
Guide to Fixing PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen - What is it?

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT is a blue screen of death error code. It occurs when the PFN (Page Frame Number) list becomes corrupt. The Page Frame Number is basically used by your hard drive to determine your location of each one of your files on the disk.

This error may occur when starting up the program or while using it. Blue screen of death errors occurs without any warnings. The program disrupts all of a sudden and the computer screen turns blue.


Restoro box imageError Causes

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen error may occur due to multiple reasons. Some of the common reasons include:

  • Hardware problems
  • Device driver issues
  • Registry problems
  • Viral Infection

It is recommended to resolve the PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of Death error immediately without any delay virtually because this error can be quite fatal to your PC.

It can pose serious threats to your system like system freeze, crash, failure, and valuable data loss. Furthermore, if the error is related to viral infection, it can expose you to privacy issues, data breaches, and cybercrime too.

Further Information and Manual Repair

This is a critical PC error but easy to resolve. You don’t need any technical expertise to fix this error on your PC. Here are some quick and easy methods to resolve PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen error:

Method 1: Install Compatible Device Drivers

Sometimes when new hardware is added to the PC, you need to install updated versions of the device drivers to ensure there are no incompatibility issues.

Incompatibility between the hardware and device drivers may generate PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of death error on your screen. To resolve, it is advisable to download and install the latest updated versions of the device drivers from the manufacturer’s website.

Method 2: Scan for Viruses

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of Death error may occur due to viral infection too. Viruses and spyware enter your PC when you log on to unreliable websites and download programs from there or open phishing emails on your PC.

These viruses corrupt and damage programs and files resulting in such errors. To fix the issue, you need to install a powerful antivirus and ensure all kinds of viruses and spyware are detected and removed from your system.

Method 3: Clean and Restore the Registry

PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen error indicates poor PC maintenance. When you don’t clean and remove unnecessary and obsolete files like junk files, bad registry keys, cookies, internet history, temporary files, and invalid entries from the registry, the registry overloads and gets damaged.

These files accumulate taking up a lot of disk space and also corrupt system files. If these files are not removed timely, it results in registry issues like a blue screen of death errors and run-time errors. To remove these files and clean the registry, you need to install a powerful registry cleaner.

Whether the underlying cause for PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of Death error on your PC is viral infection or registry issues, to resolve the BSOD error code in seconds download Restoro.

This is a cutting-edge and multi-functional PC fixer deployed with both an antivirus and a registry cleaner. Additional features include a system optimizer too. It is user-friendly and easy to operate. You can download it on all Windows versions without any hassle. It is safe and bug-free.

The registry cleaner feature scans and removes all unnecessary files, cleans and repairs the registry while the antivirus utility simultaneously removes all kinds of malicious software including spyware, viruses, Trojans, and malware.

Click here to download Restoro now and resolve the PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen of Death error immediately!

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Tips and tricks for longer SSD life
Today most users have an SSD drive, times have changed and SSD has become your typical computer equipment. A lot of time has passed from the first SSD hard drives up to today and technology has evolved and improved but still, there are some cool tricks and tips to speed up and extend the lifespan of your SSD hard drive. That being said let us dive right into what I would like to call the essentials of having an SSD hard drive.
  1. Keep your SSD firmware up to date.

    This one really is a no-brainer, keeping your firmware updated at all times will ensure longer life and SSD stability. The trick here is that each SSD manufacturer has its own ways of updating firmware so this is not something universal, you will have to go to the official website of your SSD manufacturer and get firmware updates and instructions from them directly.
  2. Enable ACHI.

    Advanced controller host interface or short ACHI is a feature that will ensure that your Windows will support all of the features that come with running SSD on your computer. It controls the TRIM feature which is crucial in helping Windows itself in its garbage collection on your hard drive. In order to enable ACHI, you will have to do it from your BIOS and it would be very good if the feature is enabled before Windows itself is installed so it can take full advantage of it.
  3. Enable TRIM.

