the Start button and click on the Windows Powershell (Admin) option from the list.
  • Next, type the following command and hit Enter to execute it:
Get-AppXPackage -Name Microsoft.Windows.Cortana | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml"}
  • Restart your computer and check if Cortana is now able to connect.

Option 6 – Try troubleshooting the problem in a Clean Boot State

There are instances that some conflicting programs installed in your computer might be the one that’s causing some issues with Cortana or causing the SearchUI.exe process to stop. To identify which program is causing the problem, you need to put your computer in a Clean Boot State. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • From there, start to isolate the problem by checking which one of the programs you installed recently is the root cause of the problem.
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Where can you get computer viruses & malware
From their infant stages to modern days, computer viruses were always kind of here. From simple ones that were annoying with playing speaker sounds and throwing messages on screen to more malicious ones capable of deleting and encrypting files. In today's modern world it is very important to protect yourself, modern viruses are not a joke anymore and they are aimed to create serious damage to computer systems. Where can you get computer viruses & malwareThey can encrypt files in order to make you pay for a decrypter, they can straight up delete files or even cause some hardware damage. Like mentioned before protecting yourself is important, but protecting does not mean only having antivirus software installed, information, where are common places in which they lurk and could be picked up, is also very important. That is why we are exploring in this article the most common place where you can pick viruses or other malware.

Downloading Programs

Programs that contain the downloadable files are the commonest source of malware such as freeware, worms, and other executable files. Whether you download an image editing software, a music file, or an e-book, it is important to ensure the reliability of the source of the media. Unknown, new, or less popular sources should be avoided.

Pirated or Cracked Software

Are you aware of software cracking? Well, every time you open cracked software, your antivirus software might flag it as malware as the cracks consist of malicious scripts. Always say “No” to cracks as they can inject malicious script into your PC.

Email Attachments

Anyone can send you an email attachment whether you know them or not. Clicking on unknown links or attachments can harm your device. Think twice before clicking anything and make sure that file type is not ‘.exe’.


One of the easiest ways to get a virus on your device is through the Internet. Make sure to check the URL before accessing any website. For a secured URL always look for ‘HTTPS in it. For example, when you click videos published on social media websites, they may require you to install a particular type of plug-in to watch that video. But in reality, these plug-ins might be malicious software that can steal your sensitive information.

Booting Data from Unknown CDs

Malicious software can get into your device through an unknown CD. A good practice to be safe from malicious infection is to remove CD when your device is not working at all. Your system could reboot the CD if it is not removed before switching off the computer.


Bluetooth transfers can also infect your system, so it is crucial to know what type of media file is being sent to your computer whenever a transfer takes place. An effective armor would be to allow Bluetooth connectivity with only known devices and activate it only when required.

Unpatched Software

Often overlooked, unpatched software is also a leading source of virus infection. Security holes in software are exploited by attackers and are unknown to software makers until the attackers release them in the form of zero-day attacks. It is therefore recommended to install software updates as soon as they are available on your PC.
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Taskbar is not visible in Remote Desktop
Recently, several users reported an issue on their Windows 10 computers where the taskbar is not visible when they tried to connect to a computer via Remote Desktop Protocol or RDP. The Remote Desktop Connection feature uses the RDP which allows users to access a computer remotely. This is actually different from the taskbar being hidden automatically until the pointer hovers on it since, in this scenario, the taskbar is completely not accessible which makes using the remote computer entirely difficult, if not impossible. There are several suggestions you can check out to resolve this problem, you can try to restart the process of Windows Explorer via Task Manager or you could clear the cache for multiple processes. You could also try to reinstall the Shell Experience components or show the local taskbar in the Remote desktop. Moreover, you could also try to update, uninstall or roll back the display driver/graphics card driver. For more details, refer to each one of the options given below.

Option 1 – Try to restart the Windows Explorer process

The first option you have to try to fix the problem with the taskbar is to simply restart the Windows Explorer process in the Task Manager.
  • Tap the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys to open the Task Manager.
  • Next, go to the Processes tab and find the process of Windows Explorer.
  • Once you find it, right-click on it and select Restart to restart its process.
  • After that, restart your computer and see if you can now see the Taskbar.

