
Fixing Error 0xC1900208, 0x4000C in Windows

As you know, the Windows Update process takes compatibility seriously. The Windows Updates need to be compatible with the hardware as well as all the installed applications in the computer else the Windows Updates will only get stuck in the process. Two of the Windows 10 errors that shows up during this case is the error 0xC1900208, 0x4000C.

These error codes are caused by incompatible applications which means that there might be an incompatible app installed in your computer that’s blocking the upgrade process and prevents it from finishing. That’s why you need to make sure that all the applications on your computer are updated to their latest versions and then check the compatibility. So if there are any incompatible apps, be sure to uninstall them and then try doing the upgrade once again. Take note that these error codes are just among many compatibility issues that the Windows Update throws up.

Since the error is caused by a compatibility issue, you have three options – first, you can update the incompatible application to the latest version, second, uninstall the application or trick Windows and make it seem like it’s compatible.

Option 1 – Try updating the application or software

As mentioned, you can try updating the concerned application or software to its latest version to resolve the compatibility issue and in turn, fix the errors 0xC1900208 – 0x4000C. Note that depending on where you had installed the application, your steps will change. So if you have it installed directly from the website, refer to these steps:

  • Look for the built-in option to check the updates since the most application has this option.
  • You also have the option to go to the website of the application and check if there is a new version available. If there is, download and update the app.

On the other hand, if you have downloaded the app from the Microsoft Store, here’s what you have to do:

  • Open the Store and click on the three dots located at the top-right of the window.
  • Next, click the Download and Updates option.
  • From there, check if there is an update available for the store. If there is, update it.

Option 2 – Try to uninstall the application or software

If updating the app or software to its latest version didn’t help and you’re still getting the error 0xC1900208 – 0x4000C every time you attempt to install the Windows Updates, you may have to uninstall it. You will need to use the usual Program and Features to uninstall it if you have downloaded it from the website.

  • In the search box, type in “control” and then click on Control Panel (desktop app) among the search results.
  • After that, select Programs and Features from the list which will give you a list of all the programs installed on your computer.
  • From there, look for the concerned program and select it and then uninstall it.

Note: If you have downloaded the app from the Windows Store, you can simply right-click on it from the application list and then uninstall it.

Option 3 – Try bypassing the Upgrade Advisor

There are times when a software developer fails to pass the compatibility test for their apps. It could be that they work on Windows 10 upgraded version but just didn’t pass the compatibility check. So if you are pretty certain that the app really works on Windows 10, you can just bypass the Upgrade Advisor.

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How to Fix Error Code 0x80240001 on Your PC

Error Code 0x80240001- What is it?

Error Code 0x80240001 usually occurs in Windows 10 and is specific to the process of updating your system. It is similar to an error code found in previous versions of the software during the update process. There are a number of steps that can be taken to solve this error code, most of which are fairly easy for the average user to undertake.

Common symptoms for this particular error code include:

  • Inability to complete the updating process of your Windows 10 system
  • A notice that the Windows Update Agent is not able to provide appropriate services through the update module.

While it can be frustrating to have this message appear during the update process, users can resolve the error in a number of ways. However, if you are not confident in your ability to follow the steps below or if the methods listed fail to resolve the problem, contact a certified Windows 10 repair technician to assist you in the process.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error Code 0x80240001 occurs when the Windows Update tool is unable to complete its service successfully. This error occurs most often when users attempt to update to Windows 10 from older versions of the software, including Windows 7, 8, or 8.1.

This particular error code can also occur when your system has not been updated in a regular fashion. Stacked updates make it more likely for Error Code 0x80240001 to occur.

In most cases, when Error Code 0x80240001 appears on your screen, the update process will be halted. Sometimes, the screen may display a single color background, removing the appearance of all other windows and applications.

Fortunately, there are several methods that you can use to attempt to circumvent the problem and see the update process through to completion.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While it can be frustrating to deal with an error when you attempt to update your Windows software, there are several ways that you can seek to resolve the issue that causes Error Code 0x80240001. These steps are relatively simple to complete and do not require advanced techniques to be used. However, if you are not confident in your ability to complete the steps listed below, enlist the aid of a qualified Windows technician to help you.

