
Types of Malware Attacks & How to Battle Them

Afraid of the growing threats online? As you should be. But we’re here to show you what kinds of malware are out there and what you can do to keep them at bay.

Malware definition

Malware comes from the term malicious software. It’s software designed to attack and exploit devices and networks to the advantage of the hacker who made it.

Malware can be transmitted in different ways. Most commonly this happens via infected USB drives, downloadable files or malicious websites. Depending on the type and ultimate goal, the consequences of a malware attack can range from negligible to catastrophic.

Credit Ed Hardie on Unsplash

What kinds of malware are there?

1. Virus

A virus is typically spread via infected files, websites or links. It’s one of the oldest malware types and one of the most difficult to get rid of. That’s because, once activated, it replicates itself - hence the name. 

It can perform different kinds of attacks, depending on what the creator wants to achieve. The main characteristic of a virus is that it really doesn’t show itself until you activate the host. So that’s a scary thought for sure.

2. Adware

Sometimes an ad blocker isn’t enough to fight off unwanted ads. And some of them can, unfortunately, be malicious. They may redirect you to infected sites or prompt downloads of risky files. Even just opening a malicious site can lead to data theft.

So, definitely be careful when clicking around. Even if an ad seems completely legitimate, you can never be too sure.

3. Ransomware

Through ransomware, cybercriminals gain access to a user’s data and use it to extort them for money. Basically, the user is threatened with data deletion or even exposure if a ransom isn’t paid by a specific deadline.

This is a particularly nerve-wracking type of malware. If it targets an individual, it preys upon their sense of anxiety, fear, guilt and even shame. If it targets a business (which is a lot more common), it preys upon not only that business’s profit but also every single one of their customers and their data.

4. Trojans

This type of malware disguises itself very well as a legitimate-looking program. Once you download it, hackers can get full access and control of your device, data and network. They can even be hidden in games, apps and attachments. They cannot self-replicate, though, so we guess that’s… good news?

5. Worms

Worms can replicate, just like viruses, but you don’t need to actually activate the infected program for them to get going. They can be used for various purposes, ranging from data deletion to file encryption to support a ransomware attack.

Credit Growtika on Unsplash

6. Spyware

Spyware refers to malicious software that stays hidden on your computer and monitors your activity. The best-known type is keyloggers. This can be used to steal sensitive data like passwords and banking information.

7. Rootkits

Rootkits are among the most dangerous types of malware. They allow administrative access and full control of a device, which lets hackers continue hijacking all your data and monitoring your activity without your knowledge.

8. Botnets

Botnets are networks made up of bots - computers that cybercriminals have infected with malicious software. Bots and botnets give hackers remote access to users’ devices and allow them to spy on your camera, take screenshots, memorize passwords and launch Distributed Denial of Service attacks. This one truly makes your hair stand on end.

What can you do about it?

You know the old adage - better safe than sorry. And trust us, malware attacks are such a pain in the you-know-what that you really don’t want to be sorry.

Luckily, there are simple solutions that can shield you from most digital threats these days. What you want to be looking at is a solid antivirus program. Well, technically, you need an antimalware program, but since the latter evolved from the former, we still mostly refer to them as antivirus software.
The majority of antimalware programs these days don’t just shield you from potential risks online, but include additional features as well. For example, some Bitdefender antivirus packages also include parental control and a VPN. And Bitdefender is not just for PCs either - it offers protection for your beloved iPhone or Android as well. You can throw in a password manager in there too, for an additional layer of security.

Credit Dan Nelson on Unsplash

If you aren’t too concerned about all these various threats or feel like you don’t need extra security, you can at least take a step to protect your information from being exposed to lurking cybercriminals as you’re browsing. This can be done through a good VPN like Surfshark, which hides your identity in the digital space and prevents your data from being tracked.

Choosing the right protective software is especially important if you have children with access to the Internet, since they’re unfortunately even more vulnerable to malicious attacks. If you aren’t sure what the right kind of antimalware program is right for you, you can reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help keep your entire household or office digitally secure.

The bottom line

The truth is that there’s no way to be 100% protected in the online world. Hackers are constantly coming up with new ways to infiltrate our devices. But malware-battling software evolves along with them and there’s still plenty you can do to keep risks away. Stay safe!

