
Fix System doesn’t have any USB boot option

Lately, some users reported getting an error that says, “System doesn’t have any USB boot option, Please select other boot option in Boot Manager Menu” when they tried to reinstall the Windows 10 operating system on their PCs or boot from an installation media. If you have the same problem, then this post should help.

This kind of error is applicable to multiple devices by various OEMs and is mostly due to the Secure boot being enabled, or the Legacy or CSM support being disabled. It could also be that the bootable USB device was not correctly made and so on. Whatever the cause may be, here are some suggestions you need to check out to resolve the “System doesn’t have any USB boot option, Please select other boot option in Boot Manager Menu” error and reinstall Windows 10 successfully.

Option 1 – Disable the Secure Boot in the BIOS

Disabling the Secure Boot in the BIOS settings is definitely recommended to resolve the error. To disable Secure Boot, here’s what you have to do:

  • First, boot your computer into Windows 10.
  • Next, go to Settings > Windows Update. From there, check if there is anything that you have to download and install if you see any available updates. Usually, OEMs send and update the list of trusted hardware, drivers, and operating systems for your computer.
  • After that, go to the BIOS of your computer.
  • Then go to Settings > Update & Security > Advanced Startup options. If you click on Restart Now, it will restart your computer and give you all the advanced options.
  • Next, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options. As you can see, this screen offers you further options including System restore, Startup repair, Go back to the previous version, Command Prompt, System Image Recovery, and UEFI Firmware Settings.
  • Select the UEFI Firmware Settings which will take you to the BIOS.
  • From there, go to the Security > Boot > Authentication tab where you should see Secure Boot. Note that every OEM has its own way of implementing the options so it varies.
  • Next, set Secure Boot to Disabled and set Legacy Support to On or Enabled.
  • Save the changes made and exit. Afterward, your computer will reboot.

Option 2 – Try to reset the BIOS or the UEFI Settings

If updating the BIOS didn’t help in fixing Error 0199, you can try to reset the BIOS instead.

  • Start your computer and tap the F10 key during the booting process to enter the BIOS. If it does not work, you can try tapping the F1 or F2 key as well as the Del key.
  • Once you’re already in the BIOS, tap the F9 key to get the prompt to RestoreLoad default configuration now for the BIOS.
  • Next, click on Yes and then follow the next on-screen instructions that appear to set the BIOS back to its default settings.
  • Once you’re done restoring the default settings of the BIOS, restart your computer and then check if it now boots properly.

Option 3 – Make a proper bootable USB Drive/Stick

To make a proper bootable USB drive, you need to use the Windows Media Creation tool. The Media Creation tool in Windows allows you to use the ISO installation file to make a bootable device that you can use to install Windows on your PC. Note that this is kind of different from the usual installation process as it could erase your computer’s current settings and data on the primary drive. Thus, before you proceed, you need to backup all your data into some removable drive and then use the Media Creation Tool to make a bootable drive.

  • After making the bootable drive, you need to plug it into your computer and then reboot.
  • Next, tap the F10 or Esc key to open the boot options.
  • Now set the boot priority of the removable drive the highest. Once the setup comes forth, follow the next onscreen instructions and install Windows without any problems.

Option 4 – Try enabling Legacy or CSM boot support

If the Legacy or CSM boot support is disabled, then it’s no wonder why you’re getting an error. Thus, you need to enable it by following these steps:

  • Open Settings and go to Update & Security > Advanced Startup options.
  • Next, click on Restart Now to reboot your computer.
  • After that, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options where, you will see more options such as System Restore, Startup Repair, Go back to the previous version, Command Prompt, System Image Recovery, and UEFI Firmware Settings.
  • From there, enable Legacy Support and then save the changes and exit. This will restart the computer.
  • Once your computer has restarted, check if the error is now fixed.

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Enable or disable Fast User Switching
When your computer is slow, you don’t have much choice but to wait until it gets done with a task at its own pace, albeit a slow one. So if you want to switch user accounts on your computer a couple of times daily, then a slow computer can get really irritating. What makes system processes slow is that the accounts have some programs or applications running and resources allocated to them. And besides, if your computer is already low on performance, it will kill the natural fluidic flow of the user. But worry not, for this post will guide you in switching user accounts with the help of some minor tweaks in your Windows 10 computer. To disable or enable Fast User Switching, you have two methods to do that using the Registry Editor and the Group Policy Editor. Either way, refer to the instructions laid out below.

