
Fix NTOSKRNL.exe high CPU, Memory & Disk usage

This post will guide you in fixing high CPU, Memory, and Disk usage problems caused by NTOSKRNL.exe. NTOSKRNL stands for “NT Operating System Kernel. This file is a kernel image that is responsible for a lot of systems-based processes such as Hardware Virtualization, Process, and Memory. Aside from that, it is also the one that compresses the old pages of memory that reduces the overall amount of memory being used. If you notice that your computer is running slowly and you find that the NTOSKRNL.exe file is hogging your resources such as disk usage, CPU usage as well as memory usage, then read on as this post will guide you in fixing the problem caused by NTOSKRNL.exe.

Make use of the options given below to resolve the issues caused by NTOSKRNL.exe.

1] Scan your computer for potential malware

There might be a good chance that your computer might be infected with malware. And this malware might be associated with the NTOSKRNL.exe file and hence making it consume a lot of system resources. So, I would really recommend you to make sure that your Antivirus is up to date and then scan your computer with it specifically the C:/Windows/System32 folder because this is the location where the NTOSKRNL.exe file is located.

Option 1 – Put your computer in a Clean Boot State

The first thing you have to do is to put your computer in a Clean Boot State as this can help you in finding any incompatible programs that are causing the problem.

  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • From there, start to isolate the problem by checking which one of the programs you installed recently is the root cause of the problem.

Once you’ve found any incompatible programs, you need to uninstall them. Refer to the steps below to do so.

  • In the search box, type in “control” and then click on Control Panel (desktop app) among the search results.
  • After that, select Programs and Features from the list which will give you a list of all the programs installed on your computer.
  • From there, look for the concerned program and select it and then uninstall it.

Note: If you have downloaded the app from the Windows Store, you can simply right-click on it from the application list and then uninstall it.

Option 2 – Update or rollback drivers

If the first option didn’t work for you, then it’s time to either update or roll back the device drivers. It is most likely that after you updated your Windows computer that your driver also needs a refresh. On the other hand, if you have just updated your device drivers then you need to roll back the drivers to their previous versions. Whichever applies to you, refer to the steps below.

  • Open the Devices Manager from the Win X Menu.
  • Then locate the device drivers and right-click on them to open the Properties.
  • After that, switch to the Driver tab and click on the Uninstall Device button.
  • Follow the screen option to completely uninstall it.
  • Finally, restart your computer. It will just reinstall the device drivers automatically.

Note: You can install a dedicated driver on your computer in case you have it or you could also look for it directly from the website of the manufacturer.

Option 3 – Try to run the DISM tool

If the first two options didn’t work, then running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management might. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.

  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 4 – Try to stop the Runtime Broker process

The RuntimeBroker.exe or the Runtime Broker process is the one that monitors access to Windows APIs to make sure that the apps do not violate the core security of Windows. This process usually leaves a very small footprint. However, there are times when it consumes more resources than it’s supposed to and does not release memory after the work is done that results in a memory leak. As a result, it affects NTOSKRNL.exe which is why you have to stop the Runtime Broker process. To do so, refer to these steps:

  • Tap the Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.
  • After opening Task Manager, go to the Processes tab and look for the Runtime Broker process.
  • Once you find it, check if it is using more than 15% of your memory. If it is, then you most likely have an issue with an app installed on your computer.
  • Select the Runtime Broker process and right-click on it and then click on the End Task option to end its process.

Option 5 – Try to run the Performance Troubleshooter

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Type “msdt.exe /id PerformanceDiagnostic” in the field and hit Enter to open the Performance troubleshooter.
  • Then click on Next to get started. Wait until the process is completed.

Option 6 – Try using the Windows Performance Toolkit

You can also use the Windows Performance Toolkit in finding the root cause of the problem. Just refer to the following steps to use this toolkit.

  • Search for “cmd” in the Cortana Search box and click on Command Prompt from the search results to open it.
  • Next, type in the command given below or copy and paste it and then hit Enter:

xperf -on latency -stackwalk profile -buffersize 1024 -MaxFile 256 -FileMode Circular && timeout -1 && xperf -d cpuusage.etl

  • After executing the command, wait for at least 60 seconds and then check the logs of the Windows Performance toolkit which is stored in a file named cpuusage.etl in the folder located at C:/Windows/System32. From there, you should see a list of all the causes of the System Resources being hogged.

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Finding out which GPU is in your computer
Every computer has to have a graphic card, it is one of the essential components in order for the computer to work. If you have a second-hand computer, got one as a gift, or similar, there is a high chance that you do not really know which components are inside. Luckily finding out which graphic card you have inside is quite easy. Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager Click the Performance tab at the top of the window, if you don’t see the tabs, click “More Info.” Select “GPU 0” in the sidebar. The GPU’s manufacturer and model names are displayed at the top right corner of the window. You’ll also see other information, such as the amount of dedicated memory on your GPU, in this window. Windows 10’s Task Manager displays your GPU usage here, and you can also view GPU usage by application. If your system has multiple GPUs, you’ll also see “GPU 1” and so on here. Each represents a different physical GPU.
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How to get rid of EverydayLookup Toolbar

EverydayLookup is a browser extension for Google Chrome developed by Mindspark Inc. This extension allows users to find what mobile network a certain number belongs to, to find out an area code of a country/town, or locate a town by zip code. While these features look promising and interesting, this extension comes with a downside.

