
14 things we had in W10 but are gone in W11

W11 missing featuresSo far we probably all know what are good new and exciting features that W11 is bringing to the table, let’s talk now about features that will be removed and are not there but we had them in W10

  1. Taskbar, do not worry, it is still there but it will be locked hard only to the bottom, people is removed, applications cannot customize areas and some icons will not appear in the system tray.
  2. Start Menu, No more named groups, cannot be resized, live tiles are history and pinned apps and sites will not migrate
  3. Tablet mode is completely removed
  4. Touch keyboard will not dock or undock on screen sizes bigger than 18 inches
  5. The timeline feature is no more
  6. The wallet is also removed
  7. Cortana is not active on first boot experience and it is no longer pinned to the taskbar
  8. Desktop wallpapers are not synched anymore when using an MS account
  9. IE is disabled, IE mode in edge here to fill the gap
  10. Math panel is removed with math recognizer as separate install on demand
  11. News and interests are now Windows Widgets
  12. Quick status is no longer on the lock screen nor in the settings
  13. S Mode exclusive only to Windows 11 home edition
  14. Snipping Tool continues to be available but functionality has been replaced with the Snip & Sketch tool functionality.3D Viewer, OneNote for Windows 10, Paint 3D, and Skype won't be installed anymore on new systems. They remain available when systems are upgraded.

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Cannot Create User Account During Out Of Box Experience or Sign In, Non-Responsive Behavior (Welcome Back) Page

When you upgrade your Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 system to Windows 10, you’ll undergo a phase called Out of Box Experience, or simply OOBE. This phase is intended to allow users to customize their Windows 10 experience, which includes defining personal settings, creating user accounts, and more. Some users reported having issues when creating their user account during the Out of Box Experience (OOBE) on Windows 10 upgrade. Some also reported issues about non-responsive behavior (Welcome Back) page.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Unfortunately, there’s no known cause for this error. However, some users reported that this occurs when:

  • There’s a problem with the ISO or CD used to install Windows 10
  • There’s hardware malfunctioning on the computer

Further Information and Manual Repair

Your Windows 10 upgrade will not be successful if you’re not able to create a user account or finish the Out of the Box (OOBE) phase of the installation. Here are some methods that will help you fix this manually.

Method 1 – Wait and retry

Some users reported that waiting for about an hour and retrying the process again will solve this problem. It’s also recommended that you keep your computer in a ventilated place while you wait to retry the process.

Method 2 – Load default user manually

This method has 2 requirements in order to work.

  1. You need to be upgrading from a previous Windows version, and
  2. Your Windows was originally configured to automatically boot to desktop

If you meet these two requirements, you can solve the error by following the steps below:

  1. Hold CTRL+ESC keys. Windows should load the default user after doing this step.
  2. Press the Windows key + X. Then, click the Computer Management icon
  3. Choose “Local Users and Groups”
  4. Double click on Users
  5. Right-click on the right pane, and then choose “New User”
  6. Create a new user account and password

Method 3 – Power down your laptop

This method only applies if you’re a laptop user.

  1. Power down your laptop
  2. Remove the battery of your laptop
  3. Wait for about 10 minutes
  4. Connect your laptop using direct current
  5. Turn on your laptop again
  6. Create a new user account and log in

Method 4 – Create a local account if you’re trying to set up a Microsoft account

Instead of connecting to a Microsoft Account after the set-up, you might want to try creating a local account. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Power down your computer if you are to set up a Local Account.
  2. Disconnect your computer from the Internet, either Wired or Wireless
  3. Unplug your computer, and wait for about 10 minutes.
  4. Reconnect your computer and start Windows. Do NOT connect to the Internet and make sure you’re disconnected to any devices you don’t need.
  5. Try creating a user account again

 If the steps above don’t work, you might want to try Startup repair.

Method 5 – Boot your computer from Windows 10 media

In order to do this step, you need to have official Windows 10 ISO files.

