
Backup and Restore pinned Taskbar Items

Pinned Windows 10 Taskbar Items. One of the most used interfaces in the Windows environment is the Taskbar. It is where users like to pin their most-used programs as well as shortcuts with extra privileges and automated tasks. In fact, it’s a lot better than the Start Menu. So if any Windows Update messes up with your computer, or if you’ve just switched to a different computer, setting up the Taskbar with the very same set of programs you used to have is definitely not an easy task. But worry not as this post will guide you on how you can backup and restore the items on your Taskbar either manually or automatically.

Manual Backup:

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run prompt.
  • Then type “%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar” in the field and hit Enter to open the folder where you can see all the shortcuts or pinned items in the Taskbar.
  • After that, copy all the files in the folder and paste them somewhere else as a backup. For instance, E:\Pinned Items Backuppinnedshortcuts.
  • Next, tap the Win + R keys to open the Run prompt once more, and then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor. When the User Account Control dialog box appears, click Yes.
  • After opening the Registry Editor, navigate to this key – HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerTaskband
  • Then right-click on the Taskbar folder and select Export.
  • Now save the file with the .reg extension to another location like the E:\Pinned Items Backup folder and then name it.
  • Close the Registry Editor.

Manual Restore:

Make sure to copy all the files to one of the drives if you are using another computer and then refer to the following steps.

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run prompt.
  • Then type “%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar” in the field and hit Enter to open the same folder where you just copied all the shortcuts. Make sure to keep it open.
  • Then open the backup folder where you saved all the pinned items and copy all the files there.
  • Next, go to the Taskbar folder (%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar) and then paste your files in there. If you encounter a problem while doing so, just replace it with your own set of files.
  • After that, go to E:\Pinned Items Backuppinnedshortcuts and then double click on tb-pinned-items.reg. If a User Account Control prompt appears, click Yes. This will add the registry file into the main registry hub. You will also get a dialog box that will confirm that data has been added to the registry successfully. Click OK.
  • You should now see the items on the Taskbar. You have to restart Windows Explorer. To do so, end its process in the Task Manager.

Automatic Backup:

Backing up and restoring the pinned Taskbar items in your Windows 10 computer can be done automatically as well. But before you get started on the process, you need to understand what’s going on behind the hood first. First, you need to create two bat files and name them “Backup Pinned Taskbar Items” and “Restore Pinned Taskbar Items”. After you have that covered, refer to the following steps:

  • Open the Notepad app and paste the following details and save it as “Backup Pinned Taskbar Items.bat.

REG EXPORT HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerTaskband “E:\Pinned Items Backuptb-pinned-items.reg”

xcopy “%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar” “E:\Pinned Items Backuppinnedshortcuts” /E /C /H /R /K /Y

  • After that, run the newly created bat file with admin privileges.

Automatic Restore:

  • Open the Notepad app and paste the following details and save it as “Restore Pinned Taskbar Items.bat”.

REGEDIT /S “E:Pinned Items Backuptb-pinned-items.reg” xcopy “E:Pinned Items Backuppinnedshortcuts” “%AppData%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchUser PinnedTaskBar” /E /C /H /R /K /Y

  • After that, run the bat file with admin privileges.

Note: Just so you know, there is a drawback to this process as we’ve noticed that any pinned apps that were downloaded from the Windows Store don’t appear in these places and any items downloaded and installed separately from the internet and then pinned.

