
How to Fix 0xc000001d Error

What Is 0xc000001d Error?

The 0xc000001d error is a common yet critical error that can occur when Windows is damaged or fails to work as a result of either missing system files or corrupt system components.

This error can be extremely dangerous to Windows as it can inflict major damage to data and component files.

Error Causes

A 0xc000001d error code can occur because of a number of reasons, of which corrupt registry files are the most common, and about 94% of the time, this results in the error. However, virus infection or an adware or spyware invasion can also result in this error.

Outdated drivers and missing DLL files can also be critical and will lead to this error causing major damage to computer files. Contrary to popular belief, incomplete installation and unfinished uninstalls can also because of this error.

Other causes include improper shutting down of computers and improper hardware or software deletion.


Restoro box imageFurther Information and Manual Repair

Because of this 0xc000001d error code, Windows can fail in starting some processes and the system’s performance can significantly slow down. In some cases, Windows has problems starting up and the system can freeze.

Lastly, this error code can even result in the Blue screen of death error message, just like other critical Windows errors. If any of the above problems and symptoms occur in your PC, then you should immediately seek to resolve this problem.

In order to resolve this 0xc000001d error code or repair the corrupted and damaged Windows files, you will need a 0xc000001d repair tool. There is more than one method of treating this kind of error code, and here is how you can manually do it:

  • Start the computer and log in as administrator
  • Go to the start button and select All Programs. Go to Accessories, System Tools, and then System Restore
  • Click on System Restore and in a new window, select the ‘Restore my computer to an earlier time’ option and click Next
  • On the new confirmation window that appears, click Next
  • Restart your computer after the restoration has been completed

Another way to manually repair this 0xc000001d error code is to:

  • Manually edit the Windows registry
  • Update all the drivers for the device

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Fix Windows Activation Error 0x80070005
Windows uses 2 types of keys for its activation, KMS or MAK. These keys should work without any issues since they are elevated with higher permissions but in some cases, they are by accident run without their proper permission, and then we have access denied error or error 0x80070005 To resolve this issue please first check if not by any chance your antivirus or firewall is preventing slmgr.bs file to access the right permissions, that being said if the previous solution is not working note that you have to be an administrator of the system or have administrator privileges. As an administrator, you will have to use Software Licencing Management Tool or short SLMGR.VBS, a VBS file in Windows used for its activation purposes. As an administrator, open Command prompt with admin permissions and then run slmgr.vbs This will make sure that activation goes through, make sure to use proper options like:
/ipk <ProductKey> or /ato [<Activation ID>]
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Windows 11 slows down some SSD drives
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More information

The details described leading to speculation that the problem could be related to drivers that Microsoft is providing. On further tests, all Nvme drives that use the Microsoft driver have this problem, but Intel 905P, which has its own driver provided by Intel, is working at full power,”.
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How to Fix Error 80070103 in Windows 10

Error Code 80070103 –What is it?

Error code 80070103 affects Windows users who attempt to access the latest updates for hardware drivers using Windows Update. Windows 10 users who are affected by this error code will be unable to complete the upgrade process. This error code usually occurs due to the Windows Update attempts to download an incompatible version of a driver or a driver that is already downloaded on one’s device.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The cause of error code 80070103 in Windows 10 is usually easy to determine. This is due to the fact that the error code only affects users who attempt to access updates related to hardware drivers. In such cases, the error code will only occur if the Windows Update website or tool on your machine attempts to install a driver that is already present on one’s machine or the version of the driver is unsuitable for one’s machine due to lower compatibility.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Manual repair methods are very effective in helping Windows users fix problems related to error code 80070103 as well as other errors. These repair methods can usually be implemented by users with very limited technical skills. In some cases, however, you may need to contact a Windows repair technician, i.e. if you have problems following the manual repair method instructions provided or if the repair methods prove unsuccessful.

In the case of error code 80070103, the problem can be rectified by either hiding the update or reinstalling the hardware driver. Windows users can hide an update on the Windows Update website or via Windows Update within their machine’s Settings. However, users will need to contact their device manufacturer to reinstall hardware drivers in most instances. See below for further details regarding these manual repair methods.

