
How to Fix ‘Your Computer is Low on Memory’ Error

Low on Memory is a Windows PC memory leak error. You may come across it out of the blue however, there are various underlying reasons for this PC error. It is like a warning sign that indicates memory/RAM issues on your system.

The ‘Your Computer is Low on Memory’ error means that your PC does not have enough memory space for all the activities you are trying to perform. Due to this error, your Windows and programs can also stop working.

If this error is not fixed timely it can lead to serious PC threats like valuable data loss and hard disk corruption.

Along with this memory error, you may also come to experience other types of signs including PC poor performance, speed issues, out-of-memory notifications, and display problems.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The ultimate and the underlying cause of low memory error is data overload in the RAM which triggers registry issues. To understand this better, here is a comprehensive explanation. The computer has 2 types of memory, RAM (Random Access Memory) and virtual memory.

All programs and activities that you do on your computer are saved by the registry in the RAM.

This includes obsolete and unnecessary files too like junk files, cookies, internet history, temporary files, invalid registry entries, and bad registry keys. Due to poor PC maintenance practices, these files accumulate in the RAM, thereby overloading it.

Also, all programs on the PC use RAM to run. So, when there isn’t enough RAM for the program you are trying to run on your system, Windows temporarily moves information that would normally be stored in RAM to a file called a paging file which is also referred to as the virtual memory.

By moving the information to and from the paging file- the virtual memory, Windows temporarily frees up enough RAM for programs to run smoothly. However, when you start running more programs than the RAM installed on your PC can support, low memory errors begin to occur.

It triggers that the computer is out of RAM and is also low on virtual memory.

Further Information and Manual Repair

PC users should know that this is a critical error therefore it is advisable to fix it immediately before the damage sets in. Here are some of the best solutions that you can try to resolve Your computer is low on memory and similar memory leak errors on your system.

1. Run Few Programs at a Time

This is a temporary solution to prevent low memory problems.  By running a few programs at one time you can easily keep this memory error away from popping on your computer screen.

However, this can cause you inconvenience if you run several programs together to perform different tasks simultaneously.

2. Increase the Virtual Memory Size

Though Windows automatically attempts to augment the virtual memory size the first time you experience ‘low on memory issues; however this again is a temporary way out of this problem.

But if you are looking for a solution that can resolve these memory issues for a long time, then you can try manually increasing your PC’s memory size. Increase it up to a maximum size this is by the way determined by the amount of RAM installed on your system.

Nonetheless, the drawback of this solution is that increasing the paging file size can reduce your PC performance. It can make your programs run more slowly.

3. Install More RAM

Another solution to resolve low on memory issues is to install more RAM. To do this first check your system properties to see the size of the RAM already installed on your PC.

To do this press the Windows key+ Pause/Break key this will open system properties. If the RAM size is lower than 2 GB then you need to install more RAM. But if it is more then you should look for two things one check the piece of software that is causing the problem and secondly you need to clean the registry and remove the unnecessary files from your RAM and hard disk.

This would free up space dramatically and resolve the low memory issue right away.

4. Download and Run Restoro, Registry Cleaner on your System

To clean the registry and wipe out unnecessary and obsolete files overloading your RAM and disk space, you should download Restoro.

Restoro is a next-generation and highly functional error cleaner.

By running this error cleaner on your system, you can easily scan for junk stored in your RAM and hard disk and remove it in seconds, clearing up ample disk space. This will resolve all your PC memory-related issues. Furthermore, it repairs the damaged files and restores the registry too.

It spares you from the hassle of installing more RAM or virtual memory. Since this PC repair tool also functions as a system optimizer, it simultaneously boosts the speed of your system thus resolving speed issues too, all in one go.

Restoro is a bug-free and efficient tool. It has a user-friendly interface making it easy for all levels of users to operate and run it on their systems. Furthermore, it is compatible with all Windows versions including Windows 7, 8, XP,  Vista & 10.

Click here to download Restoro to resolve Low on Memory issues on your PC in seconds!

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A Quick Guide to Resolving Error Code 0x800ccc92 on Your PC

0x800ccc92 - What is it?

