
Fixing Upside Down Screen in Windows 10

As you know, Windows 10 comes with a pre-packed feature that allows you to rotate the screen at different angles, and to facilitate this feature, there are keyboard shortcuts you can use as well. However, from time to time, no matter how useful this feature is, users still experience a handful of issues. One of which is that they suddenly find their screen rotated or Upside Down even when they didn’t do a thing or adjust the setting.

You may have pressed the shortcut on the keyboard by accident or some other program changed the setting on your computer without your permission – whichever the case is, this post will show you what you can do to fix the upside-down screen on your Windows 10 PC using the options laid out below.

Option 1 – Try using hotkeys

As mentioned earlier, Windows have hotkeys in the UI that changes the orientation of the display. So the first thing you need to do is to make sure that these hotkeys are enabled and if they are, you can use the keyboard shortcut to adjust the orientation of your screen.

  • Right-click on an empty part of your Desktop and then select the Graphic options.
  • Next, select “Hot Keys” > “Enable”. After verifying that the hotkeys are enabled, you can tap the Ctrl + Alt + Up arrow keys to change your computer screen’s orientation.
  • Alternatively, you can also tap the Ctrl + Alt + Right or Left or Down arrow keys to change the direction the other way.

Option 2 – Try using the Graphics Properties

You will probably see the “Graphics Properties” option if you use the Intel HD Graphics every time you click on your Desktop. Note that this option has all the graphics driver properties and helps you in changing the configurations as well as control several options like refresh rate, resolution, color-depth and many more. You have to navigate to these options to see if the orientation is changed in these properties. To do so, follow the steps below.

  • Right-click on any empty space on your Desktop and then select Graphics Properties or Intel Graphics Settings.
  • After that, select Display from the list of sub-options that appears.
  • From there, you will see the rotation of the screen under the “Display settings” option where you have to make sure that the slider is set to “0”.
  • Click the Apply button to save the changes made and then click on Exit. The orientation of your screen should automatically change.

Option 3 – Try using the Windows Display Settings

Since the Windows Settings have a section where you can manage the display settings of your computer, you can use them to help control the resolution of your PC’s display without any trouble. There is a possibility that the settings are changed there so that’s probably why your screen is turned upside down all of a sudden.

  • Tap the Win + S keys to open search and then type in “settings” in the field and then hit Enter to open Settings.
  • After opening Settings, click on System and then on Display using the left navigation bar and then scroll to the end and select the Advanced display settings.
  • Next, click on the Display adapter properties and click on Intel HD Graphics control panel.
  • Now change the rotation to 0 Degrees. Afterward, the display should revert back to its original form automatically.

Option 4 – Check your monitor’s physical controls

There are monitors that have buttons in them that allows users to shift the rotation of the screen to 90 degrees. It could be that your monitor has these buttons without you knowing and you suddenly pressed them by mistake which caused your screen to rotate. Thus, you have to check your monitor for any physical buttons on the side and if you see a menu, navigate to its options and check if there are screen rotation options. To make it easier for you, you can simply search your monitor’s model online and see if these buttons exist. You could also go over your monitor’s manual if you still have it as it contains details with regards to screen rotation.

Option 5 – Update your Graphics drivers

  • Tap the Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box and then type in devmgmt.msc and tap Enter or click OK to open the Device Manager.
  • Expand the section for the outdated device drivers.
  • And then select the outdated driver(s) and right-click on it/them.
  • From the drop-down menu, select the Update Driver option if you wish to update the driver or select the Uninstall device if you want to uninstall the driver and then follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version of the driver.
  • Restart your PC after the installation to allow the system to reinstall the driver.

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Enable or Disable Automatic Encryption
You might be familiar with the Encryption File System or EFS algorithm if you rather keep your files and folders encrypted. Encryption File System is a built-in feature in Windows 10 which allows users to secure their important files. Although there is an alternative way for you to secure your data on your Windows 10 computer, you can’t ignore the fact that the main advantage of an Encryption File System over BitLocker is that the former can help you encrypt a particular folder rather than encrypting the whole hard drive partition. If you move a file inside a folder encrypted with the Encrypting File System it will automatically get encrypted. There are some users who like this feature but unsurprisingly, there are some that don’t. So if whether you want your files encrypted when you place them in an encrypted folder or if you want to keep it as it is, read on as to how you can do it either way. You can enable or disable automatic encryption of files moved to encrypted folders in Windows 10 using the Registry Editor or the Group Policy Editor. Before you proceed, make sure to create a System Restore Point first because the modifications you’re about to make in your computer might affect its overall functioning so if anything goes wrong, you can always undo the changes. Once you have that covered, refer to the options given below to enable or disable automatic encryption in Windows 10.