Here are the most common ways that Error Code 0x80240001 can be resolved for Windows 10:

Method One:  Download and Use the Windows Repair Tool

From the Windows website, you can download the Windows Repair tool, if it is not already installed on your computer. While there are other tools available through outside sites that claim that they can resolve this error, in many cases, they can be a carrier for viruses and other kinds of malware, so it is inadvisable to use non-Windows tools to fix this particular error code.

Once you have successfully added the Windows Repair tool to your computer, open it up and look for the option to run “Repair Windows Update.” Using this process, your system can search for and resolve the error, allowing you to successfully run the update tool through to completion.

Method Two:  Uninstall Recently Added Software

In some cases, software that has been recently added to a non-updated computer can cause the update process to experience issues. If you believe that this may have occurred in your case, simply uninstall the software in question, then attempt to run the Windows 10 Update process again.

The best way to prevent this error from reoccurring when you seek to update your Windows 10 system is to apply updates within a short period of time from their release date. It is recommended that users update regularly, which can allow them to avoid a number of issues that are common to the update process.

If you have any difficulty in resolving Error Code 0x80240001 after you have attempted these steps, you may need to enlist the help of a qualified technician who is familiar with the specific errors related to the Windows 10 Update process. This can especially be helpful if you have recently installed a number of new kinds of software and are unsure of whether or not any specific one may be causing your issues. If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Quick Guide to Fixing 0x0000007E Error

What is 0x0000007E Error Code?

If you’ve been experiencing a 0x0000007E error code pop message on your PC frequently then you need to get it fixed before it causes serious damage to your system. 0x0000007E is a Stop error or Blue Screen of Death error code. This error message turns your computer screen blue and locks you out of the program running on your computer. It freezes your system and hampers your ability to perform any type of task on your PC.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error 0x0000007E, a blue screen of death error triggers registry issues. It’s not easy to narrow down the cause of 0x0000007E as it results due to many reasons like memory overload, cluttered disk space, viral infection, malware attack, and if the hardware malfunctions. Ignoring 0x0000007E error pop up is not wise. It is more like a warning of the serious damage that can happen to your PC if it is not fixed timely. It also leads to slowing down the system and increases boot time. This error message exposes you to dangerous Windows PC threats like registry corruption and damage. Registry corruption can lead to system crash and failure and you may also lose all your important data saved on your PC.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Install Restoro

You don’t always have to spend hundreds of dollars to hire a technician to fix error pop-ups on your PC try using Restoro Restoro is an advanced and multi-functional PC repair tool with a comprehensive suite of powerful features designed to resolve almost all types of PC errors in seconds including 0x0000007E error code. It is a next-generation PC repair tool that serves as a system optimizer, anti-virus, and quality registry cleaner. Its built-in intuitive technology enables Restoro to scan, identify and repair the ultimate cause of the error code 0x0000007E in just a few seconds. Eventually, it spares you from the hassle of finding the root cause of the 0x0000007E error message and then selecting a tool specifically designed to resolve only that particular cause with limited features. This highly functional PC error tool is the answer for all your registry issues. By running Restoro on your PC, you can fix the 0x0000007E BSOD error code and avoid registry corruption.

Why Restoro?

The smart registry cleaner utility embedded in this tool enables it to scan for registry errors and clear up disk space accumulated by junk files, internet temporary files, invalid entries, and other types of unnecessary files taking up a good chunk of your disk space. This clutter also slows down your PC performance as it requires more power than it has to run the system because of the excess load on the RAM. However, by wiping out the clutter with this helper, you can optimize the speed of your PC and see a significant difference in its performance. Restoro backup feature enables you to create backup files for safety purposes. Furthermore, it has several other built-in value-adding features like privacy error utility and system stability utility for enhanced functionality. To resolve the error code 0x0000007E in seconds, all you need to do is download and install Restoro on your system and run it to scan for errors. In a few seconds, you will see a scanning report with comprehensive details of the types of PC damages. To fix the issue right away, create backups and click ‘fix’ to resolve. In just a few clicks you can repair your PC. Download Restoro Today!
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Backup and Restore pinned Taskbar Items
Pinned Windows 10 Taskbar Items. One of the most used interfaces in the Windows environment is the Taskbar. It is where users like to pin their most-used programs as well as shortcuts with extra privileges and automated tasks. In fact, it’s a lot better than the Start Menu. So if any Windows Update messes up with your computer, or if you’ve just switched to a different computer, setting up the Taskbar with the very same set of programs you used to have is definitely not an easy task. But worry not as this post will guide you on how you can backup and restore the items on your Taskbar either manually or automatically.

