
How to remove MyWebFace

MyWebFace is a browser extension developed by Mindspark. This extension claims to allow users to easily access websites that allow them to make a cartoon portrait of themselves. While this may seem interesting in the beginning, all this extension does is to add links to already popular websites that are easy to find.

When installed MyWebFace changes your default search engine and your home page to MyWay.com.

While the extension is running it gathers user browsing information, allowing it to mine data and better server unwanted ads throughout your browsing sessions.
MyWebFace has been marked as a Browser Hijacker by many anti-virus programs, and while not considered malware, it is not recommended to keep it on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers (sometimes referred to as hijackware) are a type of malicious software that alters web-browser configurations without the user’s knowledge or consent. These hijacks happen to be rising at a worrying rate worldwide, and it could be really nefarious and sometimes harmful too. Browser hijackers are capable of doing a variety of things on your PC. In general, hijackers are made for the benefit of online hackers often through revenue generation that comes from forced ad clicks and website visits. Although it may seem naive, all browser hijackers are harmful and thus always classified as security risks. Browser hijackers could also let other destructive programs without your knowledge further damage the computer.

Indications of browser hijack

There are numerous signs that indicate the browser is highjacked:
1. the browser’s home page is changed
2. if you enter a URL, you find yourself constantly directed to a different web page than the one you intended
3. the default web engine has been changed and your web browser security settings have been lowered without your knowledge
4. unsolicited new toolbars are added to your web browser
5. you observe numerous ads pop up on the web browsers or computer screen
6. your browser gets sluggish, buggy crashes often
7. you can’t go to certain websites like home pages of anti-malware software.

How does a browser hijacker infect a PC

Browser hijackers can get into a PC in some way or other, for instance via downloads, file sharing, and e-mail also. They also come from add-on applications, also known as browser helper objects (BHO), web browser extensions, or toolbars. Also, some shareware and freeware can put the hijacker within your computer through “bundling”. Typical examples of browser hijackers include Conduit, CoolWebSearch, OneWebSearch, Coupon Server, RocketTab, Snap.do, Delta Search, and Searchult.com.

Browser hijacking can cause severe privacy problems and even identity theft, disrupt your browsing experience by taking control over outgoing traffic, substantially slows down your PC by deleting lots of system resources, and lead to system instability at the same time.

Browser Hijacker Malware – Removal

Certain hijackers can be removed simply by uninstalling the corresponding freeware or add-ons from the Add or Remove Programs in the Windows control panel. In some cases, it can be a difficult task to discover and get rid of the malicious piece because the associated file will be running as part of the operating system process. Moreover, manual removal requires you to execute several time-consuming and complex procedures that are tough to conduct for inexperienced computer users.

Browser hijackers could be effectively removed by installing the anti-malware application on the affected system. To get rid of any type of browser hijacker from your computer, you could download this particular top-notch malware removal program – SafeBytes Anti-Malware. And use a system optimizer, such as Total System Care, to eliminate all related files from the registry and repair browser issues.

Tips on How to Eliminate a Virus that is Blocking Websites or Preventing Downloads

Malware may cause several different types of damage to PCs, networks, and data. Some malware is meant to restrict or block things that you wish to do on your personal computer. It may well not permit you to download anything from the internet or stop you from accessing some or all sites, in particular the anti-virus sites. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck with a malware infection that is preventing you to download or install the Safebytes Anti-Malware program on your system. Even though this type of problem can be tougher to get around, there are a few actions you can take.

Start Windows in Safe Mode

The Windows OS includes a special mode known as “Safe Mode” where just the bare minimum required programs and services are loaded. In case the virus is set to load immediately when the PC starts, switching to this mode may prevent it from doing so. To start the computer into Safe Mode, press the “F8” key on the keyboard right before the Windows boot screen appears; Or after normal Windows boot up, run MSCONFIG, look over “Safe Boot” under the Boot tab, and click Apply. Once you’re in safe mode, you can attempt to install your antivirus software application without the hindrance of the malicious software. Following installation, run the malware scanner to eliminate standard infections.

