
Activision Blizzard Sued by California

blizzard hqFollowing a two-year investigation by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the state has filed a lawsuit against Activision Blizzard for fostering a "frat boy" culture in which female employees are allegedly subjected to unequal pay and sexual harassment.

As reported by Bloomberg, Activision Blizzard is being accused by the state of California of discriminating against female employees at nearly all levels of employment, including in regards to compensation, promotion, assignments, and termination. The state alleges Activision Blizzard’s leadership has failed to address any of these outstanding issues or prevent them from occurring within the workplace. You can read the full details of the lawsuit here.

The suit, filed Tuesday in the Los Angeles Superior Court, says Activision Blizzard, which is made up of about 20 percent women, assigns women, and women of color, to "lower paid and lower opportunity levels" with lower starting pay for similar work as their male counterparts.

The documents also accuse Activision Blizzard of fostering a "pervasive 'frat boy' workplace culture in the office. Male employees are said to drink "copious amounts of alcohol" as they make their way through cubicles and "often engage in inappropriate behavior toward female employees."

Male employees are said to come to work hungover, play video games during work "while delegating their responsibilities to female employees, engage in banter about their sexual encounters, talk openly about female bodies, and joke about rape."

The lawsuit also cites one particular incident where a female employee, who was already subjected to intense sexual harassment at the company, committed suicide during a work trip with a male supervisor who allegedly brought inappropriate, sexual items with him on the trip.

The lawsuit is asking for an injunction that will force Activision Blizzard to comply with workplace protections, as well as deliver unpaid wages, pay adjustments, back pay, and lost wages and benefits for female employees.

An Activision Blizzard spokesperson sent the following statement in response to the allegations:

We value diversity and strive to foster a workplace that offers inclusivity for everyone. There is no place in our company or industry, or any industry, for sexual misconduct or harassment of any kind. We take every allegation seriously and investigate all claims. In cases related to misconduct, the action was taken to address the issue.

The DFEH includes distorted, and in many cases false, descriptions of Blizzard’s past. We have been extremely cooperative with the DFEH throughout their investigation, including providing them with extensive data and ample documentation, but they refused to inform us what issues they perceived. They were required by law to adequately investigate and to have good faith discussions with us to better understand and to resolve any claims or concerns before going to litigation, but they failed to do so.

Instead, they rushed to file an inaccurate complaint, as we will demonstrate in court. We are sickened by the reprehensible conduct of the DFEH to drag into the complaint the tragic suicide of an employee whose passing has no bearing whatsoever on this case and with no regard for her grieving family. While we find this behavior to be disgraceful and unprofessional, it is, unfortunately, an example of how they have conducted themselves throughout the course of their investigation. It is this type of irresponsible behavior from unaccountable State bureaucrats that are driving many of the State’s best businesses out of California.

The picture the DFEH paints is not the Blizzard workplace of today. Over the past several years and continuing since the initial investigation started, we’ve made significant changes to address company culture and reflect more diversity within our leadership teams. We’ve updated our Code of Conduct to emphasize a strict non-retaliation focus, amplified internal programs and channels for employees to report violations, including the “ASK List” with a confidential integrity hotline, and introduced an Employee Relations team dedicated to investigating employee concerns.

We have strengthened our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and combined our Employee Networks at a global level, to provide additional support. Employees must also undergo regular anti-harassment training and have done so for many years.

We put tremendous effort into creating fair and rewarding compensation packages and policies that reflect our culture and business, and we strive to pay all employees fairly for equal or substantially similar work. We take a variety of proactive steps to ensure that pay is driven by non-discriminatory factors. For example, we reward and compensate employees based on their performance, and we conduct extensive anti-discrimination training including for those who are part of the compensation process.

We are confident in our ability to demonstrate our practices as an equal opportunity employer that fosters a supportive, diverse, and inclusive workplace for our people, and we are committed to continuing this effort in the years to come. It is a shame that the DFEH did not want to engage with us on what they thought they were seeing in their investigation.


We will see how things work out, but I am not too optimistic for Activision Blizzard, truth to be told these reports are really bringing up some disturbing news on the sunlight. I just hope that all responsible will be brought to justice.