Do you come across this error message “Receiving’ reported error (0x800ccc92): “Your e-mail server rejected your login”? Verify your user name and password in your account properties. The server responded: - ERR invalid user names and password” when you try to send or open emails using your Outlook account? If yes, then this article is a must-read for you as we explain why this error occurs and how you can resolve it. To begin with, 0x800ccc92 is a common Microsoft Outlook error. This error restricts your ability to send and receive emails on your Outlook email address. In other words, it locks you out and hampers your ability to use your account successfully causing a great deal of inconvenience especially if you use your Outlook account for communication in and across your office.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The 0x800ccc92 error message may occur due to numerous reasons so narrowing it down to one particular reason for occurrence is not easy. However, here we have listed down some of the most common causes of this error code:
  • Incorrect Outlook configuration settings
  • Invalid password or username
  • PST file crosses its fixed file size limit
  • Failure of POP3 and Protocol STMP in database server connection
  • Improper synchronization between Outlook and the server
  • Virus Infection
  • Invalid registry entries

Further Information and Manual Repair?

To fix the error code 0x800ccc92 on your system, here are some quick, effective, and easy DIY solutions that you can try:

Solution 1:

Sometimes the error code may occur due to an invalid password and usernames entry. Therefore, first, cross-check user ID and password. If you’ve entered the wrong password, try inserting the correct password to access your account.

Solution 2:

If the error still persists, then try installing the latest available Server Service Pack for Exchange. This solution works best if compatibility is the issue and the underlying reason for the error is improper synchronization between Outlook and the server.

Solution 3:

The presence of malware and viruses can also lead to such errors. Therefore, it is advisable to scan your entire PC for malware and viruses using a powerful antivirus.

Solution 4:

If the issue occurs due to bad and invalid registry entries, then it is important that you remove them right away. Due to such entries, you may experience the 0x800ccc92 error on your PC. To remove them, you need to download a registry cleaner. Downloading two programs an antivirus and a registry cleaner separately may slow down the speed of your PC. Therefore, to ensure this does not happen it is recommended you install Restoro Restoro is an advanced and multi-functional PC Fixer. This software is deployed with an intuitive algorithm and multiple powerful PC repair utilities including a registry cleaner, anti-virus, and a system optimizer. It is a one-stop solution for all PC-related issues. Using this tool, you can scan your entire PC and remove all types of malicious software including malware, viruses, spyware, and Trojans corrupting your PC in seconds. Simultaneously, it also removes all bad registry keys and entries and files the damaged system file, thereby restoring the registry back to normal. The system optimizer utility ensures your PC speed is not compromised due to the repair process. This software is safe, bug-free, efficient, and user-friendly. It is compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro on your PC to instantly remove viruses and invalid registry entries to resolve the 0x800ccc92 error message on your system now!
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How to Resolve Error Code 0x80070643 in Windows 10

Error Code 0x80070643 – What is it?

Error Code 0x80070643 or Windows Update error code affects various versions of the Windows operating system, including Windows 10. Error code 0x80070643 usually occurs due to corruption within the .Net Framework. When this occurs, users will be unable to install updates they have downloaded on their PC.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Error codes within Windows occur for many reasons including corrupt system files, viruses, and lack of space on your PC. In terms of error code 0x80070643 in Windows 10, the cause usually relates to a problem with the .NET framework or errors within one’s registry.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To solve error code 0x80070643 in Windows 10, users will need to employ various manual repair methods. These methods seek to fix core problems that result in the error being present on your device in the first place. Thus, the methods include the use of the .Net Framework Repair tool, resetting Windows Update components, or running a clean boot.

Note that the instructions provided in this article must be followed correctly, as making changes to your computer via these manual repair methods can result in serious problems if mistakes are made. Consider a Windows repair technician if you are unable to complete the steps mentioned in the manual repair methods below. Note, failure to rectify this error might result in other error messages, such as error code 0xc004fc03

Method One: Run the .Net Framework Repair Tool

As error code 0x80070643 may be triggered by issues related to the .Net Framework on your machine, it’s important that you download the .Net Framework Repair tool. This tool, as the name suggests, helps to repair errors it detects within the setup or updates associated with the framework.

The tool is available on the official Windows site. Download the tool and follow the instructions provided. Once you’ve downloaded the .Net Framework Repair tool, run it and wait until it fixes all problems detected within the framework.