Switch over to an alternate internet browser

Some malware only targets certain internet browsers. If this is your case, utilize another web browser as it might circumvent the computer virus. If you suspect that your Internet Explorer has been hijacked by malware or otherwise compromised by hackers, the best course of action is to switch to an alternate browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to download your favorite computer security software – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Install and run anti-virus from a USB drive

To effectively get rid of the malware, you should approach the problem of running an anti-malware software program on the affected computer from a different angle. To run anti-virus using a USB flash drive, follow these simple steps:
1) Use another virus-free computer system to download Safebytes Anti-Malware.
2) Insert the USB drive into the uninfected PC.
3) Double-click the Setup icon of the anti-malware software package to run the Installation Wizard.
4) When asked, select the location of the USB drive as the place in which you would like to store the software files. Do as instructed on the screen to complete the installation process.
5) Transfer the thumb drive from the clean computer to the infected computer.
6) Double-click the anti-malware software EXE file on the USB flash drive.
7) Click the “Scan Now” button to start the virus scan.

Highlights of SafeBytes Anti-Malware

If you are looking to install an anti-malware program for your PC, there are numerous tools on the market to consider nonetheless, you just cannot trust blindly anyone, irrespective of whether it is a free or paid program. A few of them do a good job in removing threats while some will harm your computer by themselves. You should choose one that is efficient, practical, and has a strong reputation for its malware source protection. On the list of strongly recommended software is SafeBytes Anti-Malware. SafeBytes has a superb history of top-quality service, and customers appear to be very happy with it.

SafeBytes anti-malware is a reliable tool that not only secures your PC permanently but is also quite easy to use for people of all ability levels. With its outstanding protection system, this utility will quickly detect and remove the majority of the security threats, including browser hijackers, viruses, adware, ransomware, trojans, worms, and PUPs.

There are many amazing features you will get with this particular security product. Listed below are a few of the great ones:

Antimalware Protection: Using its enhanced and sophisticated algorithm, this malware elimination tool can identify and remove the malware threats hiding in your PC effectively.

Real-time Threat Response: Malware programs looking to enter the computer are discovered and stopped as and when detected by the SafeBytes real-time protection shields. This tool will continuously monitor your PC for any suspicious activity and updates itself continuously to keep abreast of the constantly changing threat scenarios.

Faster Scanning: This software has one of the fastest and most powerful virus scanning engines in the industry. The scans are extremely accurate and take a little time to complete.

Safe Web Browsing: Through its unique safety ranking, SafeBytes notifies you whether a site is safe or not to visit it. This will assure that you’re always certain of your online safety when browsing the net.

Minimal CPU Usage: SafeBytes is a lightweight and user-friendly anti-virus and anti-malware solution. As it uses very low computer resources, this program leaves the computer’s power exactly where it belongs: with you actually.

24/7 Guidance: You can obtain absolutely free 24/7 technical assistance from their computer experts on any product queries or PC security issues.

To conclude, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is really great for securing your computer against all kinds of malware threats. You now may understand that this particular software does more than just scan and eliminate threats in your PC. You will get the best all-around protection for the money you spend on SafeBytes Anti-Malware subscription, there isn’t any doubt about it.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove MyWebFace without the use of an automated tool, it might be actually possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser plug-ins, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser.

Lastly, check your hard disk for all of the following and clean your computer registry manually to remove leftover application entries after uninstallation. However, editing the registry can be a difficult job that only advanced users and professionals should try to fix it. Moreover, certain malicious programs are capable to defend against its deletion. You’re advised to do this process in Safe Mode.


