One of the problems encountered by Windows users when upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 is the Error Code 0x80070020. This error code normally occurs when users try to download updates from the Windows Update Website or simply by upgrading to Windows 10. Error Code 0x80070020 also occurs when the device already has a Windows 10 installed.
Once this error is encountered, it will cause malfunction of update installs and display the following message:
An error (-5006 : 0x80070020) has occurred while running the setup. Or The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process”
In an attempt to fix Error Code 0x80070020, it is important to pinpoint what the cause is. The most probable cause of this error is due to interference. This error code most likely occurs when there is another automatic update running, for instance, an Antivirus scanning in real-time. If you’re scheduled to have an automatic update during real-time scanning, the Windows 10 update might malfunction.
In trying to fix Error Code 0x80070020, you can perform manual repair methods to resolve the issue effectively and efficiently. Most Windows users can easily employ these manual repair methods, even those who do not have technical abilities. However, there are certain instances where a Windows professional’s help is needed. If you don’t want to face any risk in resolving the issue, it would be best to consult a professional Windows technician or you can also make use of a powerful automated tool.
NOTE: It is best to attend immediately to errors encountered since unresolved errors can result in slowing down your computer’s performance. This might also cause other error messages to arise such as Error Code 0x80070057.
Since Error Code 0x80070020 is most likely encountered due to interference during your update, the easiest method you can do is to close all opened programs and restart your device. After restarting, try to start the update process again.
Another quick and safe way to fix Error Code 0x80070020 is to disable your antivirus. You must take note though that in doing so, your computer will be susceptible to virus attacks. If you want to proceed with this method, follow these steps:
The Windows Update Troubleshooter may resolve many of the errors encountered by Windows users when installing updates from Windows Update. To execute the troubleshooter, follow the steps below:
Executing a clean boot means starting Windows using only a few resources, including startup programs and drivers. This safeguards minimizing conflicts and prevent software clash when an update is received. In performing a clean boot, you will be able to pinpoint what caused the manifestation of error code 0x80070020. Check Microsoft’s Support website to know how to execute a clean boot.
Performing this method is a bit risky and should be your last option if all methods were unsuccessful. This process will alter your device’s registry so you must ensure to perform accurately the steps. A single mistake can lead to modifying your registry erroneously, which might result in the occurrence of other error messages. Carefully follow the steps found on Microsoft’s Support website to successfully reset Windows Update components.
Resetting Windows Update components can also be done by implementing the following steps:
A third-party antivirus such as BitDefender may recognize the Windows Update as a threat since the new update of Windows 10 is probably not yet registered with this third-party antivirus vendor. To solve this, you must disable temporarily the antivirus before performing the update. Once the third-party antivirus is disabled, you can now proceed with the updating process. Update as well your third-party antivirus.
The Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) is a command-line utility that is installed by default in Windows 10 system. This program is used to fix images in Windows. In the case of Error Code 0x80070020, the DISM can repair the recovery image in Windows 10 and can perform as a virtual hard disk as well.
/CheckHealth – to check for corrupted files or components
/ScanHealth – to check for corrupted Windows image. This may take up to 10 minutes to finish
/RestoreHealth – to check for corrupted Windows image and do an automatic repair. This may take up to 20 to 30 minutes to finish
NOTE: In an instance where you cannot locate the good files in your computer, the system image files may be corrupted. If this happens, you need to have a copy of install.wim from a computer with good Windows 10 OS or the Windows 10 ISO file. Make sure that the source of the good files has the same language, version, and edition of your OS.
Enter the following commands one by one to perform the /RestoreHealth switch using the source path location of good files you copied:
For example purposes, the “repairSource” is the source of the good files.
Error code 0x000000D1 is a serious error that is displayed when Windows automatically shuts down to protect the system against further damage.
Usually, when this error occurs, the message displayed to the users states something like STOP 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.
Usually, the STOP 0x000000D1 error code is caused by issues like incompatibilities, third-party drivers, driver conflicts, outdated drivers, malicious drivers, and other related problems.
Speaking technically, the message displayed to the user actually means that the kernel-mode driver has tried to gain access to memory at an unreasonably high process IRQL.
If left unfixed, STOP 0x000000D1 error can become quite serious. Increased frequency of occurrence may not only lead to data loss but can cause system corruption as well. That’s why it is crucial to fix it and to resolve the underlying issues causing it as soon as possible.
When you upgrade your Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 system to Windows 10, you’ll undergo a phase called Out of Box Experience, or simply OOBE. This phase is intended to allow users to customize their Windows 10 experience, which includes defining personal settings, creating user accounts, and more. Some users reported having issues when creating their user account during the Out of Box Experience (OOBE) on Windows 10 upgrade. Some also reported issues about non-responsive behavior (Welcome Back) page.
Unfortunately, there’s no known cause for this error. However, some users reported that this occurs when:
Your Windows 10 upgrade will not be successful if you’re not able to create a user account or finish the Out of the Box (OOBE) phase of the installation. Here are some methods that will help you fix this manually.
Some users reported that waiting for about an hour and retrying the process again will solve this problem. It’s also recommended that you keep your computer in a ventilated place while you wait to retry the process.
This method has 2 requirements in order to work.
If you meet these two requirements, you can solve the error by following the steps below:
This method only applies if you’re a laptop user.
Instead of connecting to a Microsoft Account after the set-up, you might want to try creating a local account. To do this, follow the steps below:
If the steps above don’t work, you might want to try Startup repair.
In order to do this step, you need to have official Windows 10 ISO files.
After doing the steps above, there’s a chance you get an error message that says “installation cannot be completed in safe mode”. When you see this, just press Shift+F10. This will execute and open the command prompt of your computer.
From the command prompt, you can try and create a new user account.
For example, net user Username Password /add
The username here should be replaced with the account name you want to add, and the Password here should be replaced with the password you want to use for the account.
After replacing the username and password on the text, press the Enter button on your keyboard. You’ll know if the command is successful once you see the message, “The command completed successfully.”
You can now close the command prompt. Restart your computer and try to log in using the account you just created.
If all the above methods still don’t work, it might be best to try automated software to help you fix this problem.
C00D1199: Cannot play the file
FullTab is a Browser Extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. When installed this extension hijacks your home page, and changes your default search engine to http://search.fulltabsearch.com. This extension usually comes bundled with other freeware software, and while installed it monitors your internet browsing activity, visited links, clicked pages, and other private information that it later uses to distribute targeted unwanted ads in your search results.
While this extension is installed, you will see modified search results, injected ads, sponsored links, web page redirects, and sometimes even pop-up ads. Several anti-virus scanners have detected this extension as a Browser Hijacker, and due to the information it is gathering from your computer it is not recommended to keep.