
How to Add Safe Mode to Windows 10 Boot Menu Options

In any Windows operating system, Safe Mode is definitely a special environment used for troubleshooting issues as well as system diagnostics. Safe Mode allows you to remove any malware in your computer and troubleshoot issues that can’t be fixed when you’re in desktop mode. This is why Microsoft made sure that the Safe Mode option is not available directly and can only be accessed by pressing function keys such as F2, F8 (depends on what PC you are using) or via MSConfig. To make it easier for you to access Safe Mode, this post will guide you on how you can add Safe Mode to the Boot Menu options in Windows 10.

As you know, Windows 10 now has Advanced Startup options that allow you to boot directly into Safe Mode without having to restart your PC and then tapping the special key a couple of times. However, if you really have to always use Safe Mode, it’s best to add it in the Boot Menu options. To do that, simply follow the steps below.

  • Select Command Prompt (Admin) option from the WinX menu to open Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type the bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Safe Mode" command and hit Enter.
  • Once the command is executed, you will see a message saying, “The entry was successfully copied to {74a93982-9486-11e8-99df-00270e0f0e59}”. This message indicates that Safe Mode was successfully added in the Boot menu option which means that you can now directly access it and boot your Windows 10 PC in that mode.

To check if Safe Mode was really added in the Boot menu options, you have to open Msconfig. From there, you will also have to use it to configure the boot settings for the Safe Mode entry. To do so, follow the given steps below.

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “MSConfig” in the field and click OK.
  • Next, go to the Boot tab and find the Safe Mode option which should be located under the default Windows 10 mode.
  • Afterward, you need to select the Sage boot option and Minimal. You also have to select the Make all boot settings permanent option.
  • Make sure to increase the timeout to at least 10 seconds which will ensure that the menu does not disappear right away.

Note: In similar steps as above, you can add the Safe Mode with Networking and Safe Mode with Command Prompt entries as well. Just simply select “Network” for Safe Mode with Networking and “Alternate Shell” for Safe Mode with Command Prompt. Once you’re done adding any of them, click on Apply and restart your PC. In addition, if you wish to remove the entry, you just have to open MSConfig again and select the entry you want to remove, and then click Delete.

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Quick Workarounds to Repair Error 126

What Is Error 126?

Error 126 is a very commonly occurring error that is often the result of damaged system files of Windows. They usually occur during the installation of some Windows program or application. When Error 126 is generated, it terminates the installation process almost instantly. It is important to take corrective measures immediately to ensure that no such problems are encountered again in the future.


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are a variety of conditions that may trigger Error 126. These conditions are listed below as follows.
  • Corruption of the service-related DLL file
  • Missing or damage service-related DLL file
  • Corrupt, damaged, or Misconfigured system files
  • Improper hardware or application installations or uninstallations
  • Existence of viruses, malware, adware, or spyware in the system
  • Corrupt or incorrect registry entries in the system files
When any of the above-listed conditions occur, the corrupt system files will go to the improper links or missing information. Eventually, the problems with the files will keep the applications or programs from responding in the usual manner. Whatever are the reasons for error generation, it is of utmost importance that the error is removed to ensure smooth functioning of the system.

Further Information and Manual Repair

There are many different ways this error can be rectified. However, the two most effective solutions are listed below as follows.
  • This solution is for the advanced user. Turn on the system and log on to it as the Administrator. Now click on the Start button. Now click on All programs -> Accessories -> System Tools. Here you will come across the option for System Restore. Click on it. A new window will appear. Select 'restore my computer to an earlier time' point. Now clock on Next. A list of restore points will now appear in front of you. Choose the latest restore point you come across from this list and click on ‘Next’. In the next window that opens, click on ‘Next’ again. This is the confirmation window. Once the restoration finishes, restart your computer.
  • This solution is for novice users. Download an Error 126 repair utility program. Install it on your system. Now use it to scan your system for errors. Find out if there is an option to fix/repair error. When you come across it, click on it as soon as the scan is complete. Restart your computer. Your system is now free of Error 126.
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Upcoming Windows features for future
It is no secret that Microsoft is trying to keep Windows relevant and that it is trying to make it as good as possible. A new Windows update will bring some interesting stuff in it which well some like it, some not so much. Among various technical and security updates Microsoft will bring some directly visible to each user.


of these features will be File explorer compact mode. This feature is a sort of spacing content in file explorer giving it easier access if you are using a touch screen device. Now, this feature is somewhat strange, and altho I can understand and get behind the logic of this move I am not sure I like it. Lucky for me and others who feel the same this option can be turned off for now.