Search and Delete:


C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\gb5e8gtn.default\extensionsaffxtbr@MyWebFace_5a.com
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\MyWebFace_5a
C:\Program Files\MyWebFace_5a

Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\@MyWebFace_5a.com/Plugin
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MyWebFace_5abar Uninstall
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\b1df253a-9e7a-480d-b6a5-7a435b520dbb
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\14d02517-c8be-4735-a344-3c8366c77aa0
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.ThirdPartyInstaller
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.SkinLauncherSettings
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.SkinLauncher
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.ScriptButton
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.SettingsPlugin
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.RadioSettings
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.Radio
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.PseudoTransparentPlugin
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.MultipleButton
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.HTMLPanel
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.HTMLMenu
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.FeedManager
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyWebFace_5a.DynamicBarButton
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ Value: MyWebFace_5a Browser Plugin Loader Data: 5aPlugin.dll
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ Value: MyWebFace Search Scope Monitor Data: 5abrmon.exe
Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ Value: MyWebFace Data: MyWebFace.dll

Do You Need Help with Your Device?

Our Team of Experts May Help
Troubleshoot.Tech Experts are There for You!
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Troubleshoot.Tech experts work with all versions of Microsoft Windows including Windows 11, with Android, Mac, and more.

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Communication with service process failed
The Intel Driver and Support Assistant automatically identifies, finds, and installs drivers in a computer and is pre-installed in newer Intel-supported systems. If you are using one of those newer Intel supported systems but encountered an error that says, “Communication with service process failed, Tray cannot start” when you launch a program, read on as this post will guide you in fixing this problem. This kind of issue in Intel supported system could be due to some third party application that’s meant to update drivers could be interfering. It is also possible that the Intel Driver and Support Assistant application is corrupted. Whatever the cause may be, here are some suggestions you have to check out to resolve the problem.

Option 1 – Try to uninstall all the third party driver update applications

One of the reasons why some users install third-party driver update software is that it is kind of tiresome to update each one of the drivers manually. However, as tiresome as it might be, it is still better than using a third-party driver update application as these kinds of applications could mess up the drivers, and the Intel Driver and Support Assistant is still much better. To fix the error, you have to uninstall the previously installed third-party driver update application on your computer.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box
  • Then type “appwiz.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to open the Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  • From there, look for the third-party driver update application you are using, select it and then click on Uninstall to remove it.
  • After that, restart your computer and try to install the latest version of the program again. It should work now. If not, proceed to the next available option below.

Option 2 – Try to disable the DSATray in Startup

Another thing about the “Communication with service process failed, Tray cannot start” error is that it keeps on popping up each time you boot your computer. And so to resolve this bug, you can just disable the DSATray from Startup. How? Refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Ctrl + Alt + Del to pull up the Security options window.
  • From there, select the option to open the Task Manager.
  • Once you’re in the Task Manager, go to the Startup tab and look for “DSATray” and right-click on it and then select the Disable option.
  • Now restart your computer and you should be good to go.

Option 3 – Try to reinstall the Intel Driver and Support Assistant

If the Intel Driver and Support Assistant is corrupted, you need to uninstall it from your computer. All you have to do is go to Programs and Features like what you did in the first option to uninstall the program. Once you’ve uninstalled it, download the newer or latest version of the Intel Driver and Support Assistant from the official site of Intel and then install it.
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Display Stopped Responding and Has Recovered
The screen flickers into black, it comes back and on-screen there is a message Driver stopped responding and has recovered. If you have been through this you are aware that the issue is not serious but it can get pretty annoying fast since you are not aware when will it happen again, and it will happen again. In this guide, we will go through the usual reasons for this error and offer solutions to them. Follow the guide step by step in order to resolve the problem.
  1. Clean your PC Dirt and dust are your enemy no1, dirty graphic card can not be properly called and can cause overheating which can result in this particular error, make sure that your PC is clean and tidy in order to eliminate dust and dirt as a cause for malfunction.
  2. Turn off multiple applications and try running just one at a time Overburdening GPU can cause this error to appear since the graphic card can not handle all requests it gets from multiple active applications. Try to run just one application at a time for some time period to see if the error will appear again.
  3. Update driver Update your GPU driver to the latest version from the manufacturer's website, Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered Error in Windows 10 can be from outdated drivers not able to handle modern tasks
  4. Get newer GPU As hard as this advice is, sometimes the reason is an old graphic card that simply can not keep up with modern games and applications, upgrade it to a more modern GPU and watch errors go away.
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Nearby Sharing is not working in Windows
Windows 10 has a lot of several useful features and one of them is the Nearby Sharing feature. You can access this feature by going to Start > Settings > System > Shared experiences. From there, switch on the Nearby Sharing option and select the folder where you want to download the files to. This feature is really useful as it allows you to share files. However, there were reports from a number of users recently stating that Nearby Sharing is not working on their Windows 10 computers. If you are one of the users facing this problem, you might want to try checking if the Windows 10 v1803 Update is installed on your computer or not. You could also try to check if Bluetooth supports low energy mode or you could also try bringing the device closer or check if the adapter has Bluetooth version 4.0 or later. For more information, refer to each one of the given options below.

