
Fixing the We can’t find a USB flash drive

One of the preferred ways to upgrade Windows 10 is by creating a bootable USB drive. However, you might change your mind when you encounter an error during the Windows 10 Setup that says, “We can’t find a USB flash drive”. Worry not for this error can be fixed using some suggestions that will be provided in this post.

The funning thing about this error in Windows setup is that the computer says it’s not there when it’s clearly there. To fix this problem, you need to check if the USB device is accessible on your computer or you can also try a different USB device. In addition, you could check if there are any issues with both the USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 ports as it could be the reason why you’re getting the error or fix the bad sectors in the USB drive as well as see if the USB drive is set as the primary drive.

Option 1 – Try to check if the USB is accessible on your PC

The first thing you can do to resolve the problem is to check if you can access your USB device from your computer. All you have to do is open File Explorer and check if the USB device is listed there or not.

Option 2 – Try to connect a different USB device

The next thing you can do to fix the error is to try connecting a different USB device, specifically the one that has more significant storage space. You also have to make sure that it’s working on a different PC.

Option 3 – Fix any issues with the USB 3.0 and 2.0 ports

Although the USB 3.0 ports are compatible with the USB 2.0 ports, it does not necessarily mean that there wouldn’t be any problem when you use them which is why it’s best to fix any issues in them or better yet, use a compatible drive.

Option 4 – Try to fix the bad sectors in the USB drive via CHKDSK

When it comes to some issues concerning the hard drive or removable devices, there is a utility in Windows that might help which is called “chkdsk”. To use it, follow the steps below.

  • Tap the Win + S keys to open the Search box.
  • Then type “command prompt” in the field and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.
  • After opening an elevated command prompt, copy and paste the following command and hit Enter:

CHKDSK [volume [[path] filename]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/C] [: size]]

Note: In the command given above, “[/F]” will try to fix the system errors while “[/R]” will be the one to fix the bad sectors.

  • Now if you are prompted to run CHKDSK after your reboot your PC, just tap Y and reboot your PC.
  • If CHKDSK is not able to find any errors, tap the Win + E keys and navigate the access window. From there, right-click on the concerned drive and click on Properties.
  • After opening Properties, click on the tab Tools and then click on the “Check” button under the Error-checking section.
  • Wait until the process is completed and then restart your computer.

Option 5 – Try checking if the USB is set as the primary drive

You might also want to check if the USB drive is set as the primary drive because if it is, then it won’t appear on the list. It could also be that the USB drive has a primary disk in it. To undo it, you need to use the DISKPART utility.

  • In the Start Search, type “command prompt” and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results, and then select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Next, execute the “diskpart” command to initiate the DISKPART utility.
  • After that, type the “list disk” command and tap Enter to display the list of disks on the computer. You have to take note of the drive number or letter of the concerned USB drive.
  • Once done, type the “select disk <X>” command where X is the drive letter or number and tap Enter.
  • Then execute the “list partition” command to see the list of all the partitions in your computer. It should be listed as 0, 1, or 2. 0 is the primary partition.
  • Now type the “select partition 0” command and tap Enter and then type “delete partition” to delete the selected partition.
  • You can do the same to the other partitions as well and when you’re done, execute the format command to turn the USB drive into a standard one.

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How to Fix Htmlayout.dll Error

What Is Htmlayout.dll Error?

Htmlayout.dll is a linked library which is also known as HTMLayout. In simple words, it is an embeddable HTML layout and rendering component. htmlayout.dll is generally associated with Avast Internet Security, Bit Defender Internet Security 2011, and other similar programs. If you’re noticing that a continuous popup that reads:-
‘HTMLayout.dll cannot be loaded to properly start GUI. Therefore process cannot continue’, ‘Htmlayout.dll not found’, ‘The file htmlayout.dll is missing’,
and so on, then your system may be exposed to serious privacy and security threats.


