
How to be a healthy PC gamer

Spending a large amount of time working or gaming in front of the computer can take a toll on your health. And as someone who indeed spends a large amount of time in front of the computer, I would like to share some insights about how can you be happy and healthy at the same time by incorporating some practices and habits.


Get good chair

This is first on the list because it matters the most. A proper sitting chair is essential for back health. If your budget allows it, do yourself a favor and get an anatomic sitting chair or gaming chair with lumbar support. It costs but it is worth it.

Learn to sit properly

As the important chair is, sitting properly is also as important as much. Your spine believe it or not is a very important part of your body and you need to take care of it. Sadly long periods of sitting sessions are bad for muscles around the spine that could reflect on the spine itself. Keep your back straight and keep your head not down nor up, place it in a position like when you are walking so the spine that is going from your head is in line with the spine on your back.


By medical standards, each hour of sitting should be accompanied by a stretch session since sitting itself is placing too much pressure on certain muscles and blood circulation is lowered. Changing leg position and doing just a little stretch each hour can be really beneficial for your health in long run.

Take breaks

Yes, playing games is fun and most of the time we do not want to stop playing, especially if we are winning but taking breaks is essential for your personal health. Old saying goes that overdoing anything is bad and this applies true even to things that we do for pleasure and relaxation. Take periodic breaks to stretch, stand up and maybe even walk just a little.

Drink water

During long work hours or long gaming sessions, it is not uncommon that we are so focused on our activity that we forget to take our water intake. Approximately 2liters of water per day is needed for an adult person to function properly during that day and if you spend long times in front of a PC do not forget to drink water.

Do not neglect your daily tasks

As enjoyable as it is gaming can make us forget about our daily tasks, do not neglect your life and your tasks. Remember, gaming is only OK if it does not interfere with the daily things that you need to do. Do not postpone going for groceries because of gaming, do not switch shower for another level in the game. Do all of the things you must do first and then sit and game.

Take care of yourself mentally

Having mental health is as important as having a physical one. Playing games is fun, but playing games with someone is even better, do not forget to socialize and invite some friends so you can share some fun times together. Also, detach yourself from outcomes that will come because of gaming, this is very important for gamers that do a lot of PVP games and get annoyed and angry when they lose or when some other player is talking trash. Remember, gaming is for you to relax and enjoy, not to stress you.

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INF file doesn't support this installation
If you got an error message saying, The INF file you selected does not support this method of installation while trying to install a driver using the “Install” option in the right-click context menu, read on as this post will guide you in fixing the problem. The INF file mentioned in the error message is a text file that’s divided into different types of formatted sections. Each one of the sections is designed for a particular purpose. For instance, one section is designed to copy files or to add entries to the registry. INF files are used to install drivers. However, if something is wrong, you might encounter this error while installing a driver on your Windows 10 computer. To resolve this problem, you can try to download the driver again from the official manufacturer website or check if the driver is compatible with your computer’s operating system architecture or you can also try installing the driver from the Device Manager. For more details, follow the given options below.

Option 1 – Try downloading the driver again from the official website of the manufacturer

Usually, you shouldn’t encounter this kind of issue no matter what installation method you used on your Windows 10 PC. However, there are times when the driver itself is corrupted for some reason which is why you are unable to complete the installation and receive an error message instead.

Option 2 – Try checking if the driver is compatible with the OS architecture

It is possible that you’re getting this error if you have a driver that is compatible with a 32-bit system and you are trying to install it on a 64-bit system and vice versa. Thus, you need to check if the driver you are trying to install is compatible with your operating system if you haven’t done it when you’ve downloaded the driver from the website of the manufacturer. To check the system architecture, in the Start Search, type “msinfo32” in the field and hit Enter to open the System Information window. From there, you should see all the information about your operating system. In addition, you can also search “system information” in the Cortana search box and look for the System Type entry and open it.

Option 3 – Try installing the driver from the Device Manager

If you have the driver files on your PC and you have to update a driver, refer to the steps given below to be guided on how to install the driver from the Device Manager.
  • First, click the Start button and type “device manager”.
  • Then click on the “Device Manager” from the search results to open it.
  • From there, look for the driver you want to update, and then right-click on each one of them and select the Update Driver from the menu.
  • After that, click on the “Browse my computer for driver software” option.
  • Next, select the “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer” option and then click the Next button.
  • On the next screen, you should see the “Have Disk” option. Click on this option and then click on the Browse button to go to the location of the file. After that, you shouldn’t have any problem installing the INF file.

