
Completely Remove SweetIM From Computer

SweetIM Toolbar for Internet Explorer is a browser add-on which adds various shortcuts to your browsers for easy access. This toolbar also changes your homepage to home.sweetim.com. The toolbar is typically bundled with the free Sweet Instant Messenger program and does not necessarily get uninstalled when Instant Messenger is removed from the user’s PC. Additionally, if the home page and search settings were modified by this toolbar, they need to be manually reverted back by the user.

This extension injects various ads into your browser search results and changes your default search engine. While you are browsing the internet, this software records your website surfing data, clicks, and possibly private information. Several Anti-virus programs have classified SweetIM Toolbar as a potentially unwanted application and are not recommended to keep.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means that a malicious program code has power over and modified the settings of your web browser, without your approval. They are made to disrupt browser functions for many different reasons. Generally, the idea would be to force users to visit particular sites that are looking to increase their visitor traffic and produce higher ad revenue. Most people assume that such websites are legitimate and harmless but that is incorrect. Nearly every browser hijacker poses an actual threat to your online safety and it is vital to categorize them under privacy dangers. On top of that, hijackers can make the whole infected system vulnerable – other harmful malware and viruses would grab these opportunities to intrude into your system effortlessly.

Major signs that an internet browser has been highjacked

The common signs that indicate having this malicious software on your PC are: the home page of your respective browser is changed unexpectedly; bookmark and the new tab are also modified; the default search engine and the default web browser settings are altered; discover new toolbars that you didn’t add; you find lots of pop-up ads on your computer screen; web pages load very slowly and sometimes incomplete; Inability to navigate to particular sites, particularly antivirus and also other computer security software websites.

Exactly how they get into your computer or laptop

There are several ways your computer can get infected with a browser hijacker. They usually arrive by way of spam e-mail, via file sharing websites, or by a drive-by download. Many browser hijackings originate from add-on software, i.e., toolbars, browser helper objects (BHO), or extensions added to browsers to give them additional features. A browser hijacker may also come bundled up with some freeware that you unwittingly download to your computer system, compromising your internet security. A good example of some notorious browser hijackers includes Anyprotect, Conduit, Babylon, SweetPage, DefaultTab, RocketTab, and Delta Search, but the names are continually changing.

Browser hijackers can record user keystrokes to gather potentially invaluable information that leads to privacy concerns, cause instability on systems, severely disrupt the user experience, and eventually slow down the PC to a stage where it becomes unusable.


Some browser hijacking could be quite easily corrected by identifying and removing the corresponding malware application through your control panel. But, many browser hijackers are hard to eliminate manually. Regardless of how much you attempt to remove it, it may keep returning over and over. You should consider doing manual repairs only if you are a tech-savvy person, as there are risks associated with tinkering around with the computer registry and HOSTS file.

Browser hijackers could be effectively removed by installing the anti-malware application on the affected computer. One of the finest tools for repairing browser hijacker malware is Safebytes Anti-Malware. It will help you get rid of any pre-existing malware on your computer and gives you real-time monitoring and protection from new internet threats. Along with the antivirus tool, a PC optimizer will help you in getting rid of all related files and modifications in the registry automatically.

Can't Install Safebytes Anti-malware because of Malware? Do This!

Viruses could potentially cause a great deal of damage to your personal computer. Certain malware variants alter browser settings by including a proxy server or change the computer’s DNS settings. In such cases, you will be unable to visit certain or all internet sites, and thus unable to download or install the necessary security software to remove the infection. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck with a virus infection that is preventing you to download or install Safebytes Anti-Malware software on your system. Although this kind of issue will be difficult to get around, there are some actions you can take.

Eliminate malware in Safe Mode

The Windows-based PC has got a special mode referred to as “Safe Mode” in which only the minimum required programs and services are loaded. If the malware is blocking access to the internet and affecting your computer, launching it in Safe Mode enables you to download anti-virus and run a diagnostic scan while limiting potential damage. To boot into Safe Mode, hit the “F8” key on the keyboard just before the Windows logo screen shows up; Or after normal Windows boot up, run MSCONFIG, check the Safe Boot under the Boot tab, and then click Apply. As soon as you restart the PC into Safe Mode with Networking, you can download, install, and update the anti-malware program from there. At this point, you can actually run the anti-virus scan to remove computer viruses and malware without any hindrance from another malicious application.

Switch over to an alternate browser

Malicious code could exploit vulnerabilities on a specific internet browser and block access to all antivirus software sites. If you appear to have malware attached to Internet Explorer, then switch over to an alternate internet browser with built-in safety features, such as Firefox or Chrome, to download your preferred antivirus program – Safebytes.

