
How to Fix ‘Your Computer is Low on Memory’ Error

Low on Memory is a Windows PC memory leak error. You may come across it out of the blue however, there are various underlying reasons for this PC error. It is like a warning sign that indicates memory/RAM issues on your system.

The ‘Your Computer is Low on Memory’ error means that your PC does not have enough memory space for all the activities you are trying to perform. Due to this error, your Windows and programs can also stop working.

If this error is not fixed timely it can lead to serious PC threats like valuable data loss and hard disk corruption.

Along with this memory error, you may also come to experience other types of signs including PC poor performance, speed issues, out-of-memory notifications, and display problems.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The ultimate and the underlying cause of low memory error is data overload in the RAM which triggers registry issues. To understand this better, here is a comprehensive explanation. The computer has 2 types of memory, RAM (Random Access Memory) and virtual memory.

All programs and activities that you do on your computer are saved by the registry in the RAM.

This includes obsolete and unnecessary files too like junk files, cookies, internet history, temporary files, invalid registry entries, and bad registry keys. Due to poor PC maintenance practices, these files accumulate in the RAM, thereby overloading it.

Also, all programs on the PC use RAM to run. So, when there isn’t enough RAM for the program you are trying to run on your system, Windows temporarily moves information that would normally be stored in RAM to a file called a paging file which is also referred to as the virtual memory.

By moving the information to and from the paging file- the virtual memory, Windows temporarily frees up enough RAM for programs to run smoothly. However, when you start running more programs than the RAM installed on your PC can support, low memory errors begin to occur.

It triggers that the computer is out of RAM and is also low on virtual memory.

Further Information and Manual Repair

PC users should know that this is a critical error therefore it is advisable to fix it immediately before the damage sets in. Here are some of the best solutions that you can try to resolve Your computer is low on memory and similar memory leak errors on your system.

1. Run Few Programs at a Time

This is a temporary solution to prevent low memory problems.  By running a few programs at one time you can easily keep this memory error away from popping on your computer screen.

However, this can cause you inconvenience if you run several programs together to perform different tasks simultaneously.

2. Increase the Virtual Memory Size

Though Windows automatically attempts to augment the virtual memory size the first time you experience ‘low on memory issues; however this again is a temporary way out of this problem.

But if you are looking for a solution that can resolve these memory issues for a long time, then you can try manually increasing your PC’s memory size. Increase it up to a maximum size this is by the way determined by the amount of RAM installed on your system.

Nonetheless, the drawback of this solution is that increasing the paging file size can reduce your PC performance. It can make your programs run more slowly.

3. Install More RAM

Another solution to resolve low on memory issues is to install more RAM. To do this first check your system properties to see the size of the RAM already installed on your PC.

To do this press the Windows key+ Pause/Break key this will open system properties. If the RAM size is lower than 2 GB then you need to install more RAM. But if it is more then you should look for two things one check the piece of software that is causing the problem and secondly you need to clean the registry and remove the unnecessary files from your RAM and hard disk.

This would free up space dramatically and resolve the low memory issue right away.

4. Download and Run Restoro, Registry Cleaner on your System

To clean the registry and wipe out unnecessary and obsolete files overloading your RAM and disk space, you should download Restoro.

Restoro is a next-generation and highly functional error cleaner.

By running this error cleaner on your system, you can easily scan for junk stored in your RAM and hard disk and remove it in seconds, clearing up ample disk space. This will resolve all your PC memory-related issues. Furthermore, it repairs the damaged files and restores the registry too.

It spares you from the hassle of installing more RAM or virtual memory. Since this PC repair tool also functions as a system optimizer, it simultaneously boosts the speed of your system thus resolving speed issues too, all in one go.

Restoro is a bug-free and efficient tool. It has a user-friendly interface making it easy for all levels of users to operate and run it on their systems. Furthermore, it is compatible with all Windows versions including Windows 7, 8, XP,  Vista & 10.

Click here to download Restoro to resolve Low on Memory issues on your PC in seconds!

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Easy Guide to Resolving Error Code 16

Error Code 16 - What is it?

Code 16 is a type of Device Manager error code. Windows XP users are most likely to encounter it. This error pops on XP systems that are running legacy or not plug-and-play hardware.

Error code 16 is displayed in the following format:

‘Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses. (Code 16)’


driverfix boxError Causes

Error code 16 occurs when you use a peripheral device such as an external drive or a printer and that device is not properly or completely configured. Though the device may have been recognized before Windows fails to verify its configuration. Simply put, error code 16 appears when devices are partially configured.