feature is something I can get behind, improvements for virtual desktops. There is an article on errortools about virtual desktops feature and I really hope you are using it since it is a great feature. Anyway, new update will bring us separate desktop wallpapers for each desktop and we will be able to arrange them in order we like.


thing that I would like to address is animation features. We will have windows slowly fade and resize when opened, minimized, maximized, etc. So far we are unable to tell how this can and will it affect overall system performance. I am sure it will have some impact but hopes are that it will be kept to a minimum. If you would like to read more helpful articles and tips about various software and hardware visit errortools.com daily.
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Clipboard history in Windows 10
Copy & Paste is an essential part of Operating and working on a computer. We copy and paste a lot of different stuff through our workday, moving stuff from application to application. In an earlier article today we have explored troubleshooting and how to repair copy-paste stopped responses, this time we are going to focus on a little feature of Windows 10 called Clipboard history. Clipboard history is a built-in feature in Windows 10 which lets you store multiple copies of different types and then selectively pasting them into another application. Let's say you have multiple copies of different text from different websites and you then paste everything or just some into a Word processor. If this feature sounds interesting to you then let's turn it on. Press the start button and then on settings. Windows 10 Start menu with marked settings iconIn settings window click on System Windows settings with System section selectedin system dialog click on the clipboard and on the right screen turn ON CLipboard history. Windows settings for Clipboard
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The executable program that ...
If you are trying to start a service using the Windows Services Manager but you got an error message stating, “The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service”, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will provide you instructions on how you can fix this error. Since almost all program requires service to run on your computer, if the service is not listed in the corresponding registry key, then you will most likely encounter this error on your Windows 10 computer. Here’s the entire content of the error message:
“Windows could not start the service on Local Computer. Error 1083: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service.”
To fix this error, you have to add the service name in the respective host in the Registry Editor, and to do that, here are some steps you need to take on. Step 1: The first thing you have to do is to take note of the service name that’s given in the error message. For instance, you get the “Windows Management Service. Step 2: Next, you need to open the Services Manager by tapping the Win + R keys and typing “services.msc” in the Run dialog box, and then tapping Enter. Step 3: After opening the Services Manager, look for the Windows Management Service and once you see it, double click on it. This will open a new mini window. Step 4: From the newly opened window, copy the Service name and the Path to executable under the General tab. If the path to the executable is displayed as “C:/Windows/system32/svchost.exe -k netsvcs –p”, you need the “netsvcs” part only. Note that it can be different for different services and you need the part that comes after “-k”. Step 5: Now tap the Win + R keys again to open Run utility and type “Regedit” in the field and click OK to open the Registry Editor. Step 6: After that, navigate to the following registry path:
ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSvchost
Step 7: From the given registry path, look for a key named “REG_MULTI_SZ” located on your right-hand side. This key is named after the “Path to executable” part. For instance, you should see “netsvcs”. Step 8: Double click on the REG_MULTI_SZ key and enter the Service name that you’ve copied earlier and then write it down at the end of the preset list. Step 9: Now save the changes you’ve made and try to open the program or run the service again.
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Excluding a folder from Windows Defender scan
The Windows Defender program can both scan and monitor almost the entire folder on a Windows 10 computer. So if you have a folder that may have files that could trigger an alarm to Windows Security, then it would be better if you add an exclusion to Windows Security. Note that it is okay to do this as long as you’re certain that the contents of the folder you want to exclude are safe and that Windows Defender is only throwing out warnings for nothing. This way, Windows Defender won’t scan those folders in the future. And besides, there are also some Windows folders and files that you may exclude from the Antivirus scans, especially if you want to save your scan time. This kind of feature also comes in handy when you trust a file type or folder or any process that you believe is safe but the Windows Security considers as malicious. To exclude a folder or a file or process or a file type from the Windows Security scan, here are some steps you can follow. Make sure to do them carefully. Step 1: Search for “Windows Security” in the Search box and then click on it from the search results to open it. Step 2: Next, click on Virus & threat protection > Manage settings > Add or remove exclusions. Step 3: After that, on the next screen, click on Add an exclusion > Folder. It will show you a list that includes File, Folder, File Type, and Process. Step 4: Now click on “+Add and exclusion” on the next window and then select a folder you want to exclude and click OK to add it in the Exclusions list. Step 5: Click on the down arrow button to remove it and then click on the Remove button. Note: If you want to only ignore a few file types, it’s better if you configure your antivirus program to ignore these files with a specific extension. This way, it will ignore all of them no matter what their location is. Also keep in mind that when you select a folder, all the subfolders in it will also be excluded from the scan. Thus, you need to understand what you’re about to do. Once you’re done excluding the folder, it is recommended that you protect the folder using the Controlled Folder Access since this folder is not monitored for threat. The Controlled Folder Access will ensure that an external program does not alter it. This way, you can be sure that even though this folder is not included in the scan, it is still secure.
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Application side-by-side configuration ...
A lot of users lately reported getting an error that says, “The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect”. This kind of error can pop up when you try to open a number of programs, regardless of their origin, the developer, and compatibility. Here’s the full context of the error message:
“<PATH OF THE EXECUTABLE FILE>, This application has failed to start because its side-by0side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail”.
This kind of problem has something to do with the C++ runtime package in the background. It could also be related to an error for a registry value. Whatever the cause is, you can fix this error with the help of some suggestions provided in this post. You can try to reinstall the application or check the registry setting or reinstall the suitable Visual C++ Runtimes or re-enable the Microsoft .NET Framework. For more details, refer to the instructions given below.

