
Perform Voice Activation Troubleshooting

One of the smoother things that Microsoft did with the Windows 10 operating system is to separate Cortana from Search. This means that Cortana is strictly now a voice assistant and many users have seen it coming since not everyone uses Cortana. In addition, it also paved the way for other virtual assistants like Alexa to get on board with Windows 10. And now in the newly released Windows 10 v1903, Windows has brought the Voice Activation under Privacy. In this post, you will be guided on how to perform the Voice Activation troubleshooting on your Windows 10 computer.

To use Voice Activation in Windows 10, follow, in the Start Search, type “voice activation” and click on “Voice activation privacy settings” listed in the search results. And from there, you can choose to allow apps to use Microphone, like listen in the background as well as select which app can access it. Each time enabled voice assistants continue to listen via microphone for the voice keyword, the app will activate itself for the keyword and will react depending on what you ask it. So if you are using a voice assistant and it didn’t respond when you speak the keyword, just go to Settings > Privacy > Voice Activation and follow these steps:

Option 1: Check the App permission to use the voice activation feature.

You have to make sure that the toggle button for the Voice activation feature is turned on globally. It can be found under the “Allow apps to use voice activation” section. You also have to ensure that the microphone is available for apps that use this feature.

Option 2: Voice activation is not working under the lock screen.

If you tend to use the voice assistant even when your computer is locked, Microsoft has a specific setting that you have to turn on. You need to make sure that the toggle button for the “Allow apps to use voice activation when this device is locked” option is turned on. However, keep in mind that the voice assistants are not locked to only recognize your voice as they also answer to anyone who will use the voice keyword.

Option 3: Check the individual permissions of apps.

If the voice assistant is not working, you have to check each one of the apps’ permissions for voice keyword, and the option to work under locked condition works.

Option 4: Run the Microphone troubleshooter.

If you’ve verified that the settings are in place, then you have to run the Microphone troubleshooter by simply going to Settings > Privacy > Microphone. From there, make sure that the toggle button for the following options is turned on:

  • Allow apps to access your microphone
  • Enable microphone access for the voice assistant

And if it’s a desktop app, you have to enable the toggle on at the end.

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Disable Touchscreen in Windows 11
The touchscreen feature inside Windows 11 is a pretty good thing but sometimes can be very impractical. The screen can easily and constantly get dirty due to fingers touching it all the time and there are users that do not wish or want to have this feature at all. touchscreen windows 11If you are one of the mentioned users and for any reason, you do not wish to have a touchscreen-enabled then sit back and relax, we have you covered in this tutorial on how to fully disable touchscreen inside Windows 11.

Turn off touchscreen via device manager

  1. Click on the Windows Search icon in the taskbar
  2. Type Device Manager
  3. Click on Device Manager from the list of results
  4. Inside locate Human Interface Devices and click on the right arrow
  5. In the list, find HID-Compliant Touch Screen and select Disable Device
  6. Click on Yes to confirm

Disable it via Windows Terminal

  1. Right-click on the Windows icon in the taskbar
  2. Click on Windows Terminal (admin)
  3. Inside run this command: Get-PnpDevice | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -like '*touch screen*'} | Disable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$false


No matter which method you prefer, both of them will disable the touch screen inside Windows 11. Thank you for reading trough article and I hope to see you again. Take care.
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Renaming items in the Win+X menu
As you know, the Win + X menu, which is the shortcut context menu, is a useful way to launch several utilizes in Windows such as Power Options, Windows PowerShell, Event Viewer, Device Manager, and so on. However, there are times when you might experience difficulty in identifying the required utility. This is actually a part of the Windows 10 shell that goes out of scope in the customization of Windows 10. However, there is an easy trick you can use to do that. So in this post, you will be guided on how you can rename the options in the Win + X menu in Windows 10. In case you don’t know, the context menu is divided into three groups. Microsoft has categorized the bottom-most part as Group 1, while the middle part is categorized as Group 2 and the first part as Group 3. To rename these options, you need to use File Explorer and follow the instructions laid out below. Step 1: First, tap the Win + E keys to open File Explorer. Step 2: Next, navigate to this path: %LocalAppdata%MicrosoftWindowsWinX Step 3: From there, you should see three folders as Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3. Open the appropriate folder of your choice. Step 4: After that, right-click on the shortcut option you want to rename and then select Properties. Step 5: Next, navigate to the Shortcut tab under the Properties window. Step 6: Now in the text field of Comment, enter the new name of the option you selected. Step 7: Click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made. Note: You can now either Sign back in or sign out of your Windows 10 User Account to see the result of the changes you’ve made. You could also restart the process of File Explorer via Task Manager. This will close the File Explorer as well as the shell components and then only launch the shell components again. In addition, you can check the Win + X menu to see the customized name that you’ve just set for a particular option. As you can see, even though it does not add anything extra, it is still a lot better in knowing how you can customize it.
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3 Methods To Fix Qtcore4.dll Error

Qtcore4.dll Error - What is it?

Qtcore4.dll is a dynamic link library file that helps Microsoft Windows in loading several key components of the system. The Qtcore4.dll error occurs when the Qtcore4.dll file cannot be loaded to run the application supported by this .dll file. The Qcore4.dll missing error message may occur while booting your system or launching a certain program. It is a blue screen of death error type. The Qtcore4.dll error code is often displayed as:

BLUE SCREEN ERROR - QtCore4.dll Not Found

Filei386QtCore4.dll could not be loaded. The error code is 7. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.


