
How to Fix Error Code 0x80070057

The Error Code 0x80070057 is rather typical with Win7.

Customers of Win7 maintain reporting that each moment they strive to install this Operating system, it shows this problem error.

Often, the total information that comes with this specific error is:

"Error Code 0x80070057: The parameter is wrong"

When this problem happens, you will end up struggling to move private documents from one person to another.


Restoro box imageError Causes

You could get the error message when you attempt installing Win7,

"An Internal Error has occurred. Incorrect parameters".

If this happens to you, realize that you are dealing with malfunction code 0x80070057. This error occurs mostly when you are trying to build a full backup of your Windows 7 OS.

The primary source of Error 0x80070057 is huge registry values.

Extensive registry values usually occur when you are trying to back up your Windows 7 OS. This means that you need to immediately create a bigger virtual memory space to avert the occurrence of the error.

Error Code 0x80070057 can be a result of incompatibility between the motherboard and some drivers.

Check whether the computer's motherboard and the installed drivers are compatible. If you can't do this effectively on your own, it might be a good idea to enlist the services of a qualified technician.

The Problem Signal 0x80070057 has a close Connection with RAID Installations

RAID installations have a tendency of sparking off the Error Code 0x80070057. If you experience this error while using RAID, first turn off the RAID setup and check whether that resolves the problem.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Error Code 0x80070057 is repairable. Thus, there's absolutely no cause for alarm when you see it with respect to your own Windows 7 Operating System. So what can you do to resolve it?

a) Increase Virtual Memory: This is perhaps the most common solution to Error Code 0x80070057. In most cases, simply raising the virtual memory especially on Windows 7 Operating-System completely eliminates the error. Moreover, you don't have to be technically advanced to effect the change. Simply follow these steps:-

  • Click the Start Button and visit Control Panel
  • Click System Security, and proceed to System.
  • Click the Advanced System Settings, subsequently proceed to the Advanced Level Tab.
  • Click Change, which can be under the Virtual Memory
  • Change the virtual memory value. For instance, you can customize entirely from 2000MB to 6000MB.
  • Click Set, then Ok. You are done

As with each additional change you make with respect to your Computer, you will have to conclude by re-booting it. This way you make certain that they'll stay as you've established them and apply the necessary modifications.

If the error still persists after attempting the preceding fix, download a registry-cleaning software. The software will clean up your disk and free up memory thus increasing the available virtual memory for your computer. This should solve your persistent Error Code 0x80070057.

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New Chrome update brings surveillance debate
Google Chrome 94 is here and it has introduced a controversial idle detection API. For those people that do not know what idle detection API is, well basically Chrome can be asked by a website to report when a user of the site has a site open and is idle on the device. The issue that people have with this is that this particular feature can be used to report when the user is not using a computer at all. chrome idle detection featureGood thing is that website or web application will prompt you to allow it to use this feature like when a site/application wants to use your microphone or web camera. Developers are on board with this feature since it can provide them with more telemetric data on how users are interacting with their website/application but there are some that are strongly voicing against this. Tantek Çelik, Mozilla Standards Lead, commented on GitHub, saying:
As it is currently specified, I consider the Idle Detection API too tempting of an opportunity for surveillance capitalism motivated websites to invade an aspect of the user’s physical privacy, keep long-term records of physical user behaviors, discerning daily rhythms (e.g. lunchtime), and using that for proactive psychological manipulation (e.g. hunger, emotion, choice)… Thus I propose labeling this API harmful and encourage further incubation, perhaps reconsidering simpler, less-invasive alternative approaches to solve the motivating use-cases.
Others who have spoken against this feature are people from the WebKit development team inside Apple. Ryosuke Niwa, an Apple software engineer who works on WebKit said:
That doesn’t seem like a strong enough use case for this API. For starters, there is no guarantee that the user won’t immediately come back to the device. Also, who is such a service supposed to know what another device user might be using at any given point? We’re definitely not going to let a website know all the devices a given user might be using at any given point. That’s a very serious breach of the said user’s privacy. It seems to me that such a suppression/distribution mechanism is best left for the underlying operating systems/web browsers to handle.
Of course, technology itself as always can be used for good or for bad and time will tell if this feature has brought good stuff or it has paved another brick in surveillance and privacy manipulation. As said for now option will prompt for agreement and let's hope that it will be used for good causes from this day into the future.
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What Is Phishing And How Can You Protect Yourself From It?

