
Google docs crush with repeating a word

A newfound bug in Google docs is causing it to crush and upon reopening it will crush again making it very difficult to re-access your document. The bug is manifested when a series of the same word is typed into a document and Show grammar suggestion is turned on.

google doc bug

How was it found

A Google Docs user, Pat Needham brought up the issue on Google Docs Editors Help forum.

"I've only tried in Google Chrome, with documents from three separate Google accounts (personal, G Suite Basic, and work one which might be enterprise). All three experience this same issue".

"It's case-sensitive. So trying with 'and. and. And. and. And.' doesn't cause it to crash."

While Needham publicly reported the bug, it appears that the issue was discovered by Eliza Callahan who was writing a poem novel for her novel using Google Docs.

Needham's findings have also been confirmed by other users running Firefox 99.0.1

Another user, Sergii Dymchenko, said strings like "But. But. But. But. But." triggered the same response. Some also noticed putting any of the terms like "Also, Therefore, And, Anyway, But, Who, Why, Besides, However," in the same format achieved the outcome.

A YCombinator HackerNews reader suspected the cause to be the "Show grammar suggestion" option in Google Docs.

A Google spokesperson confirmed the presence of the issue adding, "we're aware of this issue and the team is working on a fix."

How to recover your document

First thing first, turn off Show grammar suggestions so you do not run into issue by accident. In order to turn it off go to Tools and then into Spelling and grammar and untick Show grammar suggestions.

Now, if you already have a document that has been crushed, fear not because there is a workaround to access it. For some strange reason this bug does not manifest on Google Docs mobile app, so you can open the crushed document in the mobile app, delete words that have caused the bug and reopen the document on your desktop.

Until Google comes up with the solution this is currently the only way to address the issue.

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Best gifts for Gamers and PC enthusiasts
The holiday season is almost upon us and buying gifts for loved ones can sometimes present some headaches, especially if that loved one is a Gamer or PC enthusiast. We have all been there and how almost every household today has a console or PC struggles are infecting more and more people. But do not despair, we have made a nice list of potential gifts for you. giftsThe list contains some nice essential and good things but we gave our best not to break the bank so you will not find any large screens or 300$ keyboards here. Of course, you can always get expensive gifts and if you have money for it do it, it is just we want to have affordable stuff here.

A Steam gift card

For gamers, a good game is a great gift but most of the time when we are buying a game we can miss what the person wants. That is why a Steam gift card is a great gift for gamers. He can use it and buy whatever he or she wants for its value.

Xbox Game pass

This is another for those Gamers type. Xbox game pass is a great gift even if you do not own Xbox since all games will work on PC as well. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate includes the PC version, which will unlock somewhere between 300 and 350 games automatically. It’s a subscription service, so your PC gamer will have to keep up with it. The monthly price is worth it, though.

Pack of cable ties

Almost every PC user has tons of cables lying around, and most of the time they are not really tidy. Cable ties come to the rescue!!! Let us be honest, no one likes cables that are scattered all over the place, even the computer users so if they do not have this essential piece of equipment, we are sure they will like it.

Compressed air duster

Dust is enemy no.1 for computer users, it gets into the keyboard, into small spaces, etc. It is very difficult to get it out so an air duster for compressed air is a great cleaning gift for any kind of computer enthusiast. You can get it with a can of compressed air as well so everything is ready for cleaning.

New Headset

A headset is always a great gift. Over time earbuds can deteriorate and get damaged simply just by using them and when enough time passes even cables can start losing contact and overall sound quality may drop. Usually, computer users change headsets like keyboards so if your loved one has some old headsets showing their age, a new one is a perfect present.

New SSD drive

More hard disk space is always a welcome sight for any PC user and new SSD drives fueled with new technology are faster than ones of the same size in past years making them a perfect gift.

Large mouse pad

A good mouse pad can mean a lot to a gamer. Over time mouse pad deteriorates simply with its use so a new and fancy large pad is a great gift for any user. If you want a great gift, make it with RGB light.
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What Is Phishing And How Can You Protect Yourself From It?

Ever gotten an e-mail offer that seemed just a little bit too good to be true? Might’ve been a phishing attempt! These are everywhere and can come in many different forms. 

So what’s phishing exactly, how can you detect it and how can you keep safe?

What is phishing?

