There is a central location in Windows 10 that allows users to view all the notifications from its Action Center. Aside from viewing notifications, users can also manage them and take necessary actions in just one single place. Notifications in Windows 10 look similar to a message icon but can be at variance in function. However, recently, a number of users reported that even though they receive notifications about new actions but when opening them, they see nothing. In other words, the notification is false, and to fix this, read on as this post will provide you a couple of workarounds.
The Windows 10 Notifications and Action Center notification messages might show a mismatch. For instance, Windows 10 may say that you have some notifications but when you open Action Center, you find it empty and there are actually no notifications there. Take the case of the following screenshot, the Windows 10 Notification says that there are 6 new notifications available for viewing but the Action Center says otherwise.
Before you troubleshoot the problem, you might want to run System Restore especially if you’ve made some changes in your computer prior to this issue which might have messed with the Windows 10 Notifications and Action Center. To perform System Restore, refer to these steps:
If the problem wasn’t fixed and you’re still getting false notifications, you might want to troubleshoot the problem further using the options given below.
DAT errors like the ones that are associated with the Usrclass.dat file, most likely occur during computer startup, program startup, or while you try to use a specific function in your program. Even so, it can easily be fixed. How? Refer to the given steps below.
Windows 11 is a good-looking operating system but people love to make things personal and to their liking so we decided to help you in this mission with small customization of changing default system fonts inside Windows 11.
Since there is no really easy way to just switch the font windows is using for itself we will have to tweak a registry a little so before we start please do make a backup of the registry file and follow the steps as they are presented in order to avoid any errors and break the system.
So, if all precautions are made and you are ready to change your Windows appearance let's dive right into it:
There are vast free font sites on the internet where you can find fonts that you like and wish to use but be very careful with your desired font selection. The font that you choose needs to be a complete typeface, meaning that it has to contain all glyphs, large and small font sizes, all special characters, etc or you will experience that in certain areas nothing will be displayed.
Once you have found the font that you like and made sure it is a complete font, install it on your system (you can skip this step if you just want to change the system font with one already installed on your system)
Open notepad or a similar plain text editor in order to create a file that will apply changes directly into the registry and create a new file. Inside the file paste this text:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts]
"Segoe UI (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Light (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType)"=""
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes]
"Segoe UI"="NEW-FONT"
All the way to the bottom where it says: "Segoe UI"="NEW-FONT", change NEW-FONT with the font name that you have chosen or installed in the previous step. For example: "Segoe UI"="Ubuntu".
Now go to File > Save As and name your file however you want but give it REG extension so it looks like: my_new_windows_font.REG
Now that you have your registry entry saved, locate it and double-click on it, at this stage Windows warning will probably pop up, you can just ignore it and click on YES since you wrote the file and know what it is. After registry entry is applied reboot your PC in order for changes to take effect.
If you want to change the font to another one, just repeat this procedure again. If you want to roll back to using the default Windows font, repeat the process but with this code instead of the one provided in the REG file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts]
"Segoe UI (TrueType)"="segoeui.ttf"
"Segoe UI Black (TrueType)"="seguibl.ttf"
"Segoe UI Black Italic (TrueType)"="seguibli.ttf"
"Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)"="segoeuib.ttf"
"Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)"="segoeuiz.ttf"
"Segoe UI Emoji (TrueType)"="seguiemj.ttf"
"Segoe UI Historic (TrueType)"="seguihis.ttf"
"Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)"="segoeuii.ttf"
"Segoe UI Light (TrueType)"="segoeuil.ttf"
"Segoe UI Light Italic (TrueType)"="seguili.ttf"
"Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType)"="seguisb.ttf"
"Segoe UI Semibold Italic (TrueType)"="seguisbi.ttf"
"Segoe UI Semilight (TrueType)"="segoeuisl.ttf"
"Segoe UI Semilight Italic (TrueType)"="seguisli.ttf"
"Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType)"="seguisym.ttf"
"Segoe MDL2 Assets (TrueType)"="segmdl2.ttf"
"Segoe Print (TrueType)"="segoepr.ttf"
"Segoe Print Bold (TrueType)"="segoeprb.ttf"
"Segoe Script (TrueType)"="segoesc.ttf"
"Segoe Script Bold (TrueType)"="segoescb.ttf"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes]
"Segoe UI"=-
Computer voice control has moved a long way from its beginning routes and in today's age controlling your PC with voice is truly a reality and fully possible. Voice control is taking up the steam in everyday life, from simple commands in cars, Alexa, smartphones, TVs, etc. to modern computers.
Windows 10 has introduced voice control into PC with Cortana even during the installation process but a lot has changed from having a virtual assistant in begging days and in today's modern Windows 11 OS. You can now freely open apps, move, copy delete files, and even dictate in order to create a word document.
However, in order to take this advantage, you will need to turn it off first since it is disabled by default. Of course, you will need a microphone and some spare time to train Windows in understanding you properly.
Just like in Windows 10, in Windows 11 voice control is also in accessibility options and the first step is to turn ON Windows Speech Recognition.
Click on the Start button and type Settings into the search bar, click on Open, or press ENTER. On the left side of the settings, window locate and click on Accessibility. On the right part once Accessibility is selected scroll down and find a section titled Interaction and click on Speech. Turn on the switch next to Windows Speech Recognition.
A pop-up will appear that will lead you through the rest of the setup and that's it.
In order to make your voice control better, if you are not satisfied with the results, you can sample more of your voice into the algorithm to tune it more to your liking. Sadly this option is still deep in Control Panel.
Click the Start button and type in Speech recognition into the search bar, look for the search result with Control Panel displayed under it, and click on Open. Click on Train Your Computer to Better Understand You and follow the instructions.
The process will probably take a few minutes. The more data you provide to the speech recognition model, the more accurate it will be when interpreting your instructions. You can train the model multiple times, and each time you do, it should improve the accuracy.
“CoreFoundation.dll was not found” or “Apple Application Support is missing’.
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:RepairSourceWindows /LimitAccess
net stop wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver
net start wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver