If you receive the error code 0xc000014C while you boot up your computer, then this post might be of help. This kind of error usually points to the Registry of your computer that might be corrupted. As a result, the operating system was not able to read the BCD file and throws the 0xc000014C error.
The error code 0xc000014C is triggered when your computer encounters an error in the first booting sector. You might receive any of these error messages:
“Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.” with File: as “BootBCD”
“File: Windowssystem32configsystem
Info: Windows failed to load because the system registry file is missing or is corrupt”
“Info: The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors.”
To fix the error code 0xc000014C when booting your computer, you can check out the suggestions provided below.
Since you probably can’t boot into your Windows 10 computer, you can try to run System Restore again in the Advanced Startup Options.
You can also try rebuilding the BCD files to resolve error 0xc000014C for corrupted Boot Configuration Data
This option is a bit tricky as you have to be sure about what you are doing here. However, if you are not sure, you might want to seek out a technician to fix the problem for you. But if you can handle it, then carefully follow the steps below.
Stable Diffusion is a machine learning model developed by Stability AI to generate digital images from natural language descriptions. The model can be used for different tasks like generating image-to-image translations guided by text prompts and upscaling images.
Unlike competing models like DALL-E, Stable Diffusion is open source and does not artificially limit the images it produces. Stable diffusion was trained on a subset of the LAION-Aesthetics V2 data set. It can run on most consumer hardware equipped with a modest GPU and was hailed by PC World as "the next killer app for your PC".
Since Stable Diffusion is run locally and not in the cloud, as mentioned there is no limit to the number of images that you can produce but in order to use it you will have to get down a little dirty with setting your PC environment for it since it is not really an application, it is a command line text based descriptor that will use python to generate your images, so there is no install nor GUI.
In this guide, we will show you how to both install and run Stable Diffusion on your local PC so you can start producing some cool images all by yourself.
Make no mistake, Stable Diffusion will not run on a potato PC, in order to harvest the power of AI-generated imagery this is what you will need:
For this tutorial, we are covering the installation and running of Stable Diffusion on Windows PC. The steps presented here are presented in a way that installation can be performed on any operating system but precise instructions will be for Windows OS.
The first thing to do is to install GIT. It is a tool that will let you easily maintain and install repos from the internet. to install it go to: https://git-scm.com/ and click on download. Follow the instructions for your version of the operating system. If you are a developer you are familiar with GIT and if you already have it installed you can skip this step.
One thing that is important when installing GIT locally is to select to use it via the command line (the second option that says "Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software").
Now when we have GIT installed, next thing is to use Miniconda3 to install python and all required libraries that are needed. Get the installer at: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html
Miniconda3 is basically an easy installer so you do not have to install tons of stuff manually from different websites and sources, it is nicely packaged in the installer that will take care of everything.
After the previous two steps, we are ready now to actually install Stable Diffusion. Go to https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion#model-access and install the latest library (as of the writing of this article currently it is stable-diffusion-v1-4-original, the last one on the right), the library is almost 5GB in size so be prepared for big download.
After installing stable diffusion's latest library it is time to update it to the newest version. You can download ZIP from GIT HUB https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion
Once downloaded click on the Windows start button and type in Miniconda3 and click on open. Create a folder and name it how you want on a drive of your choice. For this example, we will install it all in disk C under folder AI_art, follow the instructions below but use your own names and destination instead. Do not close Minicoda3 after typing commands!!!
cd c:/
mkdir AI_art
cd AI_art
Extract GitHub files that you have downloaded into your new folder and get back to Minicoda3 and type the next commands:
cd C:\AI_art\stable-diffusion-main
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate ldm
mkdir models\ldm\stable-diffusion-v1
Let the whole process finish, some files are large and it might take a while. After the whole process is finished and completed, copy the checkpoint file that you have downloaded into: C:\AI_art\stable-diffusion-main\models\ldm\stable-diffusion-v1
After the file is copied rename it to model.ckpt and you are finished.
The created environment is needed in order to actually use Stable Diffusion to create images. Each time you want to use it you will have to run it, so go into Miniconda3, and inside it type:
conda activate ldm
cd C:\AI_art\stable-diffusion-main
after we are inside the folder call the script with the parameters:
python scripts/txt2img.py --prompt "TXT DESCRIPTION OF IMAGE THAT YOU WANT TO CREATE" --plms --n_iter 5 --n_samples 1
and that's it, your image is created and it is located in C:\AI_art\stable-diffusion-main\outputs\txt2img-samples\samples
New Tab Aid is an extension for Google Chrome. It is published by Spigot Inc. It is classified as a potentially unwanted browser hijacker as it injects Yahoo search into your new tab windows. This extension also adds recently viewed tabs under the search bar. It also redirects all your searches to Yahoo instead of your default browser search engine. It is often found bundled with other software found on the internet and not installed directly by the user. For these reasons, numerous anti-malware utilities flag New Tab Aid as potentially unwanted or malicious.
