
What you should not share and post on Facebook

Recent Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger & Oculus fiasco and downtime reminded us that even big IT tech behemoth is vulnerable and can go offline. The situation has been resolve in not so fast manner but not long also, let’s say it was resolved in time that people have not left and switched to another platform.

What you should not share and post on FacebookThat being said, now when services are back we stopped and reflected on the platform itself and on its users. If Facebook is vulnerable so are its users, but sometimes users themselves are responsible for being a target. We step back and take a look at posts that manifest on Facebook and have come with some advice on what things you should never post on Facebook and on other social platforms.

Pictures of any kind of ID, bill, vaccine cards or similar document

This should be a no-brainer at all but we see people posting this kind of information. They go on a rant about how the bill is too high and place a picture of it, or they took their vaccine shot and posted a vaccine card as proof. Why this is a bad idea is that any of these documents contain certain things like birthdays, names, and even more like addresses and other information that can be used against users.

Information about where you live

This could be tied to the previous point but it is very crucial that a living address is not something that you wish to share publicly. A lot of burglars are stalking social media for exactly this kind of information so they can then analyze when and how to strike and this time you have done all work for them providing them with the information on where to find your flat.

Daily routines and vacation plans

The most burglary happens to believe it or not during the day, in hours when people are at work. So by providing the world with your daily routines and when you are not at home you are putting your home at risk of being broken into. Posting vacation plans are even worse or posting pictures and status when you are on vacation will send a clear message to anyone that your home is empty and unattended.

Pictures of your home interior

This can also sadly disclosure more information that you wish like maybe some interesting facts like address or birthday on certificates, diplomas, or other documents accidentally caught in the taken picture. Also, these kinds of pictures can show much about your home security, alarm positions if you have some, how is your front door secured, etc.

Content that can get you fired

We hear all the time, famous star or director has some tweets that have resurfaced and now it is fired. I know that many of us are not famous stars but we can also be fired. Sharing some offensive opinions, inappropriate content or just plain pure lies like took sick leave to play this new game can have not so great resolution for your working relationship with your employer. We do not support lies nor do any kind of inappropriate content but posting it online on social media will just make things worse for you personally.

Your login info or sites and services that you are using

It is fairly safe to say hey we are chilling with Netflix or watching the new season of Mandalorian on Disney plus but speaking of things like made a new account on freelancer service of got my new e-banking in this cool new bank, etc. is not very wise. Cyber crooks are always on the lookout for identity theft and will use available information to steal data and money. You are risking also losing provided accounts this way leaving you with tons of work to explain that you got mugged to service providers.


We know that this article seems paranoid and maybe assumes that among your friends there are some crocks and people trying to take advantage of you. As this certainly was not our attention nor goal, we had to point to extremes in order to protect you the most.

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New toys in new PowerToys for Windows
A new update to popular Microsoft PowerToys has brought a few new features that are aimed at speeding up the workflow. PowerToysThe first new feature that was slid in is Always on top utility. With this cool utility, you can keep the window as the name suggests, always on top of other windows. To enable this cool feature all you have to do is press the key combination of ⊞ WINDOWS + CTRL + T and an active window will be now always on top of all other windows. To reverse and unlock this window from being always on top just press key combination again. A second new feature is a really great one and my favorite thing to happen in power toys. Often we are making the search in our browsers to find stuff, things, maybe some explanations, information, etc. The newest update in power toys brings this to a whole new dimension. While you are on PC you just simply need to type ?? followed by questions like: ?? When doctor strange 2 is coming out and that will launch your default browser with your chosen search engine and provide you with the answer. Third and final thing is G-code support in the file explorer preview pane and thumbnails, meaning that if you work with CNC equipment you can now have a thumbnail preview of the code itself inside File Explorer. And that’s it for now, thank you for coming and reading, Take care and I hope to see you next time.
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How to Fix Windows 10 Error 0x80072efe

Error Code 0x80072efe - What is it?

Error Code 0x80072efe is a fairly common error code that generally occurs in Windows 10. It is most often associated with the process of performing updates using the Windows Update tool.