Restoro box imageError Causes

This error code is triggered by a variety of reasons such as:
  • Windows file allocation file gets damaged
  • Your computer BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) are misconfigured
  • The Qtcore4.dll file gets corrupt
  • Registry gets damaged and corrupt
  • Non-Microsoft program not running in tandem with Windows
  • Malware attack
  • Improper hardware driver software
It is advisable to fix the Qtcore4.dll error code immediately as this error can pose serious threats to your system. Qtcore4.dll error can lead to system breakdown.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some ways of fixing the Qtcore4.dll error on your system:

1. Re-install the Program Causing Qtcore4.dll error message to pop up

As dll files are shared files sometimes due to program deletion and installation .dll file settings can get misconfigured, damaged, and corrupt. In such a scenario, you can try reinstalling the program that is causing Qtcore4.dll error message to appear on the screen.

2. Reconfigure your Mis-configured BIOS

If BIOS misconfiguration is the cause of this error code on your system, then try reconfiguring your system’s misconfigured BIOS.
  • To do this boot the computer and then press the BIOS designated keys to enter the BIOS. The keys may vary from manufacture to manufacture but typically, the setup keys are F2, F10, F12, and Del.
  • Once you figure out the setup keys, press them rapidly when booting the computer.
  • After successfully hitting the setup keys, the BIOS will load and you will see the BIOS setting menu on your screen. Adjust settings. Go to SATA Operation and change RAID AHCI to RAID ATA. Save changes and then exit.

3. Scan Your PC with a Registry Cleaner and an Antivirus

However, after adjusting the BIOS if the error still pops up on your screen, then this indicates the problem is bigger than you think. It triggers either malware attack or registry corruption. If these are the underlying causes for the Qtcore4.dll error on your system then you need to scan your PC with a registry cleaner and an antivirus. Registry is the main database of your system; if this gets corrupt it is most likely to result in system failure and valuable data loss. And as for malware, the biggest concern is data security threats. Today’s advanced and lethal malware like viruses and spyware can give easy access to hackers to enter your system from a remote location, browse through your confidential and private data and manipulate it to their advantage. This has led to a surge in various types of cyber crime, data breaches, and identity theft cases over the years. To avoid all this while resolving the error code Qtcore4.dll on your PC, registry cleaning and repair and antivirus scan are needed. You can either download 2 separate tools on your system to scan your PC which by the way will take a lot of time and increase your chances of the system slow down or you can download Restoro.

Why Restoro?

  • Total System Care is an advanced, user-friendly, high, and multi-functional repair.
  • It is deployed with a powerful and intuitive registry cleaner. It also functions as a system optimizer. It spares you from downloading numerous tools to address and resolve different errors on your PC.
  • It is your one-stop solution for not only Qtcore4.dll problems but practically all PC-related issues.
  • The registry cleaner utility detects all the malicious, unnecessary, and obsolete files overloading and corrupting your RAM.
  • This includes junk and temporary files. It wipes them out thus clearing your disk space. Simultaneously, it also repairs the damaged and misconfigured dll files including the Qtcore4.dll file, and fixes the corrupt registry.
  • The privacy error utility has the properties of an antivirus. It detects and removes malware, viruses adware, and spyware from your system in seconds.
  • Total System Care resolves the Qtcore4.dll error on your system and boosts the performance of your system. It has a simple and neat interface which makes it quite easy for users to operate it, even those who are not technically adept.
  • It is compatible with all Windows versions
Click here to download Restoro and repair the Qtcore4.dll error on your PC.
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Automatically Turn Off Hotspot when idle
One of the useful features that came with Windows 10 is the Mobile Hotspot although there’s a downside to it – it drains your battery faster especially if your Windows 10 device is running on battery. Another one of its flaws in the implementation of this feature is that it stays activated even when the connection is idle. In other words, it is still activated even if no devices are connected to it. As a result, it consumes battery life and affects it. There are also instances when it affects the performance of the network connection. At the time of writing, Microsoft hasn’t done anything about this dilemma yet so in the meantime, you can continue reading this post to resolve this issue on your Windows 10 device. You can remedy this Mobile Hotspot issue by running a command in Windows PowerShell. To get started, follow the given instructions below.

Turn off Mobile Hotspot Automatically:

Step 1: The first thing you have to do is to copy the following command:
powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,net stop "icssvc" & REG ADD "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesicssvcSettings" /V PeerlessTimeoutEnabled /T REG_DWORD /D 1 /F & net start "icssvc"' -Verb runAs"
Step 2: After copying the command given above, open the Notepad app and paste the command you copied there and save it. And when saving it, select the “Save as” option and its File type as “All files”. Step 3: After that, put “TurnOnTimer.bat” as the file’s name and save it on your Desktop. Step 4: Once done, run the file you just created, and when a User Account Control or UAC prompt appears, just click on Yes. Step 5: After you run the file, it will run a series of scripts in a command line which will turn off the Mobile Hotspot automatically when idle. And that’s how you automatically turn off the Mobile Hotspot when your Windows 10 device is idle. On the other hand, if you want to undo the changes made, you can always do so using the steps provided below.

Turn on Mobile Hotspot:

Step 1: Copy and paste the following command in the Notepad app:
powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,net stop "icssvc" & REG ADD "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesicssvcSettings" /V PeerlessTimeoutEnabled /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F & net start "icssvc"' -Verb runAs"
Step 2: After copying and pasting the command, save it as “TurnOffTimer.bat” on the Desktop. Step 3: Once done, run the file like what you did earlier and select Yes when a UAC prompt pops up. This will run a series of scripts on a command line which will revert the changes back to their default state.
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Gaming Wonderland Removal Tutorial

Gaming Wonderland is a Browser Extension for Google Chrome developed by Mindspark. This extension allows you to look up some popular browser games, as well as to find multiplayer games. When installed it changes your default search provider and your default home page to MyWebSearch. While browsing the internet, this extension will gather your browsing information, website visits, clicks, and other information that is later sent to Mindspark ad servers and used to better target ads.

While using this extension you will see additional unwanted ads appearing throughout your browser sessions.