Option 4 – Try running the System File Checker Scan

The SFC or System File Checker scan could detect and automatically repair damaged system files that could be causing the “The INF file you selected does not support this method of installation” error. SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
 Now restart your computer.
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Windows is stuck on signing out screen
As you know, each time you log out of your Windows 10 computer, it will take you to the login screen where you can switch users or log back in. But there are instances where Windows 10 remains stuck on the signing out screen, along with a blue spinning circle and all you can see is the process of your computer signing out, however, it does not progress and only gets stuck there. Thus, in this post, you will be guided on how you can resolve such an issue on your Windows 10 computer. So if you are one of the users who experience the same problem, there are several fixes you can check out if your computer is stuck on the signing out screen with a blue spinning circle. You can try to force shutdown your computer or troubleshoot the problem in a Clean Boot State. You could also try to check the status of the User Profile Service or repair User Profile, as well as run System Restore. For more details, refer to each one of the suggestions provided below. But before you troubleshoot the problem, make sure that you are logged in to your computer as an administrator.

Option 1 – Try to force shutdown your computer

The first thing you can do is to force reboot your computer as this simple fix could help in fixing the problem. This option is quite simple, just make sure that before you do it, you have to save all your work.
  • First, turn on your computer and press and hold the power button for at least 30 seconds. You might notice the screen flashing or making any changes, just ignore it.
  • After that, plug out and plug in your computer and automatically turn it on.
  • Once done, check if the issue is now fixed or not.

Option 2 – Put your computer in a Clean Boot State

It is possible that some third-party application is causing your computer to get stuck in the signing out screen. So you can try putting your computer in a Clean Boot State and see if it fixes the problem.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” checkbox and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” checkbox.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Once your computer is in a Clean Boot State, you should now be able to sign out or sign in without any problem.

Option 3 – Try checking the status of the User Profile Service

If forcing your computer to shut down or putting your computer in a Clean Boot State didn’t fix the problem, you can try to check the status of the User Profile Service since it is the one responsible for loading and unloading user profiles. Thus, if this service is disabled or stopped, you will no longer be able to sign out or sign in successfully.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Services Manager.
  • From there, look for the User Profile Service and make sure that its Startup Type is set to Automatic and that its status is “Started”.
  • Once done, exit the Services Manager and see if the issue is resolved.

Option 4 – Try to repair your corrupted profile via Registry

In this second option, you can try to repair the corrupted profile using the Registry but before you proceed, make sure to create a System Restore Point and then follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “regedit” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, go to this registry key: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList
  • Once you’ve opened the registry key, you should see a list of all the user profiles on your computer. Now click on each S-1-5 folder and look for the “ProfileImagePath” entry and double click on it to check which user account it is related to. You will see a path like “CUsersACK” where “ACK” is the username.
  • You should know which of the user account is corrupted. Just look for a key named “RefCount” and change its Value data to “0” and click OK. And if it isn’t available, simply right-click on the right pane and create it.
  • After that, double click on the key named “State” and make sure that the Value data is “0” and click OK.
  • Exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer to apply the changes made and then check if it fixed the problem or not.

Option 5 – Run System Restore

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
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DuckDuckGo's Browser is not blocking MS scripts

DuckDuckGo has risen in the public eye as a private search engine offering searches without tracking. A less known fact about DuckDuckGo is that they have their own browser, well they have it for the Android platform and it was stated that it is coming for desktops soon.

DuckDuckGo browser

People were excited for this new browser for a few reasons, one of them being privacy and another that it is built from scratch, not using existing chromium runtime that assured users that privacy is the main focus. Still, lately, things got a little out of control. Duckduckgo is under fire from users since a security researcher has discovered that there is an exception for Microsoft trackers inside Browser.

The main feature of their browser is that it blocks tracking scripts and most online advertising with the goal of preventing servers from collecting data about your online behavior. Of course, tracking protection is never 100% effective since it requires a lot of manual labor from people to add sites and links to blocklists but it was discovered that DuckDuckGo has a defined exception in the browser for Microsoft owned ad networks and tracking scripts giving them free pass even when they are related to privacy compromisation.

Zach Edwards first pointed out the exception in a series of tweets, after noticing DuckDuckGo on iPhone and Android wasn’t blocking LinkedIn and Bing advertisements on Facebook’s Workplace site.

