
Repair Windows 10 Error Code 0xC1900200, 0x20008

Code 0xC1900200, 0x20008, What is it?

Error Code 0xC1900200, 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008)  is an error that occurs when you attempt to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10, but the minimum requirements have not been met by your computer. You will therefore be unable to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10 until your computer is updated or upgraded to meet those requirements.

Common symptoms include:

  • When attempting to upgrade a dialog box with Code 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008) is displayed.
  • Your computer is unable to begin the Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade process.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error Code 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008)  occurs when you are unable to begin the Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade because your computer does not meet the minimum requirements to run Microsoft Windows 10.

  • You are unable to begin the upgrade because your computer does not meet the required system or hardware specifications.
  • You are not running the correct version of Microsoft Windows to be able to begin the upgrade.
  • You are not running the latest updated version of Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 or Microsoft Windows 8.1. Error Code 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008) as stated, simply means your computer does not meet the requirements to update and does not indicate a permanent problem or inability to continue to use your computer. This error only means that you will not be able to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10 until your computer is made to meet these requirements.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are several solutions that the user can complete at home that should fix the problem resulting in a manifestation of Error Code 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 (Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008). Below are several options that should resolve this error.

Method 1:

Verify what version of Microsoft Windows you are currently running, older, outdated, or no longer supported versions of Microsoft Windows are not able to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10. If you are not running one of the following versions you will have to update before being able to upgrade.

  • The most current version of Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
  • The most current version of Microsoft Windows 8.1

Method 2:

Your computer's system specifications do not meet the requirements to be able to upgrade to and run Microsoft Windows 10. To check your system specifications do the following.

  • Click on the start button in the bottom left corner, then locate the control panel on the menu, click on it to open.
  • Once it opens, locate system and security on the menu and click to open, click on system and this will show you your amount of RAM and processor speed.
  • Find device manager on the left-hand side click this then select display adapter, and it will show you your current video card.
  • Click on the start button again, then click on the computer in the menu, this will show you your hard drive size, and available space.

If you have the option available you can simply run the get Microsoft Windows 10 app to check compatibility. Once you have your system specs make sure they meet or exceed the following.

  • 1 GHz or higher processor or SoC
  • 1 gig of RAM for 32 bit and 2 gigs of RAM for 64 bit
  • 16 GB available hard drive space for 32 bit, 20 GB for 64 bit
  • Minimum of DirectX9 that has 1.0 WDDM
  • At least an 800x600 display

If your computer does not meet these minimum requirements, upgrade the components necessary to meet them. If you do not possess the technical expertise required to accomplish this yourself or do not feel comfortable doing so, download and install a powerful automated tool to get the job done.

Method 3:

Your computer might not meet the aforementioned requirements to make an upgrade because of insufficient hard drive space or resources. Learn how to create space on your computer.

Method 4:

Many people hold on to and use the same computer for a very long time. It is possible that your computer cannot be upgraded to meet the requirements, or that the cost to do so would be so high that a new computer would be cheaper. If that is the case, your only option may be to replace your computer.

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Fix Print Spooler Service Error 1068
There is one service in the Windows operating system that is responsible for managing all the print jobs as well as handles the interaction with the printer. This service is known as the Print Spooler service. However, if it stops running, then you won’t be able to print anything on your computer. In such a case, you can try to restart the Print Spooler service, and to do that, you have to open the Windows Services Manager and look for the Print Spooler Service. Once you found it, right-click on it and select Restart. If it isn’t running, select Start and if the Service starts working again, then good but if not and you got an error message instead that says, “Windows could not start the Print Spooler service on Local Computer, Error 1068, The dependency service or group failed to start”, then read on as this post will give you a couple of suggestions you can try to resolve the issue. The reason why you could not start the service is most likely because the Print Spooler service is dependent on other services which might not be properly running. If the following services are not running then it’s no wonder why you’re getting the error.
  • HTTP Service
  • Remote Procedure Control (RPC) Service
You might not see the RPC service which means that the Print Spooler Service does not recognize its dependency on the RPC service. In such a case, you have to manually configure the dependency by following the options given below.