Option 1 – Enable or disable automatic encryption using Registry Editor

  • Press the Win key + R key at the same time to open the Run dialog box.
  • Then type “Regedit” in the field and press Enter to open the Registry Editor and if a User Account Control or UAC prompt appears, just click Yes to proceed.
  • After opening the Registry Editor, navigate to this key location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer
  • Next, right-click on Explorer and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and then name the newly create DWORD to “NoEncryptOnMove” and press Enter to save it.
  • After that, double click on the NoEncryptOnMove DWORD and set its value to the following preferences:
    • 1 – Disable Auto Encryption of files moved to encrypted folders.
    • 0 – Enable Auto Encryption of files moved to encrypted folders.
  • Now close the Registry Editor and restart your computer to successfully apply the changes made.

Option 2 – Enable or disable automatic encryption using the Group Policy Editor

  • Press the Win + R keys to open the Run box and type “gpedit.msc” in the field and press Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.
  • After that, navigate to this path: Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystem
  • Next, look for the “Do not automatically encrypt files moved to encrypted folders” option and double click on it to set the policy. From there, you will see the following description:
“This policy setting prevents File Explorer from encrypting files that are moved to an encrypted folder. If you enable this policy setting, File Explorer will not automatically encrypt files that are moved to an encrypted folder. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, File Explorer automatically encrypts files that are moved to an encrypted folder. This setting applies only to files moved within a volume. When files are moved to other volumes, or if you create a new file in an encrypted folder, File Explorer encrypts those files automatically.”
  • Now select one of the radio buttons below depending on your preference:
    • Not Configured or Disabled: Enable Auto Encrypt of files moved to EFS Encrypted folders.
    • Enabled: Disable Auto Encrypt of files moved to EFS Encrypted folders.
  • Then click on the Apply and OK buttons to save the changes made.
  • Exit the Group Policy Editor and restart your computer.
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Fix Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a Driver Issue
Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a Driver is a software driver used in WI FI communication between OS and device itself. When this driver stops working usually it means loss of connection and no internet available. This error knows to comes frequently and repeat itself over long periods of time which makes it quite annoying. If you are one of the unlucky users of Windows who get this error please keep reading in order to eliminate it and continue working on your computer normally.
  1. Disable & Enable the Qualcomm Adapter Driver

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu, click on the device manager. In device manager expand network adapters. Right-click on Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a wireless network adapter and click on disable Right-click on Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a wireless network adapter and click on enable
  2. Rollback the Qualcomm Adapter driver

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu, click on the device manager. In device manager expand network adapters. Right-click on Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a wireless network adapter and click on properties Under properties, window click on Driver tab and left-click on Roll Back driver (if the option is greyed there is no previous driver, follow next step) Choose your reason and click on OK
  3. Update Qualcomm Atheros driver to the latest version

    Press ⊞ WINDOWS + X to open the secret menu, click on the device manager. In device manager expand network adapters. Right-click on Qualcomm Atheros Qca61x4a wireless network adapter and click on Update Driver
  4. Install the new driver in compatibility mode

    Right-click on the installer package and choose properties Go to the compatibility tab Choose compatibility settings and install.
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Windows 10 Setup says I need to uninstall a program or utility in order to continue setup. I cannot find program it ask for or it was already uninstalled

What is this particular error?

One common issue when trying to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or 8 is incompatible software. Any installed software or app that isn’t compatible with Windows 10 will prevent you from continuing with the set-up. Normally, you’ll get an error message “What needs your attention” and it will ask you to uninstall a list of apps manually. Unfortunately, some users reported that they couldn’t find the app it asks to uninstall. In some cases, users said they’ve already uninstalled the app but it still won’t start the Windows 10 Setup.


Restoro box imageError Causes

This type of issue normally occurs because of the following:

  • Incompatible software/apps
  • Corrupted software/apps
  • Incomplete uninstallation

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some steps you can take whenever you encounter this error.

Note: Before taking any steps, make sure that you’re highly equipped to do so. Some steps might affect the system and even do more damage to your computer. You might also want to consider using an automated tool instead.

Method 1 – Perform a clean boot, then retry upgrading

A clean boot is normally done to start Windows using the least set of drivers and startup programs available. By doing this, it eliminates possible software issues that happen when installing or uninstalling a program in Windows 10.

Before performing a clean boot, make sure to take note of the following:

  • You need administrative privileges in order to perform this action.
  • When doing this, your computer might lose temporarily functionality. However, it will return after start-up.
  • It is highly advisable to not use the System Configuration to change advanced boot options.

Here are the steps to perform a clean boot.

  • Step 1 – Go to Start and search for msconfig
  • Step 2 – Go to System Configuration
  • Step 3 – Under Services tab, click on the “Hide all Microsoft services” checkbox. Then, choose to Disable all
  • Step 4 – Go to the System Configuration’s Startup tab. Then, click on “Open Task Manager”
  • Step 5 – In the Task Manager dialog box, you will see a Startup tab. Choose items that you want to disable and then click the Disable button
  • Step 6 – Close the Task Manager dialog box.
  • Step 7 – Go back to the Startup tab of the System Configuration box. Click “Ok” then proceed with restarting.

