
Repairing a corrupt Group Policy in Windows

If you recently made some changes in your Windows 10 computer using the Group Policy Editor but they were not reflected and you got errors instead, it could be that your Windows computer wasn’t able to read the Group Policy file (registry.pol). To resolve this kind of issue, you have to repair the potentially corrupted Group Policy using the options given in this post.

.As you know, Group Policy is a feature in the Microsoft Windows Active Directory which allows an admin to make changes in the features on Windows PCs that are on the network. So if the modifications you just made weren’t successfully applied, then there could be something wrong with the registry.pol file on the client or it could also be that the Group Policy folder is missing.

To fix this issue in the Group Policy, you need to refer to the given suggestions below and make sure that you have admin privileges as you execute them.

Option 1 – Try to delete or recreate the missing registry.pol file

The entire settings of the Group Policy are stored in the registry.pol file so if it went missing, all the changes you make will not be reflected. The good thing is that you can recreate it but if the file exists and is corrupted, you need to delete it first before you recreate it.

  • First, go to the C:/Windows/System32/GroupPolicy/Machine location.
  • And from there, check if the registry.pol file exists or not. If it’s there, just delete it permanently by tapping the Shift + Delete keys.
  • Now it’s time to recreate the file. Just open Windows PowerShell with admin privileges by tapping Win + X + A keys.
  • After opening PowerShell, type this command: gpupdate /force
  • The command you entered will recreate the registry.pol file and will refresh the Group Policy. Restart your computer.

Option 2 – Try recreating the secedit.sdb file

The security settings of Group Policy are stored in the secedit.sdb file so if you made some changes to security and they weren’t reflected, you can try to delete and recreate the secedit.sdb file instead of deleting the Group Policy file. All you have to do is navigate to the C:/WINDOWS/security/Database folder and look for the secedit.sdb file and rename it or move it to another folder. After that, restart your computer. Once your computer has restarted, the secedit.sdb file will be created again.

Option 3 – Try to reset the Group Policy to default

You can also try to reset the Group Policy back to its default state. There are several ways you can do that. You can either use the gpupdate or the secedit command in the Windows PowerShell to do that. Resetting the Group Policy will resolve any issues that could be caused by its current settings.

Option 4 – Try to perform System Restore

System Restore can also help resolve the Group Policy issue. It could be that prior to the issue, you’ve made some changes in the system that might have affected the Group Policy. To undo these changes, perform System Restore.

  • First, tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • After that, type in “sysdm.cpl” in the field and tap Enter.
  • Next, go to the System Protection tab then click the System Restore button. This will open a new window where you have to select your preferred System Restore point.
  • After that, follow the on-screen instructions to finish the process and then restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 5 – Use the DISM tool

You can also try running the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management or DISM tool. This tool will repair the Windows System Image as well as the Windows Component Store in your Windows 10 computer. So if there are any missing or corrupted folders and files, the DISM tool can restore and repair them. As a result, any system consistencies and corruptions will be fixed. To run this tool, follow these steps:

  • Tap the Win + X keys and click on the “Command Prompt (Admin)” option.
  • After that, input each one of the commands listed below sequentially to execute them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • Once you’ve executed the commands given above, restart your computer.

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How to fix windows 10 error code 0x80073712
Windows 10 has displayed one of the most efficient and user-friendly interfaces. However there have been many issues on the backend of this commonly praised operating system: For example, Windows Update is still a wonky and error-laded system application. One example of this error is Windows Update Error 0x80073712 which stands in the way of users just wanting to keep their PCs updated hassle-free. The error code 0x80073712 signifies that a file needed by Windows Update to function is either damaged, missing, or corrupted. However, this does not mean that your Windows version will forever stay as-is with no mode to update it. Windows Update Error 0x80073712 is perfectly fixable with the set of provided steps below and some of Windows’ built-in troubleshooting steps:

Solution 1: Open Windows Update Troubleshooter

  1. Open the Windows Update Troubleshooter by pressing the Windows and S keys simultaneously.
  2. Enter the word “Troubleshoot” in the search box and select the Troubleshoot result
  3. On the new window, select “Windows Update” to troubleshoot.
  4. Run the troubleshooter, then open Windows Update and try to install the update again.

