
How to Fix KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Error On Windows 10


Some users installing or upgrading to Windows 10 experienced the theKMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Blue Screen of Death (or commonly known as BSOD) error. This error can be due to different types of things, ranging from software to driver issues. When you experience this BSOD error while trying to install Windows 10, it will prompt you to restart your computer every single time you experience it. In most cases, you will also not be able to proceed with the Windows 10 set-up.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The “KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED” error is normally caused by:

  • Hardware incompatibility
  • A faulty device driver or system service

Further Information and Manual Repair

You won’t be able to successfully upgrade or set up Windows 10 if you continue to encounter this BSOD error. Note that this error will always prompt your computer to restart every time it happens, preventing you from completing the Windows 10 set-up.

If you’re not tech-savvy or not capable of debugging this issue, it’s highly advisable to proceed with the basic troubleshooting techniques available in this link.

After troubleshooting, below you’ll find a few solutions to rectify the issue.

Method 1 – Check The Cause of The BSOD Error

Two common causes of the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED issue are hardware incompatibility and faulty device driver or system service.

If you experience this error, check first if any of your newly installed hardware is compatible with Windows 10. You can find the required hardware for Windows 10 from this link

If all your hardware is compatible with Windows 10, you might need to check the device driver or system service. Review the bug check message. If any of the drivers you have is listed in the message, either disable or uninstall them before upgrading or setting up Windows 10.

You might also find it useful to check the System Log available in the Event Viewer for other error messages that can help you figure out the driver or device that’s causing the error. Running hardware diagnostics can also be useful.

Method 2 – Disable (or preferably uninstall) Software Before Upgrading

If you’re upgrading Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you might need to disable or uninstall the software first.

First, try uninstalling your Antivirus utility before starting the upgrade. Restart a few times before starting the Windows 10 installation.

If you’re upgrading using the Windows 10 update, make sure that you disconnect from your Wi-Fi or Internet LAN (Ethernet) connection as soon as the download reaches 100% before attempting to start the set-up.

Other users also reported that the cause of the KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED issue is BitDefender. If this is what happened in your case, it will show in the error message such as KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (bdselfpr.sys). Users reported that a common solution for this is renaming the file. In the case of BitDefender, try renaming it to bdselfpr.s__. However, make sure to do this cautiously. Sometimes, renaming a file will even do more damage than good.

Method 3 – Disable/Disconnect From Hardware

If you’re connected to any general USB devices (such a smart card reader), disable it. If your computer is connected to other external devices, disconnect all of them. Examples of this include gaming controllers, printers, external hard disk, USB keys, and other non-essential devices).

Method 4 – Other Troubleshooting Steps

Other troubleshooting steps include:

  • Upgrade using an .ISO file, instead of directly upgrading from Windows Update. When you do this, make sure you’re disconnected from the Internet during installation. If the process started and you forgot to disconnected, it’s best to restart the installation.
  • If you’re connected to a domain while trying to set up Windows 10, disconnect and use a local account.
  • If you’re using a SCSI hard disk, connect a thumb drive with the drivers for your storage device. While Windows 10 is setting up, click on the Custom Advanced Option. Using the thumb drive, use the Load Driver command to load the SCSI drive.
  • Another possible cause of this error is due to BIOS incompatibility. BIOS issues can be solved by upgrading your version of your system BIOS. If you don’t know how to do this, refer to your BIOS manufacturer’s website.

Method 5 – Use A Trusted Automated Tool

If you still experience the error after doing the methods above, you might want to try a powerful and trusted automated tool to fix the job.

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SoftwareUpdater Malware Removal Guide

Software Updater is an ad-supported browser extension hijacker that claims to update your PC programs and drivers. In addition to managing the installation of your selected software, this install manager will make recommendations for additional free software that you may be interested in. Additional software may include toolbars, browser add-ons, game applications, anti-virus applications, and other types of applications. The hijacked homepage, softwareupdater.com, did not have valid legal privacy and disclaimer policies on its website as of publication date.

This software adds a Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various times, including system startup. The software has access to all installed applications on your PC and can install bundled products with unwanted malware. It is also commonly distributed in bundles with unwanted software. Several anti-virus programs have classified this software as malware and are therefore not recommended.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means that a malicious code has control over and modified the settings of your internet browser, without your consent. They’re made to interfere with browser programs for several purposes. The idea is to force users to visit specific sites that are trying to increase their visitor traffic and produce higher ad revenue. It may appear harmless, but most of these sites are not legitimate and could present a severe threat to your online safety. Browser hijackers can even allow other malicious programs without your knowledge to further damage your computer.