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Fix Invalid Product Key or Version mismatch
If you suddenly encounter Activation Error codes such as 0xC004E016, 0xC004F210, 0xC004F034, and 0xC004F00F on your Windows 10 computer, then they all point to the same issue – Invalid Product Key or Version mismatch. When you see any of the aforementioned error codes above, it indicates that you are either entering a wrong product key or you are using an incorrect ISO when installing it on your computer. In such cases, you may see either of the following error messages:
“You are running Windows 10 Pro, but you have a valid digital license for Windows 10 Home.” Or: “The specified product key is invalid or is unsupported by this version.”
If you got the error code 0xC004F00F then it means that you’ve entered a product key for the Enterprise edition of Windows to activate Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Home. It could be that you have a key from your work and you accidentally use it on your Home PC. If you got the error codes 0xC004E016, 0xC004F210, then it means that you have entered a product key that is meant for a different edition or version of Windows. On the other hand, if you got the error code 0xC004F034 instead, then it means that you have entered an invalid product key or a product key for a different Windows version. Whichever error codes you have, refer to the possible solutions given below to fix the Invalid Product Key or Version mismatch Activation Error in Windows 10.

Option 1 – Try running the Windows 10 Activation Troubleshooter

The first thing you can do to resolve this Activation error is to run the Windows 10 Activation Troubleshooter. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Go to Settings and then select Activation.
  • After that, click on the Windows Activation and then troubleshoot. This will help you address most of the commonly found activation issues in Windows devices.

Option 2 – Try purchasing a new license

There is an exception offered by Microsoft – if you are connected to a Microsoft account prior to the hardware change, then you can most certainly use the same license key to reactivate Windows 10 again. Microsoft calls this an “Exception path” which should be fixed easily by the Windows Activation Troubleshooter as pointed out earlier. However, if the Windows Activation Troubleshooter isn’t able to resolve the error you can try purchasing a new license. In such rate case, even if you do have a Microsoft account available on your Windows 10 computer, and if Windows was never activated, this solution will not work. And if you haven’t connected your Microsoft account with your Windows 10 computer prior to the major hardware change, then your only option left is to purchase a new license. For you to do that here are some steps you can follow.
  • To purchase a new Windows license, the first thing you have to do is click on the Start button > Settings > Update & Security.
  • From there, go to Activation and select the “Go to Microsoft Store” option.
  • After receiving your new license, you need to go back to Update & Security then go to Activation and select the “Change product key” option.
  • Now update your Windows 10 computer using the new key and it should automatically activate your computer.
  • Next, you have to create a Microsoft account or connect to your existing local account to your online account.
  • Once the system links the key and the account, you need not buy a new license in case something like this happens again.
Note: If you are an IT administrator, you need to keep in mind that there is a limit to the number of times you can reactivate Windows on your computer. Moreover, if you don’t see any option to reactivate the license, and it is a work computer, you need to contact your organization’s tech support.

Option 3 – Try activating Windows 10 via mobile phone

Activating Windows 10 can also be done using your phone. Just note that you have to call Microsoft to do so.
  • In the Start Search box, type in “Slui 4” and tap Enter.
  • Next, select your country and click on Next.
  • Keep the window open and call the toll-free number of the country you’re from.
  • Afterward, a confirmation ID should be given by the automated system which you must take a note of.
  • Finally, in the box on the window, type in the confirmation ID and click on the Activate button. That should do it.
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Fix Broadcom BCM20702A0 driver error
In recent times, some Windows 10 users have seen an error code BCM20702A0, when using Bluetooth and they are concerned as to what it is all about. We can say for certain that it has something to do with your Bluetooth driver. The error message in question is:
The drivers for this device are not installed. There are no compatible drivers for this device.
The problem here tends to no longer allow specific Bluetooth components to properly communicate with your Windows 10 operating system. It also affects laptops that do not have native Bluetooth support; therefore, the manufacturer installed a dongle on the inside to deliver the service. This is not the best way to do things because native support is always better. On the other hand, maybe you’re using a Broadcom USB Bluetooth dongle that is acting up, and as such, the error is showing. Below are solutions provided for this particular error and how to eliminate it.
  1. Run the Bluetooth Troubleshooter

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS to open the menu and select settings In settings choose Update & Security Go to troubleshoot and on the right panel click on additional troubleshooters Click on Bluetooth Select Run the troubleshooter, then sit back and allow the tool to do its thing. Once you’ve completed the task, click on Apply this fix if any repairs are needed Reboot your computer
  2. Install Broadcom driver from official website

