
Fix NETWORK_FAILED error in Chrome

Although the Google Chrome browser is one of the most used browsers, a lot of things could still go wrong when browsing the web using it. One of the errors you might encounter is the “ NETWORK_FAILED ” error. This kind of error in Chrome indicates that Chrome wasn’t able to send your request through the network connection. It could be that your computer has trouble connecting to a stable internet connection or there is some plugin in your Chrome browser that is causing the issue. The worst-case would be malware. But worry not for this post will guide you on what you can do when you encounter the NETWORK_FAILED error in Google Chrome. Make sure to follow each one of the options given below and see which one of them worked best for you.

Option 1 – Disable or remove any unwanted extensions in Chrome

As you know, browser extensions help in enhancing the browsing experience but there are also times when it does exactly the opposite, and such is the case with the NETWORK_FAILED error in Chrome. It could be that one of the extensions in your browser is the one that’s causing the trouble. To disable or remove these unwanted extensions, here’s what you have to do:

  • Launch Google Chrome, press Alt + F, move to More tools, and click Extensions.
  • Look for Search.tb.ask.com or any other unwanted add-ons, click the Recycle Bin button, and choose Remove.
  • Restart Google Chrome, then tap Alt + F, and select Settings.
  • Navigate to the On Startup section at the bottom.
  • Select “Open a specific page or set of pages”.
  • Click the More actions button next to the hijacker and click Remove.

Option 2 – Run the Malware Scanner and Cleanup tool in Chrome

If removing or disabling the unwanted extension didn’t help in fixing the error, you can try using the built-in malware scanner and cleanup tool in Google Chrome. These tools help you get rid of any unwanted pop-ups, ads, unusual Startup pages, toolbars, and even malware.

Option 2 – Run the Malware Scanner and Cleanup tool in Chrome

  • Launch Google Chrome and then tap the Alt + F keys.
  • After that, click on Settings.
  • Next, scroll down until you see the Advanced option, once you see it, click on it.
  • After clicking the Advanced option, go to the “Restore and clean up the option and click on the “Restore settings to their original defaults” option to reset Google Chrome.
  • Now restart Google Chrome.

Option 3 – Try to disable the Proxy

If you are using a proxy, you might want to consider disabling it as it could have something to do with the NETWORK_FAILED error.

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “cpl” and hit Enter or click OK to open the Internet Properties.
  • After that, go to the Connections tab where you should see the LAN settings. Click on it.
  • Next, uncheck the “Use a Proxy Server for your LAN” and ensure that the “Automatically detect settings” option is checked as well.
  • Then click Ok and then Apply to save the changes made.
  • Restart your PC.

Option 4 – Flush DNS and reset TCP/IP

  • Click the Start button and type in “command prompt” in the field.
  • From the search results that appear, right click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt, you have to type each one of the commands listed below. Just make sure that after you type each command, you hit Enter
    • ipconfig /release
    • ipconfig /all
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • ipconfig /renew
    • netsh int ip set dns
    • netsh winsock reset

After you key in the commands listed above, the DNS cache will be flushed and the Winsock, as well as the TCP/IP, will reset.

  • Now restart your computer and open Google Chrome then try opening the website you were trying to open earlier.

Option 5 – Delete the WLAN Profiles

Deleting the WLAN Profiles might be a good idea if you are not able to connect to the internet on your computer and if you’re using Wi-Fi. It could be that the networks that were connected previously have gone rogue which is why it is not connecting properly. And so deleting the WLAN profiles would be for the best.

That should do it.

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Windows 365, what it is, and how you can get it
Windows 365Microsoft has announced Windows 365, a new cloud-based operating system aimed mainly at businesses of all sizes. Just after Windows 11 announcement and presentation, we are seeing another Windows announcement from Microsoft. Dive into the following text in order to find out what exactly is new Windows 365, its role in today's IT world, and do you need it?

What is Windows 365 and when it is coming out?

Windows 365 is planned to be released this year (2021) on August 2nd. It is the first Microsoft cloud-based operating system meaning that OS itself will be installed on the cloud server and it will be accessed by the user via a web browser. Essentially you are accessing a remote PC with Windows on it, you can install whatever Windows application you want and use it as it was on your computer. When you disconnect from the cloud computing and reconnect again from the same or another device you will continue exactly where you left off. Cloud PC will remember the state it was left off and will greet you in that same state once it is awakened again. This of course offers some great benefits like moving from laptop to desktop and continuing exactly where you left off.