You can capture data within the DuckDuckGo so-called private browser on a website like Facebook's https://t.co/u8W44qvsqF and you'll see that DDG does NOT stop data flows to Microsoft's Linkedin domains or their Bing advertising domains.

iOS + Android proof:
👀🫥😮‍💨🤡⛈️⚖️💸💸💸 pic.twitter.com/u3Q30KIs7e

— ℨ𝔞𝔠𝔥 𝔈𝔡𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔰 (@thezedwards) May 23, 2022

DuckDuckGo’s CEO and founder, Gabriel Weinberg, replied with his own series of tweets.

Most of our other protections also apply to MSFT-owned properties as well. This is just about non-DuckDuckGo and non-Microsoft sites, where our search syndication agreement prevents us from stopping Microsoft-owned scripts from loading, though we can still apply protections post-load (like 3rd party cookie blocking). We are also working to change that.

DuckDuckGo says it uses over 400 sources for search engine results, including the company’s own web crawler, but typical link results are sourced most commonly from Bing. According to Weinberg, DuckDuckGo’s ability to use Bing search results depends on a carved-out exception for Microsoft’s ads in the mobile browser. A representative from DuckDuckGo told that third-party cookies from Microsoft services are still blocked.

Of course, the main aim and campaign of DUckDuckGo's rise was private search and private browsing so this kind of news did not go well among long supporters. The latest statement from them is as follows:

We have always been extremely careful to never promise anonymity when browsing, because that frankly isn’t possible given how quickly trackers change how they work to evade protections and the tools we currently offer. When most other browsers on the market talk about tracking protection, they are usually referring to 3rd-party cookie protection and fingerprinting protection, and our browsers for iOS, Android, and our new Mac beta, impose these restrictions on third-party tracking scripts, including those from Microsoft.

What we’re talking about here is an above-and-beyond protection that most browsers don’t even attempt to do — that is, blocking third-party tracking scripts before they load on 3rd party websites. Because we’re doing this where we can, users are still getting significantly more privacy protection with DuckDuckGo than they would using Safari, Firefox and other browsers. This blog post we published gets into the real benefits users enjoy from this approach, like faster load times (46% average decrease) and less data transferred (34% average decrease). Our goal has always been to provide the most privacy we can in one download, by default without any complicated settings.

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Windows 10 exploit using App installer
Scammers have decided to target Windows’s 10 App installer process in order to infect your computer and steal your data. windows 10 mail exploitAs in most usual online scams, everything starts with a strange email containing threats and other poorly written and composed speech. At the end of the given email, there would be a link claiming that you, of course, need to read it and follow instructions about the threat, if you click the link it will open a web page where you will have an innocent-looking PDF file with more information about the threat itself. If you click on a seemingly innocent PDF file it will summon Windows 10's AppInstaller.exe tool, kickstarting a download-and-run process that'll put you in a bad place very quickly. From there, you'll have to deal with the dangers of malware BazarBackdoor, including data and credential theft. This kind of scam is nothing new but the interesting thing here is that it uses App installer and by clicking on a link you are opening and giving permission for a malicious crook to use it. So, stay safe and do not click on any links from unknown emails no matter what.
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A Guide to Fixing STOP 0x00000000 Error Code

STOP 0x00000000 Error Code - What is it?

Stop 0x00000000 error code is a type of a Stop error popularly known as a blue screen of death error code. This is a critical error. It can pop up while loading or using the Windows program on your PC. When this error occurs, the computer screen turns blue and you, the user, get locked out of the program. Furthermore, it can also result in sudden system shut down or system freeze. If not fixed timely, the error may start to pop up more and more frequently which then may lead to complete system corruption and system crash.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The two most common causes for the STOP 0x00000000 error code are:
  • Malware infection
  • Registry corruption
This is a fatal system error and must be resolved immediately. Delay may lead to system crashes and data loss. And recovering lost data is not easy.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Though this is a fatal error the good news is that it is easy to resolve. To repair the STOP 0x00000000 error on your system, here are some methods that you can try:

Method 1 - Use System Restore to Bring Your Computer Back to its Previous State

To resolve this error on your system, try using the System Restore tool. Use this tool to bring your computer back to its previous state. The Windows System Restore utility is one of the most valuable recovery tools. To use it, simply type System Restore in the search box. Once you find it, click on it and select a restore point to bring your PC back to its normal state. To activate changes, reboot the PC.

