
Your Windows license will expire soon

If you suddenly get a message telling you that “Your Windows license will expire soon, You need to activate Windows in Settings” on your Windows 10 computer but you know that your Windows 10 is already activated. Worry not for this post will help you get rid of that error message right away. Before you get started, make sure that you have the Windows product key with you. If you don’t, you can get it by running the following command in an elevated Command Prompt:

wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey

Take note of the product key and then proceed to the options given below.

Option 1 – Try activating Windows 10 again or use another product key

  • If you’re sure that you have the correct product key, click the Go to the Settings button.
  • After that, click the Activate button once again.
  • If you have another license key, you can also use that as well, just simply click on the Change product key.
  • Then enter the new product key and click on Activate. That should fix the problem, if it doesn’t, refer to the next option below.

Option 2 – Try to reset the licensing status

  • Click the Start button and then type “cmd” in the Search box and then tap Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open an elevated Command Prompt.
  • Next, type the “slmgr –rearm” and hit Enter to reset the licensing status.
  • Restart your computer and check if the error is now gone or not.

Option 3 – Try uninstalling the product key and re-enter it once more.

  • The first thing you have to do to uninstall the product key is to know the Activation ID of your Windows installation. To do so, open an elevated Command Prompt and type this command, and hit Enter – vbs /dlv
  • After you enter the command, you should see the licensing status and Activation ID. And to get all the Activation IDs of all the installed Windows versions, key in this command and hit Enter – vbs /dlv all

Note: The “/dlv” parameter will give you the license information for the installed operating system.

  • After you enter the second command, you should see a Windows Script Host window with all the Windows licensing and activation status. Take note of the Activation ID.
  • Next, in the same elevated Command Prompt, type this command – slmgr /upk <Activation ID>

Note: In the third given command, “/upk” stands for “uninstall product key”. This parameter uninstalls the product key of the current Windows edition.

  • Restart your PC. After that, your computer will be in an unlicensed state so you need to re-enter the product key again.

Option 4 – Try rebuilding the Tokens.dat file.

The issue might be caused by a corrupted Tokens.dat file. The Tokens.dat file is a digitally signed file that stores most of the Windows Activation files so if it is corrupted then no wonder you’re having activation issues. To rebuild the Tokens.dat file, refer to these steps:

  • From the WinX Menu, open an elevated Command Prompt.
  • After opening Command Prompt, you need to type each one of the following commands and after you type each command, hit Enter.
    • net stop sppsvc
    • cd %windir%ServiceProfilesLocalServiceAppDataLocalMicrosoftWSLicense
    • ren tokens.dat tokens.bar
    • net start sppsvc
    • exe %windir%system32slmgr.vbs /rilc
  • Now restart your computer.

Option 5 – Try running the Windows 10 Activation Troubleshooter

  • Go to Settings and then select Activation.
  • After that, click on the Windows Activation and then troubleshoot. This will help you address most of the commonly found activation issues in Windows devices.

Option 6 – Try activating Windows 10 via mobile phone

Activating Windows 10 can also be done using your phone. Just note that you have to call Microsoft to do so.

  • In the Start Search box, type in “Slui 4” and tap Enter.
  • Next, select your country and click on Next.
  • Keep the window open and call the toll-free number of the country you’re from.
  • Afterward, a confirmation ID should be given by the automated system which you must take a note of.
  • Finally, in the box on the window, type in the confirmation ID and click on the Activate button. That should do it.

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Removing Linkey From Windows Tutorial

Linkey is a potentially unwanted web browser search extension for the top browsers, designed to modify the user’s search and home pages in order to direct advertising. This extension changes your default search provider, redirects new tabs, and distributes information & statistics to the server. This extension will display unwanted ads, redirect you through unwanted search engines, and send your browsing information (potentially private information) back to its ad network.