Option 1 – Enable or disable Fast User Switching via Registry Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type “Regedit” in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, go to this registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem
  • Then right-click on System and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and name this newly created DWORD as “HideFastUserSwitching”.
  • Now double click on it. If you want to enable Fast User Switching, input “0” as the value, and if you want to disable it, input “1” as its value.
  • Restart your PC to successfully apply the changes made.

Option 2 – Enable or disable Fast User Switching via Group Policy Editor

Take note that this option will not work if you are using the Windows 10 Home edition since the Group Policy Editor does not come with Windows 10 Home. Refer to the steps below to enable or disable Fast User Switching using Group Policy Editor.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type in “gpedit.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this path inside the Group Policy Editor: Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemLogon
  • Now double click on the configuration listing labeled as “Hide entry points for Fast User Switching” to open the configuration page.
Note: On the configuration page, you will see the following description:
“This policy setting allows you to hide the Switch User interface in the Logon UI, the Start menu, and the Task Manager. If you enable this policy setting, the Switch User interface is hidden from the user who is attempting to log on or is logged on to the computer that has this policy applied. The locations that the Switch User interface appears in the Logon UI, the Start menu, and the Task Manager. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the Switch User interface is accessible to the user in the three locations.”
  • From there, you can choose to enable or disable the Fast User Switching depending on your preferences. After you’ve selected, click OK and exit the Group Policy Editor.
  • Now restart your PC to apply the changes made successfully.
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Get public IP address inside Windows 10
There are a lot of online services and a lot of ways to get your public IP address. One of them being typing whats my IP in Google search and you will get immediate results. But there is a way to get the same information inside Windows 10 which could be very useful if for any reason you can not connect to mentioned services. By checking public IP directly inside your windows you can make sure that the issue for not being able to open some websites is not due to your public IP. In order to use this Windows feature, we will be checking our public IP using Windows PowerShell. To open Power Shell in Windows first press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open the run dialog keyboard with windows and r markedInside run dialog type Powershell and press ENTER In the Powershell type in the following command and press ENTER
(Invoke-WebRequest -uri "http://ifconfig.me/ip").Content
When the command finishes you will see what is your public IP address, if you wish to know more about your connection type in and press ENTER:
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ('https://ipinfo.io/')
This command will provide you with further information like city, region, country, and others.
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Delete files and folders using Command Prompt
There are times when you might find it difficult to delete folders or files in File Explorer and it could be due to many reasons. One of these reasons can be attributed to the failure that can lock down the folders or files which prevents you from deleting them. In this kind of situation, you can utilize the Command Prompt to delete the folders, sub-folders, and files on your computer, and in this post, you will be guided on how exactly you can do that. Before you proceed, keep in mind that when you use the Command Prompt incorrectly, it might affect your computer and render it inoperable, thus, you must be extra careful when executing the steps given below and it would also be better if you create a System Restore Point. After that, refer to the following instructions. Step 1: First, in the Start Search, type “command prompt” in the field and from the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and then select the “Run as administrator” option to open Command Prompt with admin privileges. Step 2: After opening Command Prompt as admin, navigate to the folder where the file you want to delete is located. Note that you have to execute the “cd” or the change directory command. Step 3: Next, execute the following command in Command Prompt:
DEL /F /A <file path with extension>
Note: In the given command, “/F” is the force delete command, while “/A” is the command that selects the files with the ready for archiving attribute. Step 4: After that, go to the location where you can find the folder you want to delete by using the “cd” command again. And then execute the following command right after:
RD /S <folder path>
Note: In the given command, “RD” is the command that removes the folder from the directory, while “/S” removes all of its sub-folders and files. On the other hand, if you also use the “/Q” parameter, you won’t see the “Y/N” confirmation but if you didn’t use it, then simply tap the Y button to proceed.
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5 Common Windows 11 Issues You Can Solve Super Quickly

It really sucks when you can’t fully enjoy the newest version of your favorite OS.

Windows 11 is still relatively fresh and consequently has some annoying little bugs that really ruin our experience. The good news is that you’re not alone and most of them are easy to fix.

Here are 5 commonly reported Windows 11 issues and what you can do to get rid of them.

1. Windows 11 audio problems

One of the absolute most irritating things in the world is struggling with the sound on your computer. Windows 11 users have reported facing the issue of low or no sound. If you’re currently experiencing the same frustration, you can be relieved. Chances are fixing it will only take a few minutes.