Phishing (pronounced like fishing) is a type of cyberattack that tricks the user into trusting the source and revealing sensitive information. Fishing being the perfect analogy, the bait is a legitimate-looking site, e-mail or file and when you take a bite, your identity, banking information and much more can be revealed and stolen.

Phishing Illustration
Credit: Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Some phishing attempts are incredibly obvious, others are super elaborate. Like with most types of malware, cybercriminals have become extremely well-versed in phishing and anyone can fall for it. To help you recognize and avoid it, we’ll take you through a couple of phishing types and give you tips on what to do if faced with them.

Phishing techniques

E-mail phishing

This is actually the most common type of phishing. A cybercriminal creates an e-mail containing stuff like attractive offers, legitimate-looking attachments or links and makes it appear as though it’s coming from a trusted source.

Illustration of Email Phishing
Credit: Justin Morgan on Unsplash

For example, it looks like it’s coming from your bank or your favorite retailer. The logo looks legit and the structure of the e-mail seems familiar, so you might get tricked into clicking on whatever clickable content is in it.

Unfortunately this exposes your device to malware that hands your data off to the hacker, who can decide what to do with it further.

SMS and social media phishing

Like the above example, you could be approached with lucrative offers or links via text messages or social media messages. Typically, the messages seem relevant to the user as they will be made to look like they’re related to apps or services you’re using.

Voice phishing

Voice phishing attacks are schemes that appear as though they’re coming from a credible number. Normally, you’ll get a call about something related to credit cards or taxes to get you into a state of worry, leading you to disclose personal information on the phone.

Spear phishing, whaling and BEC

Spear phishing normally targets specific individuals within a company who are likely to have access to sensitive data. Spear phishers spend time collecting information they can use to reach out to the individual looking as trustworthy as possible. They’ll typically lead with something relevant, for example mentioning an upcoming company event, and make a seemingly legitimate request.

Whaling is a more elaborate form of spear phishing, which targets people in even stronger positions such as executives or high-value individuals. The ultimate goal is to get them to transfer financial or other sensitive information that can be used to compromise the entire business.

Spear Phishing Illustration
Credit: Azamat E on Unsplash

BEC, or Business e-mail compromise, is a specific spear phishing technique carried out via e-mail. While there are many ways this is done, most commonly you’ll see instances where the phisher poses as a CEO or similar executive, or as a lower-level employee in specific positions (e.g. sales managers or financial controllers).

In the first situation, the impersonator reaches out to employees requesting them to transfer certain files or pay invoices. In the second situation, the phisher takes control of the employee’s e-mail account and sends false instructions to other employees in order to obtain data and information from them.

What can you do?

There are many ways you can be aware and spot a phishing attempt. Here are some tips:

  • Always check the sender’s address in your e-mails, even when they seem to come from a familiar source.
  • In any instance where payment information is requested, be very, very careful.
  • If you are receiving attachments you never asked for and definitely didn’t expect, better not click on them. 
  • Beware of content that transmits a sense of urgency (sales deals, urgent updates to login credentials, etc.).
  • Bad spelling and grammar are usually a telltale sign of phishing.
  • Links that look shortened (e.g. Bit.ly) or just suspicious in general - if you have a bad feeling, do not click on them.
  • If you are receiving threats, you probably shouldn’t be clicking on anything in that message.
  • Always examine first-time senders in detail.
  • Block suspicious e-mail addresses, numbers and social media accounts.
  • If you are receiving a coupon for free stuff… You aren’t.
  • If you’re being asked to update your payment details by a service you use, such as Netflix, chances are it’s an impersonator.

Those are some of the ways to identify and prevent phishing attacks. However, sometimes phishers disguise themselves a little too well or a misclick happens and there you go - you’ve been exposed to malware.

Illustration of a Lock on Keyboard Keys
Credit: FLY:D on Unsplash

This won’t happen if you invest in powerful protection software from the get-go, though. A good antivirus program like Bitdefender will keep you safe from becoming a victim of phishing scams. In fact, it will protect you from malicious attacks overall.

Be it your household or your business you’re concerned about, there are a bunch of different packages and options available, providing different kinds of cybersecurity services. That’s the only way you can ever really be sure you aren’t at risk of a digital attack.


Have you ever been targeted by phishers and didn’t know that’s what it was until you read this article? Many can relate. Protect yourself before it’s too late!

