
Unhandled Exception occurred in Application

If you encountered an error message that says, “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application”, when you start your Windows 10 computer, read on as this post will guide you on how you can fix it. This kind of error usually appears in a Microsoft .NET Framework window and it mostly pops up as soon as you turn on your computer. Here’s the complete context of the error message:

“Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.”

When this error occurs, your computer may freeze or display other suspicious behavior at times. Either way, there are several options you can check out in this post to resolve this issue, so read on.

This kind of error could be caused by several factors. It could be due to your antivirus program or other third-party programs installed on your computer. It is also possible that the installation of the Microsoft .NET framework id corrupted or some of its installation files are corrupted. Thus, to fix the error, there are a few suggestions you need to follow such as:

Option 1 – Try to temporarily disable your anti-virus program

As mentioned, the error could be due to the antivirus program or the Windows Defender Firewall installed on your computer. Thus, disabling them or any security software installed in your computer is always a good idea you can try when you’re not able to access the shared drive in your computer. There are times when you encounter problems like the “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application” error due to interference of antivirus or security programs. Thus, you have to disable both your antivirus program in the meantime and check if it fixes the error or not.

Option 2 – Put your computer in a Clean Boot State

As pointed out, it is possible that some third-party program or service is the one that’s behind the problem. To isolate this possibility and to identify the culprit, you have to put your computer into a Clean Boot State. To do so, follow the steps below.

  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Once your computer has restarted, check if the error is now gone. If it is, then the culprit is some third-party program. Thus, you have to enable the third-party programs one by one to find out which one of them is causing the the “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application” error.

Option 3 – Try to run a System File Checker scan

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be the cause why you’re getting the “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application” error. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.

  • Type “cmd” in the Start search and then right-click on the appropriate search result.
  • Next, select “Run as administrator” to open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow

The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:

  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Now restart your computer and see if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 4 – Install and update Dependencies

There are times when programs and applications need to have drivers and supporting software installed for them to properly work. Although the installation usually takes care of it, it’s time for you to do some manual check especially if you are getting this issue of abnormal program termination.

  • Install some qualified drivers – A number of high-end games and applications need to have correct and valid drivers for them to work. They just don’t work with general drivers though. Microsoft has this Windows Hardware Quality Labs testing also known as WHQL testing which makes sure that drivers meet the correct experience and pass through the proper testing before certification. Thus, when installing drivers, you need to ensure that they are qualified drivers for your Windows 10 PC.
  • Download and install or Update DirectX – As you know, Microsoft DirectX is a suite of technologies developed by Microsoft to provide hardware acceleration for heavy multimedia applications like HD videos and 3D games. Since you are using Windows 10, you have the DirectX 12 version while the earlier Windows versions use the DirectX 11 version.
  • Install the Microsoft DirectX End-user runtime – The Microsoft DirectX end-user runtime gives updates to version 9.0c as well as previous versions of DirectX. To install it, click on this link and download it.
  • Update or install the .NET framework – The .NET framework is used by games and applications during development which means that without the runtime files that are installed in your computer, it definitely won’t work. Thus, you need to install or update this framework. You can also use the .NET setup verification tool to verify it.

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0x80071771, The specified file could not ...
If you are tried encrypting or decrypting a file using the default EFS engine but you receive an error message instead saying, “Error Applying Attributes, An error occurred applying attributes to the file: The specified file could not be decrypted”, read on as this post will help you sort out the problem. If you encounter this error you can use the error code in it. You will most likely get error code 0x80071771. This kind of error occurs when the File Explorer’s copy and paste feature was not able to read the source file being encrypted or decrypted. It could also occur if you try to access a file that has been on another computer previously.

To fix error code 0x80071771 when decrypting or encrypting a file, refer to the instructions provided below.