  1. Go to the “Install Now” screen
  2. Choose Repair your computer
  3. Click Advanced Options
  4. Click Safe Mode

After doing the steps above, there’s a chance you get an error message that says “installation cannot be completed in safe mode”. When you see this, just press Shift+F10. This will execute and open the command prompt of your computer.

 From the command prompt, you can try and create a new user account.

 For example, net user Username Password /add

 The username here should be replaced with the account name you want to add, and the Password here should be replaced with the password you want to use for the account.

 After replacing the username and password on the text, press the Enter button on your keyboard. You’ll know if the command is successful once you see the message, “The command completed successfully.”

You can now close the command prompt. Restart your computer and try to log in using the account you just created.

Method 6 – Use a powerful automated software

If all the above methods still don’t work, it might be best to try automated software to help you fix this problem.

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Setting a default printer in Windows 10
Windows 10 is by far the most personalized Windows so far, most of its personalization comes from him learning our habits on computers and setting future experiences taking them into account. One of these things that Windows likes to set for us is also the default printer. The default printer is set as one which is most used but sometimes we do not want that, we might like to use another printer as default despite Windows choosing one for us. Never worry, setting default printer is easy and this guide will take you to step by step journey of how you can do it in 5 min on your personal computer. Let us begin: First thing is to click on the windows icon on the bottom left and open start menu, from start menu click once on settings. Windows 10 Star menu with marked settings iconWhen the settings window opens, choose DEVICES on it. Windows settings with marked devices sectionOnce the device window opens, click once on printers and scanners, and on the right window go to the bottom and uncheck Let windows manage my default printer. Windows settings for printerUnchecking that box will let Windows know that we do not wish anymore for him to set our default printers according to their use. Once the checkbox is clear go up to your printer list and click on the printer you wish to use as the default one. I will choose Microsoft Print to PDF as my default printer and click on it. Once the printer is clicked option menu will appear. Windows settings manage printerWhen the option menu appears under the printer name, click on Manage which will take you to the printer management screen. When you are on the manage screen, click on the Set as default button, and you are done. Windows settings printer setting
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Easily repair Server is not accessible
There are a lot of users who use their Windows 10 PCs to create and access data on their servers using their network. However, some of them reported getting an error saying that the server is not accessible. Here’s the full content of the error message:
“\server is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect.”
If you are among the users who experience the same issue, read on as this post will help you resolve this error when accessing your server. But before you start troubleshooting the problem, you might want to perform System Restore, especially if tend to create one. To use System Restore, here’s what you have to do:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
If System Restore didn’t help in fixing the ACPI.sys Blue Screen error now’s the time for you to make use of the potential fixes laid out below.

Option 1 – Try rebooting your router

The first thing you can try to do to fix the error is to simply restart your router. All you need to do is reboot the router from its Admin panel or you can also turn it off manually and turn it back on after a couple of seconds so that it can completely reboot. Once you’re done, try accessing your server again and see if the error is now fixed.

Option 2 – Try checking the status of the Workstation Service

You might want to check the status of the Workstation Service as the error might have something to do with it.
  • Tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to launch the Run utility.
  • Then type “services.msc” in the field and click OK or hit Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • After opening the Services Manager, you will see a list of all the services on your computer and from there, locate the Workstation Service.
  • Double click on the Workstation Service to open its Properties.
  • Next, Stop the Service and Start it again or you can also right-click on it and select Restart and then make sure that its Startup type is set to Automatic.
  • Now restart your computer and check if the error is fixed.

Option 3 – Try to change the File Sharing Connections setting

You can also try to change the File Sharing connections setting. All you have to do is go to Control Panel > Network and sharing center > Advanced sharing settings > File sharing connections. From there, you need to select “Enable file sharing for devices that use 40 or 56-bit encryption and check if it helps in fixing the problem. If not, undo the changes you’ve made and proceed to the next given option.