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Fix 0xd00000e5, 0x8007139f, 0x80090030 PIN
The quickest and easiest way to log into your computer is when you use the PIN feature in Windows 10. Even though it is a bit slower compared to biometric logins such as Fingerprint and Iris scanning that comes under Windows Hello, the PIN feature is definitely less complicated. However, just like any other module of the software, it is also prone to some errors. In this post, you will be guided in fixing several PIN errors such as 0xd00000e5, 0x8007139f, and 0x8009003. These errors could be caused at different points in time like when you change or create a PIN or when you log into your computer. To fix the 0xd00000e5, 0x8007139f and 0x8009003 PIN errors, there are various solutions you can try. You may empty the contents of the NGC folder or remove and change the PIN or the password. You could also use the Group Policy Editor or reset the ACLs in the NGC folder as well as run built-in tools like System File Checker and the DISM tool.

Option 1 – Take ownership of the NGC folder and delete its contents

  • Boot your computer first into Safe Mode.
  • Next, you need to take ownership of the Ngc folder first and you can do that using Command Prompt.
  • Type “command prompt” in the Windows Search bar and then right-click on the relevant search result and select “Run as administrator”.
  • After that, if a User Account Control or UAC prompt appears, just click on Yes to proceed.
  • Next, type and enter this command: TAKEOWN /F C:WindowsServiceProfilesLocalServiceAppDataLocalMicrosoftNgc
  • Note that the <path> is the location of the folder or file in File Explorer.
  • Now type and enter this second command: ICACLS C:WindowsServiceProfilesLocalServiceAppDataLocalMicrosoftNgc /grant administrators:F
  • Finally, once the command has been executed, restart your computer.
  • Once your computer has restarted, delete all the contents in the Ngc folder and check if the error is now fixed.

Option 2 – Try to remove and change the PIN or password

The 0xd00000e5, 0x8007139f, and 0x8009003 PIN errors could be caused by some conflicting issues with the PIN or password you have set for the User Account of your computer. Thus, you have to remove or change the PIN or password to fix these PIN errors.
  • Remove the PIN by going to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options.
  • From there, go to the PIN section and click on the Remove button.
  • You will be asked to verify your account to proceed in removing the PIN, enter your credentials.
  • Restart your computer and then set up a new PIN.
  • Once you’re done, restart your computer and check if the error is gone now.

Option 3 – Try to use the Group Policy Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “gpedit.msc” in the field and tap Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this policy setting: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Logon
  • After that, double click on the “Turn on convenience PIN Sign-in” option located on the right-side panel.
  • Then set its radio button to Enabled. You will see the following description when you do so:
“This policy setting allows you to control whether a domain user can sign in using a convenience PIN. If you enable this policy setting, a domain user can set up and sign in with a convenience PIN. If you disable or don’t configure this policy setting, a domain user can’t set up and use a convenience PIN. Note: The user’s domain password will be cached in the system vault when using this feature. To configure Windows Hello for Business, use the Administrative Template policies under Windows Hello for Business.”
  • After setting the radio button to Enabled, it will turn on the Logins in your computer using the PIN.
  • Close the Group Policy Editor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Option 4 – Try to reset the ACLs in the Ngc folder

  • Type “command prompt” in the Windows Search bar and then right-click on the relevant search result and select “Run as administrator”.
  • After opening Command Prompt with admin privileges, execute this command: C:/Windows/Service/Profiles/Local/Service/AppData/Local/MicrosoftNgc /T /Q /C /RESET
  • The command you entered will start checking for errors and fix them automatically.

Option 5 – Run the System File Checker scan and the DISM tool

System File Checker:

  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Now restart your computer.

DISM tool:

  • Open Command Prompt.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • After that, wait until the process is finished and do not close the window as the process will probably take a couple of minutes.
  • Once it’s done, restart your computer.
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0x80071771, The specified file could not ...
If you are tried encrypting or decrypting a file using the default EFS engine but you receive an error message instead saying, “Error Applying Attributes, An error occurred applying attributes to the file: The specified file could not be decrypted”, read on as this post will help you sort out the problem. If you encounter this error you can use the error code in it. You will most likely get error code 0x80071771. This kind of error occurs when the File Explorer’s copy and paste feature was not able to read the source file being encrypted or decrypted. It could also occur if you try to access a file that has been on another computer previously.