Option 2 – Try clearing the cache of multiple processes

The next thing you can do to resolve the problem is to clear the cache of many processes in your computer. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Open the Notepad app and paste the following content in the text area:
@echo off taskkill /f /im explorer.exe taskkill /f /im shellexperiencehost.exe timeout /t 3 /NOBREAK > nul del %localappdata%PackagesMicrosoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewyTempState* /q timeout /t 2 /NOBREAK > nul start explorer @echo on
  • After that, tap the Ctrl + S keys to save the changes you’ve made in Notepad and select the “All files” as its file type, and then name it “CacheClearTWC.bat”.
  • Next, go to the location where you saved the file using File Explorer and then run it. This will run a couple of batch scripts which will clear the cache of multiple processes in the system.
  • Tap the Win + X keys and select the “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” option to open PowerShell as admin.
  • Next, execute this command in the command line: Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “appxmetadataappxbundlemanifest.xml”)}
  • After the command has been executed, this will reinstall the Shell Experience components and should fix the problem with the taskbar.

Option 4 – Update, uninstall or rollback the Graphics card drivers

  • First, boot your computer into Safe Mode.
  • After that, tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in MSC into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. From there, look for the Display Adapters and click on them.
  • After that, right-click on each entry under the Display Adapters and select the “Uninstall Device” option from the menu.
  • Now restart your computer.
  • After restarting your computer, go to the Settings app and Check for Updates in the Windows Update section.
Note: You also have the option to go directly to the website of your graphics card manufacturers like NVIDIA, Intel, or AMD and go to the section called Drivers then check if there’s a new available update – if there is, download and install it.
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Windows PC advantages over Apple Mac

In the last article, we have covered various advantages of Apple hardware over Windows PC, however, PC has their own strengths and advantages over MACs as well. Join us as we explore why would you choose Windows PC over MAC.

Windows PC

Hardware customization

If you like to customize and build your own hardware and customize your existing computer then MACs are out of the picture, on other hand, computers based on Windows operating system are much more flexible in terms of customization.

While Apple hardware is locked and only allows small changes to it, computers running on Windows are free and open to various upgrades and modifications so if you like to play with hardware Windows is your platform.


There are games on MAC true but their numbers can not compare to games available for the Windows platform. On top of that, most latest and best gaming hardware is not even available on Apple platforms so if you plan to game in high resolutions and play the latest games there really is no option other than Windows.

Windows Platforms also has multiple emulators that you can use to play games from other older platforms and Microsoft since it owns Xbox has some great plans for both PC and Xbox gaming.

Software back compatibility

Since the introduction of the new MAC OS X, apple really lost a lot of application back compatibility, and a lot of old legacy software can not be run on modern Apple computers. Windows on the other hand have always tried and succeeded in keeping maximum compatibility with older and legacy software.

Also on the Windows platform, there is a lot of community support for old and legacy software so even if it is not officially supported it is backed up by the community.

Software variability

In terms of where can you find the most different software, you need to look no further than the Windows platform. How Windows itself has great backward compatibility and a lot of developers are using it to create new software thanks to Visual Studio and .NET Windows has cemented itself as a platform with the most available software.

The popularity of Windows as the home operating system and as a gaming platform has made it quite interesting in eyes of various developers and tons of small applications are made daily for it. Windows 11 has also brought native android support to it and that has just expanded its already impressive catalog of applications.

Freedom of choice

Overall Windows PC is most appealing for users that like to be able to choose everything, from hardware components to software they would like to use. No other platform will give you larger freedom of choice and better personalization options.