Manual Backup:

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run prompt.
  • Then type “%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar” in the field and hit Enter to open the folder where you can see all the shortcuts or pinned items in the Taskbar.
  • After that, copy all the files in the folder and paste them somewhere else as a backup. For instance, E:\Pinned Items Backuppinnedshortcuts.
  • Next, tap the Win + R keys to open the Run prompt once more, and then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor. When the User Account Control dialog box appears, click Yes.
  • After opening the Registry Editor, navigate to this key – HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerTaskband
  • Then right-click on the Taskbar folder and select Export.
  • Now save the file with the .reg extension to another location like the E:\Pinned Items Backup folder and then name it.
  • Close the Registry Editor.

Manual Restore:

Make sure to copy all the files to one of the drives if you are using another computer and then refer to the following steps.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run prompt.
  • Then type “%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar” in the field and hit Enter to open the same folder where you just copied all the shortcuts. Make sure to keep it open.
  • Then open the backup folder where you saved all the pinned items and copy all the files there.
  • Next, go to the Taskbar folder (%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar) and then paste your files in there. If you encounter a problem while doing so, just replace it with your own set of files.
  • After that, go to E:\Pinned Items Backuppinnedshortcuts and then double click on tb-pinned-items.reg. If a User Account Control prompt appears, click Yes. This will add the registry file into the main registry hub. You will also get a dialog box that will confirm that data has been added to the registry successfully. Click OK.
  • You should now see the items on the Taskbar. You have to restart Windows Explorer. To do so, end its process in the Task Manager.

Automatic Backup:

Backing up and restoring the pinned Taskbar items in your Windows 10 computer can be done automatically as well. But before you get started on the process, you need to understand what’s going on behind the hood first. First, you need to create two bat files and name them “Backup Pinned Taskbar Items” and “Restore Pinned Taskbar Items”. After you have that covered, refer to the following steps:
  • Open the Notepad app and paste the following details and save it as “Backup Pinned Taskbar Items.bat.
REG EXPORT HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerTaskband “E:\Pinned Items Backuptb-pinned-items.reg” xcopy “%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar” “E:\Pinned Items Backuppinnedshortcuts” /E /C /H /R /K /Y
  • After that, run the newly created bat file with admin privileges.

Automatic Restore:

  • Open the Notepad app and paste the following details and save it as “Restore Pinned Taskbar Items.bat”.
REGEDIT /S “E:Pinned Items Backuptb-pinned-items.reg” xcopy “E:Pinned Items Backuppinnedshortcuts” “%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar” /E /C /H /R /K /Y
  • After that, run the bat file with admin privileges.
Note: Just so you know, there is a drawback to this process as we’ve noticed that any pinned apps that were downloaded from the Windows Store don’t appear in these places and any items downloaded and installed separately from the internet and then pinned.
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How to Quickly Fix MSI.chm Error
MSI.chm error is a common Windows Error code that occurs when the Windows OS becomes overloaded with invalid system references.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The MSI.chm error is normally triggered by the following causes:
  • Poor PC maintenance

You may experience the MSI.chm error if you don’t pay attention to its maintenance. This usually happens when you don’t run antivirus software or update programs and drivers frequently.
  • Registry files get corrupt and damaged

This error may also occur when the registry files of your PC get corrupt and damaged. This normally happens due to continuous writing, editing and deleting of information from your PCs registry over time as programs are installed, modified and deleted. Other causes include: malware and system conflicts.