Option 1 – Try checking if Windows 10 v1803 Update is installed

To check if the Windows 10 v1803 Update is installed on your computer, go to Start > Settings > System > About. From there, scroll down to the Windows specifications and check the Version. If it is 1803 or above, then the Nearby Sharing feature should be active on your computer. However, if you find that Windows 10 v1803 Update is not installed yet, then you need to update your computer to its latest version and then see if it fixes the problem or not.

Option 2 – Verify if Bluetooth supports low energy mode

Although low energy mode is not really necessary in using Nearby Sharing, there are some Bluetooth terminals that support low energy mode which makes a lot of difference. Thus, you need to check if Bluetooth in your computer supports low energy mode by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “devmgmt.msc” in the field and tap Enter to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, expand the list of Bluetooth adapters, and then right-click on your adapter and select Properties.
  • Go to the Details tab and select Bluetooth radio supports Low Energy Central Role from the drop-down menu and if its value says “<true>”, it means that your Bluetooth supports low energy mode, otherwise, it doesn’t.
  • If your Bluetooth does not support low energy mode, then you might want to consider purchasing an external one.

Option 3 – Try bringing the devices closer

Nearby Sharing might not work if your devices are not close enough. Thus, you need to bring your devices closer together and see if it fixes the problem. And when you do, make sure that Network Sharing is switched on for all the concerned devices.

Option 4 – Make sure that you’re using Bluetooth version 4.0 or later

For you to use the Nearby Sharing feature, you have to make sure that the adapter for all the concerned devices is using Bluetooth version 4.0 or later. So if one of the devices or if all the devices are not using this version or later versions, then you must buy an external Bluetooth adapter for you to enjoy the Nearby Sharing feature.
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Fix Logitech Blue Yeti mic not working in W11
Blue Yeti has gained popularity among streamers and users that want a high-quality mic for their setup. Without going into details of the hardware itself I will say it is a pretty good mic. Now the issues that have been reported with it are that Windows 11 can have issues with it resulting in the microphone not being recognized by the operating system. If you are one of the unfortunate Blue Yeti users and have this issue, do not despair because we have a solution for you, several to be more precise so you can easily fix the issue and get back to talking.

logitech blue yetiCheck cables

Sometimes it is not a software problem at all. First thing is to check if by any chance cable of the mic is disconnected, damaged, or similar. If the cable seems fine next step is to plug in the mic into another port in order to eliminate faulty jack on the computer. If nothing happened the last thing to try is to connect the mic to another computer so we can be sure that the mic itself is in working order so we can focus on software. If by any chance mic is not working on another computer that some hardware inspection of it will be required.

Set Blue Yeti as a default device

There is a chance that Windows 11 has not set Blue Yeti as a default audio device for recording and therefore you can not use it. In order to eliminate and fix this issue, right-click on the speaker icon on the taskbar in the far-right part of it and choose sound settings. Go down to the input section and pick Blue Yeti beside Choose device for speaking or recording.

Update driver

More often than not device not working is tied to malfunctioning or a bad driver. In order to eliminate and resolve this issue right click on the Start icon and choose device manager. Inside device manager expand the Sound, video and game controllers section. Right-click on each device in the section and choose update driver. Wait for the update to complete and restart your system.