Option 4 – Try checking the Network Configuration

Checking the Network Configuration can also help you fix the error. Refer to the steps below to do so:
  • Right-click on the Wi-Fi connection or on the Ethernet connection icon located in the system tray.
  • Then select open Network and Internet Settings and then click on the “Change Adapter Options”.
  • After that, a new window will appear and from there, select the network connection that connects your computer to your network – this can either be a Wi-Fi connection or Ethernet connection.
  • Right-click on that connection and select Properties where you will see a list of items.
  • Select the Internet Protocol Version 4 or Internet Protocol Version 6 from those items according to your system requirement.
  • Then click on the Properties button.
  • Check if everything is now configured as to how it is supposed to be and then check if the error is resolved.

Option 5 – Try to reset Winsock, TCP/IP & Flush DNS

You might also want to try resetting Winsock, TCP/IP, and flushing DNS might help you resolve errors. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Right-click on the Start button and click on Command Prompt (administrator) so you can pull up an elevated Command Prompt.
  • After that, execute each one of the commands listed below. And after you typed in one after the other, you have to hit Enter.
  1. netsh winsock reset – type in this command to reset Winsock
  2. netsh int ip reset resettcpip.txt – type in this command to reset TCP/IP
  3. ipconfig /flushdns – type in this command to flush the DNS cache
  • Next, restart your PC and check if the problem’s fixed.

Option 6 – Run the Network Adapter Troubleshooter

  • Open the Search bar on your computer and type in “troubleshoot” to open the Troubleshoot settings.
  • Next, scroll down and select the “Network Adapter” option from the right pane.
  • Then click on the Run Troubleshooter” button.
  • After that, your computer will check for any possible errors and will pinpoint the root cause of the problem if possible.
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Easy Remove PCPerformer From Windows

PC Performer is a registry cleaner made by PerformerSoft. The purpose of this program is to remove redundant items from the Windows registry. Registry cleaners remove broken links, missing references within the Windows registry. PC performer is designed to automatically optimize your registry and clean it up.

PC Performer adds registry entries for the current user that allow it to run automatically each time the system is rebooted. It adds a scheduled task to Windows Task Scheduler in order to run at various times. The software connects to the internet, therefore it creates a Windows Firewall exception that allows it to connect without interference. Multiple anti-virus programs detected this software as Malware, it typically comes bundled with other software or is distributed through a pay-per-install bundle.

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

People have encountered it – you download and install a piece of free software application, you then see some unwanted applications on your computer or discover a strange toolbar has been added to your browser. You didn’t install them, so how did they turn up? These unwanted programs, technically known as Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs), often come bundled along with other software and install themselves on user’s PC without their knowledge. They perhaps might not look like viruses to some individuals, but they can produce major annoyances and bring about serious trouble for users. The idea of PUP was coined to define this downloadable crapware as something other than malicious software. Much like malware, PUPs create problems when downloaded and placed on your computer, but what makes a PUP different is that you provide consent to download it – the fact is vastly different – the software installation bundle actually tricks you into agreeing to the installation. Still, there isn’t any doubt that PUPs are still bad news for computer users as they can be incredibly damaging to your computer in lots of ways.

What do PUPs look like?

The unwanted software programs after installation display loads of annoying pop-up adverts, create fake alerts, and quite often it even pushes the user to buy the software. Likewise, the majority of free software applications these days come with quite a few unwanted add-ons; in most cases a web browser toolbar or browser modification such as a homepage hijacker. Not only they needlessly use up space on your screen, but toolbars can also manipulate search engine results, watch your browsing activities, decrease your web browser’s performance, and decelerate your net connection to a crawl. PUPs employ aggressive distribution techniques to get in your computer. Some might include information gathering program code that could collect and send your private information back to third parties. Due to this unwanted program, your application may freeze, your security protections may get disabled that might leave the computer susceptible, your system may get ruined, and the list goes on and on.