In addition to this, another cause of error 16 is outdated or corrupt device drivers. Devices often fail to run successfully because of driver problems.

Device drivers are programs that provide instructions to control different devices attached to the computer system such as audio devices and printers to name a few.

Though error code 16 is not fatal like other PC error codes such as BSoD; however, it may hamper your ability to use certain devices installed on your system and lower your work productivity.

To avoid inconvenience, it is advisable to resolve the error immediately to avoid inconvenience.

Further Information and Manual Repair

PC error codes are often considered technical and difficult to resolve which is why many prefer to hire a professional for the repair job rather than doing it themselves.

Small repair jobs like fixing error code 16 by a professional computer programmer may cost you hundreds of dollars.

So, why incur so much cost when you can repair it easily by yourself even if you are not a technical whiz.

Error code 16 is easy to repair.

Here are some effective DIY methods that you can use for resolving error code 16 on your PC. These methods require no technical background, knowledge or expertise for that matter. Just simply follow the instructions and resolve the error code 16 issue.

Let’s get started…

Method 1 - Setup from the Disk that Came with the Hardware Device

Run setup from the disk that came with the hardware device, or you can simply copy the setup software file to your hard drive/flash drive. Refer to the vendor’s direction to set up.

If for any reason you’re unable to find the directions, simply uninstall the device. Then go to the start menu, Control Panel, and select ‘Add New Hardware’.

Now pick the appropriate hardware and follow the steps that the Wizard suggests. This is most likely to resolve the error code.

Nonetheless, if the error code still persists, then try method 2.

Method 2 - Allocate More PC Resources

Another alternative method to resolve error code 16 is to allocate more PC resources to the device. To specify additional resources:

  • Go to the start menu
  • Type Device Manager
  • Then go to the Device properties and click the resources
  • Here specify the device in the Device Manager
  • If you see a resource with a question mark, assign that resource to the device
  • However, if for any reason the resource is unable to change, then simply click ‘Change Setting’.
  • If Change Settings is not available, then click the box to the ‘Use Automatic Settings’ box. This will make the option available.

Method 3 - Install DriverFIX

As previously stated above, device manager error codes like error code 16 may also occur due to driver problems. If this is the underlying reason for error code 16 on your system, then the best way to resolve it is to install DriverFIX.

DriverFIX is user-friendly, advanced, and feature-filled software deployed with an intelligent programming system, which detects all problematic device drivers automatically in seconds.

It matches these drivers with their latest versions and updates them smoothly without any hassle, resolving error code 16 right away.

And furthermore, once you install this software on your PC, you don’t have to worry about driver problems anymore typically because it updates drivers on a regular basis with compatible and new versions, ensuring that your computer functions properly. It is easy to install and is compatible with all Windows versions.

Click here to download DriverFIX to repair error code 16

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Fix NETWORK_FAILED error in Chrome
Although the Google Chrome browser is one of the most used browsers, a lot of things could still go wrong when browsing the web using it. One of the errors you might encounter is the “ NETWORK_FAILED ” error. This kind of error in Chrome indicates that Chrome wasn’t able to send your request through the network connection. It could be that your computer has trouble connecting to a stable internet connection or there is some plugin in your Chrome browser that is causing the issue. The worst-case would be malware. But worry not for this post will guide you on what you can do when you encounter the NETWORK_FAILED error in Google Chrome. Make sure to follow each one of the options given below and see which one of them worked best for you.

Option 1 – Disable or remove any unwanted extensions in Chrome

As you know, browser extensions help in enhancing the browsing experience but there are also times when it does exactly the opposite, and such is the case with the NETWORK_FAILED error in Chrome. It could be that one of the extensions in your browser is the one that’s causing the trouble. To disable or remove these unwanted extensions, here’s what you have to do:
  • Launch Google Chrome, press Alt + F, move to More tools, and click Extensions.
  • Look for Search.tb.ask.com or any other unwanted add-ons, click the Recycle Bin button, and choose Remove.
  • Restart Google Chrome, then tap Alt + F, and select Settings.
  • Navigate to the On Startup section at the bottom.
  • Select “Open a specific page or set of pages”.
  • Click the More actions button next to the hijacker and click Remove.