    TRIM feature is vital in extending your SSD lifespan and it should be enabled by default in Windows but you can never be too cautious and double-check and enable if needed. To make sure it is enabled, open your command prompt and type in: fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 0
  4. Make sure your system restore is enabled.

    In the first SSD days, system restore was really a feature that you wanted to be disabled in order to prevent and extend the life span of your SSD drive, but we came a long way from there and today there is no reason to keep this feature turned off since it can be helping many ways with both your system and SSD.
  5. Disable Indexing in Windows.

    A large portion of the speed of your SSD drive is used for indexing files in Windows. Of course, the indexing feature is great if you store everything on your SSD drive but if by any chance you have another drive for your backup, pictures, music, etc. it would be highly beneficial for you to turn it off on your SSD. To turn indexing off click on your start menu, click on the computer. Right-click on your SSD and then click on properties. De-select box that says: Allow files to have contents indexed in addition to file properties and click OK. Once you do this the operating system will apply this to all the files and folders on the drive. If you see a dialog telling you that it couldn’t remove a file from the index, click Ignore All.
  6. Keep Windows defrag ON.

    This also was the option in early SSD days which was better to be OFF, but as said before since technology has been making progress and Windows has been improved and made aware of SSD drives, defrag has evolved as well, and now it is more of optimization tool then defragmenter which was once.
  7. Disable Prefetch and Superfetch.

    Windows is placing information in both physical and virtual memory for applications that you are not currently using but they are used often in order to speed their response time. If you are running low on space or having struggles with virtual memory it would be best to turn them both off. Go to registry manager and find: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters, there you have 2 values: EnablePrefetcher and EnableSuperfetch, set both values to 0.
  8. Disable Search and Superfetch services.

    Disabling Superfetch in the registry is not all work, Press WINDOWS + R to bring run dialog, type in it services.msc, Find both Search and Superfetch and disable them.
  9. Configure Write Caching.

    Write caching can be enabled and disabled in the device manager by expanding disk drives, right-clicking on SSD, then click properties, select the policies tab. In the tab, there is the option to Enable write caching on the device. Now trick in this is that you will need to try and benchmark your SSD with both options turned ON and OFF since different manufacturers have different performances with this option being ON or OFF.
  10. Disable CleanPageFileAtShutdown and LargeSystemCache.

    Page file and a large cache of page files are not something that we longer need, since SSD writes with great speed in its flash memory both of these options can be disabled and you will both speed up shut down the process of your system and save some SSD life since page files will not be written. Find both options in the registry under the key: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management set both to 0
  11. Set high performance in Power options.

    This option in power management will prevent your SSD from constantly shutting down and bringing it up increasing speed without sacrificing its life span.
These are tips and tricks for having great and longer life as well as speed for your SSD drive. We hope that you have found them useful and that you will come again to check new articles published daily for easier IT life.
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Microsoft Designer, a new app from MS

Microsoft Designer, a new application developed by Microsoft will bring design backed with DALL-E 2, an AI image creation open-source software. The new app is shown as a dedicated graphic design tool that will help you in the creation of stunning social media posts, invitations, digital postcards, graphics, and more, all in a flash.

Use of the application will be by typing headings and then typing text into the prompt to generate a background image. Since Microsoft uses DALL-E 2 for image creation output should be fairly good but if you wish you will be able to use your own images instead of using AI to generate one.

microsoft designer

The designer will be a free application once it is ready and it already has a web preview version, also free but with a waitlist. There will be premium features inside the app once it is released that will be available to Microsoft 365 Personal and Family subscribers. Microsoft also wants to add a version of a designer directly to the Edge browser as well.

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Media Creation Tool Error 0x80072f76 – 0x20016
One of the most useful tools in the Windows 10 operating system is the Windows Media Creation tool. This tool is used to download and install the latest version of Windows 10. However, there are times when you might encounter some issues while using this tool. One of these issues is the Error code 0x80072F76 – 0x20016. If you encounter this error, you will see the following error message during setup:
“We’re not sure what happened, but we’re unable to run this tool on your PC. If you continue experiencing problems, reference the error code when contacting customer support – Error code: 0x80072F76 – 0x20016.”
This kind of error in the Media Creation tool could be due to an interrupted download or unstable internet connection, and many more. To fix it, you can run the Windows Update troubleshooter or try using another browser to download the tool to another location. You can also try changing the DNS or the ISP connection or use the Windows 10 Update Assistant as well as delete the $Windows.~BT & $Windows.~WS folders. Check out the given suggestions below to fix the Media Creation Tool Error code 0x80072F76 – 0x20016 in your Windows 10 computer.

