
A Quick Guide to Fixing Connapi.dll Error Code

Connapi.dll Error Code - What is it?

Connapi.dll is a type of dynamic link library file. This file contains small programs like any other DLL file and is called to load certain programs on your PC. The Connapi.dll error message occurs either when using or installing programs.

This error message is displayed in either of the following messages:

“Connapi.dll Not Found"

"This application failed to start because connapi.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

"The file connapi.dll is missing."

"Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: connapi.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again."

"Cannot find [PATH]connapi.dll"


Restoro box imageError Causes

Connapi.dll error may occur due to numerous reasons on your PC. The most common causes include:

  • Missing Connapi.dll file
  • Corruption of the Connapi.dll file
  • Driver Issues
  • Viral Infection
  • Registry Issues such as bad and invalid entries

This error may hamper your ability to access your desired programs causing you a great deal of inconvenience. And if the underlying cause of the error is related to the registry, then your computer can be at serious risks like system failure and crash.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve Connapi.dll error code on your PC, here is a list of solutions. These are easy, very simple to perform, deliver the best results, and more importantly require no technical expertise.

Solution 1: Check your Recycle Bin - You May Have Deleted the File Accidentally

As dll files are shared files, it is possible that you accidentally deleted the Connapi.dll file while uninstalling a program from your system. In such a situation, go to the recycle bin and look for the file.

If you find the missing Connapi.dll file, simply restore it and then try running your desired program again. If the program runs, then the error is resolved. However, if it still persists, then try other solutions given below.

Solution 2: Update the Drivers

Try updating drivers for hardware devices on the system. To do this, go to the start menu and then Control Panel. Double click on Add or Remove programs icon.

Now select incompatible drivers and remove them. After that, restart your PC to activate changes. Now go to the manufacturers’ website to download new drivers and install them on your PC.

Solution3: Scan for Viruses

Another solution is to scan for viruses and malware. Sometimes these can also damage and corrupt dll files on your system. To perform a scan, simply download a powerful antivirus program and run it.

Solution 4: Clean and Restore the Registry

If the error code is still there, then this means the problem is triggered by the registry issues. To resolve it you must clean the registry and remove all the unnecessary and obsolete files like junk files, internet history, temporary files, and cookies.

The best way to clean these files instantly is to install Restoro. This is an advanced, cutting-edge, and multi-functional PC Fixer. It has a user-friendly interface and is integrated with powerful utilities like a registry cleaner, anti-virus, and a system optimizer. It is compatible with all Windows versions.

The registry cleaning feature scans your entire PC in seconds and detects all the registry issues. It removes all the bad registry entries and unnecessary files. Simultaneously, it also fixes the system files and dll files like Connapi.dll.

The anti-virus utility removes all types of malicious software on your system while the system optimizer utility ensures your system performs at its optimum speed.

To resolve Connapi.dll error, click here to download Restoro.

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Media Player cannot burn some of the files
If you encounter an error while trying to burn files to a CD or disk on your Windows 10 computer, stating, “Windows Media Player cannot burn some of the files”, read on as this post will guide you in fixing the error. Here’s the complete error message:
“Windows Media Player cannot burn some of the files. To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the files in the burn list.”
As you know, the Windows Media Player helps you burn songs or audio files to CD or disk but it does not always end up successfully as you could encounter some setbacks such as this particular error. Usually, this kind of issue occurs if an audio file does not comply with some restrictions so the Windows Media Player pops up this error instead. You can encounter this error message if:
  • You include a file that’s not an audio file.
  • If the total time limit exceeds 80 minutes (even though a CD has 700 MB storage capacity, you can’t burn audio of more than 80 minutes long)
To resolve the error, you have to remove the unsupported files from the burning list, change the burning speed or execute some tweaks in the Privacy settings. For more details, refer to the instructions provided below.

Option 1 – Get rid of the unsupported files from the burning list

You must get rid of the unsupported files from the list of files to burn. This list can be found on the right-hand side of the Windows Media Player. One of the indications that a file is causing problems is when there is a white cross in a red circle next to the file. You can simply click on that icon to remove the file from the burning list. Once you’ve gotten rid of all the unsupported files, try to burn your files to the CD or disk once more.

