
Remove Task View button from Windows 11

Task ViewTask View feature inside Windows 11 is actually a great feature, letting you quickly view open windows and virtual desktops. How Task view itself could be reached with keyboard shortcut combination of ⊞ WINDOWS + TAB some users will prefer this way of using it and thus button on the taskbar is something you do not want or need.

There is a very easy way to remove mentioned button and I will show you how to do it.

Right-click the taskbar button itself and click on Hide From Taskbar.

That’s it, you have done it.

Now in order for you to bring it back if you change your mind, you will have to do some extra steps but it is nothing difficult.

Right-click on the taskbar and click on Taskbar settings, you will be lead to Personalization > Taskbar.

Inside locate Taskbar Items and switch Task View to ON, you will see the Task View button right away showing itself again.

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Fixing Windows Update Error 80244019
As you know, Windows Update is the source for everything latest for Windows from Microsoft. Your computer receives essential updates frequently because of the Windows Update service and this Windows Update mechanism depends on various services such as Background Intelligent Transfer Service or BITS, Windows Server Update Service, Windows Update service, and many more. Although it may seem like a complex delivery system, it is a very efficient one. However, it is not without its issues as it still encounters errors every now and then. One of these errors is 80244019 which applies only to the Windows Server operating systems and to resolve it, you need to determine its cause. The Windows Update Error 80244019 is most likely caused by faulty and corrupted DLL files or Registry Entries, connectivity issues, and outdated configuration of Windows Update service on the client end. Moreover, the error can also be caused by malware or if a file is not found on the server. This error can lead to a number of system issues like Startup and shutdown issues, software installation errors, external devices connection, system lags, unexpected application, and program issues, and many more. To resolve the problem, refer to the options given below.

Option 1 – Restart some Windows Update services

The first thing you have to do is to restart Windows Update-related services. Refer to the steps below to do so.
  • Open the WinX Menu.
  • From there, open Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in the following command – don’t forget to hit Enter right after typing each one of them.
net stop wuauserv net stop bits
  • After entering these commands, it will stop the Windows Update Service and the Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
  • Next, go to the C:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution folder and get rid of all the folders and files there by tapping the Ctrl + A keys to select them all and then click on Delete. Note that if the files are in use, you won’t be able to delete them.
  • Once all the contents in the Software Distribution folder are deleted, restart your PC and then go back to Command Prompt and input the following commands again.
net start wuauserv net start bits
 Since the folder has already been flushed, it will be populated afresh the instant your restart your computer and open Windows Update.

Option 2 – Try turning on the Data Execution Prevention or DEP

The problem might be caused by disabled Data Execution Prevention which is why you have to make sure that it’s turned on.

Option 3 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing Windows Update Error 80244019. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 4 – Try reconfiguring the Windows Update Settings

You can also try to reconfigure the settings in the Windows Update section to resolve the error.
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Windows Settings.
  • Next, click on Update & Security > Windows Updates > Update Settings and from there, click on the Advanced Options.
  • After that, uncheck the “Give me updates for other Microsoft Products when I update Windows” option.
  • Now restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made and then check if the Windows Update error is now fixed.

Option 5 – Try to manually install the Windows Updates

Windows Update Error 80244019 might be due to a Windows Update that has failed. So if it is not a feature update and only a cumulative update, you can download the Windows Update and install it manually. But first, you need to find out which update has failed, and to do so, refer to the following steps:
  • Go to Settings and from there go to Update and Security > View Update History.
  • Next, check which particular update has failed. Note that Updates that have failed to install will be displayed under the Status column which has a label of “Failed”.
  • After that, go to the Microsoft Download Center and look for that update using its KB number and once you find it, download and then install it manually.
Note: You can also use the Microsoft Update Catalog, a service from Microsoft that provides a list of software updates that can be distributed over a corporate network. With the help of this service, it can be easier for you to find Microsoft software updates, drivers as well as fixes.
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Software and hardware cleaning tips
Spring is almost here and with spring comes work, nature wakes up, people wake up, no more heating bills, time to start working, and time to start cleaning your PC. Good day everyone and welcome to another tip & trick for your PC. This time we are talking about cleaning your PC and keeping it up to software tight so you are ready for the upcoming spring season. Thank you for being with us and let's start:

Uninstall applications that you are not using

The unused applications can cause many issues for PC, from taking unnecessary disk space to even causing slower boot times if they have active services that require to be all-time up and running. They could slow down other applications like file explorer if they have extensions installed into them and can take RAM space with their background processes. If you are not using a particular application anymore or do not plan to use it soon it is always best practice to delete it from the system and thus removing all services and processes that go with it freeing so much-needed RAM and disc space.

Remove browser extensions you do not need

Browser extensions like applications can cause some issues with PC performance. if you spend a lot of time on the internet browser extensions can slow down browser and page loadings, they can make browsers take up more RAM memory and if they are outdated they could even present a serious security threat. Best practices are to keep only the extensions that you need all time, maybe some password managers or similar, extensions that you use on a daily basis, the rest should be uninstalled.

Remove things from the startup

Many services are booted along with Windows itself, some of them are crucial to the system even working, some not so. By eliminating not-needed services from the startup menu you will make sure that your boot times and overall performance of the system are in healthy form and that your PC is more responsive.

Organize files, folders, and desktop

The speeding of computer is not the only thing that you need to take care of, in order to be prepared and have maximum efficiency you will need to organize your files and folders as well. In a working environment, we often tend to save and place files all over the place, and in time they clog up desktop and hard drives. If the files are not well organized we will lose precious time trying to find anything that we need and require, so instead of wasting your time in locating files, why not organize them for easy and logical search so you can access them easily when needed.

Clean taskbar and start menu

Taskbar and start menu as well can be clogged with icons and non-organized application shortcuts and document shortcuts. Remove everything you do not need for that tidy and easily accessible access.

Sort bookmarks

It is very likely that you have plenty of bookmarks saved in our browser. It is also very likely that these bookmarks are not sorted and organized and now would be a great time to do it. Like files bookmarks also can cause you a lot of time loss if you need to find a specific one in a sea of many.

Run disc cleanup

Built-in disc cleanup utility will find temporary files, unused ones, and plenty of other junk on your hard drive. Now would be a great time to run it and get rid of junk files from your system.

Physically clean your computer

Now when we have taken care of the software part of our computer and system, it is time to clean up the computer itself. Unplug your computer and clean it, we will not go into details of this procedure, there is already an article on our site which deals with this part in detail so look it up if you need assistance with this part.

Clean your peripherals

Besides the computer for effective and pleasant work take care of your screen, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc. All of these devices need to be dust-free and clean if you expect them to behave on top of their game. If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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Show more/less details when copying/moving
When we initiate the copy or move files command we get a dialog that shows us the progress of the current operation, under that bar we can click on the little arrow to expand the bar into so-called more details view where we get more information like which file is being copied, more detailed graph, etc. Windows will remember the last option we had and next time when we start the same process it will open the last view. But what if we want to only have one view always open as default, even if we change it? Let's say that we always want to have a detailed view opened always as our default even if we switch to a minimal one? Well with some tweaks in the registry of Windows we can. Note that this guide will require changing things in the registry of Windows itself, it is always smart and recommended to make a safe backup of your registry, just in case.


open notepad and paste the following code inside: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\OperationStatusManager] "EnthusiastMode"=dword:00000001 Go to File > Save as... and once the file save dialog opens choose at the bottom all files under file type. Save the file with extension .REG naming it whatever you want. Right-click on file and choose Merge, confirm with YES and you are done, now each time when you start copy or move operation details view will be open.


open notepad and paste the following code inside: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\OperationStatusManager] "EnthusiastMode"=dword:00000000 Go to File > Save as... and once the file save dialog opens choose at the bottom all files under file type. Save the file with extension .REG naming it whatever you want. Right-click on file and choose Merge, confirm with YES and you are done, now each time when you start copy or move operation minimal details view will be open.
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0x80070017

Error Code 0x80070017- What is it?

Error Code 0x80070017 is an error code that is most often associated with Windows 10 installations, although it has also been encountered by users on previous versions of the Windows operating systems. It is usually encountered as users attempt to install a new version of the software on their machine.