Solution 2: Run the DISM tool

  1. Open the command prompt by pressing Windows and S keys simultaneously
  2. Enter “cmd” in the search box. Right Click command prompt among the results and select “Run as administrator”
  3. In the Command Prompt window type the following and press the Enter key after every command
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  1. To close the Administrator: Command prompt window, type Exit, and then press Enter.
  2. Run Windows Update again.

Solution 3: Rename the Software Distribution folder

  1. Open the command prompt as previously mentioned
  2. Input the following command pressing Enter after every line net stop wuauserv net stop cryptSvc net stop bits net stop msiserver rename c:/windows/SoftwareDistribution/softwaredistribution.old net start wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver exit
  3. Restart the PC and run the updater if it works again.

Solution 4: Restart Windows Update Services

  1. Press the Windows logo key and R together to open Run -> Input services.msc -> and press Enter
  2. Search for the Windows Update service -> Check its status
  3. If it is not indicated, right-click on the service and select Start to force start your Windows Update
  4. If you see an error, locate the Startup Type option and set it to Automatic
  5. Now you should reboot your computer and see if your Windows Update is OK

Solution 5: Fix Registry Issues

If after all the aforementioned solutions, you still experience problems with Windows Update, the problem may lie in the registry that is either damaged or corrupted. You may choose to do manual editing of your Windows registry by opening your Windows registry editor. But doing so is risky as one wrong letter may do incalculable damage to your system. To do so safely for more inexperienced users we recommend using a third-party registry cleaner/tools, many of which can be found online.
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5 ways to open task manager in Windows 11
Something we are used to doing in a certain way inside Windows 10 is slightly changed in Windows 11. One of those things is how you open task manager, well kind of. task managerOption to right-click on the taskbar and launch task manager is gone but do not worry there are other same and simple ways you can launch it.
  1. Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC or CTRL + ALT + DEL
  2. Right-click on the START button
  3. Type task manager in start search on top in the start menu
  4. Type taskmgr in command prompt
  5. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open run dialog and type in taskmgr
And that’s it, now depending on your situation, you might use different methods to evoke task manager.
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Choose what application will load on startup
Hello everyone and welcome to another great tutorial from errortools.com I hope everyone is feeling great and that you are prepared to boost the performance of your computer. This time we will speed up Windows startup time and overall performance by eliminating startup programs that we don't need and do not use. Microsoft itself and some application developers tend to have some applications or some services always active and set to be loaded on Windows startup. If you want to change which of these applications are starting up with your Windows and change them, follow this easy guide and you will be speeding up your Windows in no time. First thing is to open a task manager, fastest and most direct way of doing this is with a keyboard combination of CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keyboard with ctrl shift and esc markedWhen Task Manager opens, click on the startup tab on top. task manager startup tabOnce you click on startup you will get a list of applications that are set to be started when Windows is booted. startup applicationsYou can now click on the application and then click on disable on the bottom button, the application status will update in task manager to disabled and it will not be booted anymore when Windows starts. In this same manner, you can enable back some applications if you changed your mind about them. Please note that some applications are using some services and must have them running or they will not work properly. The best practice is to disable applications you are positive you will not use or use rarely so you do not want them to slow down Windows.
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A command is not recognized Error in Windows
A command is not recognized Error, what it is? If you are constantly using programs like CMD or DISM directly from the Run prompt, you might have wondered how they launched instantly and how is it that the Windows operating system is able to find them right away. For instance, when you create a shortcut of a program, the shortcut knows where exactly the program is located and launches it quickly. The Windows operating system keeps a list of paths where the most common system programs are located so when you use the Run prompt, it opens easily. The list kept by Windows is called the Windows Environment Variables. If something goes wrong with this list, the programs won’t work. So in this guide, you will be guided on how you can troubleshoot the problem where any command you use is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. Before you start troubleshooting the problem, you need to make sure that the program you are trying to run really exists. In fact, this can also happen to the Run program which is pulled up using the Win + R shortcut. To check, go to C:\Windows\System32 and there, check if the program exists or not or you can also try searching for the EXE in the System 32 folder. After making sure that the program exists, refer to the instructions given below.