Due to the nature of this application and the fact that it has been marked as a Browser Hijacker by several anti-virus scanners, it is not recommended to keep it on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means that a malicious code has power over and modified the settings of your internet browser, without your consent. They are made to disrupt browser functions for a variety of reasons. These are generally used to force visitors to a specific site, manipulating web traffic to generate ad revenue. It may appear harmless, but the majority of such sites are not legitimate and will present a serious risk to your online safety. As soon as the program attacks your computer or laptop, it begins to mess things up a whole that slows your system down to a crawl. In the worse case, you could be pushed to tackle serious malware threats as well.

Browser hijacking symptoms

When your web browser is hijacked, the following could happen: you find unauthorized modifications to your web browser’s home-page; new bookmarks pointing to pornographic websites have been added to your bookmarks; default web engine is changed; you are finding browser toolbars you haven’t noticed before; unstoppable flurries of popup advertisements show up on your PC screen; your browser gets slow, buggy, crashes quite often; you’re prohibited access to specific websites, including the site of an anti-malware software firm like SafeBytes.

How does a browser hijacker infect a PC

Browser hijackers might use drive-by downloads or file-sharing websites or even an e-mail attachment in order to reach a targeted computer. They could also be deployed through the installation of a web browser toolbar, add-on, or extension. A browser hijacker can also be installed as a part of freeware, shareware, demoware, and pirated programs. A good example of a notorious browser hijacker is the latest Chinese malicious software called “Fireball”, which has attacked 250 million PCs worldwide. It works as a hijacker but can be turned into a fully functioning malware downloader later on. Browser hijackers will affect the user’s browsing experience severely, keep track of the websites visited by users and steal private information, cause problems in connecting to the net, and eventually create stability issues, making applications and computers freeze.

Browser Hijacker Malware – Removal

Some kinds of browser hijackers can be removed from your computer by deleting malicious software applications or any other recently added shareware. At times, it can be a tough task to discover and get rid of the malicious component since the associated file might be running as part of the operating system process. Novice PC users should not try for the manual form of removal, since it calls for thorough computer knowledge to do fixes on the system registry and HOSTS file. Installing and running antivirus applications on the affected system will automatically erase browser hijackers and also other unwanted applications. Safebytes Anti-Malware incorporates a cutting-edge anti-malware engine that will help you prevent browser hijacker infection in the first place, and clean up any existing problems. Use a system optimizer together with your antivirus software to fix various registry problems, remove system vulnerabilities, and boost your computer's overall performance.

Help! Malware Blocking Antivirus Installation And Access To The Web

Viruses can cause plenty of damage to your PC. Some malware variants alter internet browser settings by adding a proxy server or change the PC’s DNS settings. In such cases, you will be unable to visit certain or all websites, and therefore not able to download or install the required security software to eliminate the malware. So what you should do if malware keeps you from downloading or installing Safebytes Anti-Malware? There are a few actions you can take to circumvent this issue.

Use Safe Mode to resolve the issue

In Safe Mode, you may change Windows settings, uninstall or install some programs, and remove hard-to-delete viruses and malware. In case the virus is set to load immediately when the PC starts, shifting into this mode may well prevent it from doing so. To boot into Safe Mode, press the “F8” key on the keyboard right before the Windows logo screen appears; Or right after normal Windows boot up, run MSCONFIG, look over Safe Boot under Boot tab, and then click Apply. Once you’re in safe mode, you can try to install your antivirus program without the hindrance of malicious software. At this point, you can actually run the antivirus scan to get rid of viruses and malware without any interference from another malicious application.

Switch to an alternate internet browser

Some viruses might target vulnerabilities of a specific browser that obstruct the downloading process. If you seem to have a trojan attached to Internet Explorer, then switch to an alternate browser with built-in security features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your favorite antivirus program – Safebytes.

Create a bootable USB antivirus drive

Another solution is to save and run an antivirus software program completely from a USB drive. Adopt these measures to run the anti-malware on the infected computer. 1) On a virus-free computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Connect the USB drive to a USB port on the clean computer. 3) Double-click the Setup icon of the antivirus software to run the Installation Wizard. 4) Select the drive letter of the flash drive as the place when the wizard asks you exactly where you want to install the antivirus. Follow the activation instructions. 5) Unplug the USB drive. Now you can use this portable anti-virus on the affected computer. 6) Run the Safebytes Anti-malware directly from the USB drive by double-clicking the icon. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the infected computer for viruses.

Detect And Remove Viruses With SafeBytes Anti-Malware

If you are looking to download the anti-malware program for your PC, there are various tools on the market to consider however, you cannot trust blindly anyone, regardless of whether it is paid or free program. A few are really worth your money, but most aren’t. You must opt for a company that creates industry-best antimalware and has earned a reputation as reliable. On the list of strongly recommended software is SafeBytes AntiMalware. SafeBytes carries a good track record of quality service, and customers appear to be happy with it. SafeBytes anti-malware is trustworthy software that not only protects your system completely but is also quite user-friendly for people of all skill levels. Using its outstanding protection system, this tool will automatically detect and eliminate most of the security threats, including browser hijackers, viruses, adware, PUPs, trojans, worms, and ransomware.

SafeBytes anti-malware takes computer protection to a totally new level with its advanced features. Below are some of the features you might like in SafeBytes.