Further Information and Manual Repair

When you come across the MSI.chm error on your PC, it is advisable to repair it immediately without any delays. If you procrastinate in repairing this error, your PC is likely to be exposed to risks like:
  • Slow PC performance
  • System failure and crashes
Nonetheless, to resolve this error you don’t have to get the assistance of an IT professional. The MSI.chm is easy to repair and you can resolve it in no time even if you aren’t technically adept. Here are some of the best ways to repair the MSI.chm error on your PC successfully in the shortest time:-

Cause: Corrupt and Damaged Registry Files

Quick Fix: If you think the MSI.chm Windows error on your system is related to Windows registry issues, then the best way to resolve this error is to download and install a Registry cleaner tool.  A word of advice here is to always download such tools from a reliable and a trusted website. Once you download the Restoro, run it on your PC to scan for errors. The scanning will usually take a couple of minutes. So, it is advisable to be patient. After the scanning is complete, you will see a detailed scanning report highlighting the registry errors on your PC. Now to resolve the MSI.chm error that has occurred on your PC due to registry issues, click on the ‘Repair’ button to fix the error. Once the repairing process is complete, restart your PC. Restoro helps you not only fix the MSI.chm error but it also helps improve the speed of your PC, and protects it from failure and crashes.

Cause: Poor PC Maintenance

Quick Fix: If the cause of the MSI.chm error is poor PC maintenance, then the best way to resolve the error is to update the drivers. You can do this by installing the latest drivers for the devices that you think are now old and need to be updated. Here’s what you need to do: First find which devices don’t have drivers installed. For this go to the start menu and then click on the Control Panel. Now open the Device Manager. The Device Manager will list down all the devices that don’t have drivers installed with yellow exclamation point icons next to the device name. As for the updates, the general rule of thumb if the driver does not support the program you are trying to run, then this means that you probably need to update the driver to ensure compatibility. For example your video card driver does not support a newly launched game, then you definitely need a driver update to play the game on your PC. To install or update drivers on your PC, you can either get CDs from the market or you can download updated versions of the drivers from the main manufacturer’s website for free. You can also use automated solution for all of your driver issues: driverfix boxSo, next time when you or your friends encounter this problem, try these quick fixes to repair the error without any hassle.
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Fix Your PIN is no longer available in Windows
A recent update in Windows 10 has caused a couple of glitches. One of these glitches is having trouble signing into Windows 10. Some users reported that they were not able to sign in to their computers using a PIN and they weren’t also able to reset it either. If you are one of these users, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will help you resolve issues that you are having in signing in to your computer using your PIN or fingerprint with Windows Hello. When you encounter this issue, you will get an error message on your screen stating:
“Your PIN is no longer available due to a change in the security setting on this device on this device.”

To resolve this problem, you need to follow the steps laid out below carefully.

  • Step 1: The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you are using an administrator account. After signing in as admin, tap the Win + E keys to open the File Explorer.
  • Step 2: After that, under the View menu, enable Hidden items.
  • Step 3: Next, navigate to the following path:
Note: From there, you should see a folder named “Ngc”. This folder might be the one that’s causing the problem so you are going to fix it by making some changes. This folder contains all the files responsible for any PIN-related settings. So if you are not able to access the Ngc folder, or it has gotten corrupted for some reason during an update here’s how to fix it.
  • Step 4: Try opening the Ngc folder. If you are able to open it, just skip to step 11 but if you can’t open it and you got the “Permission Denied” error message, proceed to the next few steps.
  • Step 5: Right-click on the Ngc folder and select Properties.
  • Step 6: Under Properties, go to the Security tab and click on the Advanced button.
  • Step 7: Next, click on the Change link which corresponds to the Owner field.
  • Step 8: Then click on Object Types and ensure that everything is selected.
  • Step 9: After that, enter your username in the field. You can just use the email that corresponds to your Microsoft account or you can also use the Check Names button to verify it. Now click OK.
  • Step 10: You should now see a change in the owner's name. Just make sure that you enable the checkbox below it which is labeled, “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects” and then click Apply and close everything.
  • Step 11: Next, try opening the Ngc folder again. You should now be able to access it. After opening the folder, delete all of its contents and make sure that it’s empty.
  • Step 12: Restart your PC. After your computer has booted, go to the Account Settings and try setting up a new PIN. You should now be able to set up a new PIN and use it to sign in to your PC.
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How to Fix Error Code 0xC004C4AE on Your PC

Error Code 0xC004C4AE - What is it?