Afterward, reboot your computer and check to see if Windows Update is functioning properly. If the error code reoccurs, proceed to another solution by implementing the second manual repair method listed in this article.

Method Two: Reset Windows Update Components

This method is the most technical of all the methods mentioned in this article. It will require that Windows 10 user access Command Prompt and make modifications to the Windows registry – an area of the operating system which stores important information, settings and other details regarding hardware and programs installed on your machine. Follow the steps carefully and be sure to back up the registry before proceeding with this manual repair method.

Step one: Type Command Prompt in the search box near Start, then select Command Prompt (Admin).

Step two: Select Yes as soon as the User Account Control box appears.

Step three: Stop Windows Update service, the BITS service, and Cryptographic service by typing the following commands:

net stop bits

net stop wuauserv

net stop appidsvc

net stop cryptsvc

Step four: Be sure to press Enter after typing each command.

Step five: Type the following command, then Enter to delete qmgr*.dat files:

        Del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataMicrosoftNetworkDownloaderqmgr*.dat"

Step six: Press enter after typing the following command:

        cd /d %windir%system32

Step seven: Reregister the files for BITS and Windows Update that you stopped in step three. To do this, type the following commands, selecting Enter after each command:

        regsvr32.exe atl.dll

        regsvr32.exe urlmon.dll

        regsvr32.exe mshtml.dll

        regsvr32.exe shdocvw.dll

        regsvr32.exe browseui.dll

        regsvr32.exe jscript.dll

        regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll

        regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll

        regsvr32.exe msxml.dll

        regsvr32.exe msxml3.dll

        regsvr32.exe msxml6.dll

        regsvr32.exe actxprxy.dll

        regsvr32.exe softpub.dll

        regsvr32.exe wintrust.dll

        regsvr32.exe dssenh.dll

        regsvr32.exe rsaenh.dll

        regsvr32.exe gpkcsp.dll

        regsvr32.exe sccbase.dll

        regsvr32.exe slbcsp.dll

        regsvr32.exe cryptdlg.dll

        regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll

        regsvr32.exe ole32.dll

        regsvr32.exe shell32.dll

        regsvr32.exe initpki.dll

        regsvr32.exe wuapi.dll

        regsvr32.exe wuaueng.dll

        regsvr32.exe wuaueng1.dll

        regsvr32.exe wucltui.dll

        regsvr32.exe wups.dll

        regsvr32.exe wups2.dll

        regsvr32.exe wuweb.dll

        regsvr32.exe qmgr.dll

        regsvr32.exe qmgrprxy.dll

        regsvr32.exe wucltux.dll

        regsvr32.exe muweb.dll

        regsvr32.exe wuwebv.dll

Step eight: Reset Winsock in Command Prompt by typing the following command, then selecting Enter:

      netsh winsock reset

Step nine: Configure proxy settings in Windows 10 with the following command, then press Enter:

     netsh winhttp reset proxy

Step ten: To restart the BITS, Windows Update, and Cryptographic service, type the following commands, then press Enter:

        net start bits

        net start wuauserv

        net start appidsvc

        net start cryptsvc

Step eleven: Install the latest Windows Update Agent.

Step twelve: Restart your machine.

Once you’ve restarted your PC, check Windows Update to verify if the error code is resolved. You should now be able to access the latest updates on your device. However, if a problem has arisen and the error code reoccurs, you will need to proceed with a Clean Boot.

Method Three: Download an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 8 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Fixing Error code 15 or Error code 16
If you get an Error Code 15 or Error Code 16 while you are browsing the web and you notice that your access is blocked to a particular website, then read on as this post will guide you in resolving this problem. Both Error Code 15 and Error Code 16 have the same message that states, “Access Denied: This request was blocked by the security rules”. Note that the error depends on what kind of browser you are using, as well as the operating system and network that you are using. On the other hand, the fixes for this error are the same and there is a handful of them that you can check out just make sure to follow each one of them carefully.