How to determine if your web browser is hijacked

The common symptoms that indicate having this malicious software on your computer are: 1. home page is changed 2. you find new unwanted bookmarks or favorites added, typically directed to advertisement-filled or pornography websites 3. the default search engine has been changed and your browser security settings have been lowered without your knowledge 4. you find unwanted new toolbars added 5. you may find many pop-up ads on your computer screen 6. your internet browser has become unstable or starts running sluggishly 7. you can’t go to specific websites such as home pages of anti-malware software.

Exactly how browser hijacker infects computers

Browser hijackers infect PCs in numerous ways, including via a drive-by download, a file-share, or an infected email. Many web browser hijackings come from add-on software, i.e., browser helper objects (BHO), toolbars, or extensions added to web browsers to provide them additional functionality. Also, certain freeware and shareware can put the hijacker in your PC through the “bundling” technique. Some of the well-known hijackers are SoftwareUpdater, Conduit Search, Babylon Toolbar, OneWebSearch, Sweet Page, and CoolWebSearch. Browser hijackers may record user keystrokes to collect potentially valuable information leading to privacy issues, cause instability on systems, drastically disrupt user’s browsing experience, and eventually slow down the computer to a point where it will become unusable.

Browser Hijacker Malware – Removal

Certain hijackers could be removed by just uninstalling the related free software or add-ons through the Add or Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel. In some cases, it can be a tough task to identify and get rid of the malicious piece because the associated file could be running as part of the operating system process. Besides, browser hijackers might modify the Computer registry so it can be extremely tough to fix manually, especially when you are not a very tech-savvy person.

How To Get Rid Of Malware That Is Preventing Anti-Malware Installation?

Malware can cause many different types of damage to PCs, networks, and data. Some malware is meant to restrict or prevent things that you want to do on your computer system. It may not permit you to download anything from the net or stop you from accessing some or all of the internet sites, especially the anti-virus websites. If you’re reading this now, you’ve perhaps recognized that a malware infection is a reason for your blocked internet traffic. So how to proceed if you need to install an anti-virus software like Safebytes? Even though this type of problem can be difficult to circumvent, there are a few actions you can take.

Install the anti-virus in Safe Mode

In Safe Mode, you can change Windows settings, un-install or install some software, and eliminate hard-to-delete viruses and malware. In the event, the virus is set to load immediately when PC boots, shifting into this particular mode can prevent it from doing so. To start the computer into Safe Mode, hit the “F8” key on your keyboard right before the Windows boot screen comes up; Or after normal Windows boot up, run MSCONFIG, check “Safe Boot” under Boot tab, and click Apply. As soon as you restart into Safe Mode with Networking, you could download, install, as well as update the anti-malware program from there. At this point, you could run the antivirus scan to remove viruses and malware without hindrance from another malicious application.

Switch to an alternate browser

Some malware only targets certain internet browsers. If this sounds like your situation, utilize another browser as it might circumvent the virus. The best solution to avoid this problem is to select a web browser that is well known for its security measures. Firefox contains built-in Malware and Phishing Protection to help keep you secure online.

Install and run anti-malware from your flash drive

To effectively remove the malware, you might want to approach the issue of running anti-virus software on the affected computer system from a different perspective. Adopt these measures to run the antivirus on the affected PC. 1) Download the anti-malware program on a virus-free PC. 2) Mount the USB drive onto the same computer. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded application, which has a .exe file extension. 4) Pick a thumb drive as the place when the wizard asks you exactly where you want to install the program. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. 5) Disconnect the pen drive. You can now use this portable anti-malware on the infected computer. 6) Double-click the anti-malware program EXE file on the flash drive. 7) Run Full System Scan to detect and get rid of all types of malware.

Features of SafeBytes Anti-Malware

Want to install the best anti-malware software for your computer system? You can find many applications available that come in paid and free versions for Windows systems. Some of them do a great job in getting rid of threats while some will affect your PC themselves. You must be careful not to choose the wrong application, especially if you purchase a paid software. Among few good programs, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is the strongly recommended software for the security-conscious individual. SafeBytes anti-malware is really a powerful, highly effective protection application made to assist users of all levels of IT literacy in identifying and eliminating harmful threats from their computers. Through its cutting-edge technology, this software protects your PC against infections brought on by different types of malware and similar threats, including spyware, adware, computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, keyloggers, ransomware, and potentially unwanted program (PUPs). SafeBytes possesses a plethora of great features that can help you protect your laptop or computer from malware attack and damage. The following are some of the best ones: Real-time Active Protection: SafeBytes delivers complete and real-time security for your laptop or computer. They are very efficient in screening and getting rid of different threats because they are constantly revised with new updates and safety measures. Best AntiMalware Protection: This deep-cleaning anti-malware application goes much deeper than most antivirus tools to clean your personal computer. Its critically acclaimed virus engine finds and disables hard to remove malware that conceals deep inside your computer. Safe Browsing: SafeBytes gives an instant safety rating about the web pages you’re about to check out, automatically blocking unsafe sites and make sure that you’re certain of your online safety while browsing the net. Lightweight Tool: SafeBytes is a lightweight and easy-to-use antivirus and antimalware solution. As it uses minimal computer resources, this application leaves the computer’s power exactly where it belongs: with you actually. Premium Support: You may get absolutely free 24/7 technical support from their computer experts on any product queries or computer security issues.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove SoftwareUpdater without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by SoftwareUpdater