    Windows drivers for Broadcom Bluetooth devices are no longer posted on their website. They should be available through Microsoft’s Windows Update service. If drivers were not downloaded automatically by Windows Update, use Device Manager to refresh the driver from Windows Update. However, the Broadcom Bluetooth drivers seem to be available here on the Lenovo website. To fix the BCM20702A0 driver error, you may download and install them. After downloading it, right-click on the downloaded item, and select Run as administrator. After installation, restart your computer, then check again if it works.
  3. Remove all Bluetooth drivers and USB controllers

    If previous solutions did not work, go to device manager and remove all Bluetooth devices along with all USB controllers. Reboot your computer and Windows will automatically reinstall and set all devices.
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How to Resolve Error Code 0x80070422 on Windows 10

Error Code 0x80070422

Error code 0x80070422 is a Windows-based error code occurring in various versions of Windows including Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. It usually occurs when users attempt to update Windows. A message box will appear stating that the error code has occurred.  Users will notice the following common symptoms:

  • Inability to complete Windows updates
  • Error message occurring during use of Windows Update service

The error code, if left unresolved, can cause serious problems for PC users as they will be unable to access the latest updates to the Windows operating system. Such a situation can expose their system to vulnerabilities. Thus, fixing Windows 10 error code is of utmost importance.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Among the many reasons Error code 0x80070422  is encountered includes:

  • Corrupted or missing registry and DLL files
  • Badly or poorly installed software. The software could also be infected by a virus or Trojan
  • Outdated or poorly installed drivers

Further Information and Manual Repair

Fixing Windows-based error codes can be a simple process. However, in some cases, it requires specialized skills. In the case of Windows 10 error code 0x80070422 consider the two (2) main solutions available through manual repair. You may also need to consider help from a certified Windows repair technician or the use of an automated tool if you are not confident you have the skills to perform the solutions below.

Method 1: Check if Windows Update is Running Properly

One of the main reasons for error code 0x80070422 is a Windows Update service that is not running on the right settings. To verify if an issue with your Windows Update service is the source of the problem applies the following steps:

  1. Type “Windows Update” in the search bar near the Windows home button.
  2. Select “Windows Update settings” when this option appears. (You may also click the home button, then “Settings” followed by “Update and Security”.)
  3. Select “Advanced Options”
  4. (You will be given an option to choose how updates are installed.) Select Automatic.
  5. Save settings and restart the computer.

Once these settings are in place Windows will be able to download updates automatically. This enables your machine to run more smoothly. However, if after applying the steps above, Windows 10 error code 0x80070422 is not resolved, you may proceed to solution two (2).

Method 2: Disable Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

IPv6 is the latest or most current version of Internet Protocol (IP). This provides your machine with an IP address, a crucial aspect of all communications related to the Internet. By disabling this IP some users have been able to successfully resolve Windows 10 error code 0x80070422.

Like many tasks involving Windows, there are more than one ways in which you can attempt to disable IPv6. These require different types of skills and must be approached with care, as mistakes can lead to serious issues with your machine. Methods include using Command Prompt, Registry Editor, or Control Panel.

If your experience with Windows 10 is quite limited and you are not certain of your skills choose the simplest approach as listed below.

  1. Select Control Panel.
  2. Choose “Network and Internet”, then “Network and Sharing Center”.
  3. Right-click your Internet Connection. The name of your connection will be listed underneath the heading – “View your basic network connection and set up connections”.
  4. Select “Properties” then uncheck Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
  5. Save settings by clicking OK.
  6. Restart the computer and check if the 0x80070422 error code has been corrected.

Method 3: Using An Automated Tool

If the issue persists despite following the solutions above, the best step to take is to use an automated tool. This may not be your preferred course of action, especially since it can be difficult to ascertain the safety of certain tools found online. For this reason, choose a reputable source offering automated tools which are designed to specifically fix Windows 10 error code including error code 0x80070422.