Make a bootable USB anti-virus drive

Another solution is to create a portable antivirus program onto your USB thumb drive. Follow these steps to run the anti-virus on the affected PC.
1) On a clean computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware.
2) Mount the USB drive onto the same computer.
3) Double-click the Setup icon of the anti-malware software to run the Installation Wizard.
4) Pick a USB flash drive as the place when the wizard asks you exactly where you want to install the application. Follow activation instructions.
5) Disconnect the USB drive. You may now utilize this portable antivirus on the infected computer.
6) Double-click the EXE file to open the Safebytes program from the thumb drive.
7) Click “Scan Now” to run a complete scan on the infected computer for viruses.

Overview of SafeBytes Anti-Malware

Nowadays, an anti-malware program can protect your laptop or computer from different forms of online threats. But wait, how do choose the best one amongst plenty of malware protection applications that’s available on the market? You may be aware, there are numerous anti-malware companies and tools for you to consider. A few of them are good, some are ok types, and some will affect your computer themselves! You should go with a product that has gained a strong reputation and detects not just viruses but other kinds of malware as well. On the list of highly recommended applications by industry, analysts are SafeBytes Anti-Malware, a well-known security application for Windows computers.

SafeBytes anti-malware is a trusted software that not only protects your system completely but is also very user-friendly for people of all ability levels. Once you’ve got installed this application, SafeBytes advanced protection system will ensure that absolutely no viruses or malicious software can seep through your PC.

There are many great features you’ll get with this security product. Listed below are some of the great ones:

Active Protection: SafeBytes offers complete and real-time security for your laptop or computer. This tool will constantly monitor your PC for suspicious activity and updates itself regularly to keep current with the latest threats.

Antimalware Protection: With its advanced and sophisticated algorithm, this malware elimination tool can identify and remove the malware threats hiding within your computer system effectively.

Web protection: Through its unique safety score, SafeBytes informs you whether a site is safe or not to visit it. This will make sure that you’re always certain of your safety when browsing the net.

Lightweight Tool: This program is not “heavy” on the computer’s resources, so you’ll not see any overall performance difficulties when SafeBytes is operating in the background.

24/7 Live Expert Support: Support service is available 24 x 7 x 365 days via chat and email to answer your concerns.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove SweetIM without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser.

To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by SweetIM

File %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMMessengerconfusersmain_user_config.xml.
File %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMMessengerdatacontentdbcache_indx.dat.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerdefault.xml.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengermgYahooMessengerAdapter.dll.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengermsvcp71.dll.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengermsvcr71.dll.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresourcesimagesAudibleButton.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresourcesimagesDisplayPicturesButton.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresourcesimagesEmoticonButton.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresourcesimagesGamesButton.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresourcesimagesKeyboardButton.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresourcesimagesNudgeButton.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresourcesimagesSoundFxButton.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresourcesimagesWinksButton.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerSweetIM.exe.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerdefault.xml.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesabout.html.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesaffid.dat.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesbasis.xml.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesbing.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesclear-history.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcescontent-notifier.js.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcescontent-notifier-anim.gif.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcescontent-notifier-anim-over.gif.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesdating.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesdictionary.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcese_cards.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourceseye_icon.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourceseye_icon_over.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesfind.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesfree_stuff.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesgames.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesglitter.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesgoogle.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourceshelp.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourceshighlight.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourceslocales.xml.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourceslogo_16x16.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourceslogo_21x18.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourceslogo_32x32.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourceslogo_about.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesmore-search-providers.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesmusic.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesnews.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesoptions.html.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesphotos.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcessearch-current-site.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesshopping.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet ExplorerresourcesSmileySmile.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet ExplorerresourcesSmileyWink.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcessweetim_text.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcestoolbar.xml.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesversion.txt.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesvideo.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesweb-search.png.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesweb-toolbar.js.
File %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresourcesyahoo.png.

Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMMessengerconfusers.
Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMMessengerconf.
Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMMessengerdatacontentdb.
Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMMessengerdata.
Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMMessengerlogs.
Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMMessengerupdate.
Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMMessenger.
Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorercache.
Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorer.
Directory %COMMONAPPDATASweetIMToolbars.
Directory %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresourcesimages.
Directory %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessengerresources.
Directory %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMMessenger.
Directory %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerconf.
Directory %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet ExplorerMicrosoft.VC90.CRT.
Directory %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorerresources.
Directory %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbarsInternet Explorer.
Directory %PROGRAMFILESSweetIMToolbars.

Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT named SWEETIE.IEToolbar.1, plus associated values.
Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT named SWEETIE.IEToolbar, plus associated values.
Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT named SweetIM_URLSearchHook.ToolbarURLSearchHook.1, plus associated values.
Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT named SweetIM_URLSearchHook.ToolbarURLSearchHook, plus associated values.
Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT named Toolbar3.SWEETIE.1, plus associated values.
Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT named Toolbar3.SWEETIE, plus associated values.
Key 4D3B167E-5FD8-4276-8FD7-9DF19C1E4D19 at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib.
Key 82AC53B4-164C-4B07-A016-437A8388B81A at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID.
Key A4A0CB15-8465-4F58-A7E5-73084EA2A064 at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID.
Key EEE6C35B-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID.
Key EEE6C35C-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID.
Key EEE6C35C-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper Objects.
Key EEE6C35D-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID.
Key EEE6C35E-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib.
Key EEE6C35F-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib.
Key EEE6C360-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearchScopes.
Key EEE6C360-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearchScopes.
Key 878E59AD181B66344A3316549572708A at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInstallerProducts.
Key E54D4DC11584D69448F0C2E257E2FC7B at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInstallerProducts.
Key Install at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSweetIM.
Key SweetIM.exe at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Paths.
Key SweetIM at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware.
Key Toolbars at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSweetIM.
Value (Default) at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp PathsSweetIM.exe.
Value EEE6C35B-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbarWebBrowser.
Value EEE6C35B-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbar.
Value EEE6C35D-6118-11DC-9C72-001320C79847 at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerURLSearchHooks.
Value Path at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp PathsSweetIM.exe.
Value simapp_id at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSweetIM.

Do You Need Help with Your Device?

Our Team of Experts May Help
Troubleshoot.Tech Experts are There for You!
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Remove Malware
Protects WEB browser
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Troubleshoot.Tech experts work with all versions of Microsoft Windows including Windows 11, with Android, Mac, and more.

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How to Fix The Rtl70.bpl Error on Your System

Rtl70.bpl Error - What is it?

To understand Rt170.bpl error code, it is important to have a good understanding of .bpl files first. BPL is the abbreviation of Borland Package Library. BPL is a developer file format used by Borland. It contains dynamic link libraries which are used for constructing Borland programs. BPL files are most commonly used for Borland Delphi programs. Delphi competes with Visual Basic as an offering for an object-oriented visual programming approach to application development. There are many programs/applications on your system that use rtl70.bpl file format to run successfully on Windows PC. The rtl70.bpl error occurs when this file gets damaged or corrupted. It fails to execute the command and run the application on your system. When your computer experiences this problem with this file, the following error messages are likely to appear:
  • rtl70.bpl is not responding
  • Runtime error: rtl70.bpl
  • Symantec User Session has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Application Name: rtl70.bpl
This error code exposes you to system freeze, crash, abrupt system shutdowns, blue screen of death errors, and it also reduces your PC performance.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The potential causes of rtl70.bpl error code includes:
  • DLL file was damaged due to viral infection or spyware
  • DLL file was overwritten by an incompatible version
  • Poor program installation
  • Too many invalid and obsolete registry entries stored in the RAM
  • Related Registry entries are corrupt

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the best yet simple solutions for you to resolve rtl70.bpl error on your PC:

1. Reboot Your PC

Sometimes this error can be resolved by simply restarting your system. Try rebooting your system and running .bpl supported program. If the program runs after you reboot your PC, then that’s great! But you should keep in mind that this is a temporary solution. The error may reappear anytime soon. So, it is advisable to consider a long-term solution for repairing the error code for the longest time.

2. Uninstall and then Reinstall the Program Causing the Error

If the error occurred after a certain program installed on your system,  it is advisable to uninstall it and then reinstall the program. Simply go to the control panel, select Add/Remove program option and uninstall the program that you recently installed that could be triggering the rtl70.bpl error code. Now reinstall and run it on your system. If the error is resolved, then this means the poor installation was the cause. If not, then this means the cause of the error is related to the registry.