Option 2 – Try to modify the Privacy settings

In case you don’t know, the Windows Media Player comes with privacy settings that help you in various situations. However, on rare occasions, those settings could also trigger errors and this might be the one that’s causing the “Windows Media Player cannot burn some of the files” to pop up. Thus, you can try disabling these options to resolve the error. How? Refer to these steps:
  • Open the Windows Media Player.
  • Then go to Tools > Options. If you aren’t able to find the Tools menu, just tap the Ctrl + M keys. On the other hand, you can also tap the Alt key to display the menu options.
  • Once you’ve opened the Options window, go to the Privacy tab where you can the “Enhanced Playback and Device Experience” section.
  • In this section, you can find the following options. Make sure to disable them all.
    • Display media information from the Internet
    • Update music files by retrieving media info from the Internet
    • Download usage rights automatically when I play or sync a file
    • Automatically check if protected files need to be refreshed
    • Set clock on devices automatically
  • After you disable the options listed above, click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made and then try to burn the files again.

Option 3 – Try to change the burning speed

Since the burning speed is set to fastest by default, you can try to change the burning speed to resolve the problem. All you have to do is open the Options window and then go to the Burn tab. From there, select either Medium or Slow burning speed and save the changes made. Now try to burn your files to the CD or disk once again.
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How to turn off check boxes in File Explorer
By default inside Windows 11 in File Explorer, once the file is selected, the small check box will appear beside it on left indicating visually that the file is selected. Older users will remember this feature from old Windows Vista and the feature itself is great if you are on some sort of touch device and need to select multiple files. windows 11 File ExplorerHowever, if you are working on a computer with a keyboard and mouse this feature might annoy you and seem like something that is not needed. Like many things inside Windows 11 this feature also can be customized and turned OFF if you do not want it. In this guide, we will see how to turn these boxes off. Microsoft has somewhat hidden this feature but luckily it is not difficult to find it if you know where to look.

Turning check boxes OFF

  1. Open File Explorer (if you do not have an icon on your Taskbar, right-click on the Start button and select File Explorer from the menu)
  2. Click on View on the top toolbar
  3. Select Show
  4. Uncheck Item Check Boxes
That is everything that needs to be done, after the checkbox is unchecked all check boxes from File Explorer will disappear. If you wish to turn boxes back ON, just follow the steps and check the box beside Item Check Boxes.
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How to Fix Error 1321 on Your PC

Error 1321 - What is it?

Error 1321 is a Windows PC error. This occurs when you try to install a Microsoft Office suite or program on your PC. The set-up program stops responding and the error message is displayed on the computer screen in the following format:
‘Error 1321. Setup cannot modify the file file_name. Verify that the file exists in your system and that you have sufficient permissions to update it.’
When this error occurs you cannot roll back the installation of the Office Suite or use the Add/Remove program option to remove the installed program.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Common causes of the occurrence of error 1321 are:
  • Encrypt contents to secure data settings are enabled on the folder in which you are trying to install the Office suite/ program.
  • PC infected by viruses
  • Bad Registry Entries

Further Information and Manual Repair

The good news is that this error code is not fatal and besides it is also easy to resolve. Here are some easy do it yourself methods for you to repair this error on your system in a few minutes:

Method 1: Disable Encrypt Contents to Secure Data

To resolve this error code, make sure the encrypted contents to secure data settings are not enabled. To do so, simply right-click the folder in which you want to install the MS Office Suite or program. Now click properties and then the General tab. Now go to the Advanced option. In the Advanced Attributes dialog box, make sure that the Encrypt contents to secure data check box under Compress or Encrypt Attributes is disabled. If it is not then un-check to disable.

Method 2: Remove Viruses

Viral infection can also trigger error 1321. If this is the reason, then simply install and run a powerful antivirus on your system. An antivirus detects all types of malicious viruses such as malware, adware, spyware, and Trojans. Remove them to resolve the issue.

Method 3: Download Restoro.