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Fix Failed to register a VB Script DLL file on Windows 10
When you try to open Outlook 20016 and other programs on your Windows 10 PC and end up getting an error instead saying, “Failed to register a VB Script DLL. Reinstall or run Regsvr32.exe Vbscript.dll to self-register”, read on as this post will help you resolve the problem and help you re-register the vbscript.dll file. Follow each one of the steps below carefully to fix the problem.
  • Step 1: In the Start search, type “cmd” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option from the context menu.
  • Step 2: After opening Command Prompt as admin, type the regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll command and hit Enter to execute it.
  • Step 3: After entering the command, it will re-register the concerned DLL file using the regsvr32.exe, a Windows OS tool. The Regsvr32 tool is a command-line utility that allows users to register or unregister OLE controls like the DLL and ActiveX (OCX) controls in the Windows operating system. After the command you entered has successfully run, you will see a message saying, “DllRegisterServer in vbscript.dll succeeded.”
On the other hand, if re-registering the DLL file didn’t work, you might have to log on to your computer using an administrator account and then try re-registering the DLL file once more. But before you do that, you need to create a system restore point first so that if anything goes wrong, you can always undo the changes you’ve made. After creating a system restore point, double-click on the downloaded .reg file to add its contents to the Registry. After that, try opening the program you were trying to open but weren’t able to because of the error. If it doesn’t work, you can always reinstall the affected programs that throw up the error and see if it resolves the problem. You could also seek the help of a one-click solution to fix the problem for you. This program is a useful tool that does not only repair corrupted registries and optimize your PC’s overall performance but also resolves any DLL issues like the Failed to register a VB Script DLL. Reinstall or run Regsvr32.exe Vbscript.dll to self-register” error. Aside from that, it also cleans out your computer for any junk or corrupted files that help you eliminate any unwanted files from your system. This is basically a solution that’s within your grasp with just a click. It’s easy to use as it is user-friendly. For a complete set of instructions for downloading and using it, refer to the steps below.
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New Microsoft Windows 11 store
When Microsoft held Windows 11 presentation it took special time to present the upcoming new Windows 11 store as kind of a big deal. It was openly stated that with new Windows we will get a new store with a different attitude and new look.

microsoft storeNew Microsoft store

Microsoft has stated that both customer and developer feedback over time has contributed to their redesign and rethinking of the store itself. They want to be sure that policies for developers are more straightforward and clear so more developers will decide to bring their product to Windows. As for customers, they want more safety and more security so they feel protected when making a purchase. The new store will come in Windows 11 but also in Windows 10 as well via update.

Stories and collections

Introducing the new store will be curated stories. Microsoft believes that stores should be focused on user experience so stories from customers themselves will play a big role here. They are rich editorial content to keep you informed about the best apps and inspire you to achieve more with your device. This approach to information is aimed at bringing unknown applications to users via presenting them in a professional manner. Android apps in the store As stated in Windows 11 unveiling and presentation, Android apps will work inside Windows 11. Microsoft has teamed up with Amazon to bring you Android apps directly inside Windows via the new Microsoft store.

Pop up store from within a browser

When you are surfing on a certain webpage and want to save and install the application from there, a new pop-up store window will show allowing you to install the app directly. Microsoft has not said will this feature work outside their Edge browser so we will have to wait and see about that.

Support for multiple types of applications

Since now developers were tied to certain formats if they wanted to publish their application in any kind of environment. Microsoft wants to bridge this. Windows developers can publish any kind of app, regardless of app framework and packaging technology – such as Win32, .NET, UWP, Xamarin, Electron, React Native, Java, and even Progressive Web Apps. For Progressive Web Apps Microsoft has made open-source tool PWABuilder 3.

Flexibility and choice of commerce platform

Starting July 28, app developers will also have an option to bring their own or a third-party commerce platform in their apps, and if they do so they don’t need to pay Microsoft any fee. They can keep 100% of their revenue.
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How to personalize STEAM with custom skin
steam skinSkinning of applications is not new to PC users, but did you knew you could skin Steam? With skin, you can customize the UI and style of the client to what you want making it more personal and to your liking. First thing is to find the skin that you would like to install. There are a lot of sites where you could find custom made Steam skins but we would recommend steamskins.org The site itself is organized in tabs with different sections, once you click on the tab you will get a list of skins available for chosen section. If you click on the skin you will be taken to skin page detail where you can find what skin is aiming for, its legibility, a record of how the skin has been altered over time, or some mix of these aspects. Note that some skins might have issues like some buttons might be missing from big picture mode but so far none of the skins has any kind of client breaking feature, only functionality one.

