
Fix 0xA00F4244 or 0x200F4244 error in Windows

Error 0xA00F4244 or 0x200F4244 is when Windows can not detect the WEB camera in your system and it is usually accompanied by the message: We can’t find or start your camera.

There could be several reasons for this error and in this guide, we will cover all of them in order to help you to get back on track and start using your WEB camera which is perhaps now more required than ever in this world we live in.

  1. Check privacy settings

    With the latest Microsoft Windows updates come the latest issues and it is not strange that privacy settings can become reset or changed when an update is applied. This is a quick fix to this issue and can be the sole reason why you get this error, go to Windows settings, then to privacy and check to see if the WEB camera is turned OFF, if this is the case turn it back ON and make sure that option Allow apps to access your camera is also set to ON.

  2. Check if the camera is enabled

    Sometimes it is by mistake, sometimes by an update but the web camera could be disabled in the device manager of Windows. Right-click on the Windows Start button and click on device manager to open it up, find and expand the cameras category. Right-click on your camera, if it is disabled, you will have the option to enable the camera, if it is enabled and Windows is detecting that it is working fine you will have the option to disable it.

  3. Check antivirus settings

    Antivirus and firewall applications are in today's world and life-essential piece of software but they can sometimes create more harm than good, from stopping windows updates to killing important services of applications and preventing internet access being just some examples of their paranoid behavior. Try disabling or turning your protection software OFF and see if your WEB camera will miraculously come back to life. If this is the case, somewhere in the settings of software there is an option that controls this aspect, try to locate it and set it in that way so you are able to use your camera.

  4. Reinstall camera driver

    If the previous three solutions failed to produce a satisfactory solution then reinstalling the camera driver might fix the problem. Go to your manufacturer's camera website and download the latest driver for your camera. Go to the device manager and uninstall the driver for the camera, then apply the latest driver and reboot the system.

  5. Check connections and cable

    Sometimes an issue is not due to software nature, sometimes it is hardware. Try checking connections and plug the camera in another USB port, twist and turn the cable a little to see is issue cable-related.

  6. Check to see if the application supports your camera

    If Windows has detected the camera and is not reporting any issues with it check your application to see if it can detect your camera and that it supports it fully. Sometimes newer applications tend to support only newer camera models. Try to use the camera in other software as well to see if the problem is with the application you are using.

  7. Try camera on another computer

    If everything else fails, try the camera on another computer to see if it will work there. If the camera is not working there as well it is probably malfunctioned and broken for good. If it does work there, try to find out what is different in that computer in comparison to yours, maybe it is some service running in the background, certain application configuration, Windows version itself, USB port version, or something else.

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Windows computer shuts down instead of Sleep
As you know the Windows 10 operating system is has a lot of features and some of them are related to turning off your computer in different ways in order to save power at different levels. These particular features are Shut down, Restart, Hibernate, and Sleep. However, there are times when you might encounter some issues when using any of the aforementioned features. One of these issues is when your computer shuts down instead of going to Sleep. This issue could be caused by several factors including a bug related to the Intel Management Engine Interface or IMEI driver as well as any misconfiguration in the power settings of the BIOS or UEFI. If your computer is going through this problem, read on as this post will guide you in fixing it. There are several potential fixes you can try to fix the problem. You can try to check the Sleep Advanced Settings or run the built-in Power troubleshooter or run the Power Efficiency Diagnostic Report. In addition, you can also try to troubleshoot the problem in a Clean Boot State or reset or update the BIOS.

Option 1 – Check the Sleep Advanced Settings

  • Click on the Windows key and type “control panel” in the field and select the related search result.
  • Next, select the Security and Maintenance option and click on the Power Options.
  • After that, you have to select the Change Plan Settings but keep in mind that this option is barely readable so you need to read each option carefully.
  • Now click on the Change advanced power settings button and a new window will appear.
  • Then look for the “Sleep” option and expand it. Make sure that the “Allow hybrid sleep” option is on.
  • Reboot your computer and check if your computer now functions properly. If it still didn’t work, you may have to reverse the changes you’ve made.