From the publisher: Linkey is compatible with all the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox. Linkey is a simple browser extension that allows you to get the best sites in one click in visualized & friendly interface.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is actually a type of unwanted software, often a browser add-on or extension, which causes modifications in the browser’s settings. Browser hijackers could do many different things on your PC. Usually, hijackers will force hits to websites of their preference either to increase traffic producing higher advertisement revenue, or to obtain a commission for each and every user visiting there. Nonetheless, it’s not that harmless. Your online safety is compromised and it is also extremely annoying. Browser hijackers could also allow other malicious programs without your knowledge to further damage your computer.

How to know whether the web browser is hijacked?

The typical symptoms that suggest having this malicious software on your PC are: 1. your homepage has been reset to some unfamiliar site 2. your browser is constantly being redirected to adult sites 3. the essential web browser settings are modified and undesirable or insecure resources are put into the trusted sites listing 4. unsolicited new toolbars are added to your browser 5. you may notice endless pop-up ads on your screen 6. your web browser starts running sluggishly or exhibits frequent errors 7. You simply can’t access particular sites, particularly anti-malware websites.

How it infects your computer

Browser hijackers attack computers through malicious e-mail attachments, downloaded infected computer files, or by checking out infected internet sites. They could be included with toolbars, BHO, add-ons, plug-ins, or browser extensions. Also, certain freeware and shareware can put the hijacker in your PC through the “bundling” technique. Examples of well-known browser hijackers are Fireball, GoSave, Ask Toolbar, CoolWebSearch, Babylon Toolbar, and RocketTab. Browser hijackers could interrupt the user’s browsing experience severely, keep track of the websites visited by users and steal financial information, cause problems in connecting to the internet, and ultimately create stability issues, making applications and computers crash.

How you can get rid of a browser hijacker

Some hijackers can be simply removed by deleting the free software they came with or by removing any extension you have recently added to your computer. Unluckily, the majority of the software products used to hijack a browser are deliberately built to be difficult to eliminate or detect. Moreover, manual removals demand in-depth system knowledge and therefore can be an extremely difficult job for novices.

What To Do When You Cannot Download Safebytes Anti-Malware?

All malware is bad and the magnitude of the damage may vary greatly in accordance with the type of infection. Certain malware variants modify internet browser settings by including a proxy server or modify the computer’s DNS configurations. When this happens, you will be unable to visit some or all of the websites, and therefore unable to download or install the necessary security software to remove the malware. If you’re reading this, you may have infected by a virus that prevents you from downloading computer security software like Safebytes Anti-Malware. There are a few options you can attempt to get around with this obstacle.

Install in Safe Mode

The Windows-based PC has a special mode called “Safe Mode” in which just the bare minimum required programs and services are loaded. If the malware is blocking internet access and affecting your PC, running it in Safe Mode will let you download antivirus and run a diagnostic scan while limiting potential damage. In order to get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press F8 while the system is starting up or run MSConfig and look for the “Safe Boot” options under the “Boot” tab. After you restart into Safe Mode with Networking, you could download, install, as well as update anti-malware software from there. After installation, run the malware scanner to remove most standard infections.

Use an alternate browser to download an antivirus application

Certain viruses might target vulnerabilities of a specific web browser that obstruct the downloading process. If you appear to have a virus attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to an alternate internet browser with built-in safety features, such as Chrome or Firefox, to download your favorite antivirus program – Safebytes.

Install security software on a thumb drive

Here’s another solution which is creating a portable USB anti-malware software that can check your system for malicious software without needing installation. Do these simple actions to clean up your affected PC using portable anti-malware. 1) Download the anti-malware program on a virus-free computer. 2) Plug the Flash drive into the clean computer. 3) Double-click on the downloaded file to open the installation wizard. 4) Choose the USB flash drive as the destination for saving the software file. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation. 5) Unplug the USB drive. You may now utilize this portable anti-malware on the infected computer system. 6) Double click the Safebytes Anti-malware icon on the flash drive to run the software. 7) Click on “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the infected computer for malware.

