
Disable the Notifications for any Apps

Since Windows 10 introduced the concept of notifications, almost any application installed on your computer sends you one. However, there are times when too many notifications can be quite annoying. Although some of them are important, most of them are not and are only getting in the way of your tasks. So if you don’t like to be flooded with tons of notifications on your Windows 10 computer, say no more as this post will help you out in disabling notifications for any apps installed.

And now with the new feature in Windows 10 called Focus Assist, you will be able to manage the level of notifications that you receive. This new feature also allows you to disable all notifications except for the ones from important or priority apps. You will just have to maintain a list of priority applications or you could also disable all the notifications except for the important ones like alarms. In addition, you could also set up some automatic rules such as the Focus Assist timings which means that you can make Focus Assist enabled for a certain period of time during the day or when you are duplicating your display or playing a game and whatnot. So if there is an application that keeps on spamming you with notifications, you can just disable the notifications for that application.

To get started on disabling notifications, refer to the steps given below.

  • Step 1: Go to Settings > System.
  • Step 2: From there, open Notifications and actions and then scroll down to the “Get notifications from these apps” section.
  • Step 3: After that, look for the application that you want to disable notifications for and click on the toggle button that corresponds to disabling notifications for that application. You could also click open to explore additional settings for that particular application.

Note: You can disable notifications or just the notification banners, your choice. Aside from that, you can also control the notification sound as well as its behavior when the computer screen is locked. What’s more, is that you can also adjust the number of notifications displayed in the Action Center or select the priority applications. As stated earlier, Windows 10 gives you control that allows you to customize every nook and cranny of the notification on your Windows 10 computer. Apart from applications, there are also other notifications-related settings that you can control including disabling notifications about tips, tricks, and suggestions as well as summary notifications from Windows Defender that you get every time you use or scan your computer.

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How to know if you have keylogger in Windows
Hello and welcome everyone, today we will be talking about dreaded keyloggers, why they are dangerous, and how to know if you might have one in your system. Keylogger is a malicious application placed in your system and hidden with only one goal in mind, to get information about what are you typing and by that means for a person who infected you to get information about your credit card information or other sensitive data. They can be introduced into your systems in various ways and often can not be detected easily. Modern antivirus applications have ways of detecting them and removing but this tutorial aims to teach you how to spot them all by yourself since new keyloggers are produced daily and sometimes relying on antivirus alone is not enough. Unlike viruses and trojans, keyloggers are not heavy on system resources and you will not feel slow down on your computer if you have one which makes them harder to sport with regular work. Some of them can be even tracking you on the website and not even be physically present on your computer. Generally, we could categorize keylogger into 4 categories:
  1. Web browser-based keylogger. Some websites would have CSS scripts, input web forms, or so-called man in the middle keylogger. Lucky for us even Windows defenders with the latest update can detect this type of keylogger and successfully deal with it and how keylogger itself is not present on our system we are safe.
  2. General spyware keylogger. This keylogger is present in your system, usually, it infected it via email attachment, social media download, torrent download, some malicious so-called fixer application, etc. Most antivirus applications and windows defenders can detect these types as well and remove them successfully.
  3. Kernel-level keylogger. This keylogger is a more dangerous type they tend to operate underneath Windows as a rootkit and can go undetected by antivirus and windows defenders.
  4. Hypervisor-based keylogger. This is the most dangerous keylogger, they use virtualization techniques to hide and mask themselves as a replica of the operating system and they scan all keystrokes by the user. These are very rare keyloggers but they do exist.
If you suspect that you have a keylogger or just want to check your system for precaution reasons follow these tips and guides and luckily you will solve your issue in no time and your data will be safe.
  1. Use Task Manager to find suspicious entries.

    Task manager is a great application implemented in Windows that is constantly monitoring and showing all services, applications, and processes currently running on your system and thus a great tool to monitor your system if you know how to use it. First, open task manager by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESC Then take a good look into it, try to find suspicious names, probably duplicate of running application, something like Windows logon application, or keylog or anything similar which seems out of ordinary. If you manage to find a suspicious running application right-click on it and close it. Also while you are in task manager jump into the startup tab and check to see are there some unusual applications starting with your Windows, if you find anything, disable it right away. This is the most simple and quickest way to get some information right away if you suspect to have some simpler keylogger in your system.
  2. Use the command prompt to monitor your network.

    In order to check connections to your computer and find potential suspicious ones start the command prompt in administrator mode, press ⊞ Win + X, and choose command prompt (administrator). type in netstat -b and press ENTER. All website and application connections to your computer are now visible. ignore svchost, edge browser, windows store, etc ad check the IP of the remaining ones using the internet.
  3. Use keystroke encryption.