Restoro box imageError Causes

To begin with, DLL files are shared files, and they can and do exist outside the software applications. While these files do provide benefits to software developers, once they are separated, they can only spell trouble. Hence, you start seeing the HTMLayout error, which will most probably occur at system startup, program startup, or when trying to use specific functions in a program. There are a number of reasons why the HTMLayout errors occur, and some of the common ones include:
  • The file is missing because it was accidentally deleted from the system.
  • The file was damaged by a virus and as a result, your system cannot access it.
  • The file was related to the registry and is now corrupt or obsolete.
  • The program that was related to the file was not uninstalled properly.
  • The file was overwritten by a corrupt or outdated version.
  • The spyware or malware deleted the original file and disguised it as the HTMLayout.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While the HTMLayout DLL error may sound like too much trouble, it is rather easy to resolve with a few steps. If you are getting the error because of a specific program or file, then you should reinstall to make sure the error does not pertain. For that, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Start and select the Control Panel.
  2. Click on the Add/Remove Programs icon and select the programs that show the error on the list.
  3. Select Remove/Uninstall to safely remove the program from your system.
  4. Restart the system and reinstall the program again.
This is the easy way out if the HTMLayout DLL error is occurring as a result of the file missing. However, there can be cases when the file has been tampered with by virus or registry issues. For that, the safest bet is to download Restoro. Restoro is not just another registry cleaner. Instead, it is a multi-functional PC Fixes that works as an antivirus, registry cleaner, system optimizer, and much more. What’s more interesting about Restoro is that it provides real-time results as opposed to other registry cleaners. In other words, you will actually feel a difference in PC performance and security after installing and using the program. The software is compatible with all Windows versions. So just click here and download Restoro to get rid of HTMLayout error and other issues in your system!
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How to Fix Task Scheduler Error 0x80070057
One of the important functions in the Windows operating system is the Task Scheduler. It can automatically run various tasks at a certain time where you’ll have to add a task that needs to be executed and then choose the time it has to run at. So when that time comes, the Task Scheduler will run the task automatically. However, some users reported getting an Error 0x80070057 where the Task Scheduler fails to start. This kind of error may be due to a disabled service that prevents the service from running. It is also possible that the antivirus program interfered with the task – it could be that the Task Scheduler is somewhat in the block list since the antivirus adds it to the list automatically when it’s installed. On the other hand, it could be that you lack administrator-level privilege which is why the Task Scheduler was not able to carry out the task. To fix this issue, here are some suggestions you can try.

Option 1 – Try to restart the Task Scheduler service

As mentioned, it is possible that the Task Scheduler service could be disabled. You could have disabled it when trying to enhance your computer’s performance and whatnot. Thus, you need to verify if it’s running or not and then restart it.
  • First, you need to tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and click OK or tap Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • You will see a list of Services and from there, look for the Task Scheduler service and double click on it.
  • After that, go to the General tab and click on the Startup Type options and then select “Automatically” from the given list.
  • Click on the “RUN” option and select the “Restart the Service” option.
  • And click on the “After Second Failure” option and then select the “Restart-Service” option again.
  • Now click on the “After Subsequent Failures” tab and select the “Restart the Service” option.
  • Finally, click on the Apply and OK buttons and then run the Task Scheduler and see if the issue is now fixed.

Option 2 – Try to temporarily disable the anti-virus program

As mentioned, the error could be due to the antivirus program or the Windows Defender Firewall installed in your computer. Thus, disabling them or any security software installed on your computer is always a good idea you can try when you’re not able to access the shared drive on your computer. There are times when you encounter problems like the Task Scheduler Error 0x80070057 due to interference of antivirus or security programs. Thus, you have to disable both your antivirus program for the meantime and check if it fixes the error or not.

Option 3 – Run the Task Scheduler with an administrator account

Like pointed out, the Task Scheduler Error 0x80070057 may be due to the lack of admin privileges. Thus, you have to log in to an administrator account and try running the Task Scheduler again. It is also recommended that the administrator account you’re going to use as a password when logging in.