A Look at the Best AntiMalware Program

Want to download the very best anti-malware software for your laptop? There are several applications in the market that come in paid and free versions for Microsoft Windows systems. Some of them are excellent, some are ok types, while some will destroy your PC themselves! When searching for an anti-malware tool, choose one which provides dependable, efficient, and complete protection against all known computer viruses and malware. On the list of highly recommended software programs is SafeBytes AntiMalware. SafeBytes carries a good track record of top-quality service, and customers are very happy with it. Safebytes is one of the well-established computer solutions companies, which offer this all-inclusive anti-malware software. Using its cutting-edge technology, this application will allow you to eradicate multiples types of malware such as computer viruses, trojans, PUPs, worms, ransomware, adware, and browser hijackers. SafeBytes has got a variety of wonderful features that can help you protect your PC from malware attacks and damage. Below are some typical features present in this tool: Live Protection: SafeBytes offers a totally hands-free active protection that is set to observe, prevent and remove all threats at its very first encounter. This utility will always monitor your computer for any suspicious activity and updates itself regularly to keep current with the newest threats. Most Reliable AntiMalware Protection: This deep-cleaning anti-malware software program goes much deeper than most antivirus tools to clean your computer system. Its critically acclaimed virus engine finds and disables hard-to-remove malware that conceals deep inside your PC. Internet Security: Through its unique safety rating, SafeBytes notifies you whether a site is safe or not to access it. This will make sure that you’re always certain of your safety when browsing the net. Lightweight Utility: The program is lightweight and can run silently in the background, and that does not have an effect on your PC efficiency. 24/7 Live Professional Support: SafeBytes provides 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and upgrades for the best user experience.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove Linkey without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by Linkey

Files: C:Users%USER%AppDataLocalTempis33084504mysearchdial.dll C:Users%USER$AppDataLocalTempis357113909833170_stpsetup.exe c:Users%USER$AppDataLocalTempMega Browsemegabrowse_setup.exe C:Program Files (x86)Linkeylog.log C:Program Files (x86)LinkeyHelper.dll C:Program Files (x86)LinkeyChromeExtensionChromeExtension.crx C:Program Files (x86)Linkey C:Program Files (x86)LinkeyChromeExtension C:Program Files (x86)LinkeyIEExtension C:Users%USER$AppDataRoamingDigitalSitesUpdateProc Registry: HKLMSOFTWARECLASSESAPPID6A7CD9EC-D8BD-4340-BCD0-77C09A282921 HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODECLASSESAPPID6A7CD9EC-D8BD-4340-BCD0-77C09A282921 HKLMSOFTWARECLASSESCLSID181F2C09-56DD-4F98-86D7-59BA2BC59B5A HKLMSOFTWARECLASSESCLSID4D9101D6-5BA0-4048-BDDE-7E2DF54C8C47 HKLMSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEXPLORERBROWSER HELPER OBJECTS HKLMSOFTWARELINKEY HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODELINKEY HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODESYSTEMKGeneral HKUS-1-5-18-ED1FC765-E35E-4C3D-BF15-2C2B11260CE4-0SOFTWARECONDUITValueApps HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODEMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEXPLORERBROWSER HELPER OBJECTSEF5625A3-37AB-4BDB-9875-2A3D91CD0DFD HKLMSOFTWARELINKEY|ie_jsurl, http://app.linkeyproject.com/popup/IE/background.js HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODELINKEY|ie_jsurl, http://app.linkeyproject.com/popup/IE/background.js
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If you suddenly encounter the DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL Blue Screen of Death error when using your computer, then there might be some issues with the device drivers on your Windows 10 computer. This kind of BSOD error can occur at any point while you are using your PC. Its main cause is due to some error in the System Pool where a driver becomes incompatible with the operating system or when the configuration files get corrupted for some reason. If you are one of the users who are currently inconvenienced by the DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL error, worry not, as this post will give you some potential fixes that might help resolve the problem.