Option 1 – Try configuring the dependency via CMD

The first thing you have to do is to configure the dependency using CMD. Refer to the steps below to do so:
  • Open an elevated Command Prompt.
  • Then type in “sc config spooler depend= RPCSS” and hit Enter.
  • After the command has been executed, restart your computer and then check if it fixed the problem. If not, proceed to the next given option below.

Option 2 – Fix dependency via the Registry Editor

You can also resolve dependency using the Registry Editor. How? Refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • After that, navigate to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSpooler
  • Next, right-click on the “DependOnService” entry located on the right pane and select Modify.
  • Now change its value data to “RPCSS” and click OK to save the changes made and then exit the Registry Editor.
  • Reboot your computer and see if the issue is resolved.

Option 3 – Try running the Printer Troubleshooter

Another option you can check out is the Printer Troubleshooter. This built-in troubleshooter in Windows 10 can help you fix most print issues. It checks if you have the latest printer drivers and then tries to fix and update them automatically. Aside from that, it also checks if you have connectivity issues or if the Print Spooler and the required Services are running fine. To run it, follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “exe /id PrinterDiagnostic” in the field and click OK or hit Enter to open the Printer Troubleshooter.
  • Then click the Next button and follow the next on-screen instructions to fix the issue with the printer.
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Fix Windows 11 not using the whole RAM
It has been reported that there are systems out there with Windows 11 operating systems that do not use the whole RAM memory installed in the system. If by any chance you are one of the unfortunate users that has encountered this issue, fear not, we have a solution for you.

RAM memoryRun the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool

  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + S to open the search menu
  2. Type in Windows Memory Diagnostic tool
  3. Click on the found app
  4. Select Restart now and check for problems
  5. Wait for the tool to finish
Memory Diagnostic tool is a built-in tool in Windows, it was designed to automatically find and repair memory issues and should be your first step toward resolving this issue.

Check page file

  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + S to open the search menu
  2. Type in View advanced system settings
  3. Click on the search result
  4. Click on settings under performance
  5. Click on the Advanced tab
  6. Click on Change under Virtual memory
  7. Uncheck the box for Automatically manage paging file size for all drives
  8. Then select the drive and check the No paging file option
  9. Click on Set
  10. Repeat for all drives on the system
  11. Reboot the system for changes to take effect
If after reboot system still does not see and use whole available RAM, repeat this process and turn back ON paging. After you are done move to the next solution.

Modify usable RAM

  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + S to open the search menu
  2. Type in System configuration
  3. Click on the search result
  4. Go to the Boot tab and click on Advanced options
  5. Check the box for Maximum memory
  6. Enter the installed RAM on your system in the field box and click on OK
  7. Confirm once again on the OK and close the System configuration window
  8. Restart the system
If the provided solution has not worked, uncheck the Maximum memory checkbox and save the changes. Move to the next solution.

Change and modify the registry

  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the run menu
  2. Type in Regedit and press the OK button or hit ENTER
  3. Click on YES if prompted by UAC
  4. Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory
  5. On the right side find and double click on the ClearPageFileAtShutdown DWORD
  6. Enter 1 under Value data and click on OK to save the changes
  7. Close the registry and reboot the system

Enable memory remapping inside BIOS

In order to do this fix, you will need to enter BIOS on your system. How entering BIOS is different from system to system depending on your manufacturer, especially if it is a laptop this step you will have to do alone. Go to your motherboard manufacturer or laptop manufacturer and see how to enter BIOS.
  1. Enter BIOS (80% of the time this can be done by pressing DEL or F12 while the system is turned ON)
  2. Locate System Agent Configuration option
  3. Select Memory Remap Feature and Enable it
Your BIOS might be different from ours and you might not have the System Agent Configuration option, in this case, go through the setting and try to locate Memory Remap Feature. If this feature is missing as well move to the next step.