When installed, this extension will change your default search engine, the home page, and new tab to search from MyWay.com, it will monitor user browsing activity, log searches, visited links, opened websites, and other information. This information is forwarded to Mindspark ad servers, then later sold/used to better target ads.

While browsing the internet with this extension you will see additional injected ads and sponsored content throughout your browsing sessions (even if the ads do not match your search queries). It can inject banners to websites, and sometimes even put an ad above website content making it extremely annoying to deal with.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means that a malicious code has taken power over and modified the settings of your web browser, without your permission. Browser hijackers are capable of doing many different things on your computer. Typically, browser hijacking is used for earning ad revenue that comes from forced advert mouse clicks and site visits. Even though it might seem naive, all browser hijackers are damaging and thus always classified as security threats. Browser hijackers can also permit other destructive programs without your knowledge to further damage the computer. How one can determine if your browser is hijacked Signs that a browser is a hi-jacked include: 1. your home page is reset to some unknown webpage 2. new bookmarks pointing to pornographic websites have been added to your favorite pages 3. the essential web browser settings are modified and unwanted or unsafe resources are added to the trusted sites list 4. find new toolbars that you simply did not add 5. you find lots of pop-ups on your screen 6. your web browser starts running slowly or presents frequent errors 7. Inability to navigate to certain websites, particularly antivirus and other security software webpages.

Exactly how browser hijacker finds its way to your computer

Browser hijackers can get into a computer in some way or other, for instance via file sharing, downloads, and e-mail too. Many web browser hijackings come from add-on programs, i.e., browser helper objects (BHO), toolbars, or extensions added to browsers to give them additional features. Sometimes you may have mistakenly accepted a browser hijacker as part of a software bundle (generally freeware or shareware). A good example of some well-known browser hijackers includes Conduit, Anyprotect, Babylon, DefaultTab, SweetPage, Delta Search, and RocketTab, but the names are continually changing. Browser hijackers can record user keystrokes to gather potentially invaluable information leading to privacy concerns, cause instability on computers, severely disrupt user’s browsing experience, and eventually slow down the computer to a stage where it becomes unusable.

How to get rid of a browser hijacker

Certain browser hijacking could be simply stopped by discovering and removing the corresponding malware application through your control panel. Many times, it could be a tough job to find and delete the malicious program because the associated file will be running as part of the operating system process. Moreover, manual removal requires you to perform many time-consuming and tricky procedures that are very hard to conduct for new computer users. Industry experts always suggest users eliminate any malware including browser hijacker by using an automatic removal tool, which is easier, safer, and faster than the manual removal solution. If you’d like to eliminate persistent hijackers effectively, install the award-winning anti-malware software Safebytes Anti-Malware. And employ a system optimizer, such as Total System Care, to erase all related files from the registry and fix browser issues.

Can't Install Safebytes Anti-malware because of a Virus? Try This!

Practically all malware is inherently harmful, but certain types of malware do a lot more damage to your computer than others. Some malware types modify browser settings by adding a proxy server or modify the computer’s DNS configuration settings. In such cases, you will be unable to visit some or all sites, and thus unable to download or install the required security software to remove the infection. So what to do if malicious software prevents you from downloading or installing Anti-Malware? There are some fixes you could try to get around with this problem.

Install in Safe Mode with Networking

In the event the malware is set to load at Windows startup, then booting in safe mode should avoid it. Since only the bare minimum applications and services launch in “Safe Mode”, there are rarely any reasons for issues to take place. To start your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers in Safe Mode with Networking, do as instructed below. 1) At power on, press the F8 key while the Windows splash screen starts to load. This will conjure up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Choose Safe Mode with Networking with arrow keys and hit Enter. 3) Once you get into this mode, you should have an internet connection once again. Now, utilize your browser to download and install Safebytes Anti-malware. 4) After installation, run a full scan and let the program delete the threats it discovers.

Obtain the security software using an alternate browser

Malicious program code may exploit vulnerabilities on a specific browser and block access to all anti-malware software sites. In the event you suspect that your Internet Explorer has been hijacked by a computer virus or otherwise compromised by online hackers, the ideal approach would be to switch to a different internet browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari to download your chosen security software – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Install and run anti-virus from your Thumb drive

Another way is to download and transfer anti-malware software from a clean PC to run a scan on the affected computer. Abide by these steps to run the anti-malware on the infected computer. 1) On a clean computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the USB drive into the uninfected computer. 3) Double-click the executable file to open the installation wizard. 4) Pick the USB drive as the location when the wizard asks you exactly where you want to install the application. Follow the directions to complete the installation process. 5) Now, transfer the pen drive to the infected PC. 6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes software right from the pen drive. 7) Hit the “Scan Now” button to start the virus scan.