Method 2 - Scan for Viruses

If the underlying cause of the Stop 0x00000000 error code is related to malware infection, then you must download a powerful antivirus to resolve it. Run it to scan your entire PC. Make sure you remove all types of malware including adware, spyware, viruses, and Trojan. Once your PC is malware-free, the error will be fixed in no time.

Method 3 - Clean and Repair the Registry

The registry is an important part of the PC. It stores practically all the activities you perform on your system. It saves all the files including both important and unnecessary files such as junk files, cookies, internet history, bad and invalid entries. If these obsolete and unnecessary files are not deleted frequently and keep on accumulating it takes up all the registry space and corrupts it. This results in registry errors like runtime and BSoD errors and sometimes may also lead to disk fragmentation. To resolve it is advisable to repair the registry. This can be done manually but that will take too much time and also require technical expertise. However, another way to resolve it is to download Restoro. This is a user-friendly PC Fixer with a powerful registry cleaner. It removes all obsolete and unnecessary files, cleans the registry and repairs the damaged files, thereby removing the error right away. Click here to download Restoro and resolve Stop 0x00000000 today!
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Driver Verifier is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that monitors device drivers on your computer, if it detects issues with drivers, it will attempt to fix the issue. If you are encountering Blue Screen for a Driver and after running Driver Verifier you get another with message DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION ten follow this article step by step in order to solve it. There is a chance that you will maybe even have to do this in safe mode, if that is your case, login into safe mode and proceed, otherwise proceed normally.
  1. Update Device Drivers

    the most common issue with the blue screen is old Drivers, in most cases, graphical drivers, update all Drivers with the latest versions and see if this will resolve the issue.
  2. Stop or uninstall Virtualization software

    Virtua machine software is a great way to have a safe environment and to experiment while preserving your Windows installation intact, however sometimes due to the nature of these applications they can be a case for blue screen errors. Stop virtualization software to see if it will remove the issue. If that is the case, try another virtualization application
  3. Disable Driver Verifier

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu Click on Command Prompt (admin) Inside command prompt type: verifier and press ENTER Select the Delete existing settings radio button Click Finish Reboot your computer
  4. Reset Driver Verifier

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu Click on Command Prompt (admin) Inside command prompt type: verifier /reset and press ENTER Reboot your computer
  5. Use system restore

    Rollback Windows to the previous state where everything was working fine.
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Fix Windows Update Error 0x800F0922
A lot of users connect to the internet are using VPN on their Windows 10 computers which means that their regions could be different from the actual region of their Windows 10 computers. Thus, if you are facing some issues in updating your computer in this kind of environment, specifically the Windows Update error 0x800F0922, you need to follow the tips given in this guide to help you resolve the issue. When you encounter this kind of Windows Update error, you might see either of the following error messages on your screen:
“Windows could not search for updates, Code 0x800F0922 Windows Update encountered an unknown error” Or: “Windows failed to install the update with error 0x800F0922”
This issue might be caused by two possible reasons such as:
  1. VPN issues
  2. Not enough space on the System Reserved partition
To resolve the problem, here are some tips that might help:

Option 1 – Try disabling the VPN

As mentioned, if you are using VPN, this could be the reason why you’re getting the Windows Update error 0x800F0922 so the most obvious thing to do is for you to turn off the VPN and try to run the Windows Update once more. And if you use a VPN software that works using their software, you can just completely exit or log-off from its account. On the other hand, if you are using a built-in Windows 10 VPN, you can simply turn it off or delete all the settings you have created there. Although it’s understandable that you might have to use a VPN connection to connect to the work network, you really have to disable it at least until the Windows Update is no longer stuck in the error 0x800F0922. It would be best if you do this when you are not working.