Rearrange RAM modules on the motherboard

Sometimes RAM memory cannot be slotted properly or just purely switching them in slots can solve the issue. Take RAM out, clean memory slots, clean motherboard connectors for them, and place them back in a different order. If by any chance none of the methods worked, then the issue might be in the hardware itself, either memory banks themselves, motherboard, power supply, etc. If this is sadly the case, you will have to locate the issue and replace the faulty part. If you are not technical enough for this adventure, the best solution is to take a PC to a computer repair shop.
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Cartoonize review

Hello and welcome to our software series review. Weel this time we could say this is more of a service review since the application we are going through today is online and you can use it freely without ever needing to install it.

When we choose software that we are going to review and recommend we really try to recommend something that is worth your time and money, Cartoonize fits in both categories in my opinion.

First of all basic plan of this graphic software is completely free and as mentioned it is working online, also as one more feature basic plan does not even require you to have an account of any kind, all you need to do is go to the website of the application and you can start using it right away. There is also paid plan for extra features if you need them billed monthly or annually.

cartoonize application


First things first, this is not Photoshop or GIMP and it does not aim nor want to be. This is something else, directed and pointed at the different types of users. This application is aimed at people that want to make some quick graphics and post them on social media and it does that very well. Even without knowledge to use graphic software this one is so well designed and straightforward that even a complete newcomer can do something right away.

So as the application that wants to be used by people that want to place some cool pictures or ads on their social media what it offers. For starters simplicity and ease of use, every option that you can use is on the left side of the screen nicely packed into the vertical toolbox. Inside the toolbox, you have access to various tools, effects, and filters that you can apply to your image.

Tools explained

Image manager

The first section on the tool panel is the image manager, here you can upload your images, delete them, search stock images, and so forth. nothing more to say about this one as it is only a basic file manager.


In this tool panel, there are a lot of basic settings for your image manipulations divided into 3 sections: Basics, Enhance, and Creative. In the basic section, you can crop, resize and rotate your image. Enhance panel will let you set exposure, color, vibrance, tint, and details (sharpen). Finally, the Creative part will let you remove the background with AI in a single click, replace colors in the image, and add a vignette and round image.


In the effects panel, you will be given 4 options to choose from Cartoonizer, Digital art, Sketcher, and painting. Each option once clicked will open another set of options tied to chosen preset where you will be able to choose a different style from chosen template. Once you click on the desired template it will be applied to your image and in the upright corner, you will have edit options to tweak it to your liking. You can play around as much as you want because only once you click on the apply button, the effect will be applied to your image.


Same as in the effects tool panel here you will also get a series of different filters that you can apply to your image. As in the previous tool once clicked on the chosen filter, you will be given options for its variations and details edits. How there is really plenty of filters options and combined with its own presets I will not focus on explaining what each one is doing since picture thumbnails are pretty accurate and just one look at them will explain to you everything you need to know.


In the overlays panel, you can as the name says overlay different kinds of effects on your image. You can add snow, fog, sun flares rain, and many more. Presets work identically to previous effects and filters.


If you want to place your image in a certain shape or in-text this is the section for you. You will be presented with sections as custom text, shapes, brushes, floral, animals, and patterns. Each section will once again lead to plenty of variations on the chosen subject where you can pick one that you like the most and tweak its options.


As the name suggests, this section is to add text to your picture or design. If you are making some cool ad for Facebook, Instagram, or other social media I believe that you will spend most of your time in this section adding text and tweaking it so it looks best. You have all the tools that you will need to make a catchy title or smaller block of text and you can add multiple texts to your picture tweaking their own visual appearance, the font used, color, and some effects like a drop shadow.


In the draw section, you will be able to freely draw whatever you like with your mouse or pen if you have one. you have basic options for a brush and eraser so you can erase stuff. Pretty basic tool but it gives a nice touch to underline something, circle it, etc.