Downloading skin

Once you have chosen desired skin and while on the skin details page, scroll to the middle of the page just above the Related Skins sections with two options: Direct Download and External Download. Now usually I would recommend Direct download but in this case, I would advise going with External Download for the simple reason that the External link will send you to the developer's website where there is a higher chance to get the latest updated skin.

Installing it in Steam

Once the skin is downloaded you will first need to create a skin folder inside your Steam installation location. Navigate to your Steam installation folder (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam) and create a new folder inside it. Give new folder name Skins and confirm. Extract the skin zip file in the newly made folder. Once the file is extracted you can delete the ZIP file if you wish. Go to your Steam client and go to Steam>Settings. In settings select Interface on the left bar and on the right part then click the Select the skin you wish Steam to use the drop-down menu and select the skin that you wish to use. Confirm and restart your Steam client

Reverting to old skin

If you found skin unappealing or, unfortunately, has some functions missing you can always choose another skin or revert back to default Steam skin. Default Steam skin is named in the drop-down menu as < default skin >.
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Google docs crush with repeating a word

A newfound bug in Google docs is causing it to crush and upon reopening it will crush again making it very difficult to re-access your document. The bug is manifested when a series of the same word is typed into a document and Show grammar suggestion is turned on.

google doc bug

How was it found

A Google Docs user, Pat Needham brought up the issue on Google Docs Editors Help forum.

"I've only tried in Google Chrome, with documents from three separate Google accounts (personal, G Suite Basic, and work one which might be enterprise). All three experience this same issue".

"It's case-sensitive. So trying with 'and. and. And. and. And.' doesn't cause it to crash."

While Needham publicly reported the bug, it appears that the issue was discovered by Eliza Callahan who was writing a poem novel for her novel using Google Docs.

Needham's findings have also been confirmed by other users running Firefox 99.0.1

Another user, Sergii Dymchenko, said strings like "But. But. But. But. But." triggered the same response. Some also noticed putting any of the terms like "Also, Therefore, And, Anyway, But, Who, Why, Besides, However," in the same format achieved the outcome.

A YCombinator HackerNews reader suspected the cause to be the "Show grammar suggestion" option in Google Docs.

A Google spokesperson confirmed the presence of the issue adding, "we're aware of this issue and the team is working on a fix."

How to recover your document

First thing first, turn off Show grammar suggestions so you do not run into issue by accident. In order to turn it off go to Tools and then into Spelling and grammar and untick Show grammar suggestions.

Now, if you already have a document that has been crushed, fear not because there is a workaround to access it. For some strange reason this bug does not manifest on Google Docs mobile app, so you can open the crushed document in the mobile app, delete words that have caused the bug and reopen the document on your desktop.

Until Google comes up with the solution this is currently the only way to address the issue.

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What to do when you can't format SD card
SD memory cards have surfaced as standard cards for digital cameras and microSD as phone standard memory cards. Most people have and use at least one daily, so naturally copying files and even formatting SD cards is a natural thing to do, but what if you cannot copy files or format SD cards? SD cardsFear not because we had this issue and tried several things in order to overcome the problem and after some time here is a list of what can you do if you are facing this exact issue. The list is written from most simple solutions to more complex ones and it is advisable to follow it as presented. That being said, let's dive into solving the problem.