Run the troubleshooter

Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings. Go to System in the left pane and click on it. In the right panel choose and click on troubleshoot. Inside troubleshoot click on Other. Scroll down and locate the Recording Audio troubleshooter and then click on Run next to it. Wait for the troubleshooter to finish and follow on-screen instructions to resolve the issue.

Check Blue Yeti microphone privacy setting

Not very often, but sometimes privacy settings can be the issue even when everything else is working perfectly. In order to check privacy settings press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings and go to Privacy & Security on the left panel and click on it. On the right panel click on the microphone. Make sure that toggle next to Let apps access your microphone is ON.
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How to Repair Windows 10 Upgrade Error Code 0x80070070 – 0x50011

Code 0x80070070 – 0x50011 – What is it?

If you’ve recently tried installing Windows 10, you might have encountered error code 0x80070070 – 0x50011 or its alternatives (error code 0x80070070 – 0x50012 and 0x80070070 – 0x60000). Whatever formats this error code presents itself in, it's usually accompanied by a barrage of other errors, as underscored on Microsoft’s official site. If you’ve encountered this error code, it simply means that your computer system might not have the required or required space to install the upgrade.

Likely, if you’ve experienced error code 0x80070070 – 0x50011, it’ll likely appear in the formats highlighted below:

  • 0x80070070 – 0x50011
  • 0x80070070 – 0x50012
  • 0x80070070 – 0x60000


Restoro box imageError Causes

At present, this Windows 10 upgrade error is triggered or caused by various factors:

  • Lack of computer resources or space
  • Virus/malware infestation
  • A clogged registry

Further Information and Manual Repair

Whilst new, not much information has been propagated regarding this error. However, there are some manual / practical steps you can take to have your Windows 10 upgrade up and running. Since the primary aspect of solving this problem is to make space on your computer system, here are some ways in which you can do so manually.

Method 1: Get more space

  • Check the current space on your computer  

Before making attempts to create space on your computer, it’s vital that you check to decipher how much free space you have available.

  • Make use of Disk Clean-up 

Since there’s a free service available on your computer to create space, why not use it and save time? If the Disk Cleanup tool is employed regularly, this will free up hard drive space and optimize your computer to work better.

  • Remove unwanted desktop apps 

There are several apps lying around on your computer that you simply don’t use, uninstall those and make space to elude error code 0x80070070 – 0x50011 or its alternatives (Code 0x80070070 – 0x50012, Code 0x80070070 – 0x60000)

  • Remove or archive files  

If you have lots of photos, media, documents (files), videos, etc, that you don’t use or will only need in the future, try cloud storage. You’ll still have those files within your possession but just not in a physical location. However, they’re still accessible. Another suggestion: If you use programs such as One Drive or Google Drive for desktop, limit your use to only the online application.

  • Add more storage

If you’re not able to implement the above steps to clear some space to accommodate your Windows 10 upgrade due to error code 0x80070070 – 0x50011, acquire more storage. This can be expanded by incorporating storage devices such as USB flash drives, CDs, cloud storage, and SD Cards.

Method 2: Scan your computer for virus/malware

If you regularly download stuff, especially software on the Internet from ‘not so secured’ sites, you might have picked up something. You might have downloaded malware or virus (along with other legit programs).

To resolve this issue, it’s advised and very important that you download a powerful antivirus and perform a complete scan of your computer system. After you’ve detected and removed the suspected malware/virus, you’ll then be able to eliminate error code 0x80070070 – 0x50011 and resume with your Windows 10 upgrade.

Method 3: Clean up your computer’s registry

If you do not clean your computer’s registry often, it could become congested or clogged by .XML files, junk files, and cookies. To resolve this problem, clean your registry by using a powerful and user-friendly tool to clean up the problem.

Click here to download Restoro.