Ever gotten an e-mail offer that seemed just a little bit too good to be true? Might’ve been a phishing attempt! These are everywhere and can come in many different forms. 

So what’s phishing exactly, how can you detect it and how can you keep safe?

What is phishing?

Phishing (pronounced like fishing) is a type of cyberattack that tricks the user into trusting the source and revealing sensitive information. Fishing being the perfect analogy, the bait is a legitimate-looking site, e-mail or file and when you take a bite, your identity, banking information and much more can be revealed and stolen.

Phishing Illustration
Credit: Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Some phishing attempts are incredibly obvious, others are super elaborate. Like with most types of malware, cybercriminals have become extremely well-versed in phishing and anyone can fall for it. To help you recognize and avoid it, we’ll take you through a couple of phishing types and give you tips on what to do if faced with them.

Phishing techniques

E-mail phishing

This is actually the most common type of phishing. A cybercriminal creates an e-mail containing stuff like attractive offers, legitimate-looking attachments or links and makes it appear as though it’s coming from a trusted source.

Illustration of Email Phishing
Credit: Justin Morgan on Unsplash

For example, it looks like it’s coming from your bank or your favorite retailer. The logo looks legit and the structure of the e-mail seems familiar, so you might get tricked into clicking on whatever clickable content is in it.

Unfortunately this exposes your device to malware that hands your data off to the hacker, who can decide what to do with it further.

SMS and social media phishing

Like the above example, you could be approached with lucrative offers or links via text messages or social media messages. Typically, the messages seem relevant to the user as they will be made to look like they’re related to apps or services you’re using.

Voice phishing

Voice phishing attacks are schemes that appear as though they’re coming from a credible number. Normally, you’ll get a call about something related to credit cards or taxes to get you into a state of worry, leading you to disclose personal information on the phone.

Spear phishing, whaling and BEC

Spear phishing normally targets specific individuals within a company who are likely to have access to sensitive data. Spear phishers spend time collecting information they can use to reach out to the individual looking as trustworthy as possible. They’ll typically lead with something relevant, for example mentioning an upcoming company event, and make a seemingly legitimate request.

Whaling is a more elaborate form of spear phishing, which targets people in even stronger positions such as executives or high-value individuals. The ultimate goal is to get them to transfer financial or other sensitive information that can be used to compromise the entire business.

Spear Phishing Illustration
Credit: Azamat E on Unsplash

BEC, or Business e-mail compromise, is a specific spear phishing technique carried out via e-mail. While there are many ways this is done, most commonly you’ll see instances where the phisher poses as a CEO or similar executive, or as a lower-level employee in specific positions (e.g. sales managers or financial controllers).

In the first situation, the impersonator reaches out to employees requesting them to transfer certain files or pay invoices. In the second situation, the phisher takes control of the employee’s e-mail account and sends false instructions to other employees in order to obtain data and information from them.

What can you do?

There are many ways you can be aware and spot a phishing attempt. Here are some tips:

  • Always check the sender’s address in your e-mails, even when they seem to come from a familiar source.
  • In any instance where payment information is requested, be very, very careful.
  • If you are receiving attachments you never asked for and definitely didn’t expect, better not click on them. 
  • Beware of content that transmits a sense of urgency (sales deals, urgent updates to login credentials, etc.).
  • Bad spelling and grammar are usually a telltale sign of phishing.
  • Links that look shortened (e.g. Bit.ly) or just suspicious in general - if you have a bad feeling, do not click on them.
  • If you are receiving threats, you probably shouldn’t be clicking on anything in that message.
  • Always examine first-time senders in detail.
  • Block suspicious e-mail addresses, numbers and social media accounts.
  • If you are receiving a coupon for free stuff… You aren’t.
  • If you’re being asked to update your payment details by a service you use, such as Netflix, chances are it’s an impersonator.