The first thing to check would be whether you accidentally muted your device by pressing the mute button on your keyboard. Yes, we know it sounds a lot like the old “have you tried turning it off and on again?” But it’s important to leave no stone unturned, and the most obvious things are usually the ones we easily overlook.

Moreover, if you have several audio output sources, check whether the right one is selected. You can do this via the Action Center or through Settings. If you want to use the same source every time, we also recommend you set it as the default one.

It’s also important to have a good, up-to-date audio driver. More often than not, this will be the true cause of your audio struggles. Make sure to update your driver, and if that doesn’t work out, you can always un- and reinstall it or install a different one. 

Lastly, if all attempts remain unsuccessful, run the audio troubleshooter to figure out what’s actually going wrong.

2. Unable to find files

Such a powerful new operating system, yet it can’t seem to do the simplest thing imaginable? The File Explorer not responding on Windows 11 is one of the most frustrating and most common problems with Microsoft’s newest iteration of its awesome OS.

However, 9/10 times it can be fixed by simply restarting your PC. You could also try killing the Windows Explorer process in the Task Manager and then rerunning it.

If these don’t help, check whether there are any pending Windows 11 updates. A single missing update can compromise your PC’s functionality, so always make sure to install them all on time. 

Should none of that work, then there are other ways to solve the File Explorer problem. However, then the issue is probably a bit deeper and it’s no longer in the ‘easy fix’ territory.

3. Start menu not working

Just like the File Explorer, the Start menu is a fundamental element of your OS. So, it’s only natural that its malfunction grinds your gears. It may be more customizable than on previous Windows versions, but it doesn’t always work smoothly. 

If you’re facing the so-called Start menu critical error, there are a few things this could be caused by. Usually it means you turned off your system while an important update was still being installed, there is a corrupt file on your PC, or Windows forcefully stopped a program. 

Whatever the reason, the solution should be pretty simple. Try the basic steps: restarting your File Explorer (like we explained above) and signing out and back into your account. If that doesn’t do anything, you may want to try uninstalling third-party start menu apps (if you have any), since they can interfere with your default programs’ functionality.

Now, those are the easy fixes. If you get nowhere with them, you might need to identify the root cause and search for more complex solutions than that.

4. Snipping tool not working

Our beloved screenshot tool was introduced with Windows 10 and Microsoft decided to keep it. However, you were probably just as disappointed as us when you tried to run it and failed. 

Normally, this can be fixed by installing the latest Out-of-band (OOB) update, or even pending updates in general. Even if your system appears to be up-to-date, run the checker just in case.

Another cool thing Windows 11 lets you do is ‘Repair’ and ‘Reset’, which is the easiest way to troubleshoot your Snipping tool. If this fails, you can also try the good old un- and reinstall method. Simply uninstall the tool through the Control Panel and reinstall it from the Microsoft Store.

Furthermore, in the case of an upgrade from Windows 10 to 11, it may be that the old Snipping tool version is interfering with the launch of the new one. If you don’t care that much about the additional options available with the enhanced screenshot tool, you can use the old version instead.

Simply go to your C Drive, find the Windows.old folder, search for the tool and open it from there. Make sure to pin it to your taskbar as well, if you know you’re going to use it often.

5. Can’t install the latest update

The latest Windows 11 version, 22H2, has brought tons of enhancements to our dearest operating system. Unfortunately, a lot of users still haven’t had the opportunity to experience it. A mere update of your OS version should be the one thing that goes smoothly, but sometimes that’s not the case.

Failure to install 22H2 can be caused by a few things. Most commonly, the issue is caused by lack of storage space or corrupted files, but there could be other culprits.

There are a couple of things you could try. For example, it’s crucial that your drivers be up-to-date and some important services be enabled. These are: Windows Modules Installer, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Cryptographic Service, Windows Update services.

To enable them, search ‘Services’, find the service you need and right-click on it. Open ‘Properties’ and select the startup type ‘Automatic’.

It may also be necessary to unplug all peripherals that aren’t crucial and disable third-party antivirus tools until after the update is finished. 

Ultimately, you can run the Windows Update troubleshooter to detect and fix other possible issues.


Tiny bugs like these are nothing out of the ordinary. That said, we still all hate when they happen.