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Fix Windows Update error 0xC1900209
What is Windows Update Error 0xC1900209? Before you can install any updates on your Windows 10 computer, there are a lot of conditions that have to be fulfilled and one of these conditions is software compatibility. It is one of the important factors in installing Windows Updates. So if one of the software in your computer is not compatible with the new Windows Update for your OS, then the Windows 10 setup will not proceed and will block the installation of the new update. This both applies to the cumulative updates and feature updates. In such cases, you will get the following error message when you run Windows Update:
“0xC1900209, Incompatible software is blocking the upgrade process. Uninstall the application and try the upgrade again.”
This error message comes under the umbrella of the Windows 10 pre-upgrade validation using Setup.exe. And for you to identify the incompatible app, you need to grab a Windows 10 install image using the Windows Media Creation tool to download the suitable Windows 10 version and mount it. After that, execute the setup.exe file that’s located in the root folder of the Windows 10 install image. Once you execute the setup file, the upgrade wizard will give you a list of incompatible apps. Once you have determined which software is not compatible with the Windows Update, there are two options you can try to resolve the Windows Update error 0xC1900209 – you can either try to update the conflicting software or uninstall it. For more details, follow the given options below.

Option 1 – Try to update the conflicting software

If you are using an older version of the software that’s in conflict with the Windows Update, you might want to update it to its latest version and then try to apply the updates again to your Windows 10 computer. You can update the concerned software by visiting the official website of the software or any of its distribution sources. On the other hand, you can also use the Check for updates feature of that particular software if it’s available.

Option 2 – Try to uninstall the conflicting software

If updating the problematic program didn’t work, the next option you can try is to uninstall it. All you have to do is follow these steps to uninstall it successfully:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “appwiz.cpl” in the field and tap Enter to open the Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  • Next, arrange the list of installed programs in the order of the installation date.
  • After that, look for the problematic program and right-click on it, and then select Uninstall.
  • Once the uninstallation process is done, restart your computer and see if the Windows Update error 0xC1900209 is fixed or not.
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Fix Defender, The Threat Service has stopped
There are times when you see a message in Windows Defender saying, “The Threat Services has stopped, Restart it now” when you try to use it. This kind of error is usually fixed by simply clicking on the Restart now button. However, if the error still appears even after you restart your computer and you see another message that says, “Unexpected error, Sorry, we ran into a problem”, then continue reading as this post will guide you in resolving this issue in Windows Defender. Before you proceed with the given fixes below, you have to create a System Restore point first. This way, you can always undo any changes you’ve made in case something goes wrong.

Option 1 – Make sure that the Windows Defender Services are started

The Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service is the one that protects your computer from advanced threats by monitoring and reporting security events that happen on your computer. This is why you have to make sure that this, as well as other required services in Windows Defender, are set to their default values and are started. To do so, follow these steps:
  • In the Cortana search box, type “services” and click on the Services icon to open the Services Manager. Alternatively, you can also tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run prompt and then type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Services Manager
  • After opening the Services Manager, look for the following services and make sure that their Startup type is set to their default values:
    • Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Service – Manual
    • Windows Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service – Manual
    • Windows Defender Antivirus Service – Manual
    • Windows Defender Firewall Service – Automatic
  • You can right-click on each one of the listed services and then select Start to start them.
  • And if some of the services don’t have their default values, just double-click on the Services to change the Startup types and select the correct option from the drop-down menu of the Startup type under the Properties box.
  • Next, set up the Startup type of these services to Automatic and then click on the Start button if the services are not running yet.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then see if it fixed the problem or not.

Option 2 – Try modifying some entries in the Windows Registry

If the first option didn’t work in fixing the problem, you can try to alter some entries in the Windows Registry using the Registry Editor.
  • First, tap Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows Defender
  • From there, look for the “DisabledAntivirus” and “DisableAntiSpyware” DWORDS from the right pane and change each one of their values to “0”. On the other hand, if you don’t see any of these DWORDS, you can create them instead and give each one of them a 0 value.
  • To create a DWORD, simply right-click on any empty space and select New > DWORD. Then name them both as “DisabledAntivirus” and “DisableAntiSpyware”.
  • Afterward, set the value of the newly-created DWORDS to 0.
  • Now exit the Registry Editor and reboot your PC to apply the changes made and then check if it has fixed the error in Windows Defender or not.
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How to Fix Error Code 1309

What is Error Code 1309?