How can I access Windows 365?

Any device which has a web browser will be able to access Windows 365 making it a really great solution for business on the move or for anyone who switches devices during the day. That being said it is clear to see that Windows 365 can be accessed via Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, or any other operating system on any computer, tablet or phone.

Who is this OS made for?

Microsoft’s general idea is that Windows 365 is primarily made for business which in their minds can benefit most out of it. So far it is not made for a single user although there is a possibility that even a one-man business can subscribe and create accounts for it.

Price and technical characteristic

Microsoft will bill Windows 365 on a per-user, per-month basis. In other words, businesses will pay a fixed amount per employee every month. There will be two tiers: Windows 365 Business and Windows 365 Enterprise. Microsoft also said it will offer different performance tiers. Businesses can choose to pay for more CPU, RAM, and storage resources for certain cloud PCs depending on their needs. Microsoft told me the smallest configuration would be one CPU, 2GB of RAM, and 64GB of storage. The largest will be eight CPUs, 32GB of RAM, and 512GB of storage. After a business has chosen its plan tier and performance options, that business will pay a fixed amount every month. This is unlike Azure Virtual Desktop, which Windows 365 is built on. With Azure Virtual Desktop, companies pay on a usage model, depending on how much the remote system is used every month.


Windows 365 is around the corner and if you are a business no matter small or large with the need for software on the go, Windows 365 might be a worthwhile investment and a great asset to your business.
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How to Resolve HP Printer Spooler Not Running Error

HP Printer Spooler Not Running - What is it?

If you have the HP printer, then you may come across this error. HP Printer Spooler not running errors does not mean there is anything wrong with your printer. It indicates printer driver issues.


Restoro box imageError Causes

There can be multiple causes behind the HP printer Spooler not running error code such as:
  • The poor or unsuccessful printer driver installation
  • Invalid registry entries
Though this is not a critical error code as it does not pose serious damage threats to your PC, however, it is advisable to resolve it as it can cause you a great deal of inconvenience especially if you want to take out printouts every now and then.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some ways you can try to resolve HP Printer Spooler Not Running Error on your system: 1. Reinstall the HP Printer driver on Your System
  • Simply go to the control panel and then click on the Device Manager option
  • Once you click it you will see details pane with a list of devices. Now simply click on the printer, to reinstall the driver software.
  • Double click on it to open the properties dialog box
  • After that click on the driver tab and then click update driver
Once you update the driver, try using the Printer to see if it works. Sometimes you may come across a pop-up displaying the following message: ‘Driver installed correctly, Device is ready to use however, you may not see the printer under the printer’s pane. This triggers registry issues. 2. To resolve registry issues, install Restoro on your system. This is a highly functional registry cleaner integrated with a powerful antivirus. It helps resolve registry issues, malware, and guarantees system optimization. This feature-filled tool is the answer to all your PC-related issues. Restoro is a next-generation PC repair software that extends outstanding usability and helps PC users resolve errors efficiently. Its simple navigation and user-friendly interface make it so easy to use that even novice users can also work around it and repair issues without any hassle or difficulty. It’s a smart and intuitive in-built registry cleaner that wipes out all the unnecessary and obsolete files on your hard disk. This includes junk files, internet history, invalid registry keys, and files from the uninstalled old program versions. Sometimes the files from the uninstalled programs hamper your ability to update new program versions thus leading to unsuccessful driver installation. Nonetheless, all such files are removed in seconds with this helper and you are then ready to reinstall the driver. This registry cleaner cleans the clutter from your hard disk and optimizes your system's speed, lowering your PC boot time significantly. Total System Care can be used on all Windows versions To fix the HP printer spooler not running error on your computer, simply click here to install Restoro. Run it to scan for the error and fix it in seconds. Once the issue is resolved, update the printer driver. You’ll see the driver will be updated successfully and the HP printer will also appear in the printer’s panel. By installing Restoro on your system, you can also resolve several other issues like privacy errors triggered by malware and virus infections. With this tool, you will not have to download and run a separate anti-virus on your system.
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Fix The backup application could not start
Windows comes with a built-in backup solution. However, if it failed because of an internal error, you will encounter an error message saying, “The backup application could not start due to an internal error, Server execution failed (0x80080005)”. When you get this kind of error, it means that it did not start and the process failed with a Server execution error. If you got this kind of error worries not for this post will guide you in fixing the problem in your Windows 10 computer. The Windows Backup service is an excellent feature in Windows that only works on the NTFS file system and if you want to use this make sure that you have formatted your files system to NTFS. It is performed by the Volume Shadow Copy, all you have to do is right-click on any folder and if you see the “Previous versions” option, this means that a backup process runs from time to time and can bring back old files when needed. To resolve the “The backup application could not start due to an internal error”, here are two suggestions you can check out.