Hopefully some of our solutions have helped you to a smoother Windows 11 experience. But if you’re still struggling, feel free to reach out to us. We’d be happy to help!

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How to know if you have keylogger in Windows
Hello and welcome everyone, today we will be talking about dreaded keyloggers, why they are dangerous, and how to know if you might have one in your system. Keylogger is a malicious application placed in your system and hidden with only one goal in mind, to get information about what are you typing and by that means for a person who infected you to get information about your credit card information or other sensitive data. They can be introduced into your systems in various ways and often can not be detected easily. Modern antivirus applications have ways of detecting them and removing but this tutorial aims to teach you how to spot them all by yourself since new keyloggers are produced daily and sometimes relying on antivirus alone is not enough. Unlike viruses and trojans, keyloggers are not heavy on system resources and you will not feel slow down on your computer if you have one which makes them harder to sport with regular work. Some of them can be even tracking you on the website and not even be physically present on your computer. Generally, we could categorize keylogger into 4 categories:
  1. Web browser-based keylogger. Some websites would have CSS scripts, input web forms, or so-called man in the middle keylogger. Lucky for us even Windows defenders with the latest update can detect this type of keylogger and successfully deal with it and how keylogger itself is not present on our system we are safe.
  2. General spyware keylogger. This keylogger is present in your system, usually, it infected it via email attachment, social media download, torrent download, some malicious so-called fixer application, etc. Most antivirus applications and windows defenders can detect these types as well and remove them successfully.
  3. Kernel-level keylogger. This keylogger is a more dangerous type they tend to operate underneath Windows as a rootkit and can go undetected by antivirus and windows defenders.
  4. Hypervisor-based keylogger. This is the most dangerous keylogger, they use virtualization techniques to hide and mask themselves as a replica of the operating system and they scan all keystrokes by the user. These are very rare keyloggers but they do exist.
If you suspect that you have a keylogger or just want to check your system for precaution reasons follow these tips and guides and luckily you will solve your issue in no time and your data will be safe.
  1. Use Task Manager to find suspicious entries.

    Task manager is a great application implemented in Windows that is constantly monitoring and showing all services, applications, and processes currently running on your system and thus a great tool to monitor your system if you know how to use it. First, open task manager by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESC Then take a good look into it, try to find suspicious names, probably duplicate of running application, something like Windows logon application, or keylog or anything similar which seems out of ordinary. If you manage to find a suspicious running application right-click on it and close it. Also while you are in task manager jump into the startup tab and check to see are there some unusual applications starting with your Windows, if you find anything, disable it right away. This is the most simple and quickest way to get some information right away if you suspect to have some simpler keylogger in your system.
  2. Use the command prompt to monitor your network.

    In order to check connections to your computer and find potential suspicious ones start the command prompt in administrator mode, press ⊞ Win + X, and choose command prompt (administrator). type in netstat -b and press ENTER. All website and application connections to your computer are now visible. ignore svchost, edge browser, windows store, etc ad check the IP of the remaining ones using the internet.
  3. Use keystroke encryption.

    Install encrypting software and even if you have a keylogger, the application will encrypt each stroke and all that attacker will get is gibberish
Please remember to always download files from trusted sources, do not open unknown emails, and do not share your information publicly. Take common protection steps in order to protect yourself in the digital world.
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How to Fix Socket Error 10013

Socket Error 10013 - What is it?

Socket error 10013 is an error code that often pops on the screen when you try to access the server. This error code restricts your permission to access. It shows that your permission request was denied. The error message is displayed in the following format:
“Socket.error: [Errno 10013] an attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions”


Restoro box imageError Causes

Narrowing down a particular reason for the cause of socket error 10013 is difficult, typically because this error code can be generated due to several reasons. Here are some of the common reasons for its occurrence on your PC:
  • High-security set up- Firewall or an antivirus program
  • Too many functions tied to the same driver confuses the socket
  • Outdated drivers
  • Malware
The good news is that the socket error 10013 is not fatal. However, it is advisable to fix and resolve the issue to avoid inconvenience.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the best, quickest and easiest methods to work around the problem and resolve socket error 10013 without any hassle or delay.

