
Fix Windows Activation Error 0xC004F212

Microsoft allows its users to download a copy of Windows to install on PCs. However, when you enter the key after the installation and you got the Activation Error 0xC004F212 instead, then it means that the license key and the Windows version you’ve just installed, do not match.

When you encounter this error, you will see the following error message on your screen:

“The product key used on this PC didn’t work with this edition of Windows. Activation Error 0xC004F212.”

Every time Microsoft generates a license for a copy of Windows, it is associated with one particular Windows variant. Windows comes in many editions like Enterprise, Home, Professional, and so on. For instance, if you bought a license for Windows 10 Enterprise but you have installed Windows 10 Professional instead, then the activation will surely fail and you’ll encounter the Activation Error 0xC004F212.

You will be asked to select which edition you want to install when you reinstall Windows 10 using a digital license. If you opted for an edition other than the one you are licensed to use, then you will most likely get the Activation Error 0xC004F212. If you have purchased your license key from a store or some website, you might want to check back with them about the exact version of Windows. Doing so will help you narrow down the problem. And if you have second thoughts about the license key’s validity, you can just reach out to a Microsoft Support agent to check the validity of the license key.

Also, if have bought it from the store, there should be an option to get a refund. That way you can choose to buy the right version of Windows.

Option 1 – Try running the Windows 10 Activation Troubleshooter

The first thing you can do to resolve the Activation Error 0xC004F212 is to run the Windows 10 Activation Troubleshooter. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings and then select Activation.
  • After that, click on the Windows Activation and then troubleshoot. This will help you address most of the commonly found activation issues in Windows devices.

The Windows 10 Activation Troubleshooter will determine if your license key is a valid Windows 10 digital license for an edition that is not currently installed. If it turns out that it’s not, then the troubleshooter will show you how to install the correct edition.

Option 2 – Try forcing Windows 10 ISO to use the right version

You can also try to force Windows 10 ISO to use the correct version depending on the product key. Note that this option only works between Windows 10 Home and Professional version since they both have a common ISO. So if it’s Enterprise, then this option won’t work for you.

  • Extract the Windows 10 ISO files using an extractor.
  • Then browse to the folder you created and go to the sources folder.
  • From there, you need to create a text file named “PID.txt” and make sure to follow the exact format given below:



Note: “xxxxx” is the KEY to your Windows version.

  • Next, you need to create the ISO again or bootable media that will repack everything and then create the Media file. You can use the Media Creation tool for this.

Note: Windows will check the key during the installation and will figure out the right version of Windows.

Option 3 – Contact Microsoft Support for assistance

If you’re at your wits’ end in trying to update your Windows 10 computer, you should consider contacting Microsoft Support for help as they can offer you various options that would make fixing Windows Activation Error 0xC004F212 a lot easier and faster.

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100sOfRecepies Removal Tutorial

100sOfRecepies is a Browser Extension developed by MindSpark Inc. that provides users with hundreds of recopies for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. This extension may appear very handy at the start, however, it may monitor your browser activity, and send it back to the developer to better serve ads. This extension injects itself into the System Registry allowing it to run each time your computer is restarted.

While browsing the internet with this extension installed you may see additional ads, sponsored links, and pop-up ads displayed in your browser. Many anti-virus scanners have detected this extension as a Browser Hijacker and are therefore not recommended to keep on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is actually a form of an unwanted program, often a web browser add-on or extension, which causes modifications in browser settings. They are made to disrupt web browser programs for various reasons. Usually, it’ll force users to predetermined sites which are aiming to increase their advertisement income. Nevertheless, it’s not that harmless. Your internet safety is compromised and it is also very annoying. In a much worst case, your browser could be hi-jacked to download malware that may do a great deal of damage to your laptop or computer.

Major symptoms that your web browser has been highjacked

The typical symptoms that indicate having this malware on your computer are: 1. the browser’s home page is changed 2. bookmark and the new tab are also modified 3. the default search engine is changed and the browser security settings have been lowered without your knowledge 4. find new toolbars which you did not add 5. unstoppable flurries of pop-up ads show up on your personal computer screen 6. your web browser gets slow, buggy crashes often 7. Inability to navigate to certain websites, particularly anti-malware and also other security software webpages.