Tips on how to prevent ‘crapware’

• Read cautiously before agreeing to the license agreement as it may have a clause about PUPs. • Usually, when setting up a program you will get two options, ‘Standard Installation (recommended)’ and ‘Custom Installation’. Don’t select ‘Standard’ as PUPs could be installed that way! • Use good anti-malware software. Try Safebytes Anti-Malware which will find PUPs and handle them as malware by flagging them for removal. • Be alert when you install freeware, open-source software, or shareware. Avoid downloading browser extensions and programs you are not familiar with. • Only download applications from the original providers’ sites. Avoid download portals as they use their own download manager to pack additional programs with the initial download.

What you can do if Virus Stops You From Downloading Or Installing Anything?

Malware could potentially cause several kinds of damage to computer systems, networks, and data. Certain malware goes to great lengths to stop you from installing anything on your PC, especially antivirus applications. If you’re reading this right now, you have perhaps recognized that a malware infection is a reason for your blocked web traffic. So what to do if you need to install an antivirus program like Safebytes? There are a few actions you can take to get around this problem.

Eliminate malware in Safe Mode

If the virus is set to load automatically when Microsoft Windows starts, getting into Safe Mode could very well block the attempt. Since just the bare minimum programs and services start-up in safe mode, there are hardly any reasons for issues to happen. The following are the steps you should follow to remove malware in Safemode. 1) At power on/start-up, hit the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This will bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Select Safe Mode with Networking using arrow keys and hit ENTER. 3) Once you get into this mode, you should have an internet connection again. Now, obtain the malware removal application you need by using the browser. To install the software, follow the directions in the installation wizard. 4) After installation, do a complete scan and let the software delete the threats it detects.

Switch to an alternate browser

Web-based viruses can be environment-specific, targeting a particular web browser or attacking particular versions of the browser. The best solution to overcome this issue is to opt for a browser that is well known for its security features. Firefox contains built-in Phishing and Malware Protection to keep you safe online.

Install and run anti-virus from a USB drive

To successfully eliminate the malware, you will need to approach the issue of installing an anti-virus program on the infected PC from a different angle. Adopt these measures to employ a USB flash drive to fix your corrupted computer. 1) Use another virus-free computer to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the pen drive into the clean computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus program to run the Installation Wizard. 4) When asked, choose the location of the pen drive as the place where you would like to put the software files. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. 5) Now, insert the pen drive into the infected computer. 6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes program right from the flash drive. 7) Click “Scan Now” to run a scan on the infected computer for malware.

Highlights of SafeBytes Anti-Malware

Do you want to install the best anti-malware software program for your computer system? There are various applications in the market that comes in paid and free versions for Microsoft Windows systems. A few of them are great and some are scamware applications that pretend as legit anti-malware software waiting around to wreak havoc on your computer. While looking for anti-malware software, select one which gives dependable, efficient, and full protection against all known computer viruses and malware. On the list of recommended software is SafeBytes Anti-Malware. SafeBytes carries a really good track record of top-quality service, and clients are happy with it. SafeBytes anti-malware is a highly effective and easy-to-use protection tool that is suitable for users of all levels of computer literacy. With its cutting-edge technology, this application will let you remove multiples types of malware which include viruses, worms, PUPs, trojans, ransomware, adware, and browser hijackers. SafeBytes anti-malware provides an array of advanced features which sets it apart from all others. Listed here are a few of the great ones: Anti-Malware Protection: Built on a highly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal tool is able to detect and remove many obstinate malware threats such as browser hijackers, potentially unwanted programs, and ransomware that other typical anti-virus programs will miss. Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes offers an entirely hands-free real-time protection that is set to check, prevent and remove all threats at its first encounter. It’ll check your PC for suspicious activity continuously and shields your PC from unauthorized access. Faster Scan: SafeBytes’s virus scan engine is one of the quickest and most efficient in the industry. Its targeted scanning seriously increases the catch rate for malware that is embedded in various computer files. Safe Browsing: Safebytes assigns all sites a unique safety ranking that helps you to have an idea of whether the webpage you’re going to visit is safe to view or known to be a phishing site. Low CPU Usage: SafeBytes is renowned for its minimal influence on processing power and great detection rate of countless threats. It runs silently and efficiently in the background so you’re free to use your computer at full power all the time. 24/7 Customer Support: SafeBytes provides 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and software upgrades for the best user experience.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove PCPerformer without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by PCPerformer