A Look at the Best AntiMalware Program

Today an anti-malware tool can protect your computer or laptop from different types of internet threats. But how to choose the right one amongst various malware protection application that’s available on the market? Perhaps you might be aware, there are numerous anti-malware companies and tools for you to consider. A few are well worth your money, but most aren’t. You need to be careful not to select the wrong application, particularly if you purchase a premium program. One of the highly recommended tools by industry leaders is SafeBytes Anti-Malware, the most dependable program for Windows computers. SafeBytes anti-malware is a trustworthy tool that not only secures your computer permanently but is also quite easy to use for people of all ability levels. This program can easily identify, remove, and protect your personal computer from the latest malware attacks such as spyware, adware, trojan horses, ransomware, PUPs, worms, parasites along other potentially harmful software programs.

SafeBytes has excellent features when compared to various other anti-malware programs. Listed here are some of the great ones:

Anti-Malware Protection: Using its advanced and sophisticated algorithm, this malware elimination tool can detect and eliminate the malware threats hiding in your computer system effectively. Active Protection: SafeBytes provides round-the-clock protection for your computer limiting malware attacks instantly. This software will constantly keep track of your computer for suspicious activity and updates itself continuously to keep current with the latest threats. Web Protection: Through its unique safety rating, SafeBytes alerts you whether a website is safe or not to access it. This will assure that you’re always certain of your online safety when browsing the internet. High-Speed Malware Scanning Engine: SafeBytes’s high-speed malware scanning engine lessens scan times and extends battery life. At the same time, it’ll effectively find and eradicate infected computer files or any internet threat. Low Memory/CPU Usage: SafeBytes is renowned for its minimal influence on computer resources and great detection rate of diverse threats. It runs quietly and efficiently in the background so you’re free to use your computer or laptop at full power all of the time. Premium Support: For any technical inquiries or product guidance, you can obtain 24/7 professional assistance via chat and e-mail. To conclude, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is really great for securing your computer against all sorts of malware threats. Malware trouble will become a thing of the past once you put this software program to use. If you’re looking for the very best malware removal application out there, and when you don’t mind shelling out some dollars for it, go for SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you’d like to manually get rid of EverydayLookup without using an automated tool, it might be possible to do so by removing the application from the Microsoft Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser plug-ins, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and uninstalling it. You will likely also want to reset your internet browser. To be certain of complete removal, find the following registry entries on your computer and delete them or reset the values appropriately. However, this is a complicated task and only computer experts can perform it safely. Furthermore, certain malware is capable of replicating or preventing removal. It is recommended that you carry out the removal procedure in Windows Safe Mode.
Files: %LOCALAPPDATA%\EverydayLookup_d9 %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\EverydayLookup_d9 %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fpeepicldbpmefboahpolegllmiglnai %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fpeepicldbpmefboahpolegllmiglnai %PROGRAMFILES%\EverydayLookup_d9 %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\EverydayLookup_d9 %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\EverydayLookupTooltab Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\EverydayLookup_d9Service HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: EverydayLookup EPM Support HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: EverydayLookup EPM Support HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, value: 0a7d3c2c-131d-4b0a-9c1b-2045f6bae42a HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, value: 0a7d3c2c-131d-4b0a-9c1b-2045f6bae42a HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\3eb9a50f-f2ab-4d63-8e33-96d71f659640 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\3eb9a50f-f2ab-4d63-8e33-96d71f659640 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: 0A7D3C2C-131D-4B0A-9C1B-2045F6BAE42A HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EverydayLookup_d9 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EverydayLookup_d9 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AppDataLow\Software\EverydayLookup_d9 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EverydayLookup
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How to Fix Entry Point not Found Dll Errors

What is ‘Entry Point not found dll’ Error?

Entry Point not found dll errors are common in Windows PC. These errors indicate poor PC maintenance. An entry point is basically the memory address inside the dynamic link library. It contains the call being made. A dynamic link library on the other hand is a collection of small programs which use and request this call to run and load programs successfully on your PC. However, when this process is unable to be executed successfully, you come across ‘entry point not found dll’ error messages.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Generally speaking, some of the typical causes of ‘entry point not found dll’ errors are:
  • Missing, corrupted, and damaged dll files
  • Registry overloaded with invalid entries
  • Disk fragmentation
  • Viral infection
It is advisable to resolve these ‘entry point not found dll’ errors on your PC immediately because dll errors can cause you a great deal of inconvenience as you may be locked out and unable to access your desired programs. Furthermore, if dll errors are left unresolved, such errors can expose your PC to serious threats like system failure, system damage, corruption, and crash.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Though ‘entry point not found dll’ errors are critical errors but the good news is that these can be easily resolved. To fix dll errors on your PC, you don’t always have to hire a professional technician or be a computer programmer yourself. Here are some of the best DIY (do it yourself) ways to resolve ‘entry point not found dll’ errors on your system:

1. Reinstall the Deleted Program

This method to resolve ‘entry point not found dll’ error code is very basic. It is advisable to uninstall and then reinstall the deleted program to retrieve the missing or deleted dll files. Here’s why: dll files are shared files. There are multiple programs on your PC that may be using one type of dll file to load. Now when you uninstall a program that you no more need on your PC, chances are that it may also delete that particular dll file. And when this happens the other programs supported by the deleted dll file are unable to load. Therefore, in such an event the best way to retrieve the missing dll file is to uninstall the program that displays the errors message and then reinstall it. This will help you restore the missing dll file and run the program successfully.