Option 4 – Repair the Task Scheduler by deleting corrupted tasks

Note that a single corrupted file can cause big problems so this option is quite important. And for you to delete a corrupted task or any task from the Task Scheduler, you have to use the Registry Editor if you are not able to use the Task Scheduler interface. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the dialog box for Run.
  • Next, type in Regedit and click on OK or tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Then navigate to this path: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheTree
Note: In this path, you can see all the tasks that are currently set in the Task Scheduler. And since it would be hard to tell which one of them is corrupted, you have to delete the latest one in Task Scheduler last. But before you do so, make sure that you take note of the ID of the tasks. And for you to get the ID, you have to select the task you wish to delete and double click on the ID string located on your right-hand side, and then copy it in the Notepad.
  • Right-click on the task name and then delete it.
  • After that, delete the very same GUID which you have copied earlier from these folders:
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheBoot
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheLogon
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheMaintenance
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCachePlain
  • ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionScheduleTaskCacheTasks
Note: You might not see the same GUID from these folders but if you see it, delete it right away.
  • Next, navigate to this location: C:/Windows/System32/Tasks
  • Delete the very same tasks you just deleted from the Registry Editor.
  • Restart your PC and check if the Task Scheduler is back to its normal state or not.
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Fix MSVCR71.dll is missing in Windows 10
The program can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing from your computer, Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
If by any chance you have encountered this error know that you are not alone and that this is a solvable error. In this guide, we will show you how to fix this error. Usually, the MSVCR71.dll missing error is met when a new application is installed. So let us dive right into it and solve it.
  1. Reinstall application

    If only a certain application is reporting this error, try reinstalling it, there is a high possibility that by some mistake application was not properly installed and corrupted or removed the MSVCR71.dll file. If this is the case, reinstallation will help.
  2. Check recycle bin

    like mentioned above, if the application has by mistake deleted the file, open recycle bin and try to locate it there. If this is the case, restore it from recycle bin and everything should be back in normal working conditions.
  3. Download a new version of the file

    If the previous 2 methods failed and you still get the missing error, try downloading the file from Microsoft and placing it in C:\Windows\SysWOW64
  4. Reinstall C++ redistributable

    Having an incorrect C++ redistributable package can be an issue of the problem, get the latest version from Microsoft and reinstall it.
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An Easy Guide to Fixing Mingwm10.dll Error Code

Mingwm10.dll Error Code - What is it?

Mingwm10.dll is a dynamic link library file. This file is associated with the gaming program called the Adventures of Tintin developed for Windows OS by Ubisoft. Like all other DLL files, Mingwm10.dll file also contains small programs that are used to load and run this gaming program on your PC and several other programs developed by Ubisoft. Mingwm10.dll error code may occur when this file fails to run and load the Adventures of Tintin, the game on your PC. This error may appear on your PC in different formats such as:
  • "Mingwm10.dll not found."
  • "The file mingwm10.dll is missing."
  • "Cannot register mingwm10.dll."
  • "Cannot find C:\Windows\System32\mingwm10.dll."
  • "Mingwm10.dll Access Violation."
  • "Cannot start The Adventures of Tintin The Game. A required component is missing: mingwm10.dll.Please install The Adventures of Tintin The Game again."
  • "This application failed to start because mingwm10.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."


Restoro box imageError Causes

Mingwm10.dll error code is triggered due to a plethora of reasons. These include causes like:
  • Registry damage or corruption
  • Viral infection
  • Hardware failure
  • Corrupt or missing Mingwm10.dll file
Though this error is not fatal nonetheless it is advisable to fix it promptly to ensure you are able to access your desired program successfully without any restriction. Please note, this error can become a major PC threat as the underlying causes are registry corruption or viral infection.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Listed below are some of the best, proven, and easy DIY methods to help you resolve the Mingwm10.dll error code on your system. These are simple methods and require no technical expertise or know-how.

Method 1 - Restore the Missing File

As mentioned above DLL are shared files, there is a possibility that you accidentally deleted the Mingwm10.dll file on your system while uninstalling a program developed by Ubisoft. In such an event, the best and the easiest way to fix the error is to check your recycle bin and restore the deleted Mingwm10.dll file on your system.

Method 2 - Download Mingwm10.dll File from a Reliable Website

If you are unable to locate the missing Mingwm10.dll file in the recycle bin, then another method to fix the issue can be to download the Mingwm10.dll file from a trusted website. The reason why we say trusted is that viruses often enter computer systems when users download files from unreliable websites. So, to avoid bigger problems first make sure the site you select to download the Mingwm10.dll file is authorized and trusted.