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Fix Windows is still setting up ... Code 56
If your internet suddenly stops working on your Windows 10 computer and you get an error message saying, “Windows is still setting up the class configuration for this device (Code 56)”, then read on as this post will show you what you can do to resolve it. This kind of issue has something to do with the Network Adapter and you can see this error message in the Properties menu of the corresponding Network Adapter under the Device Manager. This kind of issue could be caused by many things. For one, it could be caused by your VPN connection if you are using one or it could also be due to an outdated driver. Whatever the cause may be, here are some suggestions you have to check out to fix the error.

Option 1 – Check your VPN

When you install a virtual machine or VPN software on your computer, a new setup will be added in the Network Connection settings and helps your computer in using that adapter setting each time the VPN is turned on. Assuming that you are using an Ethernet connection but your system is trying to use another adapter or settings, that’s when issues occur and one of them is the “Windows is still setting up the class configuration for this device” error. To fix it, you can try to disable your VPN temporarily and see if the error is resolved or not and if turns out that your VPN is the culprit, you have to uninstall it and install a new one or its latest version. To uninstall it, follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box
  • Then type “appwiz.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to open the Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  • From there, look for the VPN service you are using, select it and then click on Uninstall to remove it.
  • After that, restart your computer and try to install the latest version of the program again. It should work now. If not, proceed to the next available option below.

Option 2 – Try to update or rollback or uninstall the Network Adapter drivers

You might also want to update, roll back or disable your Network drivers to fix the “This operation failed as no adapter is in the state permissible for this operation” error.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run window and then type in the “devmgmt.msc” command and hit Enter to open the Device Manager window.
  • Under the Device Manager, you will see a list of drivers. From there, look for the Network Adapters and expand it.
  • Then right-click on each one of the Network drivers and depending on your preference, you can either select “Update driver”, “Disable device” or “Uninstall device”.
  • After that, restart your PC and see if it helped in fixing the netio.sys Blue Screen error.

Option 3 – Try to run the Network Adapter troubleshooter

To run the Network Troubleshooter, refer to these steps:
  • Open the Search bar on your computer and type in “troubleshoot” to open the Troubleshoot settings.
  • Next, scroll down and select the “Network Adapter” option from the right pane.
  • Then click on the Run Troubleshooter” button.
  • After that, your computer will check for any possible errors and will pinpoint the root cause of the problem if possible.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 4 – Try to reset the Network

You might perform a Network Reset to resolve the problem if none of the three given options above worked. This will reset the entire network configuration including your IP address. To perform Network Reset, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open Settings.
  • From there, go to the Network and Internet section.
  • Next, scroll down and look for “Network Reset” under the status pane.
  • After that, click on Network Reset and then on Reset now to start resetting the network configuration. Once done, check if it is able to fix the error or not.
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5 Common Windows 11 Issues You Can Solve Super Quickly

It really sucks when you can’t fully enjoy the newest version of your favorite OS.

Windows 11 is still relatively fresh and consequently has some annoying little bugs that really ruin our experience. The good news is that you’re not alone and most of them are easy to fix.

Here are 5 commonly reported Windows 11 issues and what you can do to get rid of them.

1. Windows 11 audio problems

One of the absolute most irritating things in the world is struggling with the sound on your computer. Windows 11 users have reported facing the issue of low or no sound. If you’re currently experiencing the same frustration, you can be relieved. Chances are fixing it will only take a few minutes.

The first thing to check would be whether you accidentally muted your device by pressing the mute button on your keyboard. Yes, we know it sounds a lot like the old “have you tried turning it off and on again?” But it’s important to leave no stone unturned, and the most obvious things are usually the ones we easily overlook.

Moreover, if you have several audio output sources, check whether the right one is selected. You can do this via the Action Center or through Settings. If you want to use the same source every time, we also recommend you set it as the default one.

It’s also important to have a good, up-to-date audio driver. More often than not, this will be the true cause of your audio struggles. Make sure to update your driver, and if that doesn’t work out, you can always un- and reinstall it or install a different one. 

Lastly, if all attempts remain unsuccessful, run the audio troubleshooter to figure out what’s actually going wrong.