2. Install an Antivirus and a Registry Cleaner

As mentioned above, ‘entry point not found dll’ errors indicate poor PC maintenance. If you don’t maintain your system, the registry overloads with bad and invalid entries, redundant and obsolete files, junk files and cookies. These files acquire a lot of space which damages dll files and the registry. Furthermore, due to data volume overload and less storage space, files are then saved in different places. This is also known as disk fragmentation. When these files are called, it takes a lot of time for the disk to consolidate fragmented data and execute the function successfully. To resolve these issues, you need to clean and restore the registry. Though this can be done manually it may be slightly complicated and time consuming therefore it is advisable to install and run a registry cleaner.


In addition to this, due to poor PC maintenance, viruses and malware can also enter your system unknowingly through file downloads and phishing emails. These can also damage dll files. To remove viruses and malware from your PC it is important to run an anti-virus. Instead of downloading both tools separately on your system, we recommend Restoro. This is a multi-functional and advanced PC fixer embedded with an intuitive algorithm and a user-friendly interface. It includes multiple utilities including a powerful antivirus, a high functional registry cleaner, and Active X controls and class scanner. It also functions as a system optimizer. By running this software on your system, you can easily scan all registry issues and viruses simultaneously. It repairs the damaged registry and dll files, removes unnecessary files and all types of malicious software. It is compatible with all Windows versions. It is easy to use and high on performance. It is a one-stop solution for all ‘entry point not found dll’ errors on your PC. In just a few clicks you can resolve system errors and optimize your PC performance dramatically. Click here to download Restoro and resolve ‘entry point not found dll’ errors.
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The current state of Government vs BigTech
BigTech justiceBigTech platforms Google and Facebook were hit with a series of antitrust lawsuits by the US federal government and states on charges they are operating monopolies and abusing their power. Below is the status of the cases, as well as government probes of Apple and Amazon in their current states

Two lawsuits against Facebook

In a defeat, Judge James Boasberg said the Federal Trade Commission, which had sued Facebook in December asking that Facebook be forced to sell WhatsApp and Instagram, failed to show that Facebook had monopoly power in the social-networking market, among other problems. However, the FTC could file a new complaint by July 29. He threw out a related state lawsuit entirely, saying that the attorney's general had waited too long. They are looking at their options.

Four lawsuits against Google

The US Justice Department sued Google in October, accusing the $1 trillion company of illegally using its market muscle to hobble rivals. A trial date was set for September 12, 2023. A lawsuit by 38 US states and territories accuses Google of abusing its market power to try to make its search engine as dominant inside cars, TVs, and speakers as it is in phones. This was consolidated with the federal lawsuit for purposes of discovery. Texas, backed by other states, filed a separate lawsuit against Google, accusing it of breaking antitrust law in how it runs its online advertising business. Dozens of state attorneys general sued Google on July 7, alleging that it bought off competitors and used restrictive contracts to unlawfully maintain a monopoly for its app store on Android phones.

Justice Department investigates Apple

This probe, revealed in June 2019, appears to focus on Apple's app store. Some app developers have accused Apple of introducing new products very similar to existing apps created by other developers and sold in the Apple Store, and then trying to banish the older apps from the store because they compete with Apple's new product. Apple says it seeks to have only the highest-quality apps in the app store.

Justice Department probing Facebook and Amazon

In July 2019, the Justice Department said it was expanding its Big Tech probes to include "search, social media, and some retail services online", an apparent reference to Facebook and Amazon.

Federal Trade Commission on Amazon

In its investigation of Amazon, the FTC is likely looking at the inherent conflict of interest of Amazon competing with small sellers on its marketplace platform, including allegations that it used information from sellers on its platform to decide what products it would introduce.
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Fix High CPU usage by IAStorDataSvc in Windows
If your Windows 10 computer is currently experiencing high CPU usage because of the IAStorDataSvc, read on as this post will show you what you can do to resolve the issue. The high CPU usage of IAStorDataSvc is because of the Intel Rapid Storage Technology. It appears as a Service that may not only result in high CPU usage but also high disk and memory usage, as well as slow computer performance and overheating of your PC. This problem usually occurs on HP computers and on any computers that are using the Intel Rapid Storage Technology. You might also notice that your fan runs at high speed each time this issue occurs with the average CPU usage spiking up to 50%. Take note that this service is used to speed up file access. However, if you are not using an SSD on your computer, then it’s not really necessary for you to have the IAStorDataSvc installed. To resolve this issue, here are some options you can try.