Option 2 – Run the Malware Scanner and Cleanup tool in Chrome

If removing or disabling the unwanted extension didn’t help in fixing the error, you can try using the built-in malware scanner and cleanup tool in Google Chrome. These tools help you get rid of any unwanted pop-ups, ads, unusual Startup pages, toolbars, and even malware.

Option 2 – Run the Malware Scanner and Cleanup tool in Chrome

  • Launch Google Chrome and then tap the Alt + F keys.
  • After that, click on Settings.
  • Next, scroll down until you see the Advanced option, once you see it, click on it.
  • After clicking the Advanced option, go to the “Restore and clean up the option and click on the “Restore settings to their original defaults” option to reset Google Chrome.
  • Now restart Google Chrome.

Option 3 – Try to disable the Proxy

If you are using a proxy, you might want to consider disabling it as it could have something to do with the NETWORK_FAILED error.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “cpl” and hit Enter or click OK to open the Internet Properties.
  • After that, go to the Connections tab where you should see the LAN settings. Click on it.
  • Next, uncheck the “Use a Proxy Server for your LAN” and ensure that the “Automatically detect settings” option is checked as well.
  • Then click Ok and then Apply to save the changes made.
  • Restart your PC.

Option 4 – Flush DNS and reset TCP/IP

  • Click the Start button and type in “command prompt” in the field.
  • From the search results that appear, right click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt, you have to type each one of the commands listed below. Just make sure that after you type each command, you hit Enter
    • ipconfig /release
    • ipconfig /all
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • ipconfig /renew
    • netsh int ip set dns
    • netsh winsock reset
After you key in the commands listed above, the DNS cache will be flushed and the Winsock, as well as the TCP/IP, will reset.
  • Now restart your computer and open Google Chrome then try opening the website you were trying to open earlier.

Option 5 – Delete the WLAN Profiles

Deleting the WLAN Profiles might be a good idea if you are not able to connect to the internet on your computer and if you’re using Wi-Fi. It could be that the networks that were connected previously have gone rogue which is why it is not connecting properly. And so deleting the WLAN profiles would be for the best. That should do it.
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Fix Partner did not connect to router Error
One of the great remote assistance software that helps you remotely access and control computers is TeamViewer. However, despite how efficient it is, there are still times when it throws up some errors and one of them is when TeamViewer is not able to connect and throws an error that says, “No connection to partner, Partner did not connect to router, Error Code WaitforConnectFailed”. This kind of error in TeamViewer mostly occurs when the Partner computer is not connected to a network. On the other hand, it could also occur when they are connected to a network so there are various causes for this issue. It could also be that the installation of the program itself was at fault or there is an incompatibility between the TeamViewer versions installed on both the computers and so on. Although there are several causes for this error, the potential fixes are still the same. You can try to restart the network or allow Full Access Control to TeamViewer or flush the DNS cache. For more information, refer to the following options but before you proceed, make sure that both your Windows 10 computer and TeamViewer program are updated to their latest stable versions.

Option 1 – Reboot your router

The first thing you can try to do to fix the error is to simply restart your router. All you need to do is reboot the router from its Admin panel or you can also turn it off manually and turn it back on after a couple of seconds so that it can completely reboot. Once you’re done, try accessing your server again and see if the error is now fixed.

Option 2 – Allow Full Access Control to TeamViewer

  • First, open TeamViewer, and then from the Menu bar, click on Extras.
  • After that, click on Options and select Advanced from the left side navigation panel.
  • Next, click on the “Show advanced options” button located on the right-hand side.
  • Then select Full Access from the drop-down menu of the Access Control option under the “Advanced settings for connection to this computer section”.
  • Now click OK and check if the error is now fixed or not.

Option 3 – Try to flush the DNS configuration

You could also try to flush the DNS configuration in your computer to fix the error. How? Refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + X key combination and click on the Command Prompt (Admin) option or you could also search “cmd” in the Cortana search box and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt with admin privileges, enter each one of the commands given below sequentially in order to flush the DNS cache.
    • ipconfig/release
    • ipconfig/renew
    • ipconfig/flushdns
  • Now type the exit command to close Command Prompt and then restart your computer and see if the problem is fixed.
On the other hand, you could also try to reset Winsock as well as the TCP/IP.