Common symptoms include:

  • Inability to install or complete updates on your Windows machine
  • Computer freezing as programs are run or started
  • Inability to perform installations of downloaded programs
  • Programs crashing or failing to work properly

While Error Code 0x80072efe can cause a number of frustrating issues on your device, the good news is that there are several methods that can be used to fix this error. The two most common methods are actually fairly easy to perform and do not require advanced tools or knowledge. However, if you don’t feel like you will be able to perform the necessary steps on your own, be sure to get in touch with a qualified computer repair technician to help you in the resolution of this particular error.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Two things are generally behind the appearance of Error Code 0x80072efe on a Windows device. The first is that one or more of your registry keys are not available, have been corrupted, or are not installed properly. The second is that necessary DLL files aren’t working properly within your machine.

However, other things can mimic these causes, which is why the two methods listed below will resolve the issue in most cases.

Further Information and Manual Repair

Fortunately, there are two resolution methods that can be used quickly and easily when Error Code 0x80072efe arises on your Windows computer. Neither of these requires advanced knowledge or skill, but if you don’t feel comfortable with performing these steps on your own, it is recommended that you contact a qualified computer repair technician in order to get assistance.

Here are the best ways to resolve Error Code 0x80072efe on your computer:

Method One:  Check Your Time and Date Settings for Accuracy

If your time or date has been set incorrectly, it can make your system logs appear to have incorrect information, which can lead to the appearance of Error Code 0x80072efe. Because this is the easiest thing to fix if it is indeed the problem that is making the error code appear, this should always be the first thing that you try when this error code arises.

In order to check your time and date settings, follow these simple steps:

  • Step One: Make sure that you are logged into your computer as an administrator.
  • Step Two: Click on the time and date listed on the lower right edge of your screen. If the settings are not correct, choose the option to change the time and date.

If method one has not successfully resolved Error Code 0x80072efe, you may need to attempt method two.

Method Two:  Check Your Firewall Settings During Updates

In some cases, your firewall can prevent your machine from accessing the information that it needs in order for the installation or update to go through correctly. If that is the case, you can follow a few simple steps to turn off your firewall, just while you install the update, and then turn it back on.

In order to do so, follow these steps:

  • Step One: In the Start menu, choose the option to open the Control Panel.
  • Step Two: Select the option for System and Security, looking for and clicking on Windows Firewall.
  • Step Three: Turn off any private network firewalls.
  • Step Four: Reboot your computer to apply the changes that you have made.
  • Step Five: Re-attempt to run your Windows Update.

Note that if this method allows you to successfully bypass the error code, you’ll need to make sure to turn the firewall back on when you are finished. Even though it can interfere with the Update process, your firewall is still very important to your computer.

Method Three: Use An Automated Tool

If you wish to always have at your disposal a utility tool to fix these Windows 10 and other related issues when they do arise, download and install a powerful automated tool.

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Do you need Antivirus software for Windows 11
Windows 11 has arrived and it is being adopted all around the globe as we are writing this article. People are adapting it daily and today we will take a look at some advanced security features of the new Windows and do you really need an antivirus in it. Windows securityIt is not a secret that Windows 11 is the most secure Windows ever created, well at least up until now. It is packed with advanced security features like S-mode, Secure Boot, and Trusted Platform Module (TMP 2.0). All these new security features that Microsoft has advertised made people question are enough for security or do you still need third-party Antivirus software. In order to get an answer to this question, let us first take a detailed look at what each one of them does, and then we will give you our opinion on a given subject.

Windows S mode

For everyday home use, Windows 11 S mode is the most secure feature to have on your PC. This is a safety protocol where only apps from Microsoft Store are allowed to be installed. This eliminates the risk of installing third-party apps that may contain viruses or malware. Furthermore, S-mode protects your web browsing activity through the Microsoft Edge browser. S-mode does not allow you to use other browsers for security reasons. If you are using Windows 11 in S-mode, your PC and data will be secure in most parts. You need not buy antivirus when using Windows 11 in S-mode.

Windows Defender

The inbuilt security suite, Windows Defender was launched for the first time in 2006. Earlier to that it had existed and was known as Microsoft AntiSpyWare. Windows Defender has undergone significant improvements over the years. In its latest version available with Windows 11, Windows Defender offers a comprehensive range of security features. It is available under the Windows Security system. Some key security features include real-time virus and threat protection, account protection, firewall & network protection, app and browser control, parental controls, and device (hardware) security. This is comparable to security features offered by third-party antivirus programs.