Download and install a powerful automated tool to access the best Windows 10 error code solutions. The process is simple and includes clear instructions which enable even average Windows users to completely resolve complicated errors on their machine.

How to Stop Future Error Codes from Occurring

Though it is hard to predict when an error code will occur, each Windows 10 user can take precautionary steps to prevent other errors from occurring. This includes the following:

  • Ensure you download software from reputable sources to avoid viruses and other forms of malware.
  • Clean your registry often. The registry stores settings across all applications. Regular cleaning will your machine function more efficiently as it reduces the likelihood of issues such as crashes or system errors.
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Connecting a Wireless Printer to a Windows PC
Although it’s easy to set up wired printers in most cases and they have their charm, you don’t have to be around the printer if you are connected to the same network. So in this post, you will be guided on how you can install and set up a wireless printer on your Windows 10 computer. The idea here is to ensure that your Wi-Fi printer and your Windows 10 computer are connected on the same network and to do that, you need to carry out the following steps:
  • You have to connect the printer to the Wi-Fi network.
  • You have to add the printer or scanner to Windows 10.
  • You have to install the printer software.
  • You have to change the default printer.
  • And troubleshoot the printer.

For more details, follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Connect your printer to the Wi-Fi network. In this step, you need to turn on your printer and look for the option to connect to a Wi-Fi network. Note that the step to connect to the Wi-Fi network depends on what kind of printer you use as well as its OEM since there will be a user interface or a Wi-Fi button that will get the job done for you. Once your printer is connected to the Wi-Fi network, you need to keep it turned on until the setup is completed. Step 2: Next, add a printer or scanner to Windows 10
  • Since you’re already connected to the Wi-Fi network, you now have to go to Settings > Devices > Printers & scanners.
  • From there, click on the Add a printer or scanner option.
  • After that, the scanning process will begin as Windows 10 looks for the printer and once it finds it, it will display the printer in the result.
  • Choose the Wi-Fi printer from the results and click on the Add device option. Once you click this option, Windows will install the drivers via Windows 10 update. Note that this process will apply to all the printers – connected, wireless, and so on.
Step 3: You have to install a printer software In this step, you need to use the driver software from the OEM even though the default printer software works since in most cases, the driver software from OEM works better compared to the default ones and offers much better functionality like ink-saving modes, and many more. Step 4: You now have to change the default printer After installing the printer software, you now have to set or change the default printer in your computer. If you have not installed any printer, the default printer in Windows is the one that saves the files. Now since you have already installed your printer, all that’s left for you to do is to change the default printer of Windows 10 to the one you installed earlier. To do that, follow these sub-steps:
  • Go to Settings and navigate to Devices > Printers & scanners.
  • From there, check the checkbox labeled, “Let Windows manage my default printer” if there are many printers. This will recommend you to use the most used printer. But if you don’t want to switch to the most used printer, then uncheck the checkbox.
  • Once done, click on the printer you want to set as the default one and go to Manage, and then click on the Set as default button.
Step 5: If you have any issues with your newly installed printer, then you need to troubleshoot it One of the first basic troubleshooting you can perform to resolve the printer issue is running the Printer Troubleshooter. This built-in troubleshooter can detect and automatically fix the problem for you. To use it, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “exe /id PrinterDiagnostic” in the field and click OK or hit Enter to open the Printer Troubleshooter.
  • Then click the Next button and follow the next on-screen instructions to fix the issue with the printer.
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Common Outlook Errors

Most Common Microsoft Outlook errors

When you have a program, you know before you even start to use it or even know how that you are going to have problems with it. There are always going to be error messages and things that don’t work on any program you buy or download; guaranteed. Even some of the most famous program developers in the world make mistakes from time to time and it is a small price to pay for the programs you get and that is a fact. Microsoft Outlook is like any other program; it has its errors. Here are some of the most common errors for Microsoft Outlook on your computer.