Method 2 – Manually uninstall programs from the Program Files folders

Instead of using the “add or remove programs” feature in Windows, you might need to manually install the program directly from the C drive. To do this, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – Go to the C drive, and look for the Program Files folders. For 32-bit users, you can find it at C:\Program Files. If you’re using the 64-bit version of Windows, go to C:\Program Files (x86) folder.
  • Step 2 – Find the “uninstall” application file
  • Step 3 – Right-click, and run the file as administrator. Wait for the uninstallation to finish. In some software, you need to restart your system before the uninstallation will take effect.

Note: In some cases, you may also need to search for files related to the program. You can use the search bar under Drive C to do this. Delete those files as well.

Method 3 – Create a new user account

Before upgrading to Windows 10, create a new user account. Make sure it has administrative privileges. From there, run the upgrade.

Method 4 – Use third-party uninstaller services

If you still can’t run Windows 10 Setup after the above methods, you might need to rely on a third-party service. Microsoft recommends Revouninstaller that can help you.

Before using this software, reinstall the application or utility that Windows 10 wants you to install. Then, use Revouninstaller to delete the program completely.

Method 5 – Disable third-party antivirus software

Some users who experienced this issue reported that it was solved after disabling or completely uninstalling the anti-virus software installed in their system.

Method 6 – Use a trusted automated tool

If after trying the above methods, the problem still persists, it might be best to use a trusted automated tool to fix the issue.

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5 ways to open task manager in Windows 11
Something we are used to doing in a certain way inside Windows 10 is slightly changed in Windows 11. One of those things is how you open task manager, well kind of. task managerOption to right-click on the taskbar and launch task manager is gone but do not worry there are other same and simple ways you can launch it.
  1. Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC or CTRL + ALT + DEL
  2. Right-click on the START button
  3. Type task manager in start search on top in the start menu
  4. Type taskmgr in command prompt
  5. Press ⊞ WINDOWS + R to open run dialog and type in taskmgr
And that’s it, now depending on your situation, you might use different methods to evoke task manager.
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How to save google DOC as a PDF

Google Docs has cemented itself as a great free alternative to Microsoft Office Word. Most of the time people just share links to google Docs among themselves but sometimes you need to save and download files.


Luckily Google docs let you download easily files in various formats including PDF as well. In this short tutorial we will explain how can you download your Google document as a PDF file.

Saving Google Docs as a PDF

Open the Google document inside the browser and click on the File drop-down menu. In the file drop-down menu go to Download and choose PDF document. Next, choose the location where you would like your file to be saved and click on SAVE.

And that's all that needs to be done. Also, you can edit PDF files as well in google docs if you need to.

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JBL Clip 4 Review, a small perfection

Portable small Bluetooth speakers are nothing new on the market, most of the time they have given the opportunity for music listening during picnics and walks in nature and also replaced some car speaker systems. The latest star in small portable speakers in JBL Clip 4, small in size, waterproof, and with an incredible high-quality sound.

JBl Clip 4

Performance and quality

Out of the box and after first look speaker looks great, it has excellent design and is very intuitive to work with. Everything is laid out logically and you can start using it right away without reading instructions.

The sound quality is surprisingly very good and clear. I must say I have not expected this clarity and power from a speaker of this size. The volume range is also incredibly good and will fill most needs even on small picnics outdoors where you can hear it loud enough. One thing to mention is that even on their loudness levels sound is still clear without distortion which, to be honest, is to be expected from someone like JBL.

Where you can take JBL Clip 4

You can take it where ever you want, Its size and clip make it perfect for beach and pool trips. Speaker is waterproof and gas IP67 rating, meaning that sand and dirt will not affect it either. Do not take this speaker to your diving adventures since that will break it but a depth around 1 meter underwater should be safe. After your trip do not forget to wash Clip 4 with clean water so all dirt, salt, and other stuff are properly cleaned for longer life of the device.

How long it will play?

JBL claims that the battery will last 10 hours of continuous play. Note that this is meant probably on the largest volume setting so when you use it on lower settings battery is lasting longer. Playing of course on low volumes will extend playback time even longer but here we come at one feature that I do not like, there is no indication of any kind how much battery is left in the speaker, the only indication is a red light when the battery is almost empty which means you could be outside at that point and did not know that low battery was there in the first place when you were packing. Some battery indication would be a great addon.

More stability for JBL Clip 4

The clip itself has been improved from the previous Clip 3 model, it is wider, it goes all the way around the casing, and feels overall better and more stable. Since the clip is now all around casing this means a wider opening can be made making it fit around stuff Clip 3 was not able to.


All in all, Clip 4 is an incredible speaker and one that would highly recommend, the price goes around 79 USD but it can be found even as low as 50 USD on discounts and promotions and if you manage to get one at that price it is a great buy. Sound is good, portability is great, dirt and waterproof are excellent and battery life is really good.