Option 1 – Sync Date and Time

The first thing you can try is to sync the Date and Time of your computer as the wrong Date and Time settings are one of the most common causes of connection problems like Error code 15 or Error code 16. This is because of the incompatibility between the SSL Certificate validation date and the System Clock. Thus, you have to sync your System Clock. Refer to the steps below to do so.
  • Right-click on the Taskbar and click on the Adjust Date and Time option.
  • Next, click on the Sync Now button to synchronize the Date and Time with the Microsoft Servers.
  • Now make sure that the Time Zone that’s set on the same page is correct.

Option 2 – Try to reset the affected browser

Resetting the affected browser might help in fixing Error Code 15 or Error Code 16.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Open Firefox and click the icon that looks like three stacked lines located at the top-right section of the browser.
  • Next, select the question mark icon from the drop-down menu.
  • Then select “Troubleshooting information” from the slide-out menu.
  • After that, click on the “Reset Firefox” button located at the top-right section of the newly opened web page.
  • Now select “Reset Firefox” in the confirmation pop-up window that appears.

Google Chrome

  • Open Google Chrome, then tap the Alt + F keys.
  • After that, click on Settings.
  • Next, scroll down until you see the Advanced option, once you see it, click on it.
  • After clicking the Advanced option, go to the “Restore and clean up option and click on the “Restore settings to their original defaults” option to reset Google Chrome.
  • Now restart Google Chrome.

Internet Explorer

  • Launch Internet Explorer.
  • Next, click the wrench icon for Settings.
  • Then click Internet Options.
  • After that, go to the Advanced tab.
  • From there, click the Reset button. This will reset Internet Explorer’s settings to their default condition.
  • Now click OK to save the changes made.

Option 3 – Temporarily disable Firewall and third-party antivirus

Firewall and antivirus programs are known to block files the instant it detects a threat to the system. However, there are some cases when it can also block a file even when it’s a safe one. Thus, your antivirus or firewall programs might be the reason why you can’t download anything on your Windows 10 computer. To isolate the issue, you need to temporarily disable both the Firewall and antivirus programs and then check if you can now download anything from the internet. Do not forget to enable them again as disabling them can leave your computer vulnerable to cyber threats.

Option 4 – Disable the Proxy server

You can also try to disable the Proxy server for your LAN to fix Error code 15 or Error code 16 especially if your computer was attacked by some malware or adware recently. In such cases, there is a chance that the malware or adware has changed your network settings in order to generate intrusive advertisements. Thus, you have to disable the proxy server and you can do that by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “inetcpl.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to pull up the Internet Properties.
  • After that, go to the Connections tab and select the LAN settings.
  • From there. Uncheck the “Use a Proxy Server” option for your LAN and then make sure that the “Automatically detect settings” option is checked.
  • Now click the OK and the Apply buttons.
  • Restart your PC.
Note: If you are using a third-party proxy service, you have to disable it.

Option 5 – Check your VPN

If you are using a VPN application, there are times when it causes some issues like this error. If that’s the case, you can try to disable your VPN temporarily and see if the error is resolved or not and if turns out that your VPN is the culprit, you have to uninstall it and install a new one or its latest version. To uninstall it, follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box
  • Then type “appwiz.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to open the Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  • From there, look for the VPN service you are using, select it and then click on Uninstall to remove it.
  • After that, restart your computer and try to install the latest version of the program again. It should work now. If not, proceed to the next available option below.
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Nearby Sharing is not working in Windows
Windows 10 has a lot of several useful features and one of them is the Nearby Sharing feature. You can access this feature by going to Start > Settings > System > Shared experiences. From there, switch on the Nearby Sharing option and select the folder where you want to download the files to. This feature is really useful as it allows you to share files. However, there were reports from a number of users recently stating that Nearby Sharing is not working on their Windows 10 computers. If you are one of the users facing this problem, you might want to try checking if the Windows 10 v1803 Update is installed on your computer or not. You could also try to check if Bluetooth supports low energy mode or you could also try bringing the device closer or check if the adapter has Bluetooth version 4.0 or later. For more information, refer to each one of the given options below.

Option 1 – Try checking if Windows 10 v1803 Update is installed

To check if the Windows 10 v1803 Update is installed on your computer, go to Start > Settings > System > About. From there, scroll down to the Windows specifications and check the Version. If it is 1803 or above, then the Nearby Sharing feature should be active on your computer. However, if you find that Windows 10 v1803 Update is not installed yet, then you need to update your computer to its latest version and then see if it fixes the problem or not.