Option 2 – Try to free up space in the System Reserved partition

The System Reserved partition is a part of the hard disk created when Windows is first installed on it. It is where the Boot Configuration Database, Boot Manager Code, Windows Recovery Environment, and the reserves space for the startup files are stored. And as mentioned early on, the error might be due to some insufficient space in the System Reserved partition so the next thing you can do is to increase the space in this partition. Note that it is a complex process so you need to make sure that you have made backups to all your data on the computer. So if ever something goes out of hand, at least you have copies of your important files in case you aren’t able to boot into the system at all.
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Fix rtf64x64.sys Blue Screen error on Windows
rtf64x64.sys Blue Screen error happens in random intervals but it is a regular occurrence, it can happen when playing games, when watching movies, or even when the computer is idle. in this article we will guide you on how to resolve this error from the most simple steps you could take and do not worry, altho the error seems dreadfully and scary, it is nothing to worry about. If you can boot Windows normally after error great, proceed with instructions, else reboot into safe mode or use installation media to boot.
  1. Use official Microsoft online troubleshooter Microsoft has an online blue screen troubleshooter that was made specifically for this kind of situation. Go to Troubleshoot screen error and answer questions needed. Most of the time this will be enough to solve any blue screen issue.
  2. Update network and sound drivers How is this error traced back to Realtek devices, go to the Realtek website and download drivers. Install them and reboot the system.
  3. Use a dedicated software solution DRIVERFIX is an application made for these and other kinds of driver issues and problems, it is one click automated solution for driver fixing. Visit the Driverfix site and download the application
  4. Perform system Restore If you have not managed to fix the issue with previous steps roll back to a previous restore point when everything was working.
  5. Replace network or sound card If everything failed including system restore then it is likely that it is a hardware malfunction. Replace faulty components and you should not receive errors anymore.
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Delete last 15 min of browsing history on phone
google browsing 15min history deleteAs previously announced by Google feature to quickly delete the last 15min of browsing history via one button is rolling out now. For now, only Apple users will be available to use this feature but the Android update is scheduled for later this year, a strange move by Google but it is what it is. For anyone who is unfamiliar with this feature, basically, Google wants a quick way to remove the last 15min of browsing history as a supposedly stated request to make deleting browsing history much easier. Google came up with this idea so you can keep the previous history intact but remove just 15min time frame, no additional explanation was given on why 15 but I presume it is some round number that came up as the middle one with research, read telemetry info. Using quick delete requires being signed into Search with a Google account. Users can access the option by simply tapping on the avatar icon to access the settings then choosing "Delete last 15 minutes."
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A Guide to Fixing Error Code 0x8007007b in Windows 8

Error Code 0x8007007b – What is it?

This error code occurs when users fail to activate their Windows operating system. It is one of the more popular Windows error codes since it affects many versions of Windows including Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. Error code 0x8007007b has common symptoms which include the following:

  • Inability to activate a Windows installation
  • Message box highlighting error code 0x8007007b


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 0x8007007b in Windows 8.1 usually results due to one or more main clauses. Windows 8.1 users may experience this error due to the use of volume-licensed media. The error code may also arise if the activation wizard is unable to connect to Key Management Service (KMS) host computer or if corrupted system files are present on your computer.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Windows error codes such as Error code 0x8007007b can be a complicated issue, requiring the use of technical knowledge and skills. For this reason, we have listed instructions in the simplest of forms to enable even average users to successfully complete manual repair methods that will resolve error code 0x8007007b.

The same approach has been applied to all our error code solutions. See also Error Code 0x00000024 and Error Code 0x80004005.

Below are the two main methods for correcting this issue.

Method One: Use Multiple Activation Key (MAK) to Activate Windows

This method involves the use of a Multiple Activation Key (MAK) instead of the Key Management Service (KMS) to activate the Windows operating system you intend to use on your PC. This manual repair method requires the use of Command Prompt so ensure you follow the instructions provided carefully so as to avoid the risks of causing harm to your system.

  • Step one: Select Windows log key + X.
  • Step two: Click Command Prompt, then Admin
  • Step three: Type in admin password if Command Prompt requests it
  • Step four: Type slmgr -ipk followed by the MAK product key. Note that the product key should have 25 characters with dashes between them like this xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Attempt to activate your Windows installation once you’ve completed the exact instructions above. If you are unable to complete this process, consider getting help from a Windows repair technician or simply move to the next manual repair method listed below.

Method Two: Run System File Checker

System File Checker (SFC) enables Windows users to scan and repair errors or corruption on system files. Since such errors within your system files can cause error code 0x8007007b to occur, follow the steps below to fix this error code.

  • Step One: Go to Start and type Command Prompt or CMD.
  • Step Two: Run as Administrator
  • Step Three: Type sfc /scannow with a space between “sfc” and “/scannow”.

The System File Checker tool will begin scanning your machine for corrupted or missing files in need of repair. If these files are found on your system, the tool will repair and replace them. Once this is done, restart your computer then check to see if you can now activate your Windows operating system.

Method Three: Use an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 8 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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