Method One: Hide the Update

In the case where you are informed via an error message box that a driver, for instance, your graphics driver, is incompatible you may need to consider hiding the update to prevent error code 80070103 from reoccurring on your machine.

The incompatible issues will come about when the Windows Update website attempts to download a driver that is already on the device or one with a lower compatibility. When you hide the update, it is in essence, preventing Windows Update from offering this driver in the future. To complete this manual repair method, follow the steps below:

  • Step one: Visit the Microsoft Update site 
  • Step two: Select Custom on the Welcome page after completing the scan for the updates process
  • Step three: Select Hardware, Optional.
  • Step four: Open the second update for the graphics card, then select Don't show this update again check box.
  • Step five: Review and install updates.

You may also complete this process by opening Windows Update within your computer’s settings, then selecting the Optional update or available link. Once you’ve done this, you may then select the updates you would like to install and hide the update that has resulted in the occurrence of error code 80070103.

Method Two: Reinstall Hardware Driver

In the case where you need to install a hardware driver, you will need to contact the manufacturer of your device. Once you’ve contacted the manufacturer or visit the manufacturer’s official website, you can then install the latest device drivers manually. Read the instructions for the installation of the latest drivers carefully. This will ensure you avoid any problems and improve your chances of successfully fixing error code 80070103.

After you’ve contacted your device manufacturer and completed the process of reinstalling the hardware driver, check Windows Update to see whether or not error code 80070103 has been rectified. If the problem was related to your hardware driver and you successfully reinstalled the driver, the error code will not reoccur when you attempt to download the latest updates for your hardware drivers.

However, you may need to take another approach if this manual repair method fails to fix error code 80070103. For instance, consider getting help from a Windows repair technician who is equipped with the skills and expertise necessary to offer a detailed inspection of your machine. Though the error code is related to one’s drivers, the fact that a Windows error code occurred may mean that your system needs a thorough evaluation as other issues may be present.

Method Three: Download an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Enumerating user sessions to generate ...
There are times when the Windows Search doesn’t work and you wouldn’t have a clue as to why it happened since it does not give any error codes. In such cases, you have to check the error logs in the Event Viewer to find out more about the problem. From there, look for an error with the Event ID 3104 in the Windows error logs and if you see an error message that says, “Enumerating user sessions to generate filter pools failed”, read on as this post will guide you in fixing the problem. Apart from the error message, you might also see more information in the details section of the log that says, “(HRESULT: 0x80040210) (0x80040210)”. This kind of error is most likely caused by something that prohibits the search function from initializing. A lot of users assumed that it could be due to Cortana but it’s actually not. While some users also reported that they encounter the issue after they restarted their computers. This error was also reported with the same event ID 3104 on the Windows Server. According to security researchers, this error could be caused by problems in the Registry entry of Windows search. It could also be due to an issue with the SYSTEM account where it hasn’t been added to the DCOM Security. It is also possible that the Windows Search function has not been initialized. To fix this error, you can try to rebuild the Search Index manually or run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter. You can also check the startup type of the Windows Search service or try some registry tweak.

Option 1 – Try to rebuild the Search Index manually

The first thing you can do to fix the problem is to manually rebuild the Search Index. You can do that by going to Control Panel > Indexing Options and from there, click on Advanced. After that, go to the Index Settings tab and then click on Rebuild > OK. Once you’re done, check if it fixed the problem.

Option 2 – Try running the Search and Indexing troubleshooter

You could also run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter in Windows 10 as it checks whether the settings are in place and automatically corrects any issues with the Windows 10 search function. To run this troubleshooter, just click on the Start button and select Settings > Updates and Security > Troubleshoot. From there, select the Search and Indexing Troubleshooter. Once the troubleshooter is done, restart your computer and see if it fixed the error.

Option 3 – Try checking the startup type of the Windows Search Service

In this option, you have to check the startup type of the Windows Search service since the service won’t start. To do so, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and then tap Enter to open the Services Manager.
  • Next, from the list of services, look for the Windows Search Service or WSearch. Once you find it, right-click on it and select Properties.
  • After that, change the Startup type to Automatic and click on the Start button if the service is in the Stop state.
  • Now click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then restart your computer.