Option 1 – Perform a System Restore

Performing System Restore might help you in fixing the DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL Blue Screen error. You can do this option either by booting into Safe Mode or in System Restore. If you are already in the Advanced Startup Options, just directly select System Restore and proceed with the next steps. And if you have just booted your PC into Safe Mode, refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 2 – Run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

The Blue Screen troubleshooter is a built-in tool in Windows 10 that helps users in fixing BSOD errors like DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL error. It can be found on the Settings Troubleshooters page. To use it, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open the Settings panel.
  • Then go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • From there, look for the option called “Blue Screen” on your right-hand side and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button to run the Blue Screen Troubleshooter and then follow the next on-screen options. Note that you might have to boot your PC into Safe Mode.

Option 3 – Update the Device drivers

The device driver installed in your computer might be incompatible with your operating system which is the reason why the DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL Blue Screen error occurs. To fix that, you have to update your device drivers.
  • Tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type “msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • After opening the Device Manager, update all the outdated Device drivers on your computer.
  • Next, right-click on all the driver entries that are appropriately labeled, and then click the Update driver option.
  • Now restart your PC and check if the BSOD error is fixed or not.

Option 4 – Uninstall any faulty device drivers

  • Tap the Win + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type “msc” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • From there, look for any device driver which has a yellow exclamation mark which indicates that something is wrong with them.
  • And then right-click on each one of them and click on Uninstall.
  • Once you’re done uninstalling the faulty drivers, restart your computer and allow your computer to reinstall the drivers you just uninstalled.

Option 5 – Try running the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be causing the Machine Check Exception BSOD error. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

Option 6 – Try updating the BIOS

As you know, the BIOS is a sensitive part of a computer. Even though it is a software component, the functioning of the hardware depends on it largely. Thus, you must be careful when modifying something in the BIOS. So if you don’t know much about it, it’s best if you skip on this option and try the other ones instead. However, if you are well-versed in navigating the BIOS, then follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Next, type “msinfo32” in the field and press Enter to open System Information.
  • From there, you should find a search field on the bottom where you have to search for the BIOS version and then press Enter.
  • After that, you should see the developer and version of the BIOS installed on your PC.
  • Go to your manufacturer’s website and then download the latest version of BIOS on your computer.
  • If you are using a laptop, make sure that you keep it plugged in until you have updated the BIOS.
  • Now double click on the downloaded file and install the new BIOS version in your computer.
  • Now restart your computer to apply the changes made.

Option 7 – Try resetting Windows 10

To fix this BSOD error, you can try resetting Windows 10. Doing so won’t get rid of any file in your system – instead of erasing all your media files and documents, this reset option resets all the system settings and files.
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artstation learning is now free forever
Great news everyone!!! Artstation, a popular learning platform for artists has been acquired by EPIC and their first move was to make artstation learning material free for all registered and non-registered users forever. This move by EPIC is a great but also logical one as well. How the industry is in demand for good artists, providing them with free education will hopefully produce some good talent. artstation learningSo if you ever wanted to learn about photoshop, maya, substance, unreal engine, or some general skills like sketching, drawing, etc. Now is the perfect time to level up your skills. Drop to the artstation website and start learning today!
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Enable or Disable Auto-Mounting in Windows
Every time a new drive or any storage device is connected to a Windows 10 computer, the operating system tends to allot a drive letter to it automatically. Not only that, as the OS also maps the location of the drive which helps it point the letter to the exact port location of the drive and serve requests from the user. As a result, it builds up a bit of cache as per the pattern in which the user uses the storage of the computer. This whole process is known as “Auto Mounting” which works for hard disks or optical drive readers that are connected using the SATA ports and even for USB drives that are connected using the USB ports. There are several ways you can enable or disable the Auto-Mount feature in Windows 10. You can do it using the MountVol tool or the Registry Editor or the Diskpart utility. Before you proceed, it is recommended that you create a System Restore point first so that you can always undo the changes you made in case anything goes wrong.

Option 1 – Enable or disable Auto Mounting via MountVol tool

In this option, you will be using the mountvol command in the Command Prompt. Refer to the steps below.
  • Tap the Wins key once and type in “command prompt” in the field.
  • From the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option to run it with admin privileges.
  • Next, type the following command and tap Enter to enable the Auto Mount feature:
mountvol /E
  • On the other hand, if you want to disable the Auto Mount feature, type the following command instead:
mountvol /N
  • After that, type the command below to remove all the previously assigned drive letters:
mountvol /R
  • Finally, restart your computer.

