
Fix cannot open IPv4 Properties in Windows 10

Many Windows 10 users often change the IP addresses of their computers’ network adapter in order to connect to the internet or network they belong to in times when there is no automatic connection for their computers. In most cases, access to modifying this setting is restricted for some odd reason even if you are an administrator. So if you are one of the users whose Windows 10 VPN IPv4 Properties are not working, this post can help you remedy that so that you can open and edit the IPv4 Properties on your Windows 10 PC.

The common way to change IP settings is by going to Settings > Network and then to Internet > Change adapter options > Select Network adapter > right click and open Properties. From there, you can select TCP/IP 4 and modify it. If you aren’t able to do this, refer to the instructions laid out below to troubleshoot the problem in accessing the IPv4 Properties.

Option 1 – Try using PowerShell to manually set the IPv4 properties

As you are not able to set it using the interface, you can do so using PowerShell instead. Note that this option will only work for you if you run PowerShell with administrator privileges.

After opening PowerShell, according to many users, you have to run the this command – set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias “Ethernet” -ServerAddresses xxx.xx.xxx.xxx,x.x.x.x,xxx.xx.xxx.xxx,x.x.x.x

Usually, Ethernet is the name of your network adapter which is set by default. If you want to see the actual name of your network adapter, you can just type this command and tap Enter after doing so – Get-NetAdapter -physical | where status -eq 'up'

After entering the given command, you will see a list of active Ethernet adapter in your computer as you can see on the image above. Note that the 4 sets of X like the one on the image below should match with the sequence:

Option 2 – Try editing the rasphone.pbk files

The rasphone.pbk files stores property for the connections and since you are not able to access the IPv4 properties, it is most likely that it has been disabled here. The good thing is that you can open these files and edit them using Notepad. Refer to the steps below to do so.

  • Open the Windows Explorer and then enable the show hidden files option.
  • After that, look for the files at this location – C:Users <username>AppDataRoamingMicrosoftNetworkConnectionsPbk_hiddenPbkrasphone.pbk
  • Then right-click on it and select the “Open with” option and choose the Notepad app.
  • After opening the file, look for “IpPrioritizeRemote” from the long list.
  • Once you found it, set its value from “1” to “0”.
  • After that, look for “IPInterfaceMetric” and set its value to “1” and tap Ctrl + S to save the changes you’ve made, and then exit and try accessing the IPv4 properties again. It should work, but if you’re still unable to access it, try the next option below.

Option 3 – Enable the Split Tunneling if you use VPN

All data goes back and forth when you are using a VPN service on your computer. And since you are using VPN, it could be that it disables the IPv4 interface. If that’s the case, you need to stay connected with both the local network and VPN and to do so, you have to enable Split Tunneling. How? Follow these steps:

  • Open PowerShell with administrator privileges.
  • Next, type in “Get-VpnConnection” and tap Enter. After doing so, it will give you the exact name of your VPN.
  • After that, type in “Set-VpnConnection -Name “yourVPNName” -SplitTunneling $True” and tap Enter. Once you enter the command, it will free your IPv5 settings so that you can change it to connect with your local network if you prefer it to.