Those are some of the ways to identify and prevent phishing attacks. However, sometimes phishers disguise themselves a little too well or a misclick happens and there you go - you’ve been exposed to malware.

Illustration of a Lock on Keyboard Keys
Credit: FLY:D on Unsplash

This won’t happen if you invest in powerful protection software from the get-go, though. A good antivirus program like Bitdefender will keep you safe from becoming a victim of phishing scams. In fact, it will protect you from malicious attacks overall.

Be it your household or your business you’re concerned about, there are a bunch of different packages and options available, providing different kinds of cybersecurity services. That’s the only way you can ever really be sure you aren’t at risk of a digital attack.


Have you ever been targeted by phishers and didn’t know that’s what it was until you read this article? Many can relate. Protect yourself before it’s too late!

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Make AI images on your local PC

Stable Diffusion is a machine learning model developed by Stability AI to generate digital images from natural language descriptions. The model can be used for different tasks like generating image-to-image translations guided by text prompts and upscaling images.

Unlike competing models like DALL-E, Stable Diffusion is open source and does not artificially limit the images it produces. Stable diffusion was trained on a subset of the LAION-Aesthetics V2 data set. It can run on most consumer hardware equipped with a modest GPU and was hailed by PC World as "the next killer app for your PC".

stable diffusion

Since Stable Diffusion is run locally and not in the cloud, as mentioned there is no limit to the number of images that you can produce but in order to use it you will have to get down a little dirty with setting your PC environment for it since it is not really an application, it is a command line text based descriptor that will use python to generate your images, so there is no install nor GUI.

In this guide, we will show you how to both install and run Stable Diffusion on your local PC so you can start producing some cool images all by yourself.

Hardware and software requirements

Make no mistake, Stable Diffusion will not run on a potato PC, in order to harvest the power of AI-generated imagery this is what you will need:

  • A GPU with at least 4GB of VRAM
  • 10GB of hard disk space
  • Python and libraries (Miniconda3 installer will install everything you need)
  • The Stable Diffusion files
  • Git
  • Any OS (Windows, Linux, macOS)

Installing components

For this tutorial, we are covering the installation and running of Stable Diffusion on Windows PC. The steps presented here are presented in a way that installation can be performed on any operating system but precise instructions will be for Windows OS.


The first thing to do is to install GIT. It is a tool that will let you easily maintain and install repos from the internet. to install it go to: https://git-scm.com/ and click on download. Follow the instructions for your version of the operating system. If you are a developer you are familiar with GIT and if you already have it installed you can skip this step.

One thing that is important when installing GIT locally is to select to use it via the command line (the second option that says "Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software").


Now when we have GIT installed, next thing is to use Miniconda3 to install python and all required libraries that are needed. Get the installer at: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html

Miniconda3 is basically an easy installer so you do not have to install tons of stuff manually from different websites and sources, it is nicely packaged in the installer that will take care of everything.

Stable Diffusion

After the previous two steps, we are ready now to actually install Stable Diffusion. Go to https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion#model-access and install the latest library (as of the writing of this article currently it is stable-diffusion-v1-4-original, the last one on the right), the library is almost 5GB in size so be prepared for big download.

After installing stable diffusion's latest library it is time to update it to the newest version. You can download ZIP from GIT HUB https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion

Once downloaded click on the Windows start button and type in Miniconda3 and click on open. Create a folder and name it how you want on a drive of your choice. For this example, we will install it all in disk C under folder AI_art, follow the instructions below but use your own names and destination instead. Do not close Minicoda3 after typing commands!!!

cd c:/
mkdir AI_art
cd AI_art 

Extract GitHub files that you have downloaded into your new folder and get back to Minicoda3 and type the next commands:

cd C:\AI_art\stable-diffusion-main
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate ldm
mkdir models\ldm\stable-diffusion-v1

Let the whole process finish, some files are large and it might take a while. After the whole process is finished and completed, copy the checkpoint file that you have downloaded into: C:\AI_art\stable-diffusion-main\models\ldm\stable-diffusion-v1

After the file is copied rename it to model.ckpt and you are finished.