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How to Fix a Windows PC Crash Dump
Crash Dump is a type of malfunction that can happen when a few portions of the processor's data or RAM memory are erroneously copied to one or more files. It is common among Windows PCs. It used to be most prominent on the Windows 95 edition but subsequent versions have mostly remedied the situation. Even with the remedies over time though, this error still occurs.

Error Causes

A Crash Dump usually points to some serious and critical errors with your Computer. Below are some of the possible causes for this error:-
  • Corrupt memory
  • Incorrect configurations on hardware
  • Programming errors.
  • Incompatible drivers
  • Faulty Operating system
Despite the listed causes for Crash Dumps. Nobody is ever ready for them. A crash dump is classified as an unexpected error simply because it can happen anytime.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Most PC users get scared and anxious when a crash dump happens. Which need not be the case. You can easily repair a Crash Dump without necessarily requiring a computer technician. Follow these simple steps and the malfunction will soon dissipate:

a) Re-Install the Operating System

Put the setup CD into the computer disk drive. Once you've completed this, reboot the pc.

b) Push F8

Push the F8 function key on your keyboard while the pc is re-booting. This takes you to a menu where you should choose “Advanced Boot Options”

c) Click "Repair My Computer"

As soon as you push the F8 option, and do what's suggested in the last measure above, you must click on "Repair My Computer" and press the "Return/Enter" key.

d) Click on the "Startup Repair"

Search for the start-up repair option, and choose it. Subsequently, move to Next. Using this method, the cause of the Crash dump will undoubtedly be recognized and ended after a thorough scan of your system. Additionally, it is smart to take note of the whole Crash Dump information that appears on your screen. Windows supplies you with detailed error messages. Write down each of the error codes in hexadecimal values as well as capital characters as displayed on the screen.
  • Disconnect Hardware  and Un-Install all Drivers

Disconnect and remove any new hardware that is causing your PC to crash dump. Uninstall any drivers you used to install the hardware. If this solves the problem, contact the hardware manufacturer and request the latest and updated device drivers. At length, prior to starting panicking, see the error information that appears on your own display. Browse to see whether it includes info on a certain driver that you ought to search for and install. Bottom line, remain calm when your computer crash dumps and use the mentioned steps to repair it.
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Common Outlook Errors

Most Common Microsoft Outlook errors

When you have a program, you know before you even start to use it or even know how that you are going to have problems with it. There are always going to be error messages and things that don’t work on any program you buy or download; guaranteed. Even some of the most famous program developers in the world make mistakes from time to time and it is a small price to pay for the programs you get and that is a fact. Microsoft Outlook is like any other program; it has its errors. Here are some of the most common errors for Microsoft Outlook on your computer.

1. Problem receiving emails

Sometimes you can be waiting on really important emails. It is really infuriating when you know that they have been sent, however every time you check your email box, there is nothing there! Your inbox is empty and your patience is wearing thin, so could it possibly be an error with Microsoft Outlook? There is a high probability that this is the problem. The program can be a bit slow on receiving emails sometimes, often even by days. This can be caused by any number of things, from having too many emails coming through or having too many emails in your inbox. If you click ‘send and receive’ at the top, it should speed up your emails coming through, however, so give that a try if you’re waiting on anything to come through. If this doesn’t work, however, your inbox may be full. Try permanently deleting some useless messages and then click ‘send and receive’ again. All your emails should come through then!

2. General slow performance

Outlook, while it has its advantages, can often be very slow. It is probably slower than some other email programs that require a browser but it is quicker to access, which may make up for this fact. However, sometimes sluggish performance can be really irritating, so it may be wise to try and fix it if you can. One of the reasons it may be acting slow is if you have too many other Windows applications open. Applications that may interfere with your Outlook’s speed could be anything from Microsoft Word to Windows Live Messenger. If any of these are open, try closing them and see if that helps with the speed problem.

3. Corrupt files

.dbx files are not accessible by Microsoft Outlook. Therefore, they can cause problems with your emails if you have them within them. To solve this problem, you may have to delete all of your attached email accounts and then reattach them before you can open your emails again. These corrupt files can also cause you to be unable to delete emails. You will need to transfer these deleted corrupt files into a separate deletion folder as this is usually caused by the folder being corrupt. Of all the other most frequent problems with Microsoft Outlook, however, this is probably the least likely to happen, which shows how few problems there actually are with this application after all that!