Option 2 – Enable or disable Auto Mounting via Registry Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • After that, navigate to this registry key: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesmountmgr
  • Next, look for a DWORD named “NoAutoMount”. If you can’t find a DWORD with that name then simply create a new DWORD with the same name and make sure that the base is selected to Hexadecimal.
  • Now double click on that DWORD and change its value to 0 if you want to enable it, otherwise, input 1 as its value to disable it.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 3 – Enable or disable Auto Mounting via Diskpart utility

  • Tap the Wins key once and type in “command prompt” in the field.
  • From the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and select the “Run as administrator” option to run it with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt as admin, type the following command and hit Enter to launch the Diskpart utility:
  • After that, a User Account Control prompt will appear. Just click on the Yes button.
  • Next, type the following command and hit Enter:
  • Following the command you entered, you will an output that either says, “Automatic mounting of new volumes enabled” or “Automatic mounting of new volumes disabled” which means you can use it to check the status of Auto Mount.
  • Now if you want to enable the Auto Mount feature, type the following command and tap Enter:
automount enable
  • And if you want to disable the Auto Mount feature, just enter the following command:
automount disable
  • To remove all the assigned letter and history of drives that were connected previously, type the following command:
automount scrub
  • Finally, restart your computer.
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If you’re having some problem browsing multiple websites on the Firefox browser on your Windows 10 computer, then this post might be of help. One of the most common problems you could encounter in Firefox is mostly related to HTTPS and one of them is the MOZILLA PKIX ERROR MITM DETECTED or ERROR SELF SIGNED CERT or SEC ERROR UNKNOWN ISSUER error which means that Firefox was unable to trust certificates issued on secured websites. If you encounter the MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_MITM_DETECTED error in Firefox, this indicates that something in your network or system is interrupting your connection and injecting certificates and when that happens, Firefox won’t trust it. In such cases, one of the culprits is malware. Malware will try to replace a legitimate certificate with its certificate. Another cause is security software where it keeps a tab on a secure connection and creates a false positive, for instance:
“In Microsoft Windows accounts protected by Family Safety settings, secure connections on popular websites like Google, Facebook and YouTube might be intercepted and their certificates replaced by a certificate issued by Microsoft in order to filter and record search activity.”
And if you are connected to a corporate network, there might be a monitoring/filtering product that could be replacing certificates. Moreover, there are also users who reported getting this issue when they use the Nightly version of Firefox. And if that’s the case, you have to try accessing secure websites using only the stable build especially when it comes to payments. However, if you are not doing that, then here are some options you need to check out.

Option 1 – Try turning off HTTPS Scanning on your security and antivirus programs

Each security-based software has a security option that allows you to turn off the HTTPS scanning functionality. They may be available under different names such as HTTPS Scanning, Scan SSL, Show safe result, Do not scan encrypted connections, etc. Find what is applicable for your security or antivirus software and then try turning it off temporarily and see if it helps in fixing the MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_MITM_DETECTED error in Firefox.

Option 2 – Try to disable security.enterprise_roots.enabled

The next thing you can do if the first option didn’t work is to disable security.enterprise_roots.enabled which is an HTTPS certificate check on Firefox. Note that this is not recommended but you have to at least try in order to fix the error.
  • Open Firefox and then type “about: config” in the Firefox address bar and hit Enter.
  • After that, if an info message appears, confirm it.
  • Next, search for the security.enterprise_roots.enabled preference and once you found it, double click on it.
  • Then change its value to true and restart the Firefox browser once. This will import all the custom certificates from the other security software into Firefox. As a result, it will make sure to mark those sources as trusted and you won’t get the MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_MITM_DETECTED error.
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Communication with service process failed
The Intel Driver and Support Assistant automatically identifies, finds, and installs drivers in a computer and is pre-installed in newer Intel-supported systems. If you are using one of those newer Intel supported systems but encountered an error that says, “Communication with service process failed, Tray cannot start” when you launch a program, read on as this post will guide you in fixing this problem. This kind of issue in Intel supported system could be due to some third party application that’s meant to update drivers could be interfering. It is also possible that the Intel Driver and Support Assistant application is corrupted. Whatever the cause may be, here are some suggestions you have to check out to resolve the problem.