Option 1 – Check if the Volume Shadow Copy service is running and restart it

The first thing you need to do is check if the Volume Shadow Copy service. To do that, refer to the following steps:
  • Click on Start and type “cmd” and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results.
  • Then select the “Run as administrator” option to open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After that, type “net stop sdrsvc” and hit Enter to execute the command in stopping the Volume Shadow Copy service.
  • Next, type the “net start sdrsvc” command and hit Enter to start the service again.
Note: You can also restart the service using the Windows Services Manager.
  • In the Cortana search box, type “services” and click on the Services icon to open the Services Manager. Alternatively, you can also tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run prompt and then type “services.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Services Manager.
  • From there, look for the Volume Shadow Service (sdrsv) from the list of services. Its Startup type should be set to Manual by default.
  • Restart the service and if you don’t encounter any error while you turn it on, re-run the backup service and see if the backup process runs successfully.

Option 2 – Try to run the Volume Shadow Copy Service in a Clean Boot State

If the first option didn’t work and the service still keeps on failing even though the service is running, you can try putting your computer in a Clean Boot State and then try to run Windows Backup again.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Now try to run the Volume Shadow Copy service again and see if the process goes smoothly.
Note: You might also want to delete all the files in the backup solution if you want to start fresh with the backup solution. Just go to C:/System/Volume/Information/Windows Backup and take ownership of the folder. After that, make sure to stop the Volume Shadow Copy service and then delete all the files inside it.
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What to do if USB tethering is not working
This post will guide you in what to do if you are trying to share the internet connection from your Android smartphone to your Windows 10 computer but USB tethering is not working. Although you can always connect your Android phone to your computer using a USB cable, you still won’t be able to access the internet. However, if you’ve already enabled the USB tethering option in your smartphone, you should be able to access the internet but if you still can’t then you can fix this issue by reading this post. There are several potential fixes you can check out to fix the USB tethering issue. You can try running both the Internet Connections and Network Adapter troubleshooters or try installing the USB RNDIS adapter or disable any unnecessary network adapters.

Option 1 – Try to run the Internet Connections and Network Adapter troubleshooter

There are various built-in troubleshooters in Windows 10 that can help fix system issues. Since you are dealing with an internet connection problem, you can try running both the Internet Connections and the Network Adapter troubleshooters. To run them, follow these steps:
  • Go to Settings > Update & security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, you can select the Internet Connections troubleshooter.
  • Click on the Run troubleshooter button to troubleshoot the problem.
  • Wait until the troubleshooter is done identifying and fixing the problem automatically.
  • Then follow the next on-screen instructions that may appear.
  • Once it’s done, check if the USB tethering issue is now fixed.
Note: You can also try to run the Network Adapter troubleshooter. It is also located under the Troubleshoot section. Just scroll down until you see it and then run it.

Option 2 – Try installing or updating the USB RNDIS adapter

RNDIS or Remote Network Driver Interface Specification can also help you resolve the USB tethering problem. If the pre-installed driver does not help you in connecting to the internet, then you can try installing the USB RNDIS driver that is, if it’s not installed yet. If it is already installed, you can try to update it instead.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open Run and type “devmgmt.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Device Manager.
  • Next, expand the Network adapters section and look for the Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device. But if you are using a Samsung smartphone, you might see “Samsung” instead of under Network adapters.
  • Right-click on it and then select the “Update driver” option.
  • Then select the “Browse my computer for driver software” option.
  • After that, select the “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer” option.
  • Now uncheck the checkbox for “Show compatible hardware”.
  • From the given list on your left-hand side, look for Microsoft and then select the Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device on your right-hand side.
  • Click on Next. A new popup will appear where you have to click on Yes. This will install the driver.
  • Now click on the Close button and restart your computer.