Running Stable Diffusion

The created environment is needed in order to actually use Stable Diffusion to create images. Each time you want to use it you will have to run it, so go into Miniconda3, and inside it type:

conda activate ldm
cd C:\AI_art\stable-diffusion-main

after we are inside the folder call the script with the parameters:

python scripts/txt2img.py --prompt "TXT DESCRIPTION OF IMAGE THAT YOU WANT TO CREATE" --plms --n_iter 5 --n_samples 1

and that's it, your image is created and it is located in C:\AI_art\stable-diffusion-main\outputs\txt2img-samples\samples

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A Quick Guide to Resolving Error 1713

Error 1713 - What is it?

If you use Microsoft-developed programs, then you might experience this error code on your PC. It indicates programming limitations. This error, Error 1713 may pop up during the installation of 2007 or 2010 Microsoft Office Suite. The error message appears in the format stated below:
“Error 1713: Microsoft Office has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”
Common symptoms for error 1713 include system crashes, system freeze and sometimes you may feel your Windows running sluggishly.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error 1713 may be triggered due to many reasons. However, common causes for this error occurrence include:
  • Corrupt Microsoft Office Software
  • Corrupt Windows Registry
  • Malware
  • Deleted Microsoft Office Related Files

Further Information and Manual Repair

No matter, what the cause of this error is, it is advisable to resolve it immediately without any delays. This error may pose serious threats to your PC is not repaired timely and also cause you a great deal of inconvenience limiting you from using Microsoft software programs. Here are some of the best and easy DIY methods that you can try to resolve this issue. To work around these methods you don’t have to be a technical whiz or a computer programmer. Let’s get started:

Method 1 - Use System Restore to Undo Changes Made Recently

During any program deletion, you may have accidentally deleted Microsoft related files because of which you may be experiencing error 1713 on your PC. In such an event, the best way to resolve is to undo recent system changes. To do this, use Windows System Restore Utility. This is inbuilt in Windows. To access System Restore Utility, simply press start and type System Restore in the search box and press enter. Now follow the steps in the Wizard to choose a restore point. Once you select, reboot your PC to activate changes.

Method 2 - Update Drivers

One of the many causes of error 1713 is hardware failure. Hardware failure indicates driver issues. To resolve the problem it is advisable to delete the outdated drivers and update new versions on your PC.

Method 3 - Scan for Malware

Malware can also trigger such error codes on your system and corrupt important files. Therefore remove malware immediately from your PC by running an antivirus. Antivirus will detect and delete all malicious programs in no time.

Method 4 - Repair the Registry

Broken entries, junk files, and invalid registry keys corrupt the registry thereby generating error codes. To resolve you first need to clean the registry and repair it. For this download Restoro. It is a PC Fixer deployed with a registry cleaner. The registry cleaner removes all bad entries stored in the registry, cleans it and repairs the damaged files in just a few clicks. Click here to download Restoro.
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How to Resolve Error Code 0x800704c7 in Windows 8

Error Code 0x800704c7 – What is it?

Error code 0x800704c7 occurs when Windows users attempt but fail to update their system. It affects various Windows users including those using Windows 8 and 8.1. This error code has common symptoms such as the following:

  • Inability to upgrade your Windows operating system
  • Message box that includes error code 0x800704c7 message


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error code 0x800704c7 in Windows 8 often occurs due to a poorly maintained system. It can occur when system files become corrupted or missing. It may also occur when malware infects your system. To resolve this error code, Windows users will need to select at least one of the manual repair methods listed below and follow the instructions given.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Manual repair methods enable users to address the underlying issues causing error code 0x800704c7. These repair methods are not very technical. However, you may need to get help from an IT professional if you find them to be difficult or if your attempts to implement these instructions fail to fix the error code.

Method One: Scan Your System for Missing or Corrupt System Files

The System File Checker Tool (SFC) enables Windows users to check their system for missing or corrupt system files. This utility tool is present on all Windows 8 systems and even other versions of the Windows operating system. Run this tool by following the steps below:

  • Step one: Go to Start and type Command Prompt or CMD.
  • Step two: Run as Administrator
  • Step three: Type sfc /scannow.

After running these procedures, check if the error code has been resolved by reattempting to update your system. If you are unable to complete the process and the error message reoccurs, try the next manual repair method below.