Option 1 – Try to uninstall all the third party driver update applications

One of the reasons why some users install third-party driver update software is that it is kind of tiresome to update each one of the drivers manually. However, as tiresome as it might be, it is still better than using a third-party driver update application as these kinds of applications could mess up the drivers, and the Intel Driver and Support Assistant is still much better. To fix the error, you have to uninstall the previously installed third-party driver update application on your computer.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box
  • Then type “appwiz.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to open the Programs and Features in Control Panel.
  • From there, look for the third-party driver update application you are using, select it and then click on Uninstall to remove it.
  • After that, restart your computer and try to install the latest version of the program again. It should work now. If not, proceed to the next available option below.

Option 2 – Try to disable the DSATray in Startup

Another thing about the “Communication with service process failed, Tray cannot start” error is that it keeps on popping up each time you boot your computer. And so to resolve this bug, you can just disable the DSATray from Startup. How? Refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Ctrl + Alt + Del to pull up the Security options window.
  • From there, select the option to open the Task Manager.
  • Once you’re in the Task Manager, go to the Startup tab and look for “DSATray” and right-click on it and then select the Disable option.
  • Now restart your computer and you should be good to go.

Option 3 – Try to reinstall the Intel Driver and Support Assistant

If the Intel Driver and Support Assistant is corrupted, you need to uninstall it from your computer. All you have to do is go to Programs and Features like what you did in the first option to uninstall the program. Once you’ve uninstalled it, download the newer or latest version of the Intel Driver and Support Assistant from the official site of Intel and then install it.
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Enable Windows Sandbox on Windows
One of the most common ways cybercriminals use to inject suspicious code into devices is by tricking users into installing a malicious program on a targeted device. Oblivious users are vulnerable to such tricks, which is why Microsoft has been working hard in the background to address this issue. Recently, Microsoft announced the availability of a sandboxed version of Windows 10 that runs inside Windows 10 in order to isolate suspected software to run inside it and protect the system from potential threats. This Windows Sandbox feature is a new feature that keeps your computer secure. It is a virtual disposable environment that you can enable. So if suspect any software of being malicious, you can run this software in an environment and ensure that it won’t interfere with any normal processes and would not jeopardize files on your computer. To simply put it, “Windows Sandbox is a new lightweight desktop environment tailored for safely running applications in isolation”. So if the Sandbox is closed, all the residual files, software, and other data are deleted permanently. To enable Windows Sandbox, refer to the instructions provided below. Step 1: You have to make sure that you are running either Windows 10 Enterprise Editions or Windows 10 Pro and that your computer is running build 18305 or newer. Step 2: After that, you have to enable Virtualization to let another instance of Windows 10 running in Sandbox mode. Step 3: Next, search for Windows Features on and off in the search box and then select the appropriate entry. Step 4: From the list, go to the mini window and check the Windows Sandbox and then click on OK. Step 5: Afterwards, in the Cortana Search box, search for “Windows Sandbox” and select the related entry to run it in an elevated window. Step 6: Then from your main computer (host), copy the executable file and paste it inside the Windows Sandbox environment. Step 7: Now run the executable file in the Sandbox environment and use it as you normally do. Step 8: Once you’re done, close the Windows Sandbox application and as mentioned, every data regarding the executable file and the temporary environment will be deleted. Step 9: And for the sake of safety, ensure that there are no modifications made to the host because of the executions in the Sandbox environment. You have the option to contact Microsoft for feedback related to Windows Sandbox. You can use the traditional Feedback Hub if you have any suggestions or any issues. Just fill in the appropriate details and select Windows Sandbox for the feature category under the Security and Privacy section. And if you have any issues related to the execution of and within Windows Sandbox, simply choose “Recreate my problem” then select Start capture to reproduce the issue, and once you’re done, select Stop capture.
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Mac advantages over Windows PC
apple iMac

Mac OS

A solid reason to switch to Mac from Windows PC is Mac OS. Based on Linux, offers more stability and better security than Windows but you will not be able to find a vast array of applications on it.