Method 3 - Update Outdated Drivers

Hardware failure is related to outdated drivers. If the cause of the Mingwm10.dll error code is hardware failure, simply update the outdated drivers to resolve. Since the Mingwm10.dll file is used to run and load Adventures of Tintin, a gaming software program, then most probably the error is caused because of the outdated video card driver. Therefore update it to fix the issue. For this, go to the start menu, type Device Manager in the search bar. Once it opens use the driver update wizard to make updates. The wizard will walk you through the entire process, making the driver update task easy.

Method 4 - Repair the Corrupt Registry

The registry is the part that stores all the information and activities performed on your system. From important files to obsolete files it saves everything. If the obsolete files like the junk files, bad entries, invalid registry keys, and cookies are not removed from the registry frequently, these files accumulate in the registry and corrupt important system files like DLL files, popping error codes like Mingwm10.dll error. To resolve, download Restoro. It is a PC Fixer embedded with a  registry cleaner. The registry cleaner scans and removes all the obsolete files. It cleans the registry and the corrupted system files in just a few clicks, thereby fixing the problem. Click here to download Restoro to resolve the Mingwm10.dll error code on your PC
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Make FLASH content available in your browser
FLASH icon Hello and welcome everyone, just a few years ago we had FLASH video content on the internet, we had FLASH games, full FLASH website experiences, and more, but then flash was shut down mostly due to security reasons meaning that in just a few months we have lost most of FLASH web content. However, there is still FLASH content on the internet even today, there are still FLASH videos and flash games, but we can not play any of that content since browsers do not support FLASH and you can not get the FLASH plugin for browsers. So what might be the solution for this situation?

Ruffle and FLASH emulation

Emulation of course. We will not be able to get the flash player working, well at least not the original and official one, but we can make flash content playable again inside our browsers. The first thing is first, we need to get an emulator package from the internet in order for this trick to work, one we will be using is RUFFLE. It is lightweight, it is free, it is open source and it is reliable, everything we need. Download RUFFLE from its official website here. For Chrome and Edge download the ZIP package, for Firefox, go to the Firefox section of the tutorial. There is also a desktop version of RUFFLE there so if you are keen on playing your flash content on your desktop computer you might well grab that as well, but for the sake of this tutorial where we are enabling flash in our browsers, we will not focus on that part since it is pretty straightforward. Now once you have downloaded the RUFFLE emulator, please extract it to the desired folder somewhere on your computer. Once it is extracted, start your browser of choice and follow instructions.


  1. Navigate to: chrome://extensions/
  2. Turn ON developer mode in the top right corner
  3. Click on Load unpacked
  4. Navigate to the folder where you have extracted RUFFLE
chrome extensions


  1. Navigate to: edge://extensions/
  2. Turn ON developer mode on the bottom left corner
  3. Navigate to the folder where you have extracted RUFFLE
  4. Turn RUFFLE ON
edge extensions


  1. Go to the RUFFLE download page, we can not use the zip package we were using for Chrome and Edge
  2. Right-click on the Firefox download link
  3. Save link by clicking on Save link as...
  4. Navigate to about: debugging
  5. Click on this Firefox
  6. Click Load Temporary Add-on
  7. Select the .xpi that you have downloaded


If you want to enable FLASH content live on your website use:  <script src="path_to_ruffle/ruffle.js"></script>
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How to remove Action Classic Games (actionclassicgames.com) from your Computer

Action Classic Games Toolbar is another product from Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc. that may claim to relieve users of their boredom with more than 500 online games. The Action Classic Games toolbar is available for download from its official web page and Google Web Store, though it is normally distributed via advertising directly from its website. When installed, it will change your home page and new tab to MyWay.com and start gathering user browsing information while active.

Browsing the internet with Action Classic Games enabled will result in the additional ad and sponsored content placement throughout the browsing sessions. This extension has been flagged as a Browser Hijacker by several top anti-virus applications and is therefore not recommended to keep on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is a type of unwanted program, usually a browser add-on or extension, which causes modifications in web browser’s settings. There are plenty of reasons why you might experience an internet browser hijack; however commercial, marketing, and advertising are definitely the key reasons for their creation. The idea is to force users to visit particular websites which are looking to increase their website visitor traffic and produce higher advertisement revenue. While it might appear naive, these tools were created by vicious people who always look to take full advantage of you, so that they could make money from your naive and distraction. In a much worst case, your internet browser could be hi-jacked to download malicious software that will do a lot of damage to your computer or laptop.