Option 3 – Try disabling any unnecessary network adapters/connections

Assuming that your Ethernet connection is showing ping loss which indicates that the internet is not stable. In such time, if you use the USB tethering functionality, you won’t be able to access the internet connection from your smartphone. The internet connection will be frequently disconnected since your computer gives priority to the Ethernet connection. Thus, you have to disable the Ethernet connection temporarily.
  • Right-click the network icon on your Taskbar and select the option “Network and Sharing Center”.
  • After that, click the network connection. And then click the Disable button from the status box that opens.
  • After that, check if you can now connect to the internet or not.
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Identify resource hogging applications
Resource hogging is a term when one single application or few of them are taking all system resources for themself causing extreme slow down in the computer and nonresponsiveness. It can be a very frustrating and time-consuming experience and it can cost you money if you can not finish work on time due to this effect. I believe that everyone has experienced at least one slowdown in their IT carrier because of resource-hogging applications and most users do not know how to deal with this. We are here to help you with this issue. Just to be aware that this method shown here is not a method to miraculously speed up your PC or anything similar, this is to be able to detect and recover from extreme slowdowns. Hardware components are still very important and if you can upgrade your computer if it is outdated, please do it because new applications will require a more modern system, and not any kind of tips and tricks will save you from outdated hardware.

Identifying resource hogging app

Now when we got that out of the way let's talk about slowdowns, it is no secret that sometimes an application has bugs and memory leaks that can cause this kind of behavior, and sometimes the application simply takes up too much memory for any other application to work normally. The most simple and straightforward way is to bring up a Windows task manager and inspect running applications and services. You can bring task manager by the key combination of CTRL + SHIFT + ESC If the system is in deep memory deficit you will have to wait for the task manager to open and show itself on-screen. Once opened, click on more details if that view is not opened by default. Once the view expands you will see all running applications with how much RAM memory have they taken and how much CPU they are using.

What to do with app?

Now you are presented with a choice on what to do with the problematic application. If you press the end task button on the bottom right, Windows will kill the application and its processes but any unsaved work inside the application will be lost and unrecoverable in most cases. Or you can try to remove smaller applications running to free up more memory and CPU in order for the computer to catch up. Any choice you make is up to you, but be very careful not to kill Windows essential service by mistake, that will cause immediate system instability with high chances of a system crash.
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The current state of Government vs BigTech
BigTech justiceBigTech platforms Google and Facebook were hit with a series of antitrust lawsuits by the US federal government and states on charges they are operating monopolies and abusing their power. Below is the status of the cases, as well as government probes of Apple and Amazon in their current states

Two lawsuits against Facebook

In a defeat, Judge James Boasberg said the Federal Trade Commission, which had sued Facebook in December asking that Facebook be forced to sell WhatsApp and Instagram, failed to show that Facebook had monopoly power in the social-networking market, among other problems. However, the FTC could file a new complaint by July 29. He threw out a related state lawsuit entirely, saying that the attorney's general had waited too long. They are looking at their options.

Four lawsuits against Google

The US Justice Department sued Google in October, accusing the $1 trillion company of illegally using its market muscle to hobble rivals. A trial date was set for September 12, 2023. A lawsuit by 38 US states and territories accuses Google of abusing its market power to try to make its search engine as dominant inside cars, TVs, and speakers as it is in phones. This was consolidated with the federal lawsuit for purposes of discovery. Texas, backed by other states, filed a separate lawsuit against Google, accusing it of breaking antitrust law in how it runs its online advertising business. Dozens of state attorneys general sued Google on July 7, alleging that it bought off competitors and used restrictive contracts to unlawfully maintain a monopoly for its app store on Android phones.

Justice Department investigates Apple

This probe, revealed in June 2019, appears to focus on Apple's app store. Some app developers have accused Apple of introducing new products very similar to existing apps created by other developers and sold in the Apple Store, and then trying to banish the older apps from the store because they compete with Apple's new product. Apple says it seeks to have only the highest-quality apps in the app store.

Justice Department probing Facebook and Amazon

In July 2019, the Justice Department said it was expanding its Big Tech probes to include "search, social media, and some retail services online", an apparent reference to Facebook and Amazon.

Federal Trade Commission on Amazon

In its investigation of Amazon, the FTC is likely looking at the inherent conflict of interest of Amazon competing with small sellers on its marketplace platform, including allegations that it used information from sellers on its platform to decide what products it would introduce.
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Alt-tab that is broken with KB5005033 update
Alt-tabLately, Microsoft has trying to fix Print Nightmare with various methods and patches. The last patch has seemingly fixed Print Nightmare but it has broken the Alt-tab key combination. It has been reported that the latest patch has broken famous key combinations for quickly switching from window to window. It seems that combination is not working or it is switching to desktop, even going to blank screen if switching from the full-screen game.

