
How to Manually Fix 0x8004210A Error Code on Your System

Error 0x8004210A - What is it?

0x8004210A is a typical POP3 email error message. This error may sometimes occur when you try to check your Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) email account. 0x8004210A error code hampers your ability to both send and receive e-mails on your Outlook account.

Error 0x8004210A is displayed in any one of the following formats on your PC:

The operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP) server 0x8004210a

Task 'SMTP server name - Sending and Receiving reported error' (0x8004210A): 'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP) server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

Error Causes

Error 0x8004210A occurs due to several reasons. However, some of the most common reasons include:

  • Wrong port number for the POP incoming server
  • Your connection to the mail server is too slow
  • Incoming and outgoing emails are being scanned and stopped by an antivirus installed on your system
  • The Outlook send and receive job is being blocked by Firewall
  • You are sending and receiving large series of emails or large email attachments
  • Registry issues

No matter what the cause of this error is, to resume email communication via Outlook and to ensure your work productivity is not affected, it is recommended that you resolve this 0x8004210A error code on your PC immediately.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix error 0x8004210A, here are some of the most efficient and easy manual methods that you can try:

Method 1

If the cause of the error is related to the internet connection then here’s what you need to do. Try freeing up your internet connection by closing any other online activities in progress or downloads being carried on your system.

Method 2

Try to increase your server time-out periods. To do this, go to the Outlook File menu and choose account settings. Now double click on your email account and more settings. Now click advanced and increase your server timeout period to resolve.

Method 3

If you are trying to send or receive large and heavy emails on your Outlook account, the error 0x8004210A may pop up.

This happens because when transferring heavy files the email account automatically locks until the task is complete, however, if it takes more time the next Send and Receive job starts while the first one is still not complete.

In such an event, the email server then times out and shows you the error. Therefore to resolve, you will have to show patience. Simply wait for the large email to be sent or received before you start sending another email.

Method 4

If the antivirus installed on your system is the reason for the error pop up, then disable it for a while until the operation is complete. Then enable it once the task is performed successfully.

Method 5

Similarly, if the Firewall installed on your system is preventing Outlook from reaching your mail server, then simply disable the Firewall to resolve.

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Google docs crush with repeating a word

A newfound bug in Google docs is causing it to crush and upon reopening it will crush again making it very difficult to re-access your document. The bug is manifested when a series of the same word is typed into a document and Show grammar suggestion is turned on.

google doc bug

How was it found

A Google Docs user, Pat Needham brought up the issue on Google Docs Editors Help forum.

"I've only tried in Google Chrome, with documents from three separate Google accounts (personal, G Suite Basic, and work one which might be enterprise). All three experience this same issue".

"It's case-sensitive. So trying with 'and. and. And. and. And.' doesn't cause it to crash."

While Needham publicly reported the bug, it appears that the issue was discovered by Eliza Callahan who was writing a poem novel for her novel using Google Docs.

Needham's findings have also been confirmed by other users running Firefox 99.0.1

Another user, Sergii Dymchenko, said strings like "But. But. But. But. But." triggered the same response. Some also noticed putting any of the terms like "Also, Therefore, And, Anyway, But, Who, Why, Besides, However," in the same format achieved the outcome.

A YCombinator HackerNews reader suspected the cause to be the "Show grammar suggestion" option in Google Docs.

A Google spokesperson confirmed the presence of the issue adding, "we're aware of this issue and the team is working on a fix."

How to recover your document

First thing first, turn off Show grammar suggestions so you do not run into issue by accident. In order to turn it off go to Tools and then into Spelling and grammar and untick Show grammar suggestions.

Now, if you already have a document that has been crushed, fear not because there is a workaround to access it. For some strange reason this bug does not manifest on Google Docs mobile app, so you can open the crushed document in the mobile app, delete words that have caused the bug and reopen the document on your desktop.

Until Google comes up with the solution this is currently the only way to address the issue.