Anti-Malware Protection: This deep-cleaning anti-malware software program goes much deeper than most anti-virus tools to clean out your personal computer. Its critically acclaimed virus engine locates and disables hard-to-remove malware that hides deep within your personal computer. Real-time Protection: SafeBytes delivers complete and real-time security for your PC. It’ll constantly monitor your pc for hacker activity and also provides end-users with sophisticated firewall protection. Website Filtering: SafeBytes gives an instant safety rating to the pages you are going to visit, automatically blocking unsafe sites and making sure that you are certain of your safety while browsing the net. High-Speed Malware Scanning Engine: SafeBytes’s high-speed malware scanning engine lessens scan times and extends battery life. Simultaneously, it will effectively find and get rid of infected computer files or any internet threat. Low CPU/Memory Usage: SafeBytes is well-known for its low impact on processing power and great detection rate of various threats. It runs silently and efficiently in the background so you are free to utilize your personal computer at full power all the time. 24/7 Premium Support: You can get 24/7 technical assistance to quickly resolve any issue with your security software. To sum it up, SafeBytes Anti-Malware provides outstanding protection combined with very low system resource usage with great malware prevention and detection. You now may know that this tool does more than just scan and remove threats from your PC. If you’re searching for the absolute best malware removal application out there, and if you don’t mind spending a few bucks for it, go for SafeBytes Anti-Malware.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you would like to do the removal of Gaming Wonderland manually instead of using an automated software tool, you may follow these measures: Go to the Windows Control Panel, click the “Add or Remove Programs” and there, select the offending application to uninstall. In case of suspicious versions of browser plug-ins, you can easily get rid of it through your web browser’s extension manager. You may even want to reset your home page and search engine providers, and also delete temporary files, browsing history, and cookies. In order to ensure the complete removal, manually examine your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Having said that, editing the Windows registry is really a difficult job that only advanced users and professionals should try to fix it. Furthermore, some malicious programs have the capability to defend against its deletion. It is advisable that you do the removal procedure in Windows Safe Mode.
Files: %PROGRAMFILES%\GamingWonderland %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\GamingWonderland %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\GamingWonderland %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\GamingWonderlandTooltab %LOCALAPPDATA%\GamingWonderlandTooltab %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fenbipnfkodbfdjlgndbgokhkneidbom %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\hjkdfjgajdjedjpapojndcfhekhbpkjp %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\hjkdfjgajdjedjpapojndcfhekhbpkjp Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GamingWonderland HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.DynamicBarButton.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.FeedManager HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.FeedManager.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.HTMLMenu HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.HTMLMenu.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.HTMLPanel HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.HTMLPanel.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.MultipleButton HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.PseudoTransparentPlugin.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.Radio HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.Radio.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.RadioSettings HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.RadioSettings.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ScriptButton HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ScriptButton.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.SettingsPlugin HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.SkinLauncher.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.SkinLauncherSettings HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.SkinLauncherSettings.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ThirdPartyInstaller HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ThirdPartyInstaller.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ToolbarProtector HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.ToolbarProtector.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\GamingWonderland.XMLSessionPlugin.1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\0c7bac04-8f5d-4bbd-956a-34fafa547752 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\16fbdf8c-476f-4d6b-8009-84471903cf96 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\82bacdc9-afce-41ee-92f5-b54f6db45a1c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\8b70e4e8-100a-4b4f-b928-6d8126b730bb HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\c1151fbb-ef5b-4a2b-91e4-e8776f091f37 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\82bacdc9-afce-41ee-92f5-b54f6db45a1c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\8b70e4e8-100a-4b4f-b928-6d8126b730bb HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\c1151fbb-ef5b-4a2b-91e4-e8776f091f37 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\e65f4fe3-b8a9-408f-9e8d-37689e565618 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Browser Helper Objects\ab5d199e-9659-47a2-930b-fc3b69061353 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\f4d7584b-6643-4bc7-8e24-17c3258dc5ef HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\26A73C38-B71A-4D3A-80B7-E010420DA1E7 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\1a30aa28-2fc6-4360-9e14-cfa627d51b6c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\08fbcb5f-de4f-49e0-977e-e4269f4d7206 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\f4d7584b-6643-4bc7-8e24-17c3258dc5ef HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\99c8d756-4d22-4d0f-898a-34a232884ce1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\75faf80f-56c7-4bb3-b825-39d0a706b5a4 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\PreApproved\4c297ddf-0a36-4b17-b8fa-0c0395f2c5bc HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MozillaPlugins\@GamingWonderland.com/Plugin HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\@GamingWonderland.com/Plugin HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: GamingWonderland Search Scope Monitor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GamingWonderlandbar Uninstall Firefox HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GamingWonderlandbar Uninstall Internet Explorer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: GamingWonderland Search Scope Monitor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GamingWonderland HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Google\Chrome\Extensions\hpflffkopmgalfhfholanbnhoiblmajp HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions\hpflffkopmgalfhfholanbnhoiblmajp HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, value: a899079d-206f-43a6-be6a-07e0fa648ea0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, value: a899079d-206f-43a6-be6a-07e0fa648ea0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GamingWonderland Chrome Extension Uninstall HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\3d29c02b-bf3e-4d3b-8a7a-e0e7d0f6dbab HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\3d29c02b-bf3e-4d3b-8a7a-e0e7d0f6dbab HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\c5ce0d8e-0300-4a17-a89c-6cc8078348ad HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\c5ce0d8e-0300-4a17-a89c-6cc8078348ad HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\free.gamingwonderland.com HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\gamingwonderland.com HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: 7C8F8FE5-9785-4F74-BCF8-895EF9752D97 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: A899079D-206F-43A6-BE6A-07E0FA648EA0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Approved Extensions, value: AB5D199E-9659-47A2-930B-FC3B69061353 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: GamingWonderland EPM Support HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: GamingWonderland EPM Support HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\gamingwonderland.dl.myway.com
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Cortana is Not Connecting to the Internet
Recently, a number of Windows 10 users reported that they were not able to use Cortana properly because it wasn’t able to connect to the internet. According to these users, Cortana won’t connect to the internet even when their internet connection is stable. According to security experts, this issue is confirmed to occur only with Microsoft accounts. This problem might have something to do with a proxy server that interferes with Cortana. There were reports that this issue was caused by a proxy that was filtering the network connection which also happens to interfere with Cortana’s ability to adapt search results and queries based on the user’s location. It could also be caused by some glitch in the home network or your Microsoft account information is inconsistent or your Microsoft account has to be verified. Here are some suggestions that could help fix the connection issue in Cortana, just start with the first one and work your way down until you encounter an option that fixes the problem.