Option 1 – Update or reinstall or remove the IAStorDataSvc driver

Before you proceed, you need to decide first if you want to update, reinstall or remove the IAStorDataSvc driver. To make things easier for you, you can try downloading the latest driver from the Intel Download Centre and then install it on your computer. If it works, good, but if not, you might want to consider removing the driver completely and just let the Windows Update look for the right driver for your computer after you restart it. There are times when the drivers installed are incompatible with the latest Windows update which results in issues like high CPU usage.
  • Tap the Win + X + M combination on your keyboard to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, look for the Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver, right-click on it and then select Uninstall.
  • Now restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Note: You might also have to go to the list of installed programs and uninstall a program that is listed as “Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver”. To do so, refer to these steps:
  • In the Cortana Search box, type “control panel” and from the search results that appear, click on Control Panel.
  • After opening Control Panel, select Programs > Programs and Features which will open the list of installed programs on your computer.
  • From there, look for Intel Rapid Storage Technology and uninstall it.

Option 2 – Try to disable the IAStorDataSvc via Services Manager

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open Services.
  • Next, look for the Intel Rapid Storage Technology services from the list of services and then double-click it.
  • Then change its Startup type to “Disabled”.
  • After that click on the Apply button and then OK to save the changes made.
  • Now exit the Services window and check if the problem’s resolved.
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Disable Taskbar on the second display
If you have a dual monitor setup on your Windows 10 computer and you mostly use the second screen when you are presenting something, this makes the Taskbar completely unnecessary and is not really required. So if you are using your computer generally and do not want the taskbar on your second screen, read on as this post will guide you in disabling Taskbar on your second display. The good thing is, Windows comes with a built-in feature to disable Taskbar on your second screen or projector connected to your computer. In this post, you will be guided on how you can hide or disable the Taskbar from the second monitor in Windows 10. This post is coming in handy especially if you are using projectors or multiple displays. Refer to the steps given below to disable Taskbar on the second display in Windows 10. Step 1: Go to Settings and click on Taskbar from the left menu. Step 2: After that, scroll down to lo look for Multiple Displays. Step 3: Next, turn off the toggle labeled, “Show taskbar on all displays”. Note: After completing the steps given above, it will disable the Taskbar on all the secondary displays. Bear in mind that these settings will work only if you are running a second screen in Extended mode. Contrariwise, if you are in the Duplicate mode, this setting will not work but you can always set your Taskbar to Autohide so that it won’t be displayed.

On the other hand, if you are facing some issues in finding which screen is primary and which one is secondary, refer to these steps:

Step 1: Go to Settings and select System. Step 2: Next, from the left menu open Display. Step 3: From there, select the desired display and make it the primary one as required by your setup.
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Guide for Removing SMSFromBrowser Malware

What is SMSFromBrowser

SMSFromBrowser is a Browser Extension developed by MindSpark. This extension usually comes bundled up with other software or via online advertising. Allegedly this extension allows you to send SMS messages from your computer, however, all it does is point you to other websites that offer this service. While active this extension monitors your browsing behavior, it records your website visits, clicks, links, and sometimes even private information, in order to use this data to better serve additional ads. During your browsing sessions, you may encounter additional unwanted ads, sponsored links, and sometimes even pop-up ads. Several anti-virus scanners have detected this extension as a potentially unwanted extension / Browser Hijacker, and due to its privacy mining behavior, it is not recommended to keep it on your computer.

Browser hijackers (sometimes referred to as hijackware) are a kind of malicious software that modifies web browser settings without the computer owner’s knowledge or permission. These hijacks appear to be increasing at an astonishing rate around the world, and they could be actually nefarious and sometimes harmful too. Browser hijackers are capable of doing more than just modifying homepages. These are typically used to force hits to a specific site, manipulating web traffic to generate ad revenue. Though it might seem naive, these tools are made by vicious people who always try to take advantage of you, so that they can easily make money from your naive and distraction. As soon as the program attacks your laptop or computer, it starts to mess things up a whole lot that slows your system down to a crawl. In the worst-case scenario, you will be forced to deal with serious malware threats as well.

Indications of browser hijack

There are many signs of web browser hijacking: 1. home page is changed 2. your browser is constantly being redirected to porn sites 3. the default online search engine and the default browser settings are altered 4. discover new toolbars that you simply didn’t add 5. you notice numerous ads pop up on the browsers or computer screen 6. your browser gets sluggish, buggy crashes very often 7. you can’t go to specific sites such as homepages of anti-malware software.