1. Problem receiving emails

Sometimes you can be waiting on really important emails. It is really infuriating when you know that they have been sent, however every time you check your email box, there is nothing there! Your inbox is empty and your patience is wearing thin, so could it possibly be an error with Microsoft Outlook? There is a high probability that this is the problem. The program can be a bit slow on receiving emails sometimes, often even by days. This can be caused by any number of things, from having too many emails coming through or having too many emails in your inbox. If you click ‘send and receive’ at the top, it should speed up your emails coming through, however, so give that a try if you’re waiting on anything to come through. If this doesn’t work, however, your inbox may be full. Try permanently deleting some useless messages and then click ‘send and receive’ again. All your emails should come through then!

2. General slow performance

Outlook, while it has its advantages, can often be very slow. It is probably slower than some other email programs that require a browser but it is quicker to access, which may make up for this fact. However, sometimes sluggish performance can be really irritating, so it may be wise to try and fix it if you can. One of the reasons it may be acting slow is if you have too many other Windows applications open. Applications that may interfere with your Outlook’s speed could be anything from Microsoft Word to Windows Live Messenger. If any of these are open, try closing them and see if that helps with the speed problem.

3. Corrupt files

.dbx files are not accessible by Microsoft Outlook. Therefore, they can cause problems with your emails if you have them within them. To solve this problem, you may have to delete all of your attached email accounts and then reattach them before you can open your emails again. These corrupt files can also cause you to be unable to delete emails. You will need to transfer these deleted corrupt files into a separate deletion folder as this is usually caused by the folder being corrupt. Of all the other most frequent problems with Microsoft Outlook, however, this is probably the least likely to happen, which shows how few problems there actually are with this application after all that!


So there are the most common problems with Microsoft Outlook! Not much wrong at all, is there?
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Fix nVIDIA driver issues in Windows 10
nVIDIA is one of the behemoths of the GPU world, but that not means that they are perfect and that they do not make mistakes, throw WIndows in the mix, and sometimes you have issues with your nVIDIA display drivers for various reasons which could get very unpleasant. But do not worry, we have your back and in this article, we will focus and help you to resolve common nVIDIA driver issues. So sit back and let's start with the repairs.
  1. Rollback to the previous driver and stop automatic updates.

    nVIDIA sometimes publishes really messy drivers which can really cause some serious issues, if by any chance you managed to be unlucky enough to get this kind of driver, do not despair, roll back to the previous working version and wait for the fix. To stop Windows from doing automatic driver updates, navigate to Control Panel > System & Security > System > Advanced System Settings > Hardware > Device Installation Settings. Then choose "No (your device might not work as expected)". Once you have turned off automatic driver updates, uninstall your current driver and install the previous version from the official nVIDIA website. Reboot your system
  2. Reinstall nVIDIA driver

    Reinstalling the driver might fix the issue if by any chance driver files got corrupted during download for example. First, you will need to delete some files in order to perform a clean installation. Log in as administrator if you are not one and delete following files and folders: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvdsp.inf fileC:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_lh fileC:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvoclock fileC:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Reboot your system Start driver installation again, choose custom installation, then clean install.
  3. Update driver in the Device Manager

    If driver updates for any reason can not work via the official install package from nVDIDA, try updating the driver in the Device Manager Navigate to Device Manager, expand graphic adapters, right-click on your nVIDIA device and click on update driver. Reboot your system
That's it, 3 solutions on how to remove, reinstall and update your nVIDIA driver, thank you for reading and I hope to see you again.
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Ways to speed up your Computer
Having a PC is a great thing, more often we are enjoying it than we have issues, but as time passes it seems that our computer is slowing more and more as new applications and games are coming which demand more powerful computers. Before you decide to throw away your computer and buy a new one because you feel it is a bit slow, read through this guide where we will guide you to common tips & trick to make your PC run faster:
  1. Keep your PC clean and tidy