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Microsoft removed password as a requirement
ms password goneAs of the time of writing this article you no longer need or are required to have a password if you plan to log in to your Microsoft account. Microsoft explored various options for account security and came to the conclusion that passwords are obsolete. Microsoft is letting you access your account through the Microsoft Authenticator app, Windows Hello, a security key, SMS verification, or email verification code. All of these methods are way better in terms of security than passwords.

How to turn these features on?

To get rid of your Microsoft password, the process is simple. You simply need to go to your Microsoft account, click “advanced security options,” then “enable passwordless accounts” under the Additional security section.
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Fix error code 16 in Windows 10
Access denied error code 16 is tied to websites, it is an error which you will encounter when trying to visit some specific website or if you are unlucky on all of the websites. Lucky for us this error is fixable and in order for us to do this, follow this guide for possible solutions.
  1. Check Date and Time, Incorrect date and time can often interfere with services in your Windows, browsers are not different and this can cause some websites not to be shown. Check your date and time and set it correctly if needed.
  2. Try to access the website from another device. If you manage to open a website on another PC or some other device then keep reading in order to find the solution, if you can not, then the problem is on the website itself.
  3. Turn off Firewall or antivirus. New antivirus and firewall applications can sometimes mark certain websites as malicious and will cut contact with them rendering them unable to be accessed or opened. Try turning the firewall and antivirus temporarily off and then try to access the website.
  4. Try opening web site in another browser. To eliminate browser-specific issues and their configuration, try opening the website in another browser.
  5. Disable PROXI server. Some applications, especially malicious ones can change your proxi setting in LAN. go to your LAN settings and turn off proxi if it is enabled.
  6. Reset your Browser. If this issue is caused by bad data in your browser or by its settings and preferences, resetting the complete browser will solve the issue.
  7. Use VPN. Sometimes the reason for you was not able to access some website might be because the site is not available for your region, to bypass this issue use VPN and reroute your location.
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Fix Windows Update Error 0x8007001f – 0x20006
As you know, Microsoft’s Windows Media Creation Tool is a useful tool that helps you download and install the latest version of the Windows 10 operating system. However, there are times when it could encounter some problems during the update process. One of these programs is the following error message:
“0x8007001F-0x20006, The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during REPLICATE_OC operation.”
The error pointed out the “Safe OS phase”. It is the phase that’s initiated to install all the required Windows Updates. Thus, the possible cause for this error could have something to do with an interrupted download, internet connection, and many more. Although this error could be caused by a lot of factors, fixing it shouldn’t be that hard. You can try to reset the Windows Update Components or delete the Windows Update cache. You could also disable both the Firewall and your antivirus program temporarily or run the Windows Update in a Clean Boot state, as well as run the Windows Update troubleshooter. To get started troubleshooting the error, follow each one of the suggestions provided below.

Option 1 – Try to reset the Windows Update components

Resetting the Windows Update components could help you resolve the Windows Update error 0x8007001f – 0x20006. How? Refer to the following steps:
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After that, type each one of the following commands and hit Enter after you key in one after the other.
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net stop cryptsvc
    • net stop bits
    • net stop msiserver
Note: The commands you entered will stop the Windows Update components such as Windows Update service, Cryptographic services, BITS, and MSI Installer.
  • After disabling WU components, you need to rename both the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 folders. To do that, type each one of the following commands below, and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type one command after the other.
    • ren C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    • ren C:WindowsSystem32catroot2 Catroot2.old
  • Now, restart the services you’ve stopped by entering another series of commands. Don’t forget to hit Enter after you key in one command after the other.
    • net start wuauserv
    • net start cryptsvc
    • net start bits
    • net start msiserver
  • Exit Command Prompt and then restart your computer.

Option 2 – Try to delete the Windows Update Cache

You might also want to delete the Windows Update cache since there are times when existing corrupt or incomplete Windows Update files can cause some problems in downloading and installing Windows Updates. To achieve this, simply delete the “$Windows.~BT” & “$Windows.~WS” folders in your computer. Once you’re done, try to run Windows Update again and see if the error is now fixed.