Files: C:Program FilesSoftware UpdaterSoftwareUpdater.exe C:Program FilesSoftware Updatersuscan.exe C:Program FilesSoftware Updater C:Program FilesSoftware Updater cpprest120_xp_1_4.dll C:Program FilesSoftware Updater cpuidsdk.dll C:Program FilesSoftware Updater DriversHQ.SDK.REST.Win32.dll C:Program FilesSoftware Updater msvcp120.dll
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Change Keyboard Repeat Rate and Repeat Delay
In case you don’t know, Windows 10 actually allows users to set the Keyboard Repeat Rate and Repeat Delay. Both of these terms are interrelated and when you make active, any text field or an editor and then press and hold a single character key, it will quickly type the character for the first time and will show delay until the second and later characters appear. This is what you call the Keyboard Repeat Delay. On the other hand, the rate at which the later character appears is known as Keyboard Repeat Rate. There are two ways you can set the Keyboard Repeat Rate and the Keyboard Repeat Delay on Windows 10. The first one is using the Keyboard Properties while the second one is using the Registry Editor.

Option 1 – Set up Keyboard Repeat Rate and Repeat Delay via Keyboard Properties

  • First, tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type in “control keyboard” in the field, and hit Enter to open the Keyboard Properties.
  • From there, you can use the slider to make the respective options for both Keyboard Repeat Delay and Repeat Rate shorter or whatever you prefer them to be.
  • You should also see a text field in the mini window where you can test out your preferences. Once done, click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made.

Option 2 – Keyboard Repeat Rate and Repeat Delay via Registry Editor

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “Regedit” in the field and then hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelAccessibilityKeyboard Response
  • From there, you can set your own value for both the AutoRepeatDelay and AutoRepeatRate registry keys so that you can set the Keyboard Repeat Rate and Repeat Delay in Windows 10.
  • Once you’re done, exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer to save the changes made.
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error Code 0x80244019

Error Code 0x80244019 - What is it?

Error Code 0x80244019 is a basic error that occurs during the Windows Update process in Windows 10 and previous versions of the software dating back to the release of Windows XP. It can cause updates to fail, which can often be frustrating for Windows users who are attempting to keep their devices up to speed.

Common symptoms include:

  • Failure of updates for the Windows operating system to complete or download
  • The appearance of an error message that references the number 0x80244019

While an error during the Update process can be frustrating to encounter, there are a few simple solutions that can be employed to try to address the problem at hand. At least one of the methods for resolution does require some familiarity with the command prompt and other advanced tools, so if you are not completely confident in your ability to follow the steps mentioned below, you may want to get in touch with a qualified repair technician who can assist you in resolving the error code.


Restoro box imageError Causes

In some cases, the error in the Update process can be caused by a conflict between the operating system and the antivirus software running on your computer. In other cases, there may be a portion of the file missing or corrupted that needs to be fixed before the Update process can be run through to completion.

Further Information and Manual Repair

For users who are experiencing the appearance of Error Code 0x80244019 on their devices, there are a few methods that can be used to attempt to resolve the issue. While at least one of these methods is fairly simple to complete, even for basic users, the other does require some comfort in using the command prompt to input a series of commands. If you do not feel comfortable in following the steps listed below, contact a computer repair professional who is familiar with Windows 10 to assist you.

Here are the top methods for dealing with Error Code 0x80244019 on a Windows machine:

Method One:  Use the Windows Update Troubleshooting Tool to Resolve the Issue

When an error arises during the Windows Update process on Windows 10, the best solution is often to use the built-in tool provided by Microsoft, the Windows Update Troubleshooter. An option to open this tool often appears when the error message itself appears.

By running this tool, your system will attempt to scan the files involved in the Update process to try to determine where the conflict or error may be occurring. If one of the system files needs to be repaired or downloaded again, this tool can often resolve the issue on its own.

If the Troubleshooter tool successfully fixes the error, be sure to restart your computer before attempting to run the Update process again so that you can fully apply any changes that have been made.

In some cases, however, the Troubleshooter tool will not be able to find the problem or will be able to identify what the issue is, but not able to fix it. If this happens, it may be time to turn to Method Two.

