
New Snipping tool redesigned in Windows 11

Windows 11 Snipping toolThe latest update from Panos Panay on Twitter is including New and redesigned Snipping tool inside Windows 11. From the shared video, we can see that it includes modern Windows 11 UI redesign and it looks and feels like a part of Windows 11.

More things that can be seen from the shared video is that it looks like the new snipping tool is a merged version of the old with snip & sketch.

It is good to see that it is still possible to capture screen with easier way natively inside Windows 11 but some more functionality would be more welcome I guess.

Users were asking for added functions for a long time like adding simple text for example but from shared video, no new features were presented so for some users 3rd party solutions will still be the way to go.

The new and redesigned Snipping tool will roll out with the next update and we will see then about all new features inside it firsthand. Until then, take care.

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Windows Search not searching the entire PC
There are times when the Windows Search results do not include what you want to search. However, if you are trying to search for something that’s located on your desktop and Libraries, they would appear right away on the search results. Actually, the issue is not with the search but with the list of files and folders that Windows can index. If you encounter this issue, read on as this post will guide you on how to fix it. The Windows 10 operating system, ever since Windows v1903 was released, offers two kinds of searches – the classic and the enhanced search. You may have to add more folders to the classic search or use the enhanced mode to resolve the issue. In other words, to fix the problem with the Start Menu Search, you can try to enable the Enhanced Mode or add folders to the Class Search or remove the excluded folders, as well as run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter. For more information, refer to each one of the options provided below.

Option 1 – Try to enable the Enhanced Mode

To fix the problem, you have to enable the Enhanced Mode search and configure the folders you want to be indexed. How? Follow these steps:
  • First, you have to go to Settings > Search > Searching Windows.
  • Next, select the radio button for the Enhanced option.
  • After that, select the folders you want the Windows Indexer to exclude from the Enhanced Search mode.

Option 2 – Try to add folders to the Class Search

If you don’t want to enable the Enhanced search mode, then you might want to add folders that are important to you. All you have to do is configure the Search Indexing Options by following these steps:
  • Go to Settings > Search > Classic and from there, click on the “Customize search locations” option.
  • Next, click on Modify in the pop-up window that appears.
  • Then add drives and folders that are important to you. Once the indexing is completed, Windows will be able to find the file and display it in the search results.

Option 3 – Try removing the excluded folders

If you have already enabled the Enhanced mode but your files still don’t appear, then you might want to check out the excluded folder list.
  • The first thing you have to do is go to Search and from there, you will find a list of folders under the Excluded folder list.
  • Next, click on the excluded folder that you want to remove by clicking on the “Remove Excluded folders” button.
  • If you are using the Classic search, you have to check if the index has restrictions on the file type. You can find it in Advanced options > File Types.
Note: If you want to search in Documents, you could also enable the Index Properties and File Contents. This should resolve the problem.

Option 4 – Try to run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter

You might also want to run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter in Windows 10 as it checks whether the settings for the Windows Start Search are in place and automatically corrects any issues if the update or software installation has changed the settings. To run it just click on the Start button and select Settings > Updates and Security > Troubleshoot. From there, select the Search and Indexing Troubleshooter.
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4 Methods of Fixing Error Code 49

Error Code 49 – What is it?

Error Code 49 is a common device driver error that users encounter on any Windows 2000 and later operating system versions. The error occurs when the connected peripheral devices fail to function properly due to an overload of the system hive’s size. The error when prompted pops up on your screen with the following message:
"Windows cannot start new hardware devices because the system hive is too large (exceeds the Registry Size Limit). (Code 49)”
The error causes unattached devices to be displayed on the system hive list.


driverfix boxError Causes

Error Code 49 mainly results from problems in Windows registry system files; the system hive in the Windows registry exceeds its size limit. The system hive is part of the Windows registry and it is where files regarding devices are contained along with user preferences and applications. The devices will not work until the system hive size is brought back to normal levels.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are several ways you can use to fix your error code. Here are the following.

Method 1 – Uninstall unused devices

One of the best ways to address the error code is to uninstall the unused devices which are listed on your computer’s system hive. To do this:
  • Log in using an Administrator account
  • Click the Start button and then click ‘Run’
  • In the box, enter the command:
  • "set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1 cd%SystemRoot%System32 exit" and click enter
  • Open Device Manager, click ‘View’, and then choose ‘Show hidden devices’ to see unused devices.
  • When you can see the list, click on the device you want to uninstall by selecting the ‘Driver’ tab and then select ‘Uninstall’.
  • After uninstall is complete, restart your computer.

Method 2 – Use System Restore

If the error still persists, you can use system restore to eliminate the problem. Here is how you can do so:
  1. Log in using an Administrator account
  2. Click ‘Start’ button and select All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore
  3. Click ‘Restore my computer to an earlier time’ and click ‘Next’
  4. Select the last Windows restore point from the ‘On this list, click a restore point’ list, and click ‘Next’
  5. Click ‘Next’ on the confirmation window to proceed
  6. Restart your PC after restoration is complete
By restoring the system via a last saved system checkpoint, you can obtain undamaged Windows system files that can help avert the error code.

Method 3 – Manually uninstall and reinstall the device driver

If using system restore does not work in resolving the error code either, you may have to resort to manually uninstalling and then reinstalling the device driver causing the problem. This would be necessary since the remaining incomplete files due to a partial removal or installation of programs is what results in the error code. By uninstall and reinstalling the device driver program, it would lead to the completion of the files. You can do this by firstly logging in as Administrator and open Device Manager. Select the device that is causing the problem and double click it and make sure that the peripheral is connected properly to the PC. Upon opening, click on the ‘Driver’ tab and then select ‘Update Driver’. Make sure to refer to the system documentation that you received with your PC or computer to check for the motherboard details and driver specifics.

Method 4 – Use software to automatically download the driver

Manually uninstalling and reinstalling the driver will do the trick; however, it may be time-consuming, especially when you would have to resort to your hardware user manual. Therefore, using a program such as DriverFIX can save you a lot of time and frustration in having your device work properly on your computer. DriverFIX, with its user-friendly approach to help you fix your PC issues, comes with an integrated database that detects which drivers you need to reconfigure within just a few seconds and downloads it automatically. It further ensures that your drivers are installed in their entirety leaving no room for any incomplete files to remain that create Error Code 49. It also has the added advantage of being able to backup and restore your files should there be the slightest possibility of system file damage. DriverFIX is the answer to fixing your PC error codes accurately and quickly. Click here to download DriverFIX to fix Error Code 49 quickly and effectively!
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How to get rid of Chedot

Chedot is a Chromium-based Browser that replaces your default System Internet Browser. This browser offers users tools for downloading videos, faster browsing, and custom searches. From the publisher: A feature of our browser is a high speed on slow computers, high speed download on a poor internet, support resuming file download when connection is broken and the download in multiple threads, the ability to go on blocked websites and downloading videos from video sites.

While this may seem interesting and good at start, this browser has been marked as a Potentially Unwanted Program. It monitors user activity, collects web traffic data, and user information. While using Chedot you may see additional ads throughout your browsing sessions.

About Potentially Unwanted Applications

Exactly what is a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP)?

People have encountered it – you download a free software, you then discover some unwanted applications on your computer system or discover a strange toolbar has been included with your browser. You didn’t have them installed, so how did they appear? These unwanted applications, which are called Potentially Unwanted Programs, or PUP in short, usually tag along as a software bundle when downloading the application and could cause serious problems for computer users. PUP does not involve malware in the traditional sense. What normally makes a PUP different from malicious software is the fact that when you download one, you’re doing it with your consent – although in most cases unintentionally and reluctantly. But, there is no doubt that PUPs remain bad news for computer users as it can be incredibly damaging to the PC in many ways.

