C00002lA Fatal System Error is a blue screen of death error that may occur when you start your Windows NT 4.0 based computer. This error causes the screen to turn blue and the system also shuts down.
The stop C000021A error message is displayed in the following format:
Stop c000021a {Fatal System Error}
The session manager initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000017 (0x00000000, 0x0000000) The system has been shut down.
The stop C000021A error occurs when either Crsrss.exe or Winlogon.exe fails. When the Windows NT kernel identifies that either of these processes has failed, it stops and the error code stop C000021A appears on the computer screen.
Here are some of the underlying causes for the stop C0000021A error:
To resolve the stop C000021A Fatal System Error on your PC try the following solutions:
If the error occurred after you recently installed a new program, then it is advisable to remove that program. The error occurs due to the incompatibility of the program.
To remove the program go to the start menu and click on the control panel. Now click on Add/Remove Program tab and double click on the program name that you recently installed and remove it from the list.
Once removed, not reboot your PC. Reinstall a compatible program and run it. It is most likely to resolve the issue. However, if the stop C000021A error still occurs, then it means the problem is critical. It is related to the registry.
This procedure is slightly long and tricky.
To try it, you need to be technically sound. Here’s what you have to do: first create a parallel installation of Windows NT.
Start your PC to the parallel installation and then open the Registry Editor. On the Registry Editor’s Windows menu click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Local Machine and then click Load Hive.
Now type the path %systemroot%system32configsystem into the System hive of the prior installation. Then click open. Here you will be prompted to enter the name of the key, type TEST.
Note the setting for the current DWord value in the preceding registry key. This is 0x1 and is denoted by CURRENT:Reg_Dword: 0x1.
This value indicated that the Current Control Set for your original Windows NT installation corresponds to ControlSet001 in this window. Now if the value is 2, it indicated that the Current Control Set corresponds to ControlSet002.
Now locate the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINETESTControlSetXXXControlSession Manager. XXX is the Current Control Set Value. And delete any pending file rename operation entries. Then click TEST hive and then click Unload Hive. After that again repeat the process, open the registry menu and click load hive, here type the path %systemroot%system32configSoftware to the Software hive of the prior installation and then click open.
Now you type TEST 2 when you are prompted for the name of the key. Remove any pending file rename operations entries in the following registry keys:
Now click TEST2 hive and then click unload hive. Quit the Registry Editor and then restart your original installation.
This will resolve the stop C000021A error.
Most scrollbars are hidden by default if they are not used in Windows 11. If you are not ok with this feature and want scrollbars to be always visible and available do not worry, turning them ON is very easy.
Windows 11 will save settings automatically and apply setting right away. Close settings and continue with work.
Software Updater is an ad-supported browser extension hijacker that claims to update your PC programs and drivers. In addition to managing the installation of your selected software, this install manager will make recommendations for additional free software that you may be interested in. Additional software may include toolbars, browser add-ons, game applications, anti-virus applications, and other types of applications. The hijacked homepage, softwareupdater.com, did not have valid legal privacy and disclaimer policies on its website as of publication date.
This software adds a Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various times, including system startup. The software has access to all installed applications on your PC and can install bundled products with unwanted malware. It is also commonly distributed in bundles with unwanted software. Several anti-virus programs have classified this software as malware and are therefore not recommended.
This device is disabled. (Code 22)It looks like a very simple matter to enable a device from the Device Manager interface but if the device fails to load then there are likely greater underlying problems with the drivers. Drivers allow hardware devices to communicate with other hardware devices and the operating system. Drivers contain instructions and operating procedures for devices. Without a driver, a hardware device will not function and may not even appear in the Device Manager.
One of the selling points of Windows 11 was the ability to run Android apps natively in it without the need for any third-party software. It is not a big surprise that even after its release Microsoft is evolving and expanding Windows 11 and its features.
Microsoft is now rolling out an update for the Windows Subsystem for Android on the Dev Channel of the Windows Insiders program. The new version upgrades the core operating system from Android 11 to Android 12.1 (also known as Android 12L), which means the new system and app features in Android 12 and 12.1 are now available on Windows for the first time. However, not the new features in those updates apply to the modified version that runs on top of Windows. For example, one of the main improvements in 12.1 was a dual-pane notification panel for larger screens, but Android app notifications on Windows just show up in the Windows notification panel.
The upgrade also improves how Android apps integrate into Windows. The Windows taskbar will now show which Android apps are currently using the microphone, location, and other system services — similar to many native Windows applications. Toasts messages (the small popups that some apps use for temporary messages) are now displayed as Windows notifications, and the titlebar on Android apps will use the current activity name for the title.
Full changelog
The new update is limited to Windows Insiders for now, but once Microsoft fixes all the bugs, it should start rolling out to everyone on Windows 11 that has the Android Subsystem enabled.
‘Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file.A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source.’