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Fix intelppm.sys error in Windows 10
intelppm.sys blue screen of death is linked to an outdated driver, if you received this error do not sweat we have simple solutions for you. Please keep on reading in order to find out what can you do to fix this error.
  1. Update driver Go to the device manager and manually update old-dated drivers. Note that this will take some time because you will need to update each device manually through the device manager but in the end, it will fix the issue.
  2. Use automated application Instead of going through each device one by one manually get a dedicated driver fixing device like DRIVERFIX and update all drivers automatically.
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MS Edge, autoplay video blocking coming
Microsoft Edge may be about to win a lot of fans by introducing a new feature that it says could prevent one of the most annoying things about being online. A new update to the browser suggests it is looking at a way to block auto-playing videos by default when a user navigates to a website. People spotted a new entry to the Microsoft Edge Canary browser where the company tries out its in-progress updates, that suggests auto-playing videos may have had their day at last. The new addition, for Mac, Windows, and Linux systems, is called “Autoplay Limit Default Setting”, with the description suggesting that Microsoft Edge would set the media autoplay setting to "Limit" as a default - stopping videos from starting up when a user lands on a website. Currently, Edge offers two options for users to control media autoplay - "Allow" (the current default setting), where all videos on a website will play automatically with sound, and "Limit", where media won’t be autoplayed on sites that a user has previously visited. It appears that Microsoft is looking to test the feature in Canary before rolling it out to a wider user base - as blocking autoplaying videos can cause issues for some websites. The same Canary entry also hints at a future "Block" option, which would presumably stop any videos or media from playing when a user lands on a website. However, this feature, which is also listed as being available for Mac, Windows, and Linux systems, doesn't appear to be enabled as yet. If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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An Easy Guide to Fixing Error 115

Error 115 - What is it?

Error 115 is a type of GameGuard redundant execution error.  If you have GameGuard installed on your PC, then you will most likely experience this error code. GameGuard is basically an anti-cheating robot toolkit developed by INCA Internet. It is installed to block possibly malicious applications and common methods of cheating on multiplayer online role-playing games. But at the same time, this software is infamous for error pop-ups. Error 115 is displayed on the Windows screen when a game has been executed multiple times or you have left the game running without logging out. Error 115 is displayed in the following format:
GameGuard Execute Error: 115 ‘There are multiple events of game execution or GameGuard is already running. Close the game then try again.’


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error 115 may appear on your Windows screen due to multiple reasons. These include:
  • Multiple executions of the game
  • Antivirus Conflict
  • Firewall Conflict
  • Registry Overloaded with Bad and Invalid Entries
This error may cause a great deal of inconvenience to you if you love to play multi-player role-playing games over the web like Blood Feud, 9Dragons, Phantasy Star Universe, and Alliance of Valiant Arms. To avoid such inconvenience, it is advisable to fix this error immediately.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some easy do-it-yourself methods to resolve the error 115 on your PC. These methods require no technical expertise.

Method 1 - Terminate the Game Already Running on Your System

To resolve the issue, hit ‘Ctrl+Shift+Esc’ to launch Task Manager. Here you will find a list of applications running on your system, terminate the gaming application to resolve error 115.  If this doesn’t work, then restart your PC.

Method 2 - Disable Antivirus Programs or Firewall Temporarily

Sometimes this error may appear on your computer screen because of antivirus or Firewall security conflict. These programs often block gaming applications and software like GameGuard and because of that, you are unable to play online games on your system. To fix the issue, try disabling these programs on your PC temporarily.

Method 3 - Clean and Repair the Registry

The error 115 may also occur because of the registry issue with Symantec. Follow these steps to enable the game to run:
  • Go to your start menu then find Run then write Regedit.
  • Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. To proceed, go to SYSTEM then CurrentControlSet, and then Services.
  • Look in the list for SysPlant and click it. Then look for the word 'Start', right-click on Start, and select rename.
  • Rename 'start' to 'DWORD: 00000004’ then close Regedit and reboot your PC to activate changes.

Method 4 - Download and Run Total System Care.

This process can be slightly tricky and a bit time-consuming. Therefore it is advisable to download Restoro. This is a cutting-edge, easy-to-use PC Fixer deployed with a powerful registry cleaner. It removes all the unnecessary files cluttering the registry like bad and invalid registry entries. It fixes the damaged registry and enables it to resume back to its normal functioning. Click here to download Restoro.
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Upcoming Windows 11 features

Coming in October for insiders and in November for all in the update, Microsoft has prepared a series of updates which they call an "additional set of experiences"

These updates are looked upon by Panos Panay, a vice executive president at Microsoft & chief product officer for Windows and devices as sort of makeup tests. They will consist of new additions with the biggest one being a tabbed version of File Explorer.

windows 11 transparency off

File Explorer received a UI makeover in the last update but the tabbed interface was missing which was expected by many users so it will come in following the next update.