Option 2 – Verify if Bluetooth supports low energy mode

Although low energy mode is not really necessary in using Nearby Sharing, there are some Bluetooth terminals that support low energy mode which makes a lot of difference. Thus, you need to check if Bluetooth in your computer supports low energy mode by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “devmgmt.msc” in the field and tap Enter to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, expand the list of Bluetooth adapters, and then right-click on your adapter and select Properties.
  • Go to the Details tab and select Bluetooth radio supports Low Energy Central Role from the drop-down menu and if its value says “<true>”, it means that your Bluetooth supports low energy mode, otherwise, it doesn’t.
  • If your Bluetooth does not support low energy mode, then you might want to consider purchasing an external one.

Option 3 – Try bringing the devices closer

Nearby Sharing might not work if your devices are not close enough. Thus, you need to bring your devices closer together and see if it fixes the problem. And when you do, make sure that Network Sharing is switched on for all the concerned devices.

Option 4 – Make sure that you’re using Bluetooth version 4.0 or later

For you to use the Nearby Sharing feature, you have to make sure that the adapter for all the concerned devices is using Bluetooth version 4.0 or later. So if one of the devices or if all the devices are not using this version or later versions, then you must buy an external Bluetooth adapter for you to enjoy the Nearby Sharing feature.
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Moving mouse pointer via the keypad in W11
windows 11 mouse pointerIn Windows 11 if you do not own a mouse or it has suddenly malfunctioned you can still move your arrow on-screen using the numeric pad. In this guide, we will guide you on how to turn this option ON, follow this easy guide step by step.
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings
  2. Click on Accessibility on left
  3. Scroll down to reach the interaction section on the right and click on Mouse
  4. Click on Switch beside Mouse keys under accessibility options
  5. Set your preferences
  6. Close settings
Settings will be as always automatically applied.
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Fix Logitech Blue Yeti mic not working in W11
Blue Yeti has gained popularity among streamers and users that want a high-quality mic for their setup. Without going into details of the hardware itself I will say it is a pretty good mic. Now the issues that have been reported with it are that Windows 11 can have issues with it resulting in the microphone not being recognized by the operating system. If you are one of the unfortunate Blue Yeti users and have this issue, do not despair because we have a solution for you, several to be more precise so you can easily fix the issue and get back to talking.

logitech blue yetiCheck cables

Sometimes it is not a software problem at all. First thing is to check if by any chance cable of the mic is disconnected, damaged, or similar. If the cable seems fine next step is to plug in the mic into another port in order to eliminate faulty jack on the computer. If nothing happened the last thing to try is to connect the mic to another computer so we can be sure that the mic itself is in working order so we can focus on software. If by any chance mic is not working on another computer that some hardware inspection of it will be required.

Set Blue Yeti as a default device

There is a chance that Windows 11 has not set Blue Yeti as a default audio device for recording and therefore you can not use it. In order to eliminate and fix this issue, right-click on the speaker icon on the taskbar in the far-right part of it and choose sound settings. Go down to the input section and pick Blue Yeti beside Choose device for speaking or recording.

Update driver

More often than not device not working is tied to malfunctioning or a bad driver. In order to eliminate and resolve this issue right click on the Start icon and choose device manager. Inside device manager expand the Sound, video and game controllers section. Right-click on each device in the section and choose update driver. Wait for the update to complete and restart your system.

Run the troubleshooter

Press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings. Go to System in the left pane and click on it. In the right panel choose and click on troubleshoot. Inside troubleshoot click on Other. Scroll down and locate the Recording Audio troubleshooter and then click on Run next to it. Wait for the troubleshooter to finish and follow on-screen instructions to resolve the issue.