Method 1 - Turn off Firewall

Believe it or not, a high level of internet security measures like Firewalls and anti-virus programs are a common cause of socket error 10013. Firewalls are made to protect a computer from harmful connections but sometimes it may also restrict server connections, considering them as a threat to your system security. Due to this, permission access is adamantly denied. To resolve this issue on your PC, the best way to go about is to turn off your Firewall or any other anti-virus programs installed on your system. Once you turn off these programs, try accessing the server again. The majority of the time the issue is resolved by carrying this step. Nonetheless, if the error still persists, try the methods given below.

Method 2 - Check the Permissions section of the Firewall Program

Another way to resolve this is to check the permission section of the Firewall program and check for the server. If the server is not listed, contact the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and ask for help in adding the server to the list.

Method 3 - Update Drivers

The outdated driver may sometimes be the reason for the socket error 10013.  The socket may no longer use the drivers installed on your PC which is why permission to access the server is not granted. When this is the reason, try updating the drivers to resolve. For new drivers, visit the software manufacturers’ website, download, and install.

Method 4 - Scan for Viruses and Malware

Another alternative is to scan for viruses and malware. Sometimes the cause for the error is a viral infection. Therefore, remove them to resolve. The best way is to download Restoro. This is a user-friendly and next-generation PC Fixer embedded with 6 scanners including a powerful anti-virus. It scans your entire PC and removes all types of viruses including malware, adware, spyware, and Trojans in seconds. Click here to download Restoro.
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Fix Minecraft Won’t Launch in Windows 10
Minecraft has taken the world by the storm, it was an indie project game and it went mainstream. Dream of every game developer I guess. The dream of every gamer on the other hand is to double click on the game and to play it and not to deal with various issues, especially if they are launch issues. Luckily for all of you gamers, here at errortools we game as well and we are happy to bring you a solution on how to fix Minecraft won't launch issue. So sit back, relax and keep on reading, and hopefully enough you will be gaming again in no time. Follow the guide presented step by step, point by point how it is presented for the quickest way to get back in Minecraft. This guide also presumes that your hardware configurations meet at least the minimum system requirements for running Minecraft.
  1. Disable antivirus and firewall

    90% of the time this is the issue why Minecraft is not working, your antivirus or firewall has detected it as a false positive, and access to system internet, etc has been cut. Try disabling it and if everything is working fine add it to the antivirus or the firewall exception list.
  2. Run Minecraft as admin

    Minecraft will sometimes refuse to run if it does not has administrator privileges. To make sure this is the case locate the Minecraft executable, right-click on it and choose properties. Go to the compatibility tab and check Run as Administrator box.
  3. End Minecraft process

    It came to knowledge that even if Minecraft is not running it can have its processes active in the background. Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC to open task manager Locate if Minecraft has a process running If you find the Minecraft process right-click on it and choose End Task
  4. Run Minecraft in compatibility mode

    If Minecraft still refuses to start try running it in compatibility mode in the previous Windows version Locate Minecraft executable file in its install location Right-click on it and choose properties In the properties, windows go to the compatibility tab Check run this program in compatibility mode for: Select previous version of the operating system, try Windows 8 or Windows 7
  5. Update graphic card driver

    The best bet is to go to your GPU manufacturer's website and download the latest version of the driver of your GPU.
  6. Remove mods, plugins, texture packs

    Mods, plugins, texture packs are all great but sometimes they can cause GPU overloads and other issues to see if this is the case try running Minecraft in Vannila mode without anything installed, just pure and clean Minecraft as it was just downloaded and installed.
  7. Reinstall Minecraft

    If everything else failed, reinstall Minecraft. There might be a chance that some DLL file was deleted or corrupted by mistake or that some crucial files are missing. Clean reinstallation will fix all of these issues.
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Desk365 Complete Removal - PUP Removal Guide

What is Desk365?

Desk 365 is a program developed by 337 Technology Limited and is classified as a potentially unwanted application by a number of Antiviruses. While not technically malware, for many users it is unwanted as it is often distributed as a bundle with other downloads. It allows a fast way to access your shortcuts and applications. Upon installation this program will insert itself into the system registry, adding startup strings to allow it to automatically start every time your system is restarted. The software adds a scheduled windows task to allow it to reopen itself even when closed. The applications also access the internet and add firewall rules to your system, that allow it to access anything without restrictions.

The main executable file for this application is Dock365.exe. It is possible to delete this file preventing the application to run, but its monitoring services and registry entities remain hidden inside your computer.

The software sends browsing information back to its ad servers, displaying custom ads and sponsored products instead of the usual search results. And the app itself pins itself to the start menu and cannot be removed.