So there are the most common problems with Microsoft Outlook! Not much wrong at all, is there?
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Chkdsk Error - How to fix It In Seconds

What is Chkdsk Error?

Chkdsk (Check Disk) is a built-in Microsoft Windows O/S utility tool.

This tool is designed to verify the integrity of data stored on the hard drive. In addition to this, it resolves and finds errors that may corrupt and damage stored data on your system and affect your PC’s performance.

This tool is intended to keep your PC’s Windows database clean.

However, this tool has certain limitations. It prevents the hard disk from getting damaged but if it gets damaged and corrupt then this tool is no good. It fails to disk check and repair. As a result, you may come across Chkdsk error pop-ups.

In such an event, it is not advisable to run the malfunctioned Chkdsk utility on your PC as it may damage your system beyond repair making you lose all your valuable data saved on your system.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Chkdsk errors are triggered by multiple reasons:

  • Viruses
  • Hard Drive failure
  • Registry Corruption Due to Data Overload
  • Poor PC Maintenance

Chkdsk errors may cause PC to freeze and lag and also result in data loss as we discussed above.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To avoid serious damages that the Chkdsk error code can cause to your system, it is advisable to fix it. You can either hire a professional or install Restoro. The latter is not just the best way but also a time and money-saving option. It is fast, user-friendly and you can download it for free thus saving hundreds of dollars that you would be paying for professional services.

Why Use Restoro?

Restoro is an advanced PC repair tool embedded with multiple features such as a registry cleaner, anti-virus, system optimizer, and Active X and Class error scanner. It helps resolve practically all types and kinds of PC-related errors including the most notorious ones like the Chkdsk errors.

It has an automated and intuitive interface smoothly integrated with the latest technology that enables this software to scan your entire PC and detect errors in seconds.

With the help of its super functional registry cleaner, Restoro detects errors registry issues triggering Chkdsk errors on your system. It cleans all the unnecessary files like junk files, bad and invalid registry entries, and internet files that are stored in your hard disk and taking a lot of space. It removes the clutter and frees up your disk space and repairs the damaged registry.

It boosts the speed of your system and ensures that programs run smoothly on your PC and there are no hang-ups or system freezes.

The privacy error detector functions as a powerful anti-virus. With the help of this feature, Restoro identifies and scans for viruses and malware infecting your system. These are removed right away.

Restoro is 100% safe and efficient. It has a backup feature that enables users to create backup copies. This is carried for safety purposes. In case you lose your data during the repair of the Chkdsk error, you can always recover and restore the lost files without any hassle.

With some registry cleaners and repair tools you may often have to struggle with compatibility issues but not with this PC Fixer.

Restoro is compatible with all Windows versions. It is simple and very easy to use. From beginners, intermediate to experienced, all levels of users can use it with ease.

Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Click here to install Restoro on your computer
  2. Once the installation is complete, run the fixer for a scan. You have the option to either scan some portions of the PC or the entire PC.
  3. Scanning will take a few seconds
  4. Once the scanning is complete, Restoro will display the scan results. This is presented in a comprehensive report showing you errors found including the Chkdsk error and errors related to it.
  5. After that, all you need to do is press the repair button to resolve the error(s) promptly.
  6. Once the error is resolved, try running the Chkdsk utility again.
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How to game on a low budget

If you are following the latest gaming trends and spend a lot of time on social media, watching streams, etc. you might be under impression that gaming as a hobby is very expensive. If you plan to play the latest games on a very large screen in their highest setting that might be true but if you do not care about that you can still play games and spend much less money on them.

gaming on a budget

That being said we are here to share with you some tips and tactics on how to play good games with minimum money spent.

Do not buy games the moment when they are released

Buying a game on its launch date is maybe the worst and most expensive thing you can do. Games have their highest price on launch day but sadly with the current state of the industry, they are in their worst state as well. Games eventually became better over time after patches are released but so does their price drops after the hype has calmed down. So if you really must have some specific game on its launch day, go for it but know that by doing so you are getting the worst version of the game for its higher price.