    Install encrypting software and even if you have a keylogger, the application will encrypt each stroke and all that attacker will get is gibberish
Please remember to always download files from trusted sources, do not open unknown emails, and do not share your information publicly. Take common protection steps in order to protect yourself in the digital world.
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How to hide taskbar inside Windows 11
windows 11 taskbarWindows 11 has brought some bad reviews for its inability to change the taskbar location to the screen. Luckily we can still hide it if needed. In order to hide the taskbar from the screen follow these simple instructions:
  1. Right-click the taskbar itself and select “Taskbar Settings” in the tiny menu that pops up or open Windows Settings and navigate to Personalization > Taskbar
  2. Click on Taskbar Behaviors
  3. Check the box next to Automatically hide the Taskbar
  4. Close settings
As soon as you click on the box to hide the taskbar Windows 11 will apply your settings and hide the taskbar, you will get one line at the very bottom of the screen indicating that the taskbar is still present, just hidden. When you reach the bottom of your screen with the mouse it will pop up and be visible again, just like in all Windows so far.
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Computer makes a beeping noise when you turn it on
Recently, a few users reported that they were unable to turn on their computers for some reason and at the same time their computers Computer makes a beeping noise couple of times or continuously whenever they try to turn them on. The sounds the computers are making can be quite annoying and it also signifies that there is something wrong with them. The problem might have something to do with the hardware inside of the computer system rather than Windows 10 itself. As you know, a computer is designed to deliver audible error sounds every time some part of the hardware is not properly working. For instance, if you hear a single beep, this indicates that your GPU is having some issues and if you’re hearing two beeps, it indicates that your RAM is not working properly, whereas three beeps that repeat after a pause when you turn on your computer means that there is something wrong with the system memory. On the other hand, if your computer is beeping continuously, this means that the problem lies with the processor. To fix this issue, here are some suggestions that might help but before you proceed, make sure that you know how to manage your computer’s hardware, if not, better have some expert do it for you.

Option 1 – Try checking the RAM

One of the basic things you can do in this kind of case is to check the RAM. Prepare some screwdrivers and dig into your PC and then look for the RAM slots and ensure that they are attached firmly. There are times when moving around your computer daily can cause certain components in your computer to become loose. Worst case scenario is that the RAM might be broken so really have to replace it.

Option 2 – Try checking the graphics card

After digging into your computer, check the graphics card and give it some good cleaning. As you know, you have to remove certain components like the graphics card regularly and clean them to help increase their lifespan and avoid errors in a startup. And if it turns out that the graphics card is broken, you have to replace it with a new one to fix the problem.

Option 3 – Try checking the processor

The processor is the brain of every computer so if it ends up not working, everything else is useless. Thus, you need to check it to see if it’s firmly attached and see if it needs some cleaning of dust and other debris. After that, try turning on your computer again. If it doesn’t work, then you might have to take your system to a technician to resolve the problem for you.
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Fix “Diskpart failed to clear disk attributes”
If you encounter the “Diskpart failed to clear disk attributes” error when you try to change the read-only state of a storage device using the Diskpart application and the request is denied, worry not for this post will give you a couple of fixes to resolve the problem. As you know, Diskpart is used for resolving read-only storage devices by changing their attribute via the command line. So if it is not able to change the attribute of the storage device, then you will most likely encounter an error such as this one. This kind of error is not uncommon and as long as there are no damaged physical attributes, you can resolve it right away. There are tons of reasons why you’re getting this error while using Diskpart, it could be that the storage device has a physical write-protected switch or the disk is hidden or has bad sectors. It could also be because the storage drive might be in RAW format or that you are running the Diskpart application without admin privileges. Whatever the cause may be, here are some options you can try to fix the problem but before you proceed, make sure that you log on to your PC as an administrator.

Option 1 – Check if there is a physical switch on the storage device

There are some USB devices and SD card readers that have a write-protected physical switch that disables all the writable options on the storage device and so if it is turned on, Diskpart won’t be able to change the disk attribute to writable. To check, simply look for the physical switch on both sides of the device and once you found it, make sure that it is toggled off and then plug the storage device back in then try running Diskpart once again.

Option 2 – Modify the WriteProtected key in the Registry Editor

Before you proceed, you have to create a System Restore Point first.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open Run and type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to the following path:
  • After that, look for the “WriteProtect” registry entry which is located on the left side of the window, and then double click on it.
  • Change its value to “0” and click OK to save the changes made and exit the Registry Editor.