Error code 1309 is an error code that occurs when installing either Microsoft Office 2003 or Microsoft Office Project 2003. This error code may hamper your ability to run and use applications associated with Microsoft Office. To ensure installation is successful, it is first advisable to fix this error code. Error 1309 is displayed in any one of the two formats illustrated below. When installing Microsoft Office Project 2003, the error message may pop up as:
Error 1309. Error reading from file:    pathfilename.cab. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.
When installing Microsoft Office 2003, the error message may appear in the following format: Fatal Error During Installation


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 1309 message may appear during Microsoft Office installation due to several reasons. These include:
  • Problems in the Oclncore.opc file. Project 2003 uses this version of the file for program installation.
  • Lack of adequate use permission
  • The requested file was not found
  • Setup registry entries are modified in an unacceptable manner
To avoid inconvenience and access Microsoft Office 2003 or Microsoft Office Project 2003, it is recommended to fix the error immediately.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve this error you don’t need to be a technical whiz. Here are some of the best, easiest, and proven do-it-yourself methods to resolve error 1309 on your computer screen instantly.

Method 1 - Change CacheLevel Settings

If the problem is related to Oclncore.opc file then try changing CacheLevel settings. Follow these steps to work around this method.
  1. First, locate the PRJPRO*.XML file in the FILESSETUP folder of the Project 2003 installation source and then open this file in the Notepad.
  2. Also, make sure that you do not open the file as read-only and make sure that a checkmark is not displayed next to Word Wrap on the Format menu.
  3. The next step is to search the file for the following text string: OCLNCORE.OPC_1033.
  4. Now on the line where this string is located, change the CacheLevel=’1’ setting to the following CacheLevel=’3’ save the file back to the original location, and then quit Notepad.
After the changes are activated, try installing the software again on your system. If it installs successfully, then this means error 1309 is resolved. If the error still persists then try other given methods.

Method 2 - Configure security settings to get full permission

When the cause of error 1309 on your PC is related to lack of adequate permission issues, then configure security settings to resolve. To do this, simply locate the folder on your installation drive. Then right-click the folder and click Properties. On the Security tab, click edit and now make sure your user name is added to the list. Grant required security permissions and then click OK to save changes. After this, try installing Microsoft Office 2003 again on your system.

Method 3 - Copy the requested file from another source

If the error 1309 pops up because the requested file was not found, then try this method. Simply copy the file specified in the error to the destination directory. For example, if the error shows data1.cab was not found, then copy this file from another source and paste it into the directory specified in the error description.

Method 4- Remove bad registry entries

Bad registry entries are responsible for registry setup modification. If this is the reason for error code 1309, then download Restoro. This is a user-friendly PC Repair Tool embedded with a powerful registry cleaner. It scans and removes all bad and invalid entries accumulated in the registry. It cleans and repairs the registry resuming it back to its normal function. Click here to download Restoro and repair error 1309 today.
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Fix CAS System Was Unable to Initialize in WoW
After so many years World of Warcraft is still among the most played MMORPG games in the world. It is still constantly updated with new content and tweak graphically in order to be relevant and fresh. But even the best or most popular ones can still have some minor issues and bugs from time to time. CAS System Was Unable to Initialize is the error that was reported lately by WOW players all around the globe and it happens in multiple Windows systems. In this guide, we will take with this issue and provide you with solutions on how to fix it so you can get back to enjoying the game itself.
    1. Repair WOW

      In battle.NET launcher select WOW and click on Options Click on Scan and Repair Let the process finish and then launch the game again
    2. Clean Windows registry

      Windows cleaning registry operation is a complex task and we will not cover each possible scenario here, instead of trying manually to find issues and clean registry download and install third party registry cleaner software.
    3. Run WOW with command line argument

      One of the solutions for this particular error is to run WOW with a specific command line switch: Run battle.NET client as administrator by right-clicking on it and choosing run as administrator If you are not signed in, sign in now Click on World of Warcraft to select it Click on options Click on Game settings Check the box associated with Additional command-line arguments When the box is selected you should've able to add inline argument or switch, add -uid wow_engb and confirm Run World of Warcraft
    4. Enable Secondary logon service inside Windows

      It was reported that enabling this service can fix the issue. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the run dialog Inside run dialog type in services.msc to open services windows Locate the Secondary Logon service Right-click on Properties from the context menu Inside the properties, screen click on the general tab Change the Startup type to Automatic and hit Apply to save the changes Run World of Warcraft
    5. Delete the cache folder