Modify the Windows Environment Variables:

  • Step 1: Tap the Win + X keys and then select System. After that, it will open the section where you can see all the properties on your computer.
  • Step 2: Next, select the Advanced system setting located on the left pane and click on the Environment Variables.
  • Step 3: After that, locate Path under the System Variables and select EDIT.
  • Step 4: Before you edit, you need to copy the entire string and paste it into the Notepad app so that in case something went wrong, you can paste it back.
  • Step 5: Next, look for the directory path, “C:\Windows\System32”. If you can’t find it, try adding a semi-colon at the end.
  • Step 6: Afterwards, click OK to save the changes made and then exit.
  • Step 7: Now restart your computer as all the paths are picked up when your computer restarts.
Note: Now all you have to do is to try executing the programs once again – the ones where you got the error, “ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file” every time you open them and then see if you can now open these programs or not.
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Making your own Minecraft server in Windows
Minecraft has taken the world like a storm and if you tried it, you could tell why, procedurally created worlds, various modifications available and fun gameplay are just some of the things this game offers and it is non wonder why kids and adults are enjoying it. Minecraft is even more fun when you play with your friends on dedicated servers, where you all can adventure and build together. Sadly as everything costs, so does the Minecraft servers as well. Lucky you can create your own Minecraft server on your computer so your friends can join and play with you free of charge with just a little time you need to spend reading this guide and building one for yourselves. Without further delay let's dive right into it.

1. Install the most recent Java version

In order to run your personal server, you will need to own and have Minecraft: JAVA edition, not Windows 10 one. If you have this version of the game and it is already running it means that you already have JAVA as well but we will need to check to see if it is the latest version of JAVA, to check this do the following:
  • Press Windows and type in configure java followed by ENTER
  • Under the update tab, click on the update now button
  • If you have the latest version you are all good, if not follow the onscreen instruction on how to update it.
If by any chance you do not have JAVA installed you can get it here.

2. Prepare a dedicated location for your Minecraft server files

You can use any folder you like for your Minecraft server folder but it is highly recommended to create a new folder whose sole purpose will be to hold and run Minecraft server files. this will be very beneficial in the future when server files need to be updated or configured. Having things in one isolated space is always a good idea and keeping things organized is also a good idea.

3. Download, install and start the Minecraft: Java Edition server file

It is now time to download server files, you can get them here. Download the server.jar file and place it inside your server folder. Once everything is downloaded and prepared do the following:
  • Run the server.jar file, the first time it runs, the file will create some configuration files.
  • After additional files appear, there should be a text document called eula.txt. Open it with a text editor then change eula=false to eula=true.

4. Enable port forwarding on your router

This sep is required if you want to have people to play with you that are outside your router network, for example, if you want them to connect to your server from their home. If you do not wish to do this and want only people on your serves from your router network you can skip this step. Unfortunately, to enable port forwarding, you’ll need to make your computer on your local network to be accessible by other computers over the internet via a router. This will effectively make your port to be an open portThis can make your system vulnerable to malicious attacks. Once you’ve enabled it, set the default server port to 25565. You’ll need the Server IP address, which you can get by opening Command Prompt or PowerShell and run ipconfig. Your IP address is usually listed as IPv4 or IPv6 Address.

5. Run the Minecraft server

Simply double-click the server.jar file to run the server. If you want to have more control over it, use the command line.
  • Navigate to your Minecraft server directory using file explorer.
  • We will be using PowerShell instead of Command Prompt to enter commands. Hit Shift + Right-click on the directory window and select “Open PowerShell window here.
  • Once you are in the right directory, write the following command:
java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar {server file name} nogui
  1. Replace the {server file name} with the full name of .jar file. The command above will make the server run with no Graphical User Interface (GUI) and use 1024MB of allocated RAM space.
  2. If you want to enable the GUI, remove the nogui command. Additionally, you can edit the memory allocation for the server by changing the Xms and Xmx value.
  3. After the server is up, invite your friends to play by sharing your local or public IP address, depending on whether you are using a local or public network. For a local network, you can give the IPv4 or IPv6 Address earlier. For public networks, go to Google and type “what is my ip” to get the address.
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What to do if you cannot switch between Programs on Taskbar in Windows 10
It is common to run multiple programs and applications at the same time and it’s important to be able to switch between them using their Taskbar icons or using the usual Alt + Tab shortcut. However, there are times when you might suddenly find that neither of the aforementioned methods worked and you will no longer be able to switch between programs in the Windows Taskbar. To fix this issue, refer to the options given in this post. For instance, when you have multiple instances of Microsoft Edge running and every time you press the Alt + Tab combo nothing happens so you are left with no choice but to minimize everything and then hover your mouse on the icon and switch between the instances of Edge. You will also notice that the right-click on the taskbar won’t respond back and will only keep on showing the loading circle icon. Here are a few tips you can follow to fix the issue with the Windows 10 Taskbar.