How do unwanted programs affect you?

Unwanted programs come in many forms. More commonly, they will be found in adware bundlers which are known to utilize aggressive and misleading advertising. The majority of bundlers install many adware applications from a number of vendors, each of which features its own EULA policy. Safebytes Anti-malware completely removes this threat and safeguards your PC against PUP or malware infection. PUPS also appear in the form of undesirable toolbars or internet browser plug-ins. Not just they needlessly use up space on your screen, toolbars can also manipulate search results, track your web browsing activities, decrease your internet browser’s performance, and slow down your web connection to a crawl. They could seem harmless but PUPs are generally spyware. They may include dialers, keyloggers, and also other software built inside them that could monitor you or send out your sensitive information to 3rd parties. Because of this unwanted program, your application may freeze, your security protections can get disabled that could leave your computer susceptible, your system could get ruined, and this list goes on and on.

Tips for preventing PUPs

• Study cautiously prior to agreeing to the license agreement as it could have a clause about PUPs. • Always opt for the custom if you are given an option between Recommended and Custom Installations – never click Next, Next, Next thoughtlessly. • Install an advert blocker/pop-up blocker; Deploy anti-malware products such as Safebytes Anti-malware. These software programs will establish a wall between the computer and online criminals. • Be alert when you download and install freeware, open-source software, or shareware. Avoid downloading and installing browser extensions and applications you are not knowledgeable about. • Always download software from reliable sources like official sites as opposed to untrustworthy sharing space. Avoid torrents and peer-to-peer clients.

What To Do If You Cannot Download Safebytes Anti-Malware?

All malware is bad, but certain types of malware do much more damage to your PC than others. Some malware sits in between your computer and the net connection and blocks some or all internet sites that you really want to check out. It will also block you from installing anything on your PC, especially anti-malware applications. So what to do when malicious software keeps you from downloading or installing Safebytes Anti-Malware? Although this type of issue will be tougher to get around, there are some actions you can take.

Install the antivirus in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, you can adjust Windows settings, un-install or install some software, and get rid of hard-to-delete viruses. In the event the virus is set to load immediately when PC starts, shifting into this mode may well prevent it from doing so. In order to get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press the F8 key while the PC is booting up or run MSConfig and look for the “Safe Boot” options under the “Boot” tab. Once you’re in Safe Mode, you can try to install your antivirus program without the hindrance of the virus. Now, you can run the anti-malware scan to eliminate computer viruses and malware without any hindrance from another malicious application.

Download the antivirus software using a different browser

Some viruses might target vulnerabilities of a specific browser that block the downloading process. If you suspect that your Internet Explorer happens to be hijacked by a virus or otherwise compromised by cybercriminals, the best approach is to switch over to an alternate web browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to download your chosen security software – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Make a bootable USB anti-virus drive

Here’s another solution which is creating a portable USB anti-virus software that can scan your system for malware without the need for installation. Follow these steps to run the anti-virus on the affected PC. 1) Download Safebytes Anti-Malware or Windows Defender Offline onto a clean computer. 2) Plug the USB drive into the uninfected PC. 3) Double-click on the downloaded file to open the installation wizard. 4) Choose the drive letter of the flash drive as the place when the wizard asks you exactly where you would like to install the anti-virus. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. 5) Now, transfer the pen drive to the infected PC. 6) Double-click the EXE file to run the Safebytes tool from the flash drive. 7) Press the “Scan Now” button to start the virus scan.