Step 1: You need to check first if you can decrypt the files encrypted by EFS. However, if you can’t, just proceed and then take full control of the file. Step 2: To take control of the file, open File Explorer and right-click on the partition, and then click on Properties. Step 3: After that, click on the Edit button under the Security tab. Step 4: Next, make sure that “Everyone” is selected under the Group or user names section. Step 5: Afterwards, the Permissions for Everyone section will be activated. Just make sure that all the checkboxes for Allow are checked and then click on the Apply button. Step 6: Once you’re done, click on the Advanced button. This will open a new window labeled Advanced Security Settings. From there, click on the Change link under the Owner section. Step 7: Now type your account name in the field and click on Check Names to verify the account name and click OK. Step 8: After that, select the “Replace owner on sub-containers and objects” option and then click OK. Step 9: Next, select Administrators in the Group or User names list and select Full Control in the Permissions for Administrators panel and click OK.
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Windows can’t stop your Generic volume device
One of the issues with external storage devices is that unplugging them right away without using the “Safely Remove Hardware” feature is not safe and doing so could lead to data corruption and data loss. However, in some cases, even when you use the “Safely Remove Hardware” feature, you could get an error that says:
“Windows can’t stop your ‘Generic volume’ device because a program is still using it. Close any programs that might be using the device, and then try again later.”
It is possible that the system is still using the external device – for instance, a copy operation might still be in progress, or Windows is still indexing the contents of the drive in the background or it could also be that the drive is not configured to be quickly removed. To fix this error, there are a couple of suggestions you can try. You can try to close all the open programs and file explorer windows, or you could also configure the Device Removal Policy or change its file system to FAT32. In addition, you can also try to change its drive letter or use the DISKPART utility to get the drive to be offline or simply manage the hogging process that prevents it from being safely removed. Follow each one of the given potential fixes below to resolve the error when using the Safely Remove Hardware feature.

Option 1 – Close all the open programs and File Explorer windows

The first thing you have to do to resolve the error is to close any open programs as well as File Explorer windows. This is because there are some programs and File Explorer instances that could be using the external device in the background which explains why you’re getting the error when you try to safely remove your device.

Option 2 – Try to configure the Device Removal Policy

The next thing you can do is to configure the Device Removal Policy. How? Refer to these steps:
  • Open File Explorer and right-click on the drive where you encountered the error.
  • Next, select Properties from the context menu.
  • After that, navigate to the Hardware tab and select the disk drive where you got the error under the “All disk drives” section.
  • Then select Properties under the Device Properties section. This will open a new mini window and from there, select Change Settings on the bottom portion of the window.
  • Now navigate to the Policies tab and select the “Quick Removal (default)” option under the Removal Policy section.
  • Click on the OK and Apply buttons to save the changes made and then see if the error is now fixed.

Option 3 – Try to manage the hogging process

You could also try managing the hogging process to get rid of the error.
  • Tap the Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination to open the Task Manager.
  • Then look for the running processes and programs that are hogging your USB storage device. If there is a program that’s using your device, it will hog on some Disk or CPU while transferring data and interacting with the device which is why you’re getting an error when you safely remove the device.
  • Next, select the concerned processed and right-click on each one of them, and then select the End Task or End Process option. You can also restart the Explorer.exe process and see if that helps.

Option 4 – Try to change the drive letters

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and then type “diskmgmt.msc” in the field and click OK or tap Enter to open Disk Management.
  • Next, look for your USB storage device using the drive letter that’s assigned to it. Right-click on your device and select the “Change Drive Letter and Paths…” option.
  • This will open a mini window and from there select the drive letter you want to change and click on the Change button.
  • After that, another smaller window will appear where you’ll have to select the new drive letter from the drop-down menu.
  • Click OK and if you got a warning prompt, just click on Yes.
  • Now restart your computer.