Method two: Use Powerful Antimalware Tool

Various forms of malware, including viruses, can infect your system, causing error codes to occur or even more serious problems. That’s why you’ll need to ensure you have a powerful antimalware program installed on your device. Once this is present on your system, start scanning for viruses, worms, and Trojan horses so as to resolve error code 0x800704c7 in Windows 8.

If the issue causing error code 0x800704c7 on your device is a virus or worm, cleaning your system with a powerful antimalware program will successfully resolve the error code. However, if the error code remains unresolved after completing this manual repair method, proceed to the next method below.

Method three: Restore your System

System Restore is a simple method that users can implement to resolve error code 0x800704c7. This enables users to restore their system to a period of time in which their device was not affected by the error code. If done correctly, it can enable users to successfully complete the update process. Follow the steps below.

  • Step one: Click the Start button and type Control Panel in the search box
  • Step two: Select Control Panel, then Recovery
  • Step three: Select System Restore, then Next
  • Step four: Select a restore point before appeared on your Windows8 system
  • Step five: Select Next, then Finish

Method Four: Use an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 8 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
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A Guide to Fixing Error Code 80070490

Error Code 80070490 - What is it?

This error 80070490 code may occur when you try to update your PC either through the Microsoft Update website or with a Windows update. The error message is displayed in the following format:
Error 80070490 (Element not found)


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error Code 80070490 is triggered because of a couple of reasons. It indicates the file CBS Manifest that is needed to install Windows update is corrupt or damaged. CBS (Component Based Servicing) Manifest is the file that is used to help your computer recognize various components inside your PC. Another reason for error occurrence is registry corruption. If the registry that stores all the information and activities performed is not cleaned frequently, the obsolete files saved in the registry like the junk files, bad entries and cookies eventually accumulate and corrupt it thereby generating such error codes.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some effective and proven methods that you can try by yourself to resolve error code 80070490 on your PC.

Method 1 - Use the System Update Readiness Tool

Download the System Update Readiness Tool from the Windows website and run it on your PC. This tool is designed to detect and scan for abnormalities and inconsistencies that could be preventing and causing problems during the system update. Once you have downloaded and scanned your PC, try to install the updates again. If the error still persists, try other methods illustrated below.

Method 2 - Repair Windows

Here are the steps that you need to follow to repair Windows:
  • First, close all programs and then reboot your PC. Insert the Windows DVD into the computer’s disk drive and wait for the setup to begin.
  • If for any reason, the setup doesn’t start automatically, then don’t worry simply click start, then type Drive: setup.exe in the search box. Please note, in the drive insert the letter of your computer’s DVD drive for example D:setup.exe.
  • Now in the programs list, click setup.exe  And then click install now.
  • After that click ‘go online to obtain the latest updates for installation’, if you are asked for the Windows Product Key, then simply type it to proceed.
  • In the ‘Which kind of Installation do you want?’ option, click Upgrade.
When the Windows installation is complete, restart your PC and then run Windows update.

Method 3 - Clean the Registry

If the cause of error code 80070490 on your PC is related to registry corruption, then it is advisable to download Restoro. This is an advanced and easy-to-use PC Repair Tool embedded with a registry cleaner. The registry cleaner scans your entire PC, removes all obsolete and unnecessary files corrupting the registry, and cleans it right away. Click here to download Restoro to repair error code 80070490
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How to fix windows 10 error code 0x80073712
Windows 10 has displayed one of the most efficient and user-friendly interfaces. However there have been many issues on the backend of this commonly praised operating system: For example, Windows Update is still a wonky and error-laded system application. One example of this error is Windows Update Error 0x80073712 which stands in the way of users just wanting to keep their PCs updated hassle-free. The error code 0x80073712 signifies that a file needed by Windows Update to function is either damaged, missing, or corrupted. However, this does not mean that your Windows version will forever stay as-is with no mode to update it. Windows Update Error 0x80073712 is perfectly fixable with the set of provided steps below and some of Windows’ built-in troubleshooting steps:

Solution 1: Open Windows Update Troubleshooter

  1. Open the Windows Update Troubleshooter by pressing the Windows and S keys simultaneously.
  2. Enter the word “Troubleshoot” in the search box and select the Troubleshoot result
  3. On the new window, select “Windows Update” to troubleshoot.
  4. Run the troubleshooter, then open Windows Update and try to install the update again.