Option 1 – Try to run the Windows Update troubleshooter

Windows 10 have various troubleshooters that can help you resolve many system issues. So if you’re dealing with Windows Update errors like Error Code 0x80072f76 – 0x20016, you can run the Windows Update troubleshooter to resolve it. To run the Windows Update troubleshooter, go to Settings and then select Troubleshoot from the options. From there, click on Windows Update and then click the “Run the troubleshooter” button. After that, follow the next on-screen instructions and you should be good to go.

Option 2 – Try using a different browser to download the tool to another location

You could also use another browser in downloading the tool and place it in a different location on your computer but if you do not have another browser, you can just install one and then download the same tool to another location like the Desktop.

Option 3 – Try to change the DNS

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “inetcpl.cpl” in the field and hit Enter to pull up the Internet Properties.
  • After that, go to the Connections tab and select the LAN settings.
  • From there. Uncheck the “Use a Proxy Server” option for your LAN and then make sure that the “Automatically detect settings” option is checked.
  • Now click the OK and the Apply buttons.
  • Restart your PC and then check if the Media Creation tool error is fixed.
Note: If you are using a third-party proxy service, you have to disable it.

Option 4 – Try to change the ISP connection

There are times when the connection to the Microsoft servers is interrupted due to some glitch or it could also be blocked by your Internet Service Provider or ISP. To rule out this possibility, you can try to change your computer’s internet connection and then see if it fixes the problem.

Option 5 – Try to use the Windows 10 Update Assistant

There’s another tool you can use as an alternative to the Media Creation tool. It is called the Windows 10 Update Assistant. This tool can also help you download and install Windows updates seamlessly.

Option 6 – Try to delete the $Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS folders

From time to time, the Windows Update files also get corrupted which can cause some problems and conflicts when downloading and installing a Windows Update. To fix this, you need to delete the $Windows.~BT & $Windows.~WS folders in your computer.
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Cartoonize review

Hello and welcome to our software series review. Weel this time we could say this is more of a service review since the application we are going through today is online and you can use it freely without ever needing to install it.

When we choose software that we are going to review and recommend we really try to recommend something that is worth your time and money, Cartoonize fits in both categories in my opinion.

First of all basic plan of this graphic software is completely free and as mentioned it is working online, also as one more feature basic plan does not even require you to have an account of any kind, all you need to do is go to the website of the application and you can start using it right away. There is also paid plan for extra features if you need them billed monthly or annually.

cartoonize application


First things first, this is not Photoshop or GIMP and it does not aim nor want to be. This is something else, directed and pointed at the different types of users. This application is aimed at people that want to make some quick graphics and post them on social media and it does that very well. Even without knowledge to use graphic software this one is so well designed and straightforward that even a complete newcomer can do something right away.

So as the application that wants to be used by people that want to place some cool pictures or ads on their social media what it offers. For starters simplicity and ease of use, every option that you can use is on the left side of the screen nicely packed into the vertical toolbox. Inside the toolbox, you have access to various tools, effects, and filters that you can apply to your image.

Tools explained

Image manager

The first section on the tool panel is the image manager, here you can upload your images, delete them, search stock images, and so forth. nothing more to say about this one as it is only a basic file manager.


In this tool panel, there are a lot of basic settings for your image manipulations divided into 3 sections: Basics, Enhance, and Creative. In the basic section, you can crop, resize and rotate your image. Enhance panel will let you set exposure, color, vibrance, tint, and details (sharpen). Finally, the Creative part will let you remove the background with AI in a single click, replace colors in the image, and add a vignette and round image.