How it infects your personal computer

A browser hijacker can be installed on your computer or laptop when you visit an infected site, click on an e-mail attachment, or download something from a file-sharing website. They can be included with toolbars, BHO, add-ons, plug-ins, or browser extensions. Some internet browser hijackers spread in user’s PC by using a deceptive software distribution technique known as “bundling” (often through freeware and shareware). A good example of a notorious browser hijacker is the most recent Chinese malware known as “Fireball”, which has attacked 250 million PCs worldwide. It acts as a hijacker but could be turned into a fully functioning malware downloader afterward. Browser hijackers could interrupt the user’s web surfing experience greatly, keep track of the websites visited by users and steal financial information, cause difficulty in connecting to the web, and eventually create stability problems, making applications and computers freeze.


Some types of browser hijackers can be effortlessly removed from your PC by deleting malicious applications or any other recently added freeware. Many times, it could be a tough job to discover and get rid of the malicious program because the associated file will be running as part of the operating system process. And there’s no denying the very fact that manual repairs and removal methods can be a difficult job for an amateur computer user. Also, there are several risks associated with fiddling around with the pc registry files. Browser hijackers could be effectively removed by installing and running an anti-malware application on the affected computer. To remove any browser hijacker from your PC, you can download the following professional malware removal program – Safebytes Anti-Malware. And utilize a system optimizer, such as Safebytes Anti-Malware, to erase all associated files in the registry and repair browser problems. All malware is detrimental and the degree of the damage may vary greatly according to the type of infection. Certain malware types alter web browser settings by adding a proxy server or modify the computer’s DNS configuration settings. In such cases, you will be unable to visit some or all internet sites, and thus unable to download or install the required security software to eliminate the infection. If you’re reading this article, odds are you’re stuck with a virus infection that is preventing you to download or install the Safebytes Anti-Malware program on your system. Follow the instructions below to get rid of the malware by alternative methods.

Install the anti-virus in Safe Mode

If the malware is set to run automatically when Microsoft Windows starts, entering Safe Mode could very well block the attempt. Just bare minimum required programs and services are loaded whenever you boot your PC into Safe Mode. To start your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 PCs in Safe Mode with Networking, follow the instructions below. 1) Tap the F8 key continuously as soon as your PC boots, however, before the large Windows logo shows up. This would invoke the “Advanced Boot Options” menu. 2) Use the arrow keys to choose Safe Mode with Networking and press ENTER. 3) Once this mode loads, you should have an internet connection. Now, get the malware removal application you need by using the web browser. To install the program, follow the guidelines in the installation wizard. 4) Right after the software is installed, let the diagnostic scan run to eliminate trojans and other malware automatically. Use an alternate internet browser to download an antivirus application Some malware only targets specific web browsers. If this sounds like your situation, employ another browser as it might circumvent the virus. The best way to avoid this problem is to opt for an internet browser that is known for its security measures. Firefox has built-in Phishing and Malware Protection to help keep you secure online.

Create a bootable USB anti-virus drive

Another option is to store and run an antivirus software program completely from a Flash drive. To run anti-malware from a flash drive, follow these simple steps: 1) On a virus-free PC, download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Insert the pen drive on the same PC. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded software, which has a .exe file extension. 4) Choose the USB flash drive as the destination for saving the software file. Follow the directions to complete the installation process. 5) Now, transfer the thumb drive to the infected computer system. 6) Double click the Safebytes Anti-malware icon on the pen drive to run the application. 7) Press the “Scan” button to run a full computer scan and remove malware automatically.

Benefits and Features of SafeBytes Anti-Malware

These days, an anti-malware tool can protect your computer or laptop from various types of internet threats. But wait, how to select the best one amongst plenty of malware protection applications that are available on the market? You may be aware, there are several anti-malware companies and products for you to consider. Some of them are good, some are ok types, and some will ruin your PC themselves! You need to be very careful not to select the wrong application, particularly if you purchase a premium application. When it comes to commercial antimalware tool options, many people opt for well-known brands, like SafeBytes, and they are quite happy with it. SafeBytes can be described as a powerful, real-time anti-malware application that is created to assist the average computer end user in safeguarding their computer from malicious internet threats. Through its cutting-edge technology, this software will help you protect your PC against infections caused by various kinds of malware and other threats, including spyware, adware, computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, keyloggers, ransomware, and potentially unwanted program (PUPs).

SafeBytes has excellent features when compared to various other anti-malware programs. A few of them are given as below:

Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes gives you round-the-clock protection for your personal computer limiting malware attacks instantly. They are extremely effective in screening and removing various threats because they’re continuously revised with new updates and alerts. Robust, Anti-malware Protection: Safebytes is made on the best virus engine within the industry. These engines will detect and get rid of threats even during the early stages of a malware outbreak. Internet Security: SafeBytes inspects the hyperlinks present on a webpage for possible threats and informs you if the website is safe to visit or not, through its unique safety rating system. Low CPU Usage: SafeBytes is a lightweight and user-friendly anti-virus and anti-malware solution. Since it uses minimum computer resources, this application leaves the computer power exactly where it belongs to: with you actually. 24/7 Online Tech Support: You may get absolutely free 24/7 technical support from their computer experts on any product queries or computer security concerns. SafeBytes will keep your personal computer safe from the latest malware threats automatically with almost no input needed from you again. Once you have downloaded and installed this software, you will no longer have to bother about malware or any other security concerns. You will get the best all-around protection for the money you pay on SafeBytes anti-malware subscription, there isn’t any doubt about it.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove SMSFromBrowser without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised. The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by SMSFromBrowser
Files: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsSMSfromBrowser %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Start MenuProgramsSMSfromBrowser %LOCALAPPDATA%SMSfromBrowserTooltab %UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataSMSfromBrowserTooltab Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorerBrowser Helper ObjectsFFE35078-94B2-4FC0-990D-BF8289BC25E4 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorerBrowser Helper ObjectsFFE35078-94B2-4FC0-990D-BF8289BC25E4 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionexplorerBrowser Helper Objects3188EEFD-9259-445D-8CCD-B99D6296AD1A HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtStats3188EEFD-9259-445D-8CCD-B99D6296AD1A HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtSettingsFFE35078-94B2-4FC0-990D-BF8289BC25E4 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtSettingsB1D7EA4A-79CA-454E-897F-F5A052E467F6 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExtSettings3188EEFD-9259-445D-8CCD-B99D6296AD1A HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerApproved Extensions, value: 3188EEFD-9259-445D-8CCD-B99D6296AD1A HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerApproved Extensions, value: B1D7EA4A-79CA-454E-897F-F5A052E467F6 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerApproved Extensions, value: FFE35078-94B2-4FC0-990D-BF8289BC25E4 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbar, value: B1D7EA4A-79CA-454E-897F-F5A052E467F6 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWow6432NodeMicrosoftTracingSMSfromBrowser_RASMANCS HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftTracingSMSfromBrowser_RASMANCS HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWow6432NodeMicrosoftTracingSMSfromBrowser_RASAPI32 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftTracingSMSfromBrowser_RASAPI32 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAppDataLowHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSMSfromBrowser_f7 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDOMStoragesmsfrombrowser.dl.myway.com HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSMSfromBrowser HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware[APPLICATION]MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall..Uninstaller
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Fix An unspecified error 0x800700b7
If you receive an error that says, “An unspecified error occurred during System Restore (0x800700b7)” when you tried to restore your Windows 10 PC, worry not, for this post will help you resolve the problem. This kind of error typically occurs when System Restore was not completed successfully and fails instead with this error. Before you start, you must not abruptly shut down your computer and wait for the error to occur. You may receive this error due to many possible reasons. It could be caused by your antivirus program that’s not letting the process complete or corrupted system files which causes the failure or it could also be caused by an unsuccessful installation of a Windows Update. Here are some fixes you can check out if you can still boot into your computer:

Option 1 – Try to disable your antivirus program

Disabling the antivirus program or any security software installed in your computer is always a good idea you can try when the System Restore process does not go smoothly. So before you try updating your computer again, make sure to disable the antivirus or security program and then run System Restore again, don’t forget to enable the antivirus program back again.

Option 2 – Run the DISM tool

The next thing you can do is run the DISM tool. This tool is known to repair potentially corrupted files in your system as having them could also system issues like the blank dialog boxes. To repair these corrupted system files, you can run the DISM commands:
  • Tap the Win + X keys and click on the “Command Prompt (Admin)” option.
  • After that, input each one of the commands listed below sequentially to execute them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • Once you’ve executed the commands given above, restart your computer and check if the problem is now fixed.

Option 3 – Run the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files that might be the cause why you’re getting the errors 0x8024a11a and 0x8024a112. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Type “cmd” in the Start search and then right-click on the appropriate search result.
  • Next, select “Run as administrator” to open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Now restart your computer and see if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 4 – Try to run the System Restore in a Clean Boot State

If the first three given options didn’t work and the service still keeps on failing even though the service is running, you can try putting your computer in a Clean Boot State and then try to run System Restore again.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Now try to run System Restore again and see if the process goes smoothly.

Option 5 – Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter as it could also help in fixing the problem with System Restore. To run it, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go. On the other hand, if you can’t boot into your Windows 10 computer, here are some fixes you can try instead:

Option 6 – Try running System Restore in Advanced Startup Options

If you cannot boot into your Windows 10 computer, you can try to run System Restore again in the Advanced Startup Options.
  • Boot your computer into the Advanced Startup Options screen.
  • From there, you will see some options to troubleshoot when you can’t log in to Windows in the usual way.
  • Now select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt.
  • After that, type “rstrui” and hit Enter to execute the command which will start the System Restore process.

Option 7 – Run the SFC scan and DISM via Advanced Startup Options

Like what you did in the first given option, you can use the Advanced Startup Options to run both System File Checker and DISM. All you have to do is boot into the Advanced Startup Options and from there select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt. After accessing Command Prompt, you can run the System File Checker scan first by entering the “sfc /scannow”. As for DISM, you can run the “Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth” command.