Activation errors in Windows 10 can interfere with your ability to fully use the system. When Error Code 0xC004C4AE appears on your computer, you may see a message that shows that the validation process has been stalled due to binaries that appear to have been tampered with.  

While the text of this message may sound intimidating to people who are not familiar with the inner workings of the Windows 10 system, the basic meaning of the error message is that something has been introduced to the system that is not natively supported in Windows 10. During the Activation process, Windows checks to ensure that all of the Windows elements that are currently on the computer are valid and authentic to the Windows system. Usually, this particular error code refers to a language package that has been downloaded into the system using an outside application, which the Windows 10 operating system does not support. 

Common symptoms include: 

  • An error message when the activation is attempted 
  • Inability to complete the Windows 10 Activation process 
  • Inability to fully use apps in Windows 10 until the issue is resolved 

This particular error can easily be resolved with a few simple steps. However, if you are not confident in your ability to use the methods below or they do not fully remove the issue on your computer, you may want to seek the assistance of a qualified repair technician who is well versed in the Windows 10 Activation process.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The most basic cause of Error Code 0xC004C4AE is that an unsupported language package has been enabled in the computer. This most often occurs when third-party applications have been used to introduce additional display languages to your system. While third-party applications that provide language packs are acceptable in some versions of the Windows operating system, the Windows 10 Activation process will not be able to complete if the system detects that one of these unofficial language packs exists on your machine.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are several methods that may be helpful in resolving the basic issue in the display languages that causes Error Code 0xC004C4AE to appear: 

Method 1: Restore Your System to an Earlier Point to Revert Changes 

Use a backup copy to restore your computer to an earlier date, in effect undoing the changes that caused the error. When your system has been restored, you will be able to go through any language packs that are not native to the Windows operating system and remove them before re-attempting the installation and activation of the Windows 10 system. 

This method is most useful if you keep a regular backup of your system and files. If you do not regularly back up the information on your computer, attempt one of the other methods instead. If you are unsure of how to use a backup to revert your changes or are not comfortable completing this step on your own, contact a certified Windows technician to assist you in the process. 

Method 2:  Revert to an Earlier System to Remove the Language Pack 

If you are unable to restore your system using a backup, the other option to resolve Error Code 0xC004C4AE is to halt your installation of Windows 10 and go back to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, from which you will be able to remove the language pack in question. Once the offending language pack has been completely removed from your computer, the Windows 10 Activation process should be able to proceed normally. 

Several versions of windows don’t support language packages, so the best way to prevent this error from occurring is to avoid using any kind of third-party tool to install additional languages onto your Windows system. Activities Language You may be able to use third-party tools to instead complete alternative language actions without installing these languages as language packs. 

If the above solutions do not help you to resolve Error Code 0xC004C4AE on your machine, get in touch with a qualified Windows repair technician, who may be able to perform the operations needed to remove the problematic language pack from your computer and allow the Windows 10 Activation process to continue to completion. 

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Windows could not start Update service
If you got an error message saying, “Windows could not start the Windows Update service on Local Computer, Error 87. The parameter is incorrect” while you were trying to start the Windows update service on your computer, then this post could help you resolve the problem. Along with this error, you might also get any of these error codes such as 0x80240034, 0x80244019, 0x80070643, and so on. Aside from these error codes, you will also notice that the Windows Update service has been stopped. To fix this issue, here are a couple of suggestions that might help but before you go on, you need to create a System Restore point first.

Option 1 – Try checking Services Dependencies

Dependencies of a Windows Service in Windows 10 are when windows services depend on other services. Such is the case with the Windows Update service – it also depends on three different services such as the Remote Procedure Call or RPC service, DCOM Server Process Launcher, and the RPC Endpoint Mapper. Meaning to say, if two of these services are not working as expected, then the dependant service will also be affected. This could be the reason why the Windows Update service could not start.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open Windows Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services:
    • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service
    • DCOM Server Process Launcher
    • RPC Endpoint Mapper
  • After you find these services, double click on each one of them and check whether the Startup type for all is set to Automatic and the Service status is set to Running or not.
  • If the service status is not running, then click the Start button. Afterward, check if you can now run the Windows Update service.