How does a browser hijacker infect a computer?

There are several ways your computer can become infected with a browser hijacker. They generally arrive by way of spam e-mail, via file sharing websites, or by a drive-by-download. They could also come from add-on software, also known as browser helper objects (BHO), web browser plug-ins, or toolbars. Some browser hijackers spread in user’s computer systems using a deceptive software distribution technique known as “bundling” (generally through freeware and shareware). An example of some well-known browser hijacker includes Babylon, Anyprotect, Conduit, DefaultTab, SweetPage, RocketTab, and Delta Search, but the names are continually changing. Browser hijackers could record user keystrokes to gather potentially valuable information that leads to privacy issues, cause instability on computers, drastically disrupt the user experience, and eventually slow down the PC to a point where it will become unusable.

Browser Hijacker Malware – Removal

Some browser hijacking could be quite easily stopped by discovering and eliminating the corresponding malware program from your control panel. But, most hijackers are hard to get rid of manually. No matter how much you try to remove it, it can come back over and over. Moreover, browser hijackers could modify the Computer registry so that it could be very tough to restore all of the values manually, particularly when you are not a very tech-savvy person.

Can't Install Safebytes Anti-malware due to the presence of Malware? Try This!

All malware is bad, but certain kinds of malicious software do a lot more damage to your PC than others. Some malware sits in between your computer and the internet connection and blocks some or all sites which you want to check out. It would also block you from adding anything to your machine, especially anti-virus programs. So what to do when malicious software keeps you from downloading or installing Anti-Malware? Do as instructed below to eliminate malware through alternate ways.

Eliminate malware in Safe Mode

In the event the malware is set to load at Windows start-up, then booting in safe mode should avoid it. Just the minimum required applications and services are loaded when you boot your computer in Safe Mode. Listed below are the steps you need to follow to start your computer into the Safe Mode of your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers (go to Microsoft website for instructions on Windows 8 and 10 computers). 1) At power-on/startup, press the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This will invoke the “Advanced Boot Options” menu. 2) Choose Safe Mode with Networking with arrow keys and hit Enter. 3) When this mode loads, you should have an internet connection. Now, use your internet browser to download and install Safebytes. 4) As soon as the software program is installed, allow the scan run to remove viruses and other threats automatically.

Switch over to an alternate web browser

Malicious program code could exploit vulnerabilities on a particular web browser and block access to all anti-virus software sites. The best way to overcome this problem is to choose a browser that is known for its security measures. Firefox contains built-in Malware and Phishing Protection to keep you secure online.

Install and run anti-malware from the Thumb drive

To effectively get rid of the malware, you might want to approach the issue of running an anti-virus program on the affected PC from a different perspective. Do these simple measures to clear up your infected computer by using a portable antivirus. 1) On a virus-free PC, download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the pen drive on the same PC. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded software, with a .exe file format. 4) When asked, select the location of the USB drive as the place where you want to put the software files. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish off the installation process. 5) Now, transfer the USB drive to the infected computer system. 6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes program right from the thumb drive. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a scan on the affected computer for viruses.