Even when Mac OS X (the first big one) was first introduced, it looked and felt like ages beyond Windows (Microsoft just recently made a slick and modern design with Windows 11). Under the hood, it turned out that the operating system itself is stable and incredibly fast & responsive. If you value stability and easiness of use, Mac OS is the Operating system for you.

Apple ecosystem

This one is easy, if you are already invested in apple devices like iPhone and iPad, having an apple computer is one step forward into the apple ecosystem and one more step into easy sharing of documents and data between devices.

Calendars, emails, photos, videos, documents, and many more can easily be shared and synched between devices with a single apple ID making workflows much easier than on other operating systems.


Developers all around the world say that developing on Mac is much better and smoother than on PC, this has probably to do something with OS being based on Linux but whatever the case is, it is much smoother and it just feels better. Apple laptops are often the go-to choice of developers for a reason.

Also if you are in the development business for applications and services aimed at iPhone or iPod then there is no really another way than to be into the apple ecosystem and own apple hardware.

Professional software

A lot of professional-grade software exists for both the Windows platform and Mac OS but there is some software that exists exclusively for Apple hardware like Final Cut Pro or Logic Pro. Both applications are used by professionals and are industry-standard software.

Logic pro is used by industrial audio specialists all around the world and is used in professional studios. Final Cut Pro is also used worldwide by video editors and if you are specializing in any of these two fields Mac seems like a very reasonable platform since the software can not be found on Windows. These two are examples, there are other similar applications that are only available on Mac OS


Apple hardware is made of high-quality materials and components and it is proven over time that it lasts longer than usual. There are iPhones out there that have 13 years and they are still working, G3 and G4 Macs that are still functional.

When buying Apple products they will outlive other ones if treated properly so in the end you could be saving money by purchasing them.

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How To Easily Fix Unresponsive Script
This Unresponsive Script problem information is most frequent on Firefox, which is among the top browsers worldwide. Firefox might show you these errors with the information, "Warning: Unresponsive Script". It is going to subsequently inform you that software to the web page you're trying to open is unresponsive, or has quit reacting. This means that the script has ceased functioning and may freeze or hang Firefox if not immediately resolved. You can easily solve this problem.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Before you can fix this error, you need to understand its primary cause. The biggest risk is that if left unchecked, Unresponsive Scripts will hang your browser and to an extension of your computer thus limiting your productivity. You may have to uninstall and re-install Firefox if the problem persists. Listed here are several of the very most typical reasons for unresponsive script:
  • Programming Errors
  • Interference by other Softwares
  • Using an older outdated version of the program.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Most times, you have to do very little to fix this problem. Furthermore, a lot of the remedies supplied here do not require the assistance of a qualified professional technician. You can easily perform them and completely solve the error.
  • If you wish to stop the error, keep your browser and add-ons up to date.

It's easy to update your browser and any add-ons therein. In most cases it's free. By upgrading your browser and add-ons frequently, you are effectively eliminating the risk of Unresponsive Script occurring and interfering with your work.
  • unresponsive script in firefox warning dialogCheck for a poorly functioning background process