Option 1 – Try to reinstall the application

There are times when some supporting module for your application under the hood could have messed up the application. And so to fix that, you need to uninstall the concerned application and then try reinstalling it again. Once you’re done, check if it fixed the problem or not.

Option 2 – Try to change the Registry setting

  • Tap the Win + R key combination to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the fields and tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry key: Computer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion SideBySide Winners x86_policy.9.0.microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_none_02d0010672fd8219 9.0
  • From there, look for a String value named “default” and double click on it.
  • After that, change its Value data to match the one as the third value in BINARY.
  • Now restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made.

Option 3 – Try reinstalling the appropriate Visual C++ Runtime

  • You need to open the Event Viewer first by searching for it in the Windows Search box.
  • After opening Event Viewer, look for the error events that are sourced by SideBySide.
  • Next, look for the actual Visual C++ Runtime module that’s causing the error.
  • Now download the module from the official website of Microsoft Support and then install it and see if it fixed the problem.

Option 4 – Re-enable the Microsoft .NET Framework

You could also try to disable the Microsoft .NET Framework then enable the latest version of the .NET Framework on your PC and check if the error is fixed.
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Windows 11 launch date set for October 5th
windows 11 release dateIt is officially confirmed, Windows 11 release date is October 5th. Windows 11 will be released as a free upgrade to all registered Windows 10 users that have supported hardware for it. The rest of the users will be able to install it via ISO file as a clean installation if their computer supports Windows 10 hardware requirements. The official price for the license for Windows 11 has not yet been set but I assume after release it will be set. Priority for W11 will have users who are upgrading from W10 as stated by Microsoft. Also, it was officially confirmed that Android apps will not be running natively in this first release of Windows 11, that feature will come in a future update, official statement below:
"We look forward to continuing our journey to bring Android apps to Windows 11 and the Microsoft Store through our collaboration with Amazon and Intel; this will start with a preview for Windows Insiders over the coming months,"
The rest of the features will be all included inside Windows 11 on launch.
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Razer Iskur gaming chair for healthy gaming
Razer IskurIt seems that last few days we were riding some Razer bandwagon but rest assured that we are not sponsored by them in any way, truth is that simply they come up with some interesting accessories which I believe are worth covering. Gaming Chair itself comes in two colors, fully black and green black combination and it is not really an entry-level chair if we are talking about price. The chair itself is around 600USD depending on the distributor and considering that price range it is placed in more top cream of gaming chairs but it is worth every dime.

Iskur Specifications

Iskur is made of a steel frame with a reinforced plywood lumbar support frame for added weight tolerance. Frame and lumbar support are surrounded with memory foam and all of that is wrapped in cotton and polyester layer which is again wrapped in multi-layer synthetic leather making the chair very durable for long hours of daily use. The chair also comes with a memory foam head cushion which is detachable and removable if you do not wish to use it. On the Razer website among specifications, it stands that the chair is best suited for persons from 5’6” – 6’2” (170 – 190cm) height and up to 299lbs (136kg).


The chair has, of course, height adjustment as any gaming chair and surprisingly it has great control for the armrest. The armrest can be adjusted in 4 different ways: up & down, left & right, forward & backward, and inward & outward. The backrest can be also tilted up to 26 degrees angle. All of these features are great and good but there is one more feature that really makes this chair stand out from rest and it is Lumbar support. Iskur has an adjustable lumbar support system on the lower part of the backrest. With your lumbar support secured, you can then make the necessary tweaks to optimize the rest of your posture using the Razer Iskur’s adjustable height, backrest, and armrests.