Protect Your Computer and Privacy With SafeBytes Anti-Malware

To help protect your computer or laptop from a variety of internet-based threats, it’s important to install an anti-malware application on your personal computer. However, with countless numbers of antimalware companies in the marketplace, nowadays it’s tough to decide which one you should buy for your laptop. Some of them are excellent, some are ok types, while some will affect your PC themselves! You need to be careful not to pick the wrong product, particularly if you purchase a premium application. Amongst few good applications, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the strongly recommended software for security-conscious people. Safebytes is one of the well-established computer solutions firms, which provide this complete anti-malware software program. Through its cutting-edge technology, this software protects your personal computer against infections caused by different types of malware and similar internet threats, including adware, spyware, trojans horses, worms, computer viruses, keyloggers, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), and ransomware. SafeBytes carries a plethora of wonderful features which can help you protect your computer from malware attack and damage. Here are some of the good ones: Robust Anti-malware Protection: By using a critically acclaimed anti-malware engine, SafeBytes provides multi-layered protection which is made to catch and remove threats that are concealed deep in your PC. Active Protection: SafeBytes offers complete and real-time security for your PC. It’ll check your PC for suspicious activity at all times and shields your PC from unauthorized access. Website Filtering: Through its unique safety rating, SafeBytes informs you whether a website is safe or not to visit it. This will assure that you’re always certain of your safety when browsing the online world. Lightweight Utility: SafeBytes is really a lightweight application. It consumes an extremely small amount of processing power as it runs in the background therefore you will not observe any computer performance issues. 24/7 Premium Support: Skilled technicians are at your disposal 24/7! They will immediately fix any technical issues you may be experiencing with your security software.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you’d like to carry out the removal of 100sOfRecepies manually rather than using an automated software tool, you may follow these simple steps: Navigate to the Windows Control Panel, click on the “Add or Remove Programs” and there, select the offending program to uninstall. In cases of suspicious versions of web browser extensions, you can easily remove them through your browser’s extension manager. You may also want to reset your web browser settings, as well as delete browsing history, temporary files, and internet cookies. To ensure the complete removal, find the following Windows registry entries on your system and delete them or reset the values appropriately. Please keep in mind that only advanced users should try to manually edit the registry because incorrect file removal leads to a major problem or even a PC crash. In addition, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. It is recommended that you carry out the removal procedure in Safe Mode.
Files: %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data0sOfRecipes Toolbar virus %program files %\internet explorer\ 100sOfRecipes Toolbar\[random].mof %program files (x86)%0sOfRecipes Toolbar \ %programData%\suspicious folders\ %windows%\system32\driver0sOfRecipes Toolbar %app data%\ 100sOfRecipes Toolbar virus\ Registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MATS\WindowsInstaller\EAF386F0-7205-40F2-8DA6-1BABEEFCBE8914.]ProductName=100sOfRecipes Toolbar [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\Muvic_RASAPI32] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\Muvic_RASMANCS] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\EAF386F0-7205-40F2-8DA6-1BABEEFCBE89] DisplayName=100sOfRecipes Toolbar [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3825580999-3780825030-779906692-1001\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\50f25211-852e-4d10-b6f5-50b1338a9271] DisplayName=100sOfRecipes Toolbar
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New calculator features in Windows 11 and more
Calculator GraphingWindows 11 will bring some old applications in new looks and some will get additional features as well. One of the old apps that will get new stuff is a calculator. The calculator was always a way to go application for quick calculations but Microsoft aims to expand on that and make the calculator a little more useful. The first thing that you will notice is the calculator look, the calculator has now an application theme setting that allows you to change the look of the application. It comes in standard and professional mode as usual but this time calculator will come with features that will enable it to handle some programming and engineering tasks. The new calculator features a full graphing mode that lets you visually analyze a graph to identify key features. It also packs a deep converter that can switch between more than 100 units and currencies.

Other Windows 11 apps

A new snipping tool will be delivered with this latest update as well packed with new functionality. We have covered new features of the snipping tool in another article, if you are interested you can find the article here: https://errortools.com/windows/new-snipping-tool-redesigned-in-windows-11/ Mail and Calendar apps will also get a redesign, sadly all redesign that they will include will be of visual nature to fit in the overall Windows 11 theme, functionality will remain the same.
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What happened to Facebook and why it is down?
Usually when online service is not working or when something goes wrong online it is DNS, well that is what most of the time is the case. And yes, DNS or Domain Name Server seems to be an issue with Facebook being completely down along with Instagram and wassap. facebook downThe true cause is that there is no working Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes into Facebook's sites. BGP is the standardized exterior gateway protocol used to exchange routing and reachability information between the internet top-level autonomous systems (AS). Most people, indeed most network administrators, never need to deal with BGP. Cloudflare VP Dane Knecht was the first to report the underlying BGP problem. This meant, as Kevin Beaumont, former Microsoft's Head of Security Operations Centre, tweeted, "By not having BGP announcements for your DNS name servers, DNS falls apart = nobody can find you on the internet. Same with WhatsApp btw. Facebook has basically de-platformed themselves from their own platform." Many people are very annoyed by this and with the fact that they cannot use their social media platforms but it seems that Facebook employees are in even bigger annoyance as it was reported that Facebook employees can't enter their buildings because their "smart" badges and doors were also disabled by this network failure. If true, Facebook's people literally can't enter the building to fix things. Reddit user u/ramenporn, who claimed to be a Facebook employee working on bringing the social network back from the dead, reported, before he deleted his account and his messages: "DNS for FB services has been affected and this is likely a symptom of the actual issue, and that's that BGP peering with Facebook peering routers has gone down, very likely due to a configuration change that went into effect shortly before the outages happened (started roughly 1540 UTC). There are people now trying to gain access to the peering routers to implement fixes, but the people with physical access is separate from the people with knowledge of how to actually authenticate to the systems and people who know what to actually do, so there is now a logistical challenge with getting all that knowledge unified. Part of this is also due to lower staffing in data centers due to pandemic measures." Ramenporn also stated that it wasn't an attack, but a mistaken configuration change made via a web interface. Both BGP and DNS are down, the "connection to the outside world is down, remote access to those tools don't exist anymore, so the emergency procedure is to gain physical access to the peering routers and do all the configuration locally." Technicians on site don't know how to do that and senior network administrators aren't on site. It seems that it will all be down for a couple of more hours before the issue is resolved.
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How to Fix Error Code 0xc004f210 in Windows 8