In the effects panel, you will be given 4 options to choose from Cartoonizer, Digital art, Sketcher, and painting. Each option once clicked will open another set of options tied to chosen preset where you will be able to choose a different style from chosen template. Once you click on the desired template it will be applied to your image and in the upright corner, you will have edit options to tweak it to your liking. You can play around as much as you want because only once you click on the apply button, the effect will be applied to your image.


Same as in the effects tool panel here you will also get a series of different filters that you can apply to your image. As in the previous tool once clicked on the chosen filter, you will be given options for its variations and details edits. How there is really plenty of filters options and combined with its own presets I will not focus on explaining what each one is doing since picture thumbnails are pretty accurate and just one look at them will explain to you everything you need to know.


In the overlays panel, you can as the name says overlay different kinds of effects on your image. You can add snow, fog, sun flares rain, and many more. Presets work identically to previous effects and filters.


If you want to place your image in a certain shape or in-text this is the section for you. You will be presented with sections as custom text, shapes, brushes, floral, animals, and patterns. Each section will once again lead to plenty of variations on the chosen subject where you can pick one that you like the most and tweak its options.


As the name suggests, this section is to add text to your picture or design. If you are making some cool ad for Facebook, Instagram, or other social media I believe that you will spend most of your time in this section adding text and tweaking it so it looks best. You have all the tools that you will need to make a catchy title or smaller block of text and you can add multiple texts to your picture tweaking their own visual appearance, the font used, color, and some effects like a drop shadow.


In the draw section, you will be able to freely draw whatever you like with your mouse or pen if you have one. you have basic options for a brush and eraser so you can erase stuff. Pretty basic tool but it gives a nice touch to underline something, circle it, etc.


This panel will let you place various already made graphic assets into a picture. You have hearts, hats, glasses, etc. There really are tons of premade graphics along with thematic ones like new year, st. Patric day and more.


As the name suggests this section will place a frame of your choice around your picture. You can choose the style of frame, position, color, and many more. There are various styles and each style has its own options.


Cartoonize is a great online application that will let you quickly and easily do cool and nice image edits. As mentioned you can also add various effects, text, and graphics and use this app to make some quick and nice ads for social media. You have the option to publish to your social media right from the app in the save dialog but you can also of course download your image or design to your local computer.

Please note that for this review we used the pro, paid version so all of the features were unlocked. We wanted to give you a full overview of the full potential of the app. In my opinion, the small monthly fee that they charge is well worth it when you see all things that you can do with it.

Go to the cartoonize website and check it out, basic option is completely free and it does not even require making an account. Have fun, be creative and take care, I hope to see you again tomorrow.

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Disable or Enable App Launch Tracking
The Windows 10 operating system utilizes a variety of measures in order to track your app launches so that it can boost both your start and search results. It can personalize the start menu based on the apps that you use the most on the Start menu as well as the search results. This way, the App Launch Tracking is definitely useful especially when you want to access your favorite and frequently used apps quickly in the Start menu and search results on your Windows 10 computer. On the other hand, Windows 10 provides users with the ability to control their privacy settings in order to protect the privacy of users. Windows 10 users can either opt to enable the app launch tracking to improve the start menu and search menu or opt to disable the app launch tracking in order to prevent the Windows operating system from tracking that you open if you really value your privacy that much. Whichever setting you prefer, you need to change the privacy control settings as well as make some tweaks in the Windows Registry in order to turn on or turn off the app launch tracking feature.

Option 1 – Turn off or turn on app launch tracking via Settings

  • Go to Settings and click on Privacy.
  • After that, toggle On the “Let Windows track app launches to improve Start and search results” option on the right side of the page under the General Settings to enable the app launch tracking feature.
  • And of course, if you wish to disable the app launch tracking feature, simply toggle Off the “Let Windows track app launches to improve Start and search results” option on the very same page under General Settings.
  • After that, close the Settings window.
Note: Keep in mind that when you disable the app launch tracking feature, the “Show most used app” setting will either be grayed out or labeled as “Disable” on your Windows 10 computer. Thus, if you want to keep viewing the most used apps, just re-enable the app launch tracking feature if you have disabled it.