Option 2 – Check the Background Intelligent Service and the Cryptographic Service

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services and make sure that their Startup type is as follows:
    • Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
    • Cryptographic Service ­– Automatic
  • After that, check if the Service status of the listed services above is set to Running. If they’re not, click on the Start button to start these services and then check if you can now enable the Windows Update service or not.

Option 3 – Reset Windows Update components

If the first two options did not work then you might want to reset the Windows Update components manually. Follow the steps below to reset them.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After that, type each one of the following commands and hit Enter after you key in one after the other.
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop cryptsvc
    • net stop bits
    • net stop msiserver
Note: The commands you entered will stop the Windows Update components such as Windows Update service, Cryptographic services, BITS, and MSI Installer.
  • After disabling WU components, you need to rename both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders. To do that, type each one of the following commands below, and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type one command after the other.
    • ren C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32catroot2 Catroot2.old
  • Next, restart the services you’ve stopped by entering another series of commands. Don’t forget to hit Enter after you key in one command after the other.
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start cryptsvc
    • net start bits
    • net start msiserver
  • Close Command Prompt and reboot your PC.

Option 4 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

If resetting the Windows Update components didn’t work, you could also try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing any issues related to Windows Update including this one. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 5 – Try removing a value from the Windows Registry

If running the Windows Update troubleshooter didn’t help and you receive a message instead saying, “Service Registration is Missing or Corrupt”, you can try to remove a value from the Windows Registry.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Windows Registry.
  • Next, navigate to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsSelfHostApplicability
  • From this path, look for a value named “ThresholdOptedIn” and if you find it, delete it.
  • Exit the Registry Editor and see if you can now enable the Windows Update service.
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How to remove "program" from startup

Instaling and removing applications from your Windows can sometimes leave some traces that are unpleasant and can cause annoyances. One of these annoyances is the program in the startup section of the task manager.

If you ever opened task manager and went into the startup section trying to disable some of the startup items on your Windows boot there might be a chance that you have experienced and seen a program without any icon or information about it just sitting there.

Program inside task manager

This is due to some applications being removed from the system but for some reason, it still shows itself in startup and it is quite annoying. So here we will show you how to get rid of this annoyance so your startup is clean again without junk in it.

Removing a program from startup

Locating the source of the issue

The first thing of course is to open the task manager itself and navigate to the startup tab. Inside the startup tab right-click on the column header and tick or enable Startup type and command line. Now you will see the location of the supposed file (that is missing or you could just go there by right-clicking on the item, but here it is greyed).

program in task manager with details

99% of the time startup type will be registry since the file is missing, if it was a file fix would be just to simply delete the file in the folder but since it was installed and not properly removed registry key is still present but the file cannot be found. After confirmation that the file is indeed missing and that the startup type is registry open the registry editor by typing Regedit in search and pressing enter.

Removing the key from registry

Inside Registry editor navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Inside on right part, you will see all auto-start entries added by installed applications.

regirsty editor

Locate one that is causing issues by comparing its path with the path inside the task manager command line and delete the key. Once the key is deleted right-click on RUN on the left part and choose HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to quickly jump on that key location and repeat the process of key deletion if needed. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE will delete startup entry for all users and sometimes entry will not be present here since the application is not installed for all users or there are no other users on the machine.

After the procedure is finished, reboot your systems in order to apply changes.

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Fix Windows Update Error 0x8024A10A
The Windows Update service, just like other services in Windows 10 may sometimes experience some issues and stop behaving properly. One of the issues you might encounter as you use the Windows Update service is the Windows Update error 0x8024A10A. This kind of error code signifies that the Windows Update service is shutting down. So if you encounter this error, read on as this post will guide you on how you can fix it. When you receive the Windows Update error 0x8024A10A, you may see this error message on your screen: “USO_E_SERVICE_SHUTTING_DOWN indicates that the WU Service is shutting down. This may happen due to a very long period of time of inactivity, a system hang leading to the service being idle and leading to the shutdown of the service. Ensure that the system remains active and the connections remain established to complete the upgrade.” You could try to restart your computer to resolve the problem since there are instances when a simple restart can fix errors. However, if it does not work, you might find the options provided below useful.