If the issue is related to bad registry entries, then it is advisable to download Restoro on your PC. This is a user-friendly and powerful PC Fixer deployed with a registry cleaner. The registry cleaner scans your entire PC and wipes away all the bad entries cluttering and damaging the registry in seconds. Click here to download Restoro and resolve error code 1321 today.
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Signs of a dying graphic card
Can graphic cards wear out over a longer period of time? Recent studies and experience from crypto miners say no but they can die due to different reasons like improper use, low cleaning habits, factory mistakes, etc. Many gamers and people who use GPU intense applications tend to think that some glitches and hiccups in the software are a sign that graphic card is dying out and that it is time to be replaced. Altho this could be true in many cases these kinds of behavior are mostly due to old drivers and software issues. Older cards can produce these kinds of results due to their old age and new software is often more demanding than these cards can handle. So in order to diagnose and be sure that your GPU is indeed dying out lookout for these signs.

The Main Signs of a Dying GPU:

The Computer Crashes and Won’t Reboot

If your computer shutdown while working in the graphic application or while playing the game and the monitor loses signal there is a high chance the graphic card is soon going to be gone. Some motherboards have hardware detection failure and can signal immediate fail. If when turning your computer ON you are greeted with a blue screen with the message that the signal can not be found or you do not have picture at all it is most likely that GPU has failed.

Graphic Glitches While Playing Games

If you are playing the game and all of sudden you get off-color pixels, screen flickering, strange graphic behaviors, random artifacts, or similar and that keeps repeating in multiple games it is likely that GPU days are coming to an end.

Abnormal Fan Noise or Performance

Fans are an essential part of cooling the GPU and over time if they are intensively used they could wear out and need replacing. If however you have not noticed and have not replaced the fans card can sustain overheating damage. Many cards have cooling fans that are designed to spin at a higher RPM only when the GPU is under load. It prevents bearings in the fans from dying prematurely, so don’t worry if one of your fans is inactive while you are browsing the web. However, when you play games that utilize software that your card isn’t built to support, the bearings in the fans wear out faster. Once the fans stop working under load, the graphics card can quickly die.

How to Diagnose a Dying Graphics Card

Presented next are essential steps in order to recognize a dying graphic card.

Check Motherboard Error Codes

Many motherboards today completely shut down a component that is no longer working. If your graphics card has died completely, this may be one of the easiest ways to tell. If your motherboard doesn’t have display codes, you can try testing the card in a new system.
  • Open the computer case: Use your screwdriver to remove screws on the side panel and gently slide it back.
  • Locate the error code display on your motherboard: If you have a motherboard with error codes, they should appear near an outer corner.
  • Try to reboot your computer: Record each error number you see after you boot your computer.
  • Consult the motherboard manufacturer manual for error codes: Open the manual and locate the list for your error codes. If the code matches a graphics processing unit error, your video card could have died.

Check Hardware for Damage or Debris

A graphics card that has damage or debris on the physical parts might quickly overheat and kill the card.
  • Remove the screws holding the GPU in place: There are typically one or two screws holding the card to a bracket on the case.
  • Unhook the power cords from the GPU and pull the release tab: Remove the power cords from your GPU by pushing in their tabs and gently rocking them out. Once you remove each cord, gently push or pull up on the release tab near the motherboard.
  • Inspect the GPU for damage/debris: Check the card for any dirt or debris buildup and clean it out with a Q-tip. You can replace broken fan pieces from the manufacturer.

Test Your GPU Under Load

Download GPU stress-testing and heat-monitoring software.
  • With the card installed, run a stress test.
  • As you are running the stress test, run heat-monitoring software: With the stress test running, check your heat-monitoring software for GPU overheating. Any reading over 80 degrees Celsius is too hot.
  • Check device manager for outdated drivers: If your GPU is clean, but still running too hot, your software drivers are not installed correctly. To check, type in “device manager” at the bottom of your desktop and click on Device Manager. Find your display adapter and right-click on it to see if it’s working. If your drivers are not working correctly, it is indicated here usually. However, the driver may appear to be functioning even if it says otherwise in the properties.