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

Have you ever discovered an unwanted program on your PC that you didn’t consciously download and never gave authorization to be installed? Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP), also referred to as Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA), are applications that you never wanted in the first place and often come bundled with freeware. Once installed, the majority of these applications can be difficult to eliminate and become much more of an annoyance rather than a necessity. PUPs did not actually constitute pure “malware” in the strict sense of the definition. What normally makes a PUP different from malicious software is that whenever you download one, you’re doing it with your consent – though in many instances unconsciously and unwillingly. A PUP may not be regarded as malicious or unsafe yet still, it’s a common cause of clunky OS’s; some PUPs are a lot more aggressive by intentionally slowing down your computer or laptop.

Exactly how do unwanted programs look like?

Potentially Unwanted Programs can be found in different forms and varieties, but in the majority of cases, these are typically adware programs that exhibit irritating pop-up adverts and advertisements on websites you check out. They even come in the form of browser extension toolbars and add-ons. Not only they needlessly take up space on your screen, but toolbars can also manipulate search engine results, keep an eye on your surfing activities, decrease your internet browser’s efficiency, and slow down your internet connection to a crawl. PUPs load up a dangerous bite if left unchecked. They could include keyloggers, dialers, and other program built into them which could track you or send your sensitive information to third parties. Typically, such software will disable security protections and configuration settings to take control over your computer or laptop, leaving that PC vulnerable to online hackers and data fraud. At a minimum, PUPs slow your computer down with every added program.

Tips on how to prevent PUPs

• Read the fine print so that the end-user license agreement (EULA) you are accepting is only for the software you primarily intend to download. • Choose the “custom” install whenever installing an application. Especially, look closely at those small boxes which have been checked as default, where you may ‘agree’ to receive promotions or install software bundlers. • Use an anti-PUP program. Security applications such as Safebytes Anti-Malware gives the very best real-time protection against PUPs and also other malware. • Be alert if you download and install freeware, open-source programs, or shareware. Nowadays ‘freeware’ isn’t actually freeware – but “crapware” bundling nonsense. • Always download software from trustworthy sources like official websites rather than untrustworthy sharing space. Avoid file-hosting sites where/when possible.

What To Do If You Cannot Download Safebytes Anti-Malware?

Every malware is detrimental and the level of the damage can vary greatly according to the type of infection. Some malware is designed to restrict or prevent things that you wish to do on your PC. It may well not permit you to download anything from the web or prevent you from accessing some or all internet sites, in particular the antivirus sites. If you are reading this, chances are you’re stuck with a virus infection that is preventing you to download or install Safebytes Anti-Malware software on your computer system. There are a few fixes you could try to get around with this particular problem. Download the software in Safe Mode with Networking The Windows-based PC comes with a special mode known as “Safe Mode” in which just the minimum required programs and services are loaded. If the malicious software is set to load immediately when PC boots, shifting into this mode may well prevent it from doing so. To get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press the F8 key while the system is starting up or run MSCONFIG and look for the “Safe Boot” options in the “Boot” tab. After you restart the PC into Safe Mode with Networking, you can download, install, and update the anti-malware program from there. At this point, you could run the anti-virus scan to eliminate viruses and malware without any hindrance from another malicious application.

Switch over to an alternate web browser

Some malware mainly targets specific internet browsers. If this sounds like your situation, use another internet browser as it might circumvent the malware. If you are not able to download the anti-virus software using Internet Explorer, it means the virus could be targeting IE’s vulnerabilities. Here, you need to switch to a different internet browser such as Chrome or Firefox to download Safebytes Anti-malware software.

Install and run anti-virus from your flash drive

Another option would be to create a portable anti-malware program on your USB stick. To run antivirus from a thumb drive, follow these simple steps: 1) Make use of another virus-free computer to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug in the pen drive to a USB port on the uninfected computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus software package to run the Installation Wizard. 4) When asked, choose the location of the USB drive as the place in which you want to put the software files. Follow activation instructions. 5) Now, insert the USB drive into the infected PC. 6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the flash drive by double-clicking the icon. 7) Run Full System Scan to detect and clean-up up all kinds of malware. If all the above approaches fail to help you in downloading the anti-malware, then you’ve no alternative but to reinstall the computer’s operating system to wipe out all the data, including the malicious programs which are obstructing the anti-malware installation. If you are already our customer, technical help for Malware Removal is just a phone call away. Call 1-844-377-4107 to speak to our expert technicians and get assistance remotely.