Error Code 0xc004f210 – What is it?

Error code 0xc004f210 occurs when Windows 8 users fail to activate their Windows operating system. Users will be able to identify error code 0xc004f210 because of the following common symptoms which occur:


Restoro box imageError Causes

If you enter an invalid product key or do not have a digital entitlement for the edition of Windows you are attempting to activate, you may experience error code 0xc004f210. Since this error usually occurs due to these main reasons, you will most likely find success resolving this issue by ensuring you use a valid product key or activate an appropriate edition of Windows based on the edition of your digital entitlement.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Error codes can be resolved through manual repair procedures that seek to fix the underlying issues causing the error. In the case of error code 0xc004f210, you should be able to resolve this error by using the methods below. You may also consider contacting a Windows repair technician if you have difficulty resolving the error code.

Method One: Enter Valid Product Key

To successfully activate your operating system and resolve error code 0xc004f210, you will need to enter a valid product key in the Update & security section of Windows. Follow the instructions below to enter the product key.

  • Step one: Click the Start button then select Settings
  • Step two: Select Update & security then Activation
  • Step three: Click the Change product key
  • Step four: Enter a valid product key

If the issue causing error code 0xc004f210 is related to the use of an invalid product key, you should be able to successfully activate your Windows operating system. Should the problem persist, however, you will need to attempt the next manual repair method explained below? Note: Failure to fix this error code might result in other Windows 10 error messages.

Method Two: Ensure Edition of Windows Matches Your Digital Entitlement

Digital entitlement allows Windows users to access activation without using a product key. This digital entitlement only affects Windows 8 users who are attempting to activate versions of Windows 10 that include Windows 10 Pro. Once you are using a genuine copy of Windows 8.1 and your edition of Windows matches your entitlement, you may proceed with the instructions below.

  • Step one: Click the Start button then select Settings
  • Step two: After selecting Settings, click Update & Security
  • Step three: Select Windows Update then the Check for updates tab
  • Step four: Click activate Windows 10 update

You should be able to activate your Windows update once you follow the instructions above. Remember error code 0xc004f210 is an activation code related to product keys or your digital entitlement so once these issues are rectified, you should have no problem activating your operating system of choice and enjoying the benefits it offers. If, however, the problem remains unresolved after you have attempted both manual repair methods, there may be unusual issues affecting your system. Contact Microsoft to rectify the issue or get help from a Windows repair technician.