Files: File at LOCALAPPDATAPCPerformerSetupPCPerformerSetup.exe. File at PROGRAMFILESPC PerformerPCPerformer.exe. File at PROGRAMFILESPC PerformerPSCheckUp.exe. File at PROGRAMFILESPC PerformerRegistryDefrag.exe. File at WINDIRTasksPC Performer Daily Check.job. File at WINDIRTasksPC Performer Scheduled Scan.job. Registry: Key PC Performer at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePerformerSoft. Key PC Performer at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPerformerSoft. Key PCPerformer_is1 at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall.
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System32 Folder Keeps Popping up at Startup
The System32 folder contains vital configuration and information that are essential to the operating system. It is located inside the “Windows” folder and it consists of important DLL files as well as executable files. You probably have noticed some errors that have the “System32” word in them but that does not necessarily mean that the System32 folder is the one that triggers them as these kinds of errors have only occurred when some important files are corrupted or missing. Some users recently reported that each time they start their computers, the System32 folder will automatically open up in the File Explorer. If you encounter the same problem, read on as this post will guide you on what to do to fix it. This kind of issue is most likely caused by service or application interference – it is possible that there is a third-party application installed in your computer or a Windows service that triggers the System32 to pop up during startup. It is also possible that this is a result of system modification. Thus, you need to identify the third-party program or restore your computer to its previous state.

Option 1 – Put your computer in a Clean Boot State

As pointed out, it is possible that some third-party program or service is the one that’s behind the problem. To isolate this possibility and to identify the culprit, you have to put your computer into a Clean Boot State. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
After putting your PC in a Clean Boot State, try creating a system restore point and see if the problem still occurs. Clean Boot troubleshooting is designed to help you isolate the problem. For you to execute a clean boot troubleshooting, you must do a couple of actions (the steps given above) and then restart your PC after every action. You might have to disable one third-party app after the other to really isolate the issue. And once you’ve narrowed down the problem, you can either disable the third-party app that’s causing the problem or remove it. Note that you must switch your PC back into the Normal Startup mode after you’re done troubleshooting the problem. Here’s how you can do it:
  • From the “Start” menu, go to System Configuration.
  • After that, switch to the General tab and click the option for “Normal Startup”.
  • Next, go to the Services tab and clear the checkbox for “Hide all Microsoft services”.
  • Then find and click “Enable all” and if prompted, you have to confirm.
  • Afterward, go to the Task Manager and enable all the Startup programs and confirm the action.
  • Restart your PC when prompted.

Option 2 – Perform System Restore

  • First, press the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 3 – Run System File Checker scan

You might also try running the System File Checker or SFC scan to fix the issue. System File Checker is a command utility built into your computer that helps restore corrupted files and missing files. Refer to the following steps to run it:
  • Hit the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
 Restart your computer and see if the System32 folder still pops up at startup or not.
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Disable the Notifications for any Apps
Since Windows 10 introduced the concept of notifications, almost any application installed on your computer sends you one. However, there are times when too many notifications can be quite annoying. Although some of them are important, most of them are not and are only getting in the way of your tasks. So if you don’t like to be flooded with tons of notifications on your Windows 10 computer, say no more as this post will help you out in disabling notifications for any apps installed. And now with the new feature in Windows 10 called Focus Assist, you will be able to manage the level of notifications that you receive. This new feature also allows you to disable all notifications except for the ones from important or priority apps. You will just have to maintain a list of priority applications or you could also disable all the notifications except for the important ones like alarms. In addition, you could also set up some automatic rules such as the Focus Assist timings which means that you can make Focus Assist enabled for a certain period of time during the day or when you are duplicating your display or playing a game and whatnot. So if there is an application that keeps on spamming you with notifications, you can just disable the notifications for that application.