    Slowdowns and many other issues, even hardware failures can come from dirty PC. Make sure your PC is clean and tidy for maximum performance.
  2. Optimize airflow through PC casing

    Airflow is very important so your GPU and CPU and overall all hardware components can be kept in optimal working temperatures. If any device inside the casing is working in abnormal temperatures you will experience slowdowns and freezing on daily basis. Make sure that all fans are working and that your temperatures are in the optimal range to prevent overheating and make sure to have maximum performance.
  3. Check PC for malware

    Viruses, worms, and overall all malware can drastically reduce system performance. Make sure that your protection software is up to date with the latest definitions and that you have the latest Windows updates installed.
  4. Create a Hi-Performance power plan

    Windows power plans can be a very useful feature, especially if you are working on laptop but in order to boost performance and drain maximum, you will need to switch to a hi-performance power plan.
  5. Free space on the system drive

    Having little to no space on your Windows system drive can lead to extreme slowdowns, make sure that your hard drive is not on red when viewed from File explorer or you will experience even 50% poorer performance.
  6. Choose startup applications

    If you have many applications starting up with your Windows and many of them running in the background you will experience performance issues. Each application that runs in the background is taking RAM and CPU time for themselves which could be free and used for the program that you need.
  7. Do not open too many tabs in Browser

    Having too many tabs in Browser while working on a computer can also cause slowdowns, each tab is taking RAM for itself and even can cause Browser poor performance if a tab is LIVE and refreshing with new content all the time.
  8. Remove browser extensions

    Speaking of browser, having too many installed extensions which are active as soon as the browser is up and running can also lead to poor performances. Remove all which you really do not need and your computer will gain in speed.
  9. Make hardware upgrade

    Sometimes your system is just a little outdated, upgrading more RAM or switching to a new SSD with the greater speed can cause a world of difference in PC performance. Check to see how RAM is standard and upgrade accordingly, you can also upgrade the CPU and other bottlenecks in your system this way instead of completely buying a new PC.
  10. Format and reinstall system

    Drives, application traces, registry entries, etc. are piling up in your system over time, and if enough time is given it will clog your computer. From time to time it is a good idea to backup files and do a completely clean full format of HD and install a new and fresh copy of Windows with new and clean copies of applications and drivers.
That's it, 10 tips on how to make your Windows and PC perform better and speed it up. I hope that you found the read informative and helpful and I hope that I will see you soon.
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How to Fix Ehshell.exe Application Error Code

Ehshell.exe Application Error - What is it?

Ehshell.exe is a type of .exe (executable file). This file functions as an essential component of the Microsoft Media Center.  By default, it is located in a subfolder of C:\Windows. Ehshell.exe application error is an error code that pops up when tasks in the Media Center freezes. The Ehshell.exe application error is usually displayed on the screen in the following format:
“ehshell.exe – Common Language Runtime Debugging Services Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process id=0xa18 (2584), Thread id=0xa24 (2596).”


Restoro box imageError Causes

Ehshell.exe application error is triggered when PC users perform repetitive tasks in Media Center on a Windows XP Media Center Edition. The computer stops to respond and the error message is displayed. This error occurs if users perform one or more of the following repetitive tasks in the Media Center:
  • Repeated resize, restore and minimize the Media Center Window
  • Schedule TV shows to record
  • Repeatedly change the channel while Media Center is in a window
  • Ehshell.exe file corruption due to malware infection or registry issues
Though this is not a fatal error, to avoid any kind of inconvenience, it is advisable to fix the error right away.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix the ehshell.exe application error on your system, you don’t have to hire a professional and spend hundreds of dollars on repair. Here are some of the best and most effective do-it-yourself methods that you can try to resolve this issue on your PC immediately.