SafeBytes Anti-Malware - More Protection For You

These days, an anti-malware tool can protect the computer from different forms of online threats. But wait, how to choose the right one amongst various malware protection software that is available on the market? Perhaps you might be aware, there are lots of anti-malware companies and products for you to consider. Some of them are good, some are decent, while some will affect your computer themselves! You must be careful not to pick the wrong product, especially if you purchase premium software. When it comes to commercial anti-malware software options, many people opt for popular brands, like SafeBytes, and they are very happy with it. Safebytes is among the well-established computer solutions firms, which provide this all-inclusive anti-malware software. Using its cutting edge technology, this application can help you eradicate multiples types of malware which includes computer viruses, worms, PUPs, trojans, adware, ransomware and browser hijackers. SafeBytes has outstanding features when compared with various other anti-malware programs. Below are a few of the great ones: Real-time Protection: Malware programs aiming to enter the computer are discovered and stopped as and when detected by the SafeBytes active protection shields. It’ll examine your computer system for suspicious activity regularly and shields your personal computer from unauthorized access. Optimum AntiMalware Protection: Safebytes is built on the best virus engine within the industry. These engines can find and remove threats even during the initial stages of a malware outbreak. “Fast Scan” Features: SafeBytes’s high speed malware scanning engine lessens scan times and extends battery life. Simultaneously, it’ll effectively identify and remove infected files or any online threat. Web Filtering: SafeBytes provides instant safety rating to the webpages you are about to check out, automatically blocking harmful sites and to ensure that you’re certain of your online safety while browsing the internet. Lightweight: SafeBytes is really a lightweight tool. It use up an extremely small amount of processing power as it operates in the background therefore you will not observe any system performance difficulties. Premium Support: For any technical concerns or product support, you can obtain 24/7 professional assistance via chat and e-mail.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you don’t wish to use malware removal software and prefer to get rid of Chedot manually, you could possibly do so by going to the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu in the Control Panel and deleting the offending program; in cases of browser extensions, you may uninstall it by visiting the browsers Add-on/Extension manager. It’s also highly recommended to factory reset your browser to its default state to fix corrupt settings. To make sure of complete removal, find the following registry entries on your computer and delete it or reset the values accordingly. Please keep in mind that only advanced users should try to manually edit the system files mainly because deleting any single critical registry entry results in a major problem or even a system crash. Furthermore, certain malware keeps replicating which makes it tough to get rid of. You’re encouraged to do this procedure in Safe Mode.
Files: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Chedot %PROGRAMFILES%\Chedot %USERPROFILE%\Documents\chedot.reg Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chedot.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run value: Chedot HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run value: Chedot HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RegisteredApplications value: Chedot.NSJA6BHDA3NCFCFMXW3QSCUYUQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Chedot HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\.htm\OpenWithProgIds value: ChedotHTML.NSJA6BHDA3NCFCFMXW3QSCUYUQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\.html\OpenWithProgIds value: ChedotHTML.NSJA6BHDA3NCFCFMXW3QSCUYUQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\.xhtml\OpenWithProgIds value: ChedotHTML.NSJA6BHDA3NCFCFMXW3QSCUYUQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ChedotHTML.NSJA6BHDA3NCFCFMXW3QSCUYUQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\Chedot.NSJA6BHDA3NCFCFMXW3QSCUYUQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chedot.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications value: Chedot.NSJA6BHDA3NCFCFMXW3QSCUYUQ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.html\OpenWithProgids value: ChedotHTML.NSJA6BHDA3NCFCFMXW3QSCUYUQ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.htm\OpenWithProgids value: ChedotHTML.NSJA6BHDA3NCFCFMXW3QSCUYUQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Chedot HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\ShimInclusionList\chedot.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Chedot\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall..Uninstaller Chedot
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Windows requires a digitally signed driver
Device drivers are needed in order for the hardware and software to communicate in an operating system. Some of these drivers are digitally signed. These kinds of drivers are drivers that are signed by their issuing authority in a way that the end-user or any third party won’t be able to modify them. And there are times when you encounter an error that says, “Windows requires a digitally signed driver” when you try to install or update device drivers. Driver Signing is the process of associating a digital signature with a driver package. Digital signatures are used in Windows device installations to verify the identity of the vendor providing the driver packages as well as to verify the integrity of the driver packages. All the drivers you usually install on your PC from Windows Update, Original Equipment Manufacturers, or some other third-party driver download software and so on must be verified digitally by Microsoft through the digital signature. A digital signature is an electronic security mark that verifies the publisher for the driver and all the relevant information related to it. That’s why Windows won’t run a driver if it isn’t certified by Microsoft, be it a 32-bit or 64-bit system – this is called the Driver Signature Enforcement. The only Kernel-mode drivers that Windows 10 will load are the ones that are digitally signed by the Dev Portal. However, the changes only affect the new installations of the operating system with Secure Boot on while the non-upgraded fresh installations would require drivers that are signed by Microsoft. The “Windows requires a digitally signed driver” error indicates that the driver you are trying to update or install hasn’t been signed digitally by the issuing authority, preventing you from installing or updating it. To resolve this issue, you can try to update the drivers directly from the manufacturer’s site. You could also disable driver signing via Group Policy Editor.