To get started on disabling notifications, refer to the steps given below.

  • Step 1: Go to Settings > System.
  • Step 2: From there, open Notifications and actions and then scroll down to the “Get notifications from these apps” section.
  • Step 3: After that, look for the application that you want to disable notifications for and click on the toggle button that corresponds to disabling notifications for that application. You could also click open to explore additional settings for that particular application.
Note: You can disable notifications or just the notification banners, your choice. Aside from that, you can also control the notification sound as well as its behavior when the computer screen is locked. What’s more, is that you can also adjust the number of notifications displayed in the Action Center or select the priority applications. As stated earlier, Windows 10 gives you control that allows you to customize every nook and cranny of the notification on your Windows 10 computer. Apart from applications, there are also other notifications-related settings that you can control including disabling notifications about tips, tricks, and suggestions as well as summary notifications from Windows Defender that you get every time you use or scan your computer.
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Hide game activity and set privacy on Steam
Steam is a game store behemoth that offers more titles than any other game store online, take that along with the fact that steam was one of the first online dedicated stores for games and you can guess that many people have a steam account, buy and play games on it. It is a platform where you can meet new people in games and add them as friends on steam so you can spend some time together. But happens if you want to have friends on Steam but you would like to hide your game activity? Or even if you want to go fully private on Steam so no one can find you so you can play whatever you want without paying and judging eyes? Luckily Valve appreciates your privacy and offers ways to do exactly this. Keep on reading on how to set up your privacy settings in Steam.

Hiding Steam game activity

  • Launch Steam on your PC.
  • Go to the top bar of Steam and click on your name.
  • Select Profile from the context menu.
  • Click on the Edit Profile button present at the right section of the window.
  • Next, click on the My Privacy Settings button.
  • Now, the Privacy Settings page will be opened.
  • Scroll down and go to the My Profile section.
  • Open the drop-down list given next to the Game Details and select the Private option.
  • Now, check if this process is working or not. For this, right-click anywhere on the blank space in the Steam screen > choose the Copy Page URL option.
  • Then, open a browser and paste the copied page URL in the address bar and check whether your Steam game activity is hidden or not.

Making profile private

  • Launch Steam > click on your name > select Profile from the menu list.
  • Click on the Edit Profile > My Privacy Settings button.
  • Go to the My Profile and open the dropdown menu.
  • Click on the Private option.
  • Now, the changes will be saved automatically.
If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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How to Fix 0x80070643 Error Code

What is the Ox80070643 Error Code?