The rest of the features that we will receive are an updated Photos application, Suggested Actions in the Windows Shell, Overflow menu for the taskbar, and improved Nearby Share.

The tabbed File Explorer interface is essentially File Explorer’s version of Sets, the tabbed window interface that Microsoft tested out several years ago. In testing, the tabbed interface proved handy for moving and copying files, and we’d expect the same once the feature formally goes live. The difference between Sets and the tabbed File Explorer interface is Sets allowed for multiple applications to be clustered together via tabs.

Photos app will include a “new photos-managing experience that brings a gorgeous gallery, simplifying browsing, finding, management and consumption of your collection of photos.” It will allow “easy backup to OneDrive” and a “delightful Memories experience.”

As for other features, nothing specifically was said except giving just some tips on what will they bring, it is obvious that File Explorer and the photos app were the main focus for MS in this upcoming update.

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How to Fix the Error Code 28

Error Code 28- What is it?

The error code 28 is a driver error. This is one of the many device manager error codes. When this error occurs on your computer, the following message is displayed:

“The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)”

Another driver device error message you might encounter is error code 41. 

Error Causes

Error 28 occurs because of unsuccessful device driver installation. This usually happens when you try to update new drive versions on your system. It is advisable to repair this error right away as it can hamper your ability to use certain hardware. For example, if error 28 occurs due to the unsuccessful installation of the USB driver, then it if not fixed and resolved it may prevent you from using hardware devices. Unsuccessful driver installation means you either didn’t install it properly or your computer has registry issues. If it’s the registry then you must fix it without any delay because it can expose your PC to serious threats like system crash and failure. To avoid such inconvenience, repair it.

Further Information and Manual Repair

When it comes to repairing the error code 28, here’s what you can do: Simply go to the control panel and click on the Device Manager option:
  • In the details pane with the list of devices, locate the device for which you want to reinstall the driver software.
  • Double click on it to open the properties dialog box.
  • Now click on the driver tab and then click update driver.
After updating, try using that device again if it doesn’t work and shows the error code 28 on your computer screen then this means the underlying cause is the registry.
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How to Fix the Error 103

Error 103 - What is it?

The error 103 may occur either due to issues in your Google Chrome browser or system issues. If error 103 occurs when using Chrome, this means there is a conflict between Google Chrome and the antivirus program running on your PC. It is displayed in either of the following formats: ‘Chrome error 103 connection aborted’, ‘Chrome error 103 err_connection_aborted’ or ‘Error 103 (net: ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED): Unknown error. However, if this is a system error code, it may be displayed in the following format ‘The semaphore cannot be set again’ or as ‘ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTS’ or as the value 0x67.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The error 103 is triggered due to multiple reasons such as: The conflict between Google Chrome and anti-viruses arises because when the web browser attempts to update, the anti-virus programs on your PC may view the update as a threat. Due to this, the connection to the internet is terminated and the error 103 message is displayed on your computer screen. And besides, this keeps you from upgrading your Google Chrome browser too. Other causes include:
  • Viral infection
  • Missing Windows component called ‘expand.exe’
  • Registry overlaps
  • Incompatible drivers

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the easy and efficient ways to resolve error 103. Choose a method according to the error 103 messages displayed on your screen.

Method 1: Check for the ‘Expand.exe’ Windows component

This method is workable if the error 103 is triggered due to browser issues. To get started, follow these steps. First, go to the start menu, and in the search bar type ‘expand.exe’. If you are able to find it, move it to the following directory C:\Windows\system32. However, if you are unable to locate it, then copy the file from Windows installation CD. Once you copy the file to the directory, reinstall the updated version of Google Chrome.