Method Three: Download an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 8 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Finding out which GPU is in your computer
Every computer has to have a graphic card, it is one of the essential components in order for the computer to work. If you have a second-hand computer, got one as a gift, or similar, there is a high chance that you do not really know which components are inside. Luckily finding out which graphic card you have inside is quite easy. Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager Click the Performance tab at the top of the window, if you don’t see the tabs, click “More Info.” Select “GPU 0” in the sidebar. The GPU’s manufacturer and model names are displayed at the top right corner of the window. You’ll also see other information, such as the amount of dedicated memory on your GPU, in this window. Windows 10’s Task Manager displays your GPU usage here, and you can also view GPU usage by application. If your system has multiple GPUs, you’ll also see “GPU 1” and so on here. Each represents a different physical GPU.
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Change default audio output for Narrator
For PC users that are blind or have low vision, the Narrator accessibility feature in Windows 10, lets you use your PC without a display or mouse to complete common tasks – it reads and interacts with things on the screen, like text and buttons. The narrator can be used to read and write an email, browse the internet, and work with documents. In Windows 10, there are a lot of options for Narrator that you can customize. You can change its keyboard shortcuts, personalize Narrator’s voice, enable Caps Lock warnings, and more. You can choose the voice for the Narrator, adjust the speaking rate, pitch, and volume. To change the default audio output device used to play the voice of the Narrator in Windows 10:
  • Press the ⊞ WINDOWS + I
  • From the Settings menu, click Ease of Access.
  • Click Narrator on the left pane.
  • In the Narrator window, on the right pane, toggle the button to On to enable Narrator if required.
  • Scroll down to the Personalize Narrator’s voice section.
  • For the Select where you hear Narrator’s voice option, click the drop-down and select the audio output device you want from the list. Please know that you will not be able to choose if you do not have multiple audio output devices connected to your Windows 10 computer.
  • Exit Settings when done.
If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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Fix Error opening file for writing
If you got encounter an error message saying, “Error opening file for writing” while running a setup file to install some program on your computer, read on as this post will give you some suggestions on how you can fix it. You can encounter this error when running a setup file for installing a program like GlassWire, Notepad++, VLC, Steam, OBS, Mod Organizer, WinpCap, NSIS, FileZilla, BSPlayer, Kodi, Wireshark, rtcore64, qt5core.dll, MSI Afterburner, GWCtlSrv.exe, npf.sys, vcredist_86 and many more. And so when this error pops up while you run a setup file, refer to the steps given below which might help resolve the problem. Step 1: First, you have to make sure that there is no other installation in progress as multiple installations can most likely cause this error to show up. You can restart your computer and try to run the setup file again. Step 2: If you still got the error even after your restart your computer, click on Retry to try again and if it does nothing, click Abort to terminate the installation. After that, go to the folder where you’ve placed the setup file and then delete it. Step 3: Make sure that you have enough disk space on your computer. You can use the Windows 10 Storage Sense feature which can clean all the temporary files from your computer and help you save storage space. To use Storage Sense, follow the steps below.
  • Open Setting > System > Storage from the WinX Menu.
  • From there, you will see a list of all the local and connected storage devices along with the details on the free space.
  • Now make sure that the Storage Sense feature is turned On then go find a link that says “Free Up Space” and click it to open.
  • After that, a screen which is the built-in program in Windows 10 will appear and will scan your computer for the following junk files so you can free up disk space:
  • Windows Upgrade Log Files
  • The system created Windows Error Reporting Files
  • Thumbnails
  • Temporary Internet Files
  • Previous Windows Installation Files
  • Delivery Optimisation Files
  • DirectX Shader Cache
Note: Once you’re done freeing up space on your drive, try to run the setup file again. Step 4: If freeing up space didn’t help, you can just delete the setup file and download another one from the official homepage of the program. From there download the setup file and place it in a different location. After that, run the setup file once again. Step 5: Make sure that you have downloaded the correct setup file according to your operating system, i.e. x64 or x86. Step 6: Restart your computer once more and make sure that you sign in as administrator. After that, right-click on the setup file and click “Run as administrator”. If it still didn’t help, you might want to take ownership of the folder where you saved the setup file. How? Follow the steps below but before you do that, you have to create a System Restore Point first, once that’s done, proceed.
  • First, locate the concerned folder and right-click on it then select Properties.
  • Next, click on the Edit button in the Properties window and click OK to confirm if you got a User Account Control elevation request.
  • After that, select user/group from the permission windows or click on the Add button to add another user or group. It would be best if you add “Everyone” to give permission.
  • Then check “Full Control” under the “Allow” column to assign full access rights control permissions.
  • Now edit the permission to Full Control for “Everyone”.
  • Click OK to save the changes made and then exit.
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Fixing Tcpip.sys Blue Screen Error in Windows
One of the most common Blue Screen of Death errors you can encounter on your Windows 10 computer is the Tcpip.sys Blue Screen error. The Tcpip.sys file is a driver file that is associated with the Transmission Control Protocol over Internet Protocol. When you see this kind of BSOD error, you may see any of the following error descriptions:
Whichever error description you got, you need to do use the following instructions below as a reference to obliterate the Tcpip.sys Blue Screen error.