Option 1 – Update the device drivers directly from the manufacturer’s site

The reason why you’re getting the “Windows requires a digitally signed driver” error in the first place is that you might have downloaded the drivers from external media. It could also be that the drivers didn’t update for some time now and the issuing authority changed its policies. Thus, you can try to update the drivers straight from the manufacturer’s website and install them. If this option didn’t work, then you’ll have to disable the driver signing or its recognition in Windows 10. Keep in mind that doing so is not advisable if you have to use the concerned driver.

Option 2 – Disable driver signing via Group Policy Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “gpedit.msc” in the field and tap Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • After that, navigate to this policy setting: User configuration > Administrative templates > System > Driver installation
  • Next, double click on the “Code signing for device drivers” entry located on the right pane to open its properties where you’ll see the following description:
“This setting determines how the system responds when a user tries to install device driver files that are not digitally signed. It establishes the least secure response permitted on the systems of users in the group. Users can use the System in Control Panel to select a more secure setting, but when this setting is enabled, the system does not implement any setting less secure than the one the setting established. When you enable this setting, use the drop-down box to specify the desired response. “Ignore” directs the system to proceed with the installation even if it includes unsigned files. “Warn” notifies the user that files are not digitally signed and lets the user decide whether to stop or to proceed with the installation and whether to permit unsigned files to be installed. “Warn” is the default. “Block” directs the system to refuse to install unsigned files. As a result, the installation stops, and none of the files in the driver package are installed. To change driver file security without specifying a setting, use System in Control Panel. Right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the Hardware tab, and then click the Driver Signing button.”
  • Now select the radio button for “Enabled” and select Ignore from the drop-down menu under “When Windows detects a driver file without a digital signature”.
  • Then click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made. This will get rid of the “Windows requires a digitally signed driver” error but take note that this will also make your system less secure.
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Happy New Year from ErrorTools.com!!!
As we are on the last day of 2021, our team here at errortools.com would like to express their great gratitude to you all for being with us all this time and would also want to wish you error-free 2022!!! Thank you for being part of this community, we wish you all the best in the upcoming 2022 and hope that we will see you again From all members of errotools, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! new year christmass tree
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How to Fix the Socket Error 10060

Socket Error 10060 - What is it?

Socket Error 10060 is a typical Outlook Express error. This error often occurs when the connection to the server fails. It specifically refers to a timeout while communicating with the email providers servers. The vast majority of all emails use SMTP for outgoing mail. Socket error 10060 in most instances is related to the SMTP settings for the user’s email. The error message is sometimes displayed in the following format:
Outlook Express Socket Error10060 - The connection to the server failed Account:’ your account’
Another thing you must know about this error is that it only stops the user from sending emails. This means that you can only receive emails, not send them.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The cause of this error code is hard to narrow down typically because there are many causes that can trigger the socket error code 10060. Some of the most common causes of this error code are:
  • Issues in email settings
  • Authentication settings
  • Firewall settings
  • Malware
Though this is not a critical error code it is advisable to fix it immediately without any delays. This error can hamper your communication via email and slow down your work productivity especially if you use Outlook for communication across the organization.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the many methods to fix and resolve this error code. To help you resolve this issue, we have selected and listed down the best, quick, and easy do-it-yourself methods. Try them and repair Socket error code 10060 all by yourself without any professional assistance.