Method 2: Change the Location of the Temporary File

If the error still persists, try method 2. Go to the start menu and open the Run window. Now type C: and press OK. Then go to File, then New, and then Folder. Now create a temporary folder and name it ‘test’. After that go back to the start menu and open the Run window again. Now enter the following text in the text field:cmd.exe then press OK. In the command prompt type set TMP=C:\test. After that try reinstalling Google Chrome by typing the following in the command prompt: start ChromeSetup.exe.

Method 3: Update Drivers

If the error message 103 is generated due to system issues, then try updating drivers. Sometimes the error may occur due to incompatible drivers.

Method 4: Perform an Entire PC Scan for Viruses

To resolve error 103, perform an entire PC Scan for viruses. Sometimes the error may occur due to viral infection. Removing viruses may fix the error.

Method 5: Clean and Restore the Registry

If the error is triggered due to registry issues, then it is advisable to download Restoro. This is a multi-functional PC repair tool integrated with powerful utilities including an anti-virus, a registry cleaner, Active X controls, and class scanner, and a system optimizer. The registry cleaner feature wipes out all the unnecessary files including cookies, junk files, and bad registry keys that corrupt the registry. It cleans and restores the registry instantly. The anti-feature removes all viruses and spyware while the system optimizer utility ensures your system works at its optimum speed. It can be downloaded on all Windows versions. It is safe and efficient. This software is a one-stop solution for all PC-related errors. Click here to download Restoro.
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Fix Windows Updates and MS Store, 0x80240438
If you were trying to update your Windows 10 computer and failed due to Error Code 0x80240438, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will give you a couple of suggestions you can check out to resolve this error. You can encounter Error Code 0x80240438 not just in Windows Updates but also in Microsoft Store. This is due to the fact that the delivery mechanism for both Windows Updates and Microsoft Store is common and interdependent. This is why a lot of Windows Update and Microsoft Store error codes are similar. And so fixing them won’t be that hard as well since most methods are basically the same. When you encounter this kind of error in Windows Update or Microsoft Store, you will see the following error message on your screen:
“There were some problems installing updates, but we’ll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help – (0x80240438).”
To resolve Error Code 0x80240438, here are some potential fixes you need to check out:

Option 1 – Try to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

The Windows 10 Store Apps Troubleshooter will help you in fixing the Error Code 0x80240438. This is a great built-in tool from Microsoft that helps users fix any app installation issues. So this is worth a try to solve the problem. This built-in tool also helps you fix the Windows 10 Store if it isn’t working. To use the Windows Store Troubleshooter, follow the steps below.
  • Tap Win + I keys again to open the Windows Settings panel.
  • Go to Update & Security and then go to Troubleshoot.
  • Under the Troubleshoot section, on your left-hand side, scroll down to find Windows Update and then click on Run the troubleshooter option and follow the on-screen instructions and then see if it fixes the problem.

Option 2 – Try to temporarily disable anti-virus and Windows Defender Firewall

As mentioned, the error could be due to the antivirus program or the Windows Defender Firewall installed on your computer. Thus, disabling them or any security software installed in your computer is always a good idea you can try when you’re not able to access the shared drive on your computer. There are times when you encounter problems like Error Code 0x80240438 due to interference of antivirus or security programs. Thus, you have to disable both your antivirus program and Windows Defender Firewall for the meantime and check if it fixes the error or not.

Option 3 – Disable the Proxy server

You can also try to disable the Proxy server for your LAN to fix Error Code 0x80240438 especially if your computer was attacked by some malware or adware recently. In such cases, there is a chance that the malware or adware has changed your network settings in order to generate intrusive advertisements. Thus, you have to disable the proxy server and you can do that by following these steps:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “inetcpl.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to pull up the Internet Properties.
  • After that, go to the Connections tab and select the LAN settings.
  • From there. Uncheck the “Use a Proxy Server” option for your LAN and then make sure that the “Automatically detect settings” option is checked.
  • Now click the OK and the Apply buttons.
  • Restart your PC.
Note: If you are using a third-party proxy service, you have to disable it.