Keep your graphic card drivers updated

When you don’t have the right driver installed, graphics cards can quickly burn up, and their cooling components may fail faster. That’s why you should always keep drivers updated for each new game you install or play. Older games may also release new software patches, so your GPU drivers should be updated accordingly.
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Should you use the Faraday bag

Faraday bag is a new take on security and privacy for people using a lot of electronic devices and credit cards. So what is exactly a Faraday bag?

faraday bag

Faraday bag explained

Faraday bag is designed in the same manner as the Faraday cage which was invented by Michael Faraday, who was an English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main discoveries include the principles underlying electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and electrolysis.

The idea of the Faraday cage is that anything inside a cage that is made of specific grid size is completely isolated from outside current and magnetic fields since the cage itself will pick up everything upon itself. This means that for example, a human could be inside a cage that is struck by lightning and be perfectly safe and fine.

This idea led to the Faraday bag design, which takes this concept and places a wiring pattern inside clothing in order to isolate all magnetic fields from the outside so your devices and cards are completely cut off from any kind of influence and electromagnetic waves. If the pattern and quality of material for the bag are good, you have a fully safe placeholder for your stuff.

Advantages of Faraday bag

The main advantages, of course, are the privacy and safety of mobile phones and credit cards from outside influences and this is why this bag has been designed in the first place. If the bag is designed properly your phone would not be able to be hacked nor accessed from any outside source, GPS tracking will also be disabled and your phone location will not be visible. Credit cards will also be completely safe from any malicious attack via wi-fi signals.

Disadvantages of bag

Well, the disadvantage of using this bag is a very simple one, since your phone is isolated from outside influence that will also mean that you will not be able to take messages or calls on it while it is in the bag. Notifications from the internet would also be disabled so it is security vs usability deal.

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How to Fix Windows Activation Error Code 0xc004f050

Error Code 0xc004f050 – What is it?

Error code 0xc004f050 refers to a problem with activating the Windows key. The problem appears when you try to activate a copy of Windows by using Windows Activation wizard. This happens when the system becomes unstable and critical system files start missing. Though Windows 10 is a free upgrade for Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1 users, the activation error is still an issue. If you already had Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1 activated and did an upgrade successfully, then there should be no problem. This Problem Occurs only when you do a clean install.


When you try to activate a copy of Windows Vista or Windows 7 by using the Windows Activation wizard, you receive an error similar to the one below:
An error has occurred Code: 0xC004F050 Description: The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid


Restoro box imageError Causes

  • This causes due to an invalid product key.
  • This problem may occur if the license validity interval has expired, or if the license is not signed correctly.
  • Error Code 0xc004f050 occurs when the system becomes unstable and critical system files start missing.
  • Improper way of installing, deletion of some very important system files, misconfigured system files, etc. may also cause this error.
  • When you do a clean install, it wipes everything from the Primary Drive and after the install, windows can't find the Hardware ID which is used to verify your license.
  • For Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista-based computers, this error may occur if you have entered the key for a beta version of the operating system while using the released version of the operating system.

Further Information and Manual Repair

This error is not something that can be fixed in seconds but will require some time and technical knowledge.

Method 1:

Re-insert the product key by using the Change Product Key tool:
  1. Click Start, click Computer, and then click System properties on the toolbar.
  2. In the Windows activation section, click Change product key.
  3. If you are prompted for an administrator password, type the password or click Continue.
  4. In the Product key box, type the product key, and then click Next.
  5. Follow the steps in the Windows Activation Wizard to complete the activation process.

Method 2:

Activate Windows by using the automated telephone system:
  1. Click Start, and then click Computer.
  2. Click System properties on the toolbar, and then click Click here to activate Windows now in the Windows activation
  3. If you are prompted for an administrative password, type it and click Continue.
  4. Click Show me other ways to Activate.
  5. Click Use the automated phone system and follow the instructions.