Method 1 - Check the Names of POP3 and SMTP Servers

To begin with, first check the names of the POP3 and SMTP servers to ensure that they are correct. Then check the outgoing SMTP port. Contact your email provider to determine the correct settings. Sometimes email providers change this value more than any other in their individual settings. Get it verified. Change the settings if needed.

Method 2 - Outgoing SMTP Server Requires Authentication

Sometimes the error code may occur due to authentication issues. If this is the reason then, don’t worry it is easy to fix. Simply go to the settings options and check the box ‘My server requires authentication’. Once you check the box, try sending the email again. This is most likely to resolve the socket error 10060 on your PC.

Method 3 - Disable Firewall

Your Firewall security may sometimes be the reason for socket error 10060 too. Therefore if after trying method 1 and 2, the error still persists, then it is advisable to disable firewall. Once you disable it, try sending an email using your Outlook account. If it works, the error is resolved.

Method 4 - Scan for Malware

There is a possibility that the Socket error 10060 is popping on your PC due to malware infection. If so, then it is advisable to download Restoro. This is a highly functional and a user-friendly PC fixer deployed with a powerful antivirus and several other scanners. Run it on your PC to scan for malware. It detects and removes all types of malware including Trojans, viruses, adware, spyware, and more in seconds. Click here to download Restoro to resolve socket error 10060 on your system today.
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login does not appear/password box not showing
As you know, Windows 10 offers its users tons of options to log in to their computers. This includes simple and easy methods like PIN and complex ones like the Windows Hello Face unlock. However, there are instances when you might face a situation where the login screen in Windows 10 does not appear at all. If you are currently facing this problem, worry not for this post will show you what you can do to fix this problem. There are actually two scenarios to this issue, you might encounter one where the login screen does not show up at all, while the second one is when the login screen shows up but there is no username or password box. There are several options you can check out to resolve the problem. You can try to run System Restore or try the combination of Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys. You could also try to enter a username and password to use the computer or disable Fast Startup or troubleshoot the problem in a Clean Boot State. You could also create a new User Account or run Fresh Start or run the Startup Repair. To get started, follow each one of the given options below.

Option 1 – Try using the Ctrl + Alt + Delete key combination

The first and simple thing you can do to fix the login screen is to tap the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys and see if it makes the credentials appear or not. If not, proceed to the next given option.

Option 2 – Try running System Restore

If you aren’t able to boot into the desktop of your computer, you can run System Restore in the Advanced Startup Options by following these steps:
  • Boot your computer into the Advanced Startup Options screen.
  • From there, you will see some options to troubleshoot when you can’t log in to Windows in the usual way.
  • Now select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt.
  • After that, type “rstrui” and hit Enter to execute the command which will start the System Restore process.
  • Once it’s done, restart your computer.

Option 3 – Try to turn off Fast Startup

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type in “control” to open the Control Panel.
  • Next, click on the Hardware and Sound section and click on Power Options.
  • Afterward, select the “Choose what the power buttons do” option from the left side menu pane.
  • Now click on Change settings that are currently unavailable and uncheck the entry that says, “Turn on fast startup (Recommended).
  • Then click on Save Changes and restart your computer and see if it has fixed the problem or not.

Option 4 – Try troubleshooting the problem in a Clean Boot State

There are times when some conflicting programs installed in your computer might be the reason why there is an issue with the password box in the login screen of Windows 10. To identify which program is causing the problem, you need to put your computer in a Clean Boot State. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • From there, start to isolate the problem by checking which one of the programs you installed recently is the root cause of the problem.

Option 5 – Try to run Startup Repair

You might also want to run Startup Repair in fixing the issue with the login screen. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • You can start by creating and booting from a bootable Windows 10 USB Stick.
  • After that, click on Repair your computer located on the bottom left corner when you are on the initial Windows Startup screen.
  • Next, click on Troubleshoot, and then on the other screen, click the Startup Repair option.
  • Now select the operating system you want to repair. Once you do that, it will start to repair your operating system. Wait until the process is completed and then check if the problem’s now fixed.
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Antivirus software review 2022

As we near the end of 2022 we look at the current best antivirus software for popular platforms, why they are the best, and why you should get them.

Avira, a great free Antivirus

Avira has been around a long time with its free antivirus version of the larger protection suite. It had its ups and downs but the latest versions are really great. With high-speed scans and low system impact, Avira antivirus is really one of the best free antivirus software currently on the market.

Avira screen

The software itself has also received UI & UX updates making it straightforward and easy to use. The virus scanning engine is the same as in paid version that ranks among the top engines in the world for this type of work. The package also gives you some great browser protection and a good firewall as well, there is really no excuse to skip on this if you want a free solution.

The only thing that we would say is not so great in Avira is reporting some false positives, sometimes even for MS updates, it is rare but it can happen.

Malwarebytes, a powerful Windows antivirus

Malwarebytes Premium is easy to use, simple antivirus solution that shies away from complicated UI, and simply put, it just works. Its scanning engine is well-known and places among the top and best in the world often finding some malware that other can miss.

malwarebytes screen

Another great thing is its integration with Windows itself, it is one of the rare applications that can and will work incredibly well beside your typical Windows protection tools so you can have both of them running at the same time.

Installation and running are really simple and every typical PC user will find it as easy as walking in the park. On the other hand, sadly system impact is a little high and it will have issues running on lower-end systems due to its memory requirements.

Intego MAC Internet Security X9, the best Mac antivirus

Gone are the days when MAC had no virus issues, since MAC rose in popularity among the users, also rose the number of viruses and malware. The system itself has some great protection built it inside but for more security and better control of it, you will need a third-party dedicated solution.

Intego was made by Mac antivirus experts who have been building this kind of software last 25 years. The interface is easy to use and premade presets are really helpful, but the security suite can also be customized to fit your needs and desires.

intego screen

Since this is only available as a security suite, you are getting a firewall and some other security tools along with your antivirus that will run as a part of it.

The bad side is that scans can sometimes run slow, most of the time they are OK in terms of speed but occasionally they can switch to slower speeds and impact scanning time to some annoying times. Also, there is no webcam protection nor VPN service included where others on this list have them.

Bitdefender mobile security: best Android protection

While protection is not only needed for your gaming or workstation, software suites that are dealing with mobile and tablet security exist. The best of them is the Bitdefender antivirus mobile suite. Low on system resources and low on performance impact with the really great virus detection rate Bitdefender is at the top of suites for your phone.

bitdefender mobile

Consistent high virus detection packed with low battery impact is great but the suite comes with tons of other tools as well like browser security tools, email protection, and real-time link and notification protection.

The application will always scan each file and newly installed application in the background and alert and cut off any found threat. App itself is easy to install and use and most of the time it will do everything in the background for you but offer you customization if you need it.

The package also includes VPN and application lock that will let you protect the critical applications from being accessed as well as an online account scanner. Anti-theft and anti-loss tools, which allow you to find, remotely lock or wipe a stolen or lost device, add yet another layer of protection.

One thing that is missing from this great package is fraudulent call protection. Newer Android phones have this feature inside but it would be nice if Bitdefender had it as well.

Bitdefender, the best antivirus software

Now that we have covered specific cases of each platform, there is one player that has all of them covered and with a quality product, that player is BitDefender and it is great. Personally, this is my protection suite of choice and as I type this it is running in the background.