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How to Fix Screen Flickering in Windows 10 Error

Screen flickering in Windows 10 - What Is It?

Screen flickering when you’re using Windows 10 is quite a common problem. It is often caused by apps that are not compatible with the operating system, or faulty display drivers.

There are a lot of possibilities for why this issue occurs. If you are one of the many users that encounter this kind of problem, you might want to check on your task manager to see if everything is working fine. One common sign that something wrong has happened is if the task manager flickers, as well. To fix this, you will need to update an app, uninstall an app, or update your display driver.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Common causes of the screen flickering when running on Windows 10 are software issues. This is most likely caused by the following:

  • Faulty display driver
  • You have an application installed that is not compatible with your operating system

Further Information and Manual Repair

In order to fix the issue of your screen flickering when you have Windows 10 as your operating system, follow these simple steps.

Note: It is very important to consult with an authorized computer technician if you are not highly confident in solving this issue by yourself. Furthermore, you can also use software to fix this problem.

  • The first method is by checking if your task manager is flickering. To open the task manager, all you have to do is right-click or press and hold the start button, then select task manager.

If you have confirmed that the task manager is the one causing the screen flickers, the display driver can possibly be your problem. To fix it, all you have to do is update your display driver.

How to update the display driver

  1. You have to reset your computer and boot it on Safe Mode.

      -In order to do this, you have to hold the Shift key while selecting Power>Restart. When your computer boots up, you will be greeted by a Choose an option screen. From there, you have to select Troubleshoot, then Advanced Options, then Startup Settings, and then Restart. When your computer restarts, select 4 or hit the F4 key to enter into Safe Mode.

  1. When your computer finally boots up in Safe Mode, right-click or press and hold the Start button. From there, click Device Manager.
  1. From the Device Manager screen, you have to expand the Display Drivers section, right-click on the driver that might be causing the problem then select Uninstall. Don’t forget to tick the Delete the driver software for this device box, press the OK button, and then restart your computer.

            - When you have two, or more, drivers installed on your computer, all you have to do is disable the other drivers. You can do this by right-clicking on the driver in the Device Manager and click the Yes box next to disable. Shut down your PC after this, disconnect the installation, and boot your computer back on.

  1. When your PC boots up after the restart, click on the Start button then click on Settings.
  1. You need to go to Update & Security, then Windows Update, and then check for updates.

            - If you are using multiple drivers and this technique doesn’t work, repeat the process in Step 3 and try to disable a different driver.

Remove an incompatible app

There are two ways to remove an incompatible app to fix the issue of a screen flicker on Windows 10. Apps like Norton AV, iCloud, and IDT Audio are usually the ones causing the problem. Uninstalling these apps could solve the problem. Uninstall the apps by using the methods below:

First Solution: Uninstall an app in Settings

  1. Click Start, and then click Settings.
  2. Click on System, and then click on Apps & Features.
  3. A window will pop up and from there you will need to select the application you wish to uninstall. Click the app, and then click uninstall. Follow the screen prompt to fully uninstall the program.

Second Solution: Uninstall an app in the Start Menu

  1. Click Start, and then click All Apps.
  2. Look for the application you will need to uninstall, right-click the said app, and then click Uninstall. Follow the screen prompt to fully uninstall the program.
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Copy and Paste feature is not working
One of the most basic and commonly used features in the Windows operating system is the copy and paste feature that helps users accomplish tasks in a faster and easier way. However, if you notice that it’s not working properly for some reason, then this post might be of help as it will provide you with options you can check out to resolve the problem. You can encounter this kind of problem with the copy and paste feature if some system files are corrupted or if there’s some third-party application or process that interferes with this function. Worry not though for there are some options you can check out to fix this. You can try to restart the rdpclip.exe process or the explorer.exe process. You could also try to reinstall the program where you encountered the issue with the Copy and Paste function. In addition, you could try clearing the clipboard history or run the built-in tools like the DISM tool and SFC scan. You could also troubleshoot the problem in a Clean Boot State or use the Refresh Windows tool. For more information, refer to each one of the options below.

Option 1 – Try to restart the rdpclip.exe and the explorer.exe processes

The first thing you can do to resolve the problem is to restart certain processes namely, the rdpclip.exe process and the explorer.exe process via Task Manager.
  • First, right-click on your Taskbar and select the Task Manager.
  • Next, look for the rdpclip.exe process and right-click on it, and select the End process option.
  • After that, click on the File tab > Run new task and then type “rdpclip.exe” and tap Enter.
  • This should help fix the problem. If not, you could also try to restart the explorer.exe process – just look for the explorer.exe process in the Task Manager and right-click on it, and then select the Restart option.

Option 2 – Try reinstalling the concerned program

If you only experience this issue on a particular program, you might want to uninstall this program and install it back again, and then see if it fixed the problem or not.