This panel will let you place various already made graphic assets into a picture. You have hearts, hats, glasses, etc. There really are tons of premade graphics along with thematic ones like new year, st. Patric day and more.


As the name suggests this section will place a frame of your choice around your picture. You can choose the style of frame, position, color, and many more. There are various styles and each style has its own options.


Cartoonize is a great online application that will let you quickly and easily do cool and nice image edits. As mentioned you can also add various effects, text, and graphics and use this app to make some quick and nice ads for social media. You have the option to publish to your social media right from the app in the save dialog but you can also of course download your image or design to your local computer.

Please note that for this review we used the pro, paid version so all of the features were unlocked. We wanted to give you a full overview of the full potential of the app. In my opinion, the small monthly fee that they charge is well worth it when you see all things that you can do with it.

Go to the cartoonize website and check it out, basic option is completely free and it does not even require making an account. Have fun, be creative and take care, I hope to see you again tomorrow.

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HDMI Port not working properly in a Windows PC
HDMI which stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface is an audio/video interface that can be used to interconnect various multimedia devices. One of the common use for HDMI is when a CPU is connected to a monitor and a projector. Aside from that, it can also be used in connecting Blu-ray players and laptops to televisions as well as monitors. One of the main advantages of using HDMI is that it can transmit both audio and video at high qualities such as 4K using only a single connection. However, you may also experience some issues in using it every now and then and one of them is when you find that after connecting the devices using the HDMI port, the screen appears to be black and there is no audio output. In such cases, there are a variety of hardware malfunctions that could be causing the problem with the HDMI connectivity. Although there a lot of potential causes, there are also potential fixes you can try to fix the problem. Before you troubleshoot the HDMI Port problem, you might want to perform System Restore first as it might help you in fixing the problem. It could be that you’ve made some changes in some of the settings in your computer that triggered the problem. Thus, you can try run System Restore to undo them, refer to these steps:
  • First, press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the Stop error is fixed or not.
If the problem still persists after System Restore, then follow the given options below to further troubleshoot the problem.

Option 1 – Try to physically check the hardware of your computer

The first thing you can do is to check the physical status of the hardware in your computer. You can clean the dust off the hardware components like the Network Card or Graphics Card of the computer. You might want to use a small blower or you could also use a soft cloth and run the components gently. Make sure that you don’t damage any parts with moisture or cause harm to any circuits while you carry out this task.

Option 2 – Run the Video Playback troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Video Playback troubleshooter. To do so, refer to these steps:
  • First, open the Windows settings app.
  • Then navigate to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, scroll down until you see the Video Playback section and click on it.
  • After that, you’ll see the Run the troubleshooter button, click on it to run the Video Playback troubleshooter, and follow the next on-screen instructions.
On other hand, you can also run the Hardware and Device troubleshooter if the Video Playback troubleshooter wasn’t able to fix the problem. You can run it from the same page that you run the Video Playback troubleshooter.

Option 3 – Try to rollback, update, or disable the Graphics card drivers

To fix the problem with the HDMI port, you can either roll back, update or disable them depending on your preference in order to resolve the problem.
  • First, boot your computer into Safe Mode.
  • After that, tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. From there, look for the Display Adapters and click on them.
  • After that, right-click on each entry under the Display Adapters. Note that the rollback option is only available if the update was recent. So if it isn’t there, just click on the Update Driver option.
  • From there, Windows will automatically check for problems and update the Graphics card drivers.
  • Now restart your computer.
  • After restarting your computer, go to the Settings app and Check for Updates in the Windows Update section.
Note: You also have the option to go directly to the website of your graphics card manufacturers like NVIDIA, Intel, or AMD and go to the section called Drivers then check if there’s a new available update – if there is, download and install it.

Option 4 – Try to reset the Monitor

You could also try resetting the monitor or television using its hardware keys and see if it can resolve the problem. You can just refer to your TV or monitor’s guide for more information on how to reset them.