Option 4 – Try modifying the “Remove access to use all the Windows Update features” Policy

  • Start by tapping the Win + R key combination to open the Run utility.
  • Then type “gpedit.msc” in the field and tap Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Once you’ve pulled up the Group Policy Editor, navigate to this setting: User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update
  • Next, double click on the “Remove access to use all the Windows Update features” policy and set its radio button to “Not Configured”. As you can see, this policy setting has the following description:
“This setting allows you to remove access to Windows Update. If you enable this setting, all Windows Update features are removed. This includes blocking access to the Windows Update Web site at http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com, from the Windows Update hyperlink on the Start menu, and also on the Tools menu in Internet Explorer. Windows automatic updating is also disabled; you will neither be notified about nor will you receive critical updates from Windows Update. This setting also prevents Device Manager from automatically installing driver updates from the Windows Update Web site.”
If you enable this policy setting, you can configure one of the following notification options:
  • 0 = Do not show any notifications: This setting will remove all access to Windows Update features, and no notifications will be shown.
  • 1 = Show restart required notifications – This setting will show notifications about restarts that are required to complete an installation.
  • Now you need to exit the Group Policy Editor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Option 5 – Try resetting the Windows Update folders

Resetting the Windows Update folders can also help in fixing the error in both Windows Update and Microsoft Store. All you have to do is delete the contents in both the SoftwareDistribution folder and reset the Catroot2 folder as well.

Option 6 – Try downloading and installing the Windows Updates manually

Error Code 0x80240438 might be due to a Windows Update that has failed. So if it is not a feature update and only a cumulative update, you can download the Windows Update and install it manually. But first, you need to find out which update has failed, and to do so, refer to the following steps:
  • Go to Settings and from there go to Update and Security > View Update History.
  • Next, check which particular update has failed. Note that Updates that have failed to install will be displayed under the Status column which has a label of “Failed”.
  • After that, go to the Microsoft Download Center and look for that update using its KB number and once you find it, download and then install it manually.
Note: You can also use the Microsoft Update Catalog, a service from Microsoft that provides a list of software updates that can be distributed over a corporate network. With the help of this service, it can be easier for you to find Microsoft software updates, drivers as well as fixes.
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How to get Dynamic Wallpapers in Windows 10
Dynamic Wallpapers introduced with Mojave Update in macOS are pretty cool. Dynamic Desktop is a feature introduced in macOS Mojave (10.14), in which the desktop background changes according to the time of Mac's current location. If Location Services are turned off the Privacy pane of the System Preferences, then the time zone specified in the Date & Time preferences will be used. To apply macOS Dynamic Wallpaper on Windows 10 we need to download & use WinDynamicDesktop, a free application that lets you apply macOS Dynamic Wallpaper. After the installation, you will be asked to Configure the Schedule. While doing that you need to make sure that you enter your location correctly. You can even set specific sunrise and sunset timing by selecting “Use specific sunrise and sunset times” and changing the Sunrise and Sunset times manually. Now, you will be greeted with some of the coolest dynamic wallpapers in the market. Select a theme of your choice, click on the Download button (file size can range between 20-200 MB), and click Apply to enjoy macOS Dynamic Wallpaper on Windows 10. If for some reason you want to go back to the default Windows theme but not necessarily delete the application then right-click on the WinDynamicWallpaper icon from the taskbar, click Select Theme, select None (from the theme section) and click Apply.
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A Guide to Fixing Magcore.dll Error on Your PC

Magcore.dll Error - What is it?

Magcore.dll is a type of Dynamic Link Library. This file is associated with software developed by ArcSoft, a renowned multimedia application developer. Magcore.dll consists of small programs that help load and run software developed by ArcSoft on your system smoothly. This file virtually comes into function when you use certain audio and video features incorporated in ArcSoft programs for example ArcSoft Media converter. However, you may experience Magcore.dll error code on when this DLL file fails to run and load programs. The error may hamper your ability to access ArcSoft programs on your system and cause you a great deal of inconvenience. Magcore.dll error is often displayed in any one of the following formats:
“The file magcore.dll is missing” “MagCore.dll cannot be found” "Cannot find [PATH]magcore.dll" “This application has failed to start because MagCore.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix the error.”