2. Unable to find files

Such a powerful new operating system, yet it can’t seem to do the simplest thing imaginable? The File Explorer not responding on Windows 11 is one of the most frustrating and most common problems with Microsoft’s newest iteration of its awesome OS.

However, 9/10 times it can be fixed by simply restarting your PC. You could also try killing the Windows Explorer process in the Task Manager and then rerunning it.

If these don’t help, check whether there are any pending Windows 11 updates. A single missing update can compromise your PC’s functionality, so always make sure to install them all on time. 

Should none of that work, then there are other ways to solve the File Explorer problem. However, then the issue is probably a bit deeper and it’s no longer in the ‘easy fix’ territory.

3. Start menu not working

Just like the File Explorer, the Start menu is a fundamental element of your OS. So, it’s only natural that its malfunction grinds your gears. It may be more customizable than on previous Windows versions, but it doesn’t always work smoothly. 

If you’re facing the so-called Start menu critical error, there are a few things this could be caused by. Usually it means you turned off your system while an important update was still being installed, there is a corrupt file on your PC, or Windows forcefully stopped a program. 

Whatever the reason, the solution should be pretty simple. Try the basic steps: restarting your File Explorer (like we explained above) and signing out and back into your account. If that doesn’t do anything, you may want to try uninstalling third-party start menu apps (if you have any), since they can interfere with your default programs’ functionality.

Now, those are the easy fixes. If you get nowhere with them, you might need to identify the root cause and search for more complex solutions than that.

4. Snipping tool not working

Our beloved screenshot tool was introduced with Windows 10 and Microsoft decided to keep it. However, you were probably just as disappointed as us when you tried to run it and failed. 

Normally, this can be fixed by installing the latest Out-of-band (OOB) update, or even pending updates in general. Even if your system appears to be up-to-date, run the checker just in case.

Another cool thing Windows 11 lets you do is ‘Repair’ and ‘Reset’, which is the easiest way to troubleshoot your Snipping tool. If this fails, you can also try the good old un- and reinstall method. Simply uninstall the tool through the Control Panel and reinstall it from the Microsoft Store.

Furthermore, in the case of an upgrade from Windows 10 to 11, it may be that the old Snipping tool version is interfering with the launch of the new one. If you don’t care that much about the additional options available with the enhanced screenshot tool, you can use the old version instead.

Simply go to your C Drive, find the Windows.old folder, search for the tool and open it from there. Make sure to pin it to your taskbar as well, if you know you’re going to use it often.

5. Can’t install the latest update

The latest Windows 11 version, 22H2, has brought tons of enhancements to our dearest operating system. Unfortunately, a lot of users still haven’t had the opportunity to experience it. A mere update of your OS version should be the one thing that goes smoothly, but sometimes that’s not the case.

Failure to install 22H2 can be caused by a few things. Most commonly, the issue is caused by lack of storage space or corrupted files, but there could be other culprits.

There are a couple of things you could try. For example, it’s crucial that your drivers be up-to-date and some important services be enabled. These are: Windows Modules Installer, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Cryptographic Service, Windows Update services.

To enable them, search ‘Services’, find the service you need and right-click on it. Open ‘Properties’ and select the startup type ‘Automatic’.

It may also be necessary to unplug all peripherals that aren’t crucial and disable third-party antivirus tools until after the update is finished. 

Ultimately, you can run the Windows Update troubleshooter to detect and fix other possible issues.


Tiny bugs like these are nothing out of the ordinary. That said, we still all hate when they happen.

Hopefully some of our solutions have helped you to a smoother Windows 11 experience. But if you’re still struggling, feel free to reach out to us. We’d be happy to help!

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A Quick Guide to Fixing the Error 0x800ccc7d

0x800ccc7d - What is it?