Check Blue Yeti microphone privacy setting

Not very often, but sometimes privacy settings can be the issue even when everything else is working perfectly. In order to check privacy settings press ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open Windows settings and go to Privacy & Security on the left panel and click on it. On the right panel click on the microphone. Make sure that toggle next to Let apps access your microphone is ON.
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Fixing the Machine Check Exception Blue Screen Error in Windows 10
BSOD or Blue Screen of Death errors are one of the toughest issues you can encounter in Windows 10 as well as the hardest ones to resolve as they simply shut the system down or restart it abruptly and claims that it isn’t possible to boot Windows again. One of the difficult BSOD errors is the Machine Check Exception BSOD error. The reason why it is hard to fix is that in most cases, it occurs soon after Windows loads which gives users little to no time in resolving it. To make things worse, the system also freezes right before it displays the blue screen error and shuts the system down. Usually, the Machine Check Exception Stop error occurs due to the failure or overstressing of the hardware components. And in the case of almost all Blue Screen of Death errors, the issue usually has something to do with the drivers. So if you frequently see this BSOD error from time to time, now’s the time to act on it by following the solutions given in this post.

Option 1 – Update the Device drivers

  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch Run.
  • Type in devmgmt.msc into the box and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After that, a list of device drivers will be displayed. Look for the device driver you and then select either “Update driver” or “Uninstall device”. And if you find any “Unknown device”, you need to update it as well.
  • Select the “Search automatically for updated driver software” option and then follow the instructions to complete the process.
  • If you have chosen to uninstall the driver, follow the screen options to complete the process and then restart your PC.
  • Connect the device and Scan for hardware changes – you can see this option under Device Manager > Action.

Option 2 – Try running the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

The Blue Screen troubleshooter is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.

Option 3 – Try running the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be causing the Machine Check Exception BSOD error. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

Option 4 – Run the Startup Repair

In the Blue Screen where the Machine Check Exception error is displayed, tap the F8 key to go to the Startup Settings where you can find Startup Repair and then run it. Note that this is a must-try option especially if you are unable to start your computer and if you can use your computer for a few moments.

Option 5 – Run the DISM tool

There are cases when the Machine Check Exception error is caused by the Windows System Image so you need to repair it using the DISM or Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management tool. The DISM tool is another command-line tool in the Windows operating system that could help users fix various corrupted system files. To use it, follow these steps:
  • Open the Command Prompt as admin.
  • Then type in this command: Dism /Online /CheckHealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 6 – Try resetting the BIOS

If you have made some modifications in the BIOS that might have caused this error, you have to revert those changes to resolve the issue. On the other hand, if you have made a couple of changes and you do not remember which is which, you might have to reset the BIOS.

Option 7 – Try resetting Windows 10

To fix this BSOD error, you can try resetting Windows 10. Doing so won’t get rid of any file in your system – instead of erasing all your media files and documents, this reset option resets all the system settings and files.
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Fix A breakpoint has been reached, 0x80000003
If you suddenly encounter Error 0x80000003 while trying to execute a random file then read on as this post will show you how you can fix such an error. Obviously, it mostly happens on executable files or .exe files and is most likely caused by the conflict in the execution of some registry files or it could also be caused by missing drivers or it could also be due to some incompatible hardware which is why you’re unable to run the executable file. When you encounter this error, you will see the following error message on your screen:
“The exception Breakpoint, A breakpoint has been reached, (0x80000003) occurred in the application.”
As you can tell, the Windows Executive STATUS message is a warning and if you are given an option, you must select one of the options from the message box. So if you are running the application in an end-user environment rather than in a development environment, you must contact the supplier of the running application regarding this error message since this shouldn’t be happening when a finished program is running. Before you get started executing the troubleshooting guide given below, make sure that you create a System Restore Point first since you will be dealing with some critical settings in Windows. Having done this, proceed to the options provided below.

Option 1 – Try to run the CHKDSK utility

Running the CHKDSK utility might also help you resolve Error 0x80000003. If your hard drive has issues with integrity, the update will really fail as the system will think that it’s not healthy and that’s where the CHKDSK utility comes in. The CHKDSK utility repairs hard drive errors that might be causing the problem.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the following command and hit Enter:
chkdsk /f /r
  • Wait for the process to be completed and then restart your computer.

Option 2 – Try to run a System File Checker scan

You can also try to run a System File Checker or SFC scan in order to scan your computer for corrupted files that might be the cause behind the Error 0x80000003. Once it finds any corrupted system files, it will automatically fix them. To run System File Checker, here’s what you have to do:
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Restart your computer after the scan is completed.