      Both indices and cache folder needs to be deleted in order to reset corrupted data. Make sure that both World of Warcraft and battle.NET are fully closed For this step to work, you will need to go into the folder where you have installed the World of Warcraft game. By default this is in C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/ but if you have used another folder go there via file explorer. Once you are inside the folder locate the indices folder and delete it After that locate and delete the cache folder as well Restart your computer and start battle.NET
    6. Remove read-only attribute from WoW folder

      Another reason for CAS System Was Unable to Initialize error is because the World of Warcraft folder has been set to read-only and since the client does not have write privileges it will throw this error. To remove the read-only attribute from the folder go to your World of Warcraft installation folder but do not enter it Right-click on it instead and choose properties Under properties uncheck the read-only box and confirm. Run World of Warcraft
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A Quick Guide to Fixing the Stop C00002lA Fatal System Error

Stop C00002lA Fatal System Error- What is it?

C00002lA Fatal System Error is a blue screen of death error that may occur when you start your Windows NT 4.0 based computer. This error causes the screen to turn blue and the system also shuts down. The stop C000021A error message is displayed in the following format:

Stop c000021a {Fatal System Error} The session manager initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000017 (0x00000000, 0x0000000) The system has been shut down.

Error Causes

The stop C000021A error occurs when either Crsrss.exe or Winlogon.exe fails. When the Windows NT kernel identifies that either of these processes has failed, it stops and the error code stop C000021A appears on the computer screen. Here are some of the underlying causes for the stop C0000021A error:
  • The incompatible third-party program
  • Hard disk issues
  • Service pack installation has failed
  • Mismatched system files have been installed
  • Bad and invalid registry keys

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve the stop C000021A Fatal System Error on your PC try the following solutions:
  • Remove Incompatible Third Party Programs

If the error occurred after you recently installed a new program, then it is advisable to remove that program. The error occurs due to the incompatibility of the program. To remove the program go to the start menu and click on the control panel. Now click on Add/Remove Program tab and double click on the program name that you recently installed and remove it from the list. Once removed, not reboot your PC. Reinstall a compatible program and run it. It is most likely to resolve the issue. However, if the stop C000021A error still occurs, then it means the problem is critical. It is related to the registry.
  • Repair and Restore the Registry

This procedure is slightly long and tricky. To try it, you need to be technically sound. Here’s what you have to do: first create a parallel installation of Windows NT. Start your PC to the parallel installation and then open the Registry Editor. On the Registry Editor’s Windows menu click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Local Machine and then click Load Hive. Now type the path %systemroot%system32configsystem into the System hive of the prior installation. Then click open. Here you will be prompted to enter the name of the key, type TEST. Note the setting for the current DWord value in the preceding registry key. This is 0x1 and is denoted by CURRENT:Reg_Dword: 0x1. This value indicated that the Current Control Set for your original Windows NT installation corresponds to ControlSet001 in this window. Now if the value is 2, it indicated that the Current Control Set corresponds to ControlSet002. Now locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINETESTControlSetXXXControlSession Manager. XXX is the Current Control Set Value. And delete any pending file rename operation entries. Then click TEST hive and then click Unload Hive. After that again repeat the process, open the registry menu and click load hive, here type the path %systemroot%system32configSoftware to the Software hive of the prior installation and then click open. Now you type TEST 2 when you are prompted for the name of the key. Remove any pending file rename operations entries in the following registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINETEST2MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINETEST2MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnceEx Now click TEST2 hive and then click unload hive. Quit the Registry Editor and then restart your original installation. This will resolve the stop C000021A error.
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How to Fix 0xc000001d Error

What Is 0xc000001d Error?

The 0xc000001d error is a common yet critical error that can occur when Windows is damaged or fails to work as a result of either missing system files or corrupt system components. This error can be extremely dangerous to Windows as it can inflict major damage to data and component files.

Error Causes

A 0xc000001d error code can occur because of a number of reasons, of which corrupt registry files are the most common, and about 94% of the time, this results in the error. However, virus infection or an adware or spyware invasion can also result in this error. Outdated drivers and missing DLL files can also be critical and will lead to this error causing major damage to computer files. Contrary to popular belief, incomplete installation and unfinished uninstalls can also because of this error. Other causes include improper shutting down of computers and improper hardware or software deletion.