To fix error code 0x80071771 when decrypting or encrypting a file, refer to the instructions provided below.

Step 1: You need to check first if you can decrypt the files encrypted by EFS. However, if you can’t, just proceed and then take full control of the file. Step 2: To take control of the file, open File Explorer and right-click on the partition, and then click on Properties. Step 3: After that, click on the Edit button under the Security tab. Step 4: Next, make sure that “Everyone” is selected under the Group or user names section. Step 5: Afterwards, the Permissions for Everyone section will be activated. Just make sure that all the checkboxes for Allow are checked and then click on the Apply button. Step 6: Once you’re done, click on the Advanced button. This will open a new window labeled Advanced Security Settings. From there, click on the Change link under the Owner section. Step 7: Now type your account name in the field and click on Check Names to verify the account name and click OK. Step 8: After that, select the “Replace owner on sub-containers and objects” option and then click OK. Step 9: Next, select Administrators in the Group or User names list and select Full Control in the Permissions for Administrators panel and click OK.
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If you encounter the NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE Blue Screen error while using your Windows 10 computer, then read on as this post will guide you in resolving this kind of Blue Screen of Death error. NMI HARDWARE FAILURE or “Non-Maskable Interrupt” Blue Screen error occurs when there is some hardware malfunction in your computer. When you encounter this Blue Screen error, you may get a stop code of 0x00000080 which can randomly occur while you use your computer. However, a lot of users reported encountering this error while they were trying to update or install their Graphics Card drivers. The stop code that you may get for this BSOD error is 0x00000080. The error can occur randomly during your usage of the computer – but a large number of users have reported this error while they are updating or installing their Graphics Card drivers. In this post, we will be covering all the possible fixes for this error. NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE error on Windows The NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE bug check has a value of 0x00000080. This bug check indicates that a hardware malfunction has occurred. There are various hardware malfunctions that can cause this kind of Blue Screen error. However, pinpointing the exact cause is quite difficult. Worry no more for the following fixes provided below can help you resolve the NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE Blue Screen error no matter what the cause of the problem is.

Option 1 – Try removing hardware or drivers that you’ve installed recently

If you have recently installed some hardware or drivers, you might want to disable or remove them since external devices are proven to be one of the factors that trigger Blue Screen errors like NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE. All you have to do is physically disconnect any external devices that are connected to your computer and then check if it fixes the BSOD error or not.

Option 2 – Try to rollback, update, or disable the Graphics card drivers

Since the NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE Blue Screen error has something to do with Graphics card drivers, you can either roll back, update or disable them depending on your preference in order to resolve the error.
  • First, boot your computer into Safe Mode.
  • After that, tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. From there, look for the Display Adapters and click on them.
  • After that, right-click on each entry under the Display Adapters and select the “Uninstall Device” option from the menu.
  • Now restart your computer.
  • After restarting your computer, go to the Settings app and Check for Updates in the Windows Update section.
Note: You also have the option to go directly to the website of your graphics card manufacturers like NVIDIA, Intel, or AMD and go to the section called Drivers then check if there’s a new available update – if there is, download and install it.

Option 3 – Make sure that all memory modules have the same type

This third option is quite technical and tricky. If you often use multiple physical RAMS on your Windows 10 computer, then you have to check first if they are of the same frequency. After that, the first thing you should verify is if the chip is properly compatible or not. And if the sockets are attached using some kind of adapter or non-recommended device, it could cause some issues while giving a performance hit to your computer.  If you were able to find such a setup, you have to undo it or install the proper and recommended as well as compatible hardware.