Bitdefender has it all, low system impact, as a matter of fact, it is one, if not, the lowest performance impact engine on the market currently and that is packed with a great and highly consistent virus & malware detection suite. Along with real-time malware protection, browser security, and anti-spam tools, you also get anti-phishing defenses, ransomware protection, and a strong firewall.

bitdefender screen

Bitdefender scores are very high in both the zero-day threat and real-world protection tests at AV-Test, an established organization that tests antivirus software. Despite being tested against tens of thousands of well-known and widespread malware threats, the software consistently achieves a 100% blocking rate.

The suite also comes with a restricted free VPN and with parental controls as well. Webcam and microphone protection are also included in the suite and on top of all, it has great pricing plans and constant discounts.

BitDefender is really a great package and it might sound too good, but after years and years of personally using it I have not had single malware or virus issue, the only thing that I would put as a negative is that system is severely slowed down when system scans are performed so be sure to run or schedule them when you are not using your computer. This, of course, can put some people off and I will admit it is a serious drawback but for me, the security of my workstation is more important than leaving the computer for 20 or so minutes in order to perform a full scan of the system.

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Ordinal not found, dynamic link library Error
If you encounter an error message saying, “The ordinal xxx could not be located in the dynamic link library C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft VS Code Insiderscode – insiders.exe“ and you see a reference of a missing DLL file, then this indicates that the software is trying to locate the related DLL file, however, it is missing, hence the error. The error mentioned “Ordinal” which refers to the order of a number mathematically, e.g. 1st, 2nd, etc. And in this error message, the ordinal is referring to an Xth file of an XX.DLL file which is missing which is why you’re getting this kind of error. When you get this particular error, it means that your computer is missing the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable program. As per the error message, XXX is a number that in turn is the Ordinal. There is also another common error related to Ordinal which says, “The ordinal 12404 could not be located in the dynamic link library mfc90u.dl”. The error message could be referring to any DLL in the message. And since all these DLL files are part of the package, the error changes quite a bit as the Visual Studio looks for that DLL file. To fix this error, here are some suggestions that might be of help.

Option 1 – Try installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

As pointed out earlier, the error pops up when the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable program is missing on your computer. Thus, you need to download it from the official website of Microsoft. Once you’ve downloaded the Microsoft Visual C++ Feature Pack Redistributable Package, install it and then check if the error is now fixed.

Option 2 – Try to install OpenSSL

If you encounter the same error message but it points out that the LIBEAY32.DLL file is missing, then you have to install OpenSSL. In such a case, you will see the following error message:
“Ordinal not found. The Ordinal [Xxxx] could not be located in the Dynamic Link Library Libeay32.dll.”
 Make sure that when you install OpenSSL, you do it into the Windows system directory since the Libeay32.dll file is related to security.

Option 3 – Try to check Windows Updates

There are instances when Microsoft rolls out the framework and related updates via Windows Updates. It could be that an update related to DLL is still pending which is why you need to check Windows Updates. To do so, go to Settings > Update and Security and from there check if there is any pending update. If there is, you need to install that update and then restart your computer if needed.
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Intel Arc A770 GPU

intel's first gaming card that will hit the market soon has been shown in its innovation event, the Intel Arc A770. In its core ticks ACM-G10, coming with 32 Xe-cores and all the way up to 16GB of GDDR6 memory (the basic entry-level version will have 8GB of GDDR6). The card will support ray tracing and supersampling with Intel's XeSS.

intel arc a770

This is Intel's first gaming desktop GPU and after testing with some YouTube channels it turned out that the card itself sits somewhere between nVIDIA RTX 3060 Ti and an RTX 3070 so it will still be low in performance compared with the new RTX 4090 or AMD's new RDNA3 upcoming lineup. But as stated this is Intel's first gaming graphics card and having this kind of performance is no small feat for the first-time product.

One thing that is really great tho and that is going for Arc A770 GPU is its price! The Limited Edition card will cost $329 which is at this moment most cheapest GPU currently on the market in that performance range. nVIDIA is between $500 and $700 for comparison and if Intel can hold on to its performance with almost half the price card could be a great hit among gamers. GPU itself will launch on October 12th.

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