Fixing the issue

Luckily this issue is easily fixable. The first and easier fix for this issue is surprising to turn off the news and info widget, right-click on it and choose News and interests and then click on turn off. The second solution would be to uninstall the update. Go to Settings, then to Update & Security, and from there view Update History and remove the update.
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Fix GWXUX has stopped working in Windows
If your Windows 10 computer is downloading or installing updates but suddenly an error pops up saying, “GWXUX has stopped working”, read on as this post will show you what you can do to resolve the problem. GWXUX is a process responsible for downloading and installing Windows updates and is installed on your computer via Windows Updates. That particular update is known as “KB3035583”. Through this process, the “Get Windows 10” pop-ups are installed and initiated by Microsoft. This process is also capable of checking the compatibility of your PC to run Windows 10 as well as preparing it for installation. However, this process might also result in excessive usage of Disk and sometimes, CPU. So in this post, you will be guided on how you can fix the issue with the GWXUX. Follow the instructions given below carefully.

Option 1 – Disable GWXUX in the Task Scheduler

You will have to disable the gwxux.exe process to run from the Task Scheduler. Thus, you need to follow the steps below to do so.
  • Open the Cortana Search box and then type “task scheduler” in the field.
  • Then click on Task Scheduler from the related search results that appear to open it.
  • After opening the Task Scheduler, navigate to Microsoft > Windows > Setup > gwx on the left panel from the Task Scheduler Library.
  • Once you select the GWX folder, you will see two tasks that are listed under that folder. Select both of these tasks and permanently disable them.
  • Restart your computer to apply the changes made and check if the issue is now fixed or not.

Option 2 – Uninstall the KB3035583 Windows Update

  • To uninstall the KB3035583 Windows Update, you need to go to Control Panel, and for you to do that, type “control panel” in the Cortana Search box.
  • After that, click on Control Panel from the related search results given.
  • Once Control Panel is pulled up, search for “View Installed Updates” in the search field from the top right part of the window.
  • Next, click on a link labeled, “View Installed Updates” under the Programs and Features menu.
  • After clicking the link, you will see the list of all the installed updates in your computer from the Windows Updates.
  • Now look for an update named “KB3035583” and select it.
  • You should notice the Uninstall button located at the top portion of the sub-menu ribbon as you can see on the snippet below. Click on that button to uninstall the KB3035583 Windows Update.
  • After uninstalling the update, make sure to restart your computer to apply the changes made.

Option 3 – Try using the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be causing the error 0x80200056. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
After running the System File Checker, restart your computer and check if the error with the GWXUX.exe file is now fixed or not.
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How to Fix Entry Point not Found Dll Errors

What is ‘Entry Point not found dll’ Error?

Entry Point not found dll errors are common in Windows PC. These errors indicate poor PC maintenance. An entry point is basically the memory address inside the dynamic link library. It contains the call being made. A dynamic link library on the other hand is a collection of small programs which use and request this call to run and load programs successfully on your PC. However, when this process is unable to be executed successfully, you come across ‘entry point not found dll’ error messages.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Generally speaking, some of the typical causes of ‘entry point not found dll’ errors are:
  • Missing, corrupted, and damaged dll files
  • Registry overloaded with invalid entries
  • Disk fragmentation
  • Viral infection
It is advisable to resolve these ‘entry point not found dll’ errors on your PC immediately because dll errors can cause you a great deal of inconvenience as you may be locked out and unable to access your desired programs. Furthermore, if dll errors are left unresolved, such errors can expose your PC to serious threats like system failure, system damage, corruption, and crash.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Though ‘entry point not found dll’ errors are critical errors but the good news is that these can be easily resolved. To fix dll errors on your PC, you don’t always have to hire a professional technician or be a computer programmer yourself. Here are some of the best DIY (do it yourself) ways to resolve ‘entry point not found dll’ errors on your system:

1. Reinstall the Deleted Program

This method to resolve ‘entry point not found dll’ error code is very basic. It is advisable to uninstall and then reinstall the deleted program to retrieve the missing or deleted dll files. Here’s why: dll files are shared files. There are multiple programs on your PC that may be using one type of dll file to load. Now when you uninstall a program that you no more need on your PC, chances are that it may also delete that particular dll file. And when this happens the other programs supported by the deleted dll file are unable to load. Therefore, in such an event the best way to retrieve the missing dll file is to uninstall the program that displays the errors message and then reinstall it. This will help you restore the missing dll file and run the program successfully.