Option 4 – Try to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

As you know, the Blue Screen troubleshooter is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing BSOD errors like the NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE error. It can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.
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Mapped network drives are not working
When you have to connect to a drive that’s on a different computer or on external storage, that’s where the mapped network drives come in. Mapped network drives make accessing files a lot easier. However, there are times when it won’t work for some reason. Windows will notify you about the unavailability of mapped network drives in several ways. For one, Windows might display a red X on the network drives or it could be that its status will be unavailable when you try to use it from the Command Prompt or via a notification. It is recommended that you run a few scripts when you log in to your PC as it may so happen that the network drive takes more than usual to connect. Before you start troubleshooting the problem using the given options below, keep in mind that some workouts might only work under certain scenarios. You might need some network access at logon or you might need access to the Group Policy settings. So you need to choose what you prefer more. You can try the given workarounds below if the mapped network drives are not showing or connecting or working on your Windows 10 computer. These workarounds use scripts to make sure that you are connected to them as soon as you start to use your PC. As mentioned, before you can troubleshoot, you need to create scripts first. There are two scripts here namely MapDrives.ps1 which is executed by the second script named MapDrives.cmd and is done at a regular and non-elevated Command Prompt. Follow the steps below to get started.
  • You have to create a script file named “MapDrives.cmd” first and then save it on a place where the files are safe. To do that, open a text editor like Notepad and then copy and paste the following script:
PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted" >> "%TEMP%StartupLog.txt" 2>&1 PowerShell -File "%SystemDrive%ScriptsMapDrives.ps1" >> "%TEMP%StartupLog.txt" 2>&1
  • After that, save the file and name it “MapDrives.cmd”.
  • Next, create a script file named “MapDrives.ps1” and then copy and paste the following content. Just make sure to save both scripts in the same folder.
$i=3 while($True){     $error.clear()     $MappedDrives = Get-SmbMapping |where -property Status -Value Unavailable -EQ | select LocalPath,RemotePath     foreach( $MappedDrive in $MappedDrives)     {         try {             New-SmbMapping -LocalPath $MappedDrive.LocalPath -RemotePath $MappedDrive.RemotePath -Persistent $True         } catch {             Write-Host "There was an error mapping $MappedDrive.RemotePath to $MappedDrive.LocalPath"         }     }     $i = $i - 1     if($error.Count -eq 0 -Or $i -eq 0) {break}     Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } Note: Now that you’ve created the script files, it’s time for you to proceed to the options given below.

Option 1 – Try creating a startup item

Note that this option only works on devices that have network access at login. So if it’s not there, the script will fail to reconnect the network drivers automatically. To create a startup item, here’s what you have to do:
  • Open the Startup folder located at %ProgramData%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartUp.
  • From there, copy and paste the MapDrives.cmd.
  • After that, open the Scripts folder located at %SystemDrive%Scripts copy-paste MapDrives.ps1 and then copy and paste MapDrives.ps1 in there.
Note: After you complete the steps above, a log file named “StartupLog.txt” will be created in the %TEMP% folder. Now all that’s left for you to do is to log out of your computer and then log back in. This will ensure that the mapped drives are open.

Option 2 – Create a scheduled task

It is possible to create a scheduled task that runs as soon as you log in to your computer. To create a scheduled task, follow the steps below.
  • You have to copy the MapDrives.ps1 script file to the scripts folder of Windows located at %SystemDrive%Scripts.
  • After that, open the Task Scheduler and select Action > Create Task.
  • Next, type a name and description of the task in the General tab.
  • Then click on the Change User or Group button and select a local user group and click OK.
  • Now check the box labeled “Run with highest privileges” and switch to the Triggers tab.
  • From there, create a new trigger with the “At Logon” option in the Begin the task drop-down menu and then click OK.
  • After that, switch to the Actions tab and create a new action then choose to Start a program.
  • Next, type “Powershell.exe” in the Program/Script field, and in the Add arguments (optional) field, type the following:
-windowsstyle hidden -command .MapDrives.ps1 >> %TEMP%StartupLog.txt 2>&1
  • And in the Start in the (optional) field, type “%SystemDrive%Scripts” as the location of the script file.
  • Now under the Conditions tab, select the “Start only if the following network connection is available” option and then select Any connection and click OK.
  • Restart your computer or log off from your account and then log back in so that the task will be executed.

Option 3 – Use the Group Policy settings

You need this option if the mapped network drives are defined via Group Policy settings. You have to update the action of the drive maps to Replace. As a result, it will delete the existing mapped drive and create the mapping on each logon again. However, any settings on the mapped drive that are changed from the Group Policy settings will be gone on each logon. So if the changes don’t work, you need to run the gpupdate command together with the /force parameter in order to refresh the Group Policy setting quickly.
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Importing and Exporting WSL distros in Windows
In this post, you will be guided on how to import and export the WSL distros in your Windows 10 computer. WSL, also known as Windows Subsystem for Linux, is a compatibility layer needed to run Linux binary executable in Windows 10, as well as the Windows Server 2019. In case you don’t know, when you reinstall or reset Windows 10, all of its configuration data stored with the WSL distros gets deleted. Going back or restoring the configuration can be quite challenging but worry not for Microsoft has already got this covered as you can now import and export the WSL or Windows Subsystem for Linux distros. There are three aspects that you have to deal with when you import or export WSL distros in your Windows 10 computer, such as importing WSL distro, exporting WSL distro, and uninstalling the imported WSL distros. Before you proceed to the instructions provided below, make sure that all your installed distros are updated via Microsoft Store. Once you have this covered, follow the options below.