Key signs that your web browser has been highjacked

Symptoms that a web browser is a hi-jacked include: 1. home-page is changed 2. your internet browser is constantly being redirected to pornography sites 3. default search engine is changed 4. you’ll see multiple toolbars in your browser 5. you find numerous ads appear on your browsers or computer screen 6. your browser has instability issues or exhibits frequent errors 7. you’ve disallowed entry to particular websites, including the website of an anti-malware software developer like SafeBytes.

How does a PC get infected with a browser hijacker

Browser hijackers infect computers via malicious email attachments, downloaded infected documents or by checking out infected internet sites. They also come from add-on software, also called browser helper objects (BHO), browser plug-ins or toolbars. Other times you might have accidentally accepted a browser hijacker as part of an application package (usually freeware or shareware). A good example of a well-known browser hijacker is the latest Chinese malware known as “Fireball”, which has attacked 250 million computer systems around the world. It works as a hijacker but can be changed into a full-functioning malware downloader afterward. The presence of any browser hijacker malware on your computer might considerably diminish the web browsing experience, monitor your online activities that result in major privacy issues, create system stability issues and eventually cause your computer to slow down or to a practically unusable condition.

Browser hijacker removal

The one thing you can try to get rid of a browser hijacker is to find the malicious software inside the “Add or Remove Programs” list in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel. It may or may not be there. If it is, try and uninstall it. However, many browser hijackers are hard to get rid of manually. No matter how much you attempt to remove it, it may keep coming back again and again. Besides, browser hijackers could modify Windows registry so it could be very difficult to restore all the values manually, particularly when you’re not very tech-savvy individual. You might opt for automatic browser hijacker removal by just installing and running a reliable anti-malware application. To eradicate any type of browser hijacker from your personal computer, you should download the following professional malware removal tool – SafeBytes Anti-Malware. Together with the anti-malware tool, a PC optimizer, such as SafeBytes Total System Care, will help you in removing all related files and modifications in the Windows registry automatically.

Learn How to Remove a Virus that is Blocking Websites or Preventing Downloads

Malware could potentially cause all sorts of damage after they invade your computer, from stealing your personal information to deleting data files on your PC. Certain malware types modify web browser settings by adding a proxy server or modify the PC’s DNS configurations. In these instances, you will be unable to visit some or all of the sites, and therefore unable to download or install the necessary security software to remove the computer virus. If you are reading this article right now, you might have probably recognized that a malware infection is a reason behind your blocked web traffic. So what to do if you need to download and install an anti-malware application like Safebytes? There are a few steps you can take to circumvent this issue.

Boot your PC in Safe Mode

If the virus is set to run automatically when Microsoft Windows starts, stepping into Safe Mode may block the attempt. Just bare minimum required applications and services are loaded when you boot your computer into Safe Mode. To launch your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers in Safe Mode with Networking, follow the instructions below. 1) At power on, hit the F8 key before the Windows splash screen starts to load. This should bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Make use of the arrow keys to choose Safe Mode with Networking and hit ENTER. 3) When you are into this mode, you should have online access once again. Now, utilize your browser normally and navigate to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) After installation, do a full scan and let the software program delete the threats it discovers.

Download the security program using an alternate browser

Some malware may target vulnerabilities of a specific browser that block the downloading process. If you are not able to download the anti-malware software program using Internet Explorer, this means the virus may be targeting IE’s vulnerabilities. Here, you should switch over to an alternative internet browser such as Chrome or Firefox to download the Safebytes program.

Make a bootable USB antivirus drive

Another option would be to make a portable antivirus program on your USB stick. Try these simple actions to clean up your affected PC using portable anti-malware. 1) On a virus-free PC, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Put the pen drive into the clean computer. 3) Double-click on the downloaded file to run the installation wizard. 4) When asked, choose the location of the pen drive as the place where you want to store the software files. Follow the instructions on the computer screen to finish up the installation process. 5) Now, plug the pen drive into the corrupted PC. 6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes tool right from the thumb drive. 7) Hit the “Scan Now” button to begin the malware scan.