Option 4 – Try changing the Registry entry for Windows Search

Before you apply some registry tweak, you need to create a System Restore point first. Once you have that covered, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “Regedit” in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • If a User Account Control prompt appears, just click Yes to proceed.
  • After opening the Registry Editor, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows Search
  • From there, click on Windows Search and look for the key named “SetupCompletedSuccessfully” and change its value to “0”. Just right-click on it and select Modify.
  • Then input “0” as its value data and click on OK to save the changes made.
  • Exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer.
  • Now check if the Enumerating user sessions to generate filter pools failed is fixed or not.
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How to Resolve “We couldn’t update system reserved partition” Error in Windows 10 Installation

We couldn’t update system reserved partition” - What is it?

Customers will most likely encounter the “We couldn’t update system reserved partition” error when upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. This error may also come with error code 0xc1900104 or error code 0x800f0922.


Restoro box imageError Cause

“We couldn’t update system reserved partition” Windows 10 upgrade error is normally caused by too little space on the System Reserved Partition (SRP). The System Reserve Partition is an additional small partition created by Windows, which stores boot files. The SRP can be filled up with security apps and third-party anti-virus. Once this partition has insufficient space, the system will not be able to upgrade to Windows 10.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Caution: The following steps are complex and need to be done by experienced users especially using the command line. Once an error is made in entering commands, there’s a chance that your device can be put in a no-boot situation, or data stored on the device can possibly get lost.

To upgrade to Windows 10, your device needs to have at least 15MB free space on the System Reserved Partition. Follow the procedure below and then try upgrading again.

First, know if the System Reserved Partition is whether in GPT or MBR partition style:

  1. Open the Run window by pressing the Windows key + R. Type msc in the window then press Enter.
  2. Right-click on the Disk where SRP is located then select
  3. Click over the Volumes
  4. On the Partition Style line, you’ll see which partition style your device is using, either Master Boot Record (MBR) or GUID Partition Table (GPT)

Second, determine which method you will need:

Depending on what partition style your device has and whether you’re currently on Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1, there are various methods you need to do.

Method 1: Windows 7 or 8/8.1 with GPT partition

  1. Click on the Start button and search for cmd. In the results, right-click on Command Prompt then choose Run as administrator. The command prompt window will appear.
  2. Type mountvol y: /s at the command prompt then press Enter. This command will add the Y: drive letter where you can access the System Partition.
  3. Type taskkill /im explorer.exe /f then hit Enter. Afterward, restart explorer in Admin mode by typing exe and hitting Enter.

NOTE: While in Admin mode, some apps like OneNote will not run.

  1. Open File Explorer then type Y:EFIMicrosoftBoot in the address bar. Hit Enter.
  2. Choose the language folders you want to permanently delete. Language folders are named with four letters split with a hyphen. For instance, you want to delete the German language: choose de-DE.
  3. Optional: You can also delete unused font files for more space. Type Y:EFIMicrosoftBootFonts in the address bar then press enter.
  4. Once you permanently deleted the unnecessary files, reboot the device to return to explorer.exe to normal mode and remove the Y: drive letter.

Method 2: Windows 7 with MBR partition

Doing this method will make a permanent, but small increase in the free space of the device’s SRP.

  1. Delete language folders

a. Open the Run window by pressing the Windows key + R. Type diskmgmt.msc then hit Enter. b. Select System Reserve partition then right-click on it.

c. Choose Change Drive Letter and Paths then select Add.

d. Type Y for the drive letter then click OK.

e. Click on the Start button and search for cmd. In the results, right-click on Command Prompt then choose Run as administrator. The command prompt window will appear.

f. Type Y: at the command prompt then press Enter.

g. Once you’ve switched to drive Y, type takeown /d y /r /f . then hit Enter.

NOTE: Ensure that the space and period after “f” is included in order for the command to work properly      

h. Type icacls Y:* /save %systemdrive%NTFSp.txt /c /t then hit Enter to back up the permission to the drive.

NOTE: Ensure that all files are marked as successful and that no files are marked as failed.

i. Type whoami then hit Enter. Record the username that appears. Afterwards, type icacls . /grant <username you got from whoami>:F /t then press Enter.