Microsoft Account

In Windows 11, it is necessary to use a Microsoft account that will be linked to your device. This ensures the security of your data in case your device is lost or stolen. You just need to make sure that you have set a strong password for your device. Windows 11 also has Bitlocker that keeps your data in encrypted form.

Ransomware protection

In view of rising cases of ransomware, Microsoft has introduced dedicated ransomware protection in Windows 11. It works by stopping apps from carrying out unauthorized changes to files and folders. Users can choose their important files and folders that they want to be protected from ransomware.


As we went through Windows 11 security features, we can clearly see that it is packed heavily with many security features that aim to protect your data and your identity. Looking at them, one can clearly come to the conclusion that you do not really need any third-party software and that Windows itself can catch and protect most of the issues, and they would be right. If you use Windows 11 carefully, meaning that you go only to trusted websites, do not open suspicious emails, and click on suspicious links, if you do not use extensively external USB devices or mass media you really do not need any kind of third party protection, Windows built-in tools will do well and keep you protected. However, if you do come in contact with other people's USB devices if you surf over the net, and overall if you really want to be at peace of mind that you are protected you will still need a well-established third-party software protection solution. Windows 11 has great security features, best so far in any Windows but it is still far from being a solution that does not require dedicated protection solution. So do yourself a favor and grab one. We recently had a top antivirus software review, find the article here and pick one that is best for you. https://errortools.com/viruses/the-best-antivirus-software-of-2021/
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Automatically backup files & folders
If you are a person which spends a lot of time in front of the computer doing work, then you are aware of the importance of having a proper backup of your archive so if anything bad happens you will lose almost none of the work. We can never tell when we might experience HDD failures or when we might be a victim of cyber attacks, natural disasters,s and other unpredictable circumstances where we could lose all of our data in a matter of minutes. Having a backup of our data is very important but sometimes we are too busy or not around and we miss that data backup we wanted to do, and if in this case disaster strikes we are out of luck and data is lost. To avoid such circumstances, you can set up automatic Windows Backups at a scheduled time. This way it will help to have the loss of important files and documents from unexpected hazards. in order to create automatic backups of your files, you have several options, and below we will explore each one in hopes that you will find one that best suits your needs.
  1. Create automatic file backup with OneDrive

    This is probably the best way to do it because each time when you sign in OneDrive files get backed up right away, files are stored in the cloud and can be accessed on any device via a Microsoft account. To get started, open the Settings app first. Click on the Update & Security category Select the Backup tab from the left pane. Move to the right page and click on the Back up files button that is available under Back up files to OneDrive. Select the folders you want to backup in the cloud, and remove those ones you don’t want to backup. On the next page, click the Start backup button to start the procedure.
  2. Create a backup using File History

    File History is an inbuilt feature that allows users to create automatic file backup on Windows 10. File History allows the users to back up their files in an external or cloud drive at different intervals of time. To create automatic file backup using File History: Press the ⊞ WINDOWS + I to open the Settings app. Click on the Update & Security category and then select the Backup tab from the left pane. Under the Back up using File History section, click on Add a drive button. Now choose the drive to store the backup files. Windows will use this drive for File History. Then turn on the toggle button under Automatically back up my files. This will back up your data to the drive automatically whenever you connect it to the system. Below the toggle button, click on the “More options” link to set how frequently File History will back up. Use the Keep my backups drop-down menu to get the option to configure the time for how long you want to keep your backups. By default, it will keep your backups forever. Under the section Back up these folders, tap on the Add a folder button in order to add one more folder to the backup. Then click on the Add a folder button, under Exclude these folders. This will exclude the files that you don’t want to back up. You can stop the drive from storing backup files to change the backup storage location. To do this, click the Stop using drive option under the Back up to a different drive category.
  3. Backup using Windows backup & restore tool

    Open Control Panel Click on the System and Security option Scroll down and select the Backup and Restore (Windows 7) button Next click on the Set up backup button, available under the Back up or restore your files section Under the Save backup on section, select the Backup Destination where you want your backup files to get stored On the “Set up backup” page, Windows will ask you to choose the way to backup, check Let me choose checkbox, and then hit the Next button Under the section Computer, select the files and folders you want to backup. Then uncheck the box next to the Include a system image of drives option, and then hit the Next button Now click on the Change schedule link. Set the time and check the box beside Run backup on a schedule button Click OK then select the Save settings and run backup option
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There is insufficient disk space to ...
If you are trying to copy a folder or file in your Windows 10 computer but encountered an error that says, “There is insufficient disk space to complete operation”, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will walk you through how you can fix the error. This kind of problem could be due to lack of disk space, corrupted disk, and many more. In such cases, this error usually pops up when you move or copy a file or folder to a particular location. There are several potential fixes you can check out to fix this error. You can try to run the Storage Sense or Disk Cleanup or try copying or moving the file in a Clean Boot State. You could also try formatting the given partition to NTFS. For more information, refer to each one of the options provided below.