Features and Benefits of SafeBytes Anti-Malware

Would you like to install the very best anti-malware program for your computer? There are various applications in the market that comes in paid and free versions for Windows computers. A few of them are good but there are numerous scamware applications that pretend as genuine anti-malware software waiting to wreak havoc on your computer. You should pick a product that has gained a strong reputation and detects not just computer viruses but other kinds of malware too. While thinking about reliable programs, Safebytes Anti-Malware is certainly the highly recommended one. SafeBytes anti-malware is a trusted software that not only protects your computer completely but is also very easy to use for people of all ability levels. Using its outstanding protection system, this utility will instantly detect and remove the majority of the security threats, including browser hijackers, viruses, adware, ransomware, trojans, worms, and PUPs.

There are numerous amazing features you’ll get with this security product. Listed below are some of the highlighted features included in the application.

Active Protection: SafeBytes gives real-time active checking and protection against all known viruses and malware. They’re highly efficient in screening and eliminating various threats because they’re regularly revised with the latest updates and safety measures. Best AntiMalware Protection: Safebytes is made on the best virus engine within the industry. These engines will detect and remove threats even during the early stages of a malware outbreak. Safe Web Browsing: Safebytes allots all sites a unique safety ranking that helps you to have an idea of whether the webpage you’re going to visit is safe to browse or known to be a phishing site. Light-weight: SafeBytes is renowned for its minimal influence on computer resources and great detection rate of various threats. It works silently and efficiently in the background so you are free to utilize your computer at full power all of the time. 24/7 Customer Support: Support service is accessible 24 x 7 x 365 days via email and chats to answer your questions. To sum it up, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is really great for securing your laptop or computer against all sorts of malware threats. There is no doubt that your PC will be protected in real-time once you put this software program to use. So if you’re searching for the very best malware removal tool out there, and when you don’t mind shelling out some dollars for it, opt for SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

To remove Action Classic Games manually, go to the Add or Remove programs list in the Windows Control Panel and select the program you want to get rid of. For web browser plug-ins, go to your web browser’s Addon/Extension manager and select the plug-in you intend to disable or remove. Additionally, it is advised to factory reset your web browser settings to their default state. To be certain of complete removal, find the following Windows registry entries on your system and remove it or reset the values accordingly. Please keep in mind that only advanced users should try to manually edit the registry because removing any single vital system file results in a major problem or even a system crash. Moreover, some malware keeps replicating which makes it tough to get rid of. Doing this malware-removal process in Safe Mode is suggested.
Files: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Action Classic GamesTooltab %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Action Classic GamesTooltab %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\dbkmigdeafonnkpjndllhadgclnkamdm %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\dbkmigdeafonnkpjndllhadgclnkamdm %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\ActionClassicGames_e1 %PROGRAMFILES%\ActionClassicGames_e1 %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\ActionClassicGames_e1 %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\ActionClassicGames_e1 %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\ActionClassicGames_e1 Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AppDataLow\Software\ActionClassicGames_e1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\4f521f8c-b472-4fad-be00-340c2803ed56 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\6ff6226a-4c91-44e5-b2cb-93c96033f842 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\8fed6e71-aaf0-4fd9-a25d-ccd01216caef HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\f134110e-125c-4df0-a36f-e29d6dc48bf8 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\3e8810b8-21bc-4567-9d53-21a575f0aa4e HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\4f521f8c-b472-4fad-be00-340c2803ed56 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\6ff6226a-4c91-44e5-b2cb-93c96033f842 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Action Classic Games
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WEB sites for cheap game purchases
Gaming can be sometimes a very cheap hobby, sometimes can be really expensive. It really depends on your preferences or gaming habits. So for all of you game spenders, we have compiled a little list of WEB sites where you can find games cheap. Provided sites are checked ones and not scam. You can purchase without concern. Also, note that some of these sites will require you to create an account in order to be able to make a purchase.

List of WEB sites for cheap purchases

is there any deal cheap gamesIs There Any Deal

https://isthereanydeal.com/ Is there any deal really behaves as it sounds, it is basically a search engine tailored to find existing deals on required games. Type in the desired game and see if anywhere you can find a deal on it. The site also features wait for better price options as well as the price history of the game and the trend of its sales.

cheap shark dealsCheap Shark

https://www.cheapshark.com/ On cheap shark by typing game name, you will get its listing on different online retailers, like Steam, EPIC, etc. so you can compare prices among them and pick the best deal. Site packs are also the cheapest ever feature so you can check the lowest price ever on the wished title and you can get alerts and notifications on prices.

