Interrupts are designed so that the resource requests don’t get into a headlock when it comes to the hardware level. To simply put it, it is used to break a loop that never ends. Aside from that, developers also designed levels in order to prioritize interrupts. It is also known as “Interrupt Request Level” or IRQL. And if you suddenly encounter a “Bugcode 0xA –IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL” error, this means that a driver has accessed a memory location illegally while NT is operating at a specific IRQL.
The Bugcode 0xA –IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is a fatal driver coding error and as an end-user, there isn’t much that you can do to resolve it but if you’re a developer, then this means that your code is trying to access an invalid memory location. You could check on different parameters such as memory location that was referenced and code addressed which referenced memory. The technical parameters are:
As mentioned earlier, if you are an end-user, there is nothing much that you can do to resolve this problem, but worry not for there are still possible solutions that could help you in fixing it. Refer to the suggestions laid out below to fix Bugcode 0xA –IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error.
The first thing you can do to fix the problem is by running the Hardware Troubleshooter. Although it won’t make much of a difference, there’s still a possibility that it could automatically fix the problem. To use it, refer to these steps:
If the first option didn’t work for you, then it’s time to either update or roll back the device drivers. It is most likely that after you updated your Windows computer that your driver also needs a refresh. On the other hand, if you have just updated your device drivers then you need to roll back the drivers to their previous versions. Whichever applies to you, refer to the steps below.
Note: You can install a dedicated driver on your computer in case you have it or you could also look for it directly from the website of the manufacturer.
Note: After you select the option, your PC will restart and check for memory-based issues. If it finds any issues, it will automatically fix them and if there’s no issue found, then it’s most likely not a memory-based issue so you should try the other options given below.
“An internal error has occurred: The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file. (0x90070716).”You can also encounter this error when you run the System Image Backup function. As mentioned, you can resolve this error using two potential fixes namely checking the status of the Windows Backup Service and checking the settings in the Windows Registry. For more details, refer to the instructions provided below but before you proceed, it would be better if you create a System Restore point first.
“Your PIN is no longer available due to a change in the security setting on this device on this device.”
C:\Windows\Service\Profiles\Local\Service\AppData\Local\MicrosoftNote: From there, you should see a folder named “Ngc”. This folder might be the one that’s causing the problem so you are going to fix it by making some changes. This folder contains all the files responsible for any PIN-related settings. So if you are not able to access the Ngc folder, or it has gotten corrupted for some reason during an update here’s how to fix it.