Wishlist games and wait for the sale

All services today have a wishlist, very good and money-saving tactic is to wishlist interesting titles and wait for them to be on the sale. Services will usually have the option of sending you an email once your wishlist titles are on sale so you will be notified once they do. A good tactic as well is to wait for large sales like for example summer, winter, easter sales, or many other seasonal ones.

Get free games

Some online stores are offering free games from time to time and some are always offering some titles as gifts in order to get customers to their platform. EPIC has become famous for gifting some great titles over the past years completely for free and there are a lot of free-to-play games on each platform that you can play.

Get second-hand PC

Having a new computer is great but if your budget is tight you might consider getting your PC as a second hand instead of the new one. Hardcore games will switch components more frequently than your typical users and usually the components will be sold cheaper and be more affordable.

Play games on some older devices in general

Many games today are available on many platforms not only just on your typical PC. Same titles are available on your mobile phones, tablets, and even on your Android TV. Many titles will not even require the latest technology or monster of a computer in order to run them. You can also lower game settings and play many games on lower hardware if you do not mind not having top graphics settings.

Play over the cloud streaming

If you are very tight on budget but want to enjoy new games in their full glory there is always the option to play games via a cloud streaming service, it is not exactly a mega cheap option since it has a monthly fee but it is cheaper than some high-end gaming computer. If you combine this with the game pass you can enjoy the latest games with high-quality settings and pay it on a monthly basis.

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MS Mariner, new OS for servers based on Linux
mariner installerWell if anyone told me just a few years ago that I will see the day when Microsoft releases a new OS based on Linux I would be very amused, but that day has come. Mariner is the newest OS out of nowhere. Microsoft’s new Linux Distro, dubbed Common Base Linux (CBL)-Mariner, isn’t the type of distro you’d want to install directly on any old machine. It’s primarily meant for cloud infrastructure and edge products. Specifically Microsoft’s Cloud and Edge products. But if you are curious, it’s possible to run. Juan Manuel Rey, a Microsoft Senior Program Manager for Azure VMware, recently published a guide to ISO CBL-Mariner image. With that, you can easily get it up and running. And you can build CBL-Mariner on an Ubuntu 18.04 desktop. So you can try it out since it is free. You can get it from here: https://github.com/microsoft/CBL-Mariner It is obvious that Microsoft aims to set itself as a leader in enterprise server environments with this move and it is very likely that it may succeed or at least give a good shake to its competitors, mainly red hat and Suse which are two dominant distros in that field. Many believe that they can win over by providing regular updates and package delivery via their already established system and that feature could be a turning point for some. In any case, time will tell and we shall see.
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Fix One Drive Error: This is not a valid file name
As you know, Microsoft’s consumer cloud storage platform is none other than OneDrive. It is where users can save any of their files albeit it’s mostly used to store common files like documents and photos. However, there are times when you might encounter some problems when saving these files. Recently, some users reported that they had problems saving Word documents to OneDrive and if you experience the same issue, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on how to resolve it. According to users who encountered the problem, when they try to save Word documents on OneDrive, an error message appears instead stating, “This is not a valid file name”. This kind of error only occurs when the file is opened from within OneDrive for saving in a different folder. In other words, if the file is saved in the same folder, the error won’t pop up but if it is saved in a separate folder, that’s when the error appears. Worry not though for fixing this error is not complicated and won’t take too long. It seems that this error is due to the 259-character limitation when creating and saving files as far as the Office products are concerned. To resolve it, there are several workarounds you can check out. Before you proceed with these workarounds, make sure that you have a stable internet connection.

Option 1 – Try renaming the file with a shorter name

The first thing you can do to fix the problem is to rename the file with a shorter name. Just right-click on the file and select the Rename option from the menu and then type in the new name and click OK or tap Enter to rename the file.

Option 2 – Try renaming the folders where the file is located

Like what you did in the first given option, all it takes is a right-click but this time on a folder. Rename the folder with a different name and save the changes made and then check if you can now save the Word document on OneDrive.

Option 3 – Try moving the file to a folder with a shorter path

If the first two options didn’t work, you can try moving the file to a folder with a shorter path. Note that it is not the same as doing it locally on a Windows 10 computer so you have to right-click on the file and select the “Move to” option. After that, locate the folder where you want to move the file and select it and then click on the Move button to complete the task.