Option 5 – Try using DISKPART utility to get the drive to be offline

The next thing you can try to resolve the issue is to use DISKPART. Refer to the given steps below to do so.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch Run and then type “cmd” in the field and tap Enter or click OK to open an elevated Command Prompt.
  • Next, type and enter this command to execute it: diskpart
  • The command you entered will initiate the DISKPART utility. After that, type and enter this second command: list disk
  • Next, type and enter this third command: list volume
  • The commands you just executed will help you in either listing all the Disk connects or all the partitions on those disks formed and from there, you need to select one command depending on the “list” command you entered. You can execute either of the two following commands:
    • select disk #
    • select volume #
  • After that, it will select the Disk or Partition you want to select.
  • Now type either one of the following commands:
    • offline disk #offline volume #
  • The command you entered will mark the selected disk is Offline. Afterward, try to safely remove your USB Storage device. Just remember that when you plug it back in again, you have to carry out the same method except for the last given command as this time you will have to enter either of these commands in order to get your USB storage device back online:
    • online disk #
    • online volume #

Option 6 – Try to change the file system to FAT32

If you keep getting this error on a particular USB device, you might have to format the disk and change its file system to FAT32. Make sure that you copy its contents safely into another location before you format the disk. Keep in mind that formatting the disk will remove all the contents of your drive.
  • Open File Explorer and right-click on the drive where you got the error and then select Format from the context menu.
  • Next, in the newly opened mini window, select the FAT32 (Default) option from the drop-down menu under File System.
  • Now check the Quick Format checkbox and then click on the Start button to start formatting your drive.
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Fix We couldn’t install some updates
If you encounter the “We couldn’t install some updates because the PC was turned off” while trying to run Windows Update on your Windows 10 computer, then read on as this post will give you a couple of suggestions you can use as a reference to fix this error. Make sure to follow the options given below carefully.

Option 1 – Perform basic computer troubleshooting

If you get the “We couldn’t install some updates because the PC was turned off” error on your laptop, then it’s recommended that you connect your laptop to a power source and then try clicking the Update button again. In addition, you also have to make sure that your computer stays awake until the Windows Update process is completed. This will ensure that your computer does not go into an idle state and interfere with the process.

Option 2 – Try deleting the files from the SoftwareDistribution folder and resetting the Catroot2 folder

The downloaded Windows Updates are placed in a folder called “SoftwareDistribution”. The files downloaded in this folder are automatically deleted once the installation is completed. However, if the files are not clean up or if the installation is still pending, you can delete all the files in this folder after you pause the Windows Update service. For complete instructions, refer to the steps below.
  • Open the WinX Menu.
  • From there, open Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in the following command – don’t forget to hit Enter right after typing each one of them.
net stop wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
  • After entering these commands, it will stop the Windows Update Service, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Cryptographic and the MSI Installer
  • Next, go to the C:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution folder and get rid of all the folders and files thereby tapping the Ctrl + A keys to select them all and then click on Delete. Note that if the files are in use, you won’t be able to delete them.
After resetting the SoftwareDistribution folder, you need to reset the Catroot2 folder to restart the services you just stopped. To do that, follow these steps:
  • Type each one of the following commands.
net start wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
  • After that, exit Command Prompt and restart your computer and then try to run Windows Update once more.

Option 3 – Try restarting the Windows Update Services

  • Open the Services Manager.
  • From there, make sure that you set the following services and Startup types:
    • Background Intelligent Transfer Service: Manual
    • Cryptographic Service: Automatic
    • Windows Update Service: Manual (Triggered)

Option 4 – Try to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Running the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter could also help you resolve the “We couldn’t install some updates because the PC was turned off” error. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 5 – Try to install the Windows Updates manually

As mentioned, the error might be because Windows missed installing a particular update which is why you are not able to proceed with the current update. So to resolve the issue, you need to install the update that wasn’t installed by downloading it from the Microsoft Update Catalog website. You also have to make sure that you didn’t turn off the Windows update or have it delayed.