Option 1 – Import the WSL distro

  • Type “command prompt” in the Start Search and from the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and then select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt as admin, execute this command: wsl --list –all
  • The command you entered will list all the installed WSL distros on your computer. And now it’s time for you to import a WSL distro by executing this command: wsl --import <Name of the distro> <Fill path to save the backup .tar file>
Note: In the given command above, replace “<Name of the distro>” with the name of the distro you want to import and replace “<Fill the path to save the backup .tar file>” with the location where you want to save the .tar file.

Option 2 – Export the WSL distro

  • Type “command prompt” in the Start Search and from the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and then select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt as admin, execute this command to see the list of all the installed WSL distros in your computer: wsl --list –all
  • After that, execute this command to export a WSL distro: wsl --export <Name of the distro> <Fill path to save the backup .tar file>

Option 3 – Uninstall the imported WSL distro

  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Next, execute this command to view the list of all the installed WSL distros: wsl --list –all
  • After that, execute this command to uninstall an imported WSL distro: wsl --unregister <Name of the distro>
  • Once it’s done, close Command Prompt and restart your computer.
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0x800ccc79 Error Code - A Quick Fix

0x800ccc79 Error - What is it?

0x800ccc79 error is an error message that you may come across when sending emails through Outlook Express from Microsoft. This error message is accompanied by a notification that is displayed as ‘email was not delivered’ or ‘the server doesn’t support SSL connection’.


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Restoro box imageError Causes

This error code 0x900ccc79 is triggered due to the following causes:
  • Problems related to email servers
  • Changes in the configuration settings
  • Corrupted Windows Registry

Further Information and Manual Repair

When you receive the error 0x800ccc79 it may hamper your ability to send emails. Therefore it is advisable to fix it to ensure your emails are sent and received without any difficulty.

This Outlook error 0x800ccc79 is quite easy to repair. By following the quick fix 0x800ccc79 error code solutions given below you can resolve this error in just a couple of minutes.

Here’s what you need to do to fix this error right away:

Cause: Configuration issues

Solution: If the error occurs due to Outlook Express being configured to use the SSL protocol while sending and receiving emails via the web, then to resolve it, you need to allow Outlook Express to bypass the Secure Socket Layer settings.

To do so, click on ‘tools’ and then on ‘Accounts’. Now select the email account that you want to modify.

Now select the ‘Properties’ tab and then click on ‘Advanced Settings’.

Here search for the following text message ‘This server requires a secure connection’. Once you locate it, uncheck all the checkboxes given next to this option. After that save the changes and restart Outlook Express to see bring the changes into effect.

Cause: Missing or Corrupt Registry Entries

Solution: If the error 0x800ccc79 occurs due to missing or corrupt registry entries, then the best way to fix this error is to download and install a good registry cleaner on your PC.

The registry cleaner will help you clean your corrupt and damaged Windows registry entries and get rid of this error right away. It is suggested you download the registry cleaner tool from a reliable website to avoid any malware or virus downloads simultaneously.

Once you download the registry cleaner on your system, click on scan. The cleaner will scan your computer completely for registry errors and show you the results in a list form.

After the scanning is complete, click on repair to fix the errors.

So, next time, if you or anyone at your office comes across the Outlook Express error 0x800ccc79, you can try these solutions and fix the error immediately without waiting for the network personnel to come and resolve it.