Option 2 – Turn off or turn on app launch tracking via Windows Registry

Before you proceed, make sure to create a System Restore point
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and hit Enter or click OK to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to the following path:
  • After that, right-click on the Advanced folder and then click on New to create a new 32-bit DWORD value.
  • Name the newly created DWORD as “Start TrackProgs” and set its value to “1” to enable the app launch tracking feature.
  • If you want to disable the app launch feature, set “0” as the value instead of 1.
  • Now click OK and restart your computer.
Take note that you still have to create a 32-bit DWORD value even if you are using a 64-bit Windows computer.
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5 Common Windows 11 Issues You Can Solve Super Quickly

It really sucks when you can’t fully enjoy the newest version of your favorite OS.

Windows 11 is still relatively fresh and consequently has some annoying little bugs that really ruin our experience. The good news is that you’re not alone and most of them are easy to fix.

Here are 5 commonly reported Windows 11 issues and what you can do to get rid of them.

1. Windows 11 audio problems

One of the absolute most irritating things in the world is struggling with the sound on your computer. Windows 11 users have reported facing the issue of low or no sound. If you’re currently experiencing the same frustration, you can be relieved. Chances are fixing it will only take a few minutes.

The first thing to check would be whether you accidentally muted your device by pressing the mute button on your keyboard. Yes, we know it sounds a lot like the old “have you tried turning it off and on again?” But it’s important to leave no stone unturned, and the most obvious things are usually the ones we easily overlook.

Moreover, if you have several audio output sources, check whether the right one is selected. You can do this via the Action Center or through Settings. If you want to use the same source every time, we also recommend you set it as the default one.

It’s also important to have a good, up-to-date audio driver. More often than not, this will be the true cause of your audio struggles. Make sure to update your driver, and if that doesn’t work out, you can always un- and reinstall it or install a different one. 

Lastly, if all attempts remain unsuccessful, run the audio troubleshooter to figure out what’s actually going wrong.

2. Unable to find files

Such a powerful new operating system, yet it can’t seem to do the simplest thing imaginable? The File Explorer not responding on Windows 11 is one of the most frustrating and most common problems with Microsoft’s newest iteration of its awesome OS.

However, 9/10 times it can be fixed by simply restarting your PC. You could also try killing the Windows Explorer process in the Task Manager and then rerunning it.

If these don’t help, check whether there are any pending Windows 11 updates. A single missing update can compromise your PC’s functionality, so always make sure to install them all on time. 

Should none of that work, then there are other ways to solve the File Explorer problem. However, then the issue is probably a bit deeper and it’s no longer in the ‘easy fix’ territory.

3. Start menu not working

Just like the File Explorer, the Start menu is a fundamental element of your OS. So, it’s only natural that its malfunction grinds your gears. It may be more customizable than on previous Windows versions, but it doesn’t always work smoothly. 

If you’re facing the so-called Start menu critical error, there are a few things this could be caused by. Usually it means you turned off your system while an important update was still being installed, there is a corrupt file on your PC, or Windows forcefully stopped a program. 

Whatever the reason, the solution should be pretty simple. Try the basic steps: restarting your File Explorer (like we explained above) and signing out and back into your account. If that doesn’t do anything, you may want to try uninstalling third-party start menu apps (if you have any), since they can interfere with your default programs’ functionality.

Now, those are the easy fixes. If you get nowhere with them, you might need to identify the root cause and search for more complex solutions than that.

4. Snipping tool not working

Our beloved screenshot tool was introduced with Windows 10 and Microsoft decided to keep it. However, you were probably just as disappointed as us when you tried to run it and failed. 

Normally, this can be fixed by installing the latest Out-of-band (OOB) update, or even pending updates in general. Even if your system appears to be up-to-date, run the checker just in case.

Another cool thing Windows 11 lets you do is ‘Repair’ and ‘Reset’, which is the easiest way to troubleshoot your Snipping tool. If this fails, you can also try the good old un- and reinstall method. Simply uninstall the tool through the Control Panel and reinstall it from the Microsoft Store.