Option 1 – Try to delete the temporary files

The error could be caused by some temporary or junk files in your computer and so you need to clear them up to fix the problem. You can achieve that using the Storage Sense feature.
  • Open Setting > System > Storage from the WinX Menu.
  • From there, you will see a list of all the local and connected storage devices along with the details on the free space. Make sure that Storage Sense is on.
  • Next, find a link that says “Free Up Space” and click it to open.
  • After that, a screen which is the built-in program in Windows 10 will appear and will scan your computer for the following junk files so you can free up disk space:
    • Windows Upgrade Log Files
    • The system created Windows Error Reporting Files
    • Thumbnails
    • Temporary Internet Files
    • Previous Windows Installation Files
    • Delivery Optimisation Files
    • DirectX Shader Cache
  • Choose the files you want to get rid of and then click on the remove files option. Note that you’ll have an idea of the total size as you select any of the junk files listed above.
  • Now go to the “Free Up Space Now” section and click the Clean now button. This will get rid of all the temporary or junk files in your computer and should hopefully fix the “There is insufficient disk space to complete operation” error.

Option 2 – Restart your computer in a Clean Boot State

If the first options didn’t work and you still see the “There is insufficient disk space to complete operation” error when you copy folder or files, you can try putting your computer in a Clean Boot State and then again.
  • Log onto your PC as an administrator.
  • Type in MSConfig in the Start Search to open the System Configuration utility.
  • From there, go to the General tab and click “Selective startup”.
  • Clear the “Load Startup items” check box and make sure that the “Load System Services” and “Use Original boot configuration” options are checked.
  • Next, click the Services tab and select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box.
  • Click Disable all.
  • Click on Apply/OK and restart your PC. (This will put your PC into a Clean Boot State. And configure Windows to use the usual startup, just simply undo the changes.)
  • Now try to connect copy the folder or file once more and check if the error is now gone.

Option 3 – Try formatting the given partition to NTFS

Even though this option may take a lot of your time, it is proven to fix the “There is insufficient disk space to complete operation” error as reported by many users who also went through the same dilemma. So if the removable disk is showing the same error message no matter which computer you insert it, you might have to format the drive with the help of Command Prompt. But before you do that, you must know that all the contents of your drive will be permanently deleted after you format it.
  • Tap Win + R to launch Run.
  • Type in cmd and then tap Enter or click OK to open the Command Prompt.
  • And in the elevated window of Command Prompt, type in the following command:
format F: /fs:ntfs
In the command given above, “F” is the drive letter and “NTFS” is the file system you want. Just remember to replace “F” with the drive letter you want to format as well as the file system you prefer. Brace yourself as this process might take quite a while even if you only have a 4 GB USB drive – so you must not close the window under any circumstances as the drive might get corrupted and wait for the process to finish.
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What to do if Windows 10 Store is not downloading Apps
The store is not downloading Apps: As you know, the Windows Store is one of the places where you can download Windows apps. However, there are times when you might not be able to do so for some reason. For instance, if you search for an app and click on the get it now button, instead of downloading the app, nothing happens and there are also cases when the download will start but the page will refresh after half a second. When this issue happens, you won’t be seeing any error message or warning at all. So you’ll just have to look at the download get started where the page will refresh and you’ll be back at the Get button. This issue in the Windows 10 Store only happens for a few apps so even though you are able to download some apps, you might be able to do on other ones. Note that the apps affected are random and there is no specific set of apps that cause this issue while downloading and that this problem will repeat again each time you click on the Get it now button. This issue is definitely caused by Windows itself and has something to do with a bug in the Windows store which was brought by the latest Windows Update. It’s already a known issue among other Windows 10 users who are also suffering the same dilemma. So until Microsoft releases another update to fix this bug, you will have no choice but to deal with it in the meantime. On the other hand, you can also try a couple of suggestions laid out in this post. Follow the steps in every option given below to fix the issue with the Windows 10 Store.