Option 4 – Try making some changes in the document

You could also try to make some modifications to the document. Once you’ve done that, click the File tab and select the Save As option and then go to the folder where you want to save the file and tap enter.
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Apple, Windows, or Linux machine

In today's IT world, if you want a computer for typical day-to-day actions and gaming, there are 3 primary ways you can go. An Apple computer with its proprietary hardware and operating system or a typical machine with Windows or Linux operating system.

Each system has both advantages and disadvantages and picking the right one might be difficult for some users. From hardware differences to specific software and operating system, each system is aimed at a different type of work, and in this article, we will explore each one and help you in choosing the right one for you.

Apple ecosystem

apple MAC studio

Apple has managed to create a unique ecosystem of its own devices, from its iMac desktop computers to more professional MAC studio and power MAC and all the way to tablet iPad and iPhone are powered by Apple's own operating system that connects all of these devices into one large system. So if you really need one singular ecosystem this is a huge advantage.

The ecosystem on the side, MAC computer systems are great, some would argue best for coding, design, video work, and sound editing. MAC M2 chip is optimized for all of these tasks and a specially tailored operating system is just the icing on the cake. Specific Apple-made software like a logic pro or final cut also helps a lot to position MAC systems on top of the line.

Reading all of this you might think hey this is the computer for me, it does everything! Sadly the truth is not like that. The first thing that is difficult on MAC systems and a maybe big reason that it is not so adopted outside professional working environment is lack of games. If you are a gamer or plan on using MAC for gaming, well I have some bad news. The second big turn-off is that MAC systems tend to be more expensive than PC systems, yes components are of higher quality but rest assured that you will pay for also for branding.

Get MAC as your workstation for serious work and for good tech support, if you need a plain home computer keep reading.

Windows PC machine

Windows surface pro

There is no better feeling than assembling your own computer, tweaking hardware to make a monster and despite haters hating, Windows is the best all-around operating system on the market. It is supporting the largest variety of hardware and the largest variety of software.

The best platform for serious gaming and streaming Windows machine has cemented itself as a multimedia powerhouse. But, this kind of computer is not alien to being also a professional machine, you can practically do everything that you can do on Apple or Linux machine inside Windows, yes some things might require extra steps or will be slightly slower but in the end, being able to do anything is the greatest strength of Windows machine.

Of course, every system has its flaws and Windows is not immune to that. One of the biggest is being the operating system for every hardware ever made and every software as well while keeping legacy support for old software and hardware, basically, its biggest strength is in the same time its biggest weakness leading to sometimes stability issues. Also being able to place any kind of hardware can also lead to the same stability issues. Executing something a little slower than other systems and having some extra steps can also be looked upon as weaknesses.

Linux system

Linux machine

First and perhaps for some people, the biggest advantage of the Linux operating system is its price, it is completely free! Other advantages include the great server and networking included in the OS itself, the large amount of customization, and unmatched stability. The ability to write scripts inside the OS terminal is also a great thing and coding is much more streamlined and friendlier than on other machines.

The power of Linux is the ability to change anything, even on the system layer, no other operating system will let you change the basic functionality of the OS itself while Linux will let you do this. It is also the only operating system you can fully use by booting it up from a USB stick and having the same experience as it was installed on a local hard drive. Among other OS mentioned earlier, Linux is by far the lightest one, taking the smallest amount of memory among the three.

The bad side of the Linux machine is the steep learning curve, among the three mentioned operating systems rest assured Linux is the most difficult to learn and be comfortable in it. The operating system will require you to know the hardware and how computers work in order to fully use its potential. Other things that place it behind are not so wide hardware support compared to Windows and the somewhat confusing distro model.

Linux versions come in form of different distro packages and first-time users will face many of them being left in awe of which one to choose. Also installing drivers and software via a package system can also be a tedious task as well, often being that some version of the driver will not work on the newer version of the Linux distro.

Get a Linux machine if you are well versed in computer technology, if you want great customization of the OS itself or if you do not want to spend money on OS and software since almost entire Linux software is open source.

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DownSpeedTest Removal Guide

DownSpeedTest is a Browser Toolbar Extension for Google Chrome that allows users to test their internet speed and convert files, however this speed test does not show proper values, nor even close.