NOTE: Ensure that there’s no space between the username and “:F” or the command will not work.

j. In the File Explorer, open the SRP drive and select the Boot folder. Choose the             language folders you want to permanently delete. Language folders are named      with four letters split with a hyphen. For example: de-DE is the German language          while en-US is the U.S. English language.

2. Truncate the NTFS Log:

a. Open the Command Prompt then type chkdsk /L Y: to check the size of the NTFS Log. If the NTFS Log size is less than 5000KB, you need not truncate the file.

b. Type chkdsk /L:5000 /X /F then hit Enter to truncate the NTFS Log.

c. Return to Disk Management window. Select Action menu then select Check if the device’s SRP now has a larger amount of free space. Once there’s enough space, right click the System Reserve Partition then select Change Drive Letter and Paths. Choose Y: then select Remove.

3. If there’s still not enough available space after truncating the NTFS Log, resize the USN journal:

a. Open the command prompt then type fsutil usn queryjournal Y: to display the size in hex value. Convert the hex value to decimal then divide it by 1048576. The result you will get will be in MB. If the journal size is 30MB or more, proceed with truncating the file.

NOTE: To convert the Hex value to Decimal, open the Calculator app in Windows then choose View menu. Select Programmer then choose Hex. Type the Hex value then choose Dec.

b. Type fsutil usn deletejournal /D /N Y: then hit Enter to delete the journal. Type fsutil usn createjournal m=1500 a=1 Y: to recreate the journal having the new log size value.

  1. Restore permissions

a. Type icacls Y: /restore %systemdrive%NTFSp.txt /c /t in the Command Prompt. Check if the files were successfully processed before proceeding. If you see a message saying some files failed while processing, this is normal since some of the files have already been deleted before performing a backup. However, if there are no successful files indicated, the command was not properly executed.

b. Type icacls . /grant system:f /t then hit Enter to adjust the ACL back to System. Now, you can set the owner of the drive by typing icacls Y: /setowner “SYSTEM” /t /c then press Enter.

c. Check if the device’s SRP now has enough free space by going back to Disk Management and refreshing the data. If the SRP already has sufficient space, you can now remove the drive letter. Right-click on the System Reserved Partition then choose Change Drive Letter and Paths. Select the Y: drive then choose Confirm deleting the drive letter by clicking OK.

Method 3: Windows 8/8.1 with MBR partition

This method makes a larger, but temporary, increase in the SRP free space.

1. Be sure you have an external drive having at least 250 MB free space and formatted as NFTS.

2. Open Run by pressing the Windows key + R. Type mscthen to choose the Recovery Partition. Right-click on it then choose Change Drive Letter and Paths.

3. Select Add then type Y for the drive letter, click

4. Click on the Start screen then type cmd in the search bar. In the results, right-click on Command Prompt then choose Run as administrator. The command prompt window will appear.

5. Switch to another drive by typing Y: in the command prompt. Once you’re in the drive Y, type takeown /d y /r /f .

NOTE: Ensure that space and period after “f” are included in order for the command to work properly.

  1. Type whoami then hit Enter. Record the username that appears. Afterward, type icacls . /grant <username you got from whoami>:F /t then press Enter.
NOTE: Ensure that there’s no space between the username and “:F” or else the command will not work.
  1. Once the command is completed, type attrib -s -r –h Y:RecoveryWindowsREwinre.wim then hit Enter.
  2. Open File Explorer and check the drive letter of the external drive you’re using (In this case, let’s assume F: is the drive letter of the external drive so when you see F: for the rest of the steps, this means the drive letter of the external drive you’re using).
  3. Type mkdir F:RecoveryWindowsRE in the Command Prompt then hit Enter. Afterward, type xcopy Y:RecoveryWindowsREwinre.wim F:RecoveryWindowsREwinre.wim /h
  4. Type C:WindowsSystem32Reagentc /SetREImage /Path F:RecoveryWindowsRE /Target C:Windows to map the new path
  5. Verify if the copy was successfully done then type del Y:RecoveryWindowsREwinre.wim /F
  6. Return to Disk Management window. Click on the Action menu then hit Check if the device’s SRP now has a larger amount of available space. Once there’s enough space, you can proceed with the upgrade.
  7. Upon completion of the upgrade, move back the wim file to the Recovery Partition. At this point, you can re-map now the location by:
    1. Open the Command Prompt then type xcopy F:RecoveryWindowsREwinre.wim Y:RecoveryWindowsREwinre.wim /h and press Enter.
    2. Type C:WindowsSystem32Reagentc /SetREImage /Path Y:RecoveryWindowsRE /Target C:Windows to re-map to the original path.
  8. Return to the Disk Management window. Right-click on the Recovery Partition then choose Change Drive Letter and Paths. Select the Y: drive then choose Remove.