Option 5 – Try some miscellaneous fixes

Apart from the four given options above, you can also check out some miscellaneous fixes to fix the HDMI connectivity issue and here they are:
  • You can try to plug out the HDMI cord/cable from both source and destination and then plug it back in after a couple of minutes.
  • You can also check if the HDMI cable you are using is still in working condition.
  • You can also try to change the source and the destination of the video and see if either one of them is in a non-workable state.
  • Try checking if your settings are how they should be as intended in the “Project my screen” option by tapping the Win + P key combination on your keyboard.
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How to Fix the Error 103

Error 103 - What is it?

The error 103 may occur either due to issues in your Google Chrome browser or system issues. If error 103 occurs when using Chrome, this means there is a conflict between Google Chrome and the antivirus program running on your PC. It is displayed in either of the following formats: ‘Chrome error 103 connection aborted’, ‘Chrome error 103 err_connection_aborted’ or ‘Error 103 (net: ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED): Unknown error. However, if this is a system error code, it may be displayed in the following format ‘The semaphore cannot be set again’ or as ‘ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTS’ or as the value 0x67.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error 103 is triggered due to multiple reasons such as: The conflict between Google Chrome and anti-viruses arises because when the web browser attempts to update, the anti-virus programs on your PC may view the update as a threat. Due to this, the connection to the internet is terminated and the error 103 message is displayed on your computer screen. And besides, this keeps you from upgrading your Google Chrome browser too. Other causes include:
  • Viral infection
  • Missing Windows component called ‘expand.exe’
  • Registry overlaps
  • Incompatible drivers

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the easy and efficient ways to resolve error 103. Choose a method according to the error 103 messages displayed on your screen.

Method 1: Check for the ‘Expand.exe’ Windows component

This method is workable if the error 103 is triggered due to browser issues. To get started, follow these steps. First, go to the start menu, and in the search bar type ‘expand.exe’. If you are able to find it, move it to the following directory C:\Windows\system32. However, if you are unable to locate it, then copy the file from Windows installation CD. Once you copy the file to the directory, reinstall the updated version of Google Chrome.

Method 2: Change the Location of the Temporary File

If the error still persists, try method 2. Go to the start menu and open the Run window. Now type C: and press OK. Then go to File, then New, and then Folder. Now create a temporary folder and name it ‘test’. After that go back to the start menu and open the Run window again. Now enter the following text in the text field:cmd.exe then press OK. In the command prompt type set TMP=C:\test. After that try reinstalling Google Chrome by typing the following in the command prompt: start ChromeSetup.exe.

Method 3: Update Drivers

If the error message 103 is generated due to system issues, then try updating drivers. Sometimes the error may occur due to incompatible drivers.

Method 4: Perform an Entire PC Scan for Viruses

To resolve error 103, perform an entire PC Scan for viruses. Sometimes the error may occur due to viral infection. Removing viruses may fix the error.

Method 5: Clean and Restore the Registry

If the error is triggered due to registry issues, then it is advisable to download Restoro. This is a multi-functional PC repair tool integrated with powerful utilities including an anti-virus, a registry cleaner, Active X controls, and class scanner, and a system optimizer. The registry cleaner feature wipes out all the unnecessary files including cookies, junk files, and bad registry keys that corrupt the registry. It cleans and restores the registry instantly. The anti-feature removes all viruses and spyware while the system optimizer utility ensures your system works at its optimum speed. It can be downloaded on all Windows versions. It is safe and efficient. This software is a one-stop solution for all PC-related errors. Click here to download Restoro.
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How to Fix Error Code 0x8024002e

Error Code 0x8024002e - What is it?