Option 1 – Run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

The Blue Screen troubleshooter is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing BSOD errors like Tcpip.sys Blue Screen error. It can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.

Option 2 – Try resetting TCP/IP

In case you didn’t notice, the Tcpip.sys file is associated with the TCP/IP protocols in your computer system which is why resetting TCP/IP can help in resolving the Tcpip.sys Blue Screen of Death error especially when the TCP/IP has been modified.
  • First, you need to type “command prompt” in the Windows Search bar and then right-click on the related search result and select the “Run as administrator” option to open Command Prompt.
  • After that, type the following command in the elevated cmd window and hit Enter:
netsh int ip reset
  • Now reboot your computer after the command has been executed and check if it helped to fix the Blue Screen error.

Option 3 – Try to rollback your Network driver

If you have updated the driver software as of late and you suddenly got this BSOD error, you might have to roll back the device driver – in other words, switch back to the previous working version. To do that, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run window and then type in the “devmgmt.msc” command and hit Enter to open the Device Manager window.
  • Under the Device Manager, you will see a list of drivers. From there, look for the Network Adapters and expand it.
  • Next, select the driver entries that are labeled appropriately other than anything in the context of the WAN Miniport.
  • Then select each one of them and double click to open a new mini window.
  • After that, make sure that you’re on the Driver tab and if you are not, just navigate to it then click the Roll Back Driver button to switch back to the previous version of your Network adapters.
  • Now restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made.

Option 4 – Try to update the Network drivers

You might also want to try updating all your network drivers in order to fix the Tcpip.sys Blue Screen error. To do so, here’s what you have to do:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run window and then type in the “MSC” command and hit Enter to open the Device Manager window.
  • Under the Device Manager, you will see a list of drivers. From there, look for the Network Adapters and expand it.
  • Then right-click on each one of the Network drivers and update them all.
  • Restart your PC and see if it helped in fixing the BSOD error.
Note: If updating the network drivers didn’t help in fixing the problem, you can also try to uninstall the very same drivers and restart your Windows 10 PC. After that, the system itself will reinstall the drivers you just uninstalled. Alternatively, you can also download and install the drivers from the manufacturer’s website directly.

Option 5 – Try to disable both the Antivirus program and Firewall temporarily

There are times when antivirus programs and the firewall blocks a website that they consider to be malicious or even because of false-positive effects which is why you have to disable these programs temporarily as it might be the reason why you’ve encountered the error when trying to browse the internet.
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User account control notifications in Windows
Hello and welcome to our user account notifications in Windows 10 tutorial where we will dive a little more into how you can control notification and behavior settings for your or someone else's user account in your Windows 10. If you are annoyed with confirmation windows each time you start a new application or install one please keep reading and I am sure you will find just the right setting for you. User account options are a little hidden and not so obvious, well at least not in Windows 10 compared to previous Windows versions. Since we will not be able to find them under typical and standard settings we will need to do few tricks in order to get to them.

Opening control panel

First thing is to press ⊞ WINDOWS + R on your keyboard so the run dialog window pops up on your desktop. keyboard with windows and r markedOnce run dialog is shown type in it control panel as shown in the picture and press OK run dialog with control panel typed inIf you have followed the steps precisely, you should be now in the control panel of Windows 10. Click on the top-right view and choose large icons. The Control panel will switch to a grid-like view, in the current view go to the far-right and almost bottom icon where it says User Accounts and click on it.