0x800ccc7d is an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) error message code that occurs in applications like Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. The error message is displayed as: ‘ unknown error 0x800ccc7d- secure sockets layer ’. Many offices use Microsoft Outlook for email communication and sending instant messages within the office. This is a highly functional application that enables users to interact with peers efficiently, manage contacts, journals, and reminders. However, the error 0x800ccc7d may hamper your ability to send and receive emails efficiently. Therefore it is advisable to repair it right away.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error 0x800ccc7d is triggered by the following causes:
  • Damaged profile in Outlook
  • Incorrect email account settings
  • The Outlook installation is corrupt and damaged. This usually happens due to issues in hard disk storage.
  • The outgoing SMTP server does not support secure connections

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you come across 0800ccc7d error code while using Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, then don’t you worry! This problem can be easily resolved. In fact, it is so easy to repair that you can do it by yourself even if you are not a technical expert. Here are some ways to fix the 0800ccc7d SSL Outlook error:

Solution 1: Use Scanpst.exe

You may not know this but Microsoft offers an inbuilt Outlook Repair tool. This tool is technically known as Scanpst.exe. This tool is useful when you need to repair Basic header corruption. However, it may not be the best choice if the problem is big and complex.

Solution 2: Reset Your Outlook Settings

Sometimes this error message may occur when the STMP server requires authentication or does not recognize the senders' email addresses. In this scenario, you should check your Outlook settings to make sure that your STMP username and server are correct. For this follow this procedure:
  • Go to the Tools menu and then click on Accounts
  • Now click on your email account then check its properties
  • Click general and make sure that your email address is created in your account’s control panel. If not, then edit and create.
  • Next, click servers and see if the box next to the option that says My server requires authentication is checked or not. If not, then check it to resolve the error.

Solution 3: Disable any Anti-Virus

Another alternative to resolve this error is to disable any Anti-virus or Firewall you have installed on your PC. Once you disable it then try sending or receiving the email again. This usually works.

Solution 4: Download 0x800ccc7d Repair Tool

The fourth solution available to resolve this issue is by downloading the 0x800ccc7d repair tool. Though it is similar to Microsoft Outlook built-in scanpst.exe tool, but as compared to it the 0x800ccc7d repair tool is a highly functional tool. There are many 0x800ccc7d repair tools available but we recommend you to Restoro. This tool is a third-party tool that can deal, scan, and fix 0x800cc7d error in no time. What makes this repair tool an excellent choice is that it can repair all broken PST files and emails, recover Outlook items, retrieve deleted files, recover password-protected data, split files to recover oversize PST files, and more. To access and install the 0x800ccc7d repair tool all you need to do is download it here and install it on your PC. Now run it to scan errors. Once the errors are scanned, hit the repair tab to resolve. So, next time when you experience the error 0x800ccc7d, try using these solutions to fix the problem right away!
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Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding
Users are reporting that randomly their screen will just go black for a second and come back. When this happens, it usually distorts any video currently on the screen; sometimes, they can resume working on the PC normally. However, when they view the event logs, they see the error message Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered. In this article, we will address solutions to this issue and how to not have it again.
  1. Remove Aura iCUE plugin (applies to only ASUS motherboards)

    Some PC users discovered that iCue adds an Aura plugin for ASUS MOBOs. That, combined with EVGA Precision X1, was causing the error it seems – this was determined when the screen would turn off and on when opening EVGA x1 software. In this case, the issue was resolved by removing the Aura iCUE plugins.
  2. Change Power Management mode

    Right-click the battery icon on the notification area on the right of the Taskbar. Select Power Options. In the Power Options window, locate your current Power Plan. Select High performance, if that’s not your current power plan. Now, click on Change plan settings next to it. Now click on Change advanced power settings. Expand PCI Express section. Expand Link State Power Management. Now set power saving to Off for both On battery and Plugged in state. This would fix any issues caused by the low power of the video card. Click Apply > OK to save changes.
  3. Update graphics driver

    Go into device manager Expand display adapter section Right-click on adapter Click on update driver Reboot
  4. Rollback graphics driver

    Go into device manager Expand display adapter section Right-click on adapter Click on Roll back driver Reboot
  5. Uninstall and reinstall graphics card driver

    Go into device manager Expand display adapter section Right-click on adapter Click on Uninstall device Reboot
  6. Replace the graphics card

    If everything else failed, replace the graphic card
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