Option 3 – Run CHKDSK to check the drive for errors

When it comes to some issues concerning the hard drive or removable devices, there is a utility in Windows that might help which is called “chkdsk”. This error check utility can help with several issues in the system including the “Diskpart failed to clear disk attributes” error.
  • Tap the Win + S keys to open the Search box.
  • Then type “command prompt” in the field and from the search results that appear, right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”.
  • After opening an elevated command prompt, copy and paste the following command and hit Enter:
CHKDSK [volume [[path] filename]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/C] [: size]]
Note: In the command given above, “[/F]” will try to fix the system errors while “[/R]” will be the one to fix the bad sectors.
  • Now if you are prompted to run CHKDSK after your reboot your PC, just tap Y and reboot your PC.
  • If CHKDSK is not able to find any errors, tap the Win + E keys and navigate the access window. From there, right-click on the concerned drive and click on Properties.
  • After opening Properties, click on the tab Tools and then click on the “Check” button under the Error-checking section.
  • Wait until the process is completed and then restart your computer.

Option 4 – Clear the attributes on RAW

  • Tap the Win + S keys then type “diskpart” in the field.
  • Click the Diskpart application and if a User Account Control dialog box pops up, click Yes to proceed.
  • After opening an elevated Command Prompt, type in the commands listed below and make sure to tap Enter right after you key in one command after the other.
    • list volume
    • select volume ‘n’ (In this command, you have to replace ‘n’ with the volume number of the drive)
    • format fs=fat32 quick (In this command you also have the flexibility to change the format to ‘ntfs’ or ‘exfat’)
  • After executing the commands given, unplug the removable storage device and wait for a couple of seconds and then plug it back in.
  • Now try any normal write operations and see if the error no longer appears.

Option 5 – Try checking the hardware components

On the other hand, it is also possible that the issue has something to do with a hardware problem and so you need to check the hardware components on your computer to determine that.
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Fix Update Error 0x800705B3 in Windows
Some Windows users are encountering the 0x800705b3 error code after failing to install a pending update on Windows 10. Most commonly this particular issue is reported to occur with Integrated webcam drivers updates and Bluetooth adapter driver updates. Follow the guide below in order to fix the issue and update your Windows successfully

Running the Windows Update Troubleshooter

The majority of users that were dealing with this issue reported that the issue was fixed after they ran the Windows Update Troubleshooter and applied the recommended fix.
  1. Open a Run dialog box by pressing ⊞ WINDOWS + R. Inside the text box, type ‘ms-settings:troubleshoot’ and press ENTER to open up the Troubleshooting menu. Opening the Troubleshooting tab on Windows 10
  2. Once you’re inside the Troubleshooting tab, move over to the right-hand section of the screen and click on Windows Update (under Get up and Running). Next, from the context menu that just appeared, click on Run the Troubleshooter.
  3. Once you’re inside the Windows Update troubleshooter, wait until the initial scan is complete and see if a viable repair strategy is found.
  4. If the scan has identified a strategy with the potential to fix your ongoing issue, click on Apply this fix and wait until the procedure is complete. Applying the fix Note: Depending on the type of fix that was recommended, you might need to follow an additional set of instructions before the fix will be properly imposed.
  5. After you’ve done this, reboot your computer and wait for the next startup to complete.
  6. Open Windows Update once again and see if the installation of this pending update is now successful.

Installing the pending Update Manually

Whether you’re experiencing this issue with an integrated webcam driver or with anything else, chances are you’ll be able to circumvent the apparition of the 0x800705b3 error by using the Microsoft Update Catalog to find, download and install the pending update manually.
  1. Open your default browser and navigate to the root web page of the Microsoft Update Catalog.
  2. Once you’re inside the Microsoft Update Catalog, use the search function (top-right corner of the screen) to search for the update that is failing.
  3. After the search is completed and you get the list of results, look for an updated driver version that is compatible with your Windows version and CPU architecture.
  4. Once you manage to identify the correct Windows Update, click on the hyperlink associated with the update that you want to install, then click the Download button and wait for the process to complete.
  5. After the download is complete, use File Explorer to navigate to the location where you previously downloaded the update.
  6. When you get to the correct location, right-click on the .inf file and choose Install from the context menu that just appeared. Note: If you have multiple failing updates with the same 0x800705b3, repeat the instructions above with every Windows Update that you’re having trouble installing.
  7. At the end of this operation, reboot your computer and see if the problem is fixed at the next computer startup.