3. Registry Restore to Fix rt170.bpl error

There are two ways to go about it. The first one is to click on the start menu, type registry editor, and press run. This will open the registry editor. Now click on the computer option then click file and import. This helps restore the registry but it is possible that the problem might persist. The error code may pop up again. Also, if the registry is damaged due to viral infection, then this solution may not work and you may still experience the error on your system. Then you will also have to download an antivirus which may further reduce the speed of your PC. However, the best way to restore the registry and to get rid of the error code for the longest time is to download Restoro. This is a new, user-friendly, high and multi-functional repair tool that functions as a registry cleaner and a system optimizer. It cleans the registry by scanning and removing all the unnecessary and obsolete files saved in RAM such as junk files, internet history, invalid registry entries, and more. It also repairs the damaged dll files and restores the registry thereby resolving the rtl70.bpl error. Restoro is easy to use, safe, efficient, and compatible on all Windows versions. To get started and resolve the rtl70.bpl error code in just a few seconds on your system click here and download Restoro.
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Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding
Users are reporting that randomly their screen will just go black for a second and come back. When this happens, it usually distorts any video currently on the screen; sometimes, they can resume working on the PC normally. However, when they view the event logs, they see the error message Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered. In this article, we will address solutions to this issue and how to not have it again.
  1. Remove Aura iCUE plugin (applies to only ASUS motherboards)

    Some PC users discovered that iCue adds an Aura plugin for ASUS MOBOs. That, combined with EVGA Precision X1, was causing the error it seems – this was determined when the screen would turn off and on when opening EVGA x1 software. In this case, the issue was resolved by removing the Aura iCUE plugins.
  2. Change Power Management mode

    Right-click the battery icon on the notification area on the right of the Taskbar. Select Power Options. In the Power Options window, locate your current Power Plan. Select High performance, if that’s not your current power plan. Now, click on Change plan settings next to it. Now click on Change advanced power settings. Expand PCI Express section. Expand Link State Power Management. Now set power saving to Off for both On battery and Plugged in state. This would fix any issues caused by the low power of the video card. Click Apply > OK to save changes.
  3. Update graphics driver

    Go into device manager Expand display adapter section Right-click on adapter Click on update driver Reboot
  4. Rollback graphics driver

    Go into device manager Expand display adapter section Right-click on adapter Click on Roll back driver Reboot
  5. Uninstall and reinstall graphics card driver

    Go into device manager Expand display adapter section Right-click on adapter Click on Uninstall device Reboot
  6. Replace the graphics card

    If everything else failed, replace the graphic card
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Fix missing files in Recycle bin
Have you ever deleted a file by mistake? Do not feel bad, we all have, but what if you deleted the file by mistake and then you went to Recycle bin to restore it only to find out that the bin is empty? If you experienced this kind of issue then you know how unpleasant and frustrating it is but do not worry, we are here to help and provide you with solutions to this problem and hopefully get your file back. Follow the next steps from first to last since they are organized in a way to minimalize the permanent deletion of lost files.
  1. Refresh Recycle bin view

    If you spend any amount of time on this site reading through articles, you know I am a big fan of simple and effective solutions and there is nothing simpler than a single press of a button. Open your recycle bin and press F5 to refresh view or right-click anywhere inside and choose refresh. If your file does not appear with this method go to the next step.
  2. Set Windows to show hidden system files

    In order for this to work first, you will need to open File Explorer by pressing ⊞ WINDOWS + E Keyboard with windows and e markedWhen File Explorer opens go to VIEW > OPTIONS. Inside options select “Show hidden files, folders, and drives”, uncheck “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”, and click APPLY > OK Go to the recycle bin and check to see if files have managed to show up.
  3. Check if Don't move the file to the recycle bin is enabled

    Right-click on recycle bin and choose properties, under properties, there is the option that says Don’t move files to the Recycle Bin, Remove files immediately when deleted. This option is not selected by default, but it could be turned on by someone else or by mistake. If you see that this option is enabled sadly your file is gone and you will have to get the file back by using some third-party undelete application, uncheck this option to prevent future deletion of files by mistake.
  4. Increase recycle bin size

    This will not help you to get your file back sadly but it will help you in storing more files in recycle bin. This is helpful since if you reach your recycle bin limit all further files will be permanently deleted and not been able to get them back. So by increasing bin size you will have more space for deleted files to be saved. To do that, right-click on Recycle Bin, select Properties. Now, increase the Maximum size from the Custom size option, and click Apply and OK.
  5. Reset recycle bin

    To reset and fix corrupted recycle bin do the following: Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret Windows menu and click on command prompt (admin) keyboard with windows and x markedIn the command prompt type in the following: rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.bin Reboot your system
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Steam 2021 Winter sale official date
Each year Steam makes a couple of large sales, and each year there are speculations and leaks on the date when the sale is going to happen and when it is starting. It seemed that Steam has become aware that these leaks will not stop and that store really cannot hide that kind of important date from the public so in the latest news Steam Purley has just given the date of this year's big winter sale. steam winter saleProbably tired of even trying to hide it, Steam has released that this year's big Steam Winter sale is officially starting on December 22nd, 2021, and closing on January 5th, 2022. So if you have someone to buy a gift or just want to drop a few great games in your library at a low price this is the time when you should do it.
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How to Fix the Error 550

Error 550 - What is it?