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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0x80070017

Error Code 0x80070017- What is it?

Error Code 0x80070017 is an error code that is most often associated with Windows 10 installations, although it has also been encountered by users on previous versions of the Windows operating systems. It is usually encountered as users attempt to install a new version of the software on their machine.

Common symptoms include:

  • A vague error message regarding the inability of the system to copy over the necessary files pops up as users attempt to install a new version of the Windows operating system on their computer

While it can be hard to tell what the exact cause of Error Code 0x80070017 is on your specific device, the good news is that there are two primary methods that can be used to fix the problem and to allow you to proceed with your installation. These two methods do require some degree of technical knowledge and/or skill, so if you don’t feel like you have the ability to undertake them on your own, be sure to get in touch with a trusted computer repair professional to assist you.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The most basic cause of Error Code 0x80070017 is that some of the files that are needed by the system to complete the installation are either not being found by the computer or are believed to be corrupted by the system. When this happens, security features within the software prevent it from completing the installation process, so as to avoid damage to the computer. Error Code 0x80070017 can be disruptive to your installation process, but there are two basic methods that can be employed to resolve it.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While it can be frustrating to encounter Error Code 0x80070017 on your Windows machine, there are two methods that can be used to try to resolve the problem. One of these methods is extremely simple, even for the most basic users, while the second method takes a little bit more skill and technical knowledge. If you aren’t able to complete these methods on your own, be sure to get in touch with a qualified computer repair technician that can assist you. Here are the best ways to attempt to resolve Error Code 0x80070017 on your device:

Method One:  Clean Your Physical Disk

If you purchased a physical disk version of the installation files for your Windows operating system, remove the disk from your drive and clean it using a microfiber or other lint-free cleaning cloth. As you wipe down the disk, do not use any chemicals, and be sure to wipe gently from the center towards the outside edge rather than the other direction, as failure to do so can damage the disk irreparably.

In some cases, you may need to contact Windows support if you believe that there is an error on the disk itself, such as a scratch, that would prevent the disk from being used as needed in the installation process. They may be able to offer you a replacement disk or you may be able to download a digital copy of the version that you are attempting to install on your machine.

Method Two:  Use the Chkdsk Utility

To determine if there may be an error within the disk drive itself, place the installation disk into the drive and restart the system. Go through the prompts until you see the option to “repair your computer.” Choose the operating system that you are using, go into the menu for System Recovery, and type in the words “Chkdsk/r” to begin to use the tool.

Whenever you run a tool like Chkdsk on your computer, it is important to restart your machine afterward to ensure that any changes that have been made are able to be fully applied and accepted by the operating system that you are running.

Method Three: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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A Guide to Fixing Magcore.dll Error on Your PC

Magcore.dll Error - What is it?

Magcore.dll is a type of Dynamic Link Library. This file is associated with software developed by ArcSoft, a renowned multimedia application developer. Magcore.dll consists of small programs that help load and run software developed by ArcSoft on your system smoothly. This file virtually comes into function when you use certain audio and video features incorporated in ArcSoft programs for example ArcSoft Media converter. However, you may experience Magcore.dll error code on when this DLL file fails to run and load programs. The error may hamper your ability to access ArcSoft programs on your system and cause you a great deal of inconvenience. Magcore.dll error is often displayed in any one of the following formats:
“The file magcore.dll is missing” “MagCore.dll cannot be found” "Cannot find [PATH]magcore.dll" “This application has failed to start because MagCore.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix the error.”


Restoro box imageError Causes

This DLL file is known to be prone to errors. MagCore.dll error occurs due to several reasons such as:
  • Missing or damaged MagCore.dll file
  • Hardware failure
  • Viral infection
  • Registry issues
If you experience MagCore.dll error on your system, it is advisable to fix it right away. Though it is not fatal, but if you don’t repair it, you may not be able to access practically all ArcSoft programs on your PC.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the efficient and easy manual methods to resolve error MagCore.dll on your PC:

Method 1 - Scan and Remove Malware

MagCore.dll error can be triggered by viral or other malware infection. Malware can easily damage DLL files and masquerade as the MagCore.dll file. To resolve, simply download a powerful antivirus on your system. Run it to scan your entire PC for viruses and remove them right away.