Method 1 - Install the Latest Service Pack for Microsoft Windows

To repair the issue, install the latest Windows service pack. A service pack is basically a Windows update, often combines previously released updates that help make Windows more reliable. These are offered free of charge on Microsoft’s official website.  To get started, simply log on to Microsoft’s official website and download the latest service pack compatible with your Windows version. The installation process may take 30 minutes to install. And you will be prompted to restart your PC about halfway through the installation process. Once the Windows Service Pack is installed, the ehshell.exe application error will be fixed. If the error still persists, then try method 2.

Method 2 - Scan for Malware

Ehshell.exe application error may also appear on your PC due to malware infection. Malware programs like viruses, Trojans, and worms deliberately give their malicious processes similar .exe file names, so it is hard to identify the malware. In such an event, it is advisable to download a powerful antivirus and scan your entire PC. Run it to remove all the hidden malware programs on your system. Once malware is removed, the ehshell.exe application error will be resolved.

Method 3 - Clean Registry

Sometimes .exe files can also get corrupt when the registry gets overloaded with unnecessary and obsolete files. If this is the underlying reason for the error code occurrence then it is advisable to download Restoro. This is a multi-functional and user-friendly PC Fixer deployed with a registry cleaner. It removed all the unnecessary files, cleans and repairs the registry in seconds thereby fixing all registry-related errors. Click here to download Total System Care and resolve the Ehshell.exe application error on your PC.
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Recent Items aren't visible under Taskbar
In this post, you will be guided on what to do if the Recent Items are no longer visible in the Taskbar icons in Windows 10. This can be quite inconvenient especially if you work simultaneously on many files and documents together and would require you to visit them regularly to incorporate changes. Thus, if you find that the Recent items are not visible in the Windows Taskbar, read on. In order for the Recent Items to appear on the taskbar icons in Windows 10 again, there are four potential fixes you can check out. You can try to show the recently opened items via Settings or clear the cache of the recent items. You could also make some changes in the Windows Registry or use the Group Policy Editor. But before you proceed with these potential fixes, it’s best if you create a System Restore Point first just in case something goes wrong after you made changes in the system. The System Restore Point allows you to undo these changes and bring back the previous state of your computer. Thus, you need to create one and then carefully follow the given options below.

Option 1 – Show the recently opened items via Settings

The first thing you can do to fix the problem is to show the recently opened items through the Settings app.
  • Open the Settings app and select Personalization.
  • From there, select the Start option and scroll down until you see the “Show recently opened items in Jump Lists on Start or the taskbar” option.
  • Make sure that its toggle button is turned on.

Option 2 – Try to clear the Recent Items cache

  • Tap the Win + E keys to open File Explorer.
  • Next, copy and paste this link on the address bar: %AppData%Microsoftwindowsrecentautomaticdestinations
  • Once you’re in the given location, you should see multiple files. Now select all these files and completely delete them.
Note: These files are automatically recreated when you interact with the system like performing tasks such as opening apps or accessing files.
  • After that, go to this next location: %AppData%Microsoftwindowsrecentcustomdestinations
  • Once there, delete all of its files and restart your computer. This should resolve the problem.

Option 3 – Try making changes via Registry Editor

The next thing you can do to fix the problem is to apply some tweaks in the Registry by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry sub-path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
  • From there, select the Policies Explorer folder located in the left pane.
  • Then move to the right pane and look for the “NoRecentDocsHistory” entry and right-click on it.
  • Now delete this entry.
Note: This entry is the one that stores the Group Policy setting for “Do not keep the history of recently opened documents. The Group Policy adds this entry to the registry with a value of 1 if you enable the “Do not keep the history of recently opened documents” policy. On the other hand, if you disable the policy by setting it to “Not configured” or deleting it, the Group Policy will delete the entry from the registry, and the system will act as though the value is 0 – for instance, it keeps the history of the recently opened files in your computer.