Furthermore, in the case of an upgrade from Windows 10 to 11, it may be that the old Snipping tool version is interfering with the launch of the new one. If you don’t care that much about the additional options available with the enhanced screenshot tool, you can use the old version instead.

Simply go to your C Drive, find the Windows.old folder, search for the tool and open it from there. Make sure to pin it to your taskbar as well, if you know you’re going to use it often.

5. Can’t install the latest update

The latest Windows 11 version, 22H2, has brought tons of enhancements to our dearest operating system. Unfortunately, a lot of users still haven’t had the opportunity to experience it. A mere update of your OS version should be the one thing that goes smoothly, but sometimes that’s not the case.

Failure to install 22H2 can be caused by a few things. Most commonly, the issue is caused by lack of storage space or corrupted files, but there could be other culprits.

There are a couple of things you could try. For example, it’s crucial that your drivers be up-to-date and some important services be enabled. These are: Windows Modules Installer, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, Cryptographic Service, Windows Update services.

To enable them, search ‘Services’, find the service you need and right-click on it. Open ‘Properties’ and select the startup type ‘Automatic’.

It may also be necessary to unplug all peripherals that aren’t crucial and disable third-party antivirus tools until after the update is finished. 

Ultimately, you can run the Windows Update troubleshooter to detect and fix other possible issues.


Tiny bugs like these are nothing out of the ordinary. That said, we still all hate when they happen.

Hopefully some of our solutions have helped you to a smoother Windows 11 experience. But if you’re still struggling, feel free to reach out to us. We’d be happy to help!

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Fix Windows Activation Error 0xC004F211
If you got an Activation Error 0xC004F211 after having installed or upgraded your Windows 10 PC, then this indicates that some hardware in your computer has changed which’s causing the error to pop up. Windows might not be able to determine if the key is used on a new computer or if it’s still the same one if you have just removed or upgraded old hardware. But worry not for this post will guide you in fixing the Windows Activation Error 0xC004F211 on your Windows 10 computer. When you encounter this error, you will see the following error message on your screen:
“Cannot activate Windows 10. Try activating again later. If that doesn’t work, contact support. Error code: 0xC004F211.”
Note that although hardware changes cause this error, the minor ones don’t really cause any issues with activation, however, if you have made any significant hardware change such as replacing your motherboard, it will most likely cause the activation error. In such cases, the Windows Activation system will treat this as new hardware and you will need a new license for that. Even if your Windows 10 computer has a genuine key, it might still fail to get activated which results in the Windows Activation Error 0xC004F211. Thus, before you do other troubleshooting steps, you need to run the Windows 10 Activation Troubleshooter first. To do so, follow these steps:
  • Go to Settings and then select Activation.
  • After that, click on the Windows Activation and then troubleshoot. This will help you address most of the commonly found activation issues in Windows devices.
In addition, there is an exception offered by Microsoft – if you are connected to a Microsoft account prior to the hardware change, then you can most certainly use the same license key to reactivate Windows 10 again. Microsoft calls this an “Exception path” which should be fixed easily by the Windows Activation Troubleshooter as pointed out earlier. However, if the Windows Activation Troubleshooter isn’t able to resolve the error you can try purchasing a new license. In such rate case, even if you do have a Microsoft account available on your Windows 10 computer, and if Windows was never activated, this solution will not work. And if you haven’t connected your Microsoft account with your Windows 10 computer prior to the major hardware change, then your only option left is to purchase a new license. For you to do that here are some steps you can follow.
  • To purchase a new Windows license, the first thing you have to do is click on the Start button > Settings > Update & Security.
  • From there, go to Activation and select the “Go to Microsoft Store” option.
  • After receiving your new license, you need to go back to Update & Security then go to Activation and select the “Change product key” option.
  • Now update your Windows 10 computer using the new key and it should automatically activate your computer.
  • Next, you have to create a Microsoft account or connect your existing local account to your online account.
  • Once the system links the key and the account, you need not buy a new license in case something like this happens again.
Note: If you are an IT administrator, you need to keep in mind that there is a limit to the number of times you can reactivate Windows on your computer. Moreover, if you don’t see any option to reactivate the license, and it is a work computer, you need to contact your organization’s tech support.
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MS Store keeps updating the same apps
As you know, the Microsoft store is a built-in tool in Windows 10 where you can find a variety of applications. It helps users in downloading or updating apps in the system. However, there are instances when you could encounter issues while using it. One of the issues that you could face when using the Microsoft Store app is when it keeps on offering apps you have just updated or when you are not able to update any apps at all. This kind of issue in the Microsoft Store app might be caused by other issues like a damaged Windows Store cache. There are several options you can check out to resolve the problem. You can try to check the registry setting or run the Windows Store apps troubleshooter or clear the Windows Store cache manually or reset its settings. You could also try to re-register the Microsoft Store app. For more details, refer to each one of the options provided below but before you troubleshoot the problem, make sure that you create a System Restore point.