Method 2 - Update the Drivers for Hardware Devices

As we mentioned above the error may be related to hardware failure too. In times like these, it is advisable to update the drivers for hardware devices. For example if you try to play a 3D video game and it fails to run showing you MagCore.dll error message, then simply try updating the drivers for your video card. Drivers can be updated in Windows by using a driver update wizard from within Device Manager.

Method 3 - Use System Restore to Undo Recent System Changes

After trying method 1 and 2, if the error code still persists, then it is opt for method 3. Use Windows System Restore utility to undo recent system changes and bring your PC to its normal previous condition before the error occurred. To restore, simply go to the start menu, type System Restore. Now click on System Restore and just pick a point in the past called a restore point to return important Windows files and settings.

Method 4 - Repair the Registry

If the underlying cause of the MagCore.dll error code is related to registry issues, then simply repair the registry. You can fix it manually but it is a little complicated and time-consuming. You may find it difficult if you are not a technical whiz. Nonetheless to resolve and repair it in seconds, download Restoro. This is a powerful and a user-friendly PC Fixer embedded with a registry cleaner and several other highly functional scanners. Run it to scan your entire PC for registry problems. The registry cleaner utility removes all bad and invalid entries, cleans up the registry space, and repairs the damaged files. Click here to download Restoro and repair MagCore.dll error code on your PC.
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Fix user account is not authorized
If you encounter an error message saying, “The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login” when you try to establish a remote connection, read on as this post will help you resolve the problem. This kind of error occurs when the targeted host does not allow you to access that system remotely. Based on the error, you are not authorized to log in remotely which means that you need to obtain the correct permission. There are several potential fixes you can try for this error. You can try to check the Remote Desktop Users group or add users to the Security group or check the Remote Desktop Service itself. Refer to the options provided below for more detailed instructions to fix the “The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login” error.

Option 1 – Try checking the Remote Desktop Users group

You can encounter this error when the Remote Desktop Users group does not have any permission for your user account that you are using to establish a remote connection. Thus, you need to make sure that your user account is a member of the Remote Desktop Users group. How? Refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard and then type “cmd” in the field and tap Enter or click OK to open Command Prompt.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type the “lusrmgr.msc” command and tap Enter to execute it.
  • Alternatively, you can also search for “lusrmgr.msc” in the Start Search and once you’ve opened it, select Users and then double click on your user name to open its Properties.
  • From there, switch from the “General” tab to the “Member Of” tab.
  • Next, if you can’t see any Remote Desktop Users group under the Administrator, you have to add it. To do that, just click on the Add button.
  • After that, on the newly opened window, click on the Advanced and Find Now buttons, respectively.
  • And in the Search results box, double click on Remote Desktop Users.
  • Now click on the OK button to save the changes made and check if you can now connect to a remote host or not.

Option 2 – Try to add a user to the Security group

You can actually block or allow a user from logging on through the Remote Desktop Services. However, if you do not have the right setting, you won’t be able to use this functionality. Thus, you need to confirm this setting. To do that, follow the steps below.
  • In the Start Search, type “secpol.msc” in the field and tap Enter to open the Local Security Policy panel.
  • From there, go to User Rights Assignment.
  • Next, look for a policy named “Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services” located on your right-hand side and then double click on it to open its Properties.
  • If you were not able to find the Remote Desktop Users under Administrator, then you have to add it by simply clicking on the Add User or Group button.
  • After that, enter “Remote Desktop Users” in the blank field and click the OK button to save the changes made.
  • Now restart your computer and try connecting again to the remote host.

Option 3 – Try checking the Remote Desktop Users group

There is a service that’s supposed to be running and needs to be set up correctly for you to connect to the remote host. And so you need to ensure that this service is up and running. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility.
  • Then type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Services Manager.
  • Next, look for the Remote Desktop Services and double click on it to open its Properties.
  • After that, go to the “Log On” tab and select the “This account” option and then click on the Browse button.
  • On the next screen that appears, look for the Advanced button and click on it and use the Find Now button to search.
  • You will see “NETWORK SERVICE”. Double click on it and then save the changes you’ve made to the settings.
  • Finally, restart your PC and see if the problem is now fixed.
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