Option 2 – Try to run the Power troubleshooter

The next thing you can do is to run the Power troubleshooter. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Go to Settings and navigate to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • After that, look for the “Power” option from the given list of built-in troubleshooters and click on it.
  • Next, click on the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Power troubleshooter.
  • Once the troubleshooter is done identifying the problems, follow the next on-screen instructions to resolve the problem.

Option 3 – Troubleshoot Sleep Mode issue in a Clean Boot State

The issue with Sleep Mode might be caused by some third-party programs installed on your computer. This program might be the one that puts your computer to sleep and so to isolate this possibility, you have to put your PC in a Clean Boot State using the steps below.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • After that, try to put your computer to sleep again.

Option 4 – Try to run the Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report

You could also try to run the Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report to fix the problem. This tool is helpful and will help you analyze the status of the battery but note that this can be quite overwhelming especially if you’re not well-versed in this matter.

Option 5 – Try to update the BIOS

Updating the BIOS can help you fix the ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY BSOD error but as you know, BIOS is a sensitive part of a computer. Even though it is a software component, the functioning of the hardware depends on it largely. Thus, you must be careful when modifying something in the BIOS. So if you don’t know much about it, it’s best if you skip on this option and try the other ones instead. However, if you are well-versed in navigating the BIOS, then follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “msinfo32” in the field and press Enter to open System Information.
  • From there, you should find a search field on the bottom where you have to search for the BIOS version and then press Enter.
  • After that, you should see the developer and version of the BIOS installed on your PC.
  • Go to your manufacturer’s website and then download the latest version of BIOS on your computer.
  • If you are using a laptop, make sure that you keep it plugged in until you have updated the BIOS.
  • Now double click on the downloaded file and install the new BIOS version on your computer.
  • Now restart your computer to apply the changes made.
Note: If updating the BIOS didn’t help, you might want to consider resetting it instead.
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Why ActiveX Control May Damage Your Personal Computer
ActiveX Controls are plugins you may constantly come across when working with Internet Explorer. An illustration of these kinds of control is the MICROSOFT IE Flash Player. They frequently result into significant problems for the Computer, yet they're vital for IE to operate correctly. You shouldn't ever overlook that after you install Active Controls in your Personal Computer, you effectively provide them with access to other areas of your PC. The ActiveX Controls not only tracks your search routines, but in addition puts malicious software, which might possibly be hazardous to your Computer.


Restoro box imageError Causes

ActiveX Controls make your Internet Explorer work as required and are usually great and beneficial to your own Computer. Yet, they can function as a source of problems because of the following factors.
  • You should stop installing  ActiveX Controls from Un Trustworthy Resources
In the event they are installed by you from un trustworthy resources new threats are likely introduced by ActiveX Controls to your PC. One of the more regular types of ActiveX Controls worth necessary for installation is Flash Player. Yet, never be in a hurry to install these Controls from resources that you don't trust.
  • Limit The Number of ActiveX Controls You Install on your PC
Prevent installing java/oracle ActiveX controls, because of its weak security measures which could make your Personal Computer and any additional information there in, open to attacks. Limit to the variety of ActiveX Controls that you install on your PC as these could increase the vulnerability canvas on your computer.

Further Information and Manual Repair

You can manually fix any malfunction that springs up from ActiveX Controls. Yet, more than mending the harm, produce the setting that ensures you never have troubles from them to start with. Just how do you do that?

a) Stop installing or downloading ActiveX Controls from Un Trustworthy Sources

This has been mentioned above, but it's worth repeating because it's the most common reason behind ActiveX Controls malfunctions. You might anticipate that for this kind of obvious reason for ActiveX Controls malfunctions, PC consumers would be extra cautious, however that is never true.

b) Limit ActiveX Controls Softwares

You can restrict ActiveX controls from running automatically on your PC. To limit them, head to Tools in Internet Explorer, and choose Internet Options. Proceed to the Security tab, and select Customs level Browse completely down before you get to the area designated "ActiveX". Subsequently, mark "Prompt" under every choice that you encounter. But don't mark the choice indicated "Run ActiveX Controls and Plug-Ins", together with, "Script ActiveX Controls Marked Safe for Scripting". By performing the measures emphasized above, you happen to be in substance stating that, you will not permit any installation of ActiveX Controls, without express authorization by you. In this manner, you have better control over different forms of ActiveX Controls you permit to be installed, therefore reducing potential threats to your PC.
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How to Fix Runtime Error 339

What is Runtime Error 339?