Let's Talk About SafeBytes Anti-Malware!

To help protect your computer from many different internet-based threats, it’s very important to install anti-malware software on your personal computer. But with so many antimalware companies out there, nowadays it’s tough to decide which one you should obtain for your PC. A few are good ones, some are decent, and some are merely fake anti-malware programs that will harm your PC themselves! You need to be very careful not to pick the wrong product, especially if you buy a paid program. On the list of the highly recommended tools by industry experts is SafeBytes Anti-Malware, well-known security software for Windows computers. Safebytes is among the well-established computer solutions firms, which offer this comprehensive anti-malware software program. Using its outstanding protection system, this utility will quickly detect and eliminate the majority of the security threats, including viruses, adware, browser hijackers, ransomware, PUPs, and trojans. SafeBytes anti-malware offers an array of advanced features which sets it apart from all others. Listed below are some of the highlighted features included in the tool. Real-time Threat Response: SafeBytes delivers complete and real-time security for your PC. It will inspect your computer for suspicious activity continuously and shields your personal computer from unauthorized access. Optimum AntiMalware Protection: This deep-cleaning anti-malware software goes much deeper than most antivirus tools to clean your computer. Its critically acclaimed virus engine finds and disables hard-to-remove malware that conceals deep within your computer. Web Filtering: SafeBytes gives an instant safety rating about the web pages you’re about to visit, automatically blocking harmful sites and ensuring that you are certain of your online safety while browsing the net. Light-weight: This software program is not “heavy” on your computer’s resources, so you will not notice any performance issues when SafeBytes is working in the background. 24/7 Online Support: You can obtain high levels of support round the clock if you’re using their paid version. Overall, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is a solid program since it has plenty of features and can identify and remove any potential threats. You can rest assured that your computer will be protected in real-time once you put this tool to use. For optimum protection and the best bang for your buck, you can’t get better than SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove Desk365 without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised. The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by Desk365
Files: File $APPDATACheckRun22find.exe. File $APPDATADesk 365accelerate. File $APPDATADesk 365desk_bkg_list.xml. File $APPDATADesk 365desk_list.xml. File $APPDATADesk 365desk_settings.ini. File $APPDATADesk 365firstrun. File $APPDATADesk 365process_mgr.xml. File $APPDATADesk 365promote.xml. File $APPDATAeDownloadfindhpnt_v2.exe. File $APPDATAMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick Launchfind.lnk. File $COMMONPROGRAMSDesk 365Desk 365.lnk. File $COMMONPROGRAMSDesk 365eUninstall.lnk. File $DESKTOPfind.lnk. File $LOCALAPPDATAGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultExtensionsnewtab.crx. File $LOCALSETTINGSTempV9Zip_003Desk365.exe. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365desk_bkg_list.xml. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365desk_list.xml. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365desk_settings.ini. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365desk365.exe. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365deskSvc.exe. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365ebase.dll. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365edeskcmn.dll. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365eDhelper.exe. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365eDhelper64.exe. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365edis.dll. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365edis64.dll. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365ElexDbg.dll. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365eUninstall.exe. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365libpng.dll. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365main. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365ouilibnl.dll. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365process_mgr.xml. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365promote.xml. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365recent.xml. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365sqlite3.dll. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365svc.conf. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365TrayDownloader.exe. File $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365zlib1.dll. File $PROGRAMFILESMozilla Firefoxsearchpluginsfind.xml. File $SENDTODesk 365.lnk. Directory $APPDATADesk 365. Directory $APPDATAeDownload. Directory $COMMONPROGRAMFILES7. Directory $COMMONPROGRAMSDesk 365. Directory $LOCALSETTINGSTempDesk365. Directory $LOCALSETTINGSTempV9Zip_003. Directory $PROGRAMFILESDesk 365. Registry: Key 33BB0A4E-99AF-4226-BDF6-49120163DE86 at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearchScopes. Key deskSvc at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE. Key desksvc at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001Services. Key desksvc at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ServicesEventlogApplication. Key desksvc at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices. Key desksvc at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesEventlogApplication. Key findSoftware at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE. Key ijblflkdjdopkpdgllkmlbgcffjbnfda at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREGoogleChromeExtensions. Key lnkguard at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware. Key V9 at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE.
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How to Fix Unable to contact your DHCP Server
If your IP address expires, you will most likely experience interruptions when browsing the web. In such cases, you have to release and renew the IP address by executing the following commands:
  • ipconfig /release
  • ipconfig /renew
So if you are trying to renew the IP address of your Windows 10 computer using the commands given above but you encounter an error message instead that says, “Unable to contact your DHCP Server”, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you in fixing this error. This kind of error indicates that the NIC can’t communicate with the DHCP server which is why it’s not able to release new IP addresses. It could be due to many reasons. To fix this error, you can try to roll back, update or reinstall the Network Adapter drivers. You could also run the built-in Network Adapter troubleshooter, as well as start or restart the DHCP client service.