Option 1 – Try signing out from the Microsoft Store

A lot of Windows 10 users were able to resolve the problem by simply signing out and signing back into the Microsoft Store. How? Follow these steps:
  • Go to the Microsoft Store.
  • Next, go to the Get page of the app you were trying to download.
  • And then click on your account picture located in the top right corner of the window and select your account.
  • Sign out from your account and after that, click the Get button to download the app.
  • After that, a new window will appear where you’ll have to select your account and click on Continue.
  • Now enter your credentials. Once you do, the app should be downloaded automatically after you’re signed in. And that’s about it.
Note: Keep in mind that this option is merely a temporary solution to the problem and once you close the Microsoft Store and open it back again, you will be back to square one.

Option 2 – Wait for the Windows Update

As mentioned, this is already a known issue and a lot of Windows 10 users have already complained about it to Microsoft so a bug fix will be soon released in the latest Windows Updates.
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Fix Steam stuck on Allocating disk space
If you have been stuck on allocating disk space on steam you know how annoying this error could be. Here you are, with your new game eager to play it and relax a little and all of the sudden steam gets stuck on allocating disc space. Luckily this error is fixable, follow provided guide to fix the error and continue with installing the game.
  1. Restart computer

    An old age solution of turning it off and turning it back on but in this case, it works 90% of the time.
  2. Run Steam as administrator

    Allocating disk space when done by a third-party application can be a task that requires privileges higher than the normal user. Find the steam executable file in the installation folder, right-click on it and run it as an administrator
  3. Clear Steam cache

    Launch Steam in admin mode. Once in the client, click on Steam at the top left corner of the screen. From the drop-down box, click on Settings. Once in the Settings, navigate to the Downloads tab. Click the Clear Download Cache option. Click OK on the prompt to confirm your action. Wait for the process to complete. When done, save changes and exit the client.
  4. Change download server

    Launch Steam client in admin mode. Once in the client, click on Steam at the top left corner of the screen. From the drop-down box, click on Settings. Once in the Settings, navigate to the Downloads tab. Click the drop-down menu under the Download Region. Choose a different server to download from. Exit the Steam client.
  5. Refresh installation files

    • Kill a Steam process in Task Manager.
    • Navigate to your Steam folder
    • Inside the Steam folder, select everything except the steamapps folder and the Steam.exe executable file.
    • Tap the Delete key on your keyboard.
  6. Turn off firewall

    Firewall can prevent steam and cut access to system operations, disable firewall to fix this issue.
  7. Stop overclocking

    If you have overclocked your PC, you can simply reverse the change. The steps you will need to take depends on the overclocking software. Launch the software and look for the option to stop the overclocking. Once done, restart your computer, rerun the game installation.
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How to Fix 'We Couldn't Install Windows Technical Preview 0x80070070 - 0x20005' Error Code on Windows 10

We Couldn't Install Windows Technical Preview 0x80070070 - 0x20005 -- What is it?

Some Windows users have been experiencing errors in an attempt to upgrade to Windows 10 OS. This includes the “We Couldn’t Install Windows Technical Preview 0x80070070 – 0x20005” error code. If you’re one of the many users who’ve encountered this error, you might want to check the available space on your device. Error code 0x80070070 – 0x20005 occurs when you do not have the required space to be able to install the upgrade.


Restoro box imageError Causes

Just like the other alternatives of error code 0x80070070 – 0x20005 such as 0x80070070 – 0x50011, 0x80070070 – 0x50012, and 0x80070070 – 0x60000, We Couldn't Install Windows Technical Preview 0x80070070 - 0x20005 is most likely caused by the following:
  • Insufficient disk space in your computer
  • Incomplete installation or improper deletion of applications
  • The device is infected with virus or malware

Further Information and Manual Repair

In order to upgrade to Windows 10, you need to have at least 40 to 50 GB of free space in your device. Thus, you need to free up some space in order to successfully upgrade your system to Windows 10. See below for the manual methods you can employ to solve your problem.

NOTE: It would be best to seek help from an experienced technician if you are not confident enough to perform the manual methods yourself or you can alternatively make use of an automated tool.