Method Two:  Manually Perform a Reset on Windows Update Assets

To manually reset the assets associated with the Windows Update tool, follow these steps:

  • Step One: Open up the command prompt from the start menu and select the option to run it as an administrator.
  • Step Two: Run the following commands, hitting the enter key after each is put in:
    • Net stop wuauserv
    • Net stop cryptSvc
    • Net stop bits
    • Net stop msiserver
    • Ren C:\Windows\Software\Distribution Software\Distribution.old
    • Ren c:\Windows\System32\catroot2\Catroot2.old
    • Net start wuauserv
    • Net start cryptSvc
    • Net start bits
    • Net start msiserver
  • Step Three: Type in the word “exit” to quit out from the Command Prompt.

Once these steps are done, you can try to use the Windows Update tool again to see if the problem has successfully been resolved.

Method Three: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Fix Wi-Fi doesn't have a valid IP configuration

In today's time, Wi-Fi is a common occurrence, each household has it, on town squares, there are free Wi-Fi hotspots, etc. But sometimes when relaxing at home WI-Fi can fail on us and stop working. If this happens to you do not lose your mind because we have several troubleshooting help tips and ways to get it back quickly so you can continue with your browsing and using your internet.

wi-fi router

Restart the Router and Computer

Yes, we will start with this typical cliche in IT and tech in general. Surprisingly this method still proves over and over again to be true and effective. Over time some electric components simply start working a little bit differently, electrostatic electricity can accumulate on some parts and they can cause issues. By turning off the device and leaving it for some time you are discharging accumulated electrostatics and placing it again into normal working mode.

Unplug your router and leave it for at least 30s like that, a full 1 min is recommended, and then plug it back. Turn it on and restart your computer in order to reboot addresses.

Reset DHCP

If simple have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in did not work let us reset DHCP. Click on the start button and type in PowerShell, then click on Run as administrator. Once inside the PowerShell type in the following command followed by ENTER: ipconfig /release and after the command finishes, type in: ipconfig /renew also followed by ENTER key. Try the connection again.

Reset TCP/IP stack

The next thing that we will try if the previous one failed is to reset the TCP/IP stack to eliminate corruption of settings files. Like in the previous step, press Start and type in PowerShell and click on run as administrator. inside type in: netsh int IP reset and press ENTER key. Wait for the process to finish and reboot your PC.

Reset WinSock

WinSock is yet another part of Windows OS that is responsible for network communication and resetting it could solve the issue. Again go to PowerShell as described in previous steps and type in this time: winsock reset and press ENTER. Wait for the process to finish and restart your computer.

Other things you can try

Change TCP IP setting back to automatic if you have set manual Ip address on your computer.

Update your network driver via the manufacturer's website of your network adapter. There is a chance that somewhat updates are available to address some issues discovered.

Factory reset your router on the back by locating the reset button on it and pressing and holding it for around 10s.

Turn off your firewall and antivirus protection in order to eliminate it from blocking your internet access.

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3 Kings of VR 2022 edition

Virtual Reality or VR for short has come a long way from its infant stage and as 2022 is in half period we are looking at the VR market and reflecting on what has changed in one year. For starters, games have increased in quality and quantity while the hardware price has decreased making the whole VR experience a little closer to a wider audience.

Many companies have tried to get on the VR bandwagon but also many have failed. What remained are staples in VR hardware from large companies that have started with VR early and kept improving their headsets.

So with great pleasure, we are presenting the remaining best 3 virtual headsets so far of 2022 brought to you from Sony, Valve, and Meta.


sony playstation vr

If you want VR on consoles then there is really one option, and that is SONY VR. Premium Virtual Reality solution from SONY, sadly you can do this only on Playstation 4 and Playstation 5. Sony managed to pull off great quality hardware and packed with its exclusives on playstore at a very affordable price that is still cheaper than other products.

While waiting for the Sony PlayStation VR2 headset this one is still a great option and quality is still among the top of the game. From the time of its release until today, many AAA titles have been released for it as exclusives that you can not play any other way and some of them are really worth it.


valve index

Altho there are headsets like HTC Vive Cosmos Elite that have some features that place it as a better solution than Valve Index, Index is still an overall better VR headset as a whole product but its price is something that is keeping it still way out of reach of your standard user. The price, however, is really an illusion since it applies only when buying the system first time, you see Valve has created this headset as a modular design system making it upgradable meaning that you can, for example, buy newer controllers only and they will work perfectly with rest of hardware.

The modular design will save you money when you want to upgrade your VR system but as said entry price is steep. Besides its somewhat higher price than competitors, it is also notable that Index is a positional tracking VR set which means that it relies on a base station in order to locate the user. This means that once set, it is not so easy to change its location of use.