Solution 2: Run the DISM tool

  1. Open the command prompt by pressing Windows and S keys simultaneously
  2. Enter “cmd” in the search box. Right Click command prompt among the results and select “Run as administrator”
  3. In the Command Prompt window type the following and press the Enter key after every command
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  1. To close the Administrator: Command prompt window, type Exit, and then press Enter.
  2. Run Windows Update again.

Solution 3: Rename the Software Distribution folder

  1. Open the command prompt as previously mentioned
  2. Input the following command pressing Enter after every line net stop wuauserv net stop cryptSvc net stop bits net stop msiserver rename c:/windows/SoftwareDistribution/softwaredistribution.old net start wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver exit
  3. Restart the PC and run the updater if it works again.

Solution 4: Restart Windows Update Services

  1. Press the Windows logo key and R together to open Run -> Input services.msc -> and press Enter
  2. Search for the Windows Update service -> Check its status
  3. If it is not indicated, right-click on the service and select Start to force start your Windows Update
  4. If you see an error, locate the Startup Type option and set it to Automatic
  5. Now you should reboot your computer and see if your Windows Update is OK

Solution 5: Fix Registry Issues

If after all the aforementioned solutions, you still experience problems with Windows Update, the problem may lie in the registry that is either damaged or corrupted. You may choose to do manual editing of your Windows registry by opening your Windows registry editor. But doing so is risky as one wrong letter may do incalculable damage to your system. To do so safely for more inexperienced users we recommend using a third-party registry cleaner/tools, many of which can be found online.
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Fix missing files in Recycle bin
Have you ever deleted a file by mistake? Do not feel bad, we all have, but what if you deleted the file by mistake and then you went to Recycle bin to restore it only to find out that the bin is empty? If you experienced this kind of issue then you know how unpleasant and frustrating it is but do not worry, we are here to help and provide you with solutions to this problem and hopefully get your file back. Follow the next steps from first to last since they are organized in a way to minimalize the permanent deletion of lost files.
  1. Refresh Recycle bin view

    If you spend any amount of time on this site reading through articles, you know I am a big fan of simple and effective solutions and there is nothing simpler than a single press of a button. Open your recycle bin and press F5 to refresh view or right-click anywhere inside and choose refresh. If your file does not appear with this method go to the next step.
  2. Set Windows to show hidden system files

    In order for this to work first, you will need to open File Explorer by pressing ⊞ WINDOWS + E Keyboard with windows and e markedWhen File Explorer opens go to VIEW > OPTIONS. Inside options select “Show hidden files, folders, and drives”, uncheck “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”, and click APPLY > OK Go to the recycle bin and check to see if files have managed to show up.
  3. Check if Don't move the file to the recycle bin is enabled

    Right-click on recycle bin and choose properties, under properties, there is the option that says Don’t move files to the Recycle Bin, Remove files immediately when deleted. This option is not selected by default, but it could be turned on by someone else or by mistake. If you see that this option is enabled sadly your file is gone and you will have to get the file back by using some third-party undelete application, uncheck this option to prevent future deletion of files by mistake.
  4. Increase recycle bin size

    This will not help you to get your file back sadly but it will help you in storing more files in recycle bin. This is helpful since if you reach your recycle bin limit all further files will be permanently deleted and not been able to get them back. So by increasing bin size you will have more space for deleted files to be saved. To do that, right-click on Recycle Bin, select Properties. Now, increase the Maximum size from the Custom size option, and click Apply and OK.
  5. Reset recycle bin

    To reset and fix corrupted recycle bin do the following: Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret Windows menu and click on command prompt (admin) keyboard with windows and x markedIn the command prompt type in the following: rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.bin Reboot your system
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A Quick Guide to Resolving the Runtime Error R6025

What is the Runtime Error R6025?