Option 3 – Try to clear the clipboard history

You could also try clearing the clipboard history as it has been known to help in fixing this kind of issue. You can clear the clipboard history using the command line.
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run dialog box and type “cmd” in the field and hit Enter to open Command Prompt.
  • Next, execute this command: echo off | clip
  • After that, check if the Copy and Paste function is now working properly or not.

Option 4 – Try running the DISM tool

You can run the DISM tool as well to help fix the “Tile Database is corrupt” error. Using this built-in tool, you have various options such as the “/ScanHealth”, “/CheckHealth”, and “/RestoreHealth”.
  • Open the Command Prompt with admin privileges.
  • Then type in the following commands and make sure to hit Enter right after you type each one of them:
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    • Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    • DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  • Do not close the window if the process takes a while as it will probably take a few minutes to finish.
  • Once it’s done, check if it was able to fix the corrupted Start Menu or not.

Option 5 – Try to run System File Checker or SFC scan

  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd in the field and tap Enter.
  • After opening Command Prompt, type in sfc /scannow and hit Enter.
  • Once done, restart your computer.

Option 6 – Restart your computer in a Clean Boot State

If a third party program like antivirus is the one that’s causing the problem, you can try to put your computer in a Clean Boot State to isolate the issue by following these steps:
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in msconfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Now try to connect your device or copy the files to your external device again and check if the problem with the Copy and Paste function is fixed.
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10 Worst Computer Viruses in history
Computers viruses, worms, ransomware, etc. are kinds of malicious software that no user should take lightly. On several occasions, we have touched upon security steps that each user should take in order to protect its identity and data. Sadly sometimes even when all precautions are taken some malware can still slip through and wreak havoc. Today we are looking at some of the worst or the best, depending on your view that has indeed wreaked plenty of havoc.

viruses10 worst computer viruses in history

In the list of the 10 most famous computer viruses below, we show the costs, dates, reach, and other key facts. First a note about terms: we use the words “virus” and “worm” interchangeably because most readers search for them that way. But there’s a subtle difference that we explain after the list.

1. Mydoom – $38 billion

The worst computer virus outbreak in history, Mydoom caused estimated damage of $38 billion in 2004, but its inflation-adjusted cost is actually $52.2 billion. Also known as Novarg, this malware is technically a “worm,” spread by mass emailing. At one point, the Mydoom virus was responsible for 25% of all emails sent. Mydoom scraped addresses from infected machines, then sent copies of itself to those addresses. It also roped those infected machines into a web of computers called a botnet that performed distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks were intended to shut down a target website or server. Mydoom is still around today, generating 1% of all phishing emails. That’s no small feat considering the 3.4 billion phishing emails sent each day. By that figure, Mydoom has taken on a life of its own, infecting enough poorly-protected machines to send 1.2 billion copies of itself per year, 16 years after its creation. Though a $250,000 reward was offered, the developer of this dangerous computer worm was never caught. Wondering what makes the world’s most secure computers so safe? See the Tech@Work guide: Upgrade to the World's Most Secure and Manageable PC

2. Sobig – $30 billion

The 2003 Sobig computer virus is actually another worm. It is second only to the Mydoom virus in its scope. The $30 billion figure is a worldwide total, including Canada, the U.K., the U.S., mainland Europe, and Asia. Several versions of the worm were released in quick succession, named Sobig.A through Sobig.F, with Sobig.F being the most damaging. This cybercriminal program masqueraded as legitimate computer software attached to emails. It disrupted ticketing at Air Canada and interfered with countless other businesses. Despite its widespread damage, the creator of the successful bug was never caught.

3. Klez – $19.8 billion

Klez is a close third on the list of the worst computer viruses ever created. With nearly $20 billion in estimated damages, it infected about 7.2% of all computers in 2001, or 7 million PCs. The Klez worm sent fake emails, spoofed recognized senders and, among other things, attempted to deactivate other viruses. As with other viruses and worms, Klez was released in several variants. It infected files, copied itself, and spread throughout each victim’s network. It hung around for years, with each version more destructive than the last. Windows has come a long way since most of the computer viruses on this list hit the web. Thankfully, built-in protection with Microsoft Defender is always on the watch.

4. ILOVEYOU – $15 billion

The year 2000’s ILOVEYOU virus worked by sending a bogus “love letter” that looked like a harmless text file. Like Mydoom, this attacker sent copies of itself to every email address in the infected machine’s contact list. Shortly after its May 4 release, it had spread to more than 10 million PCs. The virus was created by a college student in the Philippines named Onel de Guzman. Lacking funds, he wrote the virus to steal passwords so he could log into online services he wanted to use for free. He reportedly had no idea how far his creation would spread. This virus is also known as Loveletter. Need to up your remote work security game before there’s another entry on the list of most deadly computer viruses? See our guide: How to Work Remotely and Securely

5. WannaCry – $4 billion

The 2017 WannaCry computer virus is ransomware, a virus that takes over your computer (or cloud files) and holds them hostage. The WannaCry ransomware ripped through computers in 150 countries, causing massive productivity losses as businesses, hospitals, and government organizations that didn’t pay were forced to rebuild systems from scratch. The malware raged like wildfire through 200,000 computers worldwide. It stopped when a 22-year-old security researcher in the U.K. found a way to turn it off. Computers with out-of-date operating systems were hit especially hard. That’s why security experts always recommend updating your systems frequently.