Option 4 – Try to use the Group Policy Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “gpedit.msc” in the field and tap Enter to launch the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar.
  • Afterward, double click on the “Do not keep a history of recently opened documents” policy located on the right panel. This is the policy that lets you enable or disable recent items and frequent places.
  • Now to enable the recent items, as well as the frequent places, feature, click on the “Disabled” or the “Not Configured” option.
  • Once you’re done, close the Group Policy Editor and restart your PC.
Note: If you choose to enable this setting, the system and Windows programs will not create shortcuts to documents opened while the setting is in effect. Aside from that, they also stay but won’t display the existing document shortcuts and the system will empty the Recent Items menu on the Start menu and the Windows programs won’t also display shortcuts in the Start Menu. In addition, the Taskbar won’t also show the recently opened or frequently used folders, files, or websites.
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0xc00000fd

Error Code 0xc00000fd - What is it?

In its most basic essence, Error Code 0xc00000fd appears when a program can not be initiated. It can occur when a file or program is corrupted, incompatible with the current version of the operating system, or out of date.

This error code occurs primarily in Windows but is also present in previous editions of the operating system. The symptoms of this error and the resolution methods for each of these systems are essentially resolved in the same way.

Common symptoms include:

  • Failure of programs to open properly, even if they were able to be opened in the past
  • The appearance of an error message stating that the application couldn’t be started correctly

There are several different things that Windows 10 users can do to try to fix the appearance of Error Code 0xc00000fd on their machine. Some of these methods are fairly simple for the average user, while others may require advanced knowledge and comfort with diving into the deeper tools and settings of the Windows operating system. If you have difficulty in implementing the methods below, contact a qualified Windows repair technician to assist you in the resolution of the error code.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error Code 0xc00000fd can arise when program files are not recognized properly by the operating system, when the operating system is no longer compatible with the program being run, when files are missing or corrupted, or when the program has been changed in a substantial way. Each of these causes requires a different method of resolution.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Several methods can be used to attempt to resolve Error Code 0xc00000fd on your computer. Basic users can use some of these methods, while others require familiarity with advanced tools and options in Windows. If you have trouble implementing the steps below, contact a qualified professional to assist you. Here are the top ways to deal with Error Code 0xc00000fd on your machine:

Method One:  Check for Updates using the Windows Update Tool

In some cases, compatibility issues can be resolved through updates and patches available directly from Microsoft via the Windows Update tool. This is most likely the case if you have not kept up with regular updates on your machine over time. In your settings, open up the Windows Update tool and run a scan to see if there are any required updates available for your programs or for the operating system itself. If there are updates, install them, then reboot your computer to make sure that all updates are able to be fully applied to your operating system. Attempt to open the program that caused the error after you are finished to see if this method addressed the problem fully or if an additional method needs to be used.

Method Two:  Roll Back to an Earlier Version of the Updates

Sometimes, an update can cause a compatibility issue. If you have previously been able to open the program in question without any problems, but have recently installed an update on your computer, that update may have been the source of the problem. If this is the case, roll your system back to an earlier stage of updates to see if that fixes the problem. If so, you may need to wait to reinstall the updates until Microsoft corrects the issue.

Method Three:  Run Scans on Your Registry, Antivirus Software, Drivers, and Update Troubleshooters

If there truly is a corrupted or missing file within the program that you are trying to run, you can open up several tools to scan for the file that may be causing the trouble and attempt to fix it. Run the following tools to try to fix the problems:
  • Windows Registry Repair Tool (this particular tool may take some time to complete)
  • Windows Update Troubleshooting Wizard
  • Windows Drivers Updates
  • Antivirus software or Microsoft Security Essentials
After running each of these tools, restart your computer to allow any necessary changes to be applied to your system. If the above methods do not fix error Code 0xc00000fd on your particular device or if you do not have the confidence and knowledge to implement these steps on your own, get in touch with a Windows repair professional who can help you to resolve the problem.

Method 4: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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