Option 1 – Restart or reset your modem or router

The first thing you can try is restarting or resetting your modem or router. All you have to do is unplug the power cable of the modem and then plug it back in after a few seconds. You could also use the reset button of the modem at the back if it is one. But before you press the reset button, keep in mind that it will erase all the connection credentials and it will be set back to its default settings. After rebooting the network, you can restart your computer to force your modem or router to reassign an IP address to your computer.

Option 2 – Restart Cortana

Restarting Cortana can help you resolve the issue.
  • To restart Cortana, open the Task Manager, right-click on Cortana and select the “End process” option.
  • Then go to the File tab and select “Run new task”.
  • After that, type in “cortana.exe” and press Enter to restart the process.

Option 3 – Try to remove Proxy

Removing the Proxy might also help you in fixing the connection issue in Cortana. Here’s how you can do it:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “inetcpl.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to pull up the Internet Properties.
  • After that, go to the Connections tab and select the LAN settings.
  • From there. Uncheck the “Use a Proxy Server” option for your LAN and then make sure that the “Automatically detect settings” option is checked.
  • Now click the OK and the Apply buttons.
  • Restart your PC.
Note: If you are using a third-party proxy service, you have to disable it.

Option 4 – Open another app that uses a Microsoft account

This might seem like an odd fix, however, a couple of users tried doing this and it worked for them as it allowed Cortana to connect to the internet again. In this option, you just have to launch another app that uses your Microsoft account information in the same way as Cortana, for instance, the Store app. Once you open the app, a prompt should appear along with a dialog box that allows you to update your Microsoft account with the information required. After that, restart your computer and check if Cortana is now able to connect to the internet or not.

Option 5 – Verify your Microsoft account

In some cases, Cortana might not be able to connect to the internet because your Microsoft account is no longer verified. This usually happens when you use a two-step authentication system with your Microsoft account. To verify it, just open Settings and click on Accounts. After that, check if you have a Verify hyperlink under your Microsoft account or not then click on Verify. Afterward, follow the next on-screen prompts to verify your Microsoft account. Once your account is verified, restart your computer.

Option 6 – Reset Cortana settings

  • Open Cortana and go to the Settings section where you’ll see the “Turning off Cortana clears what Cortana knows on this device, but won’t delete anything from the Notebook. After Cortana is off, you can decide what you’d like to do with anything still stored in the cloud” option. Turn this option off.
  • Restart your PC.
  • After your computer boots, launch Cortana again and check.
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InboxAce Removal Tutorial

InboxAce is a browser extension for Google Chrome developed by Mindspark and gives users easy access to the most popular email clients with just 1 click away. This extension changes your default search engine, as well as your home page to MyWay.com. Several anti-virus scanners have marked this extension as a Browser Hijacker due to its information mining nature.

While installing this extension monitors user browsing activities. It logs the website you visit, the links you click, the products you buy, basically everything that you do in a browser. This information is later used to display unwanted targeted ads that are injected into your search results.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means that a malicious code has power over and modified the settings of your internet browser, without your consent. Browser hijacker malware is designed for many different reasons. Typically, it will drive users to particular websites which are looking to increase their advertising campaign revenue. Many people believe that these kinds of sites are legitimate and harmless but that is incorrect. Almost every browser hijacker poses an actual threat to your online safety and it is vital to classify them under privacy risks. Browser hijackers can also permit other malicious programs without your knowledge to further damage the computer.

How to determine if your browser has been hijacked

Signs that an internet browser is hijacked include: the home page of your respective browser is changed unexpectedly; you observe new unwanted favorites or bookmarks added, usually directed to ad-filled or pornography sites; default online search engine is modified; find new toolbars which you did not add; unstoppable flurries of popup advertisements show up on your computer screen; your browser gets slow, buggy, crashes very often; Inability to navigate to particular sites, especially anti-malware and also other security software sites.

How it infects your PC

Browser hijackers might use drive-by downloads or file-sharing websites or an e-mail attachment in order to reach a targeted computer. They also come from add-on applications, also known as browser helper objects (BHO), browser extensions, or toolbars. Other times you may have unintentionally accepted a browser hijacker as part of a software bundle (usually freeware or shareware). A good example of some notorious browser hijackers includes Conduit, Anyprotect, Babylon, DefaultTab, SweetPage, Delta Search, and RocketTab, but the names are continually changing. Browser hijackers can disrupt the user’s web surfing experience greatly, record the websites frequented by users and steal private information, cause problems in connecting to the internet, and then finally create stability problems, making applications and systems crash.

Tips on how to get rid of browser hijackers

Some types of browser hijackers can be effortlessly removed from your PC by deleting malicious software or any other recently installed freeware. But, most hijackers are extremely tenacious and need specialized applications to eliminate them. And there’s no denying the very fact that the manual repairs and removal methods could be a difficult job for a novice PC user. On top of that, there are many risks connected with tinkering around with the system registry files. Anti-malware software is very effective with regards to picking up and eliminating browser hijackers that normal anti-virus application has overlooked. SafeBytes Anti-Malware will counter persistent browser hijackers and provide you real-time computer protection against all types of malware. In addition to anti-malware, a system optimizer program, similar to Total System Care, could help you fix Windows registry errors, get rid of unwanted toolbars, secure your online privacy, and increase overall computer performance.

Find Out How To Install Safebytes Anti-Malware On An Infected PC

Malware can cause all sorts of damage once they invade your computer, starting from stealing your personal details to deleting files on your computer system. Some malware goes to great lengths to stop you from installing anything on your computer system, particularly antivirus programs. If you’re reading this, odds are you’re stuck with a malware infection that is preventing you to download or install the Safebytes Anti-Malware program on your PC. There are a few fixes you could try to get around with this particular problem.