Option 1 – Try to restart the Windows Explorer

This is one of the basic things you can try as restarting Windows Explorer helps in refreshing the user interface and makes most of the things work in relation to the user interface.
  • To get started, tap the Alt + Ctrl + Del keys to pull up the Windows Task Manager.
  • After opening Task Manager, look for “explorer.exe” under the list of programs.
  • Once you find the explorer.exe, right-click on it and click Restart.

Option 2 – Try changing the Foreground Lock Time

Aside from restarting Windows Explorer, you could also try changing the Foreground Lock Time to fix the issue with the Taskbar.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type in regedit in the field and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, go to this registry key – HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop
  • Next, change the ForegroundLockTimeout value from200000 to 0. After that, it will make sure that no other application will take away the focus from your current program or application. It could be that some other application has taken away the focus and even when you try to actually switch, the focus gets back to the old one. Anyhow, since you already changed the value of ForegroundLockTimeout, it will ensure that the focus is not switched.
Note: If you are running some Full-Screen applications there are some devices especially the gaming ones, disable the Windows key to make sure that you won’t be able to switch. If this is the case, you need to make some modifications to the Full-Screen games.
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How to Fix Run Time Error 429

Runtime Error 429 - What is it?

Error 429 is a type of runtime error. It sometimes occurs when you use the new operator or the CreateObject function in Microsoft Visual Basics to create an instance of a Microsoft Office application. The error code is displayed on your computer screen in the following format:

Runtime Error ‘429’: Active X component Can’t Create Object


Restoro box imageError Causes

The runtime error code 429 is triggered for several reasons. These include:
  • Mistake in the application
  • Incorrect system configuration
  • Missing ActiveX components in the application
  • Damaged Active X and class application components
  • DLL required by the application is damaged
  • Active X object was not registered properly
  • Corrupted applications
  • Corrupted Windows registry
  • Class ID issues
The runtime error code 429 not only causes you inconvenience as it hampers your ability to access programs but delays in repairing this error code can lead to serious PC damages such as system freezes, crashes, and failures.

Further Information and Manual Repair

To resolve the runtime error 429 on your PC, try the following recommended solutions:

1. Re-register the Application Causing the Error

Identify the Office application causing the error and re-register it. For instance, if Office Excel is the prime cause of the error message pop up, simply re-register it. Click on the start menu and then run. Then type this in “: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/Excel.exe /regserver” and press OK. This will hopefully resolve the issue.

2. Go to The Microsoft Windows Script Update Page and Download Microsoft Updated Installation File

This will also assist you in repairing runtime error 429. Simply follow the installation wizard and update your MS Office Applications. The corrupted files and missing components in them would be easily corrected by the update file. However, if this doesn’t work, then this means that the cause is more crucial than you think. It is either related to damaged Active X objects or a corrupted Windows registry.

3. Repair the Active X objects and the Registry

To repair both the registry and the Active X objects in one go, it is advisable to download Restoro. This is an advanced, next-generation, highly and multi-functional PC repair tool. It is deployed with powerful and numerous utilities like a registry cleaner, Active X and class scanner, privacy error detector, and system stability module. The registry cleaner embedded in this repair tool enables you to wipe out obsolete, unnecessary, malicious, and invalid files and registry entries saved in the registry. It frees up your disk space, repairs damaged DLL files and the registry thus resolving the runtime error 429 on your system. The Active X object and Class feature identifies and scans Active X issues on your PC and resolves them right away. Besides this, with this error tool, you can also scan for viruses and also improve your PC performance.

Why Total System Care?