Search Donkey is a Potentially Unwanted Program for Windows developed by Western Web Applications, LLC. This program may inject ads into your browsing sessions, giving you false search results and advertisements.
As described by Western Web Applications: “Search Donkey is entirely free to use. To keep Search Donkey free, we’ve partnered with high-quality ad providers and you may see additional ads when Search Donkey is installed.
While installed, Search Donkey will keep track of your web search queries, allowing it to let you know what pages you already visited, however, this data is also used to better target personal unwanted ads.
Search Donkey has been flagged as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) by several anti-virus scanners, and their website is blacklisted by Google, giving warning to whoever visits it, and due to the nature of this application, it is not recommended to keep on your computer.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftBiometricsCredential Provider
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Biometrics
Error code 0xC004E003 almost always appears when there are damaged files in the Windows operating system. These files could be corrupt for a number of reasons and are usually a serious danger to the life of the computer system. These file errors may be caused by a number of things. Incomplete installation setup, incorrect deletion of hardware or utilities, or an unfinished file erasure. The trigger might also be in the event that the computer system is contaminated with a virus or adware or spyware, or even by the improper shut down of the computer. Any of these scenarios have the possibility to result in the removal or corruption of data of the Windows system data files.
The data system files that are damaged will give linked data and archives that are missing or wrongly linked. These are needed for the proper functioning of the software. This can also happen when or after installing third-party software that might have changed the system files. If it is suspected that a program installation will need to be stopped, it is best to let it run through the setup and then delete it later. While it installs, it is altering program files, and likely rearranging them. Stopping this in the middle can scramble files associated with the program and files vital to the usage of the computer.
This error will pop up after installing third-party software that has changed the system files. These system files are necessary to finish the activation process. A restore point will be necessary if it is ultimately determined that a system restore is necessary, to bring the computer back to the state it was in previous to the failed installation.
There are several steps that can be taken when the error code 0xC004E003 appears. It is helpful to know that this can occur from trying to install third party software. Going forward, do not attempt to install third-party software that is not trusted, and does not attempt to abruptly stop the third-party software from installing. This may cause the program to corrupt the files or delete important files. Recovering from this error can be easy if there is a recent restore point already backed up in the recovery portion of the system's files.
Run an error scan. The problem should be resolved after rebooting the computer once these steps have been completed.
Best when utilized by an expert.
Another option for restoring. This method can be used by a novice.
NOTE: If there are no restore points available, the system recovery may not be turned on. To check this, go to Control Panel, and select Recovery. Configure System Restore, Configure. Then, select Turn on system protection. Having a current restore point for a computer ensures the ease of recovery if any problems with the computer arise.
If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.
Spending a large amount of time working or gaming in front of the computer can take a toll on your health. And as someone who indeed spends a large amount of time in front of the computer, I would like to share some insights about how can you be happy and healthy at the same time by incorporating some practices and habits.
This is first on the list because it matters the most. A proper sitting chair is essential for back health. If your budget allows it, do yourself a favor and get an anatomic sitting chair or gaming chair with lumbar support. It costs but it is worth it.
As the important chair is, sitting properly is also as important as much. Your spine believe it or not is a very important part of your body and you need to take care of it. Sadly long periods of sitting sessions are bad for muscles around the spine that could reflect on the spine itself. Keep your back straight and keep your head not down nor up, place it in a position like when you are walking so the spine that is going from your head is in line with the spine on your back.
By medical standards, each hour of sitting should be accompanied by a stretch session since sitting itself is placing too much pressure on certain muscles and blood circulation is lowered. Changing leg position and doing just a little stretch each hour can be really beneficial for your health in long run.
Yes, playing games is fun and most of the time we do not want to stop playing, especially if we are winning but taking breaks is essential for your personal health. Old saying goes that overdoing anything is bad and this applies true even to things that we do for pleasure and relaxation. Take periodic breaks to stretch, stand up and maybe even walk just a little.
During long work hours or long gaming sessions, it is not uncommon that we are so focused on our activity that we forget to take our water intake. Approximately 2liters of water per day is needed for an adult person to function properly during that day and if you spend long times in front of a PC do not forget to drink water.
As enjoyable as it is gaming can make us forget about our daily tasks, do not neglect your life and your tasks. Remember, gaming is only OK if it does not interfere with the daily things that you need to do. Do not postpone going for groceries because of gaming, do not switch shower for another level in the game. Do all of the things you must do first and then sit and game.
Having mental health is as important as having a physical one. Playing games is fun, but playing games with someone is even better, do not forget to socialize and invite some friends so you can share some fun times together. Also, detach yourself from outcomes that will come because of gaming, this is very important for gamers that do a lot of PVP games and get annoyed and angry when they lose or when some other player is talking trash. Remember, gaming is for you to relax and enjoy, not to stress you.