However, its quality and steam use are unmatched, high-quality games and compatibility that no other headset with steam will even pull off probably make Index one of the 3 best headsets out there. Half-life Alyx, arguably and currently one of the best VR games ever made so far was specifically designed for Valve Index and other games are behaving also incredibly nice with this headset, so if you want a great powerhouse for PC VR gaming, you will no go wrong in purchasing Valve Index.


meta quest 2

Cheapest of the three and coming in various iterations, Meta has established itself from the beginning as a leading player in VR technology with its oculus line of products. Quest 2 is the next product in their line and it comes with 128GB and 256GB versions.

Meta has removed the need for the Facebook account for its VR systems and now you can use them without the need to send any kind of data to meta. Priced fairly for its entry 128 models this standalone VR set improves in any way possible from its previous iteration and sets the bar for what will come in VR's future.

Offering both wired and wi-fi connection with its standalone battery Quest 2 also is packed with a large library of games and it is user friendly as your typical game console but still allows some under-the-hood tinkering if you wish so.

Also, Meta's Vr solution since it uses inside-out tracking makes it incredibly easy to just pick it up and carry it with you wherever you go.

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New calculator features in Windows 11 and more
Calculator GraphingWindows 11 will bring some old applications in new looks and some will get additional features as well. One of the old apps that will get new stuff is a calculator. The calculator was always a way to go application for quick calculations but Microsoft aims to expand on that and make the calculator a little more useful. The first thing that you will notice is the calculator look, the calculator has now an application theme setting that allows you to change the look of the application. It comes in standard and professional mode as usual but this time calculator will come with features that will enable it to handle some programming and engineering tasks. The new calculator features a full graphing mode that lets you visually analyze a graph to identify key features. It also packs a deep converter that can switch between more than 100 units and currencies.

Other Windows 11 apps

A new snipping tool will be delivered with this latest update as well packed with new functionality. We have covered new features of the snipping tool in another article, if you are interested you can find the article here: https://errortools.com/windows/new-snipping-tool-redesigned-in-windows-11/ Mail and Calendar apps will also get a redesign, sadly all redesign that they will include will be of visual nature to fit in the overall Windows 11 theme, functionality will remain the same.
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KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED seems to be connected primarily to a third-party driver, e1d65x64.sys associated with the Intel(R) Gigabit adapter, NIC/Wired network NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification) 6.x driver. Error is known to produce the dreaded blue screen of death or BSOD. Most usually error is connected with gaming on Windows 10 computer and it manifests itself during gaming sessions. If you are unlucky and you are faced with this unfortunate error we will be happy to try to help you and present with tips and tricks in order for you to find a solution for it. Before you proceed with the provided solutions, be sure you have sufficient disk space on the Windows drive, run Disk Cleanup and then run CHKDSK.

1) Run the Blue Screen Online Troubleshooter

Open Control Panel, change the view setting to icons. Click Troubleshooting, and click “View all” in the tasks pane. Click “Blue Screen”. This opens the Blue Screen Troubleshooter.

2) Run Driver Verifier

  1. Start a Command Prompt window by selecting Run as an administrator, and type verifier to open Driver Verifier Manager.
  2. Select Create standard settings (the default task), and select Next. You can also choose to Create custom settings to select from predefined settings, or to select individual options. For more information, see Driver Verifier options and rule classes and Selecting Driver Verifier Options.
  3. Under Select what drivers to verify, choose one of the selection schemes described in the following table.
    Driver verifier table:
    Option Recommended use
    Automatically select unsigned drivers Useful for testing on computers that are running versions of Windows that do not require signed drivers.
    Automatically select drivers built for older versions of Windows Useful for testing driver compatibility with newer versions of Windows.
    Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer Provides maximum coverage in terms of the number of drivers that are tested on a system. This option is useful for test scenarios where a driver can interact with other devices or drivers on a system. This option can also exhaust the resources available for Special Pool and some resource tracking. Testing all drivers can also adversely affect system performance.
    Select driver names from a list In most cases, you will want to specify which drivers to test. Selecting all drivers in a device stack allows the Enhanced I/O Verification option to track objects and check compliance because an I/O request packet (IRP) is passed between each of the drivers in the stack, which allows for a greater level of detail to be provided when an error is detected. Select a single driver if you are running a test scenario that measures system or driver performance metrics, or if you want to allocate the greatest number of resources available for detecting memory corruption or resource tracking issues (such as deadlocks or mutexes). The Special Pool and I/O Verification options are more effective when used on one driver at a time.
  4. If you chose Select driver names from a list, select Next, and then select one or more specific drivers.
  5. Select Finish, and then restart the computer.

3) Update network device drivers

Go to the official Intel website and try to find newer versions of drivers, if there are none perhaps you will need to revert back to the previous version.

4) Scan memory for issues

Run a memory test on your system, sometimes these errors can be traced back to a faulty RAM bank.