Method One: Clean Up Your Device

  1. Click Start then browse Afterwards, click on This PC.
  2. Right-click on Local Disk (C:) then choose
  3. Under the General tab, click on Disk Cleanup.
  4. Once the Disk Cleanup window appears, check all items you want to clear down, making sure that the recycle bin is empty and clear any temp files, as well as error logs. Click OK once you’re done.
  5. Repeating the same process above, clear down your system files as well to ensure that the old OS files from your previous system are taken down by clicking on Clean up system files in the Disk Cleanup window.

 Method Two: Uninstall Unused Applications

Sometimes, there are unused applications just lying around your device. This may take up your needed space from your device for a system upgrade. Uninstalling these applications can make space that will eventually elude error code 0x80070070 – 0x20005 along with its alternatives – code 0x80070070 – 0x50011, code 0x80070070 – 0x50012, and code 0x80070070 – 0x60000.

  1. Open the Control Panel then select Programs and Features.
  2. Check on unused applications on your device
  3. Right-click on the unused application then select

 Method Three: Remove or Archive Files

If there are tons of images, media, videos, or documents that you rarely use but will still be needing in the future, you can move these files to another drive where Windows 10 will not be installed on.

If there are no secondary drives in your device, consider using a USB Drive or external hard disk. Another option you can do is making use of cloud storage programs like One Drive or Google Drive. In this way, you’ll still have access to these files even if it’s not in a physical location while making larger space in your device.

Method Four: Scan Your Device For Viruses

Most Windows users download applications or software regularly. These applications or software might come from unsafe sites where you might have accidentally downloaded a virus or malware along with the legit application or software you intended to download.

With that said, it is highly recommended to download and install in your device a reliable and powerful antivirus. Using an antivirus, you can now perform an overall scan of your device’s system. Once you’re able to detect and remove any suspected virus or malware, you’ll now be able to get rid of the error code 0x80070070 – 0x20005. After solving the issue, you can now resume upgrading to Windows 10.

Method Five: Download An Automated Tool

Can’t seem to put up with the long and technical manual repair process? You can still fix this error by downloading and installing a powerful automated tool that will surely get the job done in a jiffy!

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How to Fix The Rtl70.bpl Error on Your System

Rtl70.bpl Error - What is it?

To understand Rt170.bpl error code, it is important to have a good understanding of .bpl files first. BPL is the abbreviation of Borland Package Library. BPL is a developer file format used by Borland. It contains dynamic link libraries which are used for constructing Borland programs. BPL files are most commonly used for Borland Delphi programs. Delphi competes with Visual Basic as an offering for an object-oriented visual programming approach to application development. There are many programs/applications on your system that use rtl70.bpl file format to run successfully on Windows PC. The rtl70.bpl error occurs when this file gets damaged or corrupted. It fails to execute the command and run the application on your system. When your computer experiences this problem with this file, the following error messages are likely to appear:
  • rtl70.bpl is not responding
  • Runtime error: rtl70.bpl
  • Symantec User Session has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Application Name: rtl70.bpl
This error code exposes you to system freeze, crash, abrupt system shutdowns, blue screen of death errors, and it also reduces your PC performance.


Restoro box imageError Causes

The potential causes of rtl70.bpl error code includes:
  • DLL file was damaged due to viral infection or spyware
  • DLL file was overwritten by an incompatible version
  • Poor program installation
  • Too many invalid and obsolete registry entries stored in the RAM
  • Related Registry entries are corrupt

Further Information and Manual Repair

Here are some of the best yet simple solutions for you to resolve rtl70.bpl error on your PC:

1. Reboot Your PC

Sometimes this error can be resolved by simply restarting your system. Try rebooting your system and running .bpl supported program. If the program runs after you reboot your PC, then that’s great! But you should keep in mind that this is a temporary solution. The error may reappear anytime soon. So, it is advisable to consider a long-term solution for repairing the error code for the longest time.

2. Uninstall and then Reinstall the Program Causing the Error

If the error occurred after a certain program installed on your system,  it is advisable to uninstall it and then reinstall the program. Simply go to the control panel, select Add/Remove program option and uninstall the program that you recently installed that could be triggering the rtl70.bpl error code. Now reinstall and run it on your system. If the error is resolved, then this means the poor installation was the cause. If not, then this means the cause of the error is related to the registry.

