You have probably heard a lot of good things about gaming mice, how they are better feeling, better in any way possible and it is all true, everything you heard is actually true, they are superior in any way to a regular mouse but with one big disadvantage, and that would be the price. While you can find a regular mouse for pocket change, a gaming mouse is in comparison very expensive even for entry-level ones.
In this article we will explore all advantages and compare it with the regular one so you can come up with your own conclusion about do you really need one for yourself or if you are fine with regular.
As stated price is one factor that does not favor gaming mice. Regular mouse for a personal computer goes around 10 or 20 USD, while entry-level in gaming one will be 40 USD and can go up to 250 USD, this large gap in price is usually determining factor why people pick up regular one. If you are on a really tight budget go for the regular one, but if you can afford a gaming one get it without second thoughts.
This is where you will see the big difference between mice. Regular ones when connected are recognized and the driver is automatically installed and you can use it, same goes with gaming ones but with one big difference, you have an option to install additional manufacturers' software specially tailored for your mouse. In the application, you will be able to access some features that are specific to the mouse model that you could not set in typical Windows mouse properties. Beside more options software can also have features like setting your profiles and saving them to be recalled when you need them on the fly.
The sensitivity of the mouse is measured in dots per one inch or short DPI, this is directly shown on your screen by how fast your mouse can move, higher sensitivity means your mouse will move faster across the screen and lower means it will move slower. All gaming mice come with buttons and settings that will allow you to change DPI on the fly and you can choose precise DPI settings in the software.
The regular mouse comes with DPI around 800 and goes to 1200 typically and does not have usually the option to change this while gaming mice start at 400 and can go as high as 26000 with the option to change it. Some regular mice can have only 1 option of DPI, usually very cheap ones.
Pooling rate is the measurement of how often your mouse reports where it is positioned on the computer. The higher the pooling rate, the more responsive your mouse will be and vice versa. It is measured in hertz (Hz) and regular mice have them around 125Hz that is enough if you are using a computer for office, internet, and mail work.
If you are working in design or gaming you will need more than 125Hz polling rate, luckily gaming mice come with a minimum of 500Hz as an entry point and some hi-end models are going as far as 8000Hz. This very high pooling rate will get some extra load on your CPU but the mouse itself will be maximally responsive and will respond even to the smallest moves.
Regular mice are well just mice, they are typical shape and size, gaming mice are made with ergonomics in mind. How they are made for extensive daily use of several hours per day they are constructed in a way to offer a pleasant and pain-free experience.
If you work on a computer for long periods of time consider gaming an ergonomic mouse since it will take the strain from hands and place them in a more natural position.
Gaming mice most of the time come with more keys compared with regular ones and good thing is that via its software you can tie certain actions to these extra keys making work or gaming more pleasant and quicker.
In order to make regular mice more affordable and cheaper materials and quality of components had to suffer. Gaming mice have millions of guaranteed clicks by companies that make them before they break and regular ones usually do not guarantee a single one. This is due of course quality of materials that have been used in constructing these devices.
In the long term, if you use a gaming mouse for typical daily tasks it will outlive your regular one and on the side offer you more pleasant and responsive use along the way.
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xperf -on latency -stackwalk profile -buffersize 1024 -MaxFile 256 -FileMode Circular && timeout -1 && xperf -d cpuusage.etl