Enabling the Windows Installer Service

The Windows installer service is responsible for installing pending updates that get downloaded by the Windows Update component. If this service is disabled on your configuration, none of the updates waiting to get installed will get completed.
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open up a Run dialog box. Inside the text box, type ‘services.msc’ and press ENTER to open up the Services utility.
  2. Once you’re inside the Services screen, move over to the right-hand tab of the screen, scroll down through the list of services and locate the Windows Installer service. When you find it, right-click on it and choose Properties from the context menu that just appeared.
  3. Once you are inside the Properties screen of the Windows Installer services, access the General tab, click on the Start button to force-start the service. Note: If you can, also change the Startup type to Automatic via the associated drop-down menu. However, depending on your administrator settings, this might not be possible.
  4. Restart your computer and wait for the next startup to complete. Once your PC boots back up, attempt to reinstall the driver that was previously triggering the 0x800705b3 error and see if the issue is now fixed.

Performing a Winsock Reset

In case the 0x800705b3 error is related to some kind of network inconsistency (TCP or IP related), you might see Windows Updates failing due to bad data that forces the Windows to abort the installation of new pending updates. In this case, you should proceed by doing a complete Winsock reset procedure to fix the majority of the socket and temporary data-related issues that might cause this behavior. Several affected users have confirmed that this method was the only thing that allowed them to finally fix the Windows Update issue and install pending updates normally. Here are some step-by-step instructions that will walk you through the process of performing Winsock Reset:
  1. Open up a Run dialog box by pressing ⊞ WINDOWS + R. Inside the text box, type ‘cmd’, then press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to open up an elevated Command Prompt. Accessing an elevated CMD prompt Note: When prompted by the UAC (User Account Control) prompt, click Yes to grant admin access.
  2. Inside the elevated CMD prompt, type and taste the following commands in order and press ENTER after each one to effectively reset the TCP and IP data that might be responsible for the apparition of the 0x800705b3 error code:
    nbtstat -R
    nbtstat -RR
    netsh int reset all
    netsh int ip reset
    netsh winsock reset
  3. Once every command above is processed successfully, you can go ahead and close the elevated Command Prompt and reboot your computer.
  4. After the next startup is complete, repeat the installation of the Windows Update that was previously failing and see if the issue is now fixed.

Performing SFC and DISM Scans

If none of the ‘superficial’ causes have worked in your case, you should start considering some type of system corruption that might affect your computer’s ability to complete pending updates that are currently waiting to be installed. In case you find yourself in this particular scenario, you should run a couple of built-in utilities capable of fixing corrupted instances that might be currently affecting the Windows Update component. Our recommendation is to start with a simple System File Checker scan. An SFC scan will cross-check every Windows File against a local archive that maintains healthy copies. In case corrupted instances are found, this utility will swap the corrupted instance with the healthy equivalent.

Performing an SFC scan

Once the SFC scan is complete, reboot your computer and wait for the next startup to complete. After your computer boots back up, initiate a DISM scan. This utility works differently in the sense that it relies on a sub-component of Windows Update to download healthy copies for the corrupted Windows files that need to be replaced. Because of this, it’s important to make sure that you have a reliable Internet connection before initiating this operation.

Doing a DISM scan

After the DISM scan is complete, reboot your computer one final time and see if the issue is fixed once the next startup is complete.
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Remove EmailAccountLogin PUP Removal Tutorial

EmailAccountLogin is a browser extension for Google Chrome, Mozilla, and Internet Explorer. This extension enables you one-click access to your favorite email providers, allowing you to easily check your email without typing the web address.

From the author: One-Click Access to quick links to the most popular email providers.

The Email Account Login new tab extension provides convenient, one-click access to several popular email services including Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, Outlook, and Live mail along with providing direct access to a web search.

EmailAccountLogin is a browser hijacker, this extension hijacks your home page and replaces it with its own search engine. While active this extension monitors your website visits, links, clicks, and personal information. This information is later sold/forwarded to better server ads across its network. While using EmailAccountLogin you will see additional unwanted ads injected into your search results, sponsored links, and even sometimes pop-up ads. Several anti-virus scanners have categorized EmailAccountLogin as a Browser Hijacker and therefore, for security reasons, it is not recommended to keep it on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijack is a very common type of online fraud where your internet browser configuration settings are modified to make it do things you don’t intend. Browser hijacker malware is developed for many different reasons. It redirects you to the sponsored sites and inserts advertisements on the browser that helps its developer generate earnings. It may seem harmless, but most of these sites are not legitimate and could present a significant threat to your online safety. As soon as the program attacks your laptop or computer, it starts to mess things up a whole that slows your PC down to a crawl. In the worst-case scenario, you may be pushed to tackle serious malware threats as well.