Ransomware strikes again

In September 2020, one of the potentially largest computer virus attacks in medical history hit Universal Health Services. The U.S. hospital chain, which has more than 400 locations, was reportedly struck by damaging ransomware. The attack forced the cancellation of surgeries and made healthcare workers switch to paper records.

6. Zeus – $3 billion

The Zeus computer virus is an online theft tool that hit the web in 2007. A whitepaper by Unisys three years later estimated that it was behind 44% of all banking malware attacks. By then, it had breached 88% of all Fortune 500 companies, 2,500 organizations total, and 76,000 computers in 196 countries. The Zeus botnet was a group of programs that worked together to take over machines for a remote “bot master.” It originated in Eastern Europe and was used to transfer money to secret bank accounts. More than 100 members of the crime ring behind the virus, mostly in the U.S., were arrested in 2010. It’s not as prominent today, but some of the virus’ source code lives on in newer botnet viruses and worms. Zeus caused documented damage of $100 million. But the real cost in terms of lost productivity, removal, and undocumented theft is undoubtedly much higher. A $3 billion estimate, adjusted for inflation, puts this virus at a cost of $3.7 billion in today’s dollars.

7. Code Red – $2.4 billion

First observed in 2001, the Code Red computer virus was yet another worm that penetrated 975,000 hosts. It displayed the words “Hacked by Chinese!” across infected web pages, and it ran entirely in each machine’s memory. In most cases it left no trace in hard drives or other storage. Financial costs are pegged at $2.4 billion. The virus attacked websites of infected computers and delivered a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the U.S. White House’s website, www.whitehouse.gov. In fact, the White House had to change its IP address to defend against Cod Red. Can your printer get a virus? See our cool infographic: The State of Printer Security

8. Slammer – $1.2 billion

The SQL Slammer worm cost an estimated $750 million across 200,000 computer users in 2003. This computer virus randomly selected IP addresses, exploiting vulnerabilities and sending itself on to other machines. It used these victim machines to launch a DDoS attack on several internet hosts, significantly slowing internet traffic. The Slammer worm hit banks in the U.S. and Canada especially hard, taking ATMs offline in many locations. Customers of Toronto’s Imperial Bank of Commerce found themselves unable to access funds. The attack reared its ugly head again in 2016, launching from IP addresses in Ukraine, China, and Mexico.

9. CryptoLocker – $665 million

Thankfully, ransomware attacks like the 2013 CryptoLocker virus have dipped since their 2017 peak. This malware attacked upwards of 250,000 machines by encrypting their files. It displayed a red ransom note informing users that “your important files encryption produced on this computer.” A payment window accompanied the note. The virus’ creators used a worm called the Gameover Zeus botnet to make and send copies of the CryptoLocker virus. According to a report by security firm Sophos, the average ransomware attack costs a business $133,000. If we estimate that CryptoLocker hit 5,000 companies, that would put its total cost at $665 million. Where will cybersecurity go next? See our guide: The Future of Cybersecurity

10. Sasser – $500 million

The Sasser worm was written by a 17-year-old German computer science student named Sven Jaschan. He was arrested at the age of 18 in 2004 after a $250,000 bounty was posted for the computer virus’ creator. A friend of Jaschan’s tipped authorities that the youth had penned not only the Sasser worm but also the damaging Netsky.AC attack. Jaschan was given a suspended sentence after it was found he was a minor when he wrote the malware. The Sasser worm crashed millions of PCs, and though some reports put damages at $18 billion, the relatively low infection rate suggests a more likely cost of $500 million. Other notable viruses The top 10 worst computer viruses above are just the ugly tip of a gargantuan digital iceberg. With a million new malware programs popping up every 3 years, we may miss the forest for a few outstanding trees. Here are just a few more viruses that have wreaked havoc over the years: Mimail: This worm tried to harvest data from infected machines to launch a string of DDoS attacks, but was relatively easy to remove. Yaha: Yet another worm with several variants, thought to be the result of a cyber-war between Pakistan and India. Swen: Written in C++, the Swen computer worm disguised itself to look like a 2003 OS update. Its financial cost has been pegged at $10.4 billion, but not reliably. Storm Worm: This worm showed up in 2007 and attacked millions of computers with an email about approaching bad weather. Tanatos/Bugbear: A 2002 keylogger virus that targeted financial institutions and spread to 150 countries. Sircam: A computer worm from 2001 that used counterfeit emails with the subject line, “I send you this file in order to have your advice.” Explorezip: This worm used fake emails to spread to every machine on thousands of local networks. Melissa: The most dangerous computer virus in 1999, Melissa sent copies of itself that looked like NSFW pics. The U.S. FBI estimated cleanup and repair costs at $80 million. Flashback: A Mac-only virus, Flashback infected over 600,000 Macs in 2012 and even infected Apple’s home base in Cupertino, Calif. In 2020, there’s now more malware on Macs than on PCs. Conficker: This 2009 virus still infects many legacy systems and could do significant damage if it ever activates. Stuxnet: This worm is reported to have destroyed Iranian nuclear centrifuges by sending damaging instructions.
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Linkury Smartbar Engine Removal Guide for Windows

Linkury Smartbar Engine is a Brower Toolbar for Internet Explorer. Upon investigation, we discovered that this toolbar does not work with the latest versions of Internet Explorer.