1. Remove Write Protection on SD card

First and in my experience the most usual thing preventing deleting, copying files, and formating SD card is due to write protection. Take an SD card out of the laptop, camera, or card reader and visually inspect it. On side of almost every SD card, there is a hardware lock switch and mark where it needs to be positioned in order to be locked. Even if the switch is positioned on unlocked state, switch it to locked and then back to unlocked. Sometimes this easy moving of switch can resolve some contact issues and the card will start working normally. Another type of lock that could be turned ON is a software one. If for any kind of reason data protection has been turned ON, you will need to turn it off in order to be able to format an SD card. In order to do this follow this guide:
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the Run dialog
  2. In run dialog type in diskpart and press ENTER
  3. Once diskpart is opened in command prompt type in: list disk and press ENTER
  4. Locate your SD card and type in select disk x, where x is disk number followed by ENTER
  5. After the SD card is selected type in: attributes disk clear read-only and press ENTER
This process will clear the software lock on the SD card, after following this method try to format the card again, if the problem still exists go to the next solution.

2. Format SD card using Command prompt

Command prompt is a great tool and can perform some commands that are not been able to be completed using file explorer or another tool inside Windows.
  1. In the taskbar search box, search for cmd and select the Command prompt
  2. On the right part select run as administrator
  3. If needed click on YES on UAC prompt
  4. Inside command prompt type in diskpart and press ENTER
  5. type in list disk followed by ENTER
  6. Select your SD card by locating its number in the list and typing select disk X, where is X SD cards number in list and press ENTER
  7. Once SD card is selected type in format fs=ntfs quick and press ENTER
This should format SD card but if for reason even this step is provided as unproductive, go to the next solution.

3. Format your card with the Disk Management tool

  1. Go into the taskbar and search for Disk Management and open it
  2. Select SD card partition that you wish to format
  3. Right-click on the partition and select format
  4. After the format is done, enter the volume label, file system, and allocation unit size. Confirm with OK
  5. Press OK again to confirm the formatting process.
If you have not managed to format your SD card even with this method go to the next solution.

4. Repartition card with Disk part

If all previous solutions have failed there is a chance that the SD card has bad sectors on it. If this is the case that we will need to partition cards in order to isolate bad sectors and use healthy ones.
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the Run dialog
  2. In run dialog type in diskpart and press ENTER
  3. Once diskpart is opened in command prompt type in: list disk and press ENTER
  4. Locate your SD card and type in select disk x, where x is disk number followed by ENTER
  5. Type in Clean and press ENTER
  6. Type in Create partition primary and press ENTER
  7. To select a new partition type select partition 1 followed by ENTER
  8. Make partition active by typing active and pressing ENTER
  9. Format the drive by typing format fs=ntfs label=SDCard quick followed with ENTER
  10. Assign a letter to drive by typing assign letter=h followed with ENTER
  11. Type exit to close Command prompt followed again by ENTER and open File Explorer to check if the drive is active

5. Try a dedicated SD card formating fool

If anything failed so far, one last thing you could do is to download and try a dedicated SD card formatting tool. One that I would recommend is SD Memory Card Formatter, which is free software make specifically for formatting SD memory cards.
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How to Enable Last Active Click feature
Microsoft has started to use group along with every open window in the Taskbar ever since the release of Windows 10. Early on, they used to show an individual entry for each one of the windows after grouping them which makes the taskbar look cleaner and organized. However, the main issue lies in the fact that you have to hover on your desired window to get on to them. At the time of writing, you need to tap the Ctrl key and click on the taskbar icon to open the last active window but you have to only click on the program’s taskbar icon after you apply the tweak given in this post for the last active window to open. Take note that the “Last Active” windows feature will only work if the taskbar buttons are combined. Before you get started doing the instructions given below, you need to create a System Restore Point first since you will be dealing with registry files and modifying some of the critical settings in Windows 10. Once you’ve done this, proceed to the given steps below. Step 1: Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor. Step 2: If a User Account Control or UAC prompt appears, just click on Yes to proceed to open the Registry Editor. Step 3: Next, navigate to the following registry path:
Step 4: From there, right-click on the right side of the panel and select New > DWORD (32-bit) and then name it “LastActiveClick”. Step 5: After that, double click on the newly created DWORd to modify its value. Put “1” as its value data. Step 6: Then click OK and close the Registry Editor. Step 7: Now restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made. Note: In case you want to revert back to the default configuration, all you have to do is set the value data of LastActiveClick to “0” or simply delete that DWORD and restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made.
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