Option 6 – Run Microsoft’s online troubleshooter

Running Microsoft’s online troubleshooter might also help you fix the Windows update error. This online troubleshooter is known to help in fixing Windows Update errors, it scans your computer for issues that might be causing the problem and then fixes them automatically.
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Microsoft Store Error 0x80072F7D in Windows
Check your connection. Microsoft Store needs to be online. It looks like you’re not. Check connection Code: 0x80072F7D
This is the error that you get if trying to open the Microsoft store on Windows 10 and it fails. If you experienced this error and are unable to access the store do not despair we are here to help you. This particular error is usually due to some internet issues, follow the presented guide step by step in order to solve it and be able to access the Windows store again.
  1. Check your Internet connection

    Since this error is closely tied to internet connection it is advisable to first eliminate the obvious and check if your computer is connected to the internet.
  2. Run Network troubleshooter

    Built-in Windows troubleshooter is a great tool and we will be using it in the next few segments in order to locate the issue and fix it. Open Windows 10 Settings app using the WINDOWS + I Click on Network & Internet Click on Network troubleshooter Select network adapter to diagnose Press the Next button.
  3. Run Internet Connections troubleshooter

    Press WINDOWS + I to open the Settings app Click on the Update & Security Click on the Troubleshoot Select Additional troubleshooters option Click on Internet Connections option Hit Run the troubleshooter button.
  4. Run Windows Store Apps troubleshooter

    Press WINDOWS + I to open the Settings app Select Update & Security Click on the Troubleshoot Use the Additional troubleshooters option Click on the Windows Store Apps option Press Run the troubleshooter button
  5. Temporarily disable security software

    Your antivirus or firewall might be interfering with the application, sometimes, in some cases store is detected as a false positive in some security applications, and its access to the internet is cut. Disable your security suite to see if this is the case.
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NVIDIA driver keeps crashing in Windows
As you know, NVIDIA is one of the topmost graphics cards used and it has been that way for several years already. And in those years, the company has managed to release the best cards on the market. However, there are still times when some things fail and don’t work as expected due to some NVIDIA driver issues. As of late, one of the issues users reported about NVIDIA drivers is that it keeps on crashing on a daily basis. It gets to the point where they aren’t able to play games anymore while some users experience lag and rendering issues. In addition, some users also reported that their computer display tends to freeze sometimes, and then things would seem to go back to normal but only for a short span of time as the crash seems to happen every 10 minutes. This can be extremely annoying as you won’t be able to use your computer properly. If you are one of these users, worry not for there are several ways you can try to resolve the problem in your Windows 10 computer. Make sure to carefully follow the options given below.

Option 1 – Try checking if the NVIDIA graphics card is enabled

Although the problem is quite massive, the fix could be as simple as enabling the NVIDIA graphics card if it turns out to be disabled. There might be some strange reason why your graphics card disables itself. Thus, the best and first option you can try is to check if the NVIDIA graphics card is enabled or not. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “devmgmt.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Device Manager.
  • After opening the Device Manager, look for the Nvidia graphics card option among the list of device drivers. Once you found it, check if it is enabled or not. If it’s not enabled, you should see a gray arrow pointing downwards. Right-click on the card and select Enabled.
  • Next, right-click on the graphics card once more and click on the Update Driver Software option and then click on the “Search automatically for updated driver software” option.

Option 2 – Try to choose Maximum Performance and disable Vsync

If the first option didn’t work out for you, then you might want to try turning off Vsync and adjust the performance to the maximum. Refer to these steps to disable Vsync and adjust performance to the maximum.
  • The first thing you have to do is right-click on your desktop and select the NVIDIA Control Panel among the options.
  • After opening the NVIDIA Control Panel, select Manage 3D Settings.
  • After that, set Vsync to off, and then in the Power Management Mode, set it to Maximum Performance. That should fix the problem.

Option 3 – Try updating the drivers from the official site of NVIDIA

If both the first and second given options didn’t work, you can also try updating the drivers from the official NVIDIA website. And in case you don’t know the type of Nvidia graphics card that your computer is on, follow the steps below:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next type in “dxdiag” in the field and click OK or hit Enter to open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
  • From there, you can see what type of Nvidia graphics card that your system is on.
  • Take note of your graphics card information and then look for the best drivers for your operating system. Once you’ve downloaded and installed the file, restart your PC.
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Boot Selection Failed Because A Required Device Is Inaccessible Error in Windows 10
If you have or are currently getting a troublesome error saying, “The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible” when you boot your computer, then continue reading as this post will give you some suggestions that may help you resolve the error. This pesky error pops up during the booting process of your computer and prevents you from booting to your Windows 10 PC and displays the error message on a black screen instead. To fix this problem, here are some suggestions you need to check out.