Total System Care is a one-stop solution to resolve all kinds of PC-related issues including the runtime error 429. To run it on your system, you don’t have to be a computer programmer. It is very easy to operate. It has easy navigation and a user-friendly interface. There is nothing complex about it. It is safe and efficient. It resolves all PC issues in a few seconds. You can run it in the background while performing other tasks on your system. Furthermore, it is compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Total System Care and resolve the Runtime Error 429 on your system today.
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Razer new table concept looks futuristic
The new razer modular table looks like something that came out from Star Trek. Project Sophia is a desk but, it is a special kind of desk. It comes with modules that attach themselves underneath the table itself for customization purposes so each user can somewhat create a layout on the table itself as he or she desires. The table itself comes packed with intel CPU and Nvidia GPU but it is said that this component and PC parts will overall be easily upgraded to different ones as users desires. razer sophiaThe table itself looks very basic and it comes with a very large OLED screen between two different sizes depending on your table choice. You can choose between 65” or 77” screen sizes and OLED is mounted on the table itself so you cannot move it or adjust the angle of it that I somewhat find annoying but that comes from th4e fact I am used to adjusting my screens, but for this large screen maybe you do not need to adjust its rotation in order to get best viewing angle. Modules themselves will offer some on-the-fly information and quick settings for the PC itself while being modular in a sense they could be mounted in different positions on the table itself providing some customization and order to suit users needs. Modules, for now, are: THX Spatial Surround Sound Controls, system monitoring, programmable hotkey module, Thunderbolt™ Powered eGPU, RAID Controller, Network Performance Module, 15W Wireless Charger, Thunderbolt™ 4 Hub, Media Controls. Of course table, itself will have Razer chroma RGB on its surface and Razer says it will have a total of 13 different modules available on launch for a true level of personalization.


Is this Razer table something that you really need or just another expensive toy? Personally, I would not mind this table at all but I would choose modules for work, not gaming. Having some things like media controls or RAID controllers all the time at your fingertips is a great time saver and productivity asset. Razer also advertises some modules and setup already for streamers, creators, or team members and has some according modules like touch screen digitizer with stylus and similar.
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Windows 10 Power Toys detailed guide
Hello and welcome everyone, today we will be talking about power toys, a great, completely free, open-source, Microsoft-supported Windows project which aims to provide Windows itself with powerful features not found natively in it. We will explore power toys completely here and explain each module and its features. The first thing is of course to download power toys themselves. You can find them here. After you download them, double click on the downloaded file and install. Start power toys, you will find them at the bottom of the taskbar, note that power toys need to be active in order to use their features. power toysWhen opened you will be greeted with general settings window. These are settings for power toys themselves, Here you can check for updates, change the looks of power toys, run it on system startup and run them as administrator. Set them up so they best suit your needs.

Color Picker

Moving down next tab we have is Color picker. power toys colorpicker hex editorThe color picker will let you as the name suggests pick colors, it will sample colors from running applications and windows, snap their values, and place them in the clipboard. A useful application if you are working as a graphic designer, want to create some cool word document, or just want to compare the difference between colors. After the Color Picker is activated, hover your mouse cursor over the color you would like to copy and left-click the mouse button to select a color. If you want to see the area around your cursor in more detail, scroll up to zoom in. The copied color will be stored in your clipboard in the format that is configured in the settings (HEX by default). The editor lets you see the history of picked colors (up to 20) and copy their representation in any predefined string format. You can configure what color formats are visible in the editor, along with the order that they appear. This configuration can be found in PowerToys settings. The editor also allows you to fine-tune any picked color or get a new similar color. Editor previews different shades of currently selected color - 2 lighter and 2 darker ones. Clicking on any of those alternative color shades will add the selection to the history of picked colors (appears on the top of the colors history list). Color in the middle represents your currently selected color from the history of the colors. By clicking on it, the fine-tuning configuration control will appear, which will let you change the HUE or RGB values of the current color. Pressing OK will add newly configured color into the history of the colors.

Fancy Zones

Moving down, we have fancy zones. power toys fancy zonesFancyZones is a window manager utility for arranging and snapping windows into efficient layouts to improve the speed of your workflow and restore layouts quickly. FancyZones allows the user to define a set of window locations for a desktop that are drag targets for windows. When the user drags a window into a zone, the window is resized and repositioned to fill that zone. When first launched, the zones editor presents a list of layouts that can be adjusted by how many windows are on the monitor. Choosing a layout shows a preview of that layout on the monitor. The selected layout is applied automatically.

File Explorer

Next, File Explorer. power toys settings file explorerOnly 3 options here but maybe some are important to you. This extension lets you enable SVG file preview in File Explorer, enable Markdown preview, and enable SVG thumbnails. Turn on each one you might need.