2. Install an Antivirus and a Registry Cleaner

As mentioned above, ‘entry point not found dll’ errors indicate poor PC maintenance. If you don’t maintain your system, the registry overloads with bad and invalid entries, redundant and obsolete files, junk files and cookies. These files acquire a lot of space which damages dll files and the registry. Furthermore, due to data volume overload and less storage space, files are then saved in different places. This is also known as disk fragmentation. When these files are called, it takes a lot of time for the disk to consolidate fragmented data and execute the function successfully. To resolve these issues, you need to clean and restore the registry. Though this can be done manually it may be slightly complicated and time consuming therefore it is advisable to install and run a registry cleaner.


In addition to this, due to poor PC maintenance, viruses and malware can also enter your system unknowingly through file downloads and phishing emails. These can also damage dll files. To remove viruses and malware from your PC it is important to run an anti-virus. Instead of downloading both tools separately on your system, we recommend Restoro. This is a multi-functional and advanced PC fixer embedded with an intuitive algorithm and a user-friendly interface. It includes multiple utilities including a powerful antivirus, a high functional registry cleaner, and Active X controls and class scanner. It also functions as a system optimizer. By running this software on your system, you can easily scan all registry issues and viruses simultaneously. It repairs the damaged registry and dll files, removes unnecessary files and all types of malicious software. It is compatible with all Windows versions. It is easy to use and high on performance. It is a one-stop solution for all ‘entry point not found dll’ errors on your PC. In just a few clicks you can resolve system errors and optimize your PC performance dramatically. Click here to download Restoro and resolve ‘entry point not found dll’ errors.
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INF file doesn't support this installation
If you got an error message saying, The INF file you selected does not support this method of installation while trying to install a driver using the “Install” option in the right-click context menu, read on as this post will guide you in fixing the problem. The INF file mentioned in the error message is a text file that’s divided into different types of formatted sections. Each one of the sections is designed for a particular purpose. For instance, one section is designed to copy files or to add entries to the registry. INF files are used to install drivers. However, if something is wrong, you might encounter this error while installing a driver on your Windows 10 computer. To resolve this problem, you can try to download the driver again from the official manufacturer website or check if the driver is compatible with your computer’s operating system architecture or you can also try installing the driver from the Device Manager. For more details, follow the given options below.

Option 1 – Try downloading the driver again from the official website of the manufacturer

Usually, you shouldn’t encounter this kind of issue no matter what installation method you used on your Windows 10 PC. However, there are times when the driver itself is corrupted for some reason which is why you are unable to complete the installation and receive an error message instead.

Option 2 – Try checking if the driver is compatible with the OS architecture

It is possible that you’re getting this error if you have a driver that is compatible with a 32-bit system and you are trying to install it on a 64-bit system and vice versa. Thus, you need to check if the driver you are trying to install is compatible with your operating system if you haven’t done it when you’ve downloaded the driver from the website of the manufacturer. To check the system architecture, in the Start Search, type “msinfo32” in the field and hit Enter to open the System Information window. From there, you should see all the information about your operating system. In addition, you can also search “system information” in the Cortana search box and look for the System Type entry and open it.

Option 3 – Try installing the driver from the Device Manager

If you have the driver files on your PC and you have to update a driver, refer to the steps given below to be guided on how to install the driver from the Device Manager.
  • First, click the Start button and type “device manager”.
  • Then click on the “Device Manager” from the search results to open it.
  • From there, look for the driver you want to update, and then right-click on each one of them and select the Update Driver from the menu.
  • After that, click on the “Browse my computer for driver software” option.
  • Next, select the “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer” option and then click the Next button.
  • On the next screen, you should see the “Have Disk” option. Click on this option and then click on the Browse button to go to the location of the file. After that, you shouldn’t have any problem installing the INF file.

Option 4 – Try running the System File Checker Scan

The SFC or System File Checker scan could detect and automatically repair damaged system files that could be causing the “The INF file you selected does not support this method of installation” error. SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
 Now restart your computer.
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