Runtime Error 339 is a common error code format that appears when a computer overloads with too much data. However, in some cases, it may occur due to the missing registry keys, DLL files, or during installation. It may lead some programs to shut down all of a sudden and may also corrupt files on the system.


Download Available to Completely Repair Runtime Error 339

Restoro box imageError Causes

This error code is alarming as it is a critical sign of an unstable system followed by improper maintenance of the computer. The potential risks associated with the Runtime Error 339 include:
  • System startup issues
  • Slow PC performance
  • System crash and failure
  • System file corruption
Therefore, to avoid these risks and system failure, it is advisable to fix the runtime error 339 immediately.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you have a Runtime Error 339 issue on your computer, here is a great way how you can fix it right away:

Scan For Viruses

Improper maintenance of the computer indicates that your system might be exposed to viruses and malware. Viruses can modify the Windows registry and lead to Runtime Error 339. Therefore, first, it is important to scan for viruses on your PC.

Identify Software that Causes Errors

Scanning will help you identify software that produces this error on your PC. Once you identify them, either uninstall them or update the program. To uninstall the program, go to the Control Panel and then click on the Add/Remove program if you have Windows XP, if not then click on the Programs and Features item. Now delete the program from your system.

Obtain the Latest Version of the Installer and Re-install the Deleted Program

Once you get your hands on the latest version of the installer, run it on your system by following the on-screen instructions. Install the program. There is also another way to fix Runtime Error 339 and that is by downloading the Runtime Error tool.

Use a Professional Runtime Error Fixer Tool

To fix the error you can also use a professional Runtime Error fixer tool to scan for viruses on your PC. It is available for free download here. Download the tool and install it on your computer. Simply scan your PC after installation. Click the repair button once the scan is complete. This tool fixes problems in just a few minutes.
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What you should not share and post on Facebook
Recent Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger & Oculus fiasco and downtime reminded us that even big IT tech behemoth is vulnerable and can go offline. The situation has been resolve in not so fast manner but not long also, let’s say it was resolved in time that people have not left and switched to another platform. What you should not share and post on FacebookThat being said, now when services are back we stopped and reflected on the platform itself and on its users. If Facebook is vulnerable so are its users, but sometimes users themselves are responsible for being a target. We step back and take a look at posts that manifest on Facebook and have come with some advice on what things you should never post on Facebook and on other social platforms.

Pictures of any kind of ID, bill, vaccine cards or similar document

This should be a no-brainer at all but we see people posting this kind of information. They go on a rant about how the bill is too high and place a picture of it, or they took their vaccine shot and posted a vaccine card as proof. Why this is a bad idea is that any of these documents contain certain things like birthdays, names, and even more like addresses and other information that can be used against users.

Information about where you live

This could be tied to the previous point but it is very crucial that a living address is not something that you wish to share publicly. A lot of burglars are stalking social media for exactly this kind of information so they can then analyze when and how to strike and this time you have done all work for them providing them with the information on where to find your flat.

Daily routines and vacation plans

The most burglary happens to believe it or not during the day, in hours when people are at work. So by providing the world with your daily routines and when you are not at home you are putting your home at risk of being broken into. Posting vacation plans are even worse or posting pictures and status when you are on vacation will send a clear message to anyone that your home is empty and unattended.

Pictures of your home interior

This can also sadly disclosure more information that you wish like maybe some interesting facts like address or birthday on certificates, diplomas, or other documents accidentally caught in the taken picture. Also, these kinds of pictures can show much about your home security, alarm positions if you have some, how is your front door secured, etc.