Remove viruses in Safe Mode

If any virus is set to run automatically when Windows starts, entering Safe Mode could very well block this attempt. Just the minimum required programs and services are loaded when you start your PC into Safe Mode. The following are the steps you have to follow to boot into the Safe Mode of your Windows XP, Vista, or 7 computers (visit Microsoft website for instructions on Windows 8 and 10 computers). 1) At power-on/startup, tap the F8 key in 1-second intervals. This will bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Use the arrow keys to choose Safe Mode with Networking and press ENTER. 3) When you are into this mode, you should have online access once again. Now, make use of your browser normally and navigate to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) After installation, do a full scan and let the program eliminate the threats it finds.

Switch over to an alternate web browser

Some viruses may target vulnerabilities of a particular web browser that block the downloading process. If you’re not able to download the security software using Internet Explorer, this means malware could be targeting IE’s vulnerabilities. Here, you must switch to another browser such as Firefox or Chrome to download Safebytes software.

Make a bootable USB anti-virus drive

Another option is to save and operate an anti-malware program completely from a Thumb drive. Adopt these measures to run the antivirus on the affected computer. 1) On a clean computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the Thumb drive into the clean computer. 3) Double click on the exe file to open the installation wizard. 4) When asked, select the location of the USB drive as the place where you would like to put the software files. Follow activation instructions. 5) Unplug the pen drive. You may now utilize this portable anti-virus on the affected computer system. 6) Double click the EXE file to open the Safebytes tool right from the pen drive. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the affected computer for viruses.

A Look at the Best AntiMalware Program

If you are looking to download the anti-malware program for your PC, there are various tools in the market to consider but you just cannot trust blindly anyone, irrespective of whether it is paid or free program. Some are very good ones, some are ok types, and some are just bogus anti-malware programs that could ruin your computer themselves! You should select one that is dependable, practical, and has a strong reputation for its malware source protection. When considering commercial antimalware tool options, many people select well-known brands, such as SafeBytes, and they are quite happy with it. SafeBytes is a powerful, real-time anti-malware application that is designed to assist the typical computer end user in safeguarding their computer from malicious internet threats. When you have installed this software, SafeByte's state-of-the-art protection system will make sure that no viruses or malware can seep through your personal computer.

SafeBytes anti-malware takes PC protection to a totally new level with its enhanced features. Here are some of the features you will like in SafeBytes.

World-class AntiMalware Protection: Built on a greatly acclaimed anti-virus engine, this malware removal application can detect and remove numerous obstinate malware threats like browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other typical antivirus programs will miss. Active Protection: SafeBytes gives you round-the-clock protection for your computer limiting malware intrusions instantly. This software will constantly keep track of your computer for suspicious activity and updates itself continuously to keep abreast of the constantly changing threat landscape. Extremely Speed Scanning: SafeBytes’s virus scan engine is one of the fastest and most efficient in the industry. Its targeted scanning highly increases the catch rate for malware that is embedded in various computer files. Safe Web Browsing: SafeBytes checks and gives a unique safety rating to each and every website you visit and block access to web pages known to be phishing sites, thus protecting you from identity theft, or known to contain malicious software. Light-weight: SafeBytes gives total protection from online threats at a fraction of the CPU load because of its advanced detection engine and algorithms. Premium Support: Skilled technicians are at your disposal 24/7! They will promptly resolve any technical issues you might be experiencing with your security software. On the whole, SafeBytes Anti-Malware is a solid program as it has lots of features and could detect and remove any potential threats. You can rest assured that your PC will be protected in real-time as soon as you put this tool to use. You will get the very best all-around protection for the money you spend on SafeBytes anti-malware subscription, there is no doubt about it.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you’d like to manually get rid of InboxAce without the use of an automated tool, it may be actually possible to do so by removing the program from the Microsoft Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of web browser plug-ins, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. It is also highly recommended to factory reset your browser settings to their default state. If you choose to manually delete the system files and registry entries, utilize the following list to ensure that you know precisely what files to remove before executing any actions. But bear in mind, this can be a tricky task and only computer professionals could accomplish it safely. Also, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. You’re urged to do this process in Safe Mode.
Files: Search and Delete: 1gauxstb.dll 1gbar.dll 1gbarsvc.exe 1gbprtct.dll 1gbrmon.exe 1gbrstub.dll 1gdatact.dll 1gdlghk.dll 1gdyn.dll 1gfeedmg.dll 1ghighin.exe 1ghkstub.dll 1ghtmlmu.dll 1ghttpct.dll 1gidle.dll 1gieovr.dll 1gimpipe.exe 1gmedint.exe 1gmlbtn.dll 1gmsg.dll 1gPlugin.dll 1gradio.dll 1gregfft.dll 1greghk.dll 1gregiet.dll 1gscript.dll 1gskin.dll 1gsknlcr.dll 1gskplay.exe 1gSrcAs.dll 1gSrchMn.exe 1gtpinst.dll 1guabtn.dll AppIntegrator64.exe AppIntegratorStub64.dll BOOTSTRAP.JS chromegffxtbr.jar CHROME.MANIFEST CREXT.DLL CrExtP1g.exe DPNMNGR.DLL EXEMANAGER.DLL Hpg64.dll INSTALL.RDF installKeys.js LOGO.BMP NP1gStub.dll T8EXTEX.DLL T8EXTPEX.DLL T8HTML.DLL T8RES.DLL T8TICKER.DLL VERIFY.DLL s_pid.dat 1gEIPlug.dll 1gEZSETP.dll NP1gEISb.dll 000653A1.exe Folders: %APPDATA%\InboxAce_1g\ %PROGRAMFILES%\InboxAce_1g\ %PROGRAMFILES%\InboxAce_1gEI\ Registry: Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.DynamicBarButton Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.DynamicBarButton\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.DynamicBarButton\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.DynamicBarButton.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.DynamicBarButton.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.FeedManager Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.FeedManager\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.FeedManager\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.FeedManager.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.FeedManager.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLMenu Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLMenu\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLMenu\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLMenu.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLMenu.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLPanel Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLPanel\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLPanel\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLPanel.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.HTMLPanel.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.MultipleButton Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.MultipleButton\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.MultipleButton\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.MultipleButton.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.MultipleButton.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.PseudoTransparentPlugin Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.PseudoTransparentPlugin\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.PseudoTransparentPlugin\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.PseudoTransparentPlugin.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.PseudoTransparentPlugin.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.Radio Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.Radio\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.Radio\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.Radio.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.Radio.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.RadioSettings Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.RadioSettings\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.RadioSettings\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.RadioSettings.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.RadioSettings.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ScriptButton Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ScriptButton\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ScriptButton\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ScriptButton.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ScriptButton.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SettingsPlugin Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SettingsPlugin\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SettingsPlugin\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SettingsPlugin.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SettingsPlugin.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncher Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncher\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncher\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncher.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncher.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncherSettings Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncherSettings\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncherSettings\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncherSettings.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.SkinLauncherSettings.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ThirdPartyInstaller Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ThirdPartyInstaller\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ThirdPartyInstaller\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ThirdPartyInstaller.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ThirdPartyInstaller.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ToolbarProtector Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ToolbarProtector\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ToolbarProtector\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ToolbarProtector.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.ToolbarProtector.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.UrlAlertButton Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.UrlAlertButton\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.UrlAlertButton\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.UrlAlertButton.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.UrlAlertButton.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.XMLSessionPlugin Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.XMLSessionPlugin\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.XMLSessionPlugin\CurVer Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.XMLSessionPlugin.1 Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\InboxAce_1g.XMLSessionPlugin.1\CLSID Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\@InboxAce_1g.com/Plugin Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\InboxAce_1g Key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_INBOXACE_1GSERVICE Key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_INBOXACE_1GSERVICE%#MANIFEST#%00 Key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_INBOXACE_1GSERVICE%#MANIFEST#%00\Control Key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\InboxAce_1gService Key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\InboxAce_1gService\Security Key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\InboxAce_1gService\Enum Key HKCU\Software\InboxAce_1g Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ Value: InboxAce Search Scope Monitor Data: C:\PROGRA~1\INBOXA~2\bar.bingsrchmn.exe /m=2 /w /h Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ Value: InboxAce_1g Browser Plugin Loader Data: C:\PROGRA~1\INBOXA~2\bar.bingbrmon.exe00\Control Key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\InboxAce_1gService Key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\InboxAce_1gService\Security Key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\InboxAce_1gService\Enum Key HKCU\Software\InboxAce_1g Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ Value: InboxAce Search Scope Monitor Data: C:\PROGRA~1\INBOXA~2\bar.bingsrchmn.exe /m=2 /w /h Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ Value: InboxAce_1g Browser Plugin Loader Data: C:\PROGRA~1\INBOXA~2\bar.bingbrmon.exe
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How to Fix Htmlayout.dll Error