Option 3 – Perform a Clean Boot

There are some instances that some conflicting programs installed in your computer might be the one that’s causing the Error 0x80000003 to appear. To identify which program is causing the problem, you need to put your computer in a Clean Boot State. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • From there, start to isolate the problem by checking which one of the programs you installed recently is the root cause of the problem.

Option 4 – Run the Memory Diagnostic Tool to check for Memory leaks

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open Run and type mdsched.exe and hit Enter to open the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.
  • After that, it will give two options such as:
    • Restart now and check for problems (Recommended)
    • Check for problems the next time I start my computer
  • Once your computer has restarted, perform a basic scan or you could also go for the “Advanced” options such as “Test mix” or “Pass count”. Simply tap the F10 key to start the test.

Option 5 – Try contacting the developer

If you find that you’re getting Error 0x80000003 on only one particular application, then you can try to contact the developer of the software that’s throwing up this error. All you have to do is search the web for the official support channel of the software and discuss the error from there.
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Calculator is not working in Windows
As you know, one of the basic apps in the Windows 10 operating system is the calculator and it can even be extended to a scientific calculator which makes it really useful for users. However, there are instances when you might encounter some issues while using this app. One of the issues about the Calculator app that’s been reported recently is that the Calculator app is not working. If you encounter the same problem, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will guide you on what you can do to fix the problem. Based on the reports, users claimed that the issue with the Calculator app occurred right after they’ve installed a feature update, while other users claimed that the Calculator app never really worked on their computers and there are also cases where the app opens but it either freezes or crashes. According to researchers, the main causes of the problem include a feature update that could’ve altered the settings. It could also be due to problems with the login account or corrupted and missing files, or the problem could also with the calculate app itself. To resolve this problem, here are some suggestions you can follow.

Option 1 – Run the System File Checker Scan

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files to good system files that might be the reason why the calculator app is not working properly. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Reboot your computer.

Option 2 – Run the DISM tool

You can also run the DISM Tool as it helps in repairing the Windows System Image as well as the Windows Component Store in Windows 10. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth” that could help in fixing the Calculator app.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • Dism (.)exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.

Option 3 – Try logging into your computer using a different User Account

You might want to try logging into a different User Account since it is possible that the issue could have something to do with your log-in account. Thus, you can isolate this possibility by logging into a different user account. If you don’t have any other user account, simply create a new one by clicking on the Start icon and then go to Settings > Account > Family & other users. From there, go to the Other user's section and click on the Add someone else to this PC option, and then inputs all the needed information and restarts your computer. Once your computer has restarted, log into your computer using the newly created user account.

Option 4 – Try to reset or reinstall the Calculator app

If the first three given options didn’t work, you might want to reset or reinstall the Calculator app. To do that, follow these steps:
  • Click on the Start button and go to Settings > Apps > Apps and features.
  • Next, look for the Calculator app from the app list and click on it to see its other options.
  • After that, select the Advanced options and go to the Reset section and then click on the Reset button to reset the Calculator app.
Note: You also have the option to reinstall the Calculator app. All you have the option to visit Microsoft Store and from there, uninstall the Calculator app.
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Display Stopped Responding and Has Recovered
The screen flickers into black, it comes back and on-screen there is a message Driver stopped responding and has recovered. If you have been through this you are aware that the issue is not serious but it can get pretty annoying fast since you are not aware when will it happen again, and it will happen again. In this guide, we will go through the usual reasons for this error and offer solutions to them. Follow the guide step by step in order to resolve the problem.
  1. Clean your PC Dirt and dust are your enemy no1, dirty graphic card can not be properly called and can cause overheating which can result in this particular error, make sure that your PC is clean and tidy in order to eliminate dust and dirt as a cause for malfunction.
  2. Turn off multiple applications and try running just one at a time Overburdening GPU can cause this error to appear since the graphic card can not handle all requests it gets from multiple active applications. Try to run just one application at a time for some time period to see if the error will appear again.
  3. Update driver Update your GPU driver to the latest version from the manufacturer's website, Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered Error in Windows 10 can be from outdated drivers not able to handle modern tasks
  4. Get newer GPU As hard as this advice is, sometimes the reason is an old graphic card that simply can not keep up with modern games and applications, upgrade it to a more modern GPU and watch errors go away.
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