Browser hijacking signs and symptoms

Signs that your internet browser is hijacked include: 1. your homepage has been reset to some mysterious webpage 2. when you key in a URL, you find yourself regularly directed to a different webpage than the one you actually meant 3. default web engine is modified 4. you’re getting new toolbars you haven’t witnessed before 5. you notice numerous ads pop up on your browsers or display screen 6. your web browser starts running slowly or displays frequent errors 7. you are blocked to access the websites of computer security solution providers.

How they get into your PC

Browser hijackers may use drive-by downloads or file-sharing networks or perhaps an e-mail attachment in order to reach a targeted computer. Many browser hijackings originate from add-on applications, i.e., toolbars, browser helper objects (BHO), or extensions added to web browsers to provide them additional functionality. A browser hijacker may also come bundled up with some freeware that you inadvertently download to your computer, compromising your internet security. A good example of some notorious browser hijackers includes Anyprotect, Conduit, Babylon, SweetPage, DefaultTab, Delta Search, and RocketTab, but the names are constantly changing. Browser hijacking can bring about severe privacy issues and even identity theft, disrupt your browsing experience by taking control over outbound traffic, considerably slows down your computer by depleting lots of resources and result in system instability also.

How to repair a browser hijack

Certain hijackers can be removed by simply uninstalling the corresponding free software or add-ons from the Add or Remove Programs in the Microsoft Windows control panel. Yet, some hijackers are far harder to find or get rid of as they might get themselves connected with some critical system files which allow it to operate as a necessary operating-system process. Furthermore, manual removal demands you to execute several time-consuming and complex actions which are very difficult to do for novice computer users. Browser hijackers can be effectively removed by installing and running anti-malware software on the affected PC. Safebytes Anti-Malware has a cutting-edge anti-malware engine to help you avoid browser hijacking in the first place, and mop up any existing issues. Along with anti-virus software, a PC optimizer tool will help you repair Windows registry errors, eliminate unwanted toolbars, secure your internet privacy, and improve overall system performance.

Find Out How To Install Safebytes Anti-Malware On An Infected Computer system

All malware is bad and the effects of the damage can vary according to the specific type of malware. Some malware variants modify browser settings by adding a proxy server or change the PC’s DNS configurations. In these cases, you will be unable to visit some or all of the websites, and thus unable to download or install the necessary security software to get rid of the malware. So what should you do if malicious software keeps you from downloading or installing Safebytes Anti-Malware? Follow the instructions below to get rid of malware through alternate methods.

Install the anti-malware in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, you may adjust Windows settings, un-install or install some software, and eradicate hard-to-delete malware. In the event, the malware is set to load automatically when the PC starts, shifting to this mode may well prevent it from doing so. To start the computer into Safe Mode, hit the “F8” key on the keyboard just before the Windows logo screen comes up; Or right after normal Windows boot up, run MSConfig, look over the Safe Boot under the Boot tab, and then click Apply. After you restart into Safe Mode with Networking, you may download, install, as well as update the anti-malware program from there. At this point, you could run the antivirus scan to eliminate viruses and malware without any interference from another application.

Utilize an alternate internet browser to download security software

Some malware might target vulnerabilities of a specific browser that obstruct the downloading process. When you suspect that your Internet Explorer happens to be hijacked by a virus or otherwise compromised by online hackers, the most effective plan of action is to switch over to a different web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to download your chosen computer security software – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Install and run anti-virus from your flash drive

Another option is to save and run an antivirus software program entirely from a USB drive. Do these simple measures to clear up your affected PC using portable anti-malware. 1) On a virus-free PC, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the Flash drive into the uninfected computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus program to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Choose the drive letter of the pen drive as the location when the wizard asks you where you would like to install the anti-virus. Follow activation instructions. 5) Transfer the flash drive from the uninfected computer to the infected computer. 6) Double-click the antivirus software EXE file on the thumb drive. 7) Click on “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the infected computer for malware. If no other method of downloading and installing an anti-malware program works, then you’ve no other choice than to hit the final resort: a full Windows reinstallation, which can get rid of that nasty virus and help you regain internet access. If you’re unsure which method to use, simply contact our toll-free number 1-844-377-4107 to speak to our technical team. Our experts will take you step-by-step through the malware removal process on the phone and also restore your computer remotely.