Option 1 – Try checking the boot order in BIOS

  • Turn on your PC and repeatedly tap the Setup key right away about once every second until you see the Computer Setup Utility or the BIOS settings.
  • Then use the right arrow key to select the Security menu and then use the down arrow key to select the Secure Boot Configuration option and then tap Enter.
  • Just a heads up, before you can use Secure Boot Configuration, a warning will pop up. Simply tap F10 to continue to the menu. After opening it, use the down arrow key to select Secure Boot and then the right arrow key to set the setting to Disable.
  • Next, select the Legacy Support option using the down arrow key and then the right key to set the setting to Enable.
  • Now tap F10 to confirm the changes and then use the arrow key to select File menu and then the down arrow key to select Save Changes and then Exit and tap Enter to select Yes. From there, your computer should restart and once it does, use the power button to switch it off.
If you are now able to boot from your hard drive, you need to know which option to choose once the boot menu pulls up. Refer to the steps below to easily boot from your hard drive.
  • Tap the power button to boot your PC. Once your PC starts, a message will appear indicating that the boot mode has now changed.
  • Next, you’ll see a security screen displaying a four-digit code. Type in this four-digit code and tap Enter.
  • After that, tap the power button to turn the computer off and wait for a couple of seconds and then turn your PC on and tap the ESC key right away repeatedly until you see the Startup menu.
  • Now tap F9 to open the Boot Menu and use the down arrow key to select the hard disk and make sure to select it by tapping Enter on your keyboard.
  • Restart your PC and check.

Option 2 – Try running the DSKCHK Check from the Recovery Media.

The DSKCHK utility scans your hard drive for any errors, bad files, or corrupt sectors so this should help in fixing the problem.
  • The first thing you need to do is to download the Media Creation Tool from Microsoft and then open it after the download. The file should be “MediaCreationTool.exe”.
  • Then tap Accept to agree to the terms and conditions and then from the initial screen, select the “Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC” option. Keep in mind that the language, architecture, and edition of the bootable drive will be selected based on your PC’s settings but you have to uncheck the Use the recommended options for this PC in order to choose the correct settings for your own computer that’s getting the error.
  • Now click Next and then click the USB drive or DVD option once prompted to select between USB or DVD depending on what device you are using to store this image on. Then click Next and select the required drivers from the list of storage devices currently connected to the computer.
  • Click Next. After that, the Media Creation Tool will proceed to download the files needed to install and create the installation device.
  • The next thing you have to do is to insert the installation drive.
  • After that, you will see the “Choose your keyboard layout” window so select the one you prefer and then the Choose an option screen will pop up.
  • Go to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt. After opening Command Prompt, input the following command and hit Enter.
  • Now boot your PC without the recovery drive and check if the problem’s fixed or not.

Option 3 – Try resetting the BIOS

  • Open the computer case and then look for the battery in the motherboard. If you can’t find it, you can seek out the motherboard or computer documentation of your PC as well as browse the web or contact the manufacturer for further assistance.
  • Removing the battery should be easy especially if your computer uses a coin cell battery. Just use your fingers to grab on the edge of the battery then pull it up and out of the socket that’s holding it in place.
  • Keep the battery removed for about 10 minutes and then insert it back and try booting into the BIOS.

Option 4 – Try using the Startup Repair

  • Inject the installation drive you created earlier and boot your PC.
  • Select the keyboard layout from the Choose your keyboard layout window.
  • From there, the Choose an option screen pops up. Navigate to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Repair.
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If you suddenly encounter the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Blue Screen error then it means that your computer is under a heavy load. And if you look closely, you’ll see that it has a bug check value of 0x00000050. This kind of Blue Screen error also indicates that invalid system memory has been referenced. It could be that the memory address is wrong, or that it is pointing at freed memory. The PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Blue Screen error occurs when the requested data is not found in the memory. As a result, the system generates a fault which normally indicates that the system is looking for data in the paging file. However, in this case, the missing data is identified as being located within an area of memory that cannot be paged out to the disk. This Stop error might be caused by a buggy system service, antivirus program, a corrupted NTFS volume, or faulty hardware. So if you’ve recently added hardware, you can try removing it and then check. If the problem still persists, refer to the suggestions given below to fix the problem.