Option 3 – Try to temporarily disable anti-virus and Windows Defender Firewall

As mentioned, the error could be due to the antivirus program or the Windows Defender Firewall installed on your computer. Thus, disabling them or any security software installed in your computer is always a good idea you can try when you’re not able to access the shared drive on your computer. There are times when you encounter problems like error 0x8007001f – 0x20006 due to interference of antivirus or security programs. Thus, you have to disable both your antivirus program and Windows Defender Firewall for the meantime and check if it fixes the error or not

Option 4 – Run the Windows Update in a Clean Boot State

It is possible that some third-party application is the one that’s causing the problem so it’s best if you put your computer in a Clean Boot state. During this state, you can start the system with a minimum number of drivers and startup programs that will surely help you in isolating the root cause of the issue.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • After that, try to run Windows Update again.
Note: If you are able to install the app without any trouble at all then it means that the error is caused by some third-party application on your computer. You need to look for the culprit and uninstall it once you found it.

Option 5 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing error 0x8007001f – 0x20006. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.
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Fix The group or resource is not in the ...
A couple of Windows 10 users recently reported getting an error that says, “The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation” while opening UWP Applications as well as accessing the File Explorer. You can encounter this kind of error mostly on File Explorer, Microsoft Store application, and other UWP applications. This indicates that this error occurs during both the Windows Classic Application and the Universal Windows Platform Applications. There are several ways to fix this error. You can try to run a System File Checker scan, or run the DISM tool or the Program Compatibility troubleshooter or Windows Store Apps troubleshooter or try to reset or reinstall Windows 10 or the affected application that's not working. However, before you do any of these troubleshooting tips, you can try to perform System Restore first as it could undo the changes you’ve made in the system which might have caused the error.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.
If System Restore wasn’t able to fix the error, then you can refer to each one of the following options.

Option 1 – Try to use the DISM tool

You might want to repair potentially corrupted files in your system as having them could also trigger the “The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation”. To repair these corrupted system files, you can run the DISM commands:
  • Tap the Win + X keys and click on the “Command Prompt (Admin)” option.
  • After that, input each one of the commands listed below sequentially to execute them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • Once you’ve executed the commands given above, restart your computer and check if the DCOM error is now fixed.

Option 2 – Run the System File Checker Scan

Aside from the DISM tool, you can also run a System File Checker scan. It is another built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files that might be the cause why you’re getting the error. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Reboot your computer.

Option 3 – Try to run the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter. This built-in troubleshooter is available in the Windows Update & Security section. From there, select Troubleshoot. This will find a list of programs for you and since you have already downloaded the driver files, just click on Not Listed located at the top of the program list. After that, browse and select the driver files and then let the program do its job. In addition, you can try to run the Windows Store apps troubleshooter as it can also help you resolve the problem.

Option 4 – Reset your computer

  • Tap the Win key or click on the Start button located in the Taskbar.
  • Then click on the Power button at the bottom right portion of the screen.
  • Next, press and hold the Shift key on your keyboard and then click on Restart. This will restart your Pc into the Advanced Startup options.
Note: Once you have access to the Advanced Startup options, you have to go to the setting which allows you to Reset your Windows 10 PC. All you have to do is select Troubleshoot > Reset this PC to reach the following screen
  • Afterward, select either the “Keep my files” option and then proceed to the next on-screen instructions that follow to reset your Windows 10 computer without losing your files.
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How to Fix Missing MSVCR80.dll Error

Missing MSVCR80.dll Error - What is it?

Msvcr80.dll is a runtime dynamic link library file. This file is typically required to run programs written with Visual Studio. Msvcr80.dll error messages might appear when using or installing certain programs on your PC, that are dependent on the Msvcr80.dll file to run and load. This error message may appear on your computer screen in either of the following formats:
  • "Msvcr80.dll Not Found"
  • "This application failed to start because msvcr80.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
  • "The file msvcr80.dll is missing."
  • "Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: msvcr80.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again.
  • "APSDaemon.exe - System Error - MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer."
  • "Cannot find [PATH]msvcr80.dll"