Content that can get you fired

We hear all the time, famous star or director has some tweets that have resurfaced and now it is fired. I know that many of us are not famous stars but we can also be fired. Sharing some offensive opinions, inappropriate content or just plain pure lies like took sick leave to play this new game can have not so great resolution for your working relationship with your employer. We do not support lies nor do any kind of inappropriate content but posting it online on social media will just make things worse for you personally.

Your login info or sites and services that you are using

It is fairly safe to say hey we are chilling with Netflix or watching the new season of Mandalorian on Disney plus but speaking of things like made a new account on freelancer service of got my new e-banking in this cool new bank, etc. is not very wise. Cyber crooks are always on the lookout for identity theft and will use available information to steal data and money. You are risking also losing provided accounts this way leaving you with tons of work to explain that you got mugged to service providers.


We know that this article seems paranoid and maybe assumes that among your friends there are some crocks and people trying to take advantage of you. As this certainly was not our attention nor goal, we had to point to extremes in order to protect you the most.
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Fix 0x80070013 for Restore, Backup and Update
In this post, you will be guided on how you can fix error 0x80070013 while executing various operations in your Windows 10 computer like System Restore, Windows Backup, or Windows Updates. When you encounter error 0x80070013, you will see the following error messages. For System Restore, it states:
“System Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer’s system files and settings were not changed. Details: System Restore failed while scanning the file system on the drive <Partition Letter> The drive might be corrupt. You might want to retry System Restore after running chkdsk /R on this disk. An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. (0x80070013) You can try System Restore again and choose a different restore point. If you continue to see this error, you can try an advanced recovery method.”
Whereas in Windows Backup, it states:
“Check your backup, Windows Backup failed while trying to read from this shadow copy on one of the volumes being backed up. Please check in the event logs for any relevant errors. The backup failed, The media is write protected (0x80070013).”
On the other hand, you will see the following error message in Windows Update:
“There were some problems installing updates, but we’ll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact the support for information, this may help: (0x80070013).”
There are several suggestions you can check out to fix the error depending on where you encountered it. If you encountered it while running Windows Updates, then you can try to reset the Windows Update components or run the Windows Update Troubleshooter. And if you got the error when running System Restore, you can try to run a System File Checker scan or the DISM tool as well as the CHKDSK utility. Lastly, if you got this error when running the Windows Backup service, you can try to check its status in the Services Manager. Error 0x80070013 in Windows Updates:

Option 1 – Try to reset the Windows Update components

  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After that, type each one of the following commands and hit Enter after you key in one after the other.
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop cryptsvc
    • net stop bits
    • net stop msiserver
Note: The commands you entered will stop the Windows Update components such as Windows Update service, Cryptographic services, BITS, and MSI Installer.
  • After disabling WU components, you need to rename both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders. To do that, type each one of the following commands below, and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type one command after the other.
    • ren C:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution/SoftwareDistribution.old
    • ren C:/Windows/System32/catroot2/Catroot2.old
  • Next, restart the services you’ve stopped by entering another series of commands. Don’t forget to hit Enter after you key in one command after the other.
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start cryptsvc
    • net start bits
    • net start msiserver
  • Close Command Prompt and reboot your PC.

Option 2 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing error 0x80070013. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go. Error 0x80070013 in System Restore:

Option 3 – Try to run both Systems File Checker scan and DISM tool

Running the System File Checker scan as well as the DISM tool can help you resolve error 0x80070013 while performing System Restore. Refer to these steps to do so.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute this command to run a System File Checker scan: sfc /scannow
  • Once the scan is completed, restart your computer and then see if the error is now fixed. If not, you can run the DISM tool.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges again.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them in order to properly run the DISM tool:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 4 – Run the CHKDSK utility

  • In the Windows Search box, type “command prompt” and from the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type this command and tap Enter: chkdsk <Partition Letter>: /f /r /x /b
  • The command you entered will start to check for errors and fix them automatically. Else, it will throw an error message saying, “Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like the schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)”.
  • Tap the Y key to schedule Disk Check the next time your computer restarts.
Error 0x80070013 in Windows Backup:

Option 5 – Try checking the status of the Windows Backup Service

  • First, you need to tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and click OK or tap Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • After that, you will see a list of services and from there, look for the Windows Backup Service and double click on it to open its Properties.
  • Then check if its Startup type is set to Disabled. If it is, then change it to “Manual”. Note that this service is essential as it provides backup and restores capabilities.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then restart your computer. Check if the error is now gone.
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APC_INDEX_MISMATCH  - What is it and how to fix it?
The error 0x0000001 also known as APC_INDEX_MISMATCH is one of the fatal errors that users encounter upon starting their computers. This error appears when there is a sequence mismatch in the driver or system file when it is disabling or re-enabling Asynchronous procedure calls. The mismatch happens maybe because of a virus or malware attack, not shutting down your computer properly and incomplete installation of the system files. There are many ways to fix this error. The easiest way is to download a repair utility program. The use of these programs perfectly fits those that are not so technical. All you have to do is download the program and install it on your computer. As soon as it is installed, the program will now scan and diagnose your computer for any errors. After it identifies the errors, it will then repair your PC through either manual or automatic tools. To those who are techie and enjoy the manual resolution, you may take advantage of Microsoft’s analyze debug extension which tells you the cause of the error. After determining the cause then you can now start fixing the error. Check if Hardware is functioning properly. If the cause is due to a hardware malfunction, you will have to make sure that all the pieces you are using are working. All the wires should be attached to their respective ports. Not only that, but you also must make sure that before installing the hardware, it is compatible with the Windows version that is installed into your computer. Use Compatible software. If the problem was caused by software or a driver, you can uninstall and reinstall it. Always make it a rule that whenever you install a program or new software to your computer, make sure it is compatible with your operating system and never skip a step during the installation process. You also have to see to it that the program you are installing does not contain any viruses, malware, or spyware that can be harmful to your computer. Update your Drivers Regularly. In most cases though, the cause of the APC_INDEX_MISMATCH error are outdated device drivers. To resolve this, you will have to go to your Control Panel then look for Device Manager. As soon as you are in the Device Manager window, you can now see the different devices running on your computer. You right-click on each device and check the Properties.  In the Properties window, click on the Driver Tab and look for the date when it was last updated. You can then go to the manufacturer’s website and compare the dates. For a new Windows operating system, you no longer have to go to the manufacturer's website though. All you have to do is click on Update Driver and it will automatically search for updates online. Use a Genuine Operating System. There are also cases where the 0x0000001 error won’t allow you to access your computer. In this case, we have to suspect that the problem could be in your Operating system. To resolve this, you can reinstall your Operating System or update your current operating system. Only use a genuine licensed Windows Operating System because this will not only protect you from Malware and Viruses but it allows you to get all the recent update available from Microsoft. Update your Windows 10 regularly by going to Settings > Windows Update > Check for Updates. You may also turn on the Automatic Update by going to the Advanced options is found on the Windows Update Page. You can always get help online but it really helps to know the basics and determining the root cause of the error.
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How to Fix CPU Not Compatible Error Message On Windows 10

CPU Not Compatible – What Is It

Some users wanting to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 experienced errors with installation. One of these errors is CPU Not Compatible. When you click and run the “Get Windows 10” from your system tray bar, you’ll receive the “CPU is not compatible with Windows 10” error. When this happens, it might be good to check if there’s a bug or if your NX feature (a requirement for the Windows 10 installation) is enabled.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The “CPU is not compatible with Windows 10” error normally occurs when:

  • NX feature is not enabled
  • You experienced the Windows 10 bug

Further Information and Manual Repair

To successfully upgrade to Windows 10, your CPU must support Physical Address Extension (PAE), SSE2, and NX features. If any of these features are not activated on your system, it’ll cause the CPU not compatible error. However, some users still reported experiencing this error even though their CPU has these features activated. Normally, this is due to the bug that Windows acknowledged.

If any of these two scenarios apply to your computer, the following methods will help you fix the problem:

Method 1 – Check for bugs

The bug applies to some Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 systems. The bug occurs when the “Get Windows 10” app fails to recognize CPUs as being compatible. This produces a false negative result with a message, “Here’s why Windows 10 cannot be installed on this PC: The CPU isn’t supported”. To fix this bug, Microsoft released an update.

Unfortunately, the patch update (KB2976978 for Windows 8/8.1 and KB2952664 for Windows 7 SP1) to fix the bug may not be automatically downloaded to your computer. If this is the case, you need to verify first if the patch was installed correctly. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Click ‘Start’ and type in View Installed Updates. The “View installed updates” icon should appear. Click the icon.
  1. Go to the Search bar (Top right portion) then type the patch name for your system. Make sure that you type the correct patch name for your system since Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 have different names. If you find the patch, it means it’s already installed. You can now upgrade to Windows 10 without the CPU not-compatible error.
  1. But, if you can’t find it you need to install the patch manually.
  1. Go to Windows Update then click the “Check for Updates” button.
  1. Browse through the available updates and look for KB2976978 for Windows 8/8.1 or KB2952664 for Windows 7 SP1
  1. Download the right patch. You may need to reboot your system once it’s done.
  1. The downloaded patch should be applied after a day or two with the Windows Task Scheduler. Once the patch is applied, you can now upgrade to Windows 10.

Method 2 – Check CPU features and activate them if needed

A major requirement for Windows 10 upgrade is for the CPU to have Physical Address Extension (PAE), SSE2, and NX features enabled on your system. If you receive the CPU not compatible error, one possible cause is that any of the mentioned features are not available OR not enabled on your system. Here’s how you can fix this:

  1. Verify if your CPU supports the three instruction sets. You can use software that provides information like this. If all three are available, proceed to the next step.
  1. Go to your computer’s BIOS. To do this, reboot your computer. You will need to press a key specific to your computer’s manufacturer (usually it’s F12, F8, F2, or DEL).
  1. Look for the NX (No Execute Bit) settings. This is normally found in the “Advanced Configuration” menu, or something similar to this. Just take note that the NX setting can be named differently in BIOS. Some other names include EDB (Execute Disabled Bit), EVP (Enhanced Virus Protection), Execute Disabled Memory Protection or No Excuse Memory Protect.
  1. Once you’re in the NX settings, make sure that it’s enabled.
  1. Exit the BIOS and SAVE your changes.
  1. Boot your computer normally, then try upgrading to Windows 10 again through the “Get Windows 10” app found in the system tray.

Method 3 – Force enabling NX Bit

If changing the settings in your BIOS doesn’t do the trick, your final option is to force enable the NX bit in your Windows system. However, this is only applicable IF and ONLY IF your CPU does support it. To force enable NX bit, do the following:

  1. Click Start and go to command prompt (Type “cmd” – no quotes) and press enter.
  1. Copy and paste the text below to the command prompt.bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOn
  1. Execute the command. You will need to reboot your computer once this is done.
  1. Download and install Windows 10

Method 4 – Use a trusted automated tool

If you still experience the error after doing the methods above, you might want to try a powerful and trusted automated tool to fix the job.
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System Image Backup 0x807800A1 & 0x800423F3
System image backup error 0x807800A1 & 0x800423F3 appears when you are trying to create a system image backup and the operation fails to do so. If you’re faced with any of these error codes, try our recommended solutions in the order presented below and resolve the issue.

Check Volume Shadow Copy & Software Protection Services

To restart the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) on Windows 10, do the following:
  • Press ⊞ Windows + X to bring up the Windows menu.
  • Click on command prompt (admin)
  • In the command prompt window, type the commands below and hit Enter after each line:
net stop vss net start vss
Once the commands execute successfully, try the system image backup again. The operation should complete successfully. You need to also check if the Software Protection Service is disabled. If it is, then Start it and ensure that it is set to default which is Automatic (Delayed Started).