Option 1 – Run Memory Check to test your memory

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open Run and type exe and hit Enter to open the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.
  • After that, it will give two options such as:
    • Restart now and check for problems (Recommended)
    • Check for problems the next time I start my computer
  • Select the option you prefer and afterward, check if the Blue Screen error is now fixed.

Option 2 – Run a System File Checker scan

You can also try to run a System File Checker or SFC scan in order to scan your computer for corrupted files that might be the cause behind the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Blue Screen error. Once it finds any corrupted system files, it will automatically fix them. To run System File Checker, here’s what you have to do:
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Restart your computer after the scan is completed.

Option 3 – Disable Automatic Paging File Size Management

  • Right-click on This PC located on your desktop.
  • Next, click on Properties and then click on the Advanced System Settings.
  • Go to the Advanced tab and then click on the Settings button under the Performance section.
  • Afterward, a new mini window will appear and from there, go to the Advanced tab.
  • Then click the Change button under the Virtual Memory section. Once you do, another mini window will appear.
  • Now uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” option.
  • After that, you have to increase the Page File size by doubling the amount of memory allocated by default in the text field. For instance, the paging size given is a minimum of 16MB and so you have to change it to 32MB. And since the recommended value is 1907MB, you can make its maximum size around 4000MB. By doing so, it will allocate more space for paging into individual drivers.
  • Now click OK, close all the open windows and then restart your PC.

Option 4 – Update the Device Drivers

Updating the Device drivers can also help you fix the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Blue Screen error. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. If you see a red or yellow sign that shows up against the driver, right-click on the driver and select “Update Driver Software”.
  • Select the “Search automatically for updated driver software” option and then follow the instructions to complete the process.
  • Restart your PC and then check if the Blue Screen error is now fixed or not.

Option 5 – Perform a System Restore

Performing System Restore might help you in fixing the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error. You can do this option either by booting into Safe Mode or in System Restore. If you are already in the Advanced Startup Options, just directly select System Restore and proceed with the next steps. And if you have just booted your PC into Safe Mode, refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 6 – Try disabling your antivirus programs

There are instances when antivirus programs trigger Stop errors like PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. Thus, you can try disabling your antivirus programs like Windows Defender or other third-party programs if you’re using one.

Option 7 – Use the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

The Blue Screen troubleshooter is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing BSOD errors like PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error. It can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.

Option 8 – Disable Memory caching in the BIOS

You can also disable memory caching in the BIOS to fix the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error.
  • Open the BIOS Setup screen.
  • Next, go to Advanced > Cache Memory and then disable it.
  • Tap the F10 key to save the changes made and restart your computer.
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Backup all drivers in Windows 10
When Windows is installed on a clean hard drive it usually finds most of the needed drivers for our computer to run, but if we by any chance have any old unsupported hardware or some exotic one chance are very high that Windows will not be able to locate and install drivers for it. And sometimes we do not even have drivers from where to download them, let's say for example you have purchased a second-hand laptop with Windows on it, you wish to create a clean and fresh copy of new Windows installation but you do not have drivers, and let us say the model is not supported so you can not download them. In this case, this shown method will help you a ton and save you a lot of time and frustration. So, in order to back all of your drivers from your Windows follow this simple guide step by step. Note please that this method will backup drivers themselves, you will not backup installation packages of drivers or similar stuff, only drivers installed in Windows itself.

Backing up the drivers

First thing first, create a folder where you want your drivers to be backed up somewhere in your HD and give it any name. Second, press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret Windows menu. keyboard with windows and x markedFrom the menu choose Command Prompt (administrator) Windows menu command prompt adminWhen the command prompt is active type the next command in it: DISM /online /export-driver /destination:C:\DriverBackup where: C:\DriverBackup is the folder and the hard drive where you want to store your backed-up drivers. Press ENTER That's it, you have now successfully backed-up all of your installed Windows drivers. Now, save all of your drivers on USB and reinstall Windows.