Method: Download a Powerful Automated Tool

Not inclined to go through a long and technical process (as highlighted above)? Download and install a powerful automated tool and get the job done in a jiffy.
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Fix 0x0000007c (ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL) in W11
0x0000007c error inside Windows 11 is a printer error that is manifested when Windows users are trying to connect to a shared network remote printer. Error is displayed by the message:
Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation failed with error 0x0000007c.
If you are experiencing this type of annoyance, fear now we are providing you with several solutions to this problem.

0x0000007c (ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL)Update Windows 11

  1. Open the Start menu, click on the settings app
  2. Select Windows update tab
  3. Click on Check for updates
  4. Click on Advanced options
  5. Inside select Optional updates
  6. If there are optional updates click on Download & Install

Run the printer troubleshooter

  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open settings
  2. Click on Troubleshoot navigation on the system tab
  3. Select Other trouble-shooters
  4. Click on the Run for printer troubleshooter
  5. If the error is found click on Apply this fix

Restart the Print Spooler Service

  1. Right-click on the Start button
  2. Click on RUN
  3. Type in services.msc and press OK
  4. Right-click on Printer Spooler service and select Restart

Clear the Print Spooler

  1. Open services like in the previous step
  2. Right-click Print Spooler and select STOP
  3. Open File explorer
  4. Navigate to: C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\x64\3 (64-bit Platform) C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\W32X86\3 (32-bit Platform)
  5. Delete everything inside folders
  6. Go back to services, right-click on Print Spooler and select RESTART

Reinstall Driver for printer

  1. Right-click on Start and select device manager
  2. Double click on the Print queues category
  3. Right-click on the printer and select Uninstall device
  4. Click on Uninstall on prompt
  5. Right-click on the Print queues category and select Scan for hardware Changes
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How To Fix Error 0x00000050

0x00000050 - What is it?

0x00000050 is a type of stop error code. It is also known as a Blue Screen of Death error. It usually occurs when you try to start your PC or load a program. It can also occur while running a program. This error may also pop up when you restart your PC after installing Windows XP Service Pack (SP1) on your computer. Unlike some PC related errors, 0x00000050 error code occurs without any warning. The stop 0x00000050 error is displayed in a blue screen and interrupts you from carrying your desired activities on your PC smoothly. This error message is prompted in the following format:

Stop 0X00000050 (parameter1, 0, parameter3, parameter4) PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA”


Restoro box imageError Causes

Stop 0x00000050 error code may pop up on your Windows computer screen due to multiple causes. The most common causes for this error code include:
  • Poor PC maintenance
  • Registry issues- Bad registry keys, invalid entries, corrupt and damaged registry
  • Incompatible DLL files
  • Corruption of system files- Pool corruption in the Srvnet.sys file
  • Spyware and viruses
  • Overheating of PC components
  • The conflict between Windows XP SP1 and the display adapter drivers that are currently installed on your PC.
It is advisable to resolve 0x00000050 error code on your PC right away. BSOD errors are fatal errors and can pose serious threats to your PC. If not fixed timely it can lead to system crash, failure and valuable data loss.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To prevent data loss and system failure, there are some effective methods to resolve Stop 0x00000050 error code on your PC.  To implement these solutions on your PC, you don’t need to be a technical whiz or a computer programmer.