Windows 10 error code 0x8024002e is related to the Windows update service. When you see the error code displayed on your screen, it means that the Windows update service has been blocked or not working. As a result of this error code, your computer might lag and the system may freeze while performing normal operations. The error may read as follows:
“There were some problems installing updates, but we’ll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information this may help: (0x8024002e)”.
Common symptoms include:
  • Slow computer performance
  • System freezes while performing normal operations or freezes while multitasking
  • BSOD error is showing
  • Some unwanted files get opened automatically
  • Updating is not possible


Restoro box imageError Causes

This error code appears because of the following reasons:
  • Incomplete installation of the Windows operating system
  • Incorrect registry entry
  • Corrupt or damaged system files
  • The computer has come under a virus attack
  • Miscommunication between the computer and the Windows Automatic Update service
The decline in RAM or outdated Hard Disk Drive

Further Information and Manual Repair

Method 1:

  • Remove any external media connected to the computer
  • Crash reboot your PC 2 to 3 times.
  • Now check if you are still having the problem.
If the problem still persists, try the following methods if you are able to boot to the desktop and check for the problem.

Method 2:

Changing Windows Update property to automatic: You might see this error if your Windows update property is set to manual. Follow the steps below to change it to automatic. Open Task Manager.
  1. Click on the Services tab. Find “Open Services” at the bottom of the window.
  2. A new window will pop up. Scroll down and find “Windows Update” from the list. Double click on the Windows Update. It will open its properties.
  3. Select Automatic for ‘Startup Type.’ Click Apply, Start, and OK.
Now, try the Windows Update and check if you are still getting the error message. If the problem isn’t resolved, reboot your PC for the changes to take effect and then try again.

Method 3:

Disable Antivirus program: If you have any antivirus installed on your PC, you might need to disable it first and see if that helps. Although, most of the antivirus makers have made changes to work smoothly with Windows 10, it is a new Operating System and some antivirus may cause conflict. Disable the antivirus and check for updates to see if it is preventing you from updating your system and displaying the error code 0x8024002e.

Method 4:

Run inbuilt Windows update troubleshooter. Follow the steps given below:
  1. Press Windows + W keys on your keyboard to enable the search option.
  2. In the Search box type Troubleshooting.
  3. Click on View all
  4. Click on Windows update and follow the prompts to run the troubleshooter.
If the issue persists, try Method 5

Method 5:

Run the System File Checker tool (sfc.exe):
  1. Open Command prompt.
  2. Type sfc /scannow and hit Enter.
  3. The sfc /scannow will scan all protected system files and replace corrupted files with a cached copy that is located in a compressed folder at %WinDir%System32dllcache. The %WinDir% has the Windows Operating System folder. For example, C:\Windows.
Do not close the Command prompt window until the verification is 100% complete. The command prompt will show the scan results when it is done. After it is done, you may receive one of the following messages:
“Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.” This means you do not have any missing or damaged system files.
OR you may receive a message saying:
“Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.”
To resolve this problem, run the System File Checker in safe mode and make sure that the PendingDeletes and PendingRenames folders exist under %WinDir%WinSxSTemp.
OR you may also receive a message saying, “Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them. Details are included in the CBS.Log%WinDir%LogsCBSCBS.log.” OR you may receive a message saying, “Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. Details are included in the CBS.Log%WinDir%LogsCBSCBS.log.”
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Creating custom Keyboard shortcuts in Windows
Keyboard shortcuts are undeniably one of the most utilized ways and are helpful in maximizing productivity through the various applications at top speed in Windows 10. It offers the option to create custom keyboard shortcuts that allow users to launch apps, and even websites, instantly. There are already tons of keyboard shortcuts that are built-in in Windows 10 but in case you don’t know, you can actually create new ones. Doing so is not a difficult task and in this post, you will be guided on how you can exactly create custom keyboard shortcuts in your Windows 10 computer. Most users would create desktop shortcuts or pin the apps in the taskbar to speed up the process of working on their computers. It is an easy task to do since you can easily do it by dragging an app from the Start Menu to the desktop or by simply right-clicking on the executable app and selecting the “Create Shortcut” option. However, doing so would take physical effort and there are times when you have to minimize all the apps to get to the desktop so you can click the shortcut and this is where the Custom Keyboard Shortcuts come in handy. You can create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10 for various programs – from the traditional desktop apps to the new universal apps – you can fling in a shortcut so that you can instantly open them faster compared to when doing it manually and besides this also wouldn’t affect any of the ongoing system activity. To get started, you need to follow the steps provided below carefully.