From the Author:

What the Smartbar does: – Changes the default search engine in your web browser’s built-in search box. – Changes the default home page of your web browser. – Adds alternative “page not found” functionality. – Enable search from the address bar of your web browser. – Allows software updates of the application once a new version is released. – Adds, removes, or modifies components interacting with search input fields.

While installed, users may see additional unwanted ads throughout their browsing sessions.

Several anti-virus applications have marked this toolbar as a Browser Hijacker, and it is not recommended to keep it on your computer, especially if you are using a newer version of internet explorer that renders this toolbar useless.

About Browser Hijackers

Browser hijacking means a malicious program code has taken control over and modified the settings of your browser, without your permission. Browser hijackers will do a number of things on a computer. These are typically used to force visitors to a particular site, manipulating web traffic to earn ad revenue. It may appear naive, but the majority of these sites are not legitimate and may pose a serious threat to your online safety. They did not just screw up your web browsers, but browser hijackers can also modify the system registry, leaving your computer susceptible to other attacks.

How you can determine if your browser is hijacked

When your browser is hijacked, the following could happen: home-page is changed; you see new unwanted favorites or bookmarks added, usually directed to advertisement-filled or pornography sites; the default browser settings are changed and/or your default web engine is altered; you find unsolicited new toolbars added; never-ending pop-up adverts appear and/or your web browser pop-up blocker is disabled; your web browser starts running slowly or exhibits frequent errors; you can’t visit specific websites like home pages of security software.

Precisely how browser hijacker infects computer systems

Browser hijackers could use drive-by downloads or file-sharing websites or perhaps an e-mail attachment in order to reach a targeted computer. They may also come from any BHO, browser extension, add-on, toolbar, or plug-in with malicious intent. A browser hijacker can be installed as a part of freeware, shareware, demoware, and fake programs. A good example of a well-known browser hijacker is the latest Chinese malware called “Fireball”, which has infected 250 million PCs across the world. It works as a hijacker but can be turned into a fully functioning malware downloader afterward. The existence of any browser hijacker malware on your system could substantially diminish the web browsing experience, monitor your internet activities that lead to serious privacy concerns, create system stability problems and ultimately cause your PC to slow down or to a nearly unusable state.

Removing browser hijackers

Some kinds of browser hijackers can be removed from your computer by deleting malicious software applications or any other recently added freeware. At times, it could be a tough job to find and eliminate the malicious program since the associated file could be running as part of the operating system process. Also, manual removals require in-depth system understanding and thus can be a very difficult job for novice computer users. Browser hijackers could be effectively removed by installing and running an anti-malware program on the affected PC. To eradicate any kind of browser hijacker from your laptop or computer, you could download this certified malware removal application – SafeBytes Anti-Malware. Utilize a system optimizer together with your anti-malware software to fix various computer registry problems, eliminate computer vulnerabilities, and enhance your computer's overall performance.

Help! Malware Blocking Anti-virus Installation And Access To The Web

Practically all malware is bad, but certain kinds of malware do a lot more damage to your computer than others. Some malware sits in between the computer and your net connection and blocks some or all websites that you really want to check out. It would also block you from installing anything on your machine, especially anti-virus software. If you are reading this now, you have probably recognized that a malware infection is the real cause of your blocked web traffic. So how to proceed if you need to download and install an anti-malware application such as Safebytes? There are some steps you can take to circumvent this issue.

Eliminate viruses in Safe Mode

If the malware is set to load at Windows start-up, then booting in Safe Mode should prevent it. Only the minimum required applications and services are loaded whenever you start your laptop or computer in Safe Mode. You need to do the following to remove malware in Safe mode. 1) After switching on the computer, hit the F8 key before the Windows splash screen starts to load. This should bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu. 2) Select Safe Mode with Networking using arrow keys and hit ENTER. 3) As soon as this mode loads, you will have an internet connection. Now, utilize your web browser normally and navigate to https://safebytes.com/products/anti-malware/ to download and install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 4) Right after installation, run a complete scan and let the program get rid of the threats it detects.

Switch over to some other browser

Web-based malware can be environment-specific, aiming for a particular web browser or attacking particular versions of the web browser. The best solution to overcome this issue is to choose a browser that is well known for its security features. Firefox has built-in Phishing and Malware Protection to help keep you safe online.