Method One

If the error cause is the conflict between Windows XP SP1 and the display adapter drivers then here’s what you need to do to resolve it:
  1. First start Windows in safe mode. To do this, restart your computer and press F8. On the Windows Advanced Options Menu, use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode.
  2. Once you select it press enter. Now use the arrow keys to select the operating system, press enter to start your computer in safe mode.
  3. Go to Start, click Run and then type ’msinfo32’ in the open box and press OK to continue. Then under the System Summary option, expand Components and then click Display to note the information that corresponds to the INF File Item. And then simply quit the utility.
  4. After that, go to the start menu again and then the My Computer and Properties option.
  5. Press the Hardware Tab and then click the Device Manager tab. Go to the ‘Display Adapters’ option and press the option ‘Uninstall. To confirm action press OK.
  6. Once again, go to the start menu and run and then type the following commands as illustrated below and after each command press enter.
  • ren %systemroot%infINF file name from Step 5.inf *inf.old
  • ren %systemroot%infINF file name from Step 5.pnf *pnf.old
This procedure may look pretty lengthy but it is worth it. Once you insert the commands, close all open windows and then reboot your system. Now download the latest drivers for your display adapter and install them. This will hopefully resolve the 0x00000050 error code on your system.

Method Two

Sometimes 0x00000050 BSOD error may occur due to temporary issues like overheating PC components. In times like these, all you need to do to fix the issue is to switch off your computer and allow the components to cool down. Try starting your PC after a few hours.

Method Three

If the issue is triggered by malware, then it is advisable to download a powerful antivirus. Scan your entire PC to detect and remove viruses affecting your PC and generating BSOD errors on your system.

Method Four

However, if the error still persists after trying all the methods stated above, then this means the cause of the error is deep-rooted. It is related to the Windows registry. Registry stores all your system files and activities performed on your PC. It usually gets damaged and corrupt if it is not cleaned frequently. The registry loads with unnecessary and obsolete files like junk files, cookies, internet history, bad registry keys and invalid entries. These files if not removed, accumulate and damage the registry, DLL files, and system files too thereby generate BSoD errors like 0x00000050 error messages. You can clean and repair the registry manually but it requires a great deal of expertise. The ideal and easiest way to clean it is to download Restoro. This is highly functional and easy-to-use software. It is embedded with multiple powerful utilities including such as a registry cleaner, an antivirus and a system optimizer. The registry cleaning feature scans for all errors related to the registry. It removes obsolete files, invalid entries, restores damaged DLL and system files. The antivirus feature simultaneously detects and removes all kinds of malware. These include viruses, Trojans, spyware, and adware affecting your PC. While the system optimizer feature ensures that your PC functions at its optimum speed. It is a safe and powerful PC Fixer. It has a user-friendly interface and compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro and Fix Error 0x00000050
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Windows 11 was released in beta for all
windows 11 betaMicrosoft has released Windows 11 as a public beta release for all the people that are not willing to be in the insider program. Beta release as of this moment is identical to Insider Preview build 22000.100. and updates will not roll so fast as in insider preview and it is marked as unstable release, same as insider build. I would not install Windows 11 beta on the main PC since some drivers still have issues and may lead to some blue screens. Be aware that the beta build will have all Windows 11 system requirements including TPM 2.0. This is a big difference from insider build which can be installed on systems lacking official requirements. So basically if you have a spare PC that could run Windows 11 install it so you can see what it brings and feel it so you can make a decision will upgrade once it is released later this year.
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Change Legacy to UEFI without reinstalling
There are some new generation motherboards for laptops and PCs that bring in support for both the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface or UEFI as well as the Basic Input Output System or BIOS. The main advantage of UEFI over the traditional BIOS is the fact that UEFI supports a hard drive that has a capacity of more than 2 terabytes. However, the disadvantage of UEFI is that it only supports the x64 Windows operating system versions and that the hard drive is supposed to use the GPT structure. So if your PC is compatible with and supports UEFI and you want to change from Legacy to UEFI, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on how you can exactly do that without having to reinstall it. There are two ways to change Legacy to UEFI. You can convert MBR to GPT using either the built-in utilities in Windows or using the Recovery Environment. Before you proceed, make sure that your computer fulfills the following prerequisites:
  • Your PC’s motherboard should support both Legacy and UEFI.
  • Your PC should be running at least the 1703 Windows 10 version or newer on an MBR partition.
Once you’ve made sure that your computer covers the aforementioned prerequisites, refer to the given options below.