Upon installation DownSpeedTest will replace your default New Tab page with its own Search Engine “MyWay.com” or “Search.MyWay.com”. This Search Engine camouflages itself as a “Enhanced Google Search Engine”, but all it does is allow more room for easier ad injection. In the background, this extension monitors user browsing behavior and records visited links, viewed products, clicked links and time spend on websites. This information is later used for Ad targeting.

While browsing the internet with this extension enabled you will experience additional ads, sponsored content, and even pop-up ads on some occasions. Due to its information mining behavior and aggressive ad placement, DownSpeedTest had been marked as a Browser Hijacker and it is recommended for removal.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is a type of unwanted program, commonly a web browser add-on or extension, which causes modifications in the browser’s settings. There are lots of reasons why you may experience a browser hijack; but commercial, advertising and marketing are the major reasons for their creation. These are typically used to force hits to a specific site, manipulating web-traffic to generate ad-revenue. Even though it might appear naive, these tools are made by malicious people who always try to take full advantage of you, so that hackers could earn money from your naive and distraction. In a worst-case scenario, your browser could be hi-jacked to download malicious software that can do a lot of damage to your laptop or computer.

How one can know whether the browser is hijacked?

When your web browser is hijacked, the following might happen: your browser’s homepage has been reset to some unknown webpage; new bookmarks pointing to porn websites have been added to your bookmarks; the default browser configurations are modified and/or your default web engine is altered; you see unwanted new toolbars added; unstoppable flurries of pop-up ads show up on your computer screen; your browser gets slow, buggy, crashes regularly; you can’t navigate to specific internet pages, such as security software related websites.

How does a browser hijacker infect a computer?

Browser hijackers infect computers via malicious e-mail attachments, downloaded infected documents or by visiting infected internet sites. They can be included with toolbars, add-ons, BHO, plugins or browser extensions. Also, some freeware and shareware can put the hijacker in your PC through “bundling”. Browser hijackers could record user keystrokes to collect potentially important information leading to privacy concerns, cause instability on computers, significantly disrupt user’s browsing experience, and ultimately slow down the system to a point where it becomes unusable.

How you can fix a browser hijack

One thing you could try to eradicate a browser hijacker is to find the malware in the “Add or Remove Programs” list of the Microsoft Windows Control Panel. It might or might not be there. When it is, uninstall it. However, most browser hijackers are difficult to eliminate manually. Regardless of how much you attempt to get rid of it, it might come back over and over. Amateur PC users should never try for the manual form of removal methods, since it demands in-depth system knowledge to perform fixes on the system registry and HOSTS file. Anti-malware software is really effective when it comes to picking up and eliminating browser hijackers that regular anti-virus application has overlooked. If you’d like to get rid of persistent hijackers effectively, install the top-rated Anti-Malware software Safebytes Anti-Malware. Use a system optimizer (like Total System Care) along with your anti-malware software to fix various registry issues, remove system vulnerabilities, and improve your computer performance.

What To Do If You Cannot Install Any Anti-Malware?

Practically all malware is bad and the consequences of the damage could differ according to the specific kind of malicious software. Some malware is created to interfere with or block things that you’d like to do on your PC. It may not permit you to download anything from the web or prevent you from accessing a few or all of the internet sites, especially the anti-malware websites. So what you should do if malware prevents you from downloading or installing Anti-Malware? There are a few actions you can take to circumvent this problem.

Install the anti-virus in Safe Mode

Safe Mode is a unique, simplified version of Microsoft Windows in which only essential services are loaded to counteract viruses and also other problematic applications from loading. If the malware is set to load immediately when computer starts, switching into this mode may prevent it from doing so. To start the computer into Safe Mode, press the “F8” key on the keyboard just before the Windows logo screen shows up; Or after normal Windows boot up, run MSConfig, look over “Safe Boot” under the Boot tab, and then click Apply. Once you are in Safe Mode, you can try to install your antivirus application without the hindrance of the malicious software. Following installation, run the malware scanner to get rid of most standard infections.

Download the anti-malware program using a different browser

Web-based malware could be environment-specific, aiming for a particular web browser or attacking particular versions of the browser. If you’re not able to download the security program using Internet Explorer, it means virus is targeting IE’s vulnerabilities. Here, you should switch over to an alternative web browser such as Chrome or Firefox to download Safebytes Anti-malware software.