What Is Htmlayout.dll Error?

Htmlayout.dll is a linked library which is also known as HTMLayout. In simple words, it is an embeddable HTML layout and rendering component. htmlayout.dll is generally associated with Avast Internet Security, Bit Defender Internet Security 2011, and other similar programs. If you’re noticing that a continuous popup that reads:-
‘HTMLayout.dll cannot be loaded to properly start GUI. Therefore process cannot continue’, ‘Htmlayout.dll not found’, ‘The file htmlayout.dll is missing’,
and so on, then your system may be exposed to serious privacy and security threats.


Restoro box imageError Causes

To begin with, DLL files are shared files, and they can and do exist outside the software applications. While these files do provide benefits to software developers, once they are separated, they can only spell trouble. Hence, you start seeing the HTMLayout error, which will most probably occur at system startup, program startup, or when trying to use specific functions in a program. There are a number of reasons why the HTMLayout errors occur, and some of the common ones include:
  • The file is missing because it was accidentally deleted from the system.
  • The file was damaged by a virus and as a result, your system cannot access it.
  • The file was related to the registry and is now corrupt or obsolete.
  • The program that was related to the file was not uninstalled properly.
  • The file was overwritten by a corrupt or outdated version.
  • The spyware or malware deleted the original file and disguised it as the HTMLayout.

Further Information and Manual Repair

While the HTMLayout DLL error may sound like too much trouble, it is rather easy to resolve with a few steps. If you are getting the error because of a specific program or file, then you should reinstall to make sure the error does not pertain. For that, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Start and select the Control Panel.
  2. Click on the Add/Remove Programs icon and select the programs that show the error on the list.
  3. Select Remove/Uninstall to safely remove the program from your system.
  4. Restart the system and reinstall the program again.
This is the easy way out if the HTMLayout DLL error is occurring as a result of the file missing. However, there can be cases when the file has been tampered with by virus or registry issues. For that, the safest bet is to download Restoro. Restoro is not just another registry cleaner. Instead, it is a multi-functional PC Fixes that works as an antivirus, registry cleaner, system optimizer, and much more. What’s more interesting about Restoro is that it provides real-time results as opposed to other registry cleaners. In other words, you will actually feel a difference in PC performance and security after installing and using the program. The software is compatible with all Windows versions. So just click here and download Restoro to get rid of HTMLayout error and other issues in your system!
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Windows got stuck on Preparing Windows screen
You might have experienced a situation when you restarted your Windows 10 PC after an upgrade and you tried logging into your account but only a screen with a message saying, “Preparing Windows”. If the screen only stays that way, this indicates that Windows 10 is trying to complete the upgrade or waiting for some files to load up so that you can use your account. Some users also reported that when they tried logging into their accounts, they also get the same message on their screens. To resolve this issue, read on as this post will show you what you can do if your Windows 10 PC is stuck on the “Preparing Windows” screen. A lot of users have tried logging back into their account once more but to no avail as the same screen still greets them. And even when they tried the Ctrl + Alt + Del combo, it still didn’t work. This only goes to show that your account might somehow be corrupted.