Common symptoms include:

  • A vague error message regarding the inability of the system to copy over the necessary files pops up as users attempt to install a new version of the Windows operating system on their computer

While it can be hard to tell what the exact cause of Error Code 0x80070017 is on your specific device, the good news is that there are two primary methods that can be used to fix the problem and to allow you to proceed with your installation. These two methods do require some degree of technical knowledge and/or skill, so if you don’t feel like you have the ability to undertake them on your own, be sure to get in touch with a trusted computer repair professional to assist you.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The most basic cause of Error Code 0x80070017 is that some of the files that are needed by the system to complete the installation are either not being found by the computer or are believed to be corrupted by the system. When this happens, security features within the software prevent it from completing the installation process, so as to avoid damage to the computer. Error Code 0x80070017 can be disruptive to your installation process, but there are two basic methods that can be employed to resolve it.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While it can be frustrating to encounter Error Code 0x80070017 on your Windows machine, there are two methods that can be used to try to resolve the problem. One of these methods is extremely simple, even for the most basic users, while the second method takes a little bit more skill and technical knowledge. If you aren’t able to complete these methods on your own, be sure to get in touch with a qualified computer repair technician that can assist you. Here are the best ways to attempt to resolve Error Code 0x80070017 on your device:

Method One:  Clean Your Physical Disk

If you purchased a physical disk version of the installation files for your Windows operating system, remove the disk from your drive and clean it using a microfiber or other lint-free cleaning cloth. As you wipe down the disk, do not use any chemicals, and be sure to wipe gently from the center towards the outside edge rather than the other direction, as failure to do so can damage the disk irreparably.

In some cases, you may need to contact Windows support if you believe that there is an error on the disk itself, such as a scratch, that would prevent the disk from being used as needed in the installation process. They may be able to offer you a replacement disk or you may be able to download a digital copy of the version that you are attempting to install on your machine.

Method Two:  Use the Chkdsk Utility

To determine if there may be an error within the disk drive itself, place the installation disk into the drive and restart the system. Go through the prompts until you see the option to “repair your computer.” Choose the operating system that you are using, go into the menu for System Recovery, and type in the words “Chkdsk/r” to begin to use the tool.

Whenever you run a tool like Chkdsk on your computer, it is important to restart your machine afterward to ensure that any changes that have been made are able to be fully applied and accepted by the operating system that you are running.

Method Three: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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Bluetooth A2dp Source not working Code 52
A number of users have recently reported that they were going through an issue with their Bluetooth devices on their Windows 10 computers. This issue involves an error saying,
“Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52).”
If you are one of the users who encountered this kind of error on your Windows 10 computer, read on as this post will guide you on how you can fix this Bluetooth error. According to security experts, the key to fixing this error is to sign the Bluetooth A2DP files with the built-in tool, System File Checker. Apart from that, you could also run the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter or perform System Restore, as well as update or reinstall the concerned drivers. For more details, refer to each one of the options provided below.

Option 1 – Try to check Bluetooth-related services

In Services, there is a Bluetooth-related service that helps users use Bluetooth so if that particular service suddenly malfunctions for some reason, you will most likely get the “Windows was unable to connect with your Bluetooth network device” error message. That’s why you need to check Services and to do that, refer to these steps:
  • Tap Win + R keys to open Run prompt and type in “services.msc” then tap Enter to open Services.
  • Next, look for the Bluetooth Support Service and double click on it to open Properties.
  • From there, verify if the Service status is showing “Running” or “Stopped”. If it’s the latter, you have to click the Start button.
  • Lastly, check if the Startup type is set to Manual.

Option 2 – Try running System File Checker or SFC scan

You could also run System File Checker or SFC scan to fix the Bluetooth error. It is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Reboot your PC.

Option 3 – Try to perform System Restore

You might also want to perform System Restore as the error might be caused by system modifications. Thus, to undo them, you can use System Restore. Run it using these steps:
  • First, tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 4 – Try running the Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter

The next thing you can do to fix the problem is to run the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter. Although it won’t make much of a difference, there’s still a possibility that it could automatically fix the Bluetooth error. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • The first thing you need to do is click on Start and then on the gear-like icon to pull up the window for Settings.
  • After opening Settings, look for the Update and Security option and select it.
  • From there, go to the Troubleshoot option located on the left-hand side of the list.
  • Next, select Hardware and Devices from the list and open the Troubleshooter and run it. Once it is doing its job, wait for it to complete the process and then restart the system.
  • After the system restarts, check if the problem’s now fixed. If not, refer to the next option given below.