Error 550 is an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) outgoing server error code. It usually occurs when you try to send emails through your Outlook account and the email message encounters a relay error. The email returns back without being delivered with a 550 error message. The error message is prompted as either of the following:
"550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable" "550 5 2 1 mail from refused spam site"
In other words, the error code 550 means that your SMTP server was not able to deliver the sent email to the user.


Restoro box imageError Causes

There are multiple reasons for this error message including:
  • The email address was typed incorrectly
  • Incorrect SMTP Server settings
  • ISP placing restrictions for outgoing mails on the email server
  • System infected by virus or malware
Further Information and Manual Repair Regardless of what the reason may be for the error 550 code occurrence, it is advisable to repair and fix the issue quickly to avoid inconvenience. You may not be able to send emails from your Outlook account if the error continues. This can cause great hassle in corresponding with others timely and may create a big communication gap. Here are some quick and efficient ways to resolve this issue on your system:

Solution 1:

There is no need to panic when you encounter error 550. Sometimes the error message may occur because you inserted the wrong/ incorrect email address of the recipient. In such a case, cross-check the recipient’s email address to verify if it is correct. If not, insert the correct address and try sending the email again.

Solution 2:

If the error still persists, try other methods to resolve it. Sometimes error 550 can also occur due to incorrect SMTP settings. Fix it to resolve the error. This can be done by opening your Outlook settings Tools and Accounts option. Now go to view/change the email account for the email account you are having problems with. After that check, the SMTP server is set to mail.yourdomain.com. Then click more settings and then click the outgoing server tab. See if the ‘My server requires authentication for the outgoing server’ is checked. If not, then check on it. Then simply save to confirm changes. Now try emailing again. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue.

Solution 3:

Another reason for the error occurrence can be ISP blockage. When the junk email volumes increase, network administrators (the people who are responsible for managing ISP servers) place restrictions on SMTP email servers to prevent spam on their network. If this is the reason, contact your ISP administrator to resolve the issue.

Solution 4:

Malware and viral infection can also be the cause for error 550. To remove all kinds of viruses including Trojans and spyware and fix the issue right away without compromising on the speed of your PC it is advisable to download Restoro. This is a highly functional and advanced PC Fixer embedded with multiple utilities like a powerful antivirus and a system optimizer. It scans your entire PC in seconds, detects and removes all kinds of viruses. Simultaneously, the system optimizer feature ensures the speed of your PC does not slow down during the scanning and virus removal process. This feature boosts your PC speed significantly. It is user-friendly and has easy navigations making it quite simple for even those users who are not technically sound to work around it and operate it with ease. It is compatible with all Windows versions. Click here to download Restoro and resolve the error 550 messages today!
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A Guide to Quick Fixing the Error Mscomctl.ocx

What is Mscomctl.ocx?

Mscomctl.ocx is a Microsoft library Windows Common Controls file. The Mscomctl.ocx error occurs when this file is either lost or gets corrupt. The error is displayed on the screen when the user tries to run a program that is dependent on this file. It appears as:

“Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid”


Download Available to Completely Repair the Error Mscomctl.ocx

Restoro box imageError Causes

Installing and then uninstalling a large number of applications on the Windows operating system often corrupts or unregisters the Mscomctl.ocx library. This message will continue to appear on the screen until you re-register the library file again on your system.

Further Information and Manual Repair

You don’t need to have the sound technical knowledge or call a professional to resolve Mscomctl.ocx error on your PC. The Mscomctl.ocx error is easy to repair and can be fixed in a couple of minutes. Here are 2 solutions to repair the Mscomctl ocx error code on your system:

Cause: Error occurs because the Mscomctl ocx file is unregistered


  1. Go to the start menu and type ‘Mscomctl.oxc and press enter
  2. Copy the ‘Mscomctl.ocx’ file and paste it in "C:WindowsSystem32" folder
  3. Now click the start menu again and type ‘CMD’ in the search box. This will open your computer's command prompt.
  4. Once this opens, type either of the following commands and then press enter. If you have a 64-bit operating system, then type: Regsvr32 "C:WindowsSysWOW64MSCOMCTL.OCX” and if you have 32-bit operating system, then you should type ‘Regsvr32 "C:WindowsSystem32MSCOMCTL.OCX"
By doing this, you will be able to register the Mscomctl.ocx file on your PC and then you will no longer receive Mscomctl.ocx error code.