Install anti-malware on a thumb drive

Another solution is to save and operate antivirus software tool completely from a Pen drive. Follow these steps to use a USB flash drive to clean your infected PC. 1) Make use of another virus-free computer to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the USB drive on the same system. 3) Double click on the downloaded file to run the installation wizard. 4) Choose the USB flash drive as the location for saving the software file. Follow the instructions to complete the installation process. 5) Now, plug the USB drive into the corrupted computer. 6) Double-click the Safebytes Anti-malware icon on the pen drive to run the application. 7) Run Full System Scan to identify and clean-up of all types of malware.

Protect Your Computer & Privacy With SafeBytes Anti-Malware

If you’re planning to purchase anti-malware for your computer, there are lots of brands and utilities for you to consider. A few of them do a good job in getting rid of threats while many will harm your PC by themselves. You need to select one that is trustworthy, practical and has a good reputation for its malware source protection. While thinking about the dependable programs, Safebytes Anti-Malware is certainly the strongly recommended one. SafeBytes anti-malware is a reliable software that not only secures your system permanently but is also very user friendly for people of all skill levels. Through its cutting-edge technology, this software will help you protect your PC against infections brought on by different kinds of malware and other threats, including spyware, adware, viruses, worms, trojans, keyloggers, potentially unwanted program (PUPs), and ransomware.

SafeBytes has great features when compared with other anti-malware programs. The following are some of the features you might like in SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Live Protection: SafeBytes provides complete and real-time security for your computer system. This tool will continuously monitor your PC for any suspicious activity and updates itself regularly to keep abreast of the latest threats. World-class AntiMalware Protection: With a critically acclaimed anti-malware engine, SafeBytes offers multilayered protection which is made to find and remove threats which are hidden deep in your computer’s operating system. Safe Browsing: Safebytes assigns all sites a unique safety ranking that helps you to have an idea of whether the webpage you’re just about to visit is safe to view or known to be a phishing site. Lightweight: This program is light-weight and will work quietly in the background, and will not affect your computer efficiency. 24/7 Online Technical Support: Support service is available for 24 x 7 x 365 days via email and chats to answer your queries. SafeBytes can keep your PC safe from latest malware threats automatically with very little input needed from you again. Once you have installed this software, you no longer have to worry about malware or any other security worries. You will get the very best all-around protection for the money you pay on SafeBytes anti-malware subscription, there’s no question about it.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

To get rid of DownSpeedTest manually, go to the Add or Remove programs list in the Control Panel and select the offending program you want to get rid of. For internet browser extensions, go to your browser’s Addon/Extension manager and choose the plug-in you intend to disable or remove. You’ll likely also want to reset your web browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard disk and computer registry for all the following and remove or reset the values as needed. Please be aware that this is for skilled users only and might be challenging, with incorrect file removal causing additional system errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. You’re suggested to do this procedure in Safe Mode.
Files: %USERPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DownSpeedTest %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DownSpeedTest %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DownSpeedTest %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Sync Extension Settings\maoffpmgdffbgbncadalkhfhmlfihkgk %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Sync Extension Settings\maoffpmgdffbgbncadalkhfhmlfihkgk %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\maoffpmgdffbgbncadalkhfhmlfihkgk %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\maoffpmgdffbgbncadalkhfhmlfihkgk Registry: HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Browser Helper Objects\5818CEA7-889D-459A-9A75-889E1298A892 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\5818CEA7-889D-459A-9A75-889E1298A892 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\481F6B47-2AD8-4C6A-8554-A2897E6CF900 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\1AAB982B-77D7-44F1-B305-8909DAC045F2 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\5818CEA7-889D-459A-9A75-889E1298A892 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\481F6B47-2AD8-4C6A-8554-A2897E6CF900 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\1AAB982B-77D7-44F1-B305-8909DAC045F2 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: 1AAB982B-77D7-44F1-B305-8909DAC045F2 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\CA6A7AB9-F4B5-4D50-B5D2-33E996549AE3 HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, value: 1AAB982B-77D7-44F1-B305-8909DAC045F2 HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, value: 1AAB982B-77D7-44F1-B305-8909DAC045F2 HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\DownSpeedTest_RASMANCS HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\DownSpeedTest_RASMANCS HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\DownSpeedTest_RASAPI32 HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\DownSpeedTest_RASAPI32 HKEY_CURREN_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage\downspeedtest.dl.myway.com
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