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Creating custom Keyboard shortcuts in Windows
Keyboard shortcuts are undeniably one of the most utilized ways and are helpful in maximizing productivity through the various applications at top speed in Windows 10. It offers the option to create custom keyboard shortcuts that allow users to launch apps, and even websites, instantly. There are already tons of keyboard shortcuts that are built-in in Windows 10 but in case you don’t know, you can actually create new ones. Doing so is not a difficult task and in this post, you will be guided on how you can exactly create custom keyboard shortcuts in your Windows 10 computer. Most users would create desktop shortcuts or pin the apps in the taskbar to speed up the process of working on their computers. It is an easy task to do since you can easily do it by dragging an app from the Start Menu to the desktop or by simply right-clicking on the executable app and selecting the “Create Shortcut” option. However, doing so would take physical effort and there are times when you have to minimize all the apps to get to the desktop so you can click the shortcut and this is where the Custom Keyboard Shortcuts come in handy. You can create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10 for various programs – from the traditional desktop apps to the new universal apps – you can fling in a shortcut so that you can instantly open them faster compared to when doing it manually and besides this also wouldn’t affect any of the ongoing system activity. To get started, you need to follow the steps provided below carefully.

To add Custom Keyboard hotkeys to a program and website desktop shortcuts, here’s what you have to do:

Step 1: First, you have to right-click on the app or website and select Properties. Step 2: After that, go to the Shortcut tab and from there, you will see the “Shortcut key” textbox which allows you to enter a new or custom keyboard shortcut for the app or website. Step 3: In the textbox field, input your preferred letters to set up the new hotkey. Keep in mind that this custom shortcut has to be combined with the Ctrl + Alt keys which means that if you want to select “N”, you have to tap the Ctrl + Alt + N keys. Step 4: Once done, click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then close the window. Step 5: After that, tap the newly created keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + Alt + N keys again to open the app or website you’ve set up earlier.

To add Custom Keyboard hotkeys to a desktop app or an independent program that can be installed using direct download, here’s what you have to do:

Step 1: First, open the Start Menu and look for the icon/tile of the required app in the menu. However, if you are not able to find the desired app, then just click on the All Apps option to navigate through all the apps that are installed on your PC. Step 2: Once you find the app, just right-click on it and select More and then click on the “Open file location” option. Step 3: This will open a new window with the shortcut icon. Right-click on the app’s shortcut icon and select Properties. Step 4: This will open the Properties window where you can add the shortcut combination. Keep in mind that just like the previous method, the custom shortcut has to be combined with the Ctrl + Alt keys. For instance, if you select E, then you also have to set a keyboard shortcut that includes Ctrl + Alt, so it will be, Ctrl + Alt + E. Step 5: Once you’re done, click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made. You should now be able to use the custom shortcut key you’ve set.
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The Meta Quest Pro VR is coming

Quest 2 has been crowned as the best overall VR headset by many websites, and to be honest it is really a great piece of equipment deserving of every praise it gets. It seems that Meta feels that it can do better so the new upcoming Quest Pro is upgraded and a new line of VR sets from this company. The economic standard Quest line will not be shut down and it will still remain as an economic version of Meta's VR product line.

meta quest pro

Quest Pro will be added as a new line of the better product line with better performance and better quality. It is the first VR headset that is packing Qualcomm Snapdragon XR3+ Gen 1 chipset, 12GB of RAM, 256GB of internal storage, and 10 high-resolution sensors. Of course, this much power and improvement come with a higher price tag, this time that price tag is $1,499.99.

The new VR headset promises industry-leading visuals with a new optical stack instead of Fresnel lenses in Meta Quest 2 with thin-layer pancake optics that fold light reducing the depth of the optical module by 40% and at the same provides clear and sharp visuals.

The headset will give display more vivid colors, richer colors, and higher contrast by incorporating local dimming and quantum dot technology. It composes of specialized backlight hardware accompanied by software algorithms that can control more than individual LED blocks independently.

The Quest Pro will also come packed with new Meta Quest Touch Pro controllers. They will feature three built-in sensors to track the controller's position completely independent of the headset which means that tracking and range of motion will be improved. These new controllers will also be sold separately at the cost of $299.99 and they can be used with Quest 2.

The headset is available for preorder and it will start shipping in late October on the Meta website

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Fix Windows 10 Error Code 0x800703e3

Error Code 0x800703e3, What is it?

Error Code 0x800703e3 is an error that arises on Windows 10, as well as on many of the past versions of the Windows operating system, dating back to Windows 7. It is an error that is associated with a number of different causes, and therefore, there are many different ways to attempt to resolve the error.

