Diablo 2 resurrected has hit official release and servers seem to be finally taken care of and everything seems to be running smoothly now. The game also received great praise from gamers and attracted old players of the original Diablo 2 game.
Speaking of old players of old Diablo 2, they can transfer their old characters into remaster and continue playing them within this new great HD environment. There are some steps and requirements but we are here to help and transferred characters will bring full stash, inventory, and equipped items with them.
There are not many requirements for this transfer to occur but they must be respected in order to be successful. The first thing is a minor requirement and somewhat annoying but it needs to be done, firstly fire up Diablo 2 resurrected and create a character, any kind of character with any kind of name, any kind of class. This strange requirement is to actually create a character folder and register it inside D2 resurrected so we can copy old ones there.
The second requirement will be that characters that you wish to be transferred must be offline characters. Old battle net online characters cannot be transferred at this moment and probably will not be in the future as well. So for all of you that wish to transfer online characters, bad luck, for the rest of us casuals playing offline single-player mode, we can enjoy our characters.
The process itself of transferring characters when previously mentioned requirements are met is just a simple and copy operation. If you have somewhere backed your characters go into your backup folder and copy files in c:\users\*current user*\saved games\*diablo 2 resurrected folder*
If you do not have characters backed up and just have old Diablo 2 installed and playing it, you can go to c:\users\*current user*\saved games\*diablo 2 folder* and just copy all characters files into c:\users\*current user*\saved games\*diablo 2 resurrected folder*
Your old characters end with .d2s extension, grab all that you want to transfer, and copy them into D2R. Take note that copied characters cannot be brought back into Diablo 2, once they are copied into Diablo 2 resurrected all further progress on them will be tied to the new game.
That’s it about the transfer process and requirements for it. Fire up the new game version and enjoy.
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdateAuto Update" /v AUOptions /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
sc config wuauserv start= autoThe command you entered will set the Windows Update to auto so you should be good to go.
Faraday bag is a new take on security and privacy for people using a lot of electronic devices and credit cards. So what is exactly a Faraday bag?
Faraday bag is designed in the same manner as the Faraday cage which was invented by Michael Faraday, who was an English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main discoveries include the principles underlying electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and electrolysis.
The idea of the Faraday cage is that anything inside a cage that is made of specific grid size is completely isolated from outside current and magnetic fields since the cage itself will pick up everything upon itself. This means that for example, a human could be inside a cage that is struck by lightning and be perfectly safe and fine.
This idea led to the Faraday bag design, which takes this concept and places a wiring pattern inside clothing in order to isolate all magnetic fields from the outside so your devices and cards are completely cut off from any kind of influence and electromagnetic waves. If the pattern and quality of material for the bag are good, you have a fully safe placeholder for your stuff.
The main advantages, of course, are the privacy and safety of mobile phones and credit cards from outside influences and this is why this bag has been designed in the first place. If the bag is designed properly your phone would not be able to be hacked nor accessed from any outside source, GPS tracking will also be disabled and your phone location will not be visible. Credit cards will also be completely safe from any malicious attack via wi-fi signals.
Well, the disadvantage of using this bag is a very simple one, since your phone is isolated from outside influence that will also mean that you will not be able to take messages or calls on it while it is in the bag. Notifications from the internet would also be disabled so it is security vs usability deal.
“We’re having trouble restarting to finish the install, Error 0x8024a11a, 0x8024a112, 0x80070005 or 0x80070032”And so to fix this problem, this post will give you a couple of possible solutions. Refer to the options given below to get started.
SC config trustedinstaller start=auto
BLUE SCREEN ERROR - QtCore4.dll Not Found
Filei386QtCore4.dll could not be loaded. The error code is 7. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.
resource setautoreset true C:
net stop wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
net start wuauserv net start bits
“A USB device has malfunctioned and exceeded the power limits of its hub port. You should disconnect the device”.To easily fix the problem, you can try to disconnect the device and click on Reset and if you click on Close, the port will not work until you unplug it and then restart your computer. On the other hand, if disconnecting the device did not resolve the problem, you can try running the Hardware & USB troubleshooter or use a USB hub. You can also try to reinstall, uninstall or roll back the USB drivers or run the OEM diagnostics. For more information, refer to each one of the potential fixes provided below.