You left your computer to go to the bathroom or to fetch something to eat, maybe you have to answer the phone or open door to a friend and after some time you get back to your computer see the black screen, you move the mouse and it starts to come from sleep slowly.
I am the kind of person who gets annoyed by this kind of behavior, I like my PC to be ON all time when I want it to be ON and my power plan on best performance so naturally, I have turned this sleep feature OFF. If you are interested to see how you to can turn off your screen sleeping follow this easy guide.
Please note that after each update Windows tend to reset these settings so you will sadly have to return to this after each major update.
Taking information from the internet or from other sources usually involves selecting the text, copying it into the clipboard, and then pasting it into your file. In today's modern applications pasting text will most of the time take its formating with it.
By formatting what I am talking about are parameters like font size, line breaks, hyperlinks, font styles, etc. and sometimes you do not want any of these in your file, you would like and prefer to have just plain text so you can format it as you wish.
In order to paste just plain text instead of using the CTRL + V keyboard shortcut, press CTRL + SHIFT + V instead. This shortcut will paste the only text into your file.
Leave it to Microsoft to make its shortcut not work in their application. In Microsoft Word, you can only use the standard CTRL + V shortcut, if you press CTRL + SHIFT + V nothing will happen. So in order to paste the only text into a word document, choose to paste special > text only
I have tried CTRL + SHIFT + V in various applications like photoshop, illustrator, InDesign, visual studio code, slack, discord, WordPress installations, etc and only one that has not worked for me was Word and office in general so you are safe to use this trick and have desired results.
“Windows Firewall and <Third party firewall name> Firewall are both turned off; tap or click to see available options”.This particular error could be caused by a lot of factors but when you manually check the firewall, you’ll find that there really is nothing wrong with both the Windows Firewall and the third party firewall. So if both the Windows Firewall and third-party firewalls like McAfee, Comodo, and many others are both turned off in Windows 10, then you need to do several things to resolve the problem – you need to check the supporting services that are required and uninstall and then reinstall the third party firewall on your computer. For more instructions, refer to the options provided below.
“Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support or package vendor.”