3. Registry Restore to Fix rt170.bpl error

There are two ways to go about it. The first one is to click on the start menu, type registry editor, and press run. This will open the registry editor. Now click on the computer option then click file and import. This helps restore the registry but it is possible that the problem might persist. The error code may pop up again. Also, if the registry is damaged due to viral infection, then this solution may not work and you may still experience the error on your system. Then you will also have to download an antivirus which may further reduce the speed of your PC. However, the best way to restore the registry and to get rid of the error code for the longest time is to download Restoro. This is a new, user-friendly, high and multi-functional repair tool that functions as a registry cleaner and a system optimizer. It cleans the registry by scanning and removing all the unnecessary and obsolete files saved in RAM such as junk files, internet history, invalid registry entries, and more. It also repairs the damaged dll files and restores the registry thereby resolving the rtl70.bpl error. Restoro is easy to use, safe, efficient, and compatible on all Windows versions. To get started and resolve the rtl70.bpl error code in just a few seconds on your system click here and download Restoro.
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HTTP Error 500 – Edge Installation or Update
If you are trying to install or update Microsoft Edge on your Windows 10 computer but ended up getting HTTP Error 500 or Error 0x8004xxxx or 0x8007xxxx, then you’ve come to the right place as this post will help you sort this problem out. The aforementioned errors when either installing or updating the Edge browser occur due to a Network issue. There is actually a range of error codes that are associated with the network connection issue. These error codes include Error 500 or 0x80010108, 0x80040801, 0x80042193, 0x80042194, 0x800421F4, 0x800421F6, 0x800421F7, 0x800421F8, 0x80072742, 0x80072EE2, 0x80072EE7, 0x80072EFD, and 0x80072EFE. To fix them, there are several options you can try. You can try to run the Network Adapter troubleshooter or update or reset the Network Adapter as well as check and the proxy configuration.

Option 1- Try updating the Network Adapter Driver

Follow the steps below to update your Network Adapter Driver:
  • Tap the Win + R keys to launch the Run window and then type in the “MSC” command and hit Enter to open the Device Manager window.
  • From there, expand the list of all the network drives and update each one of them.
Note: If updating the network drivers didn’t help in fixing the problem, you can also try to uninstall the very same drivers and restart your Windows 10 PC. After that, the system itself will reinstall the drivers you just uninstalled. Alternatively, you can also download and install the drivers from the manufacturer’s website directly.

Option 2 – Run the Network Adapter troubleshooter

To run the Network Troubleshooter, refer to these steps:
  • Open the Search bar on your computer and type in “troubleshoot” to open the Troubleshoot settings.
  • Next, scroll down and select the “Network Adapter” option from the right pane.
  • Then click on the Run Troubleshooter” button.
  • After that, your computer will check for any possible errors and will pinpoint the root cause of the problem if possible.
  • Restart your computer.

Option 3 – Try to reset the Network Adapter

You can also try to perform a Network Reset to resolve the problem. This will reset the entire network configuration including your IP address. To perform Network Reset, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Win + I keys to open Settings.
  • From there, go to the Network and Internet section.
  • Next, scroll down and look for “Network Reset” under the status pane.
  • After that, click on Network Reset and then on Reset now to start resetting the network configuration. Once done, check if it is able to fix the error or not.

Option 4 – Try to fix the Proxy Settings

  • In the Cortana search box, search for Internet Explorer and then click on the related search result.
  • After that, tap the Win + T keys on your keyboard and click on Internet Options.
  • Next, navigate to the Connections tab and click on LAN Settings.
  • Then click on the Advanced button and delete all the entries in the list generated in the Exceptions section. And if the Advanced button is disabled because the “Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections)” option is disabled then you are good to go. Now proceed to the next step.
  • Tap the Win + X keys or right-click on the Start button and select Command Prompt (Admin) or you could also search for “cmd” in the Cortana search box and right-click on Command Prompt from the search results and select the “Run as administrator” option.
  • If a User Account Control appears, click on Yes to proceed. After that, type each one of the commands listed below, and don’t forget to hit Enter after you type each one of them.
    • netsh winhttp reset proxy
    • net stop wuauserv
    • net start wuauserv
  • Now restart your computer and check if the problem is fixed or not by installing or updating Microsoft Edge again.
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