Restoro box imageFurther Information and Manual Repair

Because of this 0xc000001d error code, Windows can fail in starting some processes and the system’s performance can significantly slow down. In some cases, Windows has problems starting up and the system can freeze. Lastly, this error code can even result in the Blue screen of death error message, just like other critical Windows errors. If any of the above problems and symptoms occur in your PC, then you should immediately seek to resolve this problem. In order to resolve this 0xc000001d error code or repair the corrupted and damaged Windows files, you will need a 0xc000001d repair tool. There is more than one method of treating this kind of error code, and here is how you can manually do it:
  • Start the computer and log in as administrator
  • Go to the start button and select All Programs. Go to Accessories, System Tools, and then System Restore
  • Click on System Restore and in a new window, select the ‘Restore my computer to an earlier time’ option and click Next
  • On the new confirmation window that appears, click Next
  • Restart your computer after the restoration has been completed
Another way to manually repair this 0xc000001d error code is to:
  • Manually edit the Windows registry
  • Update all the drivers for the device
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World of Warcraft lost connection to server
World of Warcraft had been released on November 23, 2004, and even today it is the most successful MMORPG ever made. Some say that it was the right timing, others say it was Blizzard's history and its fans, it is even spoken that marketing team has responsibility for WOW's success. Whatever the reason may be, the fact remains that WOW is a really fun game to play. In this article we will cover the annoying issue of World of Warcraft's lost connection to the game server and how can you fix it. Please be aware that before you try any fixes go to the official World of Warcraft website and check to see if the server maintenance is not underway. If this is the case, you will have to wait for servers to come back online after the maintenance. Keep reading and try provided solutions as they are presented to fix this issue and continue gaming.
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Importing and Exporting WSL distros in Windows
In this post, you will be guided on how to import and export the WSL distros in your Windows 10 computer. WSL, also known as Windows Subsystem for Linux, is a compatibility layer needed to run Linux binary executable in Windows 10, as well as the Windows Server 2019. In case you don’t know, when you reinstall or reset Windows 10, all of its configuration data stored with the WSL distros gets deleted. Going back or restoring the configuration can be quite challenging but worry not for Microsoft has already got this covered as you can now import and export the WSL or Windows Subsystem for Linux distros. There are three aspects that you have to deal with when you import or export WSL distros in your Windows 10 computer, such as importing WSL distro, exporting WSL distro, and uninstalling the imported WSL distros. Before you proceed to the instructions provided below, make sure that all your installed distros are updated via Microsoft Store. Once you have this covered, follow the options below.

Option 1 – Import the WSL distro

  • Type “command prompt” in the Start Search and from the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and then select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt as admin, execute this command: wsl --list –all
  • The command you entered will list all the installed WSL distros on your computer. And now it’s time for you to import a WSL distro by executing this command: wsl --import <Name of the distro> <Fill path to save the backup .tar file>
Note: In the given command above, replace “<Name of the distro>” with the name of the distro you want to import and replace “<Fill the path to save the backup .tar file>” with the location where you want to save the .tar file.

Option 2 – Export the WSL distro

  • Type “command prompt” in the Start Search and from the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and then select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt as admin, execute this command to see the list of all the installed WSL distros in your computer: wsl --list –all
  • After that, execute this command to export a WSL distro: wsl --export <Name of the distro> <Fill path to save the backup .tar file>

Option 3 – Uninstall the imported WSL distro

  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Next, execute this command to view the list of all the installed WSL distros: wsl --list –all
  • After that, execute this command to uninstall an imported WSL distro: wsl --unregister <Name of the distro>
  • Once it’s done, close Command Prompt and restart your computer.
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An Easy Fix For Error 2032

What is Error 2032?

Error 2032 is a Windows stream error. The error is generated when running applications like Flash. It shows that the application is unable to request ads from server.

Error Causes

The error 2032 is triggered due to multiple reasons including:
  • The URL cannot be located or is blocked
  • HTTP Service is not found
  • Incorrect proxy settings
  • Automatic cookies handling
  • Corrupt Flash Player
  • Viral infection
  • Registry issues

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some easy and best do it yourself methods to resolve the error 2032 on your system:

Fix the Proxy Settings

To do this, first, go to the start menu and press RUN, type regedit in the RUN box and press enter. Now from the left-hand panel of the registry path open: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings. Now double click the proxyenable string and replace its value with 0. After that, right-click on proxy server and select delete option. Then exit Regedit and restart your PC to activate changes.