Razer Iskur is neither cheapest nor perhaps the best gaming chair you can buy, but it is a really good one. It is well manufactured and made to feel and look like a premium product that actually it is.
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A Quick Guide to Resolving Uncdms.dll Error Code

Uncdms.dll Error Code - What is it?

Uncdms.dll is a Dynamic Link Library file and a crucial part of the Windows Desktop Search Software. It is used to search emails, documents, photos, videos, and folders instantly. However, the Uncdms.dll error pops on the screen, when the Windows Desktop Search Software fails to start. The error message is displayed in one of the following formats:
  • “Uncdms.dll cannot be found.”
  • “Windowssearch.exe – cannot find the component. This application has failed to start because uncdms.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix the problem.”
  • “The file uncdms.dll is missing.”


Restoro box imageError Causes

Uncdms.dll error code may pop on your screen due to multiple reasons. These usually include but are not limited to:
  • Viral infection
  • Issues with Windows Desktop Search
  • Registry corruption
  • Uncdms.dll accidentally deleted during program un-installation

Further Information and Manual Repair

If you experience an Uncdms.dll error code on your system, fix it right away. This error is easy to resolve. You don’t have to be technically sound to resolve the uncdms.dll error code. Try the methods listed below to resolve without any hassle:

Method 1 - Check Your Recycle Bin and Restore the Deleted Uncdms.dll File

Since DLL files are shared files, there is a possibility that you accidentally deleted them while uninstalling some other program. To fix the issue, simply go to the recycle bin and look for the file. If you locate it, reinstall it. If you can’t, then it is advisable to download the Uncdms.dll file from a trusted DLL file website.

Method 2 - Uninstall and Then Re-install Windows Desktop Search

If the error code is related to issues with the Window Desktop Search application, then simply uninstall this software and re-install to resolve. To do this, click the start button, go to the control panel and then add/ remove programs. Now choose Windows Desktop Search from the list of programs and click Remove. After that, reboot your PC to activate changes. Now download the software and follow the same process and reinstall the Windows Desktop Search program on your PC. To activate changes, reboot. This will hopefully resolve the issue.

Method 3 - Update Windows

As this file is included in the service pack, try updating the Windows Utility to resolve the Uncdms.dll error code. To get started, click start and then go to the control panel, now choose Windows update. Follow the instructions to install Active X and then click install to update Windows Utility. Restart your system to bring the changes into effect.

Method 4 - Scan for Viruses and Repair the Registry

Whether the underlying cause of the Uncdms.dll error code is viral infection or registry corruption, it is advisable to download Restoro. It is an advanced and multi-functional PC Repair Tool integrated with 6 powerful utilities including antivirus and a registry cleaner. It scans and removes all types of viruses. The registry cleaning utility works simultaneously and removes all the unnecessary files corrupting the registry including cookies, temporary files, internet history, and junk files, and repairs it in seconds, thereby resolving the Uncdms.dll error immediately. Click here to download Restoro - PC Fixer
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Google docs crush with repeating a word

A newfound bug in Google docs is causing it to crush and upon reopening it will crush again making it very difficult to re-access your document. The bug is manifested when a series of the same word is typed into a document and Show grammar suggestion is turned on.

google doc bug

How was it found

A Google Docs user, Pat Needham brought up the issue on Google Docs Editors Help forum.

"I've only tried in Google Chrome, with documents from three separate Google accounts (personal, G Suite Basic, and work one which might be enterprise). All three experience this same issue".

"It's case-sensitive. So trying with 'and. and. And. and. And.' doesn't cause it to crash."

While Needham publicly reported the bug, it appears that the issue was discovered by Eliza Callahan who was writing a poem novel for her novel using Google Docs.

Needham's findings have also been confirmed by other users running Firefox 99.0.1

Another user, Sergii Dymchenko, said strings like "But. But. But. But. But." triggered the same response. Some also noticed putting any of the terms like "Also, Therefore, And, Anyway, But, Who, Why, Besides, However," in the same format achieved the outcome.

A YCombinator HackerNews reader suspected the cause to be the "Show grammar suggestion" option in Google Docs.

A Google spokesperson confirmed the presence of the issue adding, "we're aware of this issue and the team is working on a fix."

How to recover your document

First thing first, turn off Show grammar suggestions so you do not run into issue by accident. In order to turn it off go to Tools and then into Spelling and grammar and untick Show grammar suggestions.

Now, if you already have a document that has been crushed, fear not because there is a workaround to access it. For some strange reason this bug does not manifest on Google Docs mobile app, so you can open the crushed document in the mobile app, delete words that have caused the bug and reopen the document on your desktop.

Until Google comes up with the solution this is currently the only way to address the issue.

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