Restoro box imageError Causes

This DLL file is known to be prone to errors. MagCore.dll error occurs due to several reasons such as:
  • Missing or damaged MagCore.dll file
  • Hardware failure
  • Viral infection
  • Registry issues
If you experience MagCore.dll error on your system, it is advisable to fix it right away. Though it is not fatal, but if you don’t repair it, you may not be able to access practically all ArcSoft programs on your PC.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the efficient and easy manual methods to resolve error MagCore.dll on your PC:

Method 1 - Scan and Remove Malware

MagCore.dll error can be triggered by viral or other malware infection. Malware can easily damage DLL files and masquerade as the MagCore.dll file. To resolve, simply download a powerful antivirus on your system. Run it to scan your entire PC for viruses and remove them right away.

Method 2 - Update the Drivers for Hardware Devices

As we mentioned above the error may be related to hardware failure too. In times like these, it is advisable to update the drivers for hardware devices. For example if you try to play a 3D video game and it fails to run showing you MagCore.dll error message, then simply try updating the drivers for your video card. Drivers can be updated in Windows by using a driver update wizard from within Device Manager.

Method 3 - Use System Restore to Undo Recent System Changes

After trying method 1 and 2, if the error code still persists, then it is opt for method 3. Use Windows System Restore utility to undo recent system changes and bring your PC to its normal previous condition before the error occurred. To restore, simply go to the start menu, type System Restore. Now click on System Restore and just pick a point in the past called a restore point to return important Windows files and settings.

Method 4 - Repair the Registry

If the underlying cause of the MagCore.dll error code is related to registry issues, then simply repair the registry. You can fix it manually but it is a little complicated and time-consuming. You may find it difficult if you are not a technical whiz. Nonetheless to resolve and repair it in seconds, download Restoro. This is a powerful and a user-friendly PC Fixer embedded with a registry cleaner and several other highly functional scanners. Run it to scan your entire PC for registry problems. The registry cleaner utility removes all bad and invalid entries, cleans up the registry space, and repairs the damaged files. Click here to download Restoro and repair MagCore.dll error code on your PC.
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Could not connect to the System Event
Could not connect to the System Event explanation: Although logging into a Windows 10 computer may seem like a simple process, it’s actually not since the Windows operating system has built a mechanism in a way that any third party or malware intervention would not compromise access to the system. This mechanism is supported by numerous services, functions, and DLL files. And Microsoft has been taking this security to a whole new level with the introduction of Windows Hello. Recently, a number of users reported getting the “Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service service. Please consult your system administrator” error when logging into their computers. While some users also reported that although they can log in, they encounter the same error message from the Notification area. There are several options you can check out to resolve the error. You have to check the status of several Windows Services and make sure that they are running. You also have to reset Winsock as well as run the System File Checker scan.

Option 1 – Check for certain Windows Services

  • First, you need to tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “services.msc” in the field and click OK or tap Enter to open the Windows Services Manager.
  • After that, you will see a list of services and from there, look for the following Windows Services:
    • DHCP Client
    • System Event Notification Service
    • Windows Font Cache Service
  • Now make sure that the Startup Type of each service is started and running.

Option 2 – Try resetting the Winsock drivers

  • In the Start Search, type “command prompt” and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results, and then select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute this command: netsh winsock reset
Note: If you are using IPv4, execute the “netsh int ipv4 reset” instead. On the other hand, if you are using IPv6, execute the “netsh int ipv6 reset
  • Now exit Command Prompt and see if the error is now fixed.

Option 3 – Try running System File Checker or SFC scan

You could also run System File Checker or SFC scan to fix the BSOD error. It is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Reboot your PC.
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