Method 3:

  1. Clean install Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1 using the installation disk and activate your copy.
  2. Now, download all the updates to see the Windows 10 Upgrade notification or download Windows Media Creation Tool and use the option Upgrade this PC to get Windows 10 right away.
  3. Once the upgrade is done, check the Activation Status. It will be fully activated as it should be. The Error code 0xc004f050 should not appear anymore.
If you want to get rid of the old Windows installation folder, then use the Windows Media Creation Tool to create a Flash Drive. Clean Install Windows 10. Now, every time when it asks for a product key, skip it. After installation is complete, Windows will automatically identify and activate your Copy. NOTE: Clean Install will make Sure you cannot roll back to your previous Windows 7 or Windows 8. So do it only if you are confident of using Windows 10 from here on. To verify the Windows activation status, follow these steps:
  • Click the Start button, and then click Computer.
  • Click System properties on the toolbar, and then view the activation status in the Windows activation section.
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Something happened, we couldn’t start upgrade
As you know, each one of the Windows 10 versions is priced differently and one of the considered more expensive compared to the Windows 10 Home version is the Windows10 Pro. The good thing is, Microsoft allows its users to upgrade from the Windows 10 Home version to the Windows 10 Pro version at a reasonable cost instead of buying the entire license again. However, upgrading your Windows 10 computer is not always that easy and you might encounter some errors along the way. One of the reported errors you could encounter is an error message that says, “Something happened, and we couldn’t start the upgrade”. This kind of problem is due to the problems with the Microsoft Store or the key authorization and to fix it, there are several options you can check out. You can try to run the built-in troubleshooters such as the Windows Update troubleshooter, Windows Store Apps troubleshooter, or Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter. You could also try to reset the Windows Store cache or re-register the Windows Store app. For more details, refer to each one of the given options below.

Option 1 – Try to run the Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter

Since the Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter is not built-in into the Windows operating system, you can download this troubleshooter by clicking on this link.

Option 2 – Try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Running the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter could also help you resolve the “Something happened, and we couldn’t start the upgrade” error. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 3 – Run the Windows Store App troubleshooter

The Windows 10 Store Apps Troubleshooter will help you in fixing the problem in Microsoft Store. This is a great built-in tool from Microsoft that helps users fix any app issues. To use the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter, follow the steps below.
  • Tap Win + I keys again to open the Windows Settings panel.
  • Go to Update & Security and then go to Troubleshoot.
  • Under the Troubleshoot section, on your left-hand side, scroll down to find Window Store Apps.
  • Then click on the Run the troubleshooter option and follow the on-screen instructions and then see if it fixes the problem.

Option 4 – Try to reset the Microsoft Store cache

As you know, like any other apps, Microsoft Store also caches as you view apps and games so it is most likely that the cache is no longer valid and must be removed. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Right-click on the start button and click on Command Prompt (administrator).
  • Next, type in the command, “wsreset.exe” and tap Enter. Once you do, the command will clear the cache for the Windows Store app.
  • Now restart your PC and afterward, try opening Microsoft Store again and then try to install your app or update your computer again.

Option 5 – Try to re-register the Microsoft Store app via Windows PowerShell

  • Tap the Win + X key combination or right-click on the Start button and click on the Windows PowerShell (Admin) option.
  • If a User Account Control or UAC prompt appears, just click on Yes to proceed and open the Windows PowerShell window.
  • Next, type in or copy-paste the following command to re-register the Microsoft Store app and tap Enter:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRootWinStoreAppxManifest.xml
  • Wait for the process to be completed and then restart your computer.

Option 6 – Try contacting Microsoft

If none of the options worked, you might also want to contact Microsoft for further assistance in fixing the error.
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HTTP Error 500 – Edge Installation or Update
If you are trying to install or update Microsoft Edge on your Windows 10 computer but ended up getting HTTP Error 500 or Error 0x8004xxxx or 0x8007xxxx, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will help you sort this problem out. The aforementioned errors when either installing or updating the Edge browser occur due to a Network issue. There is actually a range of error codes that are associated with the network connection issue. These error codes include Error 500 or 0x80010108, 0x80040801, 0x80042193, 0x80042194, 0x800421F4, 0x800421F6, 0x800421F7, 0x800421F8, 0x80072742, 0x80072EE2, 0x80072EE7, 0x80072EFD, and 0x80072EFE. To fix them, there are several options you can try. You can try to run the Network Adapter troubleshooter or update or reset the Network Adapter as well as check and the proxy configuration.