The 0x80070643 error is a Windows Update error. It may appear on your computers due to several reasons.  Though this error does not pose any harmful threats to your system it is still advisable to fix it to ensure your system works perfectly and there are no installation issues.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error 0x80070643 error code is usually triggered:
  • When the MSI software update registration fails
  • .NET framework installation becomes corrupted on your PC
Though it does not cause any serious damages it is advisable to repair this issue as it may hamper your ability to install updates on your PC.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you experience the error 0x80070643 on your PC, you don’t have to panic. This error is rated as easy to resolve. All you have to do to fix this error is to uninstall and reinstall the .NET Framework. Here is a step by step guide to repairing the error 0x80070643:
  1. First close all the currently running programs on your PC
  2. Then go to the start menu and click on the control panel. After you click on it you will see a Programs option here.
  3. Now click on Programs and then click ‘Programs and Features
  4. Under the Programs and Features section, you will see lots of programs. Double click on Microsoft .Net Framework 4 Client Profile.
  5. Now as you double click on it a dialog box will open in front of the screen with 2 options Repair .Net Framework 4 Client Profile to its original state and the other option would be Remove.Net Framework 4 Client profile from this computer. Click on the first option that says Repair.
  6. After clicking on the Repair tab, click ‘Next’ and then click ‘Finish’. This shows that the .NET Framework is repaired.
  7. Now to bring the changes into effect, restart your PC and reboot.
  8. After rebooting it, go to the start menu again and type Windows Update in the search box.
  9. Click ‘Windows update’ to check for and install updates.
Follow these steps to resolve the 0x80070643 error code issue immediately. Nonetheless, to avoid the error 0x80070643 from occurring again, it is suggested that you download the Windows Update tool. This helps keep your system updated. By updating the latest vulnerability and performance improvements on your PC, you can ensure your PC works smoothly and is not exposed to such errors and threats.
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Remove Task View button from Windows 11
Task ViewTask View feature inside Windows 11 is actually a great feature, letting you quickly view open windows and virtual desktops. How Task view itself could be reached with keyboard shortcut combination of ⊞ WINDOWS + TAB some users will prefer this way of using it and thus button on the taskbar is something you do not want or need. There is a very easy way to remove mentioned button and I will show you how to do it. Right-click the taskbar button itself and click on Hide From Taskbar. That’s it, you have done it. Now in order for you to bring it back if you change your mind, you will have to do some extra steps but it is nothing difficult. Right-click on the taskbar and click on Taskbar settings, you will be lead to Personalization > Taskbar. Inside locate Taskbar Items and switch Task View to ON, you will see the Task View button right away showing itself again.
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Fix Windows Cannot Find a System Image
If you have encountered the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error while you are trying to restore a system image, then read on as this post will guide you in resolving this problem. A system image is basically a backup of your whole data in the system. For instance, it can be the backup data of your hard disk or the whole hard disk itself, or one of the volumes. This is really useful in some cases like when you are not able to get back into your system for some reason or when your system has been corrupted. In such cases, you can utilize this feature and get going safe and sound. However, not all things go the way as expected like when you make a system image of a drive for instance, or use that backup to restore data and you suddenly encounter the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error. This kind of error occurs due to a number of reasons but worry not for your data is safe and you can fix this error easily. This error is most likely triggered by changing the name of the “WindowsImageBackup” folder. Renaming this folder will certainly be an issue since it is the one that stores all your data. Aside from renaming the WindowsImageBackup folder, renaming the sub-folders can also cause this error which means that renaming the sub-folders of the WindowsImageBackup folder can trigger the error. To fix this error, here are some suggestions that might help:

Option 1 – Try putting the WindowsImageBackup folder in the Root directory

Windows will have issues finding the WindowsImageBackup folder if it isn’t in the root directory of the drive so if it is not there, the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error will pop up. When a folder is in a root directory, it means that it shouldn’t be stored within a folder but in the main directory instead.  Thus, you need to put the WindowsImageBackup folder in the root directory to fix the error.

Option 2 – Don’t add any sub-folders in the WindowsImageBackup folder

Another cause of the error is when you add sub-folders in the WindowsImage Backup folder. Adding any sub-folders in this folder will only trigger the error so you should leave the folder as it is and you must not make any modifications to it. So if you have added sub-folders in it, make sure to remove them right away.

Option 3 – Make sure that there is one system image per USB drive

The error can also appear if you’ve stored multiple images inside a single USB drive as it could confuse Windows and will trigger the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error. Note that storing system images of different volumes of your hard disk in a single USB will prevent you from restoring your data.

Option 4 – Try renaming the System Image folder

If you’ve just changed the name of the System Image folder after you store it on a USB stick or other external device, then it’s no wonder why you’re getting the “Windows Cannot Find a System Image on This Computer” error. Windows search for the default name, “WindowsImage Backup” folder when restoring your data so if it is not able to find it, it throws up this error instead. To fix the error, you need to change the folder back to its default name which is “WindowsImageBackup”.

Option 5 – Check the WindowsImageBackup sub-folders

As mentioned earlier, renaming sub-folders in the WindowsImageBackup folder can trigger the error so if you have renamed sub-folders in this folder, you need to change them back to their default names so that you can restore your data peacefully.
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