Option 5 – Try to reinstall or update the Bluetooth driver

The issue might have something to do with the Bluetooth drivers. It could be that it is outdated and needs to be updated or that you recently updated it and since then you have trouble removing the Bluetooth devices and so to fix the issue, you can update, roll back or uninstall the Bluetooth drivers. How? Follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + X keys to open the Device Manager.
  • Next, look for the Bluetooth device and right-click on it.
  • Select the option “Update driver”.
  • After that, a new popup window will appear. In there, select the option, “Search automatically for updated driver software”.
Note: Checking the update may take a few minutes so you’ll have to wait until it finishes. If it is able to find an update, you must install it. And if you want to reinstall the Bluetooth driver, just select the “Uninstall driver” option and follow the next on-screen instructions that follow.
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Windows 10 is stuck on Checking for updates
Over the years, the Windows 10 updates have smoothened but that does not mean that it no longer encounter some issues. One of these issues is when it gets stuck. As you know, Windows automatically checking for updates regularly or when you click the “Check for updates” button. However, if the Windows 10 update is taking forever and seems to be stuck, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on what you can do to resolve the problem. This kind of scenario in Windows Updates can be quite confusing especially since there is no response or any indication of what is really happening since you don’t know if the update is still downloading or if it’s already getting installed. To resolve this problem, there are several options you can check out. You can try to exit settings and restart your computer. You could also try to restart the services related to Windows Update or clear both the Software Distribution and Catroot2 folders, as well as run a System File Checker scan. For more details follow each one of the given steps below.

Option 1 – Restart your computer

The most basic thing you can do to fix the problem is to restart your computer. It usually works in fixing common issues like the Windows Update getting stuck at the “Checking for updates” screen. However, if it didn’t work, proceed to the next given options below.

Option 2 – Reset Windows Update components

If the first two options did not work then you might want to reset the Windows Update components manually. Follow the steps below to reset them.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After that, type each one of the following commands and hit Enter after you key in one after the other.
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop cryptsvc
    • net stop bits
    • net stop msiserver
Note: The commands you entered will stop the Windows Update components such as Windows Update service, Cryptographic services, BITS, and MSI Installer.
  • After disabling WU components, you need to rename both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders. To do that, type each one of the following commands below, and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type one command after the other.
    • ren C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32catroot2 Catroot2.old
  • Next, restart the services you’ve stopped by entering another series of commands. Don’t forget to hit Enter after you key in one command after the other.
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start cryptsvc
    • net start bits
    • net start msiserver
  • Close Command Prompt and reboot your PC.

Option 3 – Try checking Services Dependencies

Dependencies of a Windows Service in Windows 10 are when windows services depend on other services. Such is the case with the Windows Update service – it also depends on three different services such as the Remote Procedure Call or RPC service, DCOM Server Process Launcher, and the RPC Endpoint Mapper. Meaning to say, if two of these services are not working as expected, then the dependent service will also be affected. This could be the reason why the Windows Update service could not start.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open Windows Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services:
    • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service
    • DCOM Server Process Launcher
    • RPC Endpoint Mapper
  • After you find these services, double click on each one of them and check whether the Startup type for all is set to Automatic and the Service status is set to Running or not.
  • If the service status is not running, then click the Start button. Afterward, check if you can now run the Windows Update service.

Option 4 – Check the Background Intelligent Service and the Cryptographic Service

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open Services.
  • From the list of Services, look for the following services and make sure that their Startup type is as follows:
    • Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
    • Cryptographic Service ­– Automatic
  • After that, check if the Service status of the listed services above is set to Running. If they’re not, click on the Start button to start these services and then check if you can now enable the Windows Update service or not.

Option 5 – Try running the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files that might be the cause why your screen is stuck at “Checking for updates”. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Restart your computer.
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Ways to speed up your Computer
Having a PC is a great thing, more often we are enjoying it than we have issues, but as time passes it seems that our computer is slowing more and more as new applications and games are coming which demand more powerful computers. Before you decide to throw away your computer and buy a new one because you feel it is a bit slow, read through this guide where we will guide you to common tips & trick to make your PC run faster:
  1. Keep your PC clean and tidy

    Slowdowns and many other issues, even hardware failures can come from dirty PC. Make sure your PC is clean and tidy for maximum performance.
  2. Optimize airflow through PC casing

    Airflow is very important so your GPU and CPU and overall all hardware components can be kept in optimal working temperatures. If any device inside the casing is working in abnormal temperatures you will experience slowdowns and freezing on daily basis. Make sure that all fans are working and that your temperatures are in the optimal range to prevent overheating and make sure to have maximum performance.
  3. Check PC for malware

    Viruses, worms, and overall all malware can drastically reduce system performance. Make sure that your protection software is up to date with the latest definitions and that you have the latest Windows updates installed.
  4. Create a Hi-Performance power plan