The runtime error R6025 can be quite annoying for PC users as it pops up randomly anytime. It is a type of runtime error but typically associated with C++ programming. The error is displayed in the following format:

‘Runtime Error! Program: C:…R6025-Pure Virtual Function Call’


Restoro box imageError Causes

The runtime error R6025 is triggered due to the following reasons:
  • Runtime components of Visual C++ libraries are missing
  • Microsoft.NET framework damaged
  • Registry corrupted with bad files and data overload
  • Virus and malware invasion

Further Information and Manual Repair

Try the solutions given below to repair the runtime error R6025 on your system:

Cause: Microsoft.NET framework damaged

Solution: If this is the underlying cause of the error, then it is advisable to reinstall and repair the Microsoft.NET framework on your PC. To reinstall this framework, go to the start menu, click control panel, programs and then click ‘Turn Windows features on or off’. Here you might be promoted for an administrator password. Insert the password to proceed. Now locate Microsoft.NET framework 3.5.1 and uncheck this box, press OK and then reboot your system. After that open ‘Turn Windows features on or off’ and check the Microsoft.NET framework 3.5.1 and then restart your PC. This will hopefully resolve the error.

Cause: Runtime components of Visual C++ libraries are missing

Solution: If runtime components of Visual C++ libraries are missing, then you will have to download and install these from different websites. This can be time-consuming and slightly complicated for you if you are not technically sound.

Cause: Malware Attack

Solution: If the runtime error R6025 is triggered due to a malware attack, then you will have to install and run a powerful antivirus on your PC. This will help detect and remove such malicious software affecting your system.

Cause: Registry Issues

Solution: If registry corruption is the underlying cause of the runtime error R6025 on your PC, then you need to clean up the registry and repair it. The best way to clean and repair the registry is to download Restoro. Restoro is an advanced PC repair tool integrated with powerful and highly functional utilities all in one. Utilities include a registry cleaner and a system optimizer. It has easy navigation, a user-friendly interface, and is compatible with all Windows versions. Users of all levels can operate it to resolve all kinds of PC errors including the runtime error R6025. The registry cleaner utility wipes out all the unnecessary, malicious, obsolete files and invalid entries overloading the RAM. It frees up the disk space, repairs the damaged files and the registry. Furthermore, Restoro also functions as a system optimizer. It detects system instability issues and resolves them while boosting the speed of your PC. To resolve the runtime Error R6025 on your system in seconds click here to download Restoro PC repair tool now!
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Microsoft vs Google & Facebook
microsoft hqMicrosoft wants to escalate the situation from Australia to the EU, what a surprise. Hello all and welcome to another news article, this time we are focusing on Microsoft pushing the EU to accept law proposition from Australia. For all of you who are not familiar with the given situation let me quickly explain. The feud began when the Australian government proposed a new law that targeted Facebook and Google specifically. The government said that it believed that both of the tech giants were using content from news outlets without paying. Have you ever seen the little news snippets that Google or Facebook sometimes show its users to keep them up to date? These are lifted directly from news websites, and the Australian government claimed that this practice meant that people didn't bother visiting the news website. This then staved news websites of revenue. As such, the government put forward a new law that would mean Google and Facebook would have to pay the source website for every time they displayed a news snippet. Facebook responded by removing its Australian news coverage in light of the law. Google, however, put up a fight. It argued that its snippets encouraged people to click on it to read more, thus driving more traffic to the news website. It also said that such a law would be too expensive to maintain in the long run. As such, Google threatened to remove itself from Australia if the law passed. This was likely a scare tactic, as 95 percent of Australian web users use Google; however, it actually opened the door for its rival, Microsoft. Microsoft saw how it could push its own search engine BING to replace google. It of course went and reached the Australian government to assure them that BING is more than capable to fulfill its needs and fully abide by the proposed law. Now Microsoft knows that if this law passes it could see a similar situation happening in Europe and it is pushing it. US News reported on how Microsoft plans to encourage EU countries to adopt this new law too. The company has teamed up with the European Publishers Council and News Media Europe to make the following statement: Publishers might not have the economic strength to negotiate fair and balanced agreements with these gatekeeper tech companies, who might otherwise threaten to walk away from negotiations or exit markets entirely
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