Create System Image using PowerShell

Command lines are less prone to errors provided the syntax is correct, unlike GUIs that can suffer a glitch every now and then. To create a system image with PowerShell do the following:
  1. Open the Windows PowerShell as administrator. To create a System Image in Windows 10 using PowerShell, you will have to run the Wbadmin command.
  2. Inside the Powershell window type, then press Enter: wbadmin start backup-backup target: E:-include: C:-quiet-allCritical E: is the target drive where you’re going to save the system image, and C: is the system root drive where Windows is currently installed
  3. To extract the created system image, starting over from Windows 10 USB installation media, select advanced startup or open run and type: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Shutdown.exe / r / o

Use third-party imaging software

If the previous two solutions have not managed to solve the issue there is always an option to use a third-party imaging solution. There are free open source and buying options offering various advantages each. Find out which one works best for you and use it.
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What to do if Windows 10 PC turns on by itself
A PC that turns on by itself every so often can get quite annoying. Many users have faced this problem countless times. There are lots of possible reasons why your Windows 10 PC turns on by itself, wakes up from sleep, standby, or even when it’s shut down. To find out what exactly woke your computer, simply open Command Prompt as admin and type the following command:
powercfg –lastwake
Once you enter the command given above, it will show you the last device that woke your PC up. After that, you need to type in the next command:
powercfg –devicequery wake_armed
After entering the command, it will show you a list of all the devices that could wake your PC up. The goal in running these commands is to understand the reason what’s really causing your PC to turn on and see the reason is on the hardware level or not. Here are a couple of options you can try if your Windows 10 PC turns on by itself.

Option 1 – Try disabling Fast Startup

As you know, Windows 10 comes with a mode called Fast Startup which does not turn off the computer in the usual manner. This mode keeps your computer in a mixed state so that when you turn it on again, it will be a lot faster. However, as useful as this feature appear to be, some security experts find this an issue, for numerous reasons – for one, it can turn on your Windows 10 PC by itself. Thus, you need to disable this feature to fix the problem.

Option 2 – You need to stop the Task Scheduler from waking up your computer

There are times when the issue has something more to do with the software than hardware. It could be that you are using a Scheduled Task to get some work done on your computer at a particular time of the day or many times a day. That’s why if you really are using Task Scheduler, you need to change the Power settings of Windows to make sure that it ignores those tasks rather than deleting them instead when your computer is either on Hybrid or Standby mode.
  • Open the Power Options and then click on “Change Plan Settings”.
  • After that, make sure to choose the correct power plan and then select the “Change advanced power settings” option.
  • Next, look for the Sleep tree and expand it to view the “Allow Wake Timers” option and then disable it. Disabling this option will make sure that none of the program that could wake your PC up when it’s either on shutdown or sleep mode. However, this only applies to laptops.

Option 3 – Try to disable Automatic Restart

There are instances when the computer crashes and the system restarts itself. This is actually by design – when your computer has been left on standby, the computer will restart and if the program repeats, it will keep on waking your PC up.
  • In the Search bar, type in “system”.
  • Once it appears from the search results, click on it.
  • Next, select Advanced system settings on the left side and then go to the Advanced tab.
  • From there, click on Settings under Startup and Recovery.
  • Then unmark “Automatically Restart” and click on OK.

Option 4 – Adjust the Power Management option of both the Keyboard and Mouse

As you know, two of the culprits in waking your PC up are the keyboard and the mouse. If they’re slightly moved or hit, your PC turns on. To prevent these two from waking your computer up, you need to make some adjustments to their power management option since they have one. You can disable this option to ensure that they won’t wake your PC up unless you really want it to.
  • Tap the Win + X keys and then tap M to open the Device Manager and list all the hardware on your computer. From there, select your keyboard or mouse.
  • Next, right-click and then go to Properties and go to the Power Management tab.
  • In this tab, uncheck the “Allow this device to wake the computer” box.
Note: Aside from the keyboard and mouse, if you are also using any gaming rig to play games on your computer, then you might have to disable their power options as well as they could also wake your computer. Just make sure that either the keyboard or the mouse has the ability to wake your computer up at the very least as it can be quite inconvenient to tap the Power button every time you want to turn on your computer.