Verify the URL

Sometimes the error 2032 may be generated due to wrong or incorrect URL in the HTTP Service URL property. So, verify your URL and look for typos. Specifying the correct URL can fix the error right away.

Check Cookies Handling

Automatic cookies handling can also trigger this error code. Therefore, to resolve the error, it is advisable to disable automatic cookies handling. This can be done by launching your web browser. Go to tools and then press the privacy tab. Now click on the advance tab from settings and un-check override automatic cookie handling. To confirm changes press OK.

Uninstall and then Reinstall the Flash Player

It is possible your Flash Player is corrupt. Therefore, another way to fix error 2032 is to uninstall the Flash Player and then reinstall it on your system.

Scan for Viruses

Programs usually get corrupted due to two reasons, viruses or registry issues. Therefore, to remove viruses on your PC, download and run an antivirus program.

Clean and Restore Registry

Also, clean the registry.
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How to Repair Windows 10 Upgrade Error 0x800F0923

Code 0x800F0923 – What is it?

The Error Code 0x800F0923 is one that appears only when attempting to update from older versions of Microsoft Windows to Microsoft Windows 10. This error does not occur with every install and is believed to be the result of a driver incompatibility issue. It is unclear which specific drivers are having the compatibility issues, though it is widely believed that DuplexSecure's SPTD drivers are the ones at fault. When operating correctly, without errors, the update process should not take longer than 30 minutes. Common symptoms include:
  • Error message window/pop-up during the install process, giving the Error Code 0x800F0923
  • Inability to install and update from older versions of Microsoft Windows to version 10


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are various relevant factors associated with the error code 0x800F0923 incompatibility issue in Windows 10 installation/upgrade. These factors include but are not limited to:
  • The Operating System (OS) upgrading does not support older hardware.
  • Your computer’s specs did not meet the minimum requirements.
  • Not enough hard disk space.
  • The new software might lack software drivers for older hardware

Further Information and Manual Repair

Microsoft has recently released its Windows 10 operating system. While there are still a few kinks to be worked out, overall the reviews have been positive. As with any new Microsoft update, compatibility issues can arise. If you are unsure whether your current PC will be able to handle the new Windows 10, here is an easy way to check your system.

Method 1: Check if your computer is compatible

  • Locate the “Get Windows 10” application icon in your notification tray (bottom right corner of your screen, white Windows logo).
  • Right-click on this icon, then select the “check your upgrade status” option.
  • Be prepared for the menu to take a few minutes to open.
  • Click on the menu on the upper left-hand corner of this new dialog box. (It looks like three blue horizontal lines)
  • Select “check your PC”
  • After the system checks for compatibility, it will let you know whether or not your PC has the appropriate drivers, etc. (Keep in mind that this is not a foolproof method for checking compatibility status).

Method 2: Download or upgrade your drivers/software

If you have already attempted to update to Windows 10, and have received the Error Code 0x800F0923, this is the simplest way to solve the issue yourself.

1. Open the “Get Windows 10” application. 2. Open the menu in the upper left corner, looks like three blue lines. 3. Select “Check your PC”. 4. The system will tell you which drivers are incompatible. 5. Go to the Microsoft Support website to install and/or update the drivers that proved to be an issue. 6. Once the driver issue is corrected, retry the Windows 10 update.

Method 3: Create space on your computer

If your computer does not have sufficient space to accept the upgrade, you might want to clear up some space on your computer. Here’s how to do it. If you have not attempted to install Microsoft Windows 10 yet, it is a good idea to check your system's compatibility prior to installing. While it is not absolutely necessary, it will save time and frustration. Microsoft Support suggests contacting them directly if you are unable to solve your driver compatibility issues, or if the above do-it-yourself method is unsuccessful. To resolve this compatibility issue and get your upgrade going use a powerful and user-friendly tool to clean up the problem. Click here to download Restoro. Users should also be aware that those who choose to upgrade to Windows 10 have 30 days in which they may decide that they would rather use their old system. However, reverting back to the older system may not be a smooth process, and some data could be lost.
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