Option 4 – Run the Network Adapter troubleshooter

To run the Network Troubleshooter, refer to these steps:
  • Open the Search bar on your computer and type in “troubleshoot” to open the Troubleshoot settings.
  • Next, scroll down and select the “Network Adapter” option from the right pane.
  • Then click on the Run Troubleshooter” button.
  • After that, your computer will check for any possible errors and will pinpoint the root cause of the problem if possible.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 5 – Try to perform Network Reset

You might perform a Network Reset to resolve the problem if none of the four given options worked. This will reset the entire network configuration including your IP address. To perform Network Reset, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open Settings.
  • From there, go to the Network and Internet section.
  • Next, scroll down and look for “Network Reset” under the status pane.
  • After that, click on Network Reset and then on Reset now to start resetting the network configuration. Once done, check if it is able to fix the error or not.
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Fix Orange Screen of Death Error in Windows
The Windows 10 Orange Screen of Death, unlike Blue Screen of Errors, is quite an uncommon error where the hardware is the culprit which is mostly caused by some issues with the GPU. If you are currently facing this problem, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on what you can do to fix it. There have been reports from users that the Orange Screen of Death is caused by various reasons. Some users reported that they encountered Orange Screen of Death when they were watching a YouTube video, while some were not able to boot into their Windows 10 PCs and encountered an error instead of that either says, FAULTY_HARDWARE_CORRUPTED_PAGE or WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR error. In addition, this error can also occur when your computer wakes up from Sleep or while using BitLocker, or while you use a second monitor. Whatever the case is, you can try updating your drivers or lower the clock speed of the GPU. You could also try to fix the DRIVER_IRQL issue in case it’s the one that triggers the error or performs Automatic Repair or uninstalls any recently installed software.

Option 1 – Update your Graphics card drivers

One of the possible reasons why you’re getting the Orange Screen of Death error is most likely related to the Graphics card drivers in your computer. Thus, the first thing you can do to resolve it is to update these drivers by following these steps:
  • First, boot your computer into Safe Mode.
  • After that, tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. From there, look for the Display Adapters and click on them.
  • After that, right-click on each entry under the Display Adapters and select the “Uninstall Device” option from the menu.
  • Now restart your computer.
  • After restarting your computer, go to the Settings app and Check for Updates in the Windows Update section.
Note: You also have the option to go directly to the website of your graphics card manufacturers like NVIDIA, Intel, or AMD and go to the section called Drivers then check if there’s a new available update – if there is, download and install it.

Option 2 – Try to uninstall software you’ve installed recently

If you have installed a software or two recently and then suddenly encounter this Orange Screen of Death, then they are most likely the culprits. The best thing you can do is to first check the System Log in the Event Viewer for any additional information in case it’s not the GPU but some other driver or device that’s causing the error. Once you have identified the culprits, uninstall them and see if the error is fixed.

Option 3 – Try disabling Overclocking

If overclocking is enabled, you might have to disable it as some users reported that the WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR 0x00000124 error started to appear right after overclocking. To disable it, follow the steps below.
  • Go to the Start Menu and open Settings.
  • Next, select Update and Security and go to the Recover tab.
  • From there, click on Restart now in Advanced startup. This will restart your computer.
  • Once you’re in the Advanced startup, go to Troubleshoot and then select Advanced Options.
  • From there, select the UEFU Firmware Settings.
  • Now click on Restart. Once your computer has restarted, it will automatically open BIOS.
  • From the BIOS, go to the Advanced tab and navigate to Performance and then look for Overclocking.
  • Once you’ve found Overclocking, make sure that it is disabled. If it’s not, then disable it and then save the changes made by tapping the F10 key.
  • Start your computer normally and check if the WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR 0x00000124 error is now fixed.

Option 4 – Use the Driver Verifier Manager

The Driver Verifier Manager is another tool in Windows that could help you fix driver-related issues. And so if you want to fix the Wdf01000.sys Blue Screen error, you need to use the Driver Verifier Manager:
  • Type in the keyword “Verifier” in the Cortana search box to search for Verifier in Windows 10.
  • After that, select the option “Create custom settings”.
  • Make sure that you have checked everything except the options “DDI compliance checking” and “Randomized low resources simulation”.
  • Next, select the option “Select driver names from a list” option.
  • Afterward, you have to select all the drivers from any unofficial or third-party provider. To simply put it, you have to select all the drivers that are not supplied by Microsoft.
  • Then click on the Finish button.
  • Open Command Prompt as administrator and execute this command – verifier /querysettings
  • The command you just executed will display the Driver Verifier settings so if you see any of the flags enabled boot your Windows 10 PC into Safe Mode.
  • Open the Command Prompt as admin again and run this command – verifier /reset
  • The command will reset the Driver Verifier. Once the process is done, restart your PC and check.