5) Stop over-clocking your PC

If you have overclocked your PC please reverse it back to its original state and see if that would solve the issue

6) Perform System Restore to the previous restore point

If none of the previous solutions have bared fruit, roll back to a previous restore point and that should solve the issue.
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How to fix the Javaw.exe Error Code

Javaw exe - What is it?

Javaw.exe is a type of executable file or a process used by Sun Microsystems. It is in charge of executing programs created with Java on Windows PC. It is a part of the Oracle Java Runtime Environment. The javaw exe error hampers your ability to run programs supported by Java. Common Javaw.exe error messages include:
  • "Javaw.exe Application Error."
  • "Javaw.exe is not a valid Win32 application."
  • “Cannot find javaw.exe.""Javaw.exe not found."
  • "Error starting program: javaw.exe."
  • "Javaw.exe is not running.""Javaw.exe failed."
  • "Javaw.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."


Restoro box imageError Causes

There can be many reasons for javaw.exe error code on your PC such as:
  • Viral infection
  • Malware attack
  • Invalid registry entries
Ignoring such error messages is not wise. You must resolve it right away as such errors can lead to serious PC threats like system failure and data security threats.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Scan the Javaw.Exe File For Malware

To fix Java Exe error on your system, first you need to find out the cause of the error. Is it triggered by malware or invalid registry entries? The best way to identify the cause is to check your system’s CPU usage. This can be done through assessing the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del all at the same time. After that, click ‘Processes and locate the javaw.exe file. Remember this file does not require too much memory, so abnormal memory usage is a surefire sign that the java.exe file on your system is a virus. To resolve it, download an antivirus and run it to scan and remove viruses from your PC. However, running an antivirus may slow down your PC performance. On the other hand, if you find the memory usage is fine, then this means the error is not caused by malware but it occurred either due to old version system files on your PC or registry corruption.

Update the Javaw.Exe File

To remove the old version files, go to the start menu. Click Control Panel and then Add/Remove programs. Here find the Java program and uninstall it. Now after the program is completely uninstalled, go to Java’s official website and download the latest version of your desired program. Restart your PC after the installation is successfully complete.

Clean & Repair Registry

If the problem still persists, then the javaw exe error is mostly likely triggered due to registry corruption. The best way to resolve it is to clean and restore the registry. You can do it manually but you may find the manual procedure slightly time-consuming and complex especially you are not a computer programmer. Therefore we recommend you download Restoro.

Why Restoro?

Whether the javaw exe error occurs due to viral infection, invalid entries, or registry corruption, Restoro takes care of all. This is a new, cutting edge, and multi functional PC fixer deployed with multiple performance-boosting and system repair utilities including a powerful registry cleaner, an antivirus, a system optimizer, and Active X controls, and a Class ID detector. The registry cleaning utility wipes out all the unnecessary files, clearing up the cluttered disk. It cleans the registry and restores it. Simultaneously, the antivirus feature detects and scans all malicious software infecting your PC and removes them right away. The system optimizer module boosts the speed of your system and ensures your PC performs at its optimum pace. This is a safe, efficient, and bug-free tool. It has a user-friendly interface and easy navigation. Furthermore, it is compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro and resolve Javaw exe error on your PC today!
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Removing Linkey From Windows Tutorial

Linkey is a potentially unwanted web browser search extension for the top browsers, designed to modify the user’s search and home pages in order to direct advertising. This extension changes your default search provider, redirects new tabs, and distributes information & statistics to the server. This extension will display unwanted ads, redirect you through unwanted search engines, and send your browsing information (potentially private information) back to its ad network.

From the publisher: Linkey is compatible with all the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox. Linkey is a simple browser extension that allows you to get the best sites in one click in visualized & friendly interface.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is actually a type of unwanted software, often a browser add-on or extension, which causes modifications in the browser’s settings. Browser hijackers could do many different things on your PC. Usually, hijackers will force hits to websites of their preference either to increase traffic producing higher advertisement revenue, or to obtain a commission for each and every user visiting there. Nonetheless, it’s not that harmless. Your online safety is compromised and it is also extremely annoying. Browser hijackers could also allow other malicious programs without your knowledge to further damage your computer.

How to know whether the web browser is hijacked?

The typical symptoms that suggest having this malicious software on your PC are: 1. your homepage has been reset to some unfamiliar site 2. your browser is constantly being redirected to adult sites 3. the essential web browser settings are modified and undesirable or insecure resources are put into the trusted sites listing 4. unsolicited new toolbars are added to your browser 5. you may notice endless pop-up ads on your screen 6. your web browser starts running sluggishly or exhibits frequent errors 7. You simply can’t access particular sites, particularly anti-malware websites.