Image Resize

Next down the line, we have Image resize. power toys image resizeImage Resizer is a Windows shell extension for bulk image-resizing. After installing PowerToys, right-click on one or more selected image files in File Explorer, and then select Resize pictures from the menu. You can specify your own sizes if you want, you can resize when dragging files, you can overwrite files or make new copies of new sizes, and many more options. A very useful tool I am sure plenty of users can use since this eliminates the need for pictures or any other image application for common resizing tasks.

Keyboard Manager

The keyboard manager is the next tab in power toys. power toys keyboard shortcutsThe PowerToys Keyboard Manager enables you to redefine keys on your keyboard. For example, you can exchange the letter A for the letter D on your keyboard. When you select the A key, a D will display. You can also exchange shortcut key combinations. For example, the shortcut key, Ctrl+C, will copy the text in Microsoft Word. With the PowerToys Keyboard Manager utility, you can exchange that shortcut for ⊞ Win+C). Now, ⊞ Win+C) will copy text. If you do not specify a targeted application in PowerToys Keyboard Manager, the shortcut exchange will be applied globally across Windows. PowerToys Keyboard Manager must be enabled (with PowerToys running in the background) for remapped keys and shortcuts to be applied. If PowerToys is not running, key remapping will no longer be applied.

Power Rename

Nex we have a very cool and powerful Power Rename power toys power renamePowerRename is a bulk renaming tool that enables you to:
  • Modify the file names of a large number of files (without renaming all of the files with the same name).
  • Perform a search and replace on a targeted section of file names.
  • Perform a regular expression rename on multiple files.
  • Check expected rename results in a preview window before finalizing a bulk rename.
  • Undo a rename operation after it is completed.

Run Utility

Power Toys Run utility follows next. power toys run warningPowerToys Run is a quick launcher for power users that contains some additional features without sacrificing performance. PowerToys Run features include:
  • Search for applications, folders, or files
  • Search for running processes (previously known as WindowWalker)
  • Clickable buttons with keyboard shortcuts (such as Open as the administrator or Open containing folder)
  • Invoke Shell Plugin using > (for example, > Shell:startup will open the Windows startup folder)
  • Do a simple calculation using the calculator

Shortcut Guide

Last but not least we have a Shortcut guide. power toys shortcut guide largeThis guide uses PowerToys to display common keyboard shortcuts that use the Windows ⊞ key. Windows key keyboard shortcuts can be used while the guide is being shown and the result of those shortcuts (active window moved, arrow shortcut behavior changes, etc) will be displayed in the guide. Releasing the Windows ⊞ key will make the overlay disappear. Tapping the Windows ⊞ key will display the Windows Start menu. Hey, you made it till the end, thank you for reading and I hope to see you soon.
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Cannot find the MS Software License Terms
Both the Windows 10 and Windows Server operating systems have a number of common system files that vary from the ones that support the installation, boot process, and other operations or tasks in the system. However, if any of these files get corrupted, it might cause some errors during the setup of the Windows 10 operating system. One of these errors is the “Windows cannot find the Microsoft Software License Terms” error.
“Windows cannot find the Microsoft Software License Terms. Make sure the installation sources are valid and restart the installation.”
The only option given when you encounter this error is to click on the OK button and nothing else and then the setup gets interrupted and won’t push through. To fix this error and proceed with the installation, you can try to get a new installation image or switch ports, or fix the CFG file. For more details, follow each one of the potential fixes provided below.

Option 1 – Try to get a new installation image

It is possible that there might be some issues with the installation image. It could be corrupted or was modified illegally. Or it could be that the bootable storage device created might have damaged sectors or installation. To resolve this problem, you need to download a fresh copy of the Windows 10 installation image using the Windows Media Creation tool or simply use the ISO image separately and then build a bootable USB.

Option 2 – Try to switch Ports

The error might be caused by the connection to the USB port. It could be that the port is unstable due to a number of factors that resulted in the interruption of the installation process. To fix this problem, you can try switching the USB port or if you are using an optical drive, you can get an external USB optical drive or connect it to another port internally and see if it fixes the problem.

Option 3 – Try to fix the CFG file

If none of the first two options worked, then you might want to fix the CFG file. This file is a configuration file format used for storing settings. All you have to do is download the CFG file. Once you’ve downloaded this file, copy this file to the root of your bootable drive and then check if it fixes the error. If not, then try to copy the same file inside the “/sources/” folder inside the root of the drive. This should fix the error.
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