Option 5 – Try to run the Automatic Repair Utility

You might also want to use Automatic Repair in fixing the error. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • You can start by creating and booting from a bootable Windows 10 USB Stick.
  • After that, click on Repair your computer located on the bottom left corner when you are on the initial Windows Startup screen.
  • Next, click on Troubleshoot, and then on the other screen, click the Startup Repair option.
  • Now select the operating system you want to repair. Once you do that, it will start to repair your operating system. Wait until the process is completed and then check if the problem’s now fixed.
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The procedure entry point could not be located
If you receive an error message that says, “Entry point not found, The procedure entry point could not be located in the dynamic link library” on your Windows 10 PC, then you will find this post useful for this will provide you some potential fixes to fix the error. This kind of error can occur if a program fails to locate the DLL library that it needs in order to run. It can also occur if the library is not in the specified directory in the path or if the DLL file has gone missing or has become corrupted. To fix the “The procedure entry point could not be located in the dynamic link library” error, check out the following options given below.

Option 1 – Try to reinstall the program

The first thing you can do to resolve the error is to uninstall the program that throws the error and download its latest version from its official site and then install it again.

Option 2 – Run System File Checker scan

If reinstalling the program didn’t work, you can also try running the System File Checker or SFC scan to fix the error. System File Checker is a command utility built into your computer that helps restore corrupted files and missing files. Refer to the following steps to run it:
  • Hit the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
 Reboot your computer.

Option 3 – Try checking the details in the Event Viewer

The Event Viewer can also help you resolve the error as it contains detailed information about the error that could help you pinpoint its root cause and resolve it.

Option 4 – Try to re-register the problematic DLL file

You may have to re-register the ntdll.dll file using the regsvr32.exe before you can successfully install the program and fix the error. The Regsvr32 tool is a command-line utility that can be used to register and unregister OLE controls like DLL and ActiveX (OCX) controls in the Windows operating system. Follow the steps below to use it.
  • Open Command Prompt as admin from the WinX menu.
  • Next, type the following commands in the elevated Command Prompt and hit Enter to execute the command. This will re-register the affected DLL file using the Windows operating system tool, regsvr32.exe.
    • exe /[DLL file]
    • exe [DLL file]
Note: Replace “[DLL file]” with the name of the DLL file that was pointed out in the error.
  • After you execute the given commands, you should see a message saying, “DllRegisterServer in vbscript.dll succeeded” if the Regsvr32 tool was able to run successfully. After that, try to install the program again and see if it now works.

Option 5 – Try to replace the DLL file with a trusted source

  • First, you need to get the new DLL file from another computer with preferably the same file version number.
  • After that, you need to boot your PC into Safe Mode and navigate to the paths listed below and then replace the file using a USB drive or other external storage devices.
    • x86: This PC > C:/Windows/System32
    • x64: This PC > C:/Windows/SysWOW64
  • Next, type “cmd” in the Cortana search box and right click on Command Prompt, and select “Run as administrator” to open it with administrator privileges.
  • Now type the “regsvr32 ntdll.dll” command and hit Enter.
  • Restart your PC and check if the error is now fixed.

Option 6– Try to scan your computer using Windows Defender

It is also possible that the DLL file might be infected with malware or virus which could explain why you’re getting the error. Thus, you have to scan your computer using security programs like Windows Defender.
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open Update & Security.
  • Then click on the Windows Security option and open Windows Defender Security Center.
  • Next, click on Virus & threat protection > Run a new advanced scan.
  • Now make sure that Full Scan is selected from the menu and then click the Scan Now button to get started.
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Run Windows 10 from your USB drive
Windows 10 to goMany Linux users if not all of them can run their distros from a USB drive but did you know you can run Windows 10 from a USB drive as well? Microsoft has introduced all the way back to Windows 8 one feature called Windows To Go and it kept it in Windows 8.1 and in Windows 10 as well. This feature is intended as a convenient way for workers to carry their corporate environments with them, but having your own copy of Windows on a thumb drive could be handy for backup purposes, too, or if you frequently use public machines that lack your preferences/applications or that have a restricted OS.

What you will need?