Option 1 – Try to restart the Windows Update Service

The first thing you can do to fix Windows Update error 0x8024A10A is to restart the Windows Update Service from the Services Manager. To do so, follow these steps:
  • In the Cortana search box, type “services” and click on the Services icon to open the Services Manager. Alternatively, you can also tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run prompt and then type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Services Manager.
  • After opening the Services Manager, look for the Windows Update Service.
  • Once you found it, right-click on it and check if the Service is stopped. If it is, then select the Start option. On the other hand, if the Windows Update Service is already started, just select the Restart option.
  • After that, try to run the Windows Update again and see if the error 0x8024A10A is now fixed.

Option 2 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Since the Windows Update troubleshooter reviews the status of the services that support the process, it would prompt and fix it if there is anything that’s not right. Thus, you might want to run a built-in Windows Update troubleshooter to resolve the Windows Update error. It is one of the things you can check out as it is known to automatically resolve any Windows Update errors like error 0x8024A10A. To run this troubleshooter, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 3 – Run Microsoft’s online troubleshooter

Aside from the Windows Update troubleshooter, running Microsoft’s online troubleshooter might also help you fix the Windows Update Error 0x8024A10A. This online troubleshooter is known to help in fixing Windows Update errors, it scans your computer for issues that might be causing the problem and then fixes them automatically.

Option 4 – Try to run the Windows Update Service in a Clean Boot State

There are some instances that some conflicting programs installed in your computer might be the one that’s causing Windows Update error code 0x8024A10A. To identify which program is causing the problem, you need to put your computer in a Clean Boot State. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Now try to run the Windows Update Service again and see if Windows Update error 0x8024A10A is now gone.
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Malware in Popular CCleaner

On September 18th, 2017, Cisco’s Talos announced that CCleaner, a popular utility with billions of worldwide users, had been compromised by hackers, and was used to unwittingly distribute hidden malware in its installer. Later in the day, Piriform, the publisher of CCleaner, confirmed the problem.

Undetected by all but 1 major antivirus including CCleaner’s own parent company, this occurred for over a month and impacted over 2.7 million users. Users of CCleaner v5.33.6162 and CCleaner Cloud v1.07.3191 for 32-bit Windows are affected. These downloads were live on CCleaner’s official site from August 15th to September 12th, 2017. Anyone who downloaded the program during this time could be affected. The company claims that while the hackers set up the backdoor and many users were impacted, that the perpetrators have been arrested and that the malware never successfully performed its full task and compromised user’s PCs or sent out their data; in the wake of recent security breaches such as Equifax, users are understandably worried. Given the severity of the threat of hacking and data theft, users should take action immediately if they have CCleaner.

Technical Details of CCleaner Malware Injection

First reported by Talos, the malware, which was hidden in the CCleaner installer without the publisher noticing (despite them being owned by Avast, a massive Anti-virus company), modified a core program DLL file to evade detection, and creates several registry keys. Not only were these files not flagged by any major Anti-Virus, but they were also even digitally signed by Piriform via their Symantec certificate, meaning your PC and security program would likely whitelist and trust the malicious installer. The malware gathers personal information on a user’s PC, including IP address and running programs, and sends it to a remote server. In our testing, the program sent data to IP

Restore Your PC (If Possible)

As of the publication of this article, there have been no assurances given that updating or even uninstalling CCleaner will remove the malware is installed. The only action thus far has been shutting down the remote server where user data was being sent has been shut down by authorities. For this reason, it is best to remove the underlying malware separately, as its presence represents a serious security threat. Unfortunately, as this could have been installed as far back as August 15th, 2017, your System Restore points may not go back that far, or even if they do, restoring to such an outdated point may cause unintended problems with other programs you use and potentially lost files and data. Manually backing up files and doing a full format or clean Windows installation would likely be successful in fully removing the malware, but is extremely time-consuming and can be difficult for many PC users. Unfortunately, this makes a PC Restore or format an unattainable option for many.

Update CCleaner to the Latest Version

While CCleaner has told users to update to the latest version of the program. Prior to doing so, we recommend fully uninstall CCleaner, ensuring you check its program files folders and registry keys, manually deleting any remnants, and then re-downloading the latest version from the official site and reinstalling clean.
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