Restoro box imageError Causes

Msvcr80.dll error is a common Windows PC error. This error code may occur due to multiple reasons. These include:
  • Removal and corruption of Msvcr80.dll file
  • Registry issues
  • Viral infection
  • Hardware failure
  • Improper software installation
It is advisable to resolve this error code to avoid inconvenience. This error may hamper your ability to access and run your desired program.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the best and easiest DIY solutions to fix the Msvcr80.dll error on your PC right away:

1. Check your Recycle Bin for the Missing Msvcr80.dll file or Download the Msvcr80.dll file from a Trusted Website

If you receive the error message ‘missing Msvcr80.dll file’ then first check the recycle bin. It is possible that you may have unknowingly deleted the Msvcr80.dll file while uninstalling a program from the PC. Remember dll files are shared files. These files are used by a number of programs on your PC to run and load. There is a possibility that the program you uninstalled shared the same file to run on your PC. So, when removing that program from your PC it could have also deleted the Msvcr80.dll file. Therefore, check your recycle bin to restore the missing file. Nonetheless, if in case you are unable to locate the missing Msvcr80.dll file, then try downloading it on your PC. However, when doing so, make sure you download the file from a reliable dll download website.

2. Uninstall and Reinstall Apple iTunes Program

This error commonly pops up when running Apple iTunes on your PC. To resolve this issue, and ensure smooth access to Apple iTunes, here’s what you need to do: uninstall from Windows the following programs in this order: Apple iTunes, Software update, Apple Mobile device support, Bonjour, application support, iCloud and mobile me. Skip over software that you haven’t installed already on your system. When uninstalling the programs, if you have two entries of the same software, then uninstall the older version first and then the newer one. To do so, go to Applet in the Control Panel.  It is called programs and features in Windows 7, 8, and Vista and add/remove programs in Windows XP. Once all Apple software is uninstalled, the next step is to download the latest version of iTunes from Apple. After the software is downloaded on your system successfully, run it. This is most likely to resolve the issue.

3. Scan for Viruses

If the issue still persists, then the underlying cause could be related to malware invasion. Therefore in such circumstances, it is advisable to scan for viruses and malware with a powerful antivirus on your PC and remove them right away. Please note, using an antivirus may slow down your PC performance.

4. Perform Registry Scan and Repair

When the registry is overloaded with unnecessary and redundant files like junk files, cookies, invalid entries, and bad keys, it gets corrupted easily thereby generating errors like Msvcr80.dll errors. To resolve this issue, you must perform a registry scan and repair it with a powerful registry cleaner. Whether the cause of the issue is a viral infection or the cause is related to registry problems, the best way to resolve the issue without compromising the speed of your system is to download Restoro. This is an advanced, cutting-edge, and multi-functional PC repair tool. It is compatible with all Windows versions. This software is embedded with multiple PC repair and performance-boosting utilities such as a registry cleaner, an antivirus, and a system optimizer. It has a high functional intuitive algorithm and a user-friendly interface. The registry cleaning feature detects all registry issues, wipes unnecessary files, cleans and repairs the corrupt registry and damaged dll files. The antivirus utility scans for all types of malware, viruses, Trojans, and spyware and removes them immediately. While the system optimizer module helps boost your computer’s performance to its optimal level.  In just a few simple clicks, the Msvcr80.dll error is resolved. To get started, click here to download Restoro on your PC today!
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How to Fix Error Code 0xC004C770

Error Code 0xC004C770 – What is it?

If the Error Code 0xC004C770 popped up on your computer during your activation of the Windows 10 software, don’t worry. This is a fairly common error, especially for people who own more than one computer upon which Windows 10 is installed and activated. The gist of this error code is that the product key that you have entered has already been claimed or used on a different computer. Because there are limitations on the number of computers that can use any given license activation code or product key, this error code can arise when you have exceeded that limit. If you have a single-use license and have already entered the particular product key onto another machine, you may see this error come up during activation.