Cause: Error code occurs because the Mscomctl.ocx file is missing


  1. First search for MScomctl ocx on your local drive to see if it is missing.
  2. If the file is missing, then download the MScomctl.exe file from a reliable website.
  3. Now extract the file to your C:WINDOWSsystem32 directory
  4. Then click start and run.
  5. Now type ‘REGSVR32 MSCOMCTL.OCX’ and press enter
Please note to implement any of the two solutions stated above, you will need administrator rights. If you have the administrator rights then only can you make the above registry changes. Therefore to make the following changes you will have to access the PC using the Administrator account. Simply follow the instructions given above to repair this error code problem right away!
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Office 2021 release date set for October 5th
Microsoft-Office-2021-1024x425Microsoft office has two major packages, an online one, and an offline version. The online version of the course is Office 365 that requires a monthly subscription and it is always regularly updated and maintained. Another version is more of a typical old school application, install it and use it, no constant internet connection is required and no monthly subscription is required, buy once and use it. The last version of buying it once and use it was Office 2019 and after two years we are going to receive a new version soon. Microsoft has set its release date for October 5th of this year and as always it will feature the current latest version of office applications and one-time purchase. The new office will support dark mode and other improvements tied to the new Windows 11 and some specific features tied to Office itself.
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Completely Remove SafeSearch Guide

SafeSearch is an ad-supported, cross web browser plugin for Internet Explorer and Firefox/Chrome. The browser extension will modify the default or custom settings of the browser including the home page, search settings, and in some cases will modify Internet Explorer’s load time threshold, place a lock file within Firefox to prevent changing settings as well as disable the browser’s Content Security Policy in order to allow for cross-site scripting of the plugin. For these reasons, it has been classified as a browser hijacker.

From the publisher: SafeSearch created by AVSoftware is the unique search engine that filters malicious sites or sites with bad reputations. Every website is weighted on several critical factors – vendor reliability, child safety, privacy issues, user opinions, and ratings.

SafeSearch has been found to be bundled with 3rd party software and malware and therefore is not recommended to keep on your computer.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking is amongst the internet’s constant problems that target browsers. It’s a kind of malware program that directs web browser requests to some other malicious sites. They’re created to disrupt browser functions for several purposes. Typically, the idea is to force users to visit certain websites that are trying to improve their visitor traffic and produce higher ad revenue. Even though it might seem naive, all browser hijackers are damaging and therefore always regarded as security risks. Furthermore, hijackers can make the entire infected system vulnerable – other dangerous malware and viruses will take hold of these opportunities to intrude into your PC effortlessly. Browser hijacking symptoms There are several signs of web browser hijacking: home-page is changed; you see new unwanted bookmarks or favorites added, usually directed to advertisement-filled or pornography websites; the main web browser settings are altered and undesirable or insecure sites are added to the trusted websites list; you notice many toolbars on your internet browser; unstoppable flurries of pop-up advertisements show up on your PC screen; web pages load very slowly and at times incomplete; you cannot visit specific sites like homepages of security software.

So how does a PC get infected with a browser hijacker?

Browser hijackers infect computers in numerous ways, including via a drive-by download, a file-share, or an infected e-mail. They could be included with toolbars, add-ons, BHO, plugins, or browser extensions. Also, some shareware and freeware can put the hijacker within your computer through “bundling”. An example of some notorious browser hijacker includes Conduit, Anyprotect, Babylon, SweetPage, DefaultTab, Delta Search, and RocketTab, but the names are continually changing.

Browser Hijacker Malware – Removal

Certain hijackers could be removed simply by uninstalling the related freeware or add-ons through the Add or Remove Programs in the Microsoft Windows control panel. However, the majority of hijacking codes are certainly not simple to remove manually, as they go much deeper into the operating system. Moreover, manual removal expects you to perform several time-consuming and intricate procedures that are tough to conduct for novice computer users.

What you can do if Virus Stops You From Downloading Anything?

Malware can cause all kinds of damage once they invade your PC, from stealing your personal information to erasing data files on your PC. Certain malware variants alter internet browser settings by adding a proxy server or modify the computer’s DNS settings. In these instances, you will be unable to visit certain or all of the websites, and thus not able to download or install the necessary security software to eliminate the malware. If you are reading this, you may have got infected by malware that stops you from downloading a computer security program like Safebytes Anti-Malware. Even though this type of issue will be tougher to get around, there are a few actions you can take.