SafeBytes Anti-Malware: Lightweight Malware Protection for Windows PC

If you’re looking to download an anti-malware application for your computer, there are numerous tools out there to consider nonetheless, you just cannot trust blindly anyone, irrespective of whether it is paid or free software. Some of them are excellent, some are ok types, and some will harm your PC themselves! You need to choose one that is dependable, practical, and has a strong reputation for its malware source protection. On the list of recommended software programs is SafeBytes Anti-Malware. SafeBytes has a very good history of top-quality service, and customers are very happy with it. SafeBytes anti-malware is a very effective and easy-to-use protection tool that is made for end-users of all levels of IT literacy. With its cutting-edge technology, this application can help you get rid of multiples types of malware including computer viruses, worms, PUPs, trojans, adware, ransomware, and browser hijackers. There are numerous great features you will get with this particular security product. The following are some of the features you might like in SafeBytes. Robust Anti-malware Protection: This deep-cleaning antimalware software goes much deeper than most anti-virus tools to clean your computer system. Its critically acclaimed virus engine locates and disables hard to remove malware that conceals deep inside your computer. Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes offers real-time active monitoring and protection from all known computer viruses and malware. This software will always keep track of your computer for any suspicious activity and updates itself regularly to keep current with the latest threats. Fast Scan: This computer software has one of the fastest and most efficient virus scanning engines in the industry. The scans are highly accurate and take a little time to complete. Internet Security: SafeBytes gives an instant safety rating on the web pages you are going to check out, automatically blocking harmful sites and making sure that you’re certain of your safety while browsing the net. Lightweight: This application is not “heavy” on the computer’s resources, so you’ll not notice any overall performance problems when SafeBytes is operating in the background. 24/7 Guidance: You can obtain high levels of support round the clock if you’re using their paid software.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove EmailAccountLogin without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by EmailAccountLogin

Files: C:Program FilesEmail Account Login C:UserAppDataRoamingEmail Account Login C:ProgramDataEmail Account Login C:UsersUserAppDataLocalEmail Account Login %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677emailaccountlogin.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerRecoveryHighActiveRecoveryStore.E2864823-7CB8-11E7-989D-0A00278A626A.dat %LOCALAPPDATA%MicrosoftInternet ExplorerRecoveryHighActiveE2864824-7CB8-11E7-989D-0A00278A626A.dat %LOCALAPPDATA%MicrosoftInternet Explorerframeiconcache.dat %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Commondbg.js %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Commonimggreen-btn.png %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Commonimggrey-btn.png %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Commonjquery.min.js %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Commonjson3.min.js %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Commonstats.js %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Finish.zip %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Finishindex.html %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Finishscript.js %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677Finishstyles.css %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677IES.zip %TEMP%CF49E01A-6F41-4B56-9743-DBC375176677IESie.png Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesWpm HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settingsrandom HKEY_LOCAL_MachineSoftwareClasses[adware name] HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun .exe HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings CertificateRevocation = 0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionrunrandom HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain Default_Page_URL
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Win Firewall and third party Firewall are off
As you know, the Windows 10 operating system, as well as other Windows versions, comes with the Windows Firewall. In Windows 10, the firewall allows users to install and run a third-party firewall. This kind of firewall works independently to block any suspicious activity on your computer. However, recently, some users reported that they are getting a notification on the Startup saying,
“Windows Firewall and <Third party firewall name> Firewall are both turned off; tap or click to see available options”.
This particular error could be caused by a lot of factors but when you manually check the firewall, you’ll find that there really is nothing wrong with both the Windows Firewall and the third party firewall. So if both the Windows Firewall and third-party firewalls like McAfee, Comodo, and many others are both turned off in Windows 10, then you need to do several things to resolve the problem – you need to check the supporting services that are required and uninstall and then reinstall the third party firewall on your computer. For more instructions, refer to the options provided below.

Option 1 – Try enabling all the supporting services for the firewall

The first thing you can do to resolve the error with the firewall is to check all of its supporting services by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “services.msc” in the field and then hit Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • Next, look for the Windows Defender Firewall service among the given list of services.
  • Once you found it, make sure that its Startup Type is set to Automatic and that the status of the service is Running. So if it’s not running, just click on the Start button.
  • In addition, you also have to make sure that the following services’ status is set as follows:
    • Xbox Live Networking Service: Manual
    • Base Filtering Engine: Automatic
  • Once done, start the firewall again and check if the error is now fixed or not.