Option 1- Try updating the Network Adapter Driver

Follow the steps below to update your Network Adapter Driver:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run window and then type in the “MSC” command and hit Enter to open the Device Manager window.
  • From there, expand the list of all the network drives and update each one of them.
Note: If updating the network drivers didn’t help in fixing the problem, you can also try to uninstall the very same drivers and restart your Windows 10 PC. After that, the system itself will reinstall the drivers you just uninstalled. Alternatively, you can also download and install the drivers from the manufacturer’s website directly.

Option 2 – Run the Network Adapter troubleshooter

To run the Network Troubleshooter, refer to these steps:
  • Open the Search bar on your computer and type in “troubleshoot” to open the Troubleshoot settings.
  • Next, scroll down and select the “Network Adapter” option from the right pane.
  • Then click on the Run Troubleshooter” button.
  • After that, your computer will check for any possible errors and will pinpoint the root cause of the problem if possible.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 3 – Try to reset the Network Adapter

You can also try to perform a Network Reset to resolve the problem. This will reset the entire network configuration including your IP address. To perform Network Reset, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open Settings.
  • From there, go to the Network and Internet section.
  • Next, scroll down and look for “Network Reset” under the status pane.
  • After that, click on Network Reset and then on Reset now to start resetting the network configuration. Once done, check if it is able to fix the error or not.

Option 4 – Try to fix the Proxy Settings

  • In the Cortana search box, search for Internet Explorer and then click on the related search result.
  • After that, tap the Win + T keys on your keyboard and click on Internet Options.
  • Next, navigate to the Connections tab and click on LAN Settings.
  • Then click on the Advanced button and delete all the entries in the list generated in the Exceptions section. And if the Advanced button is disabled because the “Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections)” option is disabled then you are good to go. Now proceed to the next step.
  • Tap the Win + X keys or right-click on the Start button and select Command Prompt (Admin) or you could also search for “cmd” in the Cortana search box and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • If a User Account Control appears, click on Yes to proceed. After that, type each one of the commands listed below, and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type each one of them.
    • netsh winhttp reset proxy
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net start wuauserv
  • Now restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not by installing or updating Microsoft Edge again.
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Resize icons on desktop quickly in Windows 10
Resize icons on desktop in Windows 10 in a matter of seconds! Hello everyone and welcome to today's quick tip. If you have ever been dissatisfied with icon size on your desktop and any of the default sizes like small, medium large, etc have not been appropriate know that there is a quick way to resize icons on your desktop in between sizes. All that you have to do in order to use this built-in feature is: Press and hold CTRL and scroll with the mouse. That's it! Find your appropriate size for icons and enjoy. icons on desktop
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Google docs crush with repeating a word

A newfound bug in Google docs is causing it to crush and upon reopening it will crush again making it very difficult to re-access your document. The bug is manifested when a series of the same word is typed into a document and Show grammar suggestion is turned on.

google doc bug

How was it found

A Google Docs user, Pat Needham brought up the issue on Google Docs Editors Help forum.

"I've only tried in Google Chrome, with documents from three separate Google accounts (personal, G Suite Basic, and work one which might be enterprise). All three experience this same issue".

"It's case-sensitive. So trying with 'and. and. And. and. And.' doesn't cause it to crash."

While Needham publicly reported the bug, it appears that the issue was discovered by Eliza Callahan who was writing a poem novel for her novel using Google Docs.

Needham's findings have also been confirmed by other users running Firefox 99.0.1

Another user, Sergii Dymchenko, said strings like "But. But. But. But. But." triggered the same response. Some also noticed putting any of the terms like "Also, Therefore, And, Anyway, But, Who, Why, Besides, However," in the same format achieved the outcome.

A YCombinator HackerNews reader suspected the cause to be the "Show grammar suggestion" option in Google Docs.

A Google spokesperson confirmed the presence of the issue adding, "we're aware of this issue and the team is working on a fix."

How to recover your document

First thing first, turn off Show grammar suggestions so you do not run into issue by accident. In order to turn it off go to Tools and then into Spelling and grammar and untick Show grammar suggestions.

Now, if you already have a document that has been crushed, fear not because there is a workaround to access it. For some strange reason this bug does not manifest on Google Docs mobile app, so you can open the crushed document in the mobile app, delete words that have caused the bug and reopen the document on your desktop.

Until Google comes up with the solution this is currently the only way to address the issue.

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