Option 8 – Try to run the Automatic Repair Utility

You might also want to use Automatic Repair in fixing the error. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • You can start by creating and booting from a bootable Windows 10 USB Stick.
  • After that, click on Repair your computer located in the bottom left corner when you are on the initial Windows Startup screen.
  • Next, click on Troubleshoot, and then on the other screen, click the Startup Repair option.
  • Now select the operating system you want to repair. Once you do that, it will start to repair your operating system. Wait until the process is completed and then check if the problem’s now fixed.
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A Quick Guide to Fixing Error C00D1199

What is Error C00D1199?

This is a typical Windows Media Player error code. Developed by Microsoft, Window Media Player is a media player and media library application that is used for playing audios and videos on the computer. Error C00D1199 appears when Windows Media Player is unable to play the file requested by you. The error code is displayed in the following format:
C00D1199: Cannot play the file


Restoro box imageError Causes

You might encounter an error C00D1199 message on your PC for one of the following reasons:
  • The file type you requested is not supported by the Windows Media Player
  • The file type was not compressed by using a codec that is not supported by the Player
  • Your sound card or controller is not configured properly or outdated
  • Registry corruption
The good news is that error C00D1199 is not fatal. But if this error code is generated due to registry problems, then it can lead to serious issues. Therefore it is advisable to fix it immediately.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the best and easy do-it-yourself methods to resolve the error C00D1199 right away.

Method 1 - Ensure File Type is Supported by Windows Media Player.

If it is supported then make sure the codec used to compress the file is installed on your system. There are hundreds of audio and video Codecs in use today but the most popular Codecs used on Windows Media Player are Windows Media Audio, Windows Media Video, and MP3. If these Codecs are not installed on your PC, then it is advisable to download them from the web. But make sure you download these codecs from a reliable and a trusted website.

Method 2 - Check Sound Card Settings

Another method to resolve error C00D1199 is to check Sound card settings. Make sure it is configured properly. Improper configuration can also trigger the error. Nonetheless, if it is configured the right way but the error still persists then it is advisable to change update the driver. To do this, go to the Device Manager. Here use the Driver update wizard to make updates.

Method 3 - Check the Windows Registry

The registry is an important part of the PC. It stores all the activities performed on the PC and all files including both junk and important files. If unnecessary files like junk files, cookies, and bad registry entries are not removed frequently from the registry, it can corrupt and damage it and generate error codes like C00D1199. To clean the registry and resolve the error it is advisable to download Restoro. This is a user-friendly PC Fixer embedded with a registry cleaner. The registry cleaner wipes away all the clutter from the registry and cleans it instantly. It also repairs the damaged files and restores the registry. Click here to download Restoro and resolve error C00D1199 on your PC.
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Breath new life in your laptop

If you have a laptop that is slowing down and some usual tasks are sluggish you probably mean that it is time to change it and get a new one. Altho it is a good solution and it will guarantee that you will be able to do your tasks with more speed and comfort, straight purchasing is not always the best thing to do.


There are things you can do and some upgrades that are cheaper and will bring your laptop back into the game and extend its usage for a few more years.

1. Clean it

The most common issue for slowing down of computer is dust and dirt that accumulates over time and usage. If the laptop has not been properly cleaned in a while, cleaning it and placing new thermal paste on the CPU can do wonders. If you are not keen on doing this yourself or do not possess the required skillset take it to your local IT center for cleaning.

2. Uninstall software that you are not using

Various software can have speeding effects on computers, it can have some services running in the background and thus take precious resources slowing the whole system. If you are not using software, uninstall it.

3. Do not install the latest software

If you are using your computer for basic tasks there is no really need to install the latest and best. A lot of new software will require new hardware and things that offer are not so much better nor even required to justify the upgrade. Let us take office, for example, if you are using it to just write some text and not using any advanced options there is really no need to switch to a newer version, the old one will do just fine tasks that you are in need of.

4. Replace HD

Now this fits in the domain of upgrading your hardware but still it is much cheaper than replacing the whole laptop. Windows 10 works much better with SSD and SSD itself is faster than your standard HD, especially if it is slower model spinning in only 5400RPM. Operation of HD replacement is simple and straightforward and anyone can do it but the benefits of replacement will be visible right away. With a new SSD instead of an old mechanical one, you will have the feeling that you actually bought a new laptop.

5. Add more RAM

This is basically the last thing you can do in order to speed up your old laptop that will not break your bank account. Upgrading RAM was always the thing that can push your computer to have more power and to behave better while you are doing tasks. One important thing here is to first see how much RAM you have in your computer. If you are packing already 8GB then upgrading will not do much but if you have only 4GB, raising it to 6GB or 8GB will be beneficial. Also, check if the model of the laptop supports more RAM in the first place.


We have covered here a vast array of options in order to get your laptop back into the game with variability between hardware upgrades to taking care of your software. Whatever option you choose to do it will speed up your computer but among all of them, replacing the hard drive will do the most.

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