Option 2 – Try to uninstall and reinstall the third-party firewall

It is possible that the firewall error might be due to an error with the compatibility of the installation in Windows 10 and the third-party firewall. Thus, the next thing you can do is to uninstall the third-party firewall and then reinstall it again. Once you have uninstalled the third-party firewall, you can download its latest version from its official website and install it again. This should fix the error with the firewall.
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How to Set up POP3 Email in Outlook
No one knows everything about a program off hand. You need to use the program for a long time before you can even possibly know all that it is able to do and all you are able to achieve with it. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t need help from time to time. This is also the case when Outlook errors pop up. Sometimes there are things you must or probably should do with your program that you do not understand and definitely don’t know how to do. Set up POP3 with your email account in Outlook is one of these things you will probably need help to achieve.

Steps to Set up POP3

First, you may need to know what POP3 is. POP3 is the way emails are sent from one email address to another. It may be more or less instant nowadays, but the process is still long and hard-winded. Similar to how your letters get from your mailbox to the recipients' mailbox, your emails get from you to the next person. Letters are picked up in your mailbox and sent to your post office where they send it to the recipient’s post office who sends it to the recipient’s mailbox. Similarly, your email is sent to your outbox, which sends it to your email service provider, that sends it to the recipient’s email service provider who sends it to their inbox. This is one of the reasons that sending an email to someone who uses the same email service provider as you is about a millisecond faster. This process of sending emails is called POP3 and you need to set it up if you use Outlook on Microsoft. This, on Outlook, also determines which email account you send your emails from. You see, on Outlook and many other email service providers, you can have many different email addresses, no even necessarily with the email service provider’s prefix on the end. Now, if you want to see this for yourself, go on to your settings on Outlook and look for manage email accounts. If you have more than one email account, you will see them listed. Somewhere on the sidebar, you will see POP3 as well. If you want to add more email accounts to this, such as a business email or a personal email, then just click ‘Add new account’ instead of 'Manage email accounts'. When you click on an email account you have linked already, you will see on this side the details for your POP3 (incoming emails) and your SMTP (outgoing emails). This can be changed, but since everyone’s number of accounts and type of accounts is different, there is no set way to change this. However, you can give Microsoft a call and they will walk you through the necessary steps in order to change this.


So, POP3 can be incredibly easy to understand or incredibly hard; it depends on how good you are with electronics and the advice you are given. But don’t try to change things by yourself; get a professional from Microsoft to help you with POP3 on your Microsoft Outlook account.
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Adaptive Brightness is not working
The Adaptive Brightness setting in Windows 10 is a useful setting you can use in adjusting your computer’s brightness. It helps you get the brightness automatically based on the light around your computer. However, there are times when it does not work or it doesn’t turn off when you want it to. If this issue happened right after you update or install Windows 10, then read on as this post will give you a couple of options you can try to resolve the problem.

Option 1 – Try to run the Power Troubleshooter

The first thing you can do to resolve the issue with Adaptive Brightness is to run the Power Troubleshooter as the problem could occur due to some conflicted power settings. To use it, refer to the following steps:
  • Open the Windows 10 Settings panel and go to Update & Security and then to Troubleshoot.
  • After that, scroll down to your left-hand side and click the Power option.
  • From there, you should see the “Run the troubleshooter” button. Click on it to fix the problem.
  • Afterward, follow the next on-screen instructions that follow.

Option 2 – Try disabling or turning off the corresponding options in GPU settings

The problem might be due to the Graphics card settings. If you are using either an AMD graphics card or the HD graphics of Intel, you may have to disable the power-related options in the GPU settings. To be specific, you have to disable the Vari-Bright in AMD graphics card settings or the Display Power Saving Technology under Intel’s Graphics panel.
  • AMD users:
    • Open the AMD Radeon settings panel.
    • Then go to Preferences. From there, select Radeon Additional Settings.
    • Next, go to the Power tab and click the PowerPlay option.
    • You should find an option called “Enable Vari-Bright” located on your right-hand side. Remove the mark from its checkbox and then save the changes you’ve made.
  • Intel users:
    • Open the Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel from your Desktop.
    • Then select the Basic mode and go to the Power tab.
    • From there, select “On battery” as Power Source and then you’ll get the Display Power Saving Technology option. It should be set to enabled by default.
    • Now remove the mark from the checkbox and then save the changes you’ve made.

Option 3 – Try resetting the Power Plan defaults

You might also want to use a command-line tool to resolve the problem. This command-line tool is known as PowerCfg. It is a command utility tool that will scan your computer for 60 seconds to know its power. This tool gives detailed results in the form of an HTML report that will help you in evaluating the real cause of the battery drain issues. You can also use this tool to reset the Power Plan defaults of your computer. To use it, follow the steps below.
  • Open the Command Prompt as administrator.
  • Then type in the following command and tap Enter to execute it:
powercfg –restoredefaultschemes
  • After the command has been executed, restart your computer.