Option 1 – Run the Windows Store App troubleshooter

The Windows 10 Store Apps Troubleshooter will help you in fixing the problem in Microsoft Store. This is a great built-in tool from Microsoft that helps users fix any app issues. To use the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter, follow the steps below.
  • Tap Win + I keys again to open the Windows Settings panel.
  • Go to Update & Security and then go to Troubleshoot.
  • Under the Troubleshoot section, on your left-hand side, scroll down to find Window Store Apps.
  • Then click on the Run the troubleshooter option and follow the on-screen instructions and then see if it fixes the problem.

Option 2 – Try checking the settings in the Windows Registry

The next thing you can do to fix the problem is to check the Registry settings for the Windows Store.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run utility and type “Regedit” in the field and then hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionCurrentVersion
  • From there, look for the DWORD named “CurrentVersion” and make sure that its value data is set to 6.3, but if it’s not then change its value data to 6.3
  • Exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer and then see if it fixed the problem with the Microsoft Store app.

Option 3 – Try to reset the Microsoft Store cache

Just like browsers, Microsoft Store also caches as you view apps and games so it is most likely that the cache is no longer valid and must be removed. To do so, follow the steps below.
  • Right-click on the start button and click on Command Prompt (administrator).
  • Next, type in the command, “exe” and tap Enter. Once you do, the command will clear the cache for the Windows Store app.
  • Now restart your PC and afterward, try opening Microsoft Store again and then try to install your app or update your computer again.

Option 4 – Try to re-register the Microsoft Store app via Windows PowerShell

  • Tap the Win + X key combination or right-click on the Start button and click on the Windows PowerShell (Admin) option.
  • If a User Account Control or UAC prompt appears, just click on Yes to proceed and open the Windows PowerShell window.
  • Next, type in or copy-paste the following command to re-register the Microsoft Store app and tap Enter:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRootWinStoreAppxManifest.xml
  • Wait for the process to be completed and then restart your computer.
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How to Turn On or Off Tailored Experiences
In this post, you will be guided on how you can turn on or turn off the Tailored Experiences feature in Windows 10 using three methods – via Settings, Registry Editor, and Group Policy Editor. The Tailored Experiences feature in Windows 10 helps Microsoft in delivering recommendations about Microsoft Products. The diagnostic data that comes with it allows Microsoft to know about its consumers’ experiences as well as collect feedback. To simply put it, tailored experiences are personalized tips, ads, and recommendations that enhance Microsoft products and services for consumer needs. And when you enable this feature, Windows will collect information from your browser, apps, features, and many more. After collecting information, it will offer contents that are tailored based on the data gathered on the lock screen of your computer, Windows tips, and other related functions. On the other hand, the diagnostic data is the one that allows Microsoft to get feedback from the customer. So if you’ve noticed some prompts when you use Windows that ask you about the experience, that’s actually a part of the diagnostic data. A lot of users find this feature useful. However, there are also skeptical ones that don’t share the same sentiments. If you are one of the skeptical ones, you actually have the option to turn this feature off if you do not want Microsoft to show ads, recommendations, and so on. It is also recommended that you enable the Diagnostic Data collection as you can choose to delete any collected data, as well as control the feedback frequency from Automatic to Once a day, or once a week, or to never. As mentioned, there are three methods you can choose from to either turn on or turn off Tailored Experiences. You can do it via Settings, Registry Editor, and the Group Policy Editor. To get started, follow the options provided below.