Option 1 – Convert MBR to GPT via Windows built-in utilities

  • In the Windows Search box, type “command prompt” and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After that, execute this command: exe /convert /allowfullOS
  • Now, wait until the process is completed since you can track its process on your screen.
  • Once it’s done, go to Settings > Update & Security > Advanced Startup options and from there, click on Restart Now. This will restart your computer and give you advanced options.
  • Next, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options where you will see further options including System Restore, Startup Repair, Go back to the previous version, Command Prompt, System Image Recovery, and UEFI Firmware Settings.
  • Now select the UEFI Firmware Settings. This will take you to the BIOS. Boot Mode is typically available under Boot > Boot Configuration. Once you’re there, set it to UEFI and then save the changes you’ve made. After that, your computer will restart.

Option 2 – Convert MBR to GPT via the Recovery Environment

  • When the message appears on your screen while running Windows Setup, you need to tap the Shift + F10 keys to open Command Prompt.
  • Make sure to run Command Prompt as admin and then execute this command: exe /convert
  • After that, wait until the process is completed. When it’s done, you have to go to the BIOS just like in the first given option above.
  • As mentioned, you can usually find the Boot Mode under Boot > Boot Configuration. Once you’re there, set it to UEFI.
  • Now save the changes made and exit as your computer will restart.
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0x80070070

Error Code 0x80070070 - What is it?

Error code 0x80070070 can be presented when there is not enough drive space on the computer to install updates. It is possible to uninstall apps that are not often used, or you may delete or archive files that are no longer needed, you may even add on some removable storage space to free up the internal memory of the computer. The computer needs a significant amount of internal memory in order to be able to update the operating system properly. When the computer fails to have the amount of memory that is needed to perform the update, the error code 0x80070070 will be presented. If this error message is not resolved, your computer might be opened to other error messages, including error code 0x80072EE2.

Common symptoms include:

  • Windows cannot install updates properly.
  • You might not be able to install any additional programs or apps onto the computer.
  • When you check the memory of the computer, it may be very near its full capacity.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The Windows 10 upgrade error is caused by varying factors including a lack of computer space or resources, malware or virus infestation, or a clogged registry on the computer.  The error code 0x80070070 will present itself when there is not enough free space on the computer to perform the necessary updates on the computer. Too many apps or programs downloaded onto the computer, too many photos, or too much music may also contribute to the lack of storage space on the computer, thus contributing to the error, and the computer not being able to install the updates to the operating system properly.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There is not a lot of information regarding this error code, but there are a few methods to repair it when it does present itself. There are practical and manual steps that can be taken when trying to get the PC up and running. The primary way to solve this problem is to free up disk space and there are several ways to do this. Please do note that if these methods seem confusing or too complicated, do contact a Windows repair technician so that they may properly correct the problem. You will need to know for sure that it is error code 0x80070070 that you are dealing with so that these options are the best bet for fixing it.

Method One: Disk Cleanup

It is important to know how much space there is on the computer to start with prior to trying to free up any space. Use the free program on the computer called the Disk Cleanup tool. This will save time and free up some hard drive space while optimizing the computer to work better.

From the Start menu, browse to the Explore option, and then select This PC. Right-click on the C drive, and then select Properties. Select Disk cleanup. From here, select the options that you would like to clear. Make sure that the recycle bin is emptied of any temporary files or any error logs. Once done, select Okay.

Use this same process to clear the system files after an update from Windows, as they may still have files from the old operating system in place.

Method Two: Remove Unwanted Apps

Go through your computer and remove any unwanted apps that are present. There are sure to be some that you do not use or do not want.

Follow these steps: From the Start menu, select Settings. Then, select System, Apps, and Features. When you have found the program that you would like to uninstall, select it and then select Uninstall. NOTE: some apps that are built into Windows do not have the capability to be uninstalled. Once you have selected Uninstall for the app or program, follow all directions that appear on the screen.

Method Three: Cloud Storage

If there are a lot of media, photos, documents, videos, and the like that are not used on a regular basis, try out cloud storage. These files will still be in your possession and will be able to be accessed from anywhere. There are many applications or websites that cater to this.

Method Four: External Storage Options

If none of the above methods work, add more storage. To acquire more storage, you can incorporate devices such as SD cards, USB flash drives, and even external hard drives.

Method Five: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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