Option 4 – Try updating your Graphics drivers

  • First, boot your computer into Safe Mode.
  • After that, tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. From there, look for the Display Adapters and click on them.
  • After that, right-click on each entry under the Display Adapters and select the “Uninstall Device” option from the menu.
  • Now restart your computer.
  • After restarting your computer, go to the Settings app and Check for Updates in the Windows Update section.
Note: You also have the option to go directly to the website of your graphics card manufacturers like NVIDIA, Intel, or AMD and go to the section called Drivers then check if there’s a new available update – if there is, download and install it.

Option 5 – Try disabling adaptive brightness via Registry Editor

Since you will be dealing with Registry files in this post, you need to create a System Restore point first. Once you have that covered, proceed to the following steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “regedit” in the field and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • After that, navigate to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREIntelDisplayigfxcuiprofilesMediaBrighten Movie
  • Now double click on the “ProcAmpBrightness” and set its value to “0”.
  • Now go to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREIntelDisplayigfxcuiprofilesMediaDarken Movie
  • From there, double click on “ProcAmpBrightness” and set the value to “0”.
  • Then close the Registry Editor and restart your PC and then see if the problem’s fixed or not.
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A Guide to Fixing Corefoundation.dll Error on Your PC

Corefoundation.dll Error - What is it?

Corefoundation.dll error is a DLL error code associated with Apple software such as iTunes, MobileMe, QuickTime and etc. To understand this error better, first you need to understand what corefoundation.dll file is. Corefoundation.dll is a Dynamic Link Library file that is used by Apple software products. This file is created by Apple computer Inc and is designed to help open up some of the media files that you might have on your PC. DLLs help promote modularization of code, efficient memory usage, code reuse and reduced disk space allowing the operating system and the programs to load and run faster and take less disk space on the computer.

Error Messages

This error pops on the screen when there is an issue related to Apple software products on your system. Corefoundation.dll error is displayed on the computer screen in any one of the following formats:
“The program can not start because corefoundation.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem”. "This application has failed to start because CoreFoundation.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." “The procedure entry point_CFBundleCopyFileTypeForFileData could not be located in the dynamic link library corefoundation.dll.” "MobileMe Control Panel cannot continue as Apple Application Support is missing or outdated. Please uninstall and reinstall the latest version of iTunes and MobileMe Control Panel to fix this issue.”
Though this error code is not fatal but if it is not fixed immediately it will hamper your ability to load and run Apple programs on your system.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Corefoundation.dll error can be triggered due to several reasons. Here are some of the most common corefoundation.dll error causes:
  • Outdated PC drivers
  • Viral infection
  • Damaged Windows registry files
  • Corrupted corefoundation.dll file
  • Missing corefoundation.dll file
  • Incorrectly installed third-party software

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix this issue on your computer here are some of the best, easy and quick do it yourself methods that you can try:

Method 1: Download the Original Corefoundation.dll File

If the underlying reason for corefoundation.dll error is file corruption or it goes missing, then the best way to resolve is to download the original corefoundation.dll file. Once you download it, paste it to its exact location. DLL files are normally located in the following location C:\Windows\System32. Once you paste it, register the file by typing ‘regsvr corefoundation.dll’ at the command prompt. When the process is complete, restart your PC to activate changes. Alternatively, you can uninstall and re-install any Apple Software you may have on your Windows Computer. To do that, Open the Control Panel, navigate to "Install/Uninstall a Program", search for Apple software, and uninstall them.

Method 2: Update Window Drivers

If the error code is related to outdated drivers, then it is recommended that you update them promptly to resolve the corefoundation.dll error on your PC. This can be done by using a driver update wizard from within Device Manager. The driver update wizard walks you through the entire drive update process, making updating a hassle-free process.

Method 3: Download Restoro

If the error still persists, then try method 3. Sometimes the cause of corefoundation.dll can be viral infection or registry issues.  Viruses may enter your PC unknowingly through phishing emails and downloads which can corrupt and damage your dll files. Also, if you don’t clean your registry frequently, unnecessary and obsolete files may accumulate in the registry like cookies, junk files, internet history and temporary files. These files take up a lot of disk space corrupt DLL files and lead to disk fragmentation. Regardless of what the issue is, Restoro is your one-stop PC Fixer. It is a multi-functional and user-friendly repair tool embedded with 6 different scanners including a registry cleaner and an antivirus. It scans and removes all types of viruses and cleans and restores the registry too. Click here to download Restoro and resolve the corefoundation.dll error today!
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