In order to actually make Windows 10 run from a USB drive you will need the following things:
  1. USB drive with a minimum size of 20GB
  2. Working computer with Windows 10 running on it
  3. Rufus or another ISO to UBS tool, get Rufus here: https://rufus.ie/en_US/
  4. Windows 10 ISO file

Making Windows 10 UBS drive

Install Rufus on your Windows 10 and run it. Stick USB in PC and open Rufus. On the screen that follows choose your Windows 10 ISO image and under Image options choose Windows To Go. Click on ready and you are finished, that’s it. After Rufus finishes you have now fully working Windows 10 bootable drive which you can use on another PC for whatever reason.
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Fix user account is not authorized
If you encounter an error message saying, “The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login” when you try to establish a remote connection, read on as this post will help you resolve the problem. This kind of error occurs when the targeted host does not allow you to access that system remotely. Based on the error, you are not authorized to log in remotely which means that you need to obtain the correct permission. There are several potential fixes you can try for this error. You can try to check the Remote Desktop Users group or add users to the Security group or check the Remote Desktop Service itself. Refer to the options provided below for more detailed instructions to fix the “The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login” error.

Option 1 – Try checking the Remote Desktop Users group

You can encounter this error when the Remote Desktop Users group does not have any permission for your user account that you are using to establish a remote connection. Thus, you need to make sure that your user account is a member of the Remote Desktop Users group. How? Refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard and then type “cmd” in the field and tap Enter or click OK to open Command Prompt.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type the “lusrmgr.msc” command and tap Enter to execute it.
  • Alternatively, you can also search for “lusrmgr.msc” in the Start Search and once you’ve opened it, select Users and then double click on your user name to open its Properties.
  • From there, switch from the “General” tab to the “Member Of” tab.
  • Next, if you can’t see any Remote Desktop Users group under the Administrator, you have to add it. To do that, just click on the Add button.
  • After that, on the newly opened window, click on the Advanced and Find Now buttons, respectively.
  • And in the Search results box, double click on Remote Desktop Users.
  • Now click on the OK button to save the changes made and check if you can now connect to a remote host or not.

Option 2 – Try to add a user to the Security group

You can actually block or allow a user from logging on through the Remote Desktop Services. However, if you do not have the right setting, you won’t be able to use this functionality. Thus, you need to confirm this setting. To do that, follow the steps below.
  • In the Start Search, type “secpol.msc” in the field and tap Enter to open the Local Security Policy panel.
  • From there, go to User Rights Assignment.
  • Next, look for a policy named “Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services” located on your right-hand side and then double click on it to open its Properties.
  • If you were not able to find the Remote Desktop Users under Administrator, then you have to add it by simply clicking on the Add User or Group button.
  • After that, enter “Remote Desktop Users” in the blank field and click the OK button to save the changes made.
  • Now restart your computer and try connecting again to the remote host.

Option 3 – Try checking the Remote Desktop Users group

There is a service that’s supposed to be running and needs to be set up correctly for you to connect to the remote host. And so you need to ensure that this service is up and running. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run utility.
  • Then type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Services Manager.
  • Next, look for the Remote Desktop Services and double click on it to open its Properties.
  • After that, go to the “Log On” tab and select the “This account” option and then click on the Browse button.
  • On the next screen that appears, look for the Advanced button and click on it and use the Find Now button to search.
  • You will see “NETWORK SERVICE”. Double click on it and then save the changes you’ve made to the settings.
  • Finally, restart your PC and see if the problem is now fixed.
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How to Fix Runtime Error 339

What is Runtime Error 339?

Runtime Error 339 is a common error code format that appears when a computer overloads with too much data. However, in some cases, it may occur due to the missing registry keys, DLL files, or during installation. It may lead some programs to shut down all of a sudden and may also corrupt files on the system.


Download Available to Completely Repair Runtime Error 339

Restoro box imageError Causes

This error code is alarming as it is a critical sign of an unstable system followed by improper maintenance of the computer. The potential risks associated with the Runtime Error 339 include:
  • System startup issues
  • Slow PC performance
  • System crash and failure
  • System file corruption
Therefore, to avoid these risks and system failure, it is advisable to fix the runtime error 339 immediately.

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you have a Runtime Error 339 issue on your computer, here is a great way how you can fix it right away:

Scan For Viruses

Improper maintenance of the computer indicates that your system might be exposed to viruses and malware. Viruses can modify the Windows registry and lead to Runtime Error 339. Therefore, first, it is important to scan for viruses on your PC.