control panel with user account selectedUser account settings

Once the user account opens click on the bottom link which says Change User Account Control settings. Please note that you will need to be logged in as an administrator or have administrator privileges in order to change this setting. user account change user accountOnce you click on the link you will be presented with a User account control slider on the left and a brief explanation on the right user account settingsHere in the picture, we see Windows default setting and an explanation of when and how he will notify you. If you wish to turn all notifications linked to programs changing computer or you making windows changes, click on the left slider and bring it all the way to the bottom where it says never notify me. If you prefer some notifications try to find which of the remaining 3 settings best suit your needs. Once you are done and satisfied with your choice click on OK.
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Fix Google Chrome error “He’s dead, Jim!”
If you always use the Google Chrome browser in browsing the internet, then you might have come across an error message saying, “He’s dead, Jim!” along with a funny looking face that’s peeking its tongue out and another detailed message saying, “Either Chrome Ran out of memory or process for the webpage has terminated for some other reason. To continue, reload the webpage or go to another page”. This error message in Google Chrome is actually quite famous and it appears for various reasons but it may have something to do with a memory issue. The Google Chrome browser is known to consume a lot of memory and the more web pages you open and load, it takes up more resources. Thus, the first thing you need to do when you encounter this error is to simply click the Reload button to continue browsing the internet or close the browser and then open it again. On the other hand, if you keep seeing this error message, then that’s a whole different story as you have to take some action to prevent it from popping up again, for good. Follow the instructions given below to fix the error in Chrome.

Option 1 – Reduce Google Chrome’s memory usage

The first thing you can try is reducing the memory usage of the Chrome browser. However, this option has a bit of a disadvantage. If a website crashes, all the instances of that website will also crash although other open tabs and websites won’t be affected. This process is referred to as “Process-per-site” mode which you will have to launch Chrome within this parameter.

Option 2 – Run Google Chrome with Strict Site Isolation

Aside from reducing Chrome’s memory usage, you can also run the browser with the Strict Site Isolation which makes sure that the crashing of one tab in the browser won’t affect the entire Windows as this feature will run every website you open on its own isolated process.

Option 3 – Run the built-in Malware Scanner and Cleanup tool in Chrome

In case you don’t know, there is actually a built-in malware scanner and cleanup tool in Chrome that helps you get rid of any unwanted ads, pop-ups, and even malware, as well as unusual startup pages, toolbars, and other things that could affect the performance of the browser.

Option 4 – Reset Google Chrome

Resetting Chrome can also help you get rid of the “He’s dead, Jim!” error message for good. Resetting Chrome means restoring its default settings, disabling all the extensions, add-ons, and themes. Aside from that, the content settings will be reset as well and the cookies, cache, and site data will also be deleted. To reset Chrome, here’s what you have to do:
  • Open Google Chrome, then tap the Alt + F keys.
  • After that, click on Settings.
  • Next, scroll down until you see the Advanced option, once you see it, click on it.
  • After clicking the Advanced option, go to the “Restore and clean up the option and click on the “Restore settings to their original defaults” option to reset Google Chrome.
  • Now restart Google Chrome.

Option 5 – Perform a clean reinstall on the Chrome browser

Although reinstalling any program is easy, not so much for Google Chrome as you need to make sure that the User Data folder is deleted before you reinstall it.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run prompt.
  • Then type %LOCALAPPDATA%GoogleChromeUser Data in the field and hit Enter.
  • Next, rename the “Default” folder inside the path you were redirected to. For instance, you can rename it to “Default-old”.
  • After that, install the Chrome browser again.

Option 6 – Try to flush the DNS and reset the TCP/IP

There are instances when a network goes into haywire because of a bad DNS. Thus, a bad DNS might be the one that’s causing this headache so it’s time for you to reset the entire network to resolve the issue. To reset the network, here’s what you have to do:
  • Click the Start button and type in “command prompt” in the field.
  • From the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt, you have to type each one of the commands listed below. Just make sure that after you type each command, you hit Enter
    • ipconfig /release
    • ipconfig /all
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • ipconfig /renew
    • netsh int ip set dns
    • netsh winsock reset
After you key in the commands listed above, the DNS cache will be flushed and the Winsock, as well as the TCP/IP, will reset.
  • Now restart your computer and open Google Chrome then try opening the website you were trying to open earlier.
Note: You can also try changing the DNS server to the Google Server, i.e., and then see if it works for you or not.

Option 7 – Disable both the antivirus and firewall temporarily

As you know, both the firewall and antivirus programs are there to protect the operating system from any malicious threats. So if they find that there is some malicious content in a website you are visiting, they will block the site right away. Thus, it could also be the reason why you’re getting the “He’s dead, Jim!” error so you need to disable both the firewall and antivirus program temporarily and then try opening the website again. If you are able to open the website, you need to add this site as an exception and then enable the firewall and antivirus program back.
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