To add Custom Keyboard hotkeys to a program and website desktop shortcuts, here’s what you have to do:

Step 1: First, you have to right-click on the app or website and select Properties. Step 2: After that, go to the Shortcut tab and from there, you will see the “Shortcut key” textbox which allows you to enter a new or custom keyboard shortcut for the app or website. Step 3: In the textbox field, input your preferred letters to set up the new hotkey. Keep in mind that this custom shortcut has to be combined with the Ctrl + Alt keys which means that if you want to select “N”, you have to tap the Ctrl + Alt + N keys. Step 4: Once done, click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then close the window. Step 5: After that, tap the newly created keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + Alt + N keys again to open the app or website you’ve set up earlier.

To add Custom Keyboard hotkeys to a desktop app or an independent program that can be installed using direct download, here’s what you have to do:

Step 1: First, open the Start Menu and look for the icon/tile of the required app in the menu. However, if you are not able to find the desired app, then just click on the All Apps option to navigate through all the apps that are installed on your PC. Step 2: Once you find the app, just right-click on it and select More and then click on the “Open file location” option. Step 3: This will open a new window with the shortcut icon. Right-click on the app’s shortcut icon and select Properties. Step 4: This will open the Properties window where you can add the shortcut combination. Keep in mind that just like the previous method, the custom shortcut has to be combined with the Ctrl + Alt keys. For instance, if you select E, then you also have to set a keyboard shortcut that includes Ctrl + Alt, so it will be, Ctrl + Alt + E. Step 5: Once you’re done, click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made. You should now be able to use the custom shortcut key you’ve set.
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How to Turn off Advertising ID in Windows
In case you don’t know, Microsoft hooks up every machine that is running Windows 10 with an Advertising ID which helps them in providing Windows 10 users with relevant ads. These ads are delivered to users in the Action Center, Start Menu as well as the ads inside the UWP Applications. What makes these advertisements relevant is that they keep track of your browsing trends, likes and dislikes, with the help of the Advertising ID. However, if you are not fond of advertisements and you do not want this feature of Microsoft to track your usage, worry not for you actually have the option to disable targeted ads on your Windows 10 computer by turning off the Advertising ID. And you can do that during Windows 10 Setup or using the Group Policy Editor. For more details, refer to the instructions provided below for each one of the methods.

Option 1 – Turn off Advertising ID during Windows 10 setup

If you are about to install Windows 10, then during the installation process, your computer boots into the Install and Configure Windows 10 screen with Cortana that assist you during the setup. Once you reach the last page which is “Choose privacy settings for your device”, you will see the Advertising ID of your computer. Under the Advertising ID, you have to disable or toggle off the “Apps can use advertising ID to provide more personalized advertising in accordance with the privacy policy of the app provider” option. After you disable it, click on the Accept button to proceed with the installation. After that, the copy of your Windows 10 you are using will have the Advertising ID disabled by default.

Option 2 – Turn off Advertising ID via Group Policy Editor

  • First, tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility.
  • Then, type “gpedit.msc” in the field and click OK or tap Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this group policy setting: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > User Profiles
  • Now double click on the “Turn off the advertising ID” option and set the radio button to Enabled. Once you do, you will see the following description on your screen:
“This policy setting turns off the advertising ID, preventing apps from using the ID for experiences across apps. If you enable this policy setting, the advertising ID is turned off. Apps can’t use the ID for experiences across apps. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, users can control whether apps can use the advertising ID for experiences across apps.” Note that setting the radio button to Enabled or Not Configured will turn off the data collection of the Advertising ID.
  • Finally, exit the Group Policy Editor and then restart your computer to apply the changes made successfully.
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Fix The driver detected a controller error
One of the worst problems users can encounter on their computers is Blue Screen of Death errors as some of them are quite hard to fix. One of them is the “The driver detected a controller error” Blue Screen error. It could be followed by “DeviceIdeIdeport0 OR”, “on deviceharddisk0dr0”, or “DR3” or the name of the drive or port that’s causing the problem. If you are one of the users who encountered this error, then the suggestions provided in this post would definitely help you in fixing the problem.