Install antivirus in Safe Mode with Networking

Safe Mode is actually a unique, basic version of Windows where only minimal services are loaded to counteract malware and other troublesome applications from loading. In case the malware is set to load automatically when PC boots, switching into this particular mode may well prevent it from doing so. In order to get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, press F8 while the system is booting up or run MSCONFIG and locate the “Safe Boot” options under the “Boot” tab. Once you reboot into Safe Mode with Networking, you can download, install, as well as update anti-malware software from there. At this point, you could run the antivirus scan to remove computer viruses and malware without hindrance from another application.

Switch over to an alternate browser

Malicious program code might exploit vulnerabilities in a particular browser and block access to all anti-malware software websites. If you suspect that your Internet Explorer has been hijacked by a computer virus or otherwise compromised by hackers, the most effective approach is to switch over to an alternate web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari to download your favorite security program – Safebytes Anti-Malware.

Install security software on a flash drive

To successfully eliminate the malware, you might want to approach the issue of installing an antivirus software program on the affected PC from a different perspective. Do these simple measures to clean up your infected computer using a portable antivirus. 1) Use another virus-free PC to download Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Mount the pen-drive onto the same system. 3) Run the setup program by double-clicking the executable file of the downloaded application, which has a .exe file extension. 4) Select the USB drive as the location when the wizard asks you exactly where you would like to install the application. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation. 5) Transfer the flash drive from the uninfected PC to the infected computer. 6) Double-click the antivirus software EXE file on the thumb drive. 7) Click on the “Scan Now” button to start the virus scan.

Ensure the Safety of Your Computer by Installing SafeBytes Anti-Malware

If you’re looking to install an anti-malware application for your computer, there are numerous tools in the market to consider but you just cannot trust blindly anyone, irrespective of whether it is a free or paid program. Some of them are good but there are several scamware applications that pretend as authentic anti-malware software waiting to wreak havoc on the computer. When searching for an anti-malware program, choose one that provides solid, efficient, and full protection against all known computer viruses and malware. When considering the dependable software programs, Safebytes AntiMalware is certainly the strongly recommended one. SafeBytes can be described as a powerful, real-time anti-spyware application that is made to assist regular computer users in safeguarding their PC from malicious threats. This tool can easily identify, remove, and protect your computer from the latest malware intrusions such as spyware, adware, trojan horses, ransomware, parasites, worms, PUPs, along with other potentially harmful software applications. SafeBytes anti-malware comes with a myriad of enhanced features that sets it aside from all others. Here are a few popular features present in this software: Anti-Malware Protection: By using a critically acclaimed malware engine, SafeBytes gives multi-layered protection which is designed to catch and eliminate threats that are hidden deep inside your computer system. Real-time Active Protection: Malware programs trying to get into the computer are identified and stopped as and when detected by the SafeBytes active protection shields. They’re highly efficient in screening and getting rid of various threats because they are continuously revised with the latest updates and safety measures. Safe Web Browsing: SafeBytes provides an instant safety rating on the web pages you are about to visit, automatically blocking risky sites and ensure that you’re certain of your safety while browsing the net. Low CPU and Memory Usage: This software is lightweight and will work quietly in the background, and will not have an effect on your computer efficiency. 24/7 Customer Service: SafeBytes provides 24/7 technical support, automatic maintenance, and updates for the best user experience.

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you wish to manually remove SafeSearch without the use of an automated tool, it may be possible to do so by removing the program from the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu, or in cases of browser extensions, going to the browsers AddOn/Extension manager and removing it. You will likely also want to reset your browser. To ensure the complete removal, manually check your hard drive and registry for all of the following and remove or reset the values accordingly. Please note that this is for advanced users only and may be difficult, with incorrect file removal causing additional PC errors. In addition, some malware is capable of replicating or preventing deletion. Doing this in Safe Mode is advised.