How it infects your computer

Browser hijackers attack computers through malicious e-mail attachments, downloaded infected computer files, or by checking out infected internet sites. They could be included with toolbars, BHO, add-ons, plug-ins, or browser extensions. Also, certain freeware and shareware can put the hijacker in your PC through the “bundling” technique. Examples of well-known browser hijackers are Fireball, GoSave, Ask Toolbar, CoolWebSearch, Babylon Toolbar, and RocketTab. Browser hijackers could interrupt the user’s browsing experience severely, keep track of the websites visited by users and steal financial information, cause problems in connecting to the internet, and ultimately create stability issues, making applications and computers crash.

How you can get rid of a browser hijacker

Some hijackers can be simply removed by deleting the free software they came with or by removing any extension you have recently added to your computer. Unluckily, the majority of the software products used to hijack a browser are deliberately built to be difficult to eliminate or detect. Moreover, manual removals demand in-depth system knowledge and therefore can be an extremely difficult job for novices.

What To Do When You Cannot Download Safebytes Anti-Malware?

All malware is bad and the magnitude of the damage may vary greatly in accordance with the type of infection. Certain malware variants modify internet browser settings by including a proxy server or modify the computer’s DNS configurations. When this happens, you will be unable to visit some or all of the websites, and therefore unable to download or install the necessary security software to remove the malware. If you’re reading this, you may have infected by a virus that prevents you from downloading computer security software like Safebytes Anti-Malware. There are a few options you can attempt to get around with this obstacle.

Install in Safe Mode

The Windows-based PC has a special mode called “Safe Mode” in which just the bare minimum required programs and services are loaded. If the malware is blocking internet access and affecting your PC, running it in Safe Mode will let you download antivirus and run a diagnostic scan while limiting potential damage. In order to get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press F8 while the system is starting up or run MSConfig and look for the “Safe Boot” options under the “Boot” tab. After you restart into Safe Mode with Networking, you could download, install, as well as update anti-malware software from there. After installation, run the malware scanner to remove most standard infections.

Use an alternate browser to download an antivirus application

Certain viruses might target vulnerabilities of a specific web browser that obstruct the downloading process. If you appear to have a virus attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to an alternate internet browser with built-in safety features, such as Chrome or Firefox, to download your favorite antivirus program – Safebytes.

Install security software on a thumb drive

Here’s another solution which is creating a portable USB anti-malware software that can check your system for malicious software without needing installation. Do these simple actions to clean up your affected PC using portable anti-malware. 1) Download the anti-malware program on a virus-free computer. 2) Plug the Flash drive into the clean computer. 3) Double-click on the downloaded file to open the installation wizard. 4) Choose the USB flash drive as the destination for saving the software file. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation. 5) Unplug the USB drive. You may now utilize this portable anti-malware on the infected computer system. 6) Double click the Safebytes Anti-malware icon on the flash drive to run the software. 7) Click on “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the infected computer for malware.

A Look at the Best AntiMalware Program

Want to download the very best anti-malware software for your laptop? There are several applications in the market that come in paid and free versions for Microsoft Windows systems. Some of them are excellent, some are ok types, while some will destroy your PC themselves! When searching for an anti-malware tool, choose one which provides dependable, efficient, and complete protection against all known computer viruses and malware. On the list of highly recommended software programs is SafeBytes AntiMalware. SafeBytes carries a good track record of top-quality service, and customers are very happy with it. Safebytes is one of the well-established computer solutions companies, which offer this all-inclusive anti-malware software. Using its cutting-edge technology, this application will allow you to eradicate multiples types of malware such as computer viruses, trojans, PUPs, worms, ransomware, adware, and browser hijackers. SafeBytes has got a variety of wonderful features that can help you protect your PC from malware attacks and damage. Below are some typical features present in this tool: Live Protection: SafeBytes offers a totally hands-free active protection that is set to observe, prevent and remove all threats at its very first encounter. This utility will always monitor your computer for any suspicious activity and updates itself regularly to keep current with the newest threats. Most Reliable AntiMalware Protection: This deep-cleaning anti-malware software program goes much deeper than most antivirus tools to clean your computer system. Its critically acclaimed virus engine finds and disables hard-to-remove malware that conceals deep inside your PC. Internet Security: Through its unique safety rating, SafeBytes notifies you whether a site is safe or not to access it. This will make sure that you’re always certain of your safety when browsing the net. Lightweight Utility: The program is lightweight and can run silently in the background, and that does not have an effect on your PC efficiency. 24/7 Live Professional Support: SafeBytes provides 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and upgrades for the best user experience.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove Linkey without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by Linkey