Identify Software that Causes Errors

Scanning will help you identify software that produces this error on your PC. Once you identify them, either uninstall them or update the program. To uninstall the program, go to the Control Panel and then click on the Add/Remove program if you have Windows XP, if not then click on the Programs and Features item. Now delete the program from your system.

Obtain the Latest Version of the Installer and Re-install the Deleted Program

Once you get your hands on the latest version of the installer, run it on your system by following the on-screen instructions. Install the program. There is also another way to fix Runtime Error 339 and that is by downloading the Runtime Error tool.

Use a Professional Runtime Error Fixer Tool

To fix the error you can also use a professional Runtime Error fixer tool to scan for viruses on your PC. It is available for free download here. Download the tool and install it on your computer. Simply scan your PC after installation. Click the repair button once the scan is complete. This tool fixes problems in just a few minutes.
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An Easy Guide to Resolving Error 1032

Error 1032 - What is it?

If you are an iPhone or an iPad user and you sometimes open your email Yahoo Mail account on your phone, then you will most likely experience the MF Message Error Domain: Error 1032. This error may occur when you access your mail account. The MF Message Error Domain: Error 1032 may prevent you from composing new emails and even stop the inbox from loading.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error 1032 can be triggered due to multiple reasons such as:
  • Overloaded History
  • Problems with the account log-in credentials
  • Outdated Yahoo Mail app
  • Authentication issues

Further Information and Manual Repair

To fix this issue on your iPhone or iPad, here are some methods you can try:

Method 1 - Delink and Re-setup Yahoo Email Account

If the error code 1032 occurs due to problems with the account log-in credentials, then try re-setting up your Yahoo email account. To do this, go to tap settings mail, contacts, and calendar, then remove your email account. Now repeat the process and provide valid log-in credentials to re-setup your Yahoo email account.

Method 2 - Update Yahoo Mail App

Another reason can be the outdated Yahoo Mail App. If this is the cause, then simply update it to the latest version. To do this, simply download the latest version from the iTunes store and run it. This will hopefully resolve the issue.

Method 3 - Manage App Connections to Resolve Authentication issues

If the error 1032 occurs due to authentication issues then there are possibilities of conflicts between account security settings. The best way to resolve the error in such a situation is to learn how to manage app connections. Here’s how it’s done: Use your desktop computer to sign in to your Yahoo account. Now click the menu icon and select account info. Enter your account password and sign in again. Now click manage apps and website connections under Sign-in and security section. A list of all authorized mobile devices and applications will be displayed to you. Remove any existing entries appearing for mobile devices. After this, try logging into your Yahoo account from your iPhone or iPad. You will not receive the error.

Method 4 - Clear History

When the cause of the issue is overloaded history, then the best way to go about it is clearing the clutter in the history. Also clear cache and cookies. The cache is the location where temporary files are saved for speeding up the file retrieval process. But sometimes it can get corrupt and the iOS may fail to retrieve data from corrupt cache contents. To clear history and cache, simply tap Settings, Safari, and then clear history, cookies, and data. The process may take some time depending on the cache file size.
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Mastodon test and review

What is Mastodon? Mastodon is an open-source microblogging network very similar to Twitter. You can make 500 characters post messages called toot (tweet), share videos or images, and follow other people. But unlike Twitter, Mastodon is decentralized, meaning the entire Mastodon is not run by a single company pulling all strings.


Mastodon can be used directly in your web browser or through a mobile client on a smartphone or tablet. It includes features that seem copied from Twitter-like replies, boosts (retweets), favorites (loves), a timeline view, blocking, and voluntary content warnings that hide sensitive content.

Mastodon also has some great features that Twitter does not have like automated post deletion for the older post of a certain age, requiring approval for follows without restricting your account, and opting out of search engine indexing.

Currently, there are also no ads on Mastodon meaning no ad tracking or ad network surveillance.

How Does Mastodon Work?

Mastodon is a social media network made of nodes called servers or instances each running special software meaning anyone can run their own Mastodon instance (if they have a proper dedicated server). When you have your own instance it can be linked in the federation or remain private, so individuals or companies can have control over individual Mastodon servers.

The software itself is open source based on the social networking protocol ActivityPub which was developed by WWW Consortium.

While using Mastodon, people sign up for accounts with specific instances. Once logged in, you can view a local timeline (of posts from that instance only) or, if the instance is federated with others, see a federated timeline comprised of toots from people in other instances. Mastodon users can send messages to each other using their Mastodon account names that are similar to email addresses in that they feature the server address as well as the user name.

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