    Windows power plans can be a very useful feature, especially if you are working on laptop but in order to boost performance and drain maximum, you will need to switch to a hi-performance power plan.
  5. Free space on the system drive

    Having little to no space on your Windows system drive can lead to extreme slowdowns, make sure that your hard drive is not on red when viewed from File explorer or you will experience even 50% poorer performance.
  6. Choose startup applications

    If you have many applications starting up with your Windows and many of them running in the background you will experience performance issues. Each application that runs in the background is taking RAM and CPU time for themselves which could be free and used for the program that you need.
  7. Do not open too many tabs in Browser

    Having too many tabs in Browser while working on a computer can also cause slowdowns, each tab is taking RAM for itself and even can cause Browser poor performance if a tab is LIVE and refreshing with new content all the time.
  8. Remove browser extensions

    Speaking of browser, having too many installed extensions which are active as soon as the browser is up and running can also lead to poor performances. Remove all which you really do not need and your computer will gain in speed.
  9. Make hardware upgrade

    Sometimes your system is just a little outdated, upgrading more RAM or switching to a new SSD with the greater speed can cause a world of difference in PC performance. Check to see how RAM is standard and upgrade accordingly, you can also upgrade the CPU and other bottlenecks in your system this way instead of completely buying a new PC.
  10. Format and reinstall system

    Drives, application traces, registry entries, etc. are piling up in your system over time, and if enough time is given it will clog your computer. From time to time it is a good idea to backup files and do a completely clean full format of HD and install a new and fresh copy of Windows with new and clean copies of applications and drivers.
That's it, 10 tips on how to make your Windows and PC perform better and speed it up. I hope that you found the read informative and helpful and I hope that I will see you soon.
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Fix High CPU usage by IAStorDataSvc in Windows
If your Windows 10 computer is currently experiencing high CPU usage because of the IAStorDataSvc, read on as this post will show you what you can do to resolve the issue. The high CPU usage of IAStorDataSvc is because of the Intel Rapid Storage Technology. It appears as a Service that may not only result in high CPU usage but also high disk and memory usage, as well as slow computer performance and overheating of your PC. This problem usually occurs on HP computers and on any computers that are using the Intel Rapid Storage Technology. You might also notice that your fan runs at high speed each time this issue occurs with the average CPU usage spiking up to 50%. Take note that this service is used to speed up file access. However, if you are not using an SSD on your computer, then it’s not really necessary for you to have the IAStorDataSvc installed. To resolve this issue, here are some options you can try.

Option 1 – Update or reinstall or remove the IAStorDataSvc driver

Before you proceed, you need to decide first if you want to update, reinstall or remove the IAStorDataSvc driver. To make things easier for you, you can try downloading the latest driver from the Intel Download Centre and then install it on your computer. If it works, good, but if not, you might want to consider removing the driver completely and just let the Windows Update look for the right driver for your computer after you restart it. There are times when the drivers installed are incompatible with the latest Windows update which results in issues like high CPU usage.
  • Tap the Win + X + M combination on your keyboard to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, look for the Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver, right-click on it and then select Uninstall.
  • Now restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Note: You might also have to go to the list of installed programs and uninstall a program that is listed as “Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver”. To do so, refer to these steps:
  • In the Cortana Search box, type “control panel” and from the search results that appear, click on Control Panel.
  • After opening Control Panel, select Programs > Programs and Features which will open the list of installed programs on your computer.
  • From there, look for Intel Rapid Storage Technology and uninstall it.

Option 2 – Try to disable the IAStorDataSvc via Services Manager

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open Services.
  • Next, look for the Intel Rapid Storage Technology services from the list of services and then double-click it.
  • Then change its Startup type to “Disabled”.
  • After that click on the Apply button and then OK to save the changes made.
  • Now exit the Services window and check if the problem’s resolved.
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If you encounter a Blue Screen error that points out to the CMUDA.sys, read on as this post will guide you in fixing it. The CMUDA.sys file is a Windows operating system driver file that is related to the USB Device Audio capabilities of a computer. There are times when this file causes Blue Screen error due to some conflicts in RAM or some incompatible firmware or hard disk issues, corrupted drivers or malware infection, and so on. There are various Blue Screen errors that are related to the CMUDA.sys file such as:
In most cases, the CMUDA.sys file usually triggers the SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Blue Screen error. Although this Blue Screen error may seem complicated, its workarounds are straightforward so you won’t have any problems in following them.

