Sometimes you may experience QTCF.dll error on your computer either during installation or while upgrading applications like iTunes and QuickTime. This error indicates that the installation or the upgrading of the desired application was unsuccessful.
The QTCF.dll error is recognized by the Apple Support Community and they have provided a solution to fix this error easily.
QTCF.dll error occurs because the computer overloads with too much data which corrupts and damages registry files. And therefore the desired program fails to download and start on your PC.
When this happens you see a pop up on your screen and the QTCF.dll error message that is usually displayed as:
Such message display hinders your ability to use iTunes or QuickTime applications on your PC. Furthermore, it also slows the performance of your system and you may encounter startup and shutdown problems.
Therefore, it is advisable to repair the problem and fix the QTCF.dll error right away.
The good news is that you don’t need to go to a professional or be an IT expert in order to fix the QTCF.dll error. Since this error means that the installation or the attempt to upgrade the system was unsuccessful therefore you need to reinstall the fresh copy of the application.
Here’s how you can easily fix the problem by yourself and install a fresh copy of the application:
Step 1: First close all the applications running on your computer.
Step 2: Now uninstall the application that you were trying to install such as iTunes or QuickTime. To do this, go to the start menu, click on settings, control panel, and programs. Now click on the application you want to remove.
Step 3: Once the application is uninstalled and removed from your computer, then restart it again.
Step 4: Now download a fresh version of the application (iTunes or QuickTime) from Apple’s official website
Step 5: Run the installer.
If reinstalling doesn’t work, then it is advisable to download the QTCF.dll repair tool. This repair tool will scan your PC for errors in seconds. Once the scanning is complete, click on the ‘fix all’ button to repair your computer.
Once the error is fixed, restart your computer and then try reinstalling the desired application one more time.
For regular PC users, it is advisable to install an anti-virus and malware scanner and run it every time you use your computer. This helps you keep informed about the viruses or errors that your computer might be exposed to.
And you can take timely actions before you experience file corruption and damage.
“In Microsoft Windows accounts protected by Family Safety settings, secure connections on popular websites like Google, Facebook and YouTube might be intercepted and their certificates replaced by a certificate issued by Microsoft in order to filter and record search activity.”And if you are connected to a corporate network, there might be a monitoring/filtering product that could be replacing certificates. Moreover, there are also users who reported getting this issue when they use the Nightly version of Firefox. And if that’s the case, you have to try accessing secure websites using only the stable build especially when it comes to payments. However, if you are not doing that, then here are some options you need to check out.
Administrators can download updates from the Microsoft Download Center or the Windows Update Catalog to deploy to multiple computers If you are running Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3.0, System Center Essentials (SCE), or System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) you can import updates directly into these applications. Security updates, critical updates, service packs, update rollups, definition updates, and critical drivers can be configured to synchronize with your server automatically. You can still import these updates into your application by using Microsoft Update Catalog; however, depending on how you configure WSUS, SCE, and SCCM, you may not need to import the updates.
The docking station was promised upon release of the Deck but it was pushed back and now the official statement is that it is delayed again.
Valve said in an announcement on June 1:
“Due to parts shortages and COVID closures at our manufacturing facilities, the official Steam Deck Docking Station is delayed. We’re working on improving the situation and will share more info when we have it.”
The docking station was presented at the same time as Deck itself and the whole idea was to make Steam Deck work like a laptop docking station. It has ports for USB devices, displays, and network connections that became functional the moment Deck is placed on it. Docking supports a mouse, keyboard, and external display making it an almost full PC station if needed.
Valve confirmed that its official dock station will not improve performance so while you wait for its release you can use another docking station with a USB Type-C connector.
Blackouts are one of the most annoying things that can happen in the modern age. We have all learned to depend on electricity, maybe too much, so having a backup plan in these unpleasant situations is necessary. Here are some good gadgets for these kinds of situations.
The fully charged power bank is a great item that could fill up your phone or tablet. If it is a larger power bank it could fill them up all the way to the top several times and having charged phone or tablet can help greatly with some fun during dark times. The power bank can also be used to fill up other gadgets on this list so if the power outage is expected to last longer perhaps it would be wiser not to waste it on phone/tablet games.
If the power bank is too short-lived for your needs, a portable generator is always a good option since it can provide power for longer time periods. The solar generator is what we recommend because it is much cheaper to produce electricity but it is limited if a power surge comes at night, one on gasoline is more stable and practical but it costs more to produce electricity.
One more electric-producing device on the list, this one however is aimed at charging your phone, tablet, or laptop by harvesting Sun's energy and turning it into valuable electricity for your devices. Fully silent and easy to operate this is a great tool for power outrage. It will not be able to produce electricity for smaller house appliances but for basic phone/tablet/laptop needs it will suffice.
Self-sustained with its own battery, panic lights are great assets for lightning when power is not present. They can turn automatically when the circuit detects that power is missing but can be also manually switched on or off. There are many versions of panic lights ranging from the light they produce to how long can they work so picking the right one will depend entirely on your home size and needs.
If you lack panic lights USB headlamp is a great choice to light your way and it works even better than a flashlight, although a flashlight is also a great tool, a headlight will provide you with free arms to do various things that you would not be able to by holding a flashlight. Modern headlights come with LED lights so they provide a good amount of light with small power consumption and they can be recharged in a power bank, solar charger, or generator.
LED Lantern is a gadget sitting somewhere between a headlight and a panic light, it offers around the same light amount as a panic light but you can carry it around with you. Of course, it will drain its battery faster than a panic light and it will still need to carry around but it can offer some good options when you need it, like taking it with you to the toilet.
An electric lighter is also one of the things that you will need, it can ignite candles, paper, stoves, etc. Its battery is usually enough for extensive use and there are small chances that it will need to be recharged. Having matches is also smart, just in case.
Great gadget when outbreaks last long or when you get hungry. Not all households have gas ovens so a Solar oven is a great tool to keep you full of food. Granted it will not be on par in speed and quality with a regular oven but when it is the only option it will suffice.
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taskkill /IM "processname" /T /F processname – it is the name of the process which you can see on the Details tab of the Windows Task Manager. /IM – it is the one that specifies the image name of the process, which follows, that is to be terminated. /T – it is the one that kills not just the main process but also the child process. /F – it is the one that terminates the process forcefully.
wmic process where name='processname.exe' deleteNote: In the given command, you need to replace “processname.exe” with the name of the particular process you want to terminate which is found in the Details tab of the Windows Task Manager.
kill -id pidNote: In the given command above, “pid” is the Process ID number of the process you want to terminate. And for you to identify this number, you need to open the Details tab of the Windows Task Manager once again and take note of the number against the process you want to get rid of. Alternatively, you can also run the following command in the PowerShell prompt that you’ve pulled up to get the process ID number:
Get-ProcessFor example, “5364” is the process ID number for the DimScreen.exe process which is the process you want to terminate. In order for you to kill this process, you need to type in this command:
kill -id 5364