The sorts of background procedures that might result in the Unresponsive Software error include Javascript code, media plugin, and browser extension. You can stop the script from running while using Firefox thus eliminating the Unresponsive script error. Shutting the dialog box is just another easy way of eliminating the unresponsive script error information. Firefox offers you two choices in case of this malfunction. Either "Continue" or "Stop Script". Whatever alternative you pick, you can be certain the dialog box shuts, thus allowing you to continue browsing. firefox home screenThe final solution. Contact Firefox about these errors on your browser. Oftentimes, these errors occur when you attempt to visit particular websites. Mark the offending websites' URLs and include them in your communications with Firefox. Sometimes you can also contact the website owner yourself and request them to check their website's code. Following are additional measures you can take to resolve the Unresponsive Script error.
  • Waiting longer for the error to resolve itself automatically
  • Blocking the offending script
  • Yanking the guilty add-ons
  • Disabling the hardware acceleration tool.
With one of these few steps, you won't have to worry about the Unresponsive Script error, can continue enjoying your browsing activities on Firefox.
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How to Fix Error Code 0x80072EE2 in Windows 10

Error Code 0x80072EE2 – What is it?

Windows 10 error code 0x80072EE2 usually occurs as a result of a disruption during the upgrade process when users attempt to upgrade their operating system using Windows Update. The disruption may be caused by a loss of Internet connection. Error code 0x80072EE2 may also occur due to problems related to one’s firewall. Common symptoms of this error code include the following:

  • Upgrade process fails to complete
  • A message box pops up highlighting the presence of error code 0x80072EE2


Restoro box imageError Causes

Upgrade error codes like error code 0x80072EE2 usually occur when disruptions or problems related to system files, or third-party apps prevent Windows Update from completing an upgrade. In the case of error code 0x80072EE2, the most likely cause is a bad Internet connection.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Windows 10 error codes are numerous and so are the solutions to fixing these problems. In most cases, Windows users have access to several manual repair solutions depending on the error code present on their device. These manual repair methods are usually easy to implement, with the exception of a few solutions that require technical knowledge and skills. In such cases, you may need to consider using an effective automated tool or you may contact a Windows repair technician to assist you.

In terms of error code 0x80072EE2, however, no technical skills are required. Manual repair solutions for this error code involve checking and troubleshoot network problems if your connection was disrupted. Also, you may need to check your firewall settings and disable it temporarily to verify whether or not your firewall is preventing you from accessing the upgrade. Further details are provided below.

Method One: Verify Internet Connection

If for whatever reason you lost Internet connection while attempting to upgrade your operating system via Windows Update, your upgrade will time out and error code 0x80072EE2 in Windows 10 may occur. For this reason, it is important for you to check your connection once you notice the presence of error code 0x80072EE2 on your device.

There are many ways you can verify your Internet connection but one of the simplest ways is to first open your preferred Internet browser and type the web address of a site you normally visit. Once you are able to access the website, you will know for sure that your connection is not an issue. Simply restart your PC and reattempt the upgrade.

If you are unable to complete the upgrade process, however, this simply means that there is another issue causing error code 0x80072EE2 to occur. Proceed to the next manual repair method. This method may also apply if you were unable to connect to the Internet.

Method Two: Troubleshoot Network Problems

Though you may be able to access a website or open your Internet browser, there may be other issues affecting your network that are causing the error code to occur. To verify for certain whether or not the issue causing error code 0x80072EE2 in Windows 10 is related to your network, troubleshoot your network using the Network Troubleshooter tool found on your PC.

  • Step one: Type Network Troubleshooter in the search box near the Start button
  • Step two: Select Identify and repair network problems
  • Step three: Wait until the troubleshooter has verified and fixed problems related to the network
  • Step four: Restart PC

Once the issue has been resolved, it is time to verify if the error code is fixed. Open Windows Update then select the option which enables you to access the latest upgrades to your machine. Wait to see if the error code reoccurs or if you can now access the upgrade to your operating system. If the error code reoccurs, move to the next manual repair method.

Method Three: Disable Firewall Settings

Another issue that may be causing an error code to occur is your firewall. To verify if your firewall is preventing you from accessing the upgrade, disable your firewall. If you are using third-party security software, simply open the security app and check its firewall settings. Select disable or turn off the firewall.

Restart your computer, then open Windows Update to reattempt to upgrade your device. If this proves successful, you will be able to access the upgrade. Error code 0x80072EE2 in Windows 10 will no longer be present.

Method Four: Download an Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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