Files: C:Users%USER%AppDataLocalTempis33084504mysearchdial.dll C:Users%USER$AppDataLocalTempis357113909833170_stpsetup.exe c:Users%USER$AppDataLocalTempMega Browsemegabrowse_setup.exe C:Program Files (x86)Linkeylog.log C:Program Files (x86)LinkeyHelper.dll C:Program Files (x86)LinkeyChromeExtensionChromeExtension.crx C:Program Files (x86)Linkey C:Program Files (x86)LinkeyChromeExtension C:Program Files (x86)LinkeyIEExtension C:Users%USER$AppDataRoamingDigitalSitesUpdateProc Registry: HKLMSOFTWARECLASSESAPPID6A7CD9EC-D8BD-4340-BCD0-77C09A282921 HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODECLASSESAPPID6A7CD9EC-D8BD-4340-BCD0-77C09A282921 HKLMSOFTWARECLASSESCLSID181F2C09-56DD-4F98-86D7-59BA2BC59B5A HKLMSOFTWARECLASSESCLSID4D9101D6-5BA0-4048-BDDE-7E2DF54C8C47 HKLMSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEXPLORERBROWSER HELPER OBJECTS HKLMSOFTWARELINKEY HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODELINKEY HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODESYSTEMKGeneral HKUS-1-5-18-ED1FC765-E35E-4C3D-BF15-2C2B11260CE4-0SOFTWARECONDUITValueApps HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODEMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEXPLORERBROWSER HELPER OBJECTSEF5625A3-37AB-4BDB-9875-2A3D91CD0DFD HKLMSOFTWARELINKEY|ie_jsurl, http://app.linkeyproject.com/popup/IE/background.js HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NODELINKEY|ie_jsurl, http://app.linkeyproject.com/popup/IE/background.js
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Unhandled Exception occurred in Application
If you encountered an error message that says, “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application”, when you start your Windows 10 computer, read on as this post will guide you on how you can fix it. This kind of error usually appears in a Microsoft .NET Framework window and it mostly pops up as soon as you turn on your computer. Here’s the complete context of the error message:
“Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.”
When this error occurs, your computer may freeze or display other suspicious behavior at times. Either way, there are several options you can check out in this post to resolve this issue, so read on. This kind of error could be caused by several factors. It could be due to your antivirus program or other third-party programs installed on your computer. It is also possible that the installation of the Microsoft .NET framework id corrupted or some of its installation files are corrupted. Thus, to fix the error, there are a few suggestions you need to follow such as:

Option 1 – Try to temporarily disable your anti-virus program

As mentioned, the error could be due to the antivirus program or the Windows Defender Firewall installed on your computer. Thus, disabling them or any security software installed in your computer is always a good idea you can try when you’re not able to access the shared drive in your computer. There are times when you encounter problems like the “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application” error due to interference of antivirus or security programs. Thus, you have to disable both your antivirus program in the meantime and check if it fixes the error or not.

Option 2 – Put your computer in a Clean Boot State

As pointed out, it is possible that some third-party program or service is the one that’s behind the problem. To isolate this possibility and to identify the culprit, you have to put your computer into a Clean Boot State. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Once your computer has restarted, check if the error is now gone. If it is, then the culprit is some third-party program. Thus, you have to enable the third-party programs one by one to find out which one of them is causing the the “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application” error.

Option 3 – Try to run a System File Checker scan

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be the cause why you’re getting the “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application” error. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Type “cmd” in the Start search and then right-click on the appropriate search result.
  • Next, select “Run as administrator” to open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
  • Now restart your computer and see if the problem is fixed or not.

Option 4 – Install and update Dependencies

There are times when programs and applications need to have drivers and supporting software installed for them to properly work. Although the installation usually takes care of it, it’s time for you to do some manual check especially if you are getting this issue of abnormal program termination.
  • Install some qualified drivers – A number of high-end games and applications need to have correct and valid drivers for them to work. They just don’t work with general drivers though. Microsoft has this Windows Hardware Quality Labs testing also known as WHQL testing which makes sure that drivers meet the correct experience and pass through the proper testing before certification. Thus, when installing drivers, you need to ensure that they are qualified drivers for your Windows 10 PC.
  • Download and install or Update DirectX – As you know, Microsoft DirectX is a suite of technologies developed by Microsoft to provide hardware acceleration for heavy multimedia applications like HD videos and 3D games. Since you are using Windows 10, you have the DirectX 12 version while the earlier Windows versions use the DirectX 11 version.
  • Install the Microsoft DirectX End-user runtime – The Microsoft DirectX end-user runtime gives updates to version 9.0c as well as previous versions of DirectX. To install it, click on this link and download it.
  • Update or install the .NET framework – The .NET framework is used by games and applications during development which means that without the runtime files that are installed in your computer, it definitely won’t work. Thus, you need to install or update this framework. You can also use the .NET setup verification tool to verify it.
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