Option 1 – Try to update or rollback your device drivers

If the first option didn’t work for you, then it’s time to either update or roll back the device drivers. It is most likely that after you updated your Windows computer that your driver also needs a refresh. On the other hand, if you have just updated your device drivers then you need to roll back the drivers to their previous versions. Whichever applies to you, refer to the steps below.
  • Open the Devices Manager from the Win X Menu.
  • After opening the Device Manager, locate the device drivers that are marked with a small yellow exclamation mark icon and right-click on each one to open their Properties. On the other hand, you can also look for sub-entries under Sound, video, and game controllers like the C-Media USB Audio Class
  • After that, switch to the Driver tab and click on the Uninstall Device button.
  • Follow the screen option to completely uninstall it.
  • Finally, restart your computer. It will just reinstall the device drivers automatically.
Note: You can install a dedicated driver on your computer in case you have it or you could also look for it directly from the website of the manufacturer. You can download the as C-Media USB Audio Class driver from the cmedia.com website.

Option 2 – Try to recreate the CMUDA.sys file

The first thing you can try is to recreate the CMUDA.sys file. Every time your Windows 10 PC boots up, it looks for all the system drivers in place and if it is unable to find them, it tries to create them. Which is why if you remove your corrupt driver file, chances are, you might get a fixed file recreated just for you. How? Refer to the steps below.
  • Boot your Windows 10 PC in Safe Mode.
  • Then open File Explorer and navigate to this location: C:/Windows/System32/drivers
  • From there, look for the file named sys and rename it to CMUDA.old.
Note: As you can see, the file’s extension has changed from .sys to .old.
  • Now restart your computer and check if the CMUDA.sys Blue Screen error is now fixed.

Option 3 – Run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

The Blue Screen troubleshooter is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing BSOD errors. It can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • After that, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.
On the other hand, you can also try running the online Windows 10 Blue Screen troubleshooter from Microsoft. It is a wizard that could help you fix any Stop errors related to the CMUDA.sys file and will offer you helpful links as you use it.

Option 4 – Try running the DISM tool

You can try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool to fix the Wdf01000.sys Blue Screen error. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 5 – Run System Restore

Running System Restore might also help in fixing Blue Screen errors related to the CMUDA.sys file.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
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How to Fix the TWCU.EXE Failed to Load Library File Error in Windows 10
The TWCU.EXE or TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility is a configuration application required to run wireless adapters successfully. The TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility application only exists on computers that are using the TP-LINK adapters. Upon the installation of this application, the service will be automatically added to the Windows service list that will continuously run in the background. The Twcu.exe is placed at the C:\Program Files\TP-LINKTP-LINK\Wireless Utility folder and is used by TP-LINK to connect to the internet. The name of the main executable file is twcu.exe and can be viewed in the Services tab of the Task Manager. If you are one of the users who just upgraded to Windows 10 from the previous Windows versions, then you’ll most likely see an error saying, “Failed to load the library file!” that has something to do with twcu.exe or TWCU. This error pops up when you go to your desktop and every time you log into your Windows 10 PC. Like pointed out, this error is related to the TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility and every user who is using the TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility is experiencing this problem which may be due to some compatibility issues especially when you start getting this error right after you upgraded to Windows 10. To fix this problem, follow each one of the options given below.

Option 1 – Try running in Compatibility Mode

The best thing you can do is to run the TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility in the compatibility mode since the problem is due to some compatibility issue. To run this utility in the compatibility mode, here’s what you have to do:
  • Look for the TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility which should be located on your desktop.
  • Once you find it, right-click on it and select Properties from the context menu.
  • After that, go to the Compatibility tab and mark the checkbox for “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and from the drop-down list, select either Windows 7 or Windows 8.
  • Click the Apply button and then click OK to save the changes made and check if it has resolved the issue or not.

Option 2 – Try troubleshooting compatibility

This option is almost the same as the first one except it is an alternative way of fixing the TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility in case the first one didn’t work. In this option, you will troubleshoot the compatibility issue of the TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility.
  • Look for the TP-LINK Wireless Client Utility which as mentioned, is on your desktop.
  • Then right-click on it and select the “Troubleshoot compatibility” from the context menu.
  • After that, click on the “Try recommended setting” option. Once the process is done, the error message should be gone.
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