The following files, folders, and registry entries are created or modified by SafeSearch

Files: C:Program FilesPrimesoftSafeSearchsafesearch.dll C:Program FilesPrimesoftSafeSearch_safesearch.dll C:Program FilesPrimesoftSafeSearchaanyvkcf.exe C:Program FilesPrimesoftSafeSearchsafesearch.exe C:Program FilesPrimesoftSafeSearchrgzcdhtn.exe Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunaanyvkcf HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunSafeSearch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunrgzcdhtn HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePrimeSoft HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSafeSearch HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.QSCH HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTQSCH File HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSafeSearch.SafeSearchBHO HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSafeSearch.SafeSearchBHO.1 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInterface28E6CCE2-3F2C-4B3D-9CB4-2FC8715A3ECE HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypelib82E9DE01-D860-40E4-B9C1-91F0E8272962 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypelibCB5006EE-F57D-4116-B7B6-48EB564FE0F0 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTmimedatabasecontent typeapplication/x-QSCH HKEY_USERS.defaultSoftwareNetscapeNetscape NavigatorTrusted External Applications%System%aanyvkcf.exe=yes HKEY_USERS.defaultSoftwareNetscapeNetscape NavigatorSuffixesApplication/x-QSCH HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbar00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallaanyvkcf HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallrgzcdhtn
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Prevent screen from shutting down in Windows
You left your computer to go to the bathroom or to fetch something to eat, maybe you have to answer the phone or open door to a friend and after some time you get back to your computer see the black screen, you move the mouse and it starts to come from sleep slowly. I am the kind of person who gets annoyed by this kind of behavior, I like my PC to be ON all time when I want it to be ON and my power plan on best performance so naturally, I have turned this sleep feature OFF. If you are interested to see how you to can turn off your screen sleeping follow this easy guide.
  1. Press ⊞ WINDOWS to open the start menu and click on the settings Windows 10 Start menu with marked settings icon
  2. On settings, screen click on system Windows settings with System section selected
  3. When the system dialog opens go to Power & Sleep and on the right side change all values to never. windows settings power and sleep
Please note that after each update Windows tend to reset these settings so you will sadly have to return to this after each major update.
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Five Ways of Fixing Error Code 37

What is Error Code 37?

Error Code 37 is a Device Manager Error Code that you may come across when you are unable to use an installed hardware device on your PC. It will pop up on your screen with the following display:

“Windows cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware. (Code 37)”

If you receive the above message, it means that your operating system was unable to acknowledge the drivers for a particular peripheral device.


driverfix boxError Causes

Error Code 37 mainly occurs due to device driver corruption. However, there are other factors that can trigger this error code, some of which are the following:

  • Missing device drivers
  • Out-of-date device drivers
  • Presence of malware or spyware in the system
  • The particular device is not compatible with your PC

Device driver corruption or other data corruption is not uncommon and part of everyday PC use.

From an installation gone wrong to an unexpected shutdown, commonly generated data errors are considered the main culprit behind error codes.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Just like most PC error codes, Error Code 37 isn’t that difficult to get rid of. There are many DIY methods you can try to have your PC running smoothly in no time. Here are a few methods to resolve this issue:

Method 1: Restart your PC

It is possible that the display of the error code is merely due to a temporary issue with your peripheral device and not anything serious.

Therefore, the quickest and easiest method to solve the error code 37 is to simply restart your PC.

Method 2: Scan for Viruses

If restarting does not do the trick, a quick scan for viruses and removing them is another simple method you can follow to fix your PC.

Since the error code is due to corruption of data, viruses such as malware or spyware create error in your PC’s registry and eliminating them can help restore some of the corrupt data, which also speeds up your PC.

Method 3: Undo recent changes

A possible explanation for the error code may be the recent changes in your Device Manager or due to the peripheral device installation. You can thus undo the changes by either:

  • Remove or change settings of the installed peripheral device
  • Roll back the version of the driver to the one before the update.
  • Use System Restore to reverse the changes made in the Device Manager

Method 4: Manually uninstall and reinstall the drivers

If the above stated methods do not help in speeding up your PC and is still giving you an error code, you may want to manually uninstall and reinstall the corrupt or missing drivers. Here are the following steps:

  • Double-check if the installed external device is properly connected and working smoothly
  • Open Device Manager and double click on the device that is causing problems
  • When it opens, click on the ‘Driver’ tab and click ‘Update Driver’

Method 5: Use DriverFIX

However, updating the missing or corrupt drivers can be time consuming and may also require having a hardware documentation ready that contains specific details about the driver that you should download.

To avoid this time-consuming process, you can use DriverFIX software.

DriverFIX will help you to download the required driver without you having to waste your precious time and effort looking it up in a user manual. This latest software technology is embedded with its own database that tracks the missing or corrupt driver according to your PC’s motherboard version and specific details.

It is user-friendly, which means that it will relieve you from the frustration of such PC error codes appearing from time to time and enable your PC to work efficiently in no time.

Click here to download DriverFIX to resolve Device Manager error code 37 today!

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