Option 1 – Try to rollback your Network driver

If you have updated the driver software as of late and you suddenly got this error, you might have to roll back the device driver – in other words, switch back to the previous working version. To do that, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run window and then type in the “devmgmt.msc” command and hit Enter to open the Device Manager window.
  • Under the Device Manager, you will see a list of drivers. From there, look for the Network Adapters and expand it.
  • Next, select the driver entries that are labeled appropriately other than anything in the context of the WAN Miniport.
  • Then select each one of them and double click to open a new mini window.
  • After that, make sure that you’re on the Driver tab and if you are not, just navigate to it then click the Roll Back Driver button to switch back to the previous version of your Network adapters.
  • Now restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made.

Option 2 – Try to update the Network drivers

If rolling back to the previous version of the Network adapter drivers didn’t help, then you need to update them instead. To do so, here’s what you have to do:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run window and then type in the “devmgmt.msc” command and hit Enter to open the Device Manager window.
  • Under the Device Manager, you will see a list of drivers. From there, look for the Network Adapters and expand them.
  • Then right-click on each one of the Network drivers and update them all.
  • Restart your PC and see if it helped in fixing the BSOD error.
Note: If updating the network drivers didn’t help in fixing the problem, you can also try to uninstall the very same drivers and restart your Windows 10 PC. After that, the system itself will reinstall the drivers you just uninstalled. Alternatively, you can also download and install the drivers from the manufacturer’s website directly.

Option 3 – Run the Network Adapter troubleshooter

Running the built-in Network Adapter troubleshooter can also help in fixing the “Unable to contact your DHCP Server” error. To run the Network Adapter Troubleshooter, refer to these steps:
  • Open the Search bar on your computer and type in “troubleshoot” to open the Troubleshoot settings.
  • Next, scroll down and select the “Network Adapter” option from the right pane.
  • Then click on the Run Troubleshooter” button.
  • After that, your computer will check for any possible errors and will pinpoint the root cause of the problem if possible.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 4 – Try disabling the IPv6 in the Network Center

  • Tap the Win + X key combination and click on Network Connections.
  • This will open the Settings app on a specific page. Now on the right-side panel, click on the Network and Sharing Center link.
  • After that, it will open the Control Panel and from there, click on the network that your computer is connected to and then click on Properties.
  • Next, uncheck the entry that says, “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” in the list that populates.
  • Now click on OK and close all other windows.
  • Restart your computer and see if the error is now fixed.

Option 5 – Start or restart the DHCP client service

If the DHCP client service is either inactive or stopped, you can try to start or restart it to resolve the error. You can do this via the Services Manager.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility.
  • Then type “services.msc” in the field and tap Enter or click OK to open the Services Manager.
  • After that, look for the DHCP client service from the list of services displayed.
  • Once you found it, right-click on it and select the Start or Restart option.
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How to Fix DLL Errors in Windows?
A general rule of thumb, which is followed by most users, is to download the specific missing DLL file and place it within the software’s installation directory. However, this can be harmful to your system as hackers often upload popular malicious DLL files to target systems. Thus, you should avoid downloading DLLs from the internet. And follow these steps to fix the DLL error:
  • Restart your computer
  • System restore to an earlier state
  • Run a malware/virus scan
  • Update all the hardware drivers
  • Running SFC /scannow command in command prompt
  • Then do as the error suggests, reinstall the program if it’s feasible. Game files can take several hours to install and therefore, reinstallation can be a cumbersome job. Also, frustrating if the error appears after reinstallation.
  • Update device drivers manually, such as graphics drivers, DirectX software if you see DLL missing error while running game
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