In order to now return backed drivers do the following:

Press again ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret Windows menu. keyboard with windows and x markedbut this time choose Device manager Windows menu device managerFrom decide, manager right-click on any device Windows has not been able to install appropriate driver and choose update driver
  • Click on the Browse my computer for driver software option.
  • Click the Browse button.
  • Select the folder with the driver backup.
  • Check the Include subfolders option.
  • Click the Next button.
  • Click the Close button.
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How to place different wallpapers on 2 screens
Two monitor systems are not such a rarity like they were just a couple of years ago. More and more people are finding out the benefits of having 2 screens instead of one no matter if you play games or do serious work. So how technology has moved forward and new norms so have Windows and we can now set different wallpapers to different screens very easy, a task which was very difficult in the past.
  1. Go to the Personalization option in the Control Panel.
  2. Right-click on your home screen and select the Personalize option from the menu.
  3. In the new window, you can browse for images you wish to set as wallpaper on both of your monitors. This way, the images would be preloaded in the “Choose your picture” option.
  4. Right-click on the image. Doing this will open a new menu that will allow you to set wallpapers for each screen. There is also another option called “Choose a fit” which gives you the option to select the fit of the wallpaper.
  5. Choose one wallpaper for “monitor 1” and a different wallpaper for “monitor 2.” You will now see your dual-screen setup customized with two different wallpapers.
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Patching Error Code 21

Code 21 - What is it?

Code 21 is a Device Manager error code that appears when you try to use a hardware device attached to your computer and the Windows prohibits you from using it.

This is due to the Windows experiences problems loading the device driver. This error message is displayed in the following format:

“Windows is removing this device. (Code 21)”


driverfix boxError Causes

Error code 21 means that Windows is in the device removal process and the device has not been completely removed. It occurs when you set a device to be removed and then select the same device to run on your system.

Upon your instructions, Windows start to remove that device and when you on the other hand try to use/access the same device that you selected for removal, it kicks up Code 21.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you are experiencing error code 21 on your PC, it is advisable to resolve it immediately.

Though this error will not damage your system, but will significantly lower the performance of your PC which is definitely something you don’t want especially if you work on your computer daily and use it to perform important time-sensitive errands.

To repair and resolve, try the methods given below:

Method 1 - Wait for a Few Seconds and Then Press F5

This is one of the best and easiest ways to resolve code 15 on your system. Wait for a few seconds, and then press the F5 key. This will update the Device Manager view and the error will most probably go away.

Method 2 - Restart Your PC

Sometimes error codes may pop up due to temporary glitches. To resolve such errors, a simple reboot of your PC is enough. Shut down Windows and then restart your system.

This is most likely to resolve Code 21. However, if the error still persists then this means the underlying problem for code 21 is deeper than you think. Try method 3 to resolve.

Method 3 - Install DriverFIX

As mentioned earlier, the error code 21 may occur if you have selected a device to remove and then you try to reuse it.

To resolve, you may have to install the device again and the driver for that the reinstalled device. To reinstall the driver without any hassle, simply download DriverFIX.

It is a smart, user-friendly, and intuitive software program designed to resolve driver problems. The program is embedded with intelligent device identification technology which:

  • Automatically detects all the appropriate system drivers
  • Matches them with the latest available versions
  • And then updates drivers according to their compatible versions on a regular basis

Furthermore, it enables accurate installation and ensures that your system is running at its optimal speed.

Other features that this program boasts are full backup and restoration, safe USB management, and ejection.

If nothing works, you can try the full backup and restoration feature and restore your PC to its previous state when it was functioning properly before the error occurred.

DriverFIX creates a backup of all your files and data hedging keeps you from disasters like data loss. It restores the system to the time when it was working properly.

Click here to download DriverFIX on your system and resolve error code 21 today.

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