Both Error Code 0xC004C770 and Error Code 0x803FA071 arise from the same problem and the same steps can be used to resolve both error codes.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error Code 0xC004C770 is likely to appear on your screen during activation of Windows 10 if you or anyone else in your organization have already entered in the product key used on another computer. If you have a multiple-use license, the product key that you are entering may already have been used for the maximum number of computers allowed under that license.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are two basic methods for addressing the issues associated with Error Code 0xC004C770. These methods can easily be implemented by anyone who is comfortable interacting with the Windows Store from their computer, which makes the resolution of this particular error code fairly simple and straightforward.

If you are unable to complete the steps below or Error Code 0xC004C770 has not been resolved after following the guides below, contact a Windows technician who is familiar with the Windows 10 activation process to assist you in the process. You can also get in touch with the Windows technical support team to assist you in the process if needed.

Method One: Purchase A New Product Key from Windows

If you have already used the product key on another computer or have used it on the maximum number of allowed devices, you may need to purchase an additional product key for the computer with Error Code 0xC004C770. Product keys can be purchased physically from a retailer that sells Windows 10 software licenses or purchased directly from the Windows store.

To purchase a new product key directly from the Windows Store, follow the steps below:

  • Step One: Select the Windows start button at the bottom of your toolbar. Click on “Settings,” then select the option for “Update and Security.”
  • Step Two: Click on the “Activation” option.
  • Step Three: In the menu that appears, choose the option to “Go to Store” and follow any on-screen instructions to finalize a purchase of the Windows 10 software and product key.
  • Step Four: Use the new product key to complete the installation and activation of the Windows 10 software on your computer.

If you are unable to see the “Go to Store” option when you reach the “Activation” page, you may not be set as an administrator of your machine. In this case, get in touch with the support personnel from your company to complete the purchase, installation, and activation process on your computer.

Method Two: Attempt to Finish Activation via Phone

For users who have changed out parts of their computer’s hardware, like putting in a new motherboard or activating a new hard drive, you may have more success if you attempt activation through a phone.

In order to activate your copy of Windows 10 from your phone, follow the steps below:

  • Step One: On your mobile device, open up the search box from the taskbar.
  • Step Two: In the search box, enter the phrase “SLUI 04.”
  • Step Three: Select the “SLUI 04” option that appears.
  • Step Four: Follow the directions given on the screen to complete the activation process for your copy of Windows 10.

As with any error code resolution, if the methods above are not successful or if you are not comfortable with your ability to successfully complete the steps above, get in contact with a qualified professional who is trained in the Windows 10 activation process to assist you or download a powerful automated tool to get the job done.

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Fix 0x800704C8 Error in Windows 10
When you receive Error 0x800704C8 when trying to move a file inside Windows 10 operation is stopped and it can not continue leaving you with the file in its original location without a copy. Several issues can be the cause of this type of behavior and error and after some digging and analyzing we are bringing you various solutions for this error and how to fix it.

Ownership issues

It turns out that not having ownership of fie can cause this error and prevent you from copying it. For some reason, Windows can assume that file is owned or used by another application or process and thus prevents you from making a copy since you do not have ownership of it. Resolving this particular issue will require you to install a third-party application that is tailored for this kind of task. After some talk and research, we found out that there is a freeware application that can solve this issue quite fastly. Unlocker is the name and the download link is here. Once downloaded, install it and run it. Once inside the application browse to the location where you need to change the ownership, click on it to select it, and click OK. Use the No Action drop drown menu to select Move, then click OK

Antivirus Issue

As with other file and application issues, this error could also be a product of antivirus marking it inaccessible to Windows and thus preventing copy or move operation on it. note: Do not turn off Windows defender since it was proven that it is not the cause of this kind of error, so if you are using only Windows defender you can skip this solution. How temporary turning off each security suite is different and it depends on the application itself we can not cover in detail the procedure here. Go to your security suite manufacturer's website and get information there or if you want, go directly to applications and features inside Windows and uninstall the software.