Option 1 – Try booting your PC into Safe Mode

The first thing you can do to resolve the issue is to try booting your computer into Safe Mode and then log in using an Admin account. If it seems like your admin account has caused the problem, you need to create an admin account first and then log in after you reboot into the account and then log off. After that, restart your PC normally and check if the problem’s resolved or not. If not, refer to the next given option below.

Option 2 – Try to repair your corrupted profile via Registry

In this second option, you can try to repair the corrupted profile using the Registry but before you proceed, make sure to create a System Restore Point and then follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “regedit” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, go to this registry key: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList
  • Once you’ve opened the registry key, you should see a list of all the user profiles on your computer. Now click on each S-1-5 folder and look for the “ProfileImagePath” entry and double-click on it to check which user account it is related to. You will see a path like “CUsersACK” where “ACK” is the username.
  • You should know which among the user account is corrupted. Just look for a key named “RefCount” and change its Value data to “0” and click OK. And if it isn’t available, simply right-click on the right pane and create it.
  • After that, double click on the key named “State” and make sure that the Value data is “0” and click OK.
  • Exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer to apply the changes made.

Option 3 – Try running the System File Checker

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in command utility that helps in restoring corrupted files as well as missing files. It replaces bad and corrupted system files with good system files that might be the cause why your screen is stuck at “Preparing Windows”. To run the SFC command, follow the steps given below.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow
The command will start a system scan which will take a few whiles before it finishes. Once it’s done, you could get the following results:
  1. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
  2. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
  3. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

Option 4 – Try to repair hard disk errors using the Chkdsk utility

You can also run the Chkdsk utility to resolve the problem. If your hard drive has issues with integrity, the update will really fail as the system will think that it’s not healthy and that’s where the Chkdsk utility comes in. The Chkdsk utility repairs hard drive errors that might be causing the problem.
  • Open Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, execute the commands listed below, and don’t forget to hit Enter right after you type in each one of them.
  • chkntfs /t
  • chkntfs /t:10
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Fix Mfplat.dll missing on Windows 10
Recently, a number of users reported that they were not able to run PLEX and other similar streaming services ever since a Windows Update was automatically installed in the system. The error in these streaming services has something to do with a missing Mfplat.dll DLL file from the Windows Media Feature Pack. On the other hand, some users also reported that the mfplat.dll error occurred on several games as well which used the Media Feature Pack. Usually, the mfplat.dll error is caused by the missing Media Feature Pack in Windows 10. Although most of the time the Media Feature Pack is installed by the application that needs it or through Windows Update automatically, there are just certain installers that do not have it. It could be that the Media Playback service was disabled by a particular Windows Update. Aside from that, the error might be because your computer is using Windows 10 N – a Windows 10 version that does not include the Media Feature Pack by default. Whatever the cause may be, you can troubleshoot the problem with the help of the options given below. But before you go on, keep in mind that downloading the missing DLL file and copying it to the folder of the program where you encounter the error won’t really help and will only make things even more complicated.

Option 1 – Install the Media Feature Pack for Windows 10 N version

As mentioned, the Windows 10 N version does not come with Windows Media Player. Meaning to say, the Media Feature Pack is also not installed by default or won’t be updated by the Windows Update component. So if you are not quite sure what Windows 10 version you currently have installed, refer to these steps:
  • Tap the Windows key + S and then type “about” in the search box.
  • From the search results, click on the “About your PC” to open the About tab of the Settings app.
  • Afterward, scroll down to the Windows specifications and check your Windows version under Edition.
Note: If you’ve determined that your computer is using the Windows 10 N version, you need to install the appropriate Media Feature Pack for your computer. How? Refer to the steps below:
  • Click this link to download and install the Media Feature Pack from Microsoft’s official website.
  • Upon installation, select the edition you want to install using the drop-down menu and then click on Confirm. Take note that there are few reasons why you’d want to install the older version since most streaming services like PLEX and most games usually require version 1803.
  • After that, wait until the request is validated. The download should begin in a few minutes automatically.
  • Once the download is completed, open the installation executable file and follow the next on-screen instructions to install the Media Feature Pack on your computer.
  • Restart your computer. After your computer has rebooted, open the application where you’re getting the mfplat.dll missing error and then check if the problem is now fixed.

Option 2 – Enable Media Playback via Command Prompt

If you encounter the mfplat.dll missing error when you attempt to run PLEX or other similar streaming service and you’ve already verified that the Media Feature Pack is indeed installed, you might want to try enabling it using an elevated Command Prompt. There are cases when a particular Windows Update ends up disabling the feature and creates the grounds which results in the mfplat.dll missing error. Thus, you can have to enable the feature via Command Prompt.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “cmd” in the field and hit Enter to open an elevated Command Prompt.
  • Next, click on Yes if a User Account Control prompt pops up.
  • After opening Command Prompt, copy and paste the following command and hit Enter to execute it:
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:MediaPlayback
  • Close Command Prompt and then open the app once again to check if the problem is now fixed.

Option 3 – Try extracting a copy of the mfplat.dll file from the windows.old directory

If you encounter the error shortly after you just upgraded to Windows 10 from an older version, the best thing you can do to resolve the problem is to use windows.old directory to fetch an old copy of the mfplat.dll file. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Go to the Windows drive and then look for the windows.old directory where it preserves a copy of your old operating system as well as associated files in case something goes out of hand during the upgrade process.
  • After that, open the windows.old folder and then go to the syswow64 folder.
  • Next, from the syswow64 folder, copy the mfplat.dll file and paste it to C: windows syswow64.
  • Restart your computer and check if the error is now resolved or not.
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