Install antivirus on a USB drive

To successfully remove the malware, you will need to approach the issue of installing an antivirus program on the infected computer system from a different angle. To run antivirus using a thumb drive, follow these simple measures: 1) On a virus-free computer, install Safebytes Anti-Malware. 2) Plug the Thumb drive into the clean computer. 3) Double click on the exe file to run the installation wizard. 4) Choose a USB drive as the location when the wizard asks you where you wish to install the software. Follow activation instructions. 5) Transfer the pen drive from the clean PC to the infected PC. 6) Double-click the antivirus software EXE file on the USB flash drive. 7) Simply click “Scan Now” to run a scan on the affected computer for malware.

SafeBytes Anti-Malware Features

In order to protect your personal computer from many different internet-based threats, it’s important to install anti-malware software on your PC. But with so many anti-malware companies in the market, these days it’s challenging to decide which one you should purchase for your laptop. Some are really worth your money, but most aren’t. You must choose one that is efficient, practical, and has a strong reputation for its malware protection. While considering the trustworthy applications, Safebytes Anti-Malware is undoubtedly the strongly recommended one. SafeBytes anti-malware is really a powerful, highly effective protection application created to assist users of all levels of IT literacy in identifying and eliminating harmful threats from their PC. With its most advanced virus detection and repair technology, this software protects your PC against infections caused by different kinds of malware and similar internet threats, including adware, spyware, viruses, worms, trojans, keyloggers, potentially unwanted program (PUPs), and ransomware.

SafeBytes anti-malware offers a myriad of advanced features that sets it aside from all others. Here are some of the best ones:

Most Reliable AntiMalware Protection: Built upon a highly acclaimed antivirus engine, this malware removal application can detect and get rid of the most stubborn malware threats like browser hijackers, PUPs, and ransomware that other common anti-virus programs will miss. Real-time Threat Response: SafeBytes provides totally hands-free live protection and is set to check, block, and get rid of all computer threats at its very first encounter. They’re extremely efficient in screening and getting rid of numerous threats since they’re constantly revised with the latest updates and alerts. Web Protection: SafeBytes checks the links present on a web page for possible threats and notifies you whether the site is safe to browse or not, through its unique safety rating system. “Fast Scan” Features: Safebytes AntiMalware, using its enhanced scanning engine, gives super-fast scanning that can quickly target any active internet threat. Light-weight: This program is lightweight and can work silently in the background, and will not have an effect on your PC efficiency. 24/7 Online Support: Support service is accessible 24 x 7 x 365 days via email and chats to answer your concerns. To sum it up, SafeBytes has developed a meaningful anti-malware solution that is aimed to protect you against various malware. You can be sure that your PC will be protected in real-time once you put this software to use. So when you want advanced forms of protection features & threat detections, buying SafeBytes Anti-Malware could be worth the money!

Technical Details and Manual Removal (Advanced Users)

If you do not wish to use an automated tool and prefer to eliminate Linkury Smartbar Engine manually, you might do so by going to the Add/Remove Programs menu in the control panel and removing the offending program; in cases of web browser plug-ins, you may uninstall it by visiting the browsers Add-on/Extension manager. You’ll likely also want to reset your web browser. To be certain of complete removal, find the following Windows registry entries on your system and eliminate them or reset the values appropriately. Please note that this is for advanced users only and might be difficult, with wrong file removal leading to additional system errors. Furthermore, certain malware is capable of replicating itself or preventing deletion. Carrying out this in Safe Mode is suggested.
Files: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\Lrcnta.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Linkury\Application\Linkury.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\QuickShare.exe %USERPROFILE%\Local\AppData\Smartbar\Application\Delta.exe %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\WCService\WCService.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\Luckysave.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\Muvic.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Linkury\Application\Smartbar.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\SavePass.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\SafeFinder.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\WhiteSmoke.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\BrowserHelper.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\SnapDo.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\ProductsRemovalTool.exe %LOCALAPPDATA%\Smartbar\Application\MagicBox.exe Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Linkury_RASMANCS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Linkury_RASAPI32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\Linkury_RASMANCS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\Linkury_RASAPI32 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION, value: Linkury.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\C5670CA607D1C7C4AA305DE018401AA3 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Features\C5670CA607D1C7C4AA305DE018401AA3 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Linkury HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg\Browser Infrastructure Helper HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\LinkurySmartBar.LinkurySmartBarBandObject HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\LinkurySmartBar.LinkuryMenuForm HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\LinkurySmartBar.DockingPanel HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\LinkurySmartBar.BandObjectAttribute HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, value: Linkury Chrome Smartbar HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Mntz_Installer_RASAPI32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Mntz_Installer_RASMANCS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tracing\Mntz_Installer_RASAPI32 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sulpnar HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\Stpro HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Stpro HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\mtPlusdax HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\mtPlusdax
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