Visual Studio issue

  • If the file you are trying to move is part of a Visual Studio project then the issue can be linked directly to Visual Studio itself, luckily the solution is quite easy. All you have to do it to exit Visual Studio and then run it with administrator privileges.
  • In order to run Visual Studio with elevated privileges locate its executable file and right-click on it.
  • Choose properties and go to the compatibility tab
  • Inside compatibility tab check box that says run this program as an administrator

Corrupted system files

If the previous solutions have not provided you with results then you have system file corruption that needs to be fixed. Move from one solution to another as presented below:
  1. Run SFC scan

    SFC scan is a built-in Windows tool for solving corrupted system file issues, it is fully automated and does not require from the user any kind of knowledge or information. To run it and scan the system do the following: Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu Left-click on the command prompt (admin) In command prompt type SFC /SCANNOW and press ENTER Wait for the process to finish, do not interrupt it and once it is done, restart your computer
  2. Run DISM scan

    DISM scan is similar to SFC scan but it tackles different types of system file corruption and it is recommended to run it also after SFC has been completed. Please note that for DISM scan to be successful you will need a stable internet connection since DISM will replace corrupted files with new ones downloaded from Microsoft. To run it do the following: Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu Left-click on the command prompt (admin) inside command prompt type: exe /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth followed by ENTER, then type: Dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth also followed with ENTER. Leave scan to finish and reboot your PC
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Fix error 0x8007000d in Windows
Hello everyone and welcome to another quick tutorial for your Windows error, this time we will wrestle with error 0x8007000d.

Let's begin:

1. Browse to "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download" and delete the contents of the folder. 2. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X > Click Command Prompt (Admin) then type "wuauclt.exe /updatenow". Hit Enter 3. Open Control Panel > Windows Update and Windows 10 should begin downloading. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X Click Command Prompt (Admin) Type in at the prompt OR Copy and Paste these one at a time : (Hit ENTER after each)
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter and check if it helps:

  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X and select the Control panel.
  2. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and then click Troubleshooting.
  3. Under System and Security, click Fix problems with Windows Updates.
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How to Fix Error 118

Error 118 - What is it?

Error 118 is a typical Google Chrome error. It pops up when Google Chrome fails to load websites like Facebook. It is usually displayed in the following format:
‘Error Message: Error 118 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT): The operation timed out.’


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error 118 may be triggered due to several reasons. This includes:
  • Problems with DNS setting
  • IP Address is filtering websites
  • Cookies and invalid registry entries

Further Information and Manual Repair

To ensure smooth internet browsing on Google Chrome, it is advisable to repair the error 118. If error 118 is not resolved you will be unable to load and access your desired websites. To avoid inconvenience and resolve the issue immediately, try the methods suggested below. These are easy and effective do-it-yourself methods that require no technical skills.

Method 1 - Change Proxy Settings

If your IP address is filtering websites, then you might experience error 118 while using Google Chrome. When this is the error cause, then it is advisable to add a proxy for your PC. To change proxy settings and add a new proxy, simply click on Customize and Control Google Chrome menu. Now click the options button. Under the Google Chrome Options window select the Under the Hood tab. After that in the Network, section click the change proxy settings button. Check Show Suggestions for navigation errors and Use DNS pre-fetching to improve page load performance boxes. Now under Internet Properties, click LAN Settings. Under LAN settings you will see the Proxy Server box, check it, and enter your new proxy settings. Click OK to confirm and save settings. This will hopefully resolve the issue.

Method 2 - Change to Google DNS

When the error is related to DNS settings then try this method to resolve it. Simply set DNS to use Google DNS. Here’s how it’s done:
  1. Go to the start menu, click Windows Control Panel, Network and Internet, and change adapter settings. Here you will see Local Area Connection.
  2. Right click to select properties at the bottom.
  3. Check Internet Protocol Version 4 and click properties.
  4. Now check the ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ box and also select the option that says ‘Use the following DNS server addresses’.
  5. Change Preferred DNS to and Alternate DNS server to now click OK to confirm.

Method 3 - Remove the Bad Entries and Cookies Damaging the Registry

Bad entries and cookies saved in the registry can also trigger error 118. To fix the issue immediately download Restoro. This is PC Fixer with multiple utilities including a registry cleaner. The registry cleaner removes all bad entries and cookies in seconds and repairs the damaged registry. Click here to download Restoro and resolve error 118.
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