If you have the HP printer, then you may come across this error. HP Printer Spooler not running errors does not mean there is anything wrong with your printer. It indicates printer driver issues.
There can be multiple causes behind the HP printer Spooler not running error code such as:
Though this is not a critical error code as it does not pose serious damage threats to your PC, however, it is advisable to resolve it as it can cause you a great deal of inconvenience especially if you want to take out printouts every now and then.
Here are some ways you can try to resolve HP Printer Spooler Not Running Error on your system:
1. Reinstall the HP Printer driver on Your System
Once you update the driver, try using the Printer to see if it works. Sometimes you may come across a pop-up displaying the following message: ‘Driver installed correctly, Device is ready to use however, you may not see the printer under the printer’s pane. This triggers registry issues.
2. To resolve registry issues, install Restoro on your system.
This is a highly functional registry cleaner integrated with a powerful antivirus. It helps resolve registry issues, malware, and guarantees system optimization. This feature-filled tool is the answer to all your PC-related issues.
Restoro is a next-generation PC repair software that extends outstanding usability and helps PC users resolve errors efficiently.
Its simple navigation and user-friendly interface make it so easy to use that even novice users can also work around it and repair issues without any hassle or difficulty.
It’s a smart and intuitive in-built registry cleaner that wipes out all the unnecessary and obsolete files on your hard disk. This includes junk files, internet history, invalid registry keys, and files from the uninstalled old program versions.
Sometimes the files from the uninstalled programs hamper your ability to update new program versions thus leading to unsuccessful driver installation. Nonetheless, all such files are removed in seconds with this helper and you are then ready to reinstall the driver.
This registry cleaner cleans the clutter from your hard disk and optimizes your system's speed, lowering your PC boot time significantly. Total System Care can be used on all Windows versions
To fix the HP printer spooler not running error on your computer, simply click here to install Restoro. Run it to scan for the error and fix it in seconds. Once the issue is resolved, update the printer driver. You’ll see the driver will be updated successfully and the HP printer will also appear in the printer’s panel.
By installing Restoro on your system, you can also resolve several other issues like privacy errors triggered by malware and virus infections. With this tool, you will not have to download and run a separate anti-virus on your system.
Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options
PrivateSearchPlus is a browser extension that redirects all your searches through yonto. This way the extension claims you are browsing privately.
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The cause of Error Code 0X8007267C within the Window 10 system is fairly straightforward. Windows Activation requires a valid DNS server to be configured in order to complete the Activation process; if one is not available or properly configured, then you may see this error code and Activation will fail.
The following methods may help you to resolve this error, but you’ll need to have some familiarity with command-line tools to complete the steps successfully. If these methods do not work or if you are uncomfortable in using the command prompt, you may need to consult a technician to fully resolve this particular error code on the Windows 10 system.
In order to resolve this error code, client connectivity to a DNS server must first be established. The following steps may help you to determine the root problem with your connectivity status:
ping <DNS Server IP address>
If basic connectivity to the DNS server in question is failing, then you will need to resolve that issue before going further in the process.
After troubleshooting the above basic connectivity issues to the DNS server, you can reattempt Windows Activation by using the command below from within an Elevated Command selection:
cscript windowssystem32slmgr.vbs -ato
If the steps above did not work for you, you may want to try the steps found in method 2.
If a DNS server is not connected to your network, you can use an alternative method to complete the Windows Activation process. Bypass Method 1 by using a MAK product key instead to activate the volume license installation. Certain MAK product key providers have a variation on the specific key numbers that you will need to use. If you are using TechNet media or MSDN media, you will have to change the product key listed to the product key provided. The product keys provided by either TechNet media or MSDN media for Windows Server 2008 or for Windows Vista Enterprise will be the MAK product key that you will enter in a later step.
Like the previous method, you will need to have some familiarity or confidence in your ability to operate Command Line tools before proceeding. Once you have found your MAK product key, you’ll need to open a command prompt and use the following command to change the product key to match the MAK product key, which should look something like the example below:
slmgr –ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
After completing the product key change, use the following command to initiate the phone activation wizard, thereby completing the activation of the system:
slui 04
The activation wizard should be able to walk you through the remainder of the process in a step-by-step manner. In addition to appearing as an error code in Windows 10, this particular error may apply to multiple versions of Windows, including:
Steps to address the error code may be different in any of these other versions of Windows. If you have difficulty in resolving the error effectively, seek professional technical help.
powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,net stop "icssvc" & REG ADD "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesicssvcSettings" /V PeerlessTimeoutEnabled /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F & net start "icssvc"' -Verb runAs"