Option 1 – via Settings

To turn on or off Tailored Experiences using Settings, refer to these steps:
  • Go to Settings and here, click on Privacy.
  • Next, go to Diagnostic and Feedback.
  • From there, toggle off the control under the Tailored experiences option to turn it off or toggle it on, if you want to turn it on.

Option 2 – via Registry Editor

To turn on or off Tailored Experiences via Registry Editor, follow the steps below.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and type “Regedit” in the field and then tap Enter to open the Registry Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPrivacy
  • After that, look for the DWORD named “TailoredExperiencesWithDiagnosticDataEnabled” and change its value to 0 if you want to turn it off or 1 if you want to turn it on.

Option 3 – via Group Policy Editor

To turn on or off Tailored Experiences using the Group Policy Editor, here’s what you have to do:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run prompt and type “gpedit.msc” in the field and hit Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • Next, navigate to this policy setting: User ConfigurationAdminstrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsCloud Content
  • Here, double click on the “Do not use diagnostic data for tailored experiences” option and select Enabled. Once you do that, you will see the following description:
“This policy setting lets you prevent Windows from using diagnostic data to provide tailored experiences to the user. If you enable this policy setting, Windows will not use diagnostic data from this device (this data may include browser, app, and feature usage, depending on the “diagnostic data” setting value) to customize the content shown on the lock screen, Windows tips, Microsoft consumer features, and other related features. If these features are enabled, users will still see recommendations, tips, and offers, but they may be less relevant. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, Microsoft will use diagnostic data to provide personalized recommendations, tips, and offers to tailor Windows for the user’s needs and make it work better for them. This setting does not control Cortana tailored experiences, since there are separate policies to configure it.”
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Steam proton to run Windows games on Linux
Steam protonDespite popular belief, there are a lot of users running Linux OS. Linux offers great security and working environment and 96.3% of the world's top 1 million servers run on Linux. 90% of all cloud infrastructure operates on Linux and practically all the best cloud hosts use it. But gaming on Linux is limited, enter Steam proton a Valve’s gaming solution.

What is Steam proton?

Proton is a WINE fork with some extra capabilities, to play games and run applications not native and not made to run natively under Linux OS. It is supposed to bridge the Gaming issues for PC users and let them more freedom in choosing an operating system to game on.

Find out if your game supports Proton

Although there are a lot of titles that nowadays run natively on Linux some will still need proton in order to run at all and sadly some of them will not be able to run on Linux even via proton but seeing how Valve is busy and it is trying to push its ideas and technology slowly this gap is closing. In order to see how the game you want to play performs and behaves on Linux and proton environment visit https://www.protondb.com/ and find out. As soon as the site loads you will be greeted with statistics and a search option to find out the status of the desired game with one of the given statuses: Borked, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Native. As you probably guessed native means that the game will work on Linux out of the box and borked will probably not work at all. Platinum and gold status means that game will run on proton without any input or tweaks from the user while silver and bronze means that it will work but might need some tweaks in order to make it work.

How to get Steam proton?

In order to run games under proton inside Linux, you will need firstly a Steam client which luckily works naturally on Linux. Unlocking/activating Steam Proton on your Linux-based system is easy. Just head over to Steam > Settings > Steam Play and toggle the option “Enable Steam Play for Supported Titles”. Valve has tested and fixed some Steam titles and you will now be able to play those titles. However, if you wish to go even further beyond, and play titles that even Valve has not tested, toggle the option “Enable Steam Play for all titles”.


Even we are not there yet, native gaming on Linux is gaining a foothold each day. Will Steam’s OS with proton technology be one that will turn the tide from Windows or some other tech we cannot tell but one thing is for sure, more choices mean better products so I am hopeful for a bright future.
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