Option 5 – Modify Wake On Lan

The Wake On Lan feature can bring back your computer online if it is connected to a network. This feature is useful especially when a computer wants to communicate or to send data or files to a network computer which should come online only when it’s requested. Wake On Lan is built into the hardware, i.e. network adapter so it is one of the possible reasons why your PC turns on by itself.
  • Tap the Win + x keys then hit M to open the Device Manager and then under the Network adapters, look for the one that was listed above. Take note that you must not change anything with the ones that are listed as Miniport.
  • Next, right-click and select Properties and then go to Power management and from there, uncheck the “Allow this device to wake up the computer” option. This will ensure that no PC on the network can ever wake your computer up.

Option 6 – Prevent any scheduled Windows Update and Automatic maintenance

It is also possible that the Windows Update has restarted your PC to complete the update. This depends on your active hours or a predefined schedule. AS you know Windows has a built-in Automatic Maintenance mode which wakes the computer up at the scheduled time and performs the system update. This could be one of the possible reasons why your computer turns on by itself. so to prevent any scheduled updates and maintenance, you can simply change the time for Automatic maintenance. How? Follow these steps:
  • Open Settings then go to Windows Update and Security >Windows Update and select Active Hours.
  • After that, type in “Automatic maintenance” in the search bar to change the time for Automatic maintenance.
  • From there, you can adjust the timing or just uncheck the “Allow scheduled maintenance to wake up my computer at the scheduled time” box.
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Fix This device is currently in use, USB Error
USB storage devices, peripherals, and other devices are almost used on a daily basis. And as you know, when removing the USB storage devices, it is recommended to always use the “Safely remove the USB storage device” option in order to prevent data corruption in the USB storage device. However, there are times when you may see the following error message after you use the “Safely remove the USB storage device” option:
“Problem ejecting USB Mass Storage – This device is currently in use, close any programs or windows that might be using this device, and then try again.”
This kind of error message occurs when the device is still interacting with the operating system in the background. There are several ways you can fix this error but before you check them out below, you need to close all the open windows and programs that may be using the USB storage device and then wait for a couple of seconds and then try safely removing it again. However, if you are still getting the same error message, then here are some tips you should try:

Option 1 – Try to use the Task Manager

  • Tap the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys on your keyboard to open the Task Manager.
  • After that, look for the running processes and programs hogging on your USB Storage device. The error could be due to a program or process that’s using the USB device. This program or process will hog onto some Disk or CPU while transferring data and interacting with the device.
  • Once you find the culprits, right-click on each one of them and select End Process or End Task. You could also try to restart the process for “Explorer.exe” and see if it fixes the problem.

Option 2 – Try using DISKPART

The next thing you can try to resolve the issue is to use DISKPART. Refer to the given steps below to do so.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch Run and then type “cmd” in the field and tap Enter or click OK to open an elevated Command Prompt.
  • Next, type and enter this command to execute it: diskpart
  • The command you entered will initiate the DISKPART utility. After that, type and enter this second command: list disk
  • Next, type and enter this third command: list volume
  • The commands you just executed will help you in either listing all the Disk connects or all the partitions on those disks formed and from there, you need to select one command depending on the “list” command you entered. You can execute either of the two following commands:
    • select disk #
    • select volume #
  • After that, it will select the Disk or Partition you want to select.
  • Now type either one of the following commands:
    • offline disk #offline volume #
  • The command you entered will mark the selected disk is Offline. Afterward, try to safely remove your USB Storage device. Just remember that when you plug it back in again, you have to carry out the same method except for the last given command as this time you will have to enter either of these commands in order to get your USB storage device back online:
    • online disk #
    • online volume #

Option 3– Try using the Disk Management utility

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open Run.
  • Then type “diskmgmt.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Disk Management utility.
  • Next, look for the entry for your USB Storage device and once you’ve found it, right-click on it and select Offline.
  • After that, try to safely remove your USB Storage device again and see if the error is fixed. Note that you need to go over the same steps again if you want to plug your USB Storage device back in but make sure to select the Online option instead of Offline to get your device back online.
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