Option 1 – Try to disconnect and reconnect all hardware and cables

A lot of users reported that they were able to fix the problem by disconnecting and reconnecting cables and hardware like scanners, printers, cameras can help in fixing the problem. In addition, you can also boot your computer in a Clean Boot State so that you can find the problematic hardware by hit and trial method. Refer to the steps below to do so:
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)

Option 2 – Update the device drivers

Updating the outdated device drivers in your computer can also help in fixing the problem. To do so, refer to these steps:
  • First, boot your computer into Safe Mode.
  • After that, tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. From there, look for any outdated device drivers and click on each one of them.
  • After that, right-click on each entry of the device drivers and select the “Uninstall Device” option from the menu.
  • Now restart your computer.
  • After restarting your computer, go to the Settings app and Check for Updates in the Windows Update section.

Option 3 – Try to update the BIOS

Updating the BIOS can help you fix the ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY BSOD error but as you know, BIOS is a sensitive part of a computer. Even though it is a software component, the functioning of the hardware depends on it largely. Thus, you must be careful when modifying something in the BIOS. So if you don’t know much about it, it’s best if you skip on this option and try the other ones instead. However, if you are well-versed in navigating the BIOS, then follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “msinfo32” in the field and press Enter to open System Information.
  • From there, you should find a search field on the bottom where you have to search for the BIOS version and then press Enter.
  • After that, you should see the developer and version of the BIOS installed on your PC.
  • Go to your manufacturer’s website and then download the latest version of BIOS on your computer.
  • If you are using a laptop, make sure that you keep it plugged in until you have updated the BIOS.
  • Now double click on the downloaded file and install the new BIOS version on your computer.
  • Now restart your computer to apply the changes made.

Option 4 – Try running the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Blue Screen troubleshooter. It is one of the built-in tools in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing system issues including Blue Screen errors. It can be found in the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.

Option 5 – Try running the Memory Diagnostic Tool

The Memory Diagnostic tool in windows can help resolve the “The driver detected a controller error” Blue Screen error by checking and automatically fixing any memory-based issues. To run it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open Run and type mdsched.exe and hit Enter to open the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.
  • After that, it will give two options such as:
    • Restart now and check for problems (Recommended)
    • Check for problems the next time I start my computer
  • Once your computer has restarted, perform a basic scan or you could also go for the “Advanced” options such as “Test mix” or “Pass count”. Simply tap the F10 key to start the test.
Note: After you select your preferred option, your computer will restart and check for memory-based issues. If it finds any issues, it will automatically fix them and if there’s no issue found, then it’s most likely not a memory-based issue so you should try the other options given below.

Option 6 – Replace your motherboard

If your computer is still under warranty, you should consider replacing your computer’s motherboard in case the options given above failed to work in fixing the Blue Screen error.
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Prevent screen from shutting down in Windows
You left your computer to go to the bathroom or to fetch something to eat, maybe you have to answer the phone or open door to a friend and after some time you get back to your computer see the black screen, you move the mouse and it starts to come from sleep slowly. I am the kind of person who gets annoyed by this kind of behavior, I like my PC to be ON all time when I want it to be ON and my power plan on best performance so naturally, I have turned this sleep feature OFF. If you are interested to see how you to can turn off your screen sleeping follow this easy guide.
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS to open the start menu and click on the settings Windows 10 Start menu with marked settings icon
  2. On settings, screen click on system Windows settings with System section selected
  3. When the system dialog opens go to Power & Sleep and on the right side change all values to never. windows settings power and sleep
Please note that after each update Windows tend to reset these settings so you will sadly have to return to this after each major update.
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