Common symptoms include:

  • Programs running slowly or locking up
  • Computer freezing or going to a blue screen
  • Report of an error message

In most cases, users experience Error Code 0x800703e3 when they attempt to install new software or upgrade their programs and operating systems on their Windows machine. Error Code 0x800703e3 is fairly simple to fix and many of the methods used do not require advanced computer skills or knowledge. However, if you have any difficulty in implementing the steps below on your device, it is recommended that you contact a qualified computer repair technician to assist you.


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are a number of different causes for Error Code 0x800703e3. The most common ones that Windows users experience are:
  • Incomplete installations interfering with system files
  • Outdated operating system or programs
  • Updates left unfinished for long periods of time
  • Manual cancellation of the installation process
  • Malware or viruses
  • Corrupted files in the operating system
  • Redundancy in the installations of a program on the device

Further Information and Manual Repair

As there are many different things that can cause Error Code 0x800703e3 to appear on your Windows device, there are many methods that you can use to attempt to resolve the error. While many of these are easy to complete for basic users, some of the methods below require familiarity with advanced computing techniques. If you have trouble using the methods below, contact a qualified Windows repair technician.

Here are the top ways to resolve Error Code 0x800703e3:

Method One:  Update Your Device Drivers and Registries

The best place to start in resolving Error Code 0x800703e3 is to open up your settings for your drivers and check to see if any updates are necessary. After updating your drivers, it is important to restart your computer to allow any changes to take effect.

Secondarily, you can also run the Windows Registry Repair tool to see if there are any system files in your library that can be fixed, removed, or added automatically by the repair wizard. Again, it is important that you restart your computer after the tool has finished its scan and repair process to ensure that all necessary changes become fully active and recognized by the system.

Method Two:  Check for System and Program Updates

If it has been a while since you last updated your software and operating system, open up the settings for your system updates. Always restart your computer after a system update has been completed to allow the necessary changes to take effect.

Remember that it is important to regularly update both your Windows operating system and your programs to ensure that there is not a backlog of updates to be completed.  This can help to keep your computer in optimum health and eliminate future errors during installations and standard operation of your computer.

Method Three:  Restore Your System

In some cases, the best way to address Error Code 0x800703e3 is to reinstall the Windows operating system on your machine. If the core issue of the error is that there is a missing or damaged system file, this is the best way to address the problem quickly and efficiently. Before you attempt to reinstall the Windows operating on your machine, make sure that all of your programs and information have been backed up in a secure manner so that you can restore these items after the installation is complete.

Method Four:  Remove Recently Added Programs

If you just began to experience the error after installing a new program, try removing the new program from your machine using the “uninstall” process, then restart your computer.

If you have any difficulty in completing the above methods on your own or if the problem has not been fully resolved using these methods, get in touch with a certified Windows technician who can help you to fix the issues at hand and get your computer up and running again.

Method Five: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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AMD asking for US investigation of Realtek

AMD and ATI Technologies ULC have filed a complaint in the United States International Trade Commission against Realtek Semiconductor and TCL Industries Holdings claiming that they have violated five patents.

amd ati logo

The complaint has automatically triggered an investigation from USITC which has responded that they will look into certain graphics systems, components thereof, and digital televisions with components from Taiwan-based Realtek and the China/Hong Kong-based TCL Industries Holdings (and its subsidiaries).

AMD and ATI are seeking an exclusion order and cease and desist orders for the sale of the products. The investigation officially started on July the first. AMD and ATI claim that Mediatek and TLC Industries violated five patents on various technologies used in graphic cards.

The ATI patents include texture decompression techniques, a graphics processing architecture with a unified shader, and a multi-threaded graphics processing system (patents 7,742,053 claims 1-9, 8,760,454 claims 2-11, and 11,184,628 claims 7-12). The AMD patents cover a method and system for synchronizing thread wavefront data and events. A patent covers a processing unit that enables asynchronous task dispatch (patents 8,468,547 claims 16-21, and 8,854,381 claims 15-20).

This is not the first time AMD and ATI have asked for a USITC investigation, in 2017 they were targeting LG, Vizio, Mediatek, and Sigma Designs. The